Nepalese Princess Bhrikuti and Jokhang Temple of Lhasa1

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Nepalese Princess Bhrikuti and Jokhang Temple of Lhasa

Min Bahadur shakya
Nagarjuna Institute


The Jokhang Temple, Jokhang Monastery or Tsuklakang (gTsug lag khang), is located
on Barkhor Square in Lhasa. Jokhang Temple in Lhasa is the holiest site in Tibetan Buddhism,
attracting crowds of prostrating Tibetan pilgrims and curious foreign tourists every year. It hosts the
annual Great Prayer Festival, as well as all ceremonies of initiation for the Dalai Lama and Panchen

It was founded in the seventh century C.E. by King Srong btsan sgam-po in order to house the
image of Aksobhya Buddha offered to him by his Nepalese consort Bhrikuti Devi.It was
constructed solely of mud, stone and timber.At present the main section of the temple is three
storeys high. It occupies an area of 12,850 square yards and is situated in the heart of the city.

The Jokhang was originally designed by Nepalese craftsmen on behalf of Princess Bhrikuti Devi.
It was built on the site of a Milky lake that had previously been filled in with earth and stones by
a sacred goat.Thesacred goat is still an object of veneration of the Tibetan people.A golden
representation of the sacred goat is still housed inside the Jokhang Temple today.It is one the
most popular tourist attraction in Lhasa. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site and a
spiritual centre of Lhasa.

The Aksobhya Buddha, brought by Princess Bhrikuti, has been transferred to the Ramoche
temple ( small Jokhang, as it used to be called by Tibetans and local Nepalese people, who were
traders and have had shops in the Bar-kor area for generations). It is said that Princess Kongjo
moved Jovo Shakyamuni from the Ramoche Temple to the Jokhang temple. It is unclear exactly
why the changeover of the two images took place. It is said that, after the death of King Srong
btsan sgam po, it was transferred to 'Phrul Nang temple in Lhasa, from where it was stolen and
buried in the sand. It was rediscovered during the period of Trisong Deu tsan through her
paranormal abilities of divination, but it was subsequently moved to sKyid-grong in Mang yul on
the borders of Nepal by the order of the malevolent Ma Zhang, the Bon minister.After peace was
restored under the auspices of the Great Guru Padma sambhava, the statue was restored to
'Phrulnang temple. Under the reign of perverse Langdarma, the statue underwent a second burial,
but was once again returned to 'Phrulnang temple during the period of restoration which occurred
cheifly in the eleventh century.
Concerning the image of Aksobhya Buddha brought by Princess Bhrikuti
Devi, the abbot of Ramoche temple told me, during my field visit to Lhasa
( December 16-22, 1990), that it was crumbled into two halves during the
cultural revolution and was thrown elsewhere. The upper half has been
recently returned to Ramoche temple ( 1985-1986) from Beijing and
installed in the main altar, together with the lower half which was newly-
made claywork.

II.Legendary Origin of Jokhang Temple:

How 'Phrul Nang was built in seventh century Lhasa is interesting to note in
the following account of rGyal rabs gsal ba'I Melong. Although the
account is also described in Mani Kabum, we prefer the version of rGyal

The narrative runs thus:

Previously we came to know that Princess Bhrikuti was overjoyed because the king had
promised to help her in building temples.When she was instructed to build the temple in the
Milky lake, she was at first disappointed.But through the miraculous power of the king, she saw
an auspicious omen.When she looked at the Milky lake, she saw many different colourful lights
forming a nine-storeyed stupa-like temple.After that she couragiously determined to build te
temple on the lake.The following day the king, the queen, the ministers and public came over
again with the sandalwood image of the Buddha in a very large cermonial procession.After that
they made four earthen mountains on the four sides of the lake and performed a rite in front of
the lake.The Nepalese queen was praying to the invaluable malachite bowl, and it supplied
plenty of food and drinks.After that, they started to fill up the lake, and gradually they were able
to make four pieces of land in that land.

They piled four huge stones on each of the four sides of the lake, and the king prayed to the
image of the nine storeyed stupa by walking on the stones.they cut sixteen huge juniper trees,
placed the ends into the four huge stones and the heads against the stupa, which had appeared
after the prayer of the king Srong btsan sgam po. Upon that they piled up many leaves from the
trees.the wood in the lake would never rot, because it had been blessed by the demigods. It had
been touched by mystic liquids which were received by the miraculous priest Akaramatishila
who had been sent to the nether world by King Srong btsan sgampo.then they laid thick slabs and
bricks on them and tied them with melted bronze.Thereafter they made the ground even.the
whole lake was covered completely in the year Earth Male Dog .

That was when King Srong btsan sgampo was twenty three years old.After that the temple
construction was started in the year of pof the earth Female Pig. All the people were overjoyed
when they could see the foundation walls, but again those were dismantled by the gods and evil
spirits, and the Nepalese queen was sad.She then again approached the king and reported the
incident and said: " I can never complete the construction of the temple in my life time with
these frequent obstacles." The king consoled her by saying: " Don't worry, I have a tutelary deity
whom I can consult". After he prayed to to his tutelary deity Avalokiteshvara, there occurred a
sound from the space which was an invisible body saying," All the obstacles can be stopped if
you make one statue of the eleven –faced Avalokiteshvara".

