Computer Aided Management

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SUBJECT Sales and Distribution Management Financial Management Consumer Behaviour Management Information System Web Designing & Development Business Policy & Strategic Management PRACTICAL/VIVA VOCE Industrial Training/Project Lab: Web Designing and Development Lab

Credits 4 4 4 4 4 4 10 2





Course Code: BBA (CAM) 301 4




PREAMBLE: The primary objective of the course is to familiarize the student with the sales operations and sales management functions and customer relationship management. Endeavor is to provide both theoretical inputs and applications of practical aspects. COURSE CONTENT: UNIT 1: Credits 10

Managing and Planning Sales The field of Sales Management: Concept, Evolution of Professional Selling, Objectives of Sales Management, Exchange Process, Key Decision areas in Sales Management, Sales Management Cycle. Sales Strategy Formulation: Market Analysis, Setting Sales Objectives, Designing Sales Strategy. Planning for Selling efforts: Personal selling Concept, Situations conducive to personal Selling, Diversity Of Personal Selling situations, Strategies Used by Salesmen, Process of Personal Selling, Choice of basic Selling Style,New Approaches in Selling UNIT 2: Personal Selling: AIDAS Theory of selling "Rights set of Circumstances" Theory "Buying Formula " Theory Behavioural Equation" Theory Salesmanship and Sales-Promotion concept Essential Qualities of a Successful Salesman. Motivating & Compensating Sales Personnel Motivation "Help from Management" Financial Motivational Techniques Non-Financial Motivational Techniques Devising a Sales Compensation Plan Types of Compensation Plans Fringe Benefits Negotiating skills UNIT 3: 10 Sales Control Sales Expenses Management Reimbursement of Sales expenses, policies & practices Sales Budgeting and Control Preparation of sales Budget Budget implementation & feedback mechanism Sales Control Credits 10


Sales Meetings & Contests Planning & Staging of sales meetings Sales Contests, Specific Objectives Contest Prizes Managerial Evaluation of Contests UNIT 4: Relationship Management Customer Relationship Applications of Relationship Marketing Marketing Strategy Internal Marketing Ethics in Sales Management Ethics Defined Factors influencing the Ethics of Sales People Primary Areas Served by Ethics of Sales Management Credits 10

TEXT BOOKS: 1. Service Marketing-M.K.Rampal & S.L. Gupta (R&G)-Galgotia Publications 2. Sales & Distribution Management- Dr. Matin Khan (MK)- Excel Books. REFERRENCE BOOKS:
1. Sales & distribution Management- SL Gupta (SLG) -Excel Books 2. Negotiating , Persuading and Infiuencing-Alan Flower (AF)



Course Code: BBA (CAM) 303

L: 4


Credits: 4


The objective of the course is to acquaint the students with the overall framework of financial decision-making in a business unit. Course Contents: Unit I Financial Management: Meaning, Scope, Objectives of Financial Management Profit Vs. Wealth Maximization, Financial Management and other Areas of Management, Liquidity Vs. Profitability, Methods of Financial Management, Organization of Finance Function. Concepts in Valuation: Time Value of Money, Valuation Concepts, Valuation of Securities viz., Debentures, Preference Shares and Equity Shares. HOURS 8 Unit II Capital Budgeting: Concept, Importance, Appraisal Methods: Pay back period, DCF techniques, Accounting rate of return, Capital Rationing, Concept of Risk, Incorporation of Risk Factor, General Techniques: Risk adjusted discount return, certainty equivalent coefficient and Quantitative Techniques: Sensitivity analysis, Probability assignment, Standard deviation, Coefficient of variation, Decision tree. Cost of Capital: Concept, Importance, Classification , and Determination of Cost of Capital. Leverages: Concept, Types of leverages and their significance. HOURS 16 Unit III Capital Structure: Meaning, Capital Structure and Financial Structure, Patterns of Capital Structure, Optimum Capital Structure, Capital Structure Theories, Factors Determining Capital Structure, Capital Structure Practices in India.HOURS 8 Unit IV Sources of Finance: Classification of Sources of Finance, Security Financing, Loan Financing, Project Financing, Loan Syndication- Book Building, New Financial Institutions and Instruments viz., Depositories, Factoring, Venture Capital, Credit

