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By Susan D. Russell, Lina Davide-Ong,

April Gonzalez, Rey Ty, Nagasura T. Madale
and Noemi A. Medina
2008 PYLP Training Manual with Cover
2008 PYLP Training Manual with Cover
2008 PYLP Training Manual with Cover
2008 PYLP Training Manual with Cover
2008 PYLP Training Manual with Cover
2008 PYLP Training Manual with Cover
2008 PYLP Training Manual with Cover
2008 PYLP Training Manual with Cover
2008 PYLP Training Manual with Cover
2008 PYLP Training Manual with Cover
2008 PYLP Training Manual with Cover
2008 PYLP Training Manual with Cover
2008 PYLP Training Manual with Cover
2008 PYLP Training Manual with Cover
2008 PYLP Training Manual with Cover
Mindanao: A Perspective on Youth,

Inter-Ethnic Dialogue and Conflict Resolution

In the Southern Philippines


Susan D. Russell, Lina Davide-Ong, April Rica Gonzalez, Rey Ty,

Nagasura T. Madale, and Noemi A. Medina
Copyright © 2004, Center for Southeast Asian Studies and International Training Office, Northern
Illinois University.

DeKalb, Illinois, U.S.A.

ACCESS Philippines is a project designed and funded by the Office of Citizen Exchanges, Youth
Exchange Division, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State.


The material in this book reflects an interdisciplinary, international approach to mutual learning and
cooperation to help contribute to a new vision of peace, tolerance, and respect for diversity in the
southern Philippines. We thank the many people associated with Northern Illinois University,
DeKalb, Illinois; Capitol University, Cagayan de Oro, Mindanao, the Philippines; the International
Visitors Program-Philippines Alumni Foundation, Inc.; the Public Affairs Office of the U.S.
Embassy, Manila; the Youth Exchange Division of the Office of Citizen Exchanges, Bureau of
Educational Affairs, U.S. Department of State; various participants from the Inter-Faith Youth Core
of Chicago and the Peace Learning Center of Indianapolis; the Islamic and DeKalb/Sycamore High
Schools; and especially the 2004 ACCESS Philippines participants. The views presented in this book
are solely those of the authors.


This project is dedicated to the youth of Mindanao, Basilan, Tawi-Tawi and the Sulu Archipelago. It
is also dedicated to the peace efforts of all groups that are ongoing in Mindanao and to a brighter
future for the ethnically and religiously diverse (Moro, Lumad and Christian) peoples of the southern

Kalinaw sa Mindanao (Peace in Mindanao).

Table of Contents

I. The History of Conflict and Formal Peace Negotiations in the Southern

Philippines 6

II. The Tri-partite Ethno-linguistic Context and Root Causes of the Conflict 11

III. The Importance of Engaging Youth in Peace-building Efforts 14

IV. The ACCESS Philippines Project “Bridging the Gap: Engaging a New 16
Generation in the Southern Philippines in Inter-Ethnic Dialogue and Conflict

V. The Current Status of Peace Efforts in Mindanao 47

Appendix A: Excerpts from Essays written by ACCESS Participants 51

Appendix B: Selected Speeches 73

Appendix C: Pledge of Commitment 77

Appendix D: Partner Institutions 78

Chapter One. The History of Conflict and Formal Peace Negotiations in the Southern

The Philippines, a country of over 7,000 islands, has a long and distinguished history of
statecraft in the southern part of the archipelago. In the late 18th and 19th centuries, strong states
emerged in the Sulu Archipelago (centered on the island of Jolo) and in Maguindanao (centered in
present-day Cotabato in the Pulangi River Basin in Mindanao). Islamic religion and principles of
governance had entered the region much earlier, however, and date to the 13th century. These states
became fully-established sultanates over the course of the next several centuries, encompassing
numerous ethno-linguistic groups within their trading and alliance nexus, which extended into
present-day Malaysia and Indonesia. Islamic ideals and indigenous statecraft also penetrated well
into the interior of Mindanao during this period, and had a major effect on the development of another
Muslim federated state near Lake Lanao. The Maranao traditional political system is known as the
pat a pengampong ko ranao, or the four federated estates—a multicentric power system (Madale
2003:41). Muslim influence from these regions, as well as from Brunei and Borneo, extended
Islamization northward by the 16th century throughout the Visayan region and as far north as Manila.
A unique combination of trading, raiding, and slaving fueled the international and multi-ethnic
economies of the southern Philippine sultanates and transformed them into powerful polities.

In the sixteenth century, Spain’s desire to acquire a stake in the lucrative spice trade of
eastern Indonesia and to establish their presence in Southeast Asia propelled them to establish a
colonial state in the Philippines. The Hispanic conquest of the Philippines occurred relatively rapidly
in most areas of the country, although effective colonial rule was never achieved in the southern
Philippines nor in the Cordillera region of northern Luzon. Spanish colonialism was based not just on
establishing effective colonial governance of the Philippines, but as in Latin America, was predicated
on converting subjugated populations to Roman Catholicism. The Islamic sultanates in the southern
Philippines were powerful entities that were capable of fiercely resisting Spanish military forces, and
so Mindanao and Sulu remained outside the colonial realm throughout the 300 or so years of

In 1898 at the end of the Spanish-American war, the Philippines was ceded by Spain to the
United States under the Treaty of Paris. Although they were never part of Spain’s colony in the
Philippines, Mindanao and Sulu were included in the treaty. Muslim Filipinos in the south strongly
protested this action on the grounds that they were independent states, and U.S. military forces then
became heavily engaged in battles to defeat armed resistance. By 1913, in the Battle of Bud Bagsak,
the United States eventually succeeded in bringing Mindanao and Sulu into the new American colony
of the Philippines. What followed were a variety of policies designed to integrate Muslim Filipinos
into the larger mainstream Christian Filipino society. Despite the success of many of these efforts,
armed resistance by various Muslim Filipino groups continued to break out periodically throughout
American colonial rule and continued after the Philippines became an independent nation.

In the late 1960s, the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) was formed by Nur Misuari
and armed rebellion again broke out in Mindanao. The causes of this rebellion are many, but have
much to do with desires to re-acquire the status of a separate, independent state, or Bangsa Moro,
wherein Muslim Filipinos would have greater access to and control over social services so that they
could actually benefit from economic development in Mindanao. They also wanted to be able to
protect their ancestral lands from being taken over by Christian Filipino or other multi-national
corporations and settlers, and establish an Islamic way of life.

The inequities and social injustice that Moro Filipinos experienced and that finally
culminated in outright rebellion had much to do with transmigration policies pursued both by the
American and later national Philippine government. At the turn of the 20th century, Mindanao was
still viewed by power-holders in Manila as “the last frontier”—a large and rich island whose physical
and natural resources had yet to be exploited. The U.S. colonial government, hoping both to integrate
local populations of Mindanao and Sulu into the larger society and to exploit these resources, initiated
a homesteading policy designed to attract settlers from overcrowded regions of the central and
northern Philippines to settle in what they saw as the under-populated southern Philippines.
American and later Filipino policymakers felt that closer intermingling would spread the national
culture values into this region and reduce the likelihood of continued armed resistance in the future.
Much of the American interest in encouraging transmigration also had to do with the need to deal
with increasing unrest among tenants and sharecroppers in central Luzon, where poverty, inequity,
and a lack of American political ability to enforce a meaningful land reform was providing a fertile
ground for communist insurgency. While the amount of emigration from the north to Mindanao
remained relatively small throughout the American colonial period, it intensified in the decades after
the end of World War II.

By the early 1970s, the immigration of Christian Filipinos to Mindanao had created a social
landscape wherein Moro Filipinos and indigenous tribal Filipinos (Lumad) had become minorities in
their own homeland1. Violent encounters between both Moros and Christians, as well as between
Christians and Lumads, had become common in Mindanao over rights to ancestral land, as well as the
loss of political authority by local datu and their followers. Both Moros and Lumads felt that not
only were their access to ancestral lands and other productive resources being lost, but that their
cultural identities were being overwhelmed. It was during this period that the national government’s
view of the ethno-linguistically diverse Muslim (Moro) Filipinos as “religious” minorities and the
equally diverse non-Muslim, non-Christian (Lumad) Filipinos as “cultural minorities” sharpened.

Unfortunately, the initial governmental response in Manila to the rebellion of the Moro
National Liberation Front was a military one, and fighting raged in Mindanao. The declaration of
martial law in 1972 by former President Ferdinand Marcos also led to intensified military
confrontations in the region. A number of efforts to quell the conflict were attempted, including the
creation of a Southern Philippines Development Authority and interventions by the Organization of
Islamic Conference and other international parties. These had little effect, however, until President
Gaddafi of Libya intervened.

In 1976, the Tripoli Agreement was signed in Libya between the Philippine government and
the MNLF. It provided for political autonomy for the thirteen provinces of Mindanao, Sulu and
southern Palawan, which Moro Filipinos saw as their traditional homeland or sphere of influence. It
also gave amnesty to the rebels. However, when then-President Marcos insisted on a plebiscite vote
in the affected provinces to determine if local populations supported autonomy, the MNLF and its
followers boycotted the vote. Only four provinces voted for autonomy, and so separate autonomous
regions were established in Regions IX and XII. These autonomous governments were weak, and
lacked political power and funding (May 2002:3).

The failure to gain real or meaningful autonomy also led to divisions within the MNLF,
where disagreements between leaders of different ethno-linguistic and political factions existed. In
1977, Hashim Salamat, with a group of primarily Maguindanao-Iranun followers, established the
Moro Islamic Liberation Front. Nur Misuari, who was Tausug-Samal, remained the leader of the

Lumad is a recent term used to refer collectively to the non-Muslim/non-Christian groups, sometimes called
“cultural communities”, throughout Mindanao, Basilan, Tawi-tawi and Sulu.

government-recognized MNLF. A second, mostly Maranao faction, the MNLF-Reformist Group,
similarly revolted against the leadership of Nur Misuari.

In 1986, when Corazon Aquino became President of the Philippines, a new constitution was
written that established provisions for a new Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (as well as a
Cordillera Autonomous Region in northern Luzon, where communist insurgents were battling
government forces). The MNLF did not participate in the design of the Autonomous Region of
Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), and the subsequent plebiscite again received popular support for joining
the ARMM from only four of the thirteen provinces and none of the cities (May 2002:3). The
conflict continued, and the ARMM remained weak in terms of political power and funding.

In 1992, President Fidel Ramos renewed negotiations with Nur Misuari and the MNLF, aided
by Libya as well as the Organization of Islamic Conference. In 1996, an agreement was reached
among all parties that established a Special Zone of Peace and Development (SZOPAD) and a
Southern Philippines Council for Peace and Development (SPCPD). The SZOPAD would be
comprised of the 14 provinces (one was added) and 9 cities recognized in the Tripoli Agreement and
would be the focus of peace and development efforts. The SPCD was the legal body that consisted of
a chairman, vice chairman, and three deputies, each of whom would represent the Christian, Moro,
and “Cultural Communities” (Lumad). It was to be assisted by a Darul Iftah (religious advisory
council) appointed by the chairman. The agreement also provided for a Consultative Assembly of 81
members, comprising the chair of the SPCD as head, the governor and vice governor of the ARMM,
the 14 provincial governors and 9 city mayors of the SZOPAD, 44 members of the MNLF, and 11
representatives nominated by non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) and people’s organizations.
The Consultative Assembly’s functions were to serve as a forum to hear problems and defuse
conflict, to conduct public hearings and advise the SPCPD, and to recommend policies to the
President (May 2002:5; also see Rodil 2000).

This 1996 Peace Agreement provided for the employment of MNLF rebels (the Bangsa Moro
Army) with the Philippine National Police, the Armed Forces of the Philippines, and related special
forces. For those who would not be absorbed this way, provisions were made for socio-economic
development, cultural and educational assistance. It also provided for a new ARMM executive
council, legislative assembly and administrative system that would have legislative power over
agreed-upon areas of autonomy—such as Shariah law, and representation in the national government,
including the Cabinet and National Security Council. Special provisions were included for the
Muslim sectarian schools (madaris), such as the recognition of Arabic language instruction and
Islamic values as part of their core curriculum. Nur Misuari later was appointed chairman of the
SPCPD and subsequently was elected governor of the ARMM. A plebiscite again was scheduled by
terms of the agreement for 1998. This plebiscite was not enacted until 2001. Only five provinces and
one city voted in favor of joining the newly-defined ARMM. Nur Misuari was not re-elected
governor, and he then proceeded to launch an armed attack on the national army. He later was
arrested and turned over to the Philippine government by the Malaysian government, as he had tried
to escape to the Malaysian province of Sabah on the island of Borneo to avoid arrest. He is currently
in jail, awaiting a trial on charges of rebellion (May 2003:8).

