Retail Management: Paper Name of The Subject Marks
Retail Management: Paper Name of The Subject Marks
Retail Management: Paper Name of The Subject Marks
-2011-12 -SDE
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First Year
Principles of Management and Organisational Behaviour
Managerial Economics
Accounting and Finance for Managers
Marketing Management
Human Resource Management
Quantitative Techniques for Management
Research Methods for Management
Corporate Communication
Operations Management
Second Year
Buyer Behavior
Retail operations management
International Retailing
Retail planning
Logistics and sales promotion
Retail sales techniques and Promotion
Direct & Network Marketing
Business Environment and Ethics
Strategic Management
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Statement - Cash Flow Statement Analysis- Distinction between Fund Flow and Cash Flow
Statement. Problems
Cost Accounting - Meaning - Distinction between Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting Cost Terminology: Cost, Cost Centre, Cost Unit - Elements of Cost - Cost Sheet - Problems.
Budget, Budgeting, and Budgeting Control - Types of Budgets - Preparation of Flexible and
fixed Budgets, master budget and Cash Budget - Problems -Zero Base Budgeting.
Marginal Costing - Definition - distinction between marginal costing and absorption costing Break even point Analysis - Contribution, p/v Ratio, margin of safety - Decision making under
marginal costing system-key factor analysis, make or buy decisions, export decision, sales mix
Objectives and functions of Financial Management - Role of Financial Management in the
organisation - Risk-Return relationship- Time value of money concepts - Indian Financial system
- Legal, Regulatory and tax framework. Sources of Long term finance - Features of Capital
market development in India - Role of SEBI in Capital Issues.
Capital Budgeting - methods of appraisal - Conflict in criteria for evaluation - Capital Rationing
- Problems - Risk analysis in Capital Budgeting.
Cost of Capital - Computation for each source of finance and weighted average cost of capital EBIT -EPS Analysis - Operating Leverage - Financial Leverage - problems.
Capital Structure Theories - Dividend Policies - Types of Divided Policy.
Working Capital Management - Definition and Objectives - Working Capital Policies - Factors
affecting Working Capital requirements - Forecasting Working Capital requirements (problems)
- Cash Management - Receivables Management and - Inventory Management - Working Capital
Financing - Sources of Working Capital and Implications of various Committee Reports.
1. Advanced Accountancy - R.L.Gupta and Radhaswamy
2. Management Accounting - Khan and Jain
3. Management Accounting - S.N.Maheswari
4. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management Theory and Practice, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi (1994).
5. I.M.Pandey, Financial Management, Vikas Publishing, New Delhi.
Note : 80% of the questions shall be theory based
20% of the questions shall be problems.
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1. Gary Dessler, "Human Resource Management", Seventh edition, Prentice-Hall of India
P.Ltd., Pearson.
2. David A. DeCenzo & Stephen P.Robbins, Personnel/Human Resource Management, Third
edition, PHI/Pearson.
3. VSP Rao, Human Resource Management: Text and cases, First edition, Excel Books, New
Delhi - 2000.
4. Dr. R.Venkatapathy & Assissi Menacheri, Industrial Relations & Labour Welfare, Adithya
Publications, CBE, 2001.
5. Robert L.Gibson and Marianne H.Mitchell, Introduction to Counseling and Guidance, VI
edition, PHI, 2005.
1.6. Quantitative Techniques for Management
QT Introduction Measures of Central Tendency Mean, Median, Mode.
Mathematical Models deterministic and probabilistic simple business examples OR and
optimization models Linear Programming formulation graphical solution simplex
Transportation model Initial Basic Feasible solutions optimum solution for non degeneracy
and degeneracy model Trans-shipment Model Assignment Model Travelling Salesmen
Network Model networking CPM critical path Time estimates critical path crashing,
Resource levelling, Resources planning. Waiting Line Model Structure of model M/M/1 for
infinite population.
Probability definitions addition and multiplication Rules (only statements) simple business
application problems probability distribution expected value concept theoretical probability
distributions Binomial, Poison and Normal Simple problems applied to business.