Rating, Commercial Paper, Certificate of Deposit, Stock Invest, Global Depository Receipts. Dividend, Bonus and Rights: Dividend Policy, Relevance and Irrelevance Concepts of Dividend, Corporate Dividend Practices in India. Working Capital Management: Concept, Management of Cash, Management of Inventories, Management of Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable, Over and Under Trading. HOURS 12 Suggested Readings: 1. Maheshwari, S.N.; Financial Managemen, Principles and Practice, Sultan Chand & sons, 9th Edition 2004. 2. Maheshwari, S.N.; Elements of Financial Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2003 7th Edition. 3. Van C. Horne; Financial Management and Policy, Prentice Hall of India., 11th Edition 2002. 4. Pandey, I.M.; Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House, th 8 Edition, 2001. 5. Khan, M.Y. & P.K. Jain; Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001 3rd Edition. 6. Hampton, John. J.; Financial Decision Making, Prentice Hall of th India, 4 Edition, 1998.



Course Code: BBA (CAM) 305



Credits: 4

Preamble: In the era customer Satisfaction and customer delight it is very important to understand the behaviour of the customers. The course is designed to enable the

various individual and organisational aspects that influence the buying decisions of the customer.


UNIT 1: Introduction To Consumer Behaviour 10

Definition of C.B Consumer Buying Process Importance of C.B Approaches to Study C.B Basic Model Of C.B Stages of Buying Process Industrial Buying / Organization Buying Current Trends in C.B Consumer Behavior from Consumer Perspective UNIT 2: Determinants to Consumer Behaviour 1. Attitude a) Models and theories of attitude b) Change in Attitude 2.Personality and self concept a)Nature of personality b)Theories of personality(Freudian ,Jungian,Neo-Freudian&Trait theory) c)Personality and understanding consumer diversity d)Self and self Image



UNIT 3: Influences to Consumer Behaviour


i) Culture Characterstics of Culture Defnamism of Culture Relevance of Sub Culture and Cross Culture on CB Indian Culture and Sub Culture Marketing Srategies and problems related to cross culture ii) Social Class Determinants of Social Class Objective Approach Composite Variable Indices

Social Class Mobility Applications Of social class to consumption iii) Family and life style Significance Family life cycle stages Influences on life cycle Applications of AIO Studies VALS system of classification UNIT 4: Consumer Decision Making HOURS 10

a) Process of Consumer Decision Making b) Complex Decision Making c) Types of C. Purchasing Decision d) Consumer Involvement and CDM e) A Basic Model Of Decision Making (Need Arousal C.I Process Brand Evaluation Purchase and Post Purchase Behavior)

TEXT BOOKS: 1. Consumer Behavior Leon G.Schiffman,Leslie Lazar Kanuk(SCH) Prentice Hall of India Private Limited 2. Consumer Behaviour Dr.S.L.Gupta &Sumitra Paul(SLG&SP) Sultan Chand &sons Educational Publishers REFERENCE BOOK: Consumer Behavior Henry Assael(HA)Asian Books Private Ltd.



Course Code: BBA (CAM) 307



Credits: 4

PREAMBLE: The objective of the course is to acquaint the students about the concept of information system in business organisations, and also the management control systems.
UNIT-I Hours:12

Introduction : Definition, Purpose, Objectives and Role of MIS in Business Organisation with particular reference to Management Levels. MIS Growth and Development, Location of MIS in the Organisation - concept and design. Transaction Processing System, Decision Support System, Executive Information System, Expert System, and the recent developments in the field of MIS.
II UNITHours:10