The hope that this agreement engendered did not last. Christian leaders in Mindanao objected
to autonomy and other features of the agreement. As a result, the final version of the executive order
severely limited the ability of the SPCPD to recommend policy or actually control any aspect of
government, and eliminated the 44 MNLF members in the Consultative Assembly. Peace remained
elusive, as the MILF began to gather further strength amid suspicion that the national government
was not really committed to peace or autonomy. The fact that very few real social or economic
benefits ever accrued to average Moro (or Lumad) peoples and the reality of a host of failed promises
led many Moro Filipinos to give up hopes for a brighter future through negotiation with the national

government. While the United Nations Multi-Donor Assistance Programme helped establish many
Peace and Development Communities that includes Lumad and non-Muslim residents and which are
led by former MNLF leaders, the conflict continued.

In 2000, the more militant Moro Islamic Liberation Forces’ attacks on non-Muslim
communities in North Cotabato and Maguindanao led President Joseph Estrada to renew Philippine
military assaults and war against them. Hundreds of thousands of displaced people and thousands of
deaths resulted. It is not known how many people died. In 1996, the Armed Forces of the Philippines
said that over a period of 26 years since 1970, more than 100,000 persons had been killed in the
conflict in Mindanao. Of these, 30 percent were government casualties, 50 percent were rebels, and
20 percent were civilians. It was estimated that 55,000 civilians and soldiers had been injured, while
nobody knows how many rebels were injured. During that 26 year period, the Armed Forces spent 73
billion pesos on the war, or an average of 40 per cent of its annual budget. Dr. Rudy Rodil, a member
of the government negotiating panel with the MNLF and author of the book, Kalinaw Mindanaw: the
Story of the GRP-MNLF Peace Process, 1975-1996, has noted that the cost of negotiating peace with
the MNLF between 1992-96 was less than 60 million pesos. In 2001, after the Estrada
administration’s renewed war against the MILF, the government said at least six billion pesos had
been spent on the war in the year 2000—a billion pesos higher than what the government spends on
building schools in the country. An additional 16 million pesos was spent on relief assistance to
displaced persons and evacuees.

In 2002, Paul Dominguez, the Presidential Assistant for Regional Development, quoted
preliminary findings from a World Bank Study that indicated that the economic cost alone, not
including the social costs, of a never-ending conflict in Mindanao would be at least 2 billion U.S.
dollars over the next ten years.2 That figure breaks down into 108 billion pesos for 10 years or 10.8
billion pesos a year. The figures were calculated by international economists who had other models
such as Nicaragua to follow, and who likened the conflict in Mindanao to that of a never-ending war
with periodic flare-ups. Southwestern Mindanao in particular, but also the ARMM as a whole, also
was pointed out as having dropped to the bottom of the country in social services, including
education, infrastructure, and income of the population.3

To make matters worse, after the year 2000 war, the national budget of the Philippines rose
from 725 billion pesos in 2001 to 780.79 billion pesos in 2002, and 804.2 billion pesos in 2003. Yet
Mindanao’s share of this national budget declined from 13.9 per cent of the national budget in 2001
to 11.9 percent in 2002. In 2003, Mindanao’s share was only 10.55% of the national budget. Hence,
while the economic cost of the war in Mindanao is very high, and the loss of life and social
dislocation huge, the southern Philippine region as a whole paid an additional price in foregone
benefits from the national government’s fiscal allocation.

In part, perhaps, as a result of these findings, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo embarked

on a renewed effort to negotiate peace with the MILF. As of this time, October 2004, a Malaysian-
led peace monitoring team has arrived in Mindanao and is expected to stay for up to a year. Formal
peace negotiations between the Philippine government and the MILF, brokered by Malaysia and
involving representatives of the Organization of Islamic Conference, are expected to resume again in
Malaysia in November after the end of the holy Islamic fasting month of Ramadan. The goal is to
discuss a comprehensive solution that involves many different areas of concern to the Moro Filipino
population, including self-governance, socio-economic development, Islamic shari’ah and education,

See, October 5, 2004.
See, October 5, 2004.

a multi-cultural curriculum and recognition of ancestral lands in the ARMM (Basilan, Lanao del Sur,
Maguindanao, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, and Marawi City). The leader of the MILF, Ebrahim Murad, has
stated publicly that the 12,000 members of his group are united and committed to negotiating with the
Philippine national government over a pre-agreed upon set of issues for resolving the conflict.

Chapter Two. The Tri-partite Ethno-linguistic Context and Root Causes of the Conflict

Underlying the basis of the conflict in Mindanao are struggles among the Moro and
indigenous non-Muslim peoples for greater socio-economic development, equal recognition and
support for their cultural and religious identities, and social justice. Dr. Rudy Rodil speaks for the
contemporary view of the political and ethnic issues in Mindanao by calling attention to the fact that
this region is composed of the “tri-people”, e.g., Moro, Lumad, and Christian settlers.

Muslims, or as they call themselves the Moro or Bangasamoro (“Moro nation”), are made up
of 13 ethno-linguistic groups, including the Iranun, Jama Mapun, Palawani, Molbog, Kalagan,
Kalibugan, Maguindanao, Maranao, Sama, Sangil, Tausug, Badjao, and Yakan.4 Today, Rodil
estimates they comprise about 20 percent of the total Mindanao and Sulu population.

The Lumad, a generic term for the non-Muslim and non-Christian tribal groups, or “cultural
communities” in Mindanao, are also very diverse. They consist of the various ethno-linguistic groups
that are not Muslim, e.g., the Ata, Bagobo, Mamanua, Mandaya, Kamayo, Mangguwangan, Manobo,
Mansaka, Matigsalog, Subanun, Tagakaolo, Tala-andig, T’boli, Tiruray and Ubo. Many of these
groups are Christianized or partly Christianized, and some are partly Islamicized. Moreover, there is
some overlap, such as the highland Christianized Maranao. These ethnic groups make up
approximately five percent of the total Mindanao population, according to the 1990 census.

Christians also comprise an indigenous group in Mindanao, however, as almost 200,000

Visayan-speaking peoples of northern and eastern Mindanao were converted to Christianity during
the Spanish colonial period. These include some peoples of Butuan, Davao, Camiguin island,
Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental, Iligan, Ozamiz, Dapitan, Dipolog, and the Chavacano of
Zamboanga City, among others. These people have now integrated into the larger Christian
population of Mindanao, but dialect differences, especially among Chavacanos, remain apparent. The
Chavacanos were originally natives of Ternate in the Moluccan islands of eastern Indonesia, and were
Christian. They were brought to Zamboanga and Manila in the mid-1800s (or earlier) to serve as

The settlers, as most Christian inhabitants of Mindanao today are or are descended from,
comprise 70 percent of the Christian Filipino population in Mindanao. Owing to the inability to
distinguish those who have emigrated and those who have a longer history of residence in Mindanao,
the 70 percent figure simply lumps them all together.

During American colonial rule, the Moro and Lumad Filipinos were categorized and
administered separately as the Moro and Wild Tribes, as opposed to members of the “civilized”
Christian majority. In 1957, the Philippine government formally declared that non-Christian Filipinos
would be called the National Cultural Minorities. Later, as Dr. Rodil notes, the Constitutions of 1973
and 1987 re-labeled them respectively as “Cultural Communities” and then “Indigenous Cultural
Communities”. The fact that all of these people are indigenous remains the enduring enigma of this
kind of ethno-linguistic categorization.

See “Re-establishing Order in the Community and its Connection with Biodiversity Conservation”, by Rudy
B. Rodil. Paper presented at the Seminar Workshop on Conflict Transformation and Biodiversity Conservation,
Cagayan de Oro City, July 11-13, 2003. Dr. Rodil has argued that the Muslim/Moro groups in Mindanao total
11, but he excludes several groups, such as the boat-dwelling sea nomads, the Badjao, which we have added
here. (

Dr. Moctar Matuan, Executive Director, Institute for Peace and Development in Mindanao,
Mindanao State University, Marawi City, summarized in August, 2004, the history of peace efforts in
Muslim Mindanao.5 He noted that in 1975 only the Dansalan Research Center was trying to address
the negative images that Moro and Christian Filipinos in Mindanao had of each other through
dialogue. At this point, violent conflict had already broken out in Mindanao. In the 1980s, a few
other groups had joined, notably the Southern Philippine Center for Peace Studies at Mindanao State
University in Marawi and the Peace Center at Notre Dame University. The issues they addressed
focused on equality of rights, the need to maintain peace, and economic growth and development. In
his view, President Fidel Ramos was the first president interested to pursue peace in Mindanao.

In discussing the range of issues that constitute the “Mindanao problem”, Dr. Matuan
mentioned the following:
--poverty, inequality, and environmental destruction
--political corruption
--negative images held by Christians, Moro, and Lumad peoples of each other
--failure of the national government to integrate Moro peoples into a national Filipino identity
--the economic exploitation of Mindanao’s resources and the migration of Filipinos from the
north that led to a loss of ancestral lands
--the Moro struggle for self-rule.

As he noted, all of these factors led to the reality today that many Moro and Lumad Filipinos
are economically marginalized; politically marginalized; lack national recognition and respect for
their unique cultural and religious identities; and feel a sense of insecurity, hopelessness, and
resentment toward the national government. Rather than having the opportunity to express their
grievances and receive assistance from the government, Moro and Lumad Filipinos experience
massive poverty, social injustice, and are exploited by corrupt leaders and military commanders alike.
The national Philippine government, from their viewpoint, is indifferent to their plight and so they do
not experience feelings of belongingness or allegiance to the Philippine state.

The loss of ancestral land to in-migrant populations and the fairly rapid move from
independent Islamic sultanates and local chieftainships to marginalized cultural and religious
minorities remain at the heart of the Mindanao conflict. The total Islamized population of Mindanao
was estimated at 39.29 percent in 1903; but only 20.17 percent in 1975. The total Lumad population
was 22.11 percent in 1903; and only 6.86 percent in 1975.6

The exploitation of Mindanao’s rich environment was easily captured first by American
interests, later by more modernized, business-inclined capitalist Christian Filipinos, and also by
multi-national corporations. Logging concessions, pasture land conversion, land titling through
complex legal channels that Moro and Lumad Filipinos scarcely comprehended, and now mining
concessions have led to an enormous loss of their homeland and resources upon which to develop
their communities. Multinational companies opened up plantations and went into partnerships with
Christian Filipinos to develop Mindanao’s resources, with little regard for the livelihood problems of
the Moro and Lumad peoples and the growing resentment among many local inhabitants.

In this brief history, the unique tri-partite character of the conflict came into being. It is not
simply a Christian and Muslim conflict, nor strictly an indigenous Mindanao resident versus in-
migrating settler conflict. The politicization of the indigenous peoples into three separate

Lecture delivered at the Follow-on Activities for the ACCESS Philippines project in Cagayan de Oro, August,
Rodil, op cit, p.7.

categorizations (Moro, Christian, and Lumad) has followed from relatively recent events in the 20th
century. Prior to that period, these groups interacted, allied, traded, married, sometimes preyed upon
each other as slaves, but were not crystallized into three opposing (yet diverse) groups. It is the
process of marginalization, not only in the sense of being overwhelmed by the sheer number of
Christian settlers, but by the loss of homeland and the fear of further erosion of their cultural and
religious identities, that underlie the conflict.

In a recent article, Archbishop Orlando B. Quevedo notes that the Philippine government’s
analysis of the insurgency in Mindanao identifies four main roots of the conflict:7

1. Poverty, including low productivity, criminality, marginalization, and environmental


2. Ignorance, including poor schools and education;

3. Disease, including malnutrition and poor access to health services;

4. Injustice, including violation of human rights, land conflicts, and graft and corruption.

What is surprising about this review of the roots of the conflict is that there is no mention of a lack of
national concern to enhance and preserve the cultural, ethnic and religious identities of the diverse
Moro and non-Muslim, non-Christian Lumad Filipinos in Mindanao. Yet it is only through the
establishment of awareness and respect for ethnic and religious diversity among all peoples in the
Philippines that a climate of tolerance and social justice is likely to come about in the south. The
ACCESS Philippines project is designed to contribute toward that goal, especially by bringing youth
of different ethnic and religious backgrounds in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao and
surrounding areas together to work for peace and to forge a bridge to a new future.

Quevedo, Orlando B., “Injustice: the Root of Conflict in Mindanao”, July 8, 2004. (See

Chapter Three. The Importance of Engaging Youth in Peace-Building Efforts

Standing at the threshold of the new millennium, today’s generation of young people in many
countries are faced with numerous challenges. Men and women between the ages of 15-24 years are
profoundly affected by the political, social, cultural and economic conditions of the societies in which
they live. Many youth go through the life-changing period of adolescence confronted with issues of
poverty, discrimination and armed conflicts, among other societal ills. While experiences may vary,
one thing is quite certain -- these young men and women are feeling the pressures of globalization,
technology advancement and the insecurity of world peace.

