Art 133 Final Lesson Plan - Template

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Lesson Plan Template

Art Education Lesson Plan Template: ART 133

Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 (please circle)
Print First and Last Names: Tamara Duran, Rachel Leonard, Thanya Lopez, Melissa Maccini
Lesson Title*: Emotion Self-Portraits

Big Idea*: Emotional Life

Grade Level*:

21st Century Art Education Approach(es): Holistic Education, Visual Culture, Standards-Based
Lesson Overview (~3 complete sentences)*: The students will understand that they are in a nonjudgmental environment, where they can express
their emotions freely through their artwork. After a brief review of our past Social Studies Unit, the structure of United States Government, we
will tie this unit into our personal, emotional life, and how it can affect ones everyday life. We will explain the variety of emotions one can feel
and how these emotions can be applied to a specific color within the color wheel. We will then apply those colors into creating a self-portrait. To
conclude the lesson, we will have a gallery walk to see everyones work and have a discussion about the articles and what the students have
Background Knowledge (~3 complete sentences): How will you tap into students experiences and prior knowledge and learning?
We will explore students experiences and prior knowledge by sharing our personal experiences of our emotional lives and illustrate them
throughout our artwork. We will then ask the students to tap into their current emotional life and how it may affect them in their current state or
moment. At the end of the lesson, we will have a gallery walk and discussion with the class to share everyones experience with emotional life.
Align Big Idea with both Key Concepts and Essential Questions, below
Key Concepts (3-4): What you want the students to know
Essential Questions (3-4): Restate Key Concepts through open-ended
1. Emotional life is a characteristic or expressive emotion.
2. Emotional life is about feeling.
1. What is emotion?
3. Emotional life can relate to love, hate, and fear.
2. How do you express emotion?
4. Emotional life is usually accompanied by physiological changes.
3. What is rational thought?
4. When in your life have you felt a great amount of emotion?
Lesson Objectives: What you want the students to do via three
Align Assessment with Lesson Objectives in left column.
content areas.*
Formative Assessment strategy (of assigned reading): How you will assess
Literacy? What will you be looking for?*
1. Content Area 2 Literacy
: The students will (TSW) be able
to . . . identify the big idea of the lesson, comprehend vocabulary
The students will (TSW) be able to understand the Big Idea of Emotional
words, complete a memo to summarize articles, and participate in
Life after reading the articles given by facilitators for homework and

Lesson Plan Template

discussion questions to fully understand Emotional Life.
2. Content Area 1 Visual Art
: The students will (TSW) be able
to . . . portray what they have learned through a self-portrait. The
self-portrait will be made with watercolors and the colors the
students use will represent a specific emotion that represents their
emotional life.
3. Content Area 3 History: The students will (TSW) be able to . . .
understand how the government is one example of how emotions
can impact your life based off the decisions people make. They will
understand how people reacted to the election through emotion.
Common Core State Standards (2-3): List grade-specific standards.
1. 4th Grade Reading Standard: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
7. Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively
and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of
the text in which it appears.
2. 4th Grade Language Standard: Vocabulary 4a. Determine or
clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on grade 4 reading and content, choosing flexibly
from a range of strategies. Use context as a clue to the meaning of
words or phrases.
3. 4th Grade History Standard: 4.5 Students will understand the
structures, functions and powers of the local, state and federal
governments as described in the U.S. Constitution.

assigned write a memo consisting of highlights, main points, vocabulary,

and proposing questions. After the Studio Activity, we will have a class
discussion to sum up the end of the lesson. Each group will be assigned a
quote from one of the three articles to discuss how the article may connect
to our Big Idea: Emotional Life.
Summative Assessment strategy (of studio investigation): How you will
assess Visual Art and History? What will you be looking for?*
The student will (TSW) will be able to display emotional life and how it
impacts their everyday lives as well as how emotional life can affect other
peoples lives as well.
California Visual and Performing Arts Standards (grades 1-6 only) (3-5):
Check all that apply and add number and description of applicable content
1.0: Artistic Perception: Describe and analyze the elements of art (e.g.
color) emphasizing form, as they are used in works of art and found in the
2.0: Creative Expression: Use accurate proportions to create an expressive
portrait or a figure drawing or painting.
3.0: Historical & Cultural Context: Describe how art plays a role in
reflecting life.
4.0: Aesthetic Valuing: Describe how the individual experiences of an
artist may influence the development of specific works of art.
5.0: Connections, Relationships, Applications