Inventory Models Deterministic EOQ EOQ with Price Breaks Probabilistic Inventory
Models - Probabilistic EOQ model Game theory-zero sum games: Arithmetic and Graphical
Simulation types of simulation Monte Carlo simulation simulation problems.
Decision Theory Pay off tables decision criteria decision trees.
1. Statistics for Management Richard L Levin & Daid S Rubin
2. Statistical Methods S P Gupta
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Research - meaning - scope and significance - Types of research - Research Process Characteristics of good research - Scientific method - Problems in research - Identifying research
problem concepts, constructs and theoretical framework.
Hypothesis:- meaning - sources - Types - formulation Research design - Types - case study features of good design - measurement - meaning - need Errors in measurement - Tests of sound
measurement Techniques of measurement - scaling Techniques - meaning - Types of scales scale construction techniques.
Sampling design - meaning - concepts - steps in sampling - criteria for good sample design Types of sample designs - Probability and non-probability samples. Data collection:- Types of
data - sources - Tools for data collection methods of data collection - constructing questionnaire Pilot study - case study - Data processing:- coding - editing - and tabulation of data - Data
Test of Significance:- Assumptions about parametric and non-parametric tests. Parametric Test T test, F Test and Z test - Non Parametric Test - U Test, Kruskal Wallis, sign test. Multivariate
analysis-factor, cluster, MDS, Discriminant ananlysis. (NO Problems). SPSS and its applications.
Interpretation - meaning - Techniques of interpretation - Report writing:- Significance - Report
writing:- Steps in report writing - Layout of report - Types of reports - Oral presentation executive summary - mechanics of writing research report - Precautions for writing report Norms for using Tables, charts and diagrams - Appendix:- norms for using Index and
1. Rao K.V.Research methods for management and commerce - sterling
2. Zikmund, Business Research Methods
3. Kothari C.R.- Research methodology
4. Donald R.Cooper and Pamela S.Schindler - Business Research Methods - Tata McGraw Hill.
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UNIT III : Production planning and control meaning functions aggregate planning
master production schedule (MPS) Material requirement planning (MRP) BOM Capacity
requirement planning (CRP) Techniques problems in MRP and CRP an introduction to
MRP II and ERP Business Process Re-engineering - Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
UNIT IV : Materials management functions material planning and budgeting Value
Analysis - purchase functions and procedure - inventory control types of inventory safety
stock order point service level inventory control systems perpetual periodic JIT
UNIT V : Total Quality Management Concept - Statistical Quality Control for Acceptance
Sampling and Process Control Concepts of O.C.C. Curve Use of the O.C. Curve Concept
of Type I and Type II error Quality movement Quality circles ISO Quality Certifications
and types Quality assurance Six Sigma concept.
References :
1. Production and Operations Management Everest E Adam & Ebert PHI publication
forth edition.
2. Operations Management (Theory and Problems ) Joseph G Monks McGraw Hill Intl.
3. Production and Operations Management S N Chary TMH Publications
4. Production and Operations Management Pannerselvam, PHI
5. Lee J. Krajewski and Larry P. Ritzman, Operations Management: Process and value
Chains, 7th Edition, PHI, 2007
6. Hunawalla and Patil production and Operations Management, Himalaya.
7. Modern Production and operations management E.S Buffa.
8. Lee J. Krajewski and Larry P. Ritzman, Operations Management: Strategy and Analysis,
Addison Wesley.
9. Chase, Aquilano & Jacobs Production and Operations Management,Tata McGraw Hill.
Questions : 40% of the questions shall be problems
60% of the questions shall be theory based.