Many young people live in areas where their physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being
is constantly being threatened by the vicious cycle of violence. Recurring insurgencies leave a
devastating impact on the youth. Armed conflict and other forms of instability infringe upon young
people’s right to lead normal, happy and productive lives. Deep-seated animosities and intractable
conflicts passed on from generation to generation rob young people of their youth. The absence of
peace breeds an environment that stifles their imagination, saps out their energy and encourages
feelings of apathy and indifference. In some of the worst cases, such as Mindanao, periodic exposure
to conflict has transformed youthful idealism into destructive actions and violent expressions of

Reaching out to youth, who are the most vulnerable members of society, is becoming a
priority in peace-building and peace-keeping efforts in many nations. A paradigm shift is occurring
that places an emphasis on the active recruitment and visible integration of youth into efforts to
promote and preserve peace. Leaders, scholars, activists and peace-loving advocates alike are
painstakingly seeking the participation of the youth. Getting young people involved works both to
protect and empower them. Their role in peace-building efforts is critical for the following reasons:

1) Intellectual Contribution
Young people have much to say about the things affecting them. Education provides them
the intellectual and socializing ground to learn the values, attitudes and modes of behaviors
crucial for creating a culture of peace. Through education, young people learn about the
concepts of justice, tolerance, diversity, democracy, human rights, freedom, respect and
mutual understanding, which are the key notions and principles that underlie peace. Their
educational experiences enable them to construct meaning from their interactions with others
and to critically engage each other with different perspectives of the world.

Even at an early age, young people develop social consciousness and awareness of the
societies to which they belong. They are perceptive and critical. In the safe and conducive
learning environment that education provides, youth can organize themselves to debate
societal issues, raise pressing concerns, examine underlying biases and assumptions as well
as question the status quo in the spirit of academic thinking and personal enrichment. They
develop their faculties and abilities as well as acquire skills that empower them to take the
initiative. Thus, by pursuing meaningful engagement of the youth, it is possible to encourage
a great deal of intellectual contribution for peace development.

2) Mobilization of Mass Support

Today’s youth constitute a formidable force. According to United Nations estimates, young
people comprise a total of almost 1.1 billion. They account for 18 percent of the world’s
population and their numbers will continue to increase well into the 21st century. Their
glaring number magnifies the importance of their role in peace-building efforts. Involving
the youth also has a multiplier effect, spreading the impact of peace-related activities outward

to the greatest possible number of people. Young people can easily mobilize support by
working in groups, teams, clubs, committees and by collaborating with NGOs, government
officials, civil servants, community leaders and local residents. Their youthful enthusiasm
can inspire wider participation, foster unity and promote a sense of belongingness that are
instrumental in successfully mobilizing mass support for peace.

3) Unique Perspective
Youth normally seek to understand and make sense of the social phenomena they observe
around them. With their new ideas and unbridled curiosity, they offer a unique perspective
on promoting peace. They must be given a voice in order for them to be effective in sharing
ideas, articulating opinions and making constructive inputs. Young people can offer multiple
points of views, present alternatives and provide innovative approaches in dealing with
community challenges and peace-related initiatives. For them to embrace the goals of peace
and work towards achieving it, they have to feel involved, counted and appreciated. Their
engagement is so valuable that it is important to see them as legitimate actors in peace-
building efforts. They have to be part of not just the implementation aspect but also the
decision-making processes. When young people feel they have a stake in the process, they are
more than willing to capitalize on their unique strengths.

4) Leadership and Creativity

Time and time again, youth have demonstrated that they can capably assume positions of
leadership effectively. They have been mobilizing resources, spearheading campaigns and
casting a wide net of support for advancing the cause of peace and the call for social and
economic justice. Given the opportunities and the support they need, young people will
eagerly and actively take leadership roles in school activities, community-based action plans
and other grassroots initiatives for establishing peaceful and just societies. Through their
impassioned engagement and first-hand experiences, they put skills learned into practice,
build competencies, gain confidence and build positive images of themselves. Harnessing
their leadership potential and creative capabilities allow them to take control of their actions
as well as make them proud of their contribution and of themselves.

The importance of engaging youth can never be over-emphasized. While significant strides in
peace-building efforts are encouraging, young people can make them self-sustaining. They must be
groomed for peace-building roles so they too will start believing that peace is possible in this world.
They must be assured that they are supported and appreciated as they courageously embark on the
long journey towards peace.

There is no reason to neglect the youth, especially in the quest for peace. Young people hold
so much promise and so much potential. As Philippine national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, once said, “the
youth are the hope of the Motherland”.

Chapter Four. The ACCESS Philippines Project “Bridging the Gap:
Engaging a New Generation in the Southern Philippines in Inter-Ethnic Dialogue
and Conflict Resolution”

Major Goals of the Program

In April 2004, the Center for Southeast Asian Studies and the International Training Office at
Northern Illinois University (NIU) in DeKalb, Illinois hosted a four-week Institute entitled “Bridging
the Gap: Engaging a New Generation in the Southern Philippines in Interethnic Dialogue and Conflict

In an unprecedented event, thirty-three Muslim and non-Muslim Filipino students and adult
leaders from the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) and surrounding provinces in
Mindanao arrived at Northern Illinois University through an ACCESS (Access to Community and
Civic Enrichment for Students) Philippines project designed and funded by the Bureau of Educational
and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State.

The major goals of the NIU Institute program were to 1) advance a dialogue and promote
greater mutual understanding between Muslim and non-Muslim youth from the ARMM and
surrounding provinces; 2) create a cadre of leaders that would work toward an enduring peaceful
coexistence among all groups within the ARMM when they return home; and 3) promote a better
understanding of the United States--its people, culture, values, and civic institutions.

The NIU Institute focused on four teaching emphases: 1) volunteerism and civil society,
emphasizing particularly the institutions and organizations that mediate between the national
government and individuals; 2) contemporary American institutions in state and civil society that
support ethnic diversity, affirmative action, and religious pluralism; 3) the underlying premises and
practices of conflict resolution; and 4) the historical and moral dimensions of similarity and
difference that underlie majority/minority ethnic and political ties in Southeast Asia.

Recruitment and Selection Process

A total of 98 applicants applied for the open, merit-based ACCESS-Philippines program. Out
of the 98 students, the Recruitment and Screening Committee, co-chaired by Dr. Susan Russell of
NIU and Dr. Nagasura Madale of Capitol University, invited 10 males and 16 females to the U.S.
based training program. Other members of the Committee included Attorney Marilen Ramiro, Dr.
Teresita Hernandez, and Dr. Nita Bala of the International Visitors Program-Philippines Alumni
Foundation, Inc. Dr. Thomas Kral, Cultural Affairs Officer of the U.S. Embassy in Manila, also was
a member of the Committee. Dr. Noemi Medina of Capitol University was the Administrative
Officer and participated in all phases of the interviews and ranking.

Youth participants, between the ages 15-17, were selected on the bases of demonstrated
leadership skills, demonstrated interest in community service, strong academic and social skills, and a
strong commitment to peace and unity. The criteria for selecting youth participants also included the
ability to speak good English and having had no previous significant travel to the U.S. on a U.S.
government sponsored program.

Five adult leaders (a local priest, three teachers and a social worker) were also selected to
participate in the training program. The criteria for selecting the adult leaders include demonstrated
leadership experiences, involvement in conflict management workshops and training, and familiarity
with the inter-ethnic context of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao.

The open, merit-based recruitment and selection process of the program was conducted by
NIU through its partnership with Capitol University in Cagayan de Oro and the International Visitors
Program-Philippines Alumni Foundation, Inc., and in consultation with the Public Affairs Office of
the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines.

Pre-departure Orientation
A pre-departure orientation was held for the ACCESS Philippines group in March 2004 at the
U.S. Embassy in Manila and at Philippine Normal University with the help of staff associated with
the Public Affairs Office of the U.S. Embassy, Capitol University and the International Visitors
Program-Philippines Alumnae Foundation. The staff at Northern Illinois University had earlier put
together a booklet on Pre-departure Orientation for this project which covered such things as what
documents to bring to the U.S., money matters, housing, meals, and practical advice on cross-cultural

NIU Institute “Bridging the Gap: Engaging a New Generation in Southern Philippines in Inter-
ethnic Dialogue and Conflict Resolution”
(April 1 – 30, 2004)

The NIU program provided the participants a coherent and carefully structured agenda that
focused primarily on teaching diverse approaches for conflict resolution and ways of working
collaboratively across ethnic and religious lines. During the month-long Institute, participants were
engaged in activities consisting of workshops, seminars, field visits, cultural tours, volunteer work,
meetings and dialogues with American peers, community leaders, government officials and other key
individuals representing religiously and culturally diverse America.

On the first morning after their arrival, the ACCESS participants were treated to a welcome
breakfast and introduced to the staff at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies and the International
Training Office. The Inaugural Ceremony formally commenced with a welcome speech given by Dr.
Susan Russell, the Director of the ACCESS Philippines program. She spoke about her interest and
research work in the Philippines, a country she described as beautiful and rich in cultural and
religious diversity. She briefly discussed how the program was conceived, and presented an overview
of the month-long Institute and its goals.

Dr. Lina Davide-Ong, co-director of the program, discussed the major components and
logistics of the program. She gave helpful advice on how to make the NIU experience more
meaningful and enjoyable. The participants, who were feeling both excited and anxious about their
one-month stay in the United States, greatly appreciated the discussion.

The students were also given a cross-cultural orientation, which consisted of two phases. The
first phase was a segment on “Concerns of Newcomers in America”. This session dealt with some
practical information that the students needed to be familiar with, including such basic issues as using
U.S. currency, using the telephone, time zone changes, overcoming jetlag and maintaining personal
safety, among others. The second phase of the orientation was on “Adjusting to a New
Environment”, which covered broad topics on acculturation and enculturation processes as well as
stages of culture shock. The attention-grabbing segment on understanding American culture and
American people enlightened the students about the ways of daily life in the United States.

The orientation also included sight-seeing tours of the NIU campus and the DeKalb area. The
participants visited the DeKalb mosque to meet other Islamic students and members of the Muslim
community. They were also invited to the Intercultural Café at the Newman Catholic Center, where a
reception was prepared by the Friends of International Students, an active NIU community support

A formal Welcome Luncheon hosted by NIU was held a few days later, and included warm
welcoming remarks by the Executive Vice-President and Provost, the Honorable Philippine Consul-
General of Chicago, the Executive Director of the International Programs Division, and the ACCESS
Project Director. The youth and adult participants of the ACCESS Program performed ethnic dances
that showcased the rich diversity of cultures across Mindanao, Basilan and Sulu.

The following section presents an overview of the content and some student reactions to the
various components of the NIU Institute.

Training Sessions, Lectures and Discussions

Managing the Learning Process

The objective of this session was to impress upon the students the responsibility they shared
with the program coordinators in managing their learning expectations. In this session,
individual learning styles of the participants were explored and major learning theories were
examined. The session also included a segment on constructing and developing learning
mission statements.

As a result of this activity, students came up with the following mission statements that
guided their participation in the month-long training Institute:

“Our mission is to welcome new ideas of solving conflict and promoting peace, then
examine and accept the best ones that suit the present situation in Mindanao and the
Philippines as a whole”.

“As Young Ambassadors for PEACE, our mission is to initiate the fulfillment of Mindanao’s
promise of Peace and Reconciliation”.

“We are here to broaden our knowledge on conflict resolution to promote change in our
country, the Philippines”.

“We are here to participate. We are here to learn. We are hoping that there will be greater
chances for a better world and we will be part of it”.

“We aim to be active participants in every activity so that we would have individual learning
on conflict resolution and peace-building through observation of different cultures to promote
world PEACE.

Conflict in Mindanao: A Historical Perspective

This session presented a historical perspective for understanding the conflict in Mindanao by
underscoring the idea that in writing history, humans often bring their biases. One group of
people is portrayed in a positive light while another group slips into oblivion. The conflict in
Mindanao, although caused by several confounding factors, was characterized as a historical
by-product of ethnocentrism.

The concept of ethnocentrism---thinking one’s own culture to be superior to that of other

cultures--- stimulated students to think and relate the societal implications of ethnocentrism to
experiences of marginalization and discrimination they have encountered and heard about in
their communities. Speaking specifically on the issue, a youth participant noted that “history
books must be written to erase the distorted image of Muslims”. What should be written are
things which could foster better relationships among the peoples of Mindanao, he added.

This introductory lecture on Mindanao conflict captivated students’ attention and inspired
them to embrace the challenge to tear down the invisible walls of prejudice and bridge the
gap among Christian, Muslims and Lumads in Mindanao.

Conflict Management and Communication

A training session on conflict resolution and communicating across religious and ethnic lines
helped students become familiar with some basic tools and terms used in the field of conflict
resolution. They were introduced to the five conflict management styles (accommodate,
compromise, avoid, compete and collaborate) and main approaches for resolving conflict.
They also learned several ways of fighting hate and discrimination. Through a personal
survey or profiles, students discovered the ways that they have previously dealt with conflict
in their lives and learned how to select the best style to effectively deal with conflict in their
future interactions.

This lecture was followed by a jigsaw puzzle with the objective of allowing the students to
discover the conflict management styles of each team member. The simple but effective
approach reinforced students’ understanding of the different conflict management styles.
They also recognized the importance of teamwork to achieve a common goal. Another
desirable outcome of the activity was that students realized that each one of them holds the
potential to resolve conflict constructively.