Vocabulary: Identify and define vocabulary that connect the art form
with the other two identified content areas.*
Materials: List all materials needed in the columns below.
Purchase: N/A
1. Expressive something that symbolizes an admiration, act, or
White card stock
process with a logical symbol or meaningful combination
Construction paper
2. Feeling an emotional state or reaction, impression or awareness Water colors
towards a sensation, perception or thought
Paint brushes

Lesson Plan Template

3. Portrait a pictorial representation of a person showing the face

4. Unique distinctive characteristic, only one and unlike others
5. Emotion affective aspect of consciousness, mental reaction to an Multiple forms of media
experience or object accompanied by physiological and behavioral
changes in body
Lesson Procedures*: Outline the steps that will happen first, second, etc. in the Procedures that follow to teach what you expect the students to
learn. Procedures should be the longest section in the Lesson Plan, and should be very specific and detailed, including individual roles of group
members, and time spent on each task. Describe directions you plan to give the students, teaching models/strategies you plan to use during the
lesson, different activities your students will do, etc. Be sure to include management issues such as transitions, room arrangements, and student
Before we begin the lesson we will greet the students and introduce ourselves. Then Melissa Maccini will introduce our Big Idea: Emotional Life
and we inform the class that the lesson is created for a 4th Grade classroom. Afterwards, Melissa Maccini will also go over the lesson overview,
vocabulary, key concepts, essential questions and lesson objectives on the power point. (About 10-15 minutes) Thanya Lopez will proceed to go
over the previous History/Social Studies Lesson we have learned in class and how that relates to our Big Idea. After discussing our previously
learned History topic, we will play a short 2 minute video that connects to our Big Idea. After the video, Rachel Leonard will ask the students a
few questions about our Big Idea that relate to the video that the students just observed. Tamara Duran will read the quote provided on the
PowerPoint and will transition into what the students will be doing in their Studio Activity. Another video will be watched that is 3 minutes and
45 seconds long. After the video Tamara Lopez will also introduce Emotion Portraits and how each color can be used to express emotion. After
the video Rachel, Melissa Maccini, Thanya Lopez and Tamara Duran will take turns displaying their own Emotion Portraits to the class and
explain what their portrait means to them individually. Then Tamara Duran will explain the Studio Instructions and ask students if they have any
questions or need any form of clarification on the assignment and what we are asking of them to do. At this point we should be about 45-50
minutes into our presentation, where Thanya Lopez will clarify with class they have about 30-35minutes left to complete their Portraits. All group
members will remind students of time throughout project. All group members will also walk around classroom and ask students about art work,
see if anyone needs help or has questions. Rachel Leonard will announce when it is time to clean up and clean up all materials to proceed with the
Gallery Walk. A Gallery Walk should not take much longer than 5 minutes to see what our peers and other classmates have created. Once the
students are back in their seats, Tamara Duran will ask if anyone would like to share their artwork with the class. At the end, Melissa Maccini will
conclude the lesson plan by assigning a different quote to groups 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 to discuss the articles we assigned them for homework. We, as a
group, will ask them to explain what they think the quote means, why it is important, and their personal opinion of the quote. The discussion
within their groups should take 5-10 minutes and our discussion as a class should take 10 minutes. This will conclude our presentation, and will
also allow the students to ask any further questions towards the end of the class, when the lesson has been completed.

1. Focus Lesson (teacher does): Detail opening activities by exploring the following questions. How will you motivate the students to want to