System Development : Concept of System, Types of Systems - Open, Closed, Deterministic, Probabilistic, etc. Relevance of choice of System in MIS, Integration of Organisation Systems and Information Systems, System Development Life Cycle, System Analysis, Design and Implementation, MIS Applications in Business.
UNIT-III 8 Hours :

Information Concepts : Data and Information - meaning and importance, Relevance of Information in Decision Making, Sources and Types of Information, Cost Benefit Analysis - Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects, Assessing Information needs of the Organisation.
UNIT-IV Hours : 14

Information Technology : Recent Developments in the Field of Information Technology Multimedia Approach to Information Processing. Decision of Appropriate Information Technology for proper MIS, Choice of appropriate IT systems Database, Data warehousing & Datamining Concepts, Centralised and Distributed Processing

Text Book:
1. Management Information System- W.S. Javadekar- Tata Magraw Hill Publication

Reference Books: 1. Information Systems for Managers Bhatia Arora, Ashok and Akshaya Excel Books, New Delhi 2. Management Information Systems Basandra, Suresh K. Wheeler Publishing New Delhi. Awad


System analysis and design



Course Code: BBA (CAM) 309 PREAMBLE



Credits: 4

To familiarize the students with various Web based packages to develop customize web site.


An introduction to the World Wide Web i) Concepts of web technology ii) Web browsers iii) Internet and Intranet iv) Protocols the TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP Planning your web site i) Doing business on the web ii) An overview of internet commerce providers iii) A search engine iv) Forming a project team v) Setting goals and objectives vi) Developing the right business strategy HTML i) What is HTML ii) HTML basics iii) Document tags iv) Container and empty tags v) Entering paragraph text on your web page vi) The <BR> tag vii) The comment tag viii) Working with HTML text ix) Emphasing text implicitly and explicitly x) The <Block quote> element xi) Using <Pre> tag xii) The <Dir> tag xiii) The <Font> tag xiv) The <Base font> tag xv) Using lists in web documents xvi) Nested ordered xvii) Unordered lists xviii) Menu lists xix) Directory list xx) Definition list




Graphics for web pages i) <img> tag ii) Scaling down an image iii) Adding entire images to web pages iv) Working with links v) Relative and absolute link vi) Link tag Tables, frames and forms i) Creating borderless tables ii) Frames iii) Forms UNITII




Java script i) Introduction to client-side scripting ii) Java Script iii) JavaScript and data iv) Types of scripts v) Conversion of functions vi) Arrays vii) Operations viii) Statements ix) Function x) Objects xi) Events xii) Window events xiii) Image events xiv) The window object xv) Opening and closing windows xvi) Communicating with the user xvii) Displaying information on the status bar xviii) Working with time sets xix) The frame object xx) The document object xxi) The form object xxii) Math object


Introduction to Active Server Pages i) Introduction ii) What exactly is an Active Server Page (ASP) iii) Applications of Active Server Pages iv) Elements of Active Server Pages v) Function of ASP vi) Operators vii) Event-driven programming viii) Query string ix) ASP objects x) Database management through ASP UNIT-III HOURS

10 A)



Introduction to Dreamweaver i) Introduction ii) What is dreamweaver iii) Interfaces iv) The property inspector v) Setting properties for web page vi) Text formatting Working with links & multimedia i) Adding hyperlink in webpages ii) Relative and absolute path iii) Working with bookmarks iv) Mailto link v) Working with images vi) Aligning image with text vii) Image mapping viii) Creating rollover Tables and frames i) Create table ii) Add and remove rows and columns iii) Nesting tables iv) Import table data v) Sorting data vi) Export data from a table vii) Formatting tables viii) Overview of frames ix) Inserting a frameset

x) xi) UNIT-IV

Nested frameset Attributes of frames

HOURS 10 A) Introduction to flash i) Introduction ii) Flash-6 new features iii) Flash 6 Vs Flash 5.0 iv) Flash 6 in details v) Layers vi) Drawing with flash vii) Creating contents viii) Grouping shapes ix) Types and text effects x) Creating symbols and movie clips xi) Animating with flash xii) Editing animation Advanced Flash i) Interacting with flash ii) Action script iii) Programming with action script iv) Flash and HTML v) Standalone players and projector vi) Flash generator vii) Flash generator server and template viii) Generator output window ix) Site designing with flash