Tools for Promoting Equality and Celebrating Diversity

In another session on conflict resolution, the participants learned the importance of promoting
equality and celebrating diversity through watching the film entitled “The Shadow of Hate”.
Produced by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the film helped students understand the
historical roots of intolerance and hatred in America. It provided them with helpful ideas for
identifying different approaches for fighting hate and discrimination.

The documentary film poignantly roused the students’ consciousness of the dark side of
America’s racial past. They learned about the historical roots of racism, injustice and hatred
as they watched the tribulations endured by generation after generation of immigrants. It
enabled the students to draw comparisons between America’s experiences with racism,
intolerance and injustice and the Philippine’s struggles with its recurring problems. While the
film dramatically showed the ugly head of intolerance, it also filled students with hope:

“Like America, Mindanao is also a haven of different races. It is struggling with

unresolved problems. America overcame lots of mobs, wars and depressions yet it ended
up peaceful and successful. They succeeded because of collaborative efforts and the
willingness to change its past. We could still achieve our goal of peace. Like America,
the Philippines could also be a great country. Each one should act as an initiator of
peace----one who examines his biases, works to overcome them, works for tolerance and
speak out against injustice”.
-Rapporteur’s Report, April 6, 2004.

Distinctions between Morals, Religion and Social Conventions

This lecture explored the ways of resolving conflicts by focusing on the distinctions between
moral and religious issues and social conventions. A conceptual model called “Scenarios of
What Works” -- a plan of action that is workable, realistic and applicable for conflict
resolution, was presented as a strategy for resolving conflicts. Students were asked to think
about conflicts that revolve around moral issues and conflicts that are based on social

conventions. Identifying the nature of conflicts was a challenging learning experience for the
students, who are periodically exposed to the deep-seated religious animosities and ethnic
conflicts in Mindanao.

There was a session on forgiveness wherein participants learned several steps of forgiving in
relation to managing and resolving conflicts. Through role-playing, the students examined
some of the moral and ethnic issues that they encounter in their personal lives and devised
ways of applying their conflict management skills to these real-life experiences.

Perspectives on Indonesian Conflicts and Community Initiatives for Conflict Resolution

Two NIU graduate students from Indonesia gave a lecture on the multi-faceted conflicts that
are affecting the lives of Indonesians. They presented an overview of the country’s political
history, followed by a sharing of personal accounts of involvement in community initiatives
and grassroots campaigns for conflict resolution. Inter-religious and inter-ethnic dialogues
were emphasized as potent tools for abating conflicts.

Students showed renewed interest in participating in the discussion. Everyone was actively
involved in the learning process because the topic struck a familiar chord. Students felt at
ease with the lecturers whom they were able to identify/relate with because of the striking
commonalities of Indonesian and Philippine experiences with conflicts. The lectures
substantially broadened students’ knowledge on conflict and community initiatives. They
became inspired to do something about the conflict in Mindanao:

“It was a déjà vu for me. I see the Indonesian conflict within the Mindanao context. But
I am inspired by her words. The mere explanation of her programs gave us suggestions
on what we can do to solve the conflict in our respective places. Her contributions really
influence my ideas on how to process action plans. Now I have an idea on what to do.”
–Rapporteur’s Report, April 9, 2004.

A Place at the Table (Southern Poverty Law Center)

Another documentary film was shown to deepen students’ understanding of America’s

culturally pluralistic society. Narrated by young people, “A Place at the Table” tells the story
of America's struggle to ensure liberty and justice for everyone. After viewing the film,
students were asked to articulate their thoughts and reactions on the film and relate the core
issues to their experiences in their homeland. Through interactions with one another the
students were then asked to make a commitment to become more tolerant of others and to
become allies of one another.

Here are students’ thoughts on the impact of the film:

“If “A Place at the Table” is the core issue of diversity in this U.S., “Laying the Table”
is a fundamental concept that must be grounded on the Philippine soil. It isn’t just an
American tale. It is also our story. Our life. Our journey. The Filipino youth’s

“The film made me cry. It made me realize that I am imperfect. It made me realize
also that I can do something about my imperfections. I would like to bring my
DETERMINATION to the table. I would like to share this determination of making a
difference with everyone”.

“We have our own choice or preference. We cannot force a person to like another
person. It does not matter if you like the person or not. But always have that
RESPECT. We all have our bitter past. But right now, we should make the first move.
Understand others and acknowledge diversity. We have differences but we also share
underlying values to get us over our differences”.

Participatory Community Empowerment and Developing Action Plans

This lecture focused on the basic assumptions of community development and the
significance of people’s participation and collective action. It discussed the process of needs
assessment and the implementation of a bottom-up approach for community development and
empowerment. Students were also provided with a structural framework for designing their
actions plans.

“I learned that community development is a step-by-step process that needs not just the
blueprints of action plans but also the concern or awareness of the important roles that
people play in attaining specific goals. In designing our action plans, we should
consider the people as part of our plans. The more knowledge we have about our target
community, the greater the chances that we can implement our projects successfully.”
-Youth Participant, April 22, 2004

This session reminded the youth participants to reflect on the factors shaping the reality of
their environment and to lead initiatives that will empower the communities and mobilize
people to realize the goal of a peaceful coexistence among Christians, Muslims and Lumads
in Mindanao.

Interfaith Youth Core Leadership Model

To probe deeper into the topic of shared values on leadership, students were asked to consider
questions such as “What is faith?” and “What is leadership?” A constructivist teaching
approach was employed to allow the students to define their own understanding of the terms
faith and leadership to teach the essence of Interfaith Leadership.

While leaders have traditionally been valued for their communication and decision-making
skills, the session emphasized the need for interfaith leaders to develop a deep commitment to
listen intently to others, especially those from different faiths. Students learned that to be an
interfaith leader, one needs to listen to others without rejecting one’s own faith commitment.
Students were inspired to build “a community of communities” where everyone will be
empowered to “think big things and take small steps” for peace in Mindanao.

Integrating Faith, Diversity and Social Action

This session highlighted the importance of integrating faith, diversity and social action to
reinforce interfaith leadership. The Interfaith Youth Core Leadership Model was presented to
help students understand the essence of sharing values, beliefs and knowledge and welcoming
interactions among peoples from different faith traditions. The idea that conflict between
religious communities can be reduced by bringing young leaders together across geographic
and religious boundaries was stressed.

The speaker facilitated the discussion by building a good rapport with the students and
drawing out the leadership qualities of each one. Students learned that leadership is all about
relationships with people, but interfaith leadership is about communicating across ethnic and
religious lines.

Theory and Practice of Creating Partnership Among Faith Communities for Social

As “Architects of Peace,” participants were taught to embrace story-telling to enrich one’s

encounter with fellow human beings. In the journey towards creating a culture of peace, it is
important to reach out to other people and become humanized by learning the living
experiences of others. This session was theoretical, but contained practical aspects of how to
create partnerships among faith communities for social change. Dr. Martin Luther King’s
Theory of Peace was discussed, as well as the lives of famous peace leaders such as Mahatma
Gandhi, Abraham Heschel, Thich Nhat Hanh and Malcolm X.

The students later watched a movie that depicted how one can discover strength in diversity
through love, service and commitment. A youth participant expressed his commitment to be
an “Architect of Peace” with the words:

“I’m holding on to what I have just learned -- “Think big things, take small steps.”
My fellow participants, we must dream big. We cannot change the world overnight
but we as the youth, we have all the opportunities and strengths. We have the
advantage to make a change. We’ve got to do things now. The dream starts now and
we are behind that dream”.
-Youth Participant, April 22, 2004

They and We: Racial and Ethnic Relations in the U.S.

This session dissected the racial and ethnic relations in the U.S. from a sociological
perspective. It familiarized the students with the history of immigration and issues of
discrimination and social movements for racial and ethnic equality. It increased students’
understanding of America’s pluralistic society.

The presentation was straightforward but it captured the attention of the students from
beginning to end. There were so many questions that came out from the inquisitive minds of
the students that the Question and Answer portion of the session lasted for 2 hours.
Knowledge of the social demographics of the United States turned out to be a very
meaningful learning experience for the students. They were really able to connect the lessons
they learned from the session with their intercultural experiences and their face-to-face
contact with America’s culturally diverse population.

Workshops, Cultural Tours and Community Service

Peace Learning Center Workshops

On their third weekend, ACCESS Philippines participants headed to Indianapolis, Indiana for
training workshops at the Peace Learning Center (PLC). PLC provides a variety of conflict
management trainings and services empowering local communities to discover responsible
ways to deal with conflict, intolerance and prejudice.

The two-day workshop at the PLC consisted of conflict resolution sessions, dialogues,
discussions and role-playing. The sessions were well-facilitated, organized and interactive.
Participants observed ground rules and followed a clear-cut agenda for each day. The group
dynamics that emerged from the sessions indicated that the participants enjoyed engaging in
the learning activities.

The sessions on building a culture of peace left an indelible imprint in the minds of the
participants. Using the Socratic Method, the facilitators helped bring into fore the knowledge
that the participants have for resolving their conflict situations in the southern Philippines in
order to attain peace. They have the answers to their social and personal problems. The
Peace Learning staff implicitly believe that the participants are not “empty vessels” into
which ideas can be deposited. Rather, the participants are active subjects of history and of
their own lives.

Workshop on Civil Society and Human Rights
In essence, the speaker wanted to impart the notion that “civil society” (all elements other
than the state) can play a positive role in the attainment of peace. He emphasized that the
objective of peace in society can only be attained by peaceful means such as through
dialogue, interacting with others, learning about others, breaking stereotypes, and working
together to bring about a harmonious relationship among all groups and individuals in

Workshops with NIU Tagalog Class

NIU offers Tagalog language classes from the beginning to advanced levels. American and
Filipino students mingled and interacted with one another in several subgroups. They had fun
building a community (using Lego blocks), answering the Zooley game, and making posters.
It was an intercultural experience that everyone enjoyed.

Workshops on Integrated Arts
The workshop entitled “Touch HEARTS- The Integrated Approach to PEACE” focused on
teaching peace through the arts, specifically through theater. The participants started with a
physical activity called “Molding a Lump of Clay into a Beautiful Sculpture,” a metaphor that
compares human beings to a lump of clay. Conflict occurs when people resist being
“molded”. Through the second activity, “Pulling the Elephant,” the participants learned that
misunderstandings can lead to chaos.

The workshops helped students understand that using arts through an integrated process can
be a powerful tool for transforming feelings into responsible actions. They learned that art
can be a potent instrument for bridging the gap and achieving peace.

Workshops on Closing the Gap Between the World’s Religions

In this workshop, the participants grouped themselves according to their religions: indigenous
religions, Muslims, and Catholics and discussed the core values in their respective religions.
From the activity, participants learned that despite having different faiths, people in fact share
some core values expressed in different ways They discovered that some basic values tie all
the religions together; such as love (in Christianity), peace (in Islam), and belief in one God
(called by different names).

In another workshop entitled ““Kapit-Kamay Tungo sa Kapayapaan” (Hand-in-Hand in

Peace), participants learned 12 skills on how to resolve conflict. The facilitator also
presented a segment on “Pagkakaisa at di-Pagkakaiba” (Thinking of Unity, Not Differences),
which helped in empowering students to reach out to one another and celebrate their

The interactive activity was then followed by a documentary film entitled “Tutu and Franklin:
A Journey towards Peace,” referring to Bishop Desmond Tutu and Dr. John Hope Franklin.
It was about 21 young people with 5 different religions who desired unity, harmony and
peace. The participants saw themselves in those youth in the film.

Volunteer Service at Hope Haven
As part of their immersion experience, the participants went to Hope Haven -- a non-profit
organization that provides temporary shelter for the homeless. Doing volunteer service at
Hope Haven had at least two positive effects on the ACCESS participants. First, it made them
realize first-hand that, just like Filipinos, not all Americans are rich or have homes. Second,
it made them understand the value of volunteer community work that benefits the whole
society. The participants were emotionally affected by the experience. It made them see the
“other side” of America. Some participants realized that suffering and difficulties are
universal: that everyone everywhere in the world experiences some kind of deprivation and

Tour of the Amish Community in Arthur and Arcola, Illinois

The participants had another opportunity for cross-cultural experience during their trip to the
Amish Community in central Illinois. They learned about the Amish people, who are direct
descendants of the Anabaptists of sixteenth century Europe. The Amish people follow the
religious tradition interpreted by Jacob Amman.

At the Amish Interpretive Center, they watched a film that introduced the Amish community
to “beginners.” They then toured the Center’s museum where, among others, an Amish
woman was actually making a quilt. After visiting the Center, an ex-Amish woman escorted
the participants in the bus for an ocular view of the Amish community. The ex-Amish guide
explained the religion, practices, beliefs, attire, habits, customs, daily life, schooling, and
work of an Amish family. As she was once an “insider,” she had the best “inside”
information any escort can give “outsiders” or “tourists” to understand the Amish people.

The participants were surprised that despite “globalization,” the Amish people are still able to
preserve their simple way of life. They were amazed with everything they have learned and
seen. Many said it gave them bright ideas to share back home; for example, the concept of
keeping one’s cultural tradition and way of life despite modernization. It was definitely an
eye-opener and a great learning experience for the group.