The king asked his Nepalese artist, who had come along with Princess Bhrikuti Devi, whether he
could make the same or not.the Nepalese artist said: yes, I can make it." he asked the king to
provide the snake's heart sandal, Harichandan, Ghoroshi, branches of a bodhi tree, sands of the
Nairanjan river and earth from eight different important solitary places.After receiving all those,
he made a huge hard mud with the milk of a brown cow and a white goat.After the huge mud
was carried to the king, he put it on the headboard, then he prayed to his tutelary deity, asked
which form of Avalokiteshvara should be made. By that time the king thought that the best form
should be the one with eleven faces.At that time the king saw a beam of light which vanished
into the huge mude.Thereby the king thought that the statue would be as wonderful as a beam of
light.theking put the huge mud on the precious throne that night. Thereafter, the mud itself
became a statue of eleven faced Avalokiteshvara at midnight, without needing to be made by his
Nepalese artist.The next morning when the king saw the image he was extremely pleased to see
it and he told his artist, " what a quick and amazing work you did? He told him to set the snake's
heart sandalwood inside the image.

Nepalese artist said," I did not make this statue myself, it is self-produced." Thestatue was
shaking itself as soon as the artist mentioned the incident.for that reason, Amitabha's face was a
little crooked due to the strong movement.Thepiece of snake's heart sandalwood, two pieces of
Bodhi tree and other important materials were put into different parts of the eleven faced self-
grown image of Avalokiteshvara and everyone worshipped it with huge offerings.

After that the Nepalese Artist made the statues of Avalokiteshvara, Bhrikuti, Arya Tara, Marici,
Sarasvati, Hayagriva and many others.

Then the king miraculously transformed his body into 108 temple guards and 108 carpenters. No
one knew who they were except the Nepalese queen Bhrikuti devi, who used to bring some food
there.One day she had to send her maid while she was praying her tutelary deity, but the maid
could not recognize the king among those carpenters, so she thought that thee no king amongst
the carpenters.She saw the 108 lions who wre working as carpenters.when she was sneaking
through the slightly opened door, she thought, these must be miraculously animated beings of
our king.

She came back to the queen and handed back the food.After that the queen went to see the
king.the maid also followed the queen and she sneaked through the door.After that she laughed
and the king missed his direction with his small axe, hitting the nose of the lion.This caused all
the lion's noses to be cut off.The first floor of the temple was completed in 12 days due to the
miraculous power of King Srong btsan sgampo.
The main entrance of the temple was facing Nepal and hence the Nepalese queen was also
extremely pleased.She recalled many expert architects with different handicrafts skills and they
built the upper floor of the temple.

At the same time Chinese queen Kongho called many carpenters, painters and masons from
China.She completed Ramoche Temple, to the north of Lhasa in 12 months.Both the second
floor of the 'Phrul Nang temple and Ramoche temple were competed at the same time.The main
entrance of the temple was facing China.

After these construction, there was no further interference from demons or evil spirits, due to
powerful protection of the gods.Both temples were completed in an excellent condition.
Thereafter, the king and the queens went to the Red Hill palace and the next day the king
inaugurated the new temples built by the queens.

On the happy occasion of inauguration, the king had a notion that the lake was swelling under
the surface of the temples, and he dared not go into the temple.At this the Nepalese queen threw
her gold ring and the sound was as if it was skating on ice.Then the king, queens and ministers
were inside the temple. On that occasion the king declared those temples were built mostly by a
miracle. the king named the temple Ra-sa 'Phrul nang-gtsug lag khang which meant goat-earth
miracle temple.This was because the first part of the temple construction was done by a goat
carrying earth to cover the Milky lake. After that , the king commented on the details of the work
done, such as the statues,paintings, carvings on wood, the style of doors and pillars.After these
the king also started to build several other temples.The foundation of these were placed by
Nepalese Princess Bhrikuti Devi, with the statues of Sariputra, maudgalyayana, Maitreya and
other forms of Avalokiteshvara.All the statues were engraved by the Nepalese artist and blessed
by Srong btsan sgampo.

III. The Description of the site

In front of the Jokhang Cathedral entrance there are three stone steles in two separate enclosures.
The tall stele carries an important historic bilingual inscription of the Tibetan-Chinese agreement
of 821 between the Tibetan king Tri Ralpacan, and the Chinese emperor, Wen Wu Hsiao –te
Wang ti.It reads thus:
Tibet and China shall abide by the frontiers of which they are now in occupation.As to
the east is the country of Great China; and all to the West is , without question, the
country of Great Tibet. Henceforth on neither side shall there be waging of war nor
seizing of territory.If any person incurs suspicious he shall be arrested; his business shall
be inquired into and he shall be escorted back'

The forecourt leading to the main entrance of the Jokhang is filled with pilgrims and devotees
prostrating themselves in the direction of Jovo Shakyamuni. Pilgrims come from all corners of
Tibet, usually on foot and often performing austerities for penance along the way. The most
devout pilgrims cover the last several miles prostrate on the ground. More prostrations are
undertaken in the plaza in front of the temple. Before entering, most pilgrims circumambulate the
temple on the Barkhor, a sacred path that is also lined with market stalls selling yak butter and
jewelry.To the left are two massive prayer wheels which people turn as they enter and leave the
Jokhang temple.There are several chapels inside the Jokhang temple.Here the author has planned
to describe some important chapels only briefly.