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II Year
Objective : To explain buyer behaviour
A Perspective on Buyer Behaviour- what is Buyer Behaviour- Buyer Behaviour is Dynamic, Involves
Interactions, Involves Exchanges
Levels of Buyer Analysis: - Individual Buyer, Market Segments-Industries- Societies-Cognitive Process
in Buyer Decision Making
Buyer Product Knowledge and Involvement: Buyers Product Knowledge: Products as Bundles of
Attributes, Benefits and Value Satisfiers Means-End Chains-Developing Deeper Buyer UnderstandingZMET Approach to Buyer Knowledge-The ZMET Interview-The Means and Basis-For InvolvementsUnderstanding Key Reasons for Purchase-Understanding Buyer-Product Relationship.
Attention And Comprehension:Information: The Power of Advertising/Display-Exposure to
information-marketing implications-Attention Processes: Variation, factors Influencing AttentionMarketing Implications-Comprehension: Variation/inferences during Comprehensions/Factors
Influencing Comprehensions/Marketing Implications.
Buyer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy:Conditioning and Learning Processes-Influencing Buyer
Behaviour-Environment-Cultural and cross Cultural Influences-reference Groups-Family-Market
Segmentation and Product Positioning-buyer Behaviour and product Strategy/Promotions Strategy-Brand
Endorsing-Pricing Strategy-Channel Strategy.
Buyer Behavior Theory Predict Retail Shopping Behavior-Major BB areas: demographics, lifestyle
data, group and individual attributes. How do people shop given the time scarcity they experience? What
are their attitudes towards shopping instore vs. online? Decision process and impulse purchases research
on ADD/ADHD and impulsive Buyer Behaviour
Reference Books:
1. J.Paul Peter and JERRY L.OLSON, Consumer Behaviour and marketing Strategy,Tata Mcgraw
2. Upinder Dhar and Sathish Dhar, New franklin of Management, Cases In Indian Context, Excel
Books, NewDelhi-2001.
3. Alries, Focus, Harper Collins Business,1997,Ghargous.
4. Del.I.Hawkins, Roger.J.Best, Kenneth.A.Coney, Consumer Behaviour,Building Marketing Strategy
9th Edition, Tata Mcgraw Hill,NewDelhi
5. Harrey Thompson, Who side My Customer?-Winning Strategies for Creating and Sustaining
Customer Loyalty, Pearson Education, NewDelhi-2005.
6. Harrey Thompson, The Customer-Central Enterprise, Mcgraw Hill-2000.
7. S.Ramesh Kumar, Conceptual Issues in Consumer Behaviour,The 2nd edition,Pearson
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8. Gerald.J.tellis, Effective Advertising, Understanding When, How and Why Advertising Works,
Response Boots, NewDelhi,2004.
Objective : To explain channels of retail management
UNIT I: Retailing
Introduction to Retail: What is Retail?- Functions of a retailer-The Marketing-Retail equationThe Rise of the Retailer Proximity to customer Rise of consumerism-Global retail marketChallenges and opportunities-Empowered consumer-Technology enabled effectivenessEvolution of Retail in India-Drivers of Retail change in India-Emergence of young earning indiaSize of Retail in India: Clothing ,Textiles and Fashion accessories-Food And Food servicesBooks & Music, Communication accessories Emerging Sectors-FDI in retail-Retail Realities :
Beyond Urban Boundaries Challenges to Retail Development in India Threat of new entrants
Substitutes, Bargaining Power of suppliers and buyers, Intensity of rivalry
UNIT II : Retail Models And Theories Of Retail Development
The Evolution of Retail formats Theories of retail development-Environmental, Cyclical and
Conflict Theory-The Concept of life cycle in Retail-Innovation, accelerative growth- MaturityDecline-Phares of growth in retail markets-Business models in retail-Classification based on
ownership /Merchandise offered/Franchising /Non Store Retailing/Direct selling/Direct response
Vending/kiosks/ The Cash & Carry/credit Marketing/Brand Management.