Trip to Springfield, Illinois

After visiting the Amish community, the participants went to Springfield, the State Capitol of
Illinois and to Abraham Lincoln’s residence and Lincoln’s Tomb. An in-house tourist guide
showed the participants the interior of the State Capitol building. Everyone was impressed
with the grandeur of the State Capitol as such. The Lincoln Home tour was well worth it.
Participants enjoyed having the chance to visit the home of a former president. Now they can
proudly claim that they have been to a historic home, the residence of a prominent U.S.
President, and that what they read about in school, they now have seen and touched!

Visits to DeKalb and Sycamore High Schools, Illinois

Participants of the ACCESS Philippines program had opportunities to meet with their
American peers. From their dialogues and interactions with DeKalb High School students,
participants reveled in learning the different racial identities and ethnicities of American
students and developed friendships with them. Youth participants also learned about key
student organizations such as the Voices of Diversity Club, which they were excited to
replicate in their schools in the Philippines.

In another encounter with American students, the participants were able to exchange ideas,
insights and experiences with Sycamore high school students. The Filipino and American
students explored their cultural differences and discovered surprising similarities in topics
ranging from the educational system and political institutions to Britney Spears and the realm
of pop culture. They also had lively discussions on the differences between being a youth in
the Philippines and in America.

Visit to the Islamic Foundation in Villa Park, Illinois

The visit to the Islamic Foundation in Villa Park, Illinois provided the participants with an
opportunity to meet and interact with high school Muslim students in America. The Islamic
Foundation is one of the most active and leading Islamic organizations in Illinois, and the
Chicago region is home to over 400,000 Muslims. It was established to fulfill the religious,
educational, social and cultural needs of the Muslim community in Chicago’s surrounding
areas. In a speech delivered by a young Muslim student, the participants learned about the
challenges that Muslim teenagers face in America. They gained insightful perspectives on
what it means to a religious minority in the United States. The participants also engaged in a
dialogue with American Muslim students wherein both groups took turns asking a wide range
of questions that helped them learn more about one another. Participants were also given a
tour of the campus. The Islamic Foundation is situated in a unique Islamic setting that
includes a large Masjid. Muslim participants visited the mosque to say their prayers,
accompanied by their fellow non-Muslim participants. The events that unfolded on this day
deeply instilled the values of religious tolerance and respect.

Cultural Trips to Chicago

To further enrich their understanding and appreciation of America’s religious and cultural
diversity, the participants visited the Bahai Temple, the Beth Emet Synagogue, and
Chinatown. Their cultural tours included the Sears Tower, Navy Pier, the Chicago
Architectural River Cruise, Shedd Aquarium, the Planetarium, the United Center, among
others. The participants enjoyed every minute of the trips. They were proud of the
“Philippine Coral Reef” and “Philippine Fish” exhibits in the Shedd Aquarium.

Home Stays with American Host Families
A distinctive feature of the ACCESS program are the home-stay arrangements with American host
families. The NIU program staff was able to recruit families in DeKalb, Sycamore, and Rochelle,
Illinois. Coming from diverse religious and racial backgrounds, the American families welcomed the
Filipino youth participants into their homes. For eight days, the participants had the rare opportunity
to live with their American host families and gain first-hand experience of the “American” way of

Home stays were very exciting for the student participants. During the latter part of the program, the
students incessantly talked about the activities they did with their families and reveled in things that
are seemingly mundane, such as eating cereal for breakfast or watching baseball and sports on TV
with their foster siblings. They sincerely appreciated the gestures of kindness, generosity, hospitality,
understanding and support that their American host families showed to them. They were
overwhelmed by the attention and care American families exhibited to them, even though they were

It was a great inter-cultural experience for both the American families and the youth participants.
Students learned so much from their Americans families while sharing their own Philippine and
ethnic cultures. The home-stay experience changed students’ perceptions and stereotypes about the
American people. One of the host mothers described her experience as the most rewarding home stay
with any international student that her family had ever experienced. In a significant way, host families
exhibited to the students the values and principles of the American people, and many remain in touch
with the students back in the Philippines.

Developing Action Plans

During the latter part of the program, the students and adult leaders developed and designed their
individual “action plans”, as well as their regional plans for Western Mindanao, Central Mindanao,
and Eastern Mindanao. The main objectives for these action plans were to: (1) build and expand the
network of young peacemakers that this project has created; (2) instill an appreciation for diversity,
inter-cultural and inter-faith dialogue; and (3) build a community of “communities” in their home
areas and schools.

Many students planned to start diversity clubs in their schools that will celebrate the different cultural
and religious groups. They also planned to hold meetings in their schools to expose others to the
knowledge of conflict resolution that they learned here at NIU. Some planned to host symposiums on
peace and conflict resolution in their schools, sponsor essay writing contests on the problems in
Mindanao, while others planned artistic forays such as hosting theater groups that portray the
diversity and tragedy of life in much of the conflict-ridden areas of Mindanao. Each student and adult
identified the activities, objectives, methods, time frame, likely obstacles, resources needed, and
outcome of their proposed individual activities.

Graduation Ceremony

The graduation ceremony was attended by university administrators, faculty and graduate students
involved in the ACCESS project, as well as by the host families of the students. An interfaith series
of prayers (Muslim, Christian, and Lumad) were offered by representative students of each group,
which had become a tradition throughout the NIU Institute. Following that, a number of speeches
and presentations were made by project directors and student representatives, as well as a
representative of the host families. Certificates were given to each graduate of the training program,
and each student was given a rose to hand to his host parents. The final event was a surprise dance
and theatrical production put together by the ACCESS participants that dramatized the horror of war
and the need for inter-ethnic reconciliation and peace.

Follow-on Activity in Mindanao

From July 30 to August 4, 2004, participants of the ACCESS program gathered together for the
follow-on activity phase of the program at the Chali Beach Resort and Conference Center in Cagayan
de Oro City in Mindanao.

Organized by Dr. Nagasura Madale and Dr. Noemi Medina, the in-country coordinator and
administrative officer respectively, the follow-on program reconnected the students with their adult
leaders, fellow youth participants and program staff. It was the first time that the group was
reconvened after their U.S.-based NIU Institute. Also in attendance were Dr. Susan Russell (Project
Director), Ronald Post (Counselor for Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy), Atty. Marilen Ramiro
(Executive Director of the International Visitors Program-Philippines Alumni Foundation, Inc.), and
Atty. Casimiro Juarez (President of Capitol University). A variety of IVP and non-IVP members
participated in the training sessions, including Gloria Seno.

The follow-on activity was a six-day program that was designed to bring the participants together and
re-ignite their interests in pursuing the goals of the program. The following section highlights the
main sessions and outcomes of the follow-on activity, focusing on learning activities that inspired and

committed youth and adult participants to take small but significant additional steps toward the
journey for peace in Mindanao.

Clarifying the history and causes of conflicts in Mindanao

Right after the opening ceremony, Dr. Moctan Matuan of the Institute for Peace and Development in
Mindanao, Mindanao State University, Marawi City, gave a long talk on the “Peace Efforts in
Muslim Areas of Mindanao”. He documented the history of these efforts, beginning at Dansalan
Research Center in the 1970s. He made the important point that violent conflict between Moro and
Christian Filipinos erupted in Mindanao long before anyone became interested in peace efforts within
the region, at least in relatively recent history. He spoke of the various peace organizations and
NGOs presently working in Mindanao.

Another prominent scholar on Mindanao history, Dr. Rudy Rodil of Mindanao State University-
Iligan, conducted a session on the history of the Mindanao conflict. He also talked about the history
of peace negotiations and cultural interaction among Moros, Christians and Lumads based on his
personal experiences. He made the point that at the beginning of Christian migration to Mindanao,
there was peace among these groups. It was only later when conflict, discrimination and hatred
became so engrained in the biases and stereotypes among different ethnic and religious groups. His
discussion of his involvement in a former Philippine governmental effort to bring peace to the region
(prior to the establishment of the ARMM) revealed the very deep and emotional nature of the conflict
in Mindanao.

Sharing stories of success, failures and lessons learned

One of the major objectives of bringing the participants together again was to provide an avenue for
sharing their stories of success, failures and lessons learned. During the second day of the follow-on
activity, participants discussed their experience and memories while at NIU and their experiences
from May to July upon returning home and implementing their action plans. To dramatize their
actual experiences, students performed “role-playing” and skits. These ranged from skits (such as a
TV talk show host interviewing ACCESS participants about what each had been doing since

returning home) to short dramatization about successful or not-so-successful peace activities or
projects that the participants had tried to implement at home with their families or in school with their

The Basilan students presented a video of their one-day training on inter-ethnic dialogue and conflict
resolution at a local military camp; the students were assisted by a Catholic nun. The adult leaders’
activities were especially noteworthy and more elaborate. Adult leaders from Basilan had an entire
package of materials documenting their activities; another adult leader from Cagayan de Oro
presented a visual documentary of her and her students’ accomplishments since they returned home to
Xavier University.

Additional Training in Conflict Resolution & Inter-ethnic Dialogue

An important component of the follow-on program was a series of training workshops on conflict
resolution and inter-ethnic dialogue facilitated by Gloria Seno. Building on participants’ knowledge
of conflict management strategies, the follow-on sessions were designed to sharpen and strengthen
students’ interpersonal and conflict management skills and rekindle their commitment to the
overarching goals of the ACCESS program.

In one of the learning activities, students were engaged in a cultural role exchange, where male and
female groups were asked to come up with stereotypes about gender, American versus Filipino
cultural traits, and intergenerational stereotypes. The interactive approach that was employed resulted
in a stimulating exchange of ideas, insights and perceptions between the two groups. The lively and
animated way that the entire group participated indicated that they loved the segment on culture and
inter-cultural communication in conflict resolution.

Participants were also engaged in a reflective thinking process of examining their involvement in the
ACCESS program. By picking a line or two from popular songs (“Man in the Mirror” by Michael
Jackson and “Where Is the Love” by the Black Eyed Peas), students were able to relate the lyrics they
chose to the goals of the program. They drew metaphors of their commitment and posted their
drawings in the walls. Seated on the floor in a circle and holding each other’s hands, participants
together with the program staff reflected on what the program meant to them. With spiritually
inspiring music played in the background, the activity erupted into an emotional outpouring of
affection and support for each other. It was a session that renewed their commitment and strengthened
the emotional bonds among everyone on the project.

With a renewed sense of purpose, youth participants were reminded to relive the wonderful
experiences they shared and become “storytellers” for peace. To help them carry out such a mission,
participants explored how to use videos to make real-life stories of peace, conflict and discrimination
that would resonate with the viewers in their communities. They learned the ways of integrating
technology to promote peace in the segment on “Pathways to Peace: Where do we go from here?”

Presentation of Action Plans

All of the students had already made presentations about the ACCESS program to family, friends,
religious leaders, school officials, as well as in a variety of other kinds of organizations and venues
they participate in, including elementary school outreach, training and leadership seminars. The
follow-on activity gave the participants another opportunity to redefine and modify their action plans
for promoting the goals of the program.

The action plans the students presented during the follow-on activities were a mixture of what they
have done and what they plan to do, together with a timetable (by month) and the resources they
would like to have to make these projects successful. These range from simple needs like paper,
pens, and other supplies for poster contests and some artistic workshops for peace, to desires to have
money to send out invitations and flyers, pay transportation fares, make t-shirts for club members,
rent a sound system, cameras, videos, and purchase food.

An in-depth example of a seminar already conducted by students was the Diversity Round-Table
(subtitled “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”) that the Zamboangueño group
presented at Pilar College on July 24, 2004. The impact of the NIU program is vividly demonstrated,
as many of these things were presented to participants in sessions at NIU, in Chicago, and at the
Peace Learning Center in Indiana.

Community Service

One of the highlights of the follow-on program was the community service activity. ACCESS
participants along with the program staff went to a very diverse but depressed barangay on the
outskirts of the city. The group visited a couple of school rooms packed with elementary school kids
of different levels, seated on makeshift tables and benches. Youth participants sat with schoolchildren
and fed them with rice congee, prepared by nursing students from Capitol University.

After the feeding program, community leaders and local residents, including Bajau migrants from
Sulu, welcomed the group with a short presentation. In what was supposed to be a re-enactment of
how they manage conflicts in their community, but was instead a real conflict, the Bajau men and
women ended up arguing against a Visayan woman, who represented the other local residents.

Issues of sanitation and hygiene emerged as the concerns expressed by the Visayan woman against
the Bajau people. The conflict, however, had to do in part with linguistics since no one in the
barangay understood the language spoken by the Bajau group. As the groups continued arguing
but hardly understanding each other, an adult ACCESS participant from Sulu intervened in
a manner that enabled her to communicate in a language that the Bajau people understood. After
some discussion, the Bajau and Visayan women ended up shaking hands.

The ACCESS group’s participation in the community service activity allowed them to gain first-hand
experience in conflict mediation. What emerged from the incident was a real-life mediation scenario,
initiated and facilitated by an ACCESS participant. Seeing one of their adult leaders successfully
mediating the dispute between the two groups was a powerful experiential learning for the youth
participants. It placed into context the roles they play in fostering inter-ethnic understanding. In
addition, it translated lessons learned on conflict resolution into practice.