1.Jovo Shakyamuni Chapel

The central and most important shrine in the Jokhang is the most impressive and elaborate image
of Jovo Shakyamuni. This image of Jovo Shakyamuni is heavily decorated with brocade clothing
and jewelry.Before him are the several butter lamps in silver and gold burning.

The Main sitting image of Shakyamuni at the age of 12 is about 1.5m high. It is supposedly one
of only three made during his lifetime. It was a gift from the Chinese Princess Wencheng to her
husband King Songtsen Gampo. The Jowo sits on a majestic massive three-tiered stone platform.
Two silver-plated dragons presented by the Chinese emperor entwine the ornate pillars that
support an intricate double canopy over the Jowo. An ornate crown of coral, turquoise,
diamonds, rubies, and other precious gems, sits on the Jowo’s head.

2.Amitabha Chapel

In this shrine, Amitabha, the Buddha of infinite light, is flanked by two small guardian
deities.Since this is the before the Jowo, here the pilgrim prays that his or her karmic hindrances
to seeing the Jowo are fully cleared away.Between the Amitabha chapel and the Jowo are
fourraised, seated figures.The central image is King Songtsen Gampo.To the left is is his
Nepalese queen Bhrikuti Devi, and to the right his Chinese queen, Wencheng.

3. Protector Maitreya Chapel

This shrine is guarded by two deities Brahma and Indra.The central Image is a form of Maitreya
connected with the king Krikin, a benefactor of former Buddha Kashyapa.It is said to have been
brought to Tibet by Nepalese Princess Bhrikuti, in the form of dowry.

4.Chapel of Dharma king Srong btsan gam po

This shrine located directly above the main entrance to the Jokhang is dedicated to the founder of
the temple, King Songtsen Gampo.A large statue of the king dominates the shrine.He is flanked
by his Nepalese queen Bhrikuti Devi ( to the left), and the Chinese queen,Wen cheng ( to the
right).Against the the left wall of the chapel are three smaller images of the the king and his two
5.Chapel of Self originated Avalokiteshvara

The main figure in this shrine is a thousand armed, eleven headed Avalokiteshvara, the original
of which is said to have miraculously appeared at the time of King Songtsen Gampo.One
tradition mantains that Songtsen Gampo and his two wives were absorbed into the statue at
death.On the left are the three seated figures Lokeshvara, Bhrikuti and Marici.

6.Chapel of Tsong Khapa and eight disciples

The first shrine to the left of the entrance is dedicated to Je Tsong Khapa, the founder of Gelugpa
order.He is the main figure facing you as you enter, and is accompanied by a group of his eight
pure disciples.The most famous of these are his two chief disciples, Khedrup je and Gyeltsap je ,
who are seated to Tsong Khapa's right and left.

7.Padmasambhava Chapel:
Padmasambhava is said to have manifested in eight different forms during his stay in Tibet. As
an accomplished tantric master he was able to assuming different appearances.These eight
transformations of the Guru are depicted along the two side walls of this chapel.The central
figure is the most common form of Padmasambhava.On the altar in the center of this shrine you
can see skull-cups filling with chang offered to to the Guru.Such offerings are made only to the
tantric figures.

It is clear that Nepalese Prncess Bhrikuti Devi left an outstanding legacy
in the holy land of Tibet through the marriage with Tibetan King Songtsen Gampo in the year
633 C.E. The outcome of the harmonious relationship between Nepal, Tibet and China can be
none other than this marriage.One must not forget the outstanding contribution of Princess
Bhrikuti Devi in civilizing the Tibetan people, especially in the diffusion of Buddhist culture and
Princess Weng chen in the development of agro-economics culture.She also helped Princess
Bhrikuti in temple construction through her knowledge of geomancy.
Jokhang is the first temple of that nature.It was Princess Bhrikuti who established the first
ancient Buddhist temples in Tibet and Bhutan.Some of the priceless image, which were created
by Nepalese artists, should not be forgotten only because we cannot produce contemporary
documents.Thanks to Oskar von Schroeder who recently published many artistic photographs of
wooden materials and also published the works of art by Nepalese artists in Jokhang Temple
dating from Seventh century. After all, these are the very cultural elements which bind together
two neighboring countries. Since Jokhang temple architecture is the blend of Nepalese ,
indegenous Tibetan and Tang dynastic artistic culture, it can serve foundation for mutual
relationship between these countries.

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