UNIT III: Customer Relationship Management (Crm)
CRM : What is CRM-Common Misconceptions-Definition-Components off CRM-Defining
CRM Concepts Customer Life Cycle- B to B CRM- Understanding Goal of CRM-Using
Customer touch points Deciding who should lead the CRM Functions :
Marketing/Sales/Customer Services/ Product Support-Channel and other partners-CRM Planning
Developing Strategy- Building CRM Component-Analyzing and Segmenting CustomersTaking it to Customers Get Ready : Avoiding Common Barriers, GETSET: Organising for
success and go: Developing your CRM strategy-CRM Building : Infrastructure, Information,
Process, Technology, People Managing quality information,Quality systems, Customer
UNIT IV: Services Management:
Distinctive characteristics service operations-Service Bench marking-Service strategy Designing the service enterprise Service quality-Service facility location-Managing service
operations-Service-Supply relationships vehicle routing.
UNIT V : Marketing Channels ,Brand Management , Franchising:
Marketing channel systems Concepts, participants, environment, behavioral process
Developing the marketing channel-Strategy, design, channel platform-Product/Pricing issues/
Parameters/ -Brand management-positioning and Repositioning Franchising.
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Reference Books:
1. .Swapna pradhan, Retailing Management : Text and Cases. Tata McGraw hill, New
Delhi- 2nd edition, 2006
2. M.Chael hevy and barton.A Weitz,Retail Management, Irwin Mcgraw hill,international
3. Judith . W.Kincaid,Customer Relationship Management: Getting it right,Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2003.
4. James.A. Fitzsimmms and Mina.J Fitzsimmms,Service Management : Operations,
Strategy, Information Technology, Tata Mc Grawhill,2006 New Delhi.
5. Christoper Louchock and Jochen Wirtz, Service Marketing : People Technology,Strategy,
Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2004.
6. K.Ramamohan Roa, Services Marketing, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2005.
7. Bert Rosenbloom, Marketing Channels : A Management View , Thomson, New Delhi
8. Bert Rosenbloom,Retail Marketing,Random House
9. Bert Rosenbloom,Marketing Functions and the whole sale distribution, distribution
rosenbloom and Education Foundation, U.S.
10. Harish V.Verman, Brand Management: Text and Cases,Excell Books, 2002.
11. K.Suresh (Sl) , Positioning and Repositioning : Percepectives and Applications,ICFAI
University Press, Hydrabad, 2005
12. Stephen Spinnclli Jr, Robert .M.Rosenberg, and five birling, franchising; patteneiring to
wealth creation, pearson education, UBS Publication,New Delhi,2004.
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Competing in Foreign Markets- Why Companies Expand into Foreign Markets- Cross- Country
Differences in Cultural, Demographic and Market Conditions- Concept of Multi country
Competition and Global Competition- Strategy Options for Entering and Competing in Foreign
Markets- Quest for competitive Advantage in Foreign Markets-Profit Sanctuaries, Cross market
Subsidization and Global; Strategic Offensives- Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures with F
Foreign partners.-Competing in Emerging Foreign Markets-Cross Border Strategic Alliances
Retail Structure- Enterprise Density- market Concentration- Product Sector- InnovationEmployment Structure- Merging Structure-Global Structure- Developing markets- Stages in
development of International Operations- Export- Management Contracts- Franchising
Acquisition and Mergers Organic Growth- Choice of Market Entry- Domestic Market- Retail
Operations-Non Domestic market.- Retail Positioning and Brand Image- Measurement of Store
Image Open ended Techniques-Attitude Scaling Techniques-Multi Attribute model- Multi
dimensional Scaling-Conjoint analysis
Market Research- Segmentation- Targeting- Positioning The Market Mix- Image- Product
range- Format- Price- Location_ Distribution- Promotion-- Promotional Mix and AdvertisingPublicity, PR, and Sales Promotion Strategies- Personal Selling and Sales ManagementInternational Pricing Strategy- Developing and Controlling an Intl. Marketing Plan