The participants later ended their community service activities with a visit to the Gardens of Malasag-
Eco Park. Situated in a botanical garden setting, the Eco Park is a cultural village that showcases the
practices and crafts of Mindanao’s indigenous people. Students walked along the rolling terrains and
looked at the different ethnic style of houses. They went to the ethnic souvenir shops and talked to a
Kalagan (Lumad) weaver who made small bags that some students bought to send back to their
American host families.

Refined Action Plans
Youth participants and adult leaders of the ACCESS program demonstrated and reaffirmed their
commitment to the goals of the NIU Institute “Bridging the Gap: Engaging a New Generation in the
Southern Philippines in Inter-ethnic Dialogue and Conflict Resolution” in the follow-on activities by
re-designing and refining individual and regional action plans anchored on a culture of peace and

Convinced of their role and potential to engage a new generation of young architects of peace, the
ACCESS youth and adult leaders pledged to continue to pursue the following plans of action:

Action Plans for promoting self-awareness

• Re-echoing of Lessons Learned
Since their arrival from the U.S.-based training institute, participants have been organizing
and leading several workshops, seminars, symposia, peer-to-peer discussions and dialogues in
their schools and local communities. Varying modes for re-echoing lessons learned have been
devised by participants to highlight the importance of self-awareness as a key towards
resolving conflicts peacefully and constructively.

Through embracing the vision-mission of the ACCESS program, youth participants are
engaging their fellow youth, friends, family members to become agents of change and allies
for peace.

Action Plans for promoting awareness of Mindanao and its people

• Peace-Building Talk Series (A Course on Conflict Resolution and Mindanao Peace)
A youth participant attending college at the Ateneo de Manila has developed a course on
conflict resolution and Mindanao peace as the theme for the Peace-Building Talk Series held
every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at the Lauan University Center. The objective of this
course is to promote awareness of Mindanao through exploring its geography, learning its
culture and understanding its problems.

Following the structure of the NIU program, the course is subdivided into several phases that
include topics on Mindanao and its People; Conflict in Mindanao; Conflict Management &
Resolution and Preparation for Action Plans. It aims to underscore the importance of learning
conflict management styles, peace-building skills and peer-mediation strategies in the context
of the contemporary peace and order situation in the southern Philippines.

• A Place at the Table

Four young peace advocates of the ACCESS program have a vision of creating the largest
youth diversity movement in Zamboanga by forming an organization known as the “A Place
at the Table” (PAT). Founding members have articulated the vision of “creating a
community of communities and giving voice to the sustaining conviction that the promise of
equality will be true not just for some but for all”.

“A Place at the Table” is committed to the mission of instilling among the members the
eagerness to sit down at the table together, embrace honesty in facing the hard truth and
reality of the past, and examine how communities and attitudes are shaped by a painful
history. Engaging diverse groups to find their “Place at the Table” is designed to bring into
the forefront the youth’s stance of negotiating a more just, equitable and harmonious future
for all Zamboangueños and Mindanaoans.

The organization enjoys a unique character through the establishment of Diversity Round
Tables. It is a social, non-political and non-profit student organization of the Ateneo de
Zamboanga University College Department in partnership with five priority schools: 1)
Ateneo High School; 2) Filipino-Turkish High School; 3) Pilar College High School; 4)
Immaculate Conception Archdiocesan School; and 5) the Western Mindanao State
University-Integrated Laboratory High School.

Action Plans for fostering “unity in diversity”

• Interfaith Youth Core (Marawi Team)
Eight youth participants are building an Interfaith Youth Core patterned after the Chicago-
based youth network. With a vision to provide opportunities for the youth to realize the
essence of “Unity in Diversity”, the team has been conducting peace and diversity workshops
for high school students at the Dansalan College Foundation, Inc. and the Mindanao State
University-Integrated Laboratory School. Another series of workshops, the Inter-school
Seminars, are scheduled to be conducted in November, 2004, which will serve as a prelude
activity for the formal launching of Interfaith Young Leaders, which is what the newly-
formed group will call itself.

Key players of the Interfaith Youth Core are working towards bringing young people together
to embrace “Unity in Diversity”. By sharing the lessons learned on peace education and peer-
mediation strategies, ACCESS participants are creating a new social landscape for Marawi’s
youth to work towards achieving unity while celebrating religious, ethnic and cultural

• Voice of Diversity Club at Basilan National High School

Focusing on the themes of gender equity and tolerance of cultural and religious differences,
the Voice of Diversity Club was created to challenge the Basilan National High School
students to look beyond their personal boundaries or comfort zones and lessen, if not
eliminate, the stereotyping and harboring of biases against people of different ethnic, cultural
and religious backgrounds and labeling people based on his/her sexual orientation.

Action Plans for developing peace education programs & activities

• Mindanao Tripartite Youth Peace Camp
Volunteering as facilitators for the recently held Mindanao Tripartite Youth Peace Camp, two
students from Central Mindanao stepped up to the challenge of institutionalizing peace and
promoting mutual understanding among Christian, Moro and Lumad youth in the region.
Through teaching conflict resolution tools, developing peace-building skills and enhancing
leadership roles, ACCESS participants have passed on lessons learned to other young people
of Mindanao. They have contributed to the spirit of inter-religious dialogue and are
promoting the essence of inter-ethnic cooperation.

• Developing A Culture of Peace in Is-Lam (Isabela City & Lamitan)

Noting that simplicity is the key towards developing a culture of peace, the Basilan ACCESS
group is conducting peace education programs for the youth of Is-Lam, which represent
Isabela City and Lamitan. The Isabela-Lamitan Partnership endeavors to empower character
development as a way towards developing a culture of peace among key players in
Mindanao– the civilians and the military. Peace education programs will be taught by using
the ARTS as a medium for touching HEARTS.

The development of peace education programs is anchored on the framework of igniting a
desire for social change among the peoples of Is-Lam so that the dream of a peaceful Basilan
can become a reality.
• Children’s Peace Festival
The largest gathering of children and youth in Basilan was held last May, attended by one of
the ACCESS adult leaders who is affiliated with the institution sponsoring the event, the
Christian Children’s Fund. About 2,000 children and youth participated in the weeklong
festival, which showcased a wide variety of dances, theater, songs, skits and bands, as well as
songs of peace. The Children’s Peace Festival is celebrated annually “to support the children
and youth toward achieving their own concept of peace”.

• Conflict Resolution Seminar (Phase 2)

The seminar will focus on teaching conflict management techniques and peer mediation
strategies to youth leaders. The other objective of the seminar is to provide youth leaders a
broader focus for understanding the conflict in Mindanao. Participating youth leaders will
then be expected to apply what they learned in their own schools and communities.

• Poster-making Contest for the Youth

A Poster-making contest for the youth has been organized as a step towards bridging the gap
among the tripartite peoples of the municipality of Sungko Lantapan, Bukidnon. The target
audience for the contest includes interested Lumad youth, ages 7-13 years old, as well as the
Christian and Moro youth who are residents of the municipality.

Action Plans for advancing positive youth development for at-risk individuals
• Orientation for Out-of-School Youth
Believing that everyone can be a peacemaker, a youth participant organized an orientation
about peace that reaches out-of-school youth in Marawi City. The success of the orientation
has led the Marawi Team to replicate the action plan in another place in Marawi, expecting a
greater number of out-of-school youth participants.

• Symposium on Child Soldiers

As part of the Culture of Peace Seminar, a symposium on Child Soldiers was conducted last
May, 2004. Child soldiers who are members of the Citizen’s Armed Forces Geographical
Unit (CAFGU) participated in the activities that allowed them to reflect on their strengths and
weaknesses, perceptions of being a soldier and role identification. The symposium provided
the forum for child soldiers to communicate among themselves and to learn more from one
another. They were taught about positive values and the importance of being good role
models to earn respect and attain peace and order in their communities.

• Muslim Student Association (MSA)

This organization was purposely created to promote understanding of Islam and its teachings
to interested parties and to develop mutual understanding between Muslims and non-
Muslims. ACCESS participants who comprise the organization’s Executive Board are
working on proposals for inter-religious dialogues. They are opening up avenues for the
youth in their areas to understand and appreciate the importance and meaning of “dialogue”
in communicating cultural and religious differences and developing tolerant and accepting

Action Plans for promoting the spirit of volunteerism and community activism
• Community Outreach Program (Clean-up Drive)
In keeping with the spirit of volunteerism and camaraderie, members of the Interfaith Youth
Core (Marawi team) are planning to render their services to do a “Clean-Up Drive” in the
surrounding areas of their province. This community outreach activity is one of the
component programs that the team has planned to accomplish this year and the next. The
Clean-Up Drive will be held with the purpose of enhancing community activism, gaining the
trust and confidence of the people and making the team’s peace-building efforts visible so the
public will believe in and share their goals as peacemakers and volunteers.

Action Plans for integrating technology in peacebuilding

• Creation of a Website for the Diversity Round Table
The development of a Diversity Round Table website will serve as a viable resource for
providing information about the organization, the ACCESS program and other peace-related
documents and learning materials that member schools and other interested parties can access
anytime. It will also serve to help make the coordination and networking for the Diversity
Round Table easier and more manageable.

Actions Plans for broadening organizational membership for PEACE

• De La Salle-Ateneo de Manila-University of the Philippines Alliance
An alliance of major universities in Manila has been formed by ACCESS youth participants
who are attending these three academic institutions. They have pursued Inter-Cultural and
Inter-Ethnic Youth Forums, Inter-Religious Youth Forums and Peace Seminar Workshops as
well as Outreach Programs with the students from those universities.

The over-arching purpose of forging the alliance is for the ACCESS participants to obtain
recognition of their contributions to peace-building efforts and gain membership to the
National Youth Commission, which is the official organizing body for youth development
programs in the country. The National Youth Commission was enacted in 1995 through the
Republic Act 8004. It serves to ensure that Philippine youth will have opportunities to
become active partners in nation-building.

• PeaceWeaver’s Club
Emphasizing the role of the youth in peace-building efforts, the PeaceWeaver’s Club in
Davao City was created to provide avenues for ACCESS youth participants to conduct
training in peace education and conflict resolution. The goal is to inspire youth members to
take proactive roles in the country’s peace process and become courageous advocates for

• Young Ambassadors for Peace (Ateneo de Davao High School)

The Young Ambassadors for Peace club was created with the aim of establishing a group of
young students who will be the ambassadors of a culture that embraces tolerance and
diversity and abhors discrimination and violence. The organization, spearheaded by three
ACCESS youth participants, now enjoys a total of 65 young and committed ambassadors for
peace. It aims to inculcate in every member a spirit of volunteerism through sharing lessons
learned during the NIU Institute.

Final Outcomes
In order to intertwine the ACCESS Philippine participants with other organizations in the country and
to support their efforts to bring peace to Mindanao, the International Visitors Program-Philippines
Alumni Foundation, Inc. and the U.S. Embassy in Manila are supporting their action plans and
providing thoughtful advice and assistance. Northern Illinois University and Capitol University staff
are doing the same, and staying in touch by e-mail.

Chapter Five. The Current Status of Peace Efforts in Mindanao

Efforts to attain peace in Mindanao come from all fronts. They take place at the individual,
local, regional, bureaucratic, state, and international levels. There are domestic Philippine initiatives
and foreign support as well as government and non-governmental actions. Very importantly,
governmental and rebel representatives are willing to discuss their differences and reach a settlement
of the conflict. Actors such as the Philippine state, civil society, ordinary citizens, foreign observers,
foreign states, embassies, and organizations such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN), the European Union (EU), as well as the United States and Australia have a vested interest
in solving the problems in Mindanao. All actors contend and understand that peace can only be
attained if there is social and economic justice. Poverty and rebellion are closely intertwined.

The follow-on activities of the ACCESS Philippine program confirm that ordinary citizens,
students, the youth, community organizers, and other elements of civil society have a concrete and
major role to play in the piece-by-piece resolution of the conflict in Mindanao. Instead of merely
thinking big, individuals who espouse Christianity, Islam, and other indigenous faith systems, can
build peace one person at a time by starting with themselves and spreading the goodwill to their
families, friends, communities, schools, places of worship, and society at large.

During the holy Islamic month of fasting, or Ramadan in 2004, several countries started to be
involved in the peace efforts in Mindanao. The Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) supports
the Mindanao peace process, wherein Malaysia plays a prominent role. Recently, President Gloria
Macapagal Arroyo, when she attended the Asia-Europe meeting (ASEM) on October 7 to 9, 2004 in
Hanoi, Vietnam, thanked Southeast Asian and European leaders for their support of the peace process
with the MILF (Mindanao Times, October 4, 2004). The MILF has wide popular backing in the
countryside, where poverty and underdevelopment have promoted rebellion (BBC, 2004).