Text Books:

i) ii)
Reference Books:

HTML, DHTML & Javascript-Evan Bayross ASP in 21 days Techmedia Dreamwearer in 21 days-Techmedia ASP 2.0 unleashed HTML 4.0 unleashed

i) ii) iii)



Course Code: BBA (CAM) 311



Credits: 4

Objective: This course is intended to acquaint the students with the nature Business Policy and Strategy. I. Introduction: Nature, scope and importance of the course on Business Policy; Evolution of this course Forecasting, Long-range planning, strategic planning and strategic management.
Strategic Management Process: Formulation Phase vision, mission, environmental scanning, objectives and strategy; implementation phase Strategic Activities, Evaluation and Control. HOURS 10

II. Environmental Analysis: Need, Characteristics and categorization of environmental factors; approaches to the environmental scanning process structural analysis of competitive environment; ETOP a diagnosis tool. HOURS 8 III. Analysis of Internal Resources: Strengths and Weakness; Resource Audit; Strategic Advantage Analysis; Value-Chain Approach to Internal Analysis; Methods of analysis and diagnosing Corporate Capabilities Functional Area Profile and Resource Deployment Matrix, Strategic Advantage Profile; SWOT analysis. HOURS 10 IV. Formulation of Strategy: Approaches to Strategy formation; major strategy options Stability, Growth and Expansion, Diversification, Retrenchment, Mixed Strategy; Choice of Strategy BCG Model; Stop-Light Strategy Model; Directional Policy Matrix (DPM) Model, Product/Market Evolution Matrix and Profit Impact of Market Strategy (PIMS) Model; Major Issues involved in the Implementation of strategy: Organization structure; leadership and resource allocation. HOURS 12

Suggested Readings:

1. Wheelen, Thomas L. and J. David Hunger; Strategic Management and Business Policy: Emerging, 21st Century Global Society, 7th ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2000. 2. Ghosh, P. K.; Strategic Planning and Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 8th ed., 2000. 3. Kazmi, Azhar; Business Policy, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2000.

4. Thompson, Arthur A. and A. J. Strickland; Strategic Management, McGraw Hill, New York, 1999. 5. Jauch and Glueck; Business Policy and Strategic Management, McGraw-Hill. 6. Rao, P. Subba; Business Policy and Strategic Management, Himalaya Publishing House, 1st ed., 1999. 7. McCarthy, Minichiello & Curran; Business Policy and Strategy: Concepts and Readings, Richard D. Irwin and AITBS, Delhi, 4th ed., 1996. 8. Ansoff, H. Igor; Corporate Strategy, Penguin.



Course Code: BBA (CAM) 313



Credits: 10

Each student shall undergo for industrial training of twelve weeks duration after the end of Fourth semester in an approved business/industrial/service organization and submit at least two copies of the Industrial Training Report to the head of the Institution at least two weeks before the commencement of End Term Examination of Sixth Semester. Alternatively, they shall pursue Industrial project under the guidance of an internal supervisor to be appointed by the Director/Principal of the concerned Institution. This Industrial training report/Industrial project report shall carry 100 marks and it shall be evaluated in two parts. By the External Examiner appointed by the University for 50 marks and by an internal Board of examiners to be appointed by the Director/Principal of the Institute. And it shall be comprised of minimum of two nInternal Faculty members. Of them, as far as possible, one of them shall be industrial supervisor in case of industrial projects.



Course Code: BBA (CAM) 351



Credits: 2

The Lab. will be based on BBA(CAM)- 309 : Web Designing and Development

REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. HTML, DHTML & Javascript-Evan Bayross 2. ASP-2.0 Unleashed Techmedia

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