Referance Books
1. Nicolas Alexander International Reataling-Blackwell Business Publishers Ltd.
2. Arthur A Thompson,AJ Strickland,John E Gamble &Arun K Jain Crafting and
Executing Strategy-Concepts and Cases Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
3. Abbas J Ali Globalization of Business- Practice and Theory Jaico Publishing House
4. Margaret Bruce, Chistopher Moore, Grete Birtwistle International Retail Marketing: A
Case Study Approach
5. Allan M Findlay, Ronan Paddsion and John A Dawson Retailing Environments in
Developing Countries- Rutledge
6. Arun Chandra , Pradep Rau,& John K Ryans India Business: Finding Opportunities in
This Big Emerging Market- Paramount Market Publising Inc
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3. Schulz, William A Robinson & Lisa A Peterson -Sales Promotion Essentials : The 10 Basic
Sales Promotion Techniques
4. Julian Cummins & Ruddy Mullin- Sales Promotions How to create , Implement and Integrate
Campaigns that really work- Kogan Page
5. Kazmi& Sathish K Batra Advertising & Sales Promotions- Excel Books
6. George e Belch & Michael A Belch- Advertising & Sales Promotions An Integrated
Marketing Communications Perspective- Tata Mc Graw Hill
7. Steve Smith- How to Sell More Stuff- Promotional marketing that Really works- Dearborn
Trade Publishing
OBJECTIVE : To explain options of marketing using 20th century medium and internet as an
option of 21st century.
Introduction- The Scope of Direct Marketing- Business, Strategic and Direct Marketing
Planning- The Impact of Databases- Consumer and Business Mailing Lists- The OfferMagazines- Newspapers- TV/Radio- Telemarketing/Tele services-Overview of Internet Direct
Marketing - E-Communications- Creating Print Advertising- Managing a Lead-Generation
Program- Modeling for Business Decision Support
Direct and Digital Marketing- Modern integrated DM & interactive marketing -important role in
marketing strategy -build and develop brands - customer acquisition, development and retentionKey principles of targeting, interaction, control and continuity-Three different business models stand alone, integrated and support Catalysts of change in modern marketing -From distance
selling to interactive marketing -Managing relationships across channels and media -The direct
and interactive marketers' information system-Data-driven marketing planning
Network Marketing- Advantages and Disadvantages- Network Marketing Boom-Network
Marketing Compensation Plan- Evaluating Network Marketing Opportunity
Relationship Marketing Introduction- Six Market Models-Managing Relationship with Buyers,
Intermediaries and Customer Segmentation and analysis of Customer market DomainCustomer Acquisition and Customer Retention Strategic outsourcing- creating Successful
alliances- Referral and Influence Marketing
Creating and implementing Relationship Marketing Strategies- Introduction- People-ProcessesProactive/ Personalized Service- What sort of Relationship for what sort of CustomersRelationship Marketing Plan- Relationship Management Chain- Value Proportions- Identifying
appropriate customer value segments-Designing value delivery systems- Managing and
Maintaining delivered satisfaction
Legal Issues and Best Practice-Data Protection and Privacy, electronic communications and the
Indian Directive, self-regulation and codes of practice- pitfalls and opportunities of international
direct and interactive marketing- consumer and technological landscape of the future- Emerging
Trends in Network Marketing- B2B, C2C, Planning, scheduling, negotiating and buying media
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on and offline- Core marketing technology components; data warehousing, business intelligence
appliances, campaign management applications, sales force automation, customer interaction and
contact centre applications, Data fusion- Network Marketing Success Stories India ,MLM
Reference Books
1. Stone, Bob, and Jacobs, Ron, Successful Direct Marketing Methods, 7th ed (2001),
McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
2. Dave Chaffey, Richard Mayer, Kevin Johnston, Fiona Ellis-Chadwick Internet
Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice
3. Brian Thomas and Matthew Housden Direct Marketing in Practice
4. Edward L. Nash- Direct Marketing: Strategy, Planning, Execution- The McGraw Hill
5. Robert W. Bly -Business To Business Direct The McGraw Hill Companies
6. Adrian Payne , Martine Christopher Moira Clark & Helen Park Relationship Marketing
for Competitive Advantage Winning and Keeping Customers- The Chartered Institute of
Marketing Professional
7. Shyam Sunder Kambhammettu Ntework Marketing Concepts and Cases- Magnus
School of Business, Hyderabad
Objectives: To equip the students with the knowledge of emerging trends in social,
political, ethical and legal aspects affecting business decisions.