Lesson Plan Template

learn the new concepts (see Key Concepts) and strategies/skills (see Lesson Objectives)? We will motivate the students by relating our previous
history lesson and providing a video that relate to our key concepts and lesson objectives. How will you introduce the Big Idea of the lesson? ???
will introduce the big idea of the lesson: Emotional Life. How will you link this lesson to the students prior knowledge? We will link this lesson
with students prior knowledge by videos, previous history lesson and group discussions about articles read for homework.
Modeling (teacher does): Name and demonstrate the content area strategies/skills (see Lesson Objectives) that are the focus of the
lesson. Explain and show their purpose. Use analogies or other concrete examples to explain concepts (see Key Concepts).
Melissa Maccini will explain the lesson objectives and will explain the key concepts of the lesson and why they are important. The
students will see examples of Tamara Duran, Rachel Leonard, Thanya Lopez, and Melissa Maccinis artwork of their SelfPortraits and be able to create their own self-portraits using materials provided.
2. Guided Instruction (teacher and students do together): Detail main activities by exploring the following questions. What Essential
Questions will you ask students to facilitate learning? Our essential questions are included on a slide in our power point we will display to the
They are: What is emotion? How do you express emotion? What is rational thought? When in your life have you felt a great amount of
emotion? How will you organize students?
We will have students sit in their specific groups assigned:
What will you do/say during each learning activity?
During the Studio Activity, all group members will walk around the classroom and ask students individually about their artwork and see if they
have any questions. This will also allow teachers to understand the students artwork and how they are connecting it to the lesson and Big Idea.
What will the students do (see Lesson Objectives)?
The students will be able to apply all content standards (literacy, visual arts, history) in todays lesson.
3. Collaborative Learning (students do together): What activity will you include so that students have an opportunity to negotiate
understandings and engage in inquiry with peers?
After the Studio Activity, students will have the opportunity to share their work with the class if they choose to do so. At the end of the
lesson, groups will engage in discussion about the quote they were assigned from the readings and reflect on the articles given for

Lesson Plan Template

4. Independent Learning (students do alone): What activity will the students complete independently to apply their newly formed understanding
to novel situations? What will the students explore independently? Before class, the students will skim the articles on their own and write a brief
memo on what they read. During the studio students will work on their self-portraits alone and choose what colors they want to use to display
their current emotional life.
Closure: How will you end the lesson to solidify learning? How will you and/or students summarize concepts and strategies/skills (see
Key Concepts and Lesson Objectives) for the day?
At the end of the lesson we will have group discussions and a class discussion to go over the articles that solidify what they should
learn from the lesson and summarize all concepts. As a group we will relate the readings and quotes to our key concepts and lesson
objectives and how they all tie into our big idea of emotional life.

Please respond to the following questions thoroughly and in complete sentences.

1. How will you adapt the various aspects of the lesson for differently-abeled students, including English Language Learners and Advanced
If an English Language Learner is having trouble with the lecture or readings, the peer or partner next to them at the table can read to them
silently and explain what is being discussed. If the teacher knows ahead of time that this student is an English Language Learner, they can
print out a worksheet for them that may have simplified instructions that outline what is being discussed.
2. How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
This lesson will allow for and encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways by understanding their emotions and applying this to
the Big Idea of Emotional Life. Understanding Emotional Life can help students solve problems in the classroom and in their everyday lives.
Choosing colors that connect with their current emotions and creating a Self-Portrait of themselves will allow them to connect with their
feelings and create their own artwork.

3. How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning?

Writing a memo about the articles and having group discussions about the quotes in the articles will allow students to engage in routinely
reflecting on their learning.

Lesson Plan Template

4. How will you (a) address potential safety issues and (b) assure necessary precautions are followed? See OEHHA, link HERE
All the materials will be in one location on the counter of the side of the classroom. We will address potential safety issues by going over
materials before students are dismissed to collect them and how the materials should be treated. This includes, no running with scissors or
throwing them, and carefully caring them back to seat. We will also make sure not to provide any harmful materials that may have toxins or
poisonous substances.

Lesson Resources/References (use APA; please identify, with an asterisk, article or chapter due for HW):
Aguilar, J., Bedau, D., & Anthony, C. (2009). Growing Emotional Intelligence Through Community-Based Arts. Reclaiming Children and Youth,
18(1), 3-7. Retrieved from
Lipson Lawrence, R. (2008). Powerful Feelings: Exploring the Affective Domain of Informal and Arts-Based Learning. 65-75.
Spendlove, D. (2007). A Conceptualization of Emotion within Art and Design Education: A Creative, Learning and Product-Orientated Triadic
Schema. 155-162.
Palmer, P. (2010). Art Lessons. Retrieved from

* Include this information during the peer Media and Techniques Workshop in the form of a PPT, Prezi, etc.
On the day of the presentation or the day before, one person from the group should email two files to each student via Blackboard: the
finished (a) Lesson Plan Template; and (b) PPT, Prezi, etc. Login to Blackboard/My SacCT, click on ART 133, click on Course Tools > Send
Email > All Users.
A helpful link to get you started:
Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from

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