Negotiators for the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the 12,000-
strong Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) agreed to create the International Monitoring Team
(IMT) when Malaysia hosted their meeting from February 19 to 20, 2004 in Kuala Lumpur. The talks
between the GRP and the MILF started in January 1997, soon after the GRP signed the Final Peace
Agreement with the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF). However, after the start of the talks,
former President Joseph Estrada ordered an all-out war against the MILF headquarters in Camp
Abubakar in Matanog town of Maguindanao, and Arroyo ordered the Philippine Army to assault
known MILF lairs in Pikit town of North Cotabato. Calmer attitudes have prevailed since then in the
Arroyo government, but hostilities and claims that some rebel factions of the MILF are providing safe
haven to members of the Jemaah Islamiyah terror network have hurt the peace process and continue
to cause concern among all parties over the viability of peace negotiations.

Various scholars have expressed both misgivings and hope for the resolution of the conflict in
Mindanao. Abhoud Syed M. Lingga (2004), Executive Director of the Institute of Bangsamoro
Studies, argues that peace negotiations between the GRP and the MILF will not be enough to
establish a sustainable peace. He states that a new formula is needed that ensures the participation of
the Bangsamoro people themselves in deciding the direction of their future political relationship with
the national government. He proposes that a referendum be held that offers the Bangsamoro peoples
a choice of political status between expanded autonomy, a federal relationship, or independence.
Following that, he notes the need for the deployment of third party peacekeeping forces to prevent
further hostilities.

Morgan (2003) raises some serious cautionary notes about how such a referendum could be
of assistance in resolving the conflict, given the multitude of stakeholders, issues and actors involved
in the conflict. Mindanao is now home to a majority Christian population, while many Lumad hold

ancestral land claims throughout the island. She argues that each group in Mindanao would have to
have a serious role in the referendum process in order to assure fair representation and ultimate
support for the outcome. In her view, civil society is the place for this kind of dialogue to begin,
rather than with a referendum, and Christians, Moros and Lumad need to negotiate and decide how
best to create an interdependent, not independent resolution to the conflict.

On what basis could a common set of understandings support such a dialogue? Dr. Nagasura
Madale (1999) has suggested that a search for a unifying ideology of identity might begin with the
very notion of nationhood, or bangsa/bansa. For example, the Maranao (people of the lake) believe
they are all descended from one common lineage (salsila) and call this concept merepeda sa posed
(e.g., each one is a part of a long umbilical cord). The belief that every Maranao is a part of this one
common lineage can be traced to two sources: 1) the mythical folk hero, Radia Indarapatra, and 2) the
Islamic source, Sharief Kabungsuwan. According to this oral narrative, their children intermarried
and came to the Lanao lake region and converted the Maranao to Islam. Islam also brought with it a
much broader concept of universal brotherhood – the ummah, or the Islamic community that
transcends geographical borders, races and ethnic identities. According to this concept, all Muslims
are brothers and sisters and can be envisioned as one body—if any part of the “body” suffers pain, the
whole body feels it.

In contrast, Christian Filipinos adhere to the concept of pan-Christianity—one bread, one

body and one soul. These concepts are comparable community concepts, as in the Christian concept
bajo de campana, “under the bell”, and Islam’s bajo de masjid, “under the mosque”. While this still
leaves the equally diverse Lumad beliefs in the middle, they, too, have concepts of belonging to one
community that intersect with those of Muslim and Christian Filipinos.

The educational system of the Philippines has long attempted to play an assimilative role, or
that of a unifying institution designed to mold the national minorities into a singular personality—a
Christian Filipino. Many Moro Filipinos, however, cling tenaciously to their identity of being a
Muslim, and belonging to a much larger community of Muslims in spite of the national government
efforts to create a political alternative of accommodation. The creation of the Autonomous Region of
Muslim Mindanao was a political gesture on the part of the national government to create a
resemblance to the Sultanate system that would still be anchored on the Philippine constitution and
sovereignty. While very imperfect, it nevertheless was designed to provide political accommodation
without total devolution of power.

Can the ARMM serve the purpose of building a new sense of nationalism and national
identity among the Bangsamoro? There are many ways to look at this issue. On the one hand, there
are Islamic institutions and concepts, especially in education, that are being initiated to accommodate
the Moro desire for “national integration” into the larger national political scene without losing their
ethnic and religious identity as Muslims. The ideology and framework of the ARMM is not devoid of
the western concept of the “separation of church and state”, and many Moros recognize that it is one
way for the national government to address their century-old dream of self-governance. On the other
hand, the framework and ideology for the institutionalization of the ARMM was based on the
majority Christian concept of popular democracy and the concept of the separation of church and
state. Many Muslims feel that it should have been anchored on the ideology of Islam’s din-un-Islam,
a way of life. Also, while some instrumentalities of national government were devolved to the
ARMM, there are other aspects of bureaucratic control which were not devolved. Finance, taxation,
national security, foreign affairs, the exploration of natural resources within the region, and the yearly
budget allocation are still under the full control of the national government.

The IMT is monitoring the implementation of the GRP-MILF ceasefire agreements.

Representatives from Malaysia, Brunei, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Japan compose the IMT.

The IMT would set up its head office in Cotabato City and satellite offices in the cities of
Zamboanga, Iligan, Davao and General Santos. The Cuban, Argentinean, Brazilian, Chilean, and
Venezuelan ambassadors to the Philippines collectively praised the GRP and MILF efforts to work
for peace in the southern Philippines. If an effective and presumably sustainable peace agreement is
signed, the United States, Australia, and some members of the European Union will provide
assistance to Mindanao. All actors concur that the economy and politics are equally important issues
and directly connected: they go hand in hand and one is not more important than the other. If
poverty is alleviated and the life of the people is improved, crime and revolution will subside. By the
same token, if there is relative order and stability, the economy will flourish. The political
relationship between the MILF and its break-away factions, civilian stakeholders, and the national
government today remain an arena of intense speculation, negotiation and diverse opinions.

At the end of the day, is peace elusive? Pessimists claim that peace is nowhere in sight.
Optimists, however, argue that peace comes piecemeal, one person and one activity at a time. The
ACCESS Philippines project is dedicated to this latter goal, and to creating a new generation of
empowered youth leaders from all faiths and ethnic groups in the southern Philippines who desire to
make a sustained peace a reality. Respect, appreciation, tolerance and national reconciliation depend
on a broader understanding of the conflict and history of the peoples of Mindanao, and this project is
one step in that direction.

Selected References

Baylon, G. J. 2004 October 14 Mindanao peace accord augurs well for Lat-Am investments.
Silangan Shimbun.

BBC News UK Edition. 2004 March 30 Guide to the Philippines Conflict.

Dalangin-Fernandez, L. 2004 October 15 ‘Peace is at hand’ in Mindanao, says Arroyo.,

Agence France-Press.

Department of Foreign Affairs. 2004 October 8 Peace is Imminent with the MILF with the Arrival of
the International Monitors. Press Release.

Elusfa, R. 2004, October 20 MILF pins hopes on IMT. Mindanews.

Gevera, M. 2004 October 13 Malaysian peace team arrives in Mindanao. Philippine News Agency.

Lingga, Abhoud Syed M. 2004 “Mindanao Peace Process: the Need for New Formula”. Paper
presented at the SEACSN Conference: “Issues and Challenges for Peace and Conflict Resolution in
Southeast Asia”, Shangri-La Hotel, Penang, Malaysia, January 12-15, 2004.

Lingga, Abhoud Syed M., 2003 “The U.S. Role in the Mindanao Peace Process: Bangsa Moro
Perspective”. Presentation during the Symposium on the U.S. Role in Indonesia and the Philippines
Peace Processes. Asian Center, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, November 27,

Madale, Nagasura T. 1999 Towards an Understanding of the Concept of Bangsa/Bansa. In
Philippine Revolution: the Making of a Nation: Papers from the Regional Conference held in Cebu
City, Davao City, Baguio City and Dapitan City. Manila: National Centennial Commission, Asian
Institute of Journalism and Communication.

Madale, N. T. 2003 Brothers and Yet, Strangers in the “Land of Promise”. Cagayan de Oro:
Unpublished book manuscript.

Manila Times. 2004 October 10 Malaysian troops’ arrival ‘good news’ for Mindanao.

Mindanao Times 2004 October 4 Top agenda. Mahathir, Arroyo to discuss peace efforts.

May, R. J. 2002 The Moro conflict and the Philippine experience with Muslim autonomy. Paper for
CCPCSAP Workshop, Canberra, Australia.

Montalvan II, A. J. 2004 April 5 'Academizing' Mindanao peace.

Morgan, Shauna 2003 “Bangsamoro Independence or Interdependence? The Referendum Proposal

for a Just and Lasting Peace in Mindanao.” Unpublished ms., University of Toronto, Canada.

Muzaffar, C. 2004 October 9 A Praiseworthy Idea. Just: International Movement for a Just World.

Rodil, B. R. 2000 Kalinaw Mindanaw: the Story of the GRP-MNLF Peace Process, 1975-1996.
Davao: Alternate Forum for Research in Mindanao.

Sharma, M. 2000 Role of Youth in Promoting Peace. http://www.friends-

United Nations.

Appendix A: Excerpts from Essays written by ACCESS Participants

Central Mindanao

Cagayan de Oro City

“We have to dig deeper into the core of the issue. We have to understand why these things
are happening. And then start accepting each other’s differences, set aside our personal
agenda and think of the others instead.”
Cecilia Alexandra Niza
Capitol University
Religion: Catholic
Ethnic Identity: Ilonggo

Marawi City
“Christian brothers and sisters, please do not make generalizations about us. Muslim
brothers, please do not do anything which can alter the image of Islam as a whole. Always
remember that by being good, God is always with us.”
Jamaleah L. Benito
Dansalan College Foundation, Inc
Religion: Islam
Ethnic Identity: Maranao

“Why don’t we just help the government to improve and develop our respective
communities to be more productive in whatever we do in life. I think we should all unite and
be one. We are already divided by waters so let us not allow religions, beliefs, traditions and
politics totally divide us further.”

Juhairah M. Cadir
MSU Integrated Laboratory School
Religion: Islam
Ethnic Identity: Maranao

“Let us destroy the walls of misunderstanding and mistrust. Let us open the doors of
communication and understanding. Let not politics interfere in the negotiation. The whole
nation must move now to heal its wounds.”
Sittie Ayeesha M. Dicali:
Dansalan College Foundation, Inc.
Religion: Islam
Ethnic Identity: Maranao


“Mindanao has become the conflict capital of the country because of selfishness, too much
pride and over-desire for political power of some people. Let us start doing something about
them one step at a time.”
Ambayanan B. Manding
Dansalan College Foundation, Inc
Religion: Islam
Ethnic Identity: Maranao

“We should not use our pride. Let us open our eyes to the reality, to the sufferings of the
people because of these conflicts. There should be mutual respect between Muslims and
Christians. If we’ll just respect, love, care for, and help one another, we will be united…
Johayrah R. Mindalano
Dansalan College Foundation, Inc.
Religion: Islam
Ethnic Identity: Maranao

“History books must be rewritten to erase the distorted image of Muslims. What should be
written are things which could foster better relationships between Christians and Muslims.
And then start an inter-ethnic dialogue for a peace process to grow and develop.”
Fahad A. Pimping
Marawi Foundation Academy, Inc.
Religion: Islam
Ethnic Identity: Maranao


“The government should show its concern for the indigenous peoples and that traditional
cultures be given due respect and recognition. They should be given equal services just like
other citizens of this country.”
Salima S. Saway
Bukidnon National High School
Religion: Apu Magbabaya
Ethnic Identity: Talaandig

Eastern Mindanao

Davao City
“Peace can start within us. Peace can start from the youth. We should start teaching the
children the right values. We should be more responsive to the country’s call for peace.”

Menard Pete Dacono
Ateneo de Davao University
Religion: Catholic
Ethnic Identity: Ilonggo

“The government should look into the problems of the ethnic tribes vis-à-vis the powers of
the military and the local officials. It’s high time that issues and concerns emanating from
them be taken quite seriously.”
Paola Joy Fernandez
Assumption College of Davao
Religion: Catholic
Ethnic Identity: Cebuano


“The gap is not unbridgeable. Let us try to understand the main root of the problem.
Apply the proper solution. Stop the betrayal. Present realities show that a bridge can be built
for mutual understanding. Let’s just continue these peace efforts so that solutions can
Joanna Loren J. Ochia
Notre Dame of Cotabato, Inc.
Religion: Catholic
Ethnic Identity: Cebuano


Cotabato City

“What we can do now is to reconcile different ethnic groups and be united in our common
goal in attaining peace. Let us learn to accept our differences.”