UNIT 1 :- Business environment - The concept and significance - constituents of
business environment - Business and society , Business & ethics - Social responsibility Environmental pollution and control. Business and culture- Business and Government Political system and its influence on business - Indian constitution - Directive Principles
of State Policy.
UNIT II:- Managing Ethics- meaning and types framework of organizational theories
and sources ethics across culture factors influencing business ethics ethical decision
making ethical values and stakeholders- ethics and profit. Corporate Governance
structure of Boards- reforms in Boards compensation issues ethical leadership.
UNIT III :- Globalisation of the economy trends and issues, Politics and
environment,MNCs and Government relationships- Introduction to GATT and WTO.
UNIT IV:- Fiscal policy - central finances and new fiscal policy - Direct and indirect Tax
structure, VAT, MODVAT - Service Tax problems and reforms -Expenditure Tax Public debts &deficit financing
UNIT V:- Legal environment of business Monopolies Company Law, Competition
Act 2002. Foreign Exchange Management Act- Securities and exchange board of India
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Act - Customs and Central Excise Act - Central and State sales Tax - Consumer
protection Act Patents Act.
Adhikari.m - Economic environment of Management
Francis cherunnilam - Business environment
Pruti s . economic & managerial environment in India
Davis & keith William c . frederik - business and society
Amarchand d - Government and business
Mankard _ Business Economics
A.N Agarwal _ Indian economy
Steiner and Steiner Business Ethics Mc-Graw Hill
Raj Agarwal Business Environment Excel Books.
Objectives: To help the students to learn the process of strategic decision making,
implementation and evaluation of corporate policies
Corporate strategic planning - Mission - Vision of the firm - Development, maintenance
and the role of leader - Hierarchal levels of planning - strategic planning process.
Strategic management Practice in India, Family run corporates.
Environmental Analysis & Internal Analysis of Firm:
General environment scanning, competitive & environmental analysis - to identify
opportunities & threat - Assessing internal environment through functional approach and
value chain - identifying critical success factors - to identify the strength & weakness SWOT audit - core competence -Stakeholders expectations, Scenario-planning - industry
Strategy formulation
Generic strategies - Grand strategies - Strategies of leading Indian companies - The role
of diversification -limit - means and forms. Strategic management for small
organisations, non- profit organizations and large multi product and multiple market
Tools of Strategy Planning and evaluation
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Competitive cost dynamics - experience curve -BCG approach - cash flow implication.
IA -BS matrix - A.D Littles Life -cycle approach to strategic planning - Business
portfolio balancing - Assessment of economic contribution of strategy - Strategic funds
Unit V
Strategy implement & Control:
Various approach to implementation of strategy - Matching organization structure with
strategy - 7Smodel - Strategic control process - Du Ponts control model and other
Quantitative and Qualitative tools - Balanced score card - M.Porters approach for
Globalization - Future of Strategic Management.
1.Pearce& Robinson, Strategic Management ,All Indian Travellors N.D
2.A.C. Hax And Ns, Strategic Management: An Integrative Perspective, Majifu, Prentice Hall
3.Micheal Porter, Competitive Strategies.
4.Micheal Porter, Competitive Advantage Of Nations.
5.Samul C. Certo And J.Paul Peter, Strategic Management, Second Edition. Concept And
Application, Mcgraw Hill.
6.Georgy G.Dess And Alex Miller , Strategic Management, Mcgraw Hill.
7.Gerry Jhonson & Keven Scholes, Exploring Corparate Strategy: Text And Cases,Ph
8.Jaunch .L ,Rajive Gupta & William.F.Glueck ,Business Policy And Strategic Management
,Frank Bros & Co,20003
9.Fred R.David ,Strategic Management Concept &Cases ,Pearson,2003
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Time : 3 Hours
(5 X 20 = 100 Marks)