Jeffrey S. Aliudin
CCSPC Laboratory High School
Religion: Islam
Ethnic Identity: Maguindanao

“It is high time that the government revise its policies towards our native inhabitants and
address the root causes of the problem. Then we can look forward to a nation where there is
solidarity, harmony, equality and respect for human rights.”
Carell Ryza E. Nartatez
CCSPC Laboratory High School
Religion: Catholic
Ethnic Identity: Ilonggo

“Let us help each other, let us not pull each other down, get rid of this so called “crab
mentality” so that conflicts will be minimized.”
Nahannie D. Kamensa
Notre Dame University
Religion: Islam
Ethnic Identity: Maguindanao

“People must learn to understand that they must all cooperate in working for the attainment
of peace and to forget their own selfish desires.”
Farrell Hazsan E. Usman
Notre Dame University
Religion: Islam
Ethnic Identity: Maguindanao

“If we should only practice respect and love for others in spite our differences it would not be
difficult for us to attain peace. If justice prevails and equality reigns, we could have a
productive and harmonious life. The key to success is in our hands.”
Rainier Gem A. Machitar
Notre Dame University
Religion: Catholic
Ethnic Identity: Ilonggo

Western Mindanao

Zamboanga City
“The welfare of this nation rests in its people’s hands. It is up to us now to take the move.
We should not fear today’s evil for it shall pass, but rather, we should fear the day when our
children would wake up in a world where unity is impossible and freedom non-existent.”
Mary Rose Jean Andrada
Ateneo de Zamboanga
Religion: Catholic
Ethnic Identity: Zamboangueño

“We should set aside our grievances and self-interest. Hope lies in the hands of those who
have convictions and ideals. We should strongly believe that this country is not hopeless.
We should believe Filipinos can stand together as one.”

Wilric C. Asuncion
Immaculate Conception Arch. School
Religion: Catholic
Ethnic Identity: Zamboangueño

“We should live in unity with the mutual interest of striving for the best. We treasure our
diverse religious convictions and various cultural traditions, but we have a common
denominator: we are Mindanaoans and we are all Filipinos!”
Mark Kenny S. Macrohon
Ateneo de Zamboanga
Religion: Catholic
Ethnic Identity: Zamboangueño

“Peace in Mindanao is an elusive concept, but strides can be made, one step at a time. I hope
to initiate change, it can be small in magnitude, but change leads to revolutions, and this is
where my peace begins.”
Henry F. Segovia
Pilar College
Religion: Catholic
Ethnic Identity: Zamboangueño

“A dialogue is the most appropriate forum to deliver unheard pleas and to find a peaceful
solution to end this conflict. Views from both sides must be heard and fully considered for
the sake of peace.”
Marion B. Guerrero
Basilan National High School
Religion: Catholic
Ethnic Identity: Zamboangueño

“The rich and the powerful should be made to realize that they are somehow contributing to
people’s loss of hope, loss of dignity, absence of a good life which consequently cause
conflicts to set in.”
Mark Conrad R. Ravanzo
Claret School of Lamitan
Religion: Catholic
Ethnic Identity: Zamboangueño

“Let us mold a community where Muslims and Christians live in harmony and unity. Let the
youth show that my idol, Senator Benigno Aquino was right when he said that “the Filipino
is worth dying for.”
Amor Jade A. Miguel
Claret School of Lamitan
Religion: Catholic
Ethnic Identity: Cebuano


Jolo, Sulu
“If we are just willing to admit our mistakes and be ready to unite with our fellow Muslims,
there’ll be no conflict, then peace shall prevail.”
Fermina Y. Omar
Sulu State College Lab. High School
Religion: Islam
Ethnic Identity: Tausug

Bongao, Tawi-Tawi
“Peaceful negotiation is the only right course to take. Sincere cooperation and understanding
is vital to a lasting resolution of the problem. Let the tragedy end and let peace and
development begin in the spirit of freedom, understanding, unity and co-existence under one
Fatimah Sheridana L. Kadil
MSU-TCTO Science High School
Religion: Islam
Ethnic Identity: Sama-Tausug


What do the youth say about what is happening in Mindanao?

Carell Ryza E. Nartatez (Cotabato):

Mindanao is the second largest island in the Philippines. It is a rich and beautiful land
peopled by different ethnic groups of diverse faith, culture and traditions such as Muslims,
Christians and Lumads. Being strategically located and endowed with abundant natural
resources, scenic tourist spots, rich and varied culture, this part of the Philippines could have
attained economic progress and development if not for the problem of peace.
Nahannie D. Kamensa (Cotabato):
Mindanao is an island with a culture and history quite different from the rest of the
Philippines. Its population is divided into three distinct groups, the indigenous people which
constitute 18% of the population, the Moros (Muslims) 20%, and the Christian settlers, 62%.
Mindanao is very rich in natural resources. It has almost all the resources needed for
development but unbelievably, until now, it is still underdeveloped. Why? The current peace
problem could be the reason. The peace and order situation in Mindanao remains fragile.
Worn down by an endless cycle of violence, civilians in the Southern Philippines are now
starting to take action. Residents in predominantly Muslim Mindanao areas are arming
themselves and preparing to fight the rebels if necessary.

Mark Kenny S. Macrohon (Zamboanga):
The southern part of the Philippines has been plagued with an unstable peace and order
situation with slow economic progress in many areas. The seacoasts and fertile lands have
big potentials for development. Apparently, Mindanao’s potential for becoming an economic
hub has had little effect with the current situation.

Fermina Y. Omar (Jolo, Sulu):

Mindanao today is undeniably in crisis and one of the biggest problems that the Muslims are
facing is the peace and order situation. Whether we like it or not, we the Muslim youth are
very much affected by these conflicts. Brutal murders, kidnappings, robberies, harassments,
political warfare, clan disputes, drug trafficking, ambush on innocent people are happening
here and there. These are violations of human rights that have become a common occurrence
in our society. We are no longer sure of our safety, we are always living in fear, of dangers
that may come.

Rainier Gem A. Machitar (Cotabato City):

The biggest problem that greatly affects the southern Philippines is the issue on peace and
order. For a long time, this unresolved problem became the source of fear of people in
Mindanao. Oftentimes, a lot of crimes, injustices and oppressions happen in this once
peaceful community. And that’s what our brothers and sisters are mostly afraid of. But what
is really behind it? What are the root causes of this endless problem?

Jamaleah L. Benito (Marawi City):

As a child, I used to describe Mindanao as a beautiful and peaceful island and believed that it
was truly a Land of Promise. Now it has become a Land of Conflicts. It has become the
refuge of terrorists particularly the Al Qaeda terrorist group, Jamaah Islamiyaah, Abu Sayyaf
and Moro Islamic Liberation Front. They are sending chills to every individual living in the
area. Who would forget what they did to their hostages from Sipadan and Palawan islands?
It’s unfortunate that they chose Mindanao as their refuge.

Fatimah Sheridana L. Kadil (Jolo, Sulu):

Southern Philippines today is deeply immersed in a protracted war. Life in the area has been
very difficult and uncertain for many people and has been tragic for others. The Moro
National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) have been
fighting the government for a separatist cause and the gangsters like Abu Sayyaf Group
(ASG) has been pestering the country with its kidnap-for-ransom activities.

Jeffrey S. Aliudin (Cotabato City):

Peace and order condition in our community remains an issue. It has never been solved and
never been acted upon effectively. Terrorism is one of the causes. The recapture of the
Indonesian bomber Fathur Roman Al-Ghozi is vital to the cause of fighting terrorism. He has
been identified with some foreign terrorists also training in Mindanao.

Sittie Ayeesha M. Dicali (Marawi City):

Many battles had been fought and tarnished the good name of our country. Peace talks had
begun and had given us hope but then negotiations sometimes stalls leaving no remedy for
the sick Moro land. Too much controversies and intrigues had made the problem into a maze
which seems to be impossible to define. In the meantime, innocent bloods continue to stain
the hands of the fighters on both sides.

Wilric C. Asuncion (Zamboanga City):

Political and economic instability, crime and terrorism are constant threat to peace. This is
the predicament of the Philippine society that will be inherited by us and by the generations
to come after us.

Marion B. Guerrero (Basilan):

The conflict in my own native land has been raging for a long time now staining the lush
verdant plains with blood of innocent people. We live in a world where chaos and strife have
changed the course of life. Conflicts have changed the image of a once beautiful land.

Fahad A. Pimping (Marawi City):

At age sixteen, I have observed the sad plight of the people, the sufferings they have
experienced in this part of the country. Before election time, politicians would promise the
people that they will develop the community and make it a peaceful and bountiful place to
live in but those words remained unfulfilled. Perhaps that is the reason why this part of the
country is called the “Land of Promise.”

Mark Conrad R. Ravanzo (Basilan):

Conflict is actually happening here in Basilan, my home place. Since I was young I have
already heard lots of clashes, struggles, of people engaged in battles, victims here and there
but I can not really understand why these are happening.

Johayrah R. Mindalano (Marawi City):

Peace seems so elusive in our land. We want peace; in fact we need it in attaining progress in
this side of the earth… but how? Conflicts cut the channel that bridges the Moros to their
Christian brothers. Apathy and discrimination work side by side to disrupt the possibility of
discarding pride and prejudice in the hearts of people living in one community.

Paola Joy A. Fernandez (Davao City):

The Lumads, Moros and other tribes in Mindanao are living their lives based on their beliefs
and culture. Most of them are not exposed to modern technologies and are contented and
satisfied with what they have and make the most out of it. But what do people think and
know about them? Some groups call the Moros “killers”. Others call them “rebels” or
“lawless people”. As a Filipino youth living in Mindanao, I had the chance to interact with
these people. It was truly a privilege. When I saw and heard them speak about their problems
and struggles, it makes me feel sad and bad knowing their situation. What is really happening
to these people? What is happening to the Moros and Lumads who are also Filipinos like me?

Menard Pete P. Dacono (Davao City):
Media has made me aware of the present situation of Southern Philippines. However, the
Mindanao talks and seminars that I had attended deepened my understanding about conflicts.
The ruthless kidnapping of rebel groups and the bomb threats urged me to know the roots of
these problems.

What do the youth say about why these things are happening in
Carell Ryza E. Nartatez (Cotabato City):

Mindanao with its vast economic potentials has been plagued with rebellion, strife and
conflicts. Failure of the government to answer the needs of the people, corruption, decades of
neglect, exploitation of their ancestral lands and domain, disregard for their faith, culture and
traditions, prejudices, biases, and inequality have contributed to animosities which are deeply
embedded in the hearts and minds of the natives. Somehow this led some groups to rebel
against the government. It is an indication that the national leadership has failed to view the
issues and concerns of the people in this part of the Philippines with the right perspective.

Mary Rose Jean Andrada (Zamboanga City):

We rely so much on the government for solutions. It is as if we expect our President to fix
everything in an instant never thinking that it is not easy to handle an overpopulated country
with uncooperative citizens. I believe that one thing that keeps Southern Philippines unstable
and the Filipinos confused is our ignorance of ourselves. We are just one nation, but we have
forty-seven uniquely different dialects. This hasn’t caused any misunderstandings among our
ancestors before but it is becoming to be a big issue today. Moreover, the young ones do not
have the same patriotism as our ancestors yesterday. We often hear senior college students
now, striving in their studies not because they want to serve their best to their country, but for
them to be able to go abroad and make money. And then again we say that we are a strong
people, unbending to anyone who forces evil on our country. But are we really one beyond
words? Can we stand up to those who threaten to manipulate our beliefs and fight for them
through legitimate means? Are we aware of the fact that we are so easily persuaded by other
lawless people? Do we know our leaders well enough so that we can proudly say that
corruption does not exist in our government institutions? Are we not like brainless dogs
tailing around our local leaders and following them no matter how unreasonable they had
become? Do we trust them enough to submit our life at their disposal? Do we have enough
courage to be able to raise arms and fight for our nation as one people until our very last
breath? Do we get justice when we are trespassed? These are the questions most Filipinos
refuse to acknowledge. We prefer to move on with the fast flow of the modern world and
absorb ourselves into building our own “safety” walls and hide ourselves from its realities.
We deny the fact that we are no longer the strong Philippine nation we once were; that the
freedom that our forefathers have died for is slowly slipping from our grasps.

Henry F. Segovia (Zamboanga City):

Mindanao history stands like a cross, questioning, denouncing, and at times shattering our
porcelain beliefs and china creeds. I grew up trying to understand fully what my young mind
cannot: our people’s lack of will to culturally understand each other. The quest for
belongingness seems endless; the search for meaning appears distant. Yet, as I go through
discovering myself, I discover others.

Menard Pete P. Dacono (Davao City):

What I knew from my history class, Mindanao wasn’t completely conquered by the
Spaniards. It is during the time of Sergio Osmeña when the misunderstanding between the
Christians from the north and the Muslims in island Mindanao started. He made Mindanao a
free island where people from other places in the archipelago could acquire land. The
Mindanaoans thought that they were deprived of their rights and of their lands. Furthermore,
the differences in culture of these two groups had set a boundary between them. This hasn’t
been resolved until now. I had this experience with other student leaders in Mindanao and
we discussed about people’s misconceptions of Muslims and Moros. The Muslims among
them said that they felt discriminated because some of the people think that all Muslims are
like the rebel groups in Mindanao. We did not know that they are also deeply affected by
what fellow Muslims are doing. I have also realized that Muslims are not the prime movers
of the disunity in Mindanao – the enemies are the people with nonsense motives and selfish

Fahad A. Pimping (Marawi City):

History books have contributed to the existing discrimination against the Muslims. Some
books make it appear that Christian Filipinos are first class citizens and the cultural
communities are second class Filipinos. Another factor is politics. The elected local officials
no longer want to step out even after finishing the three terms in office because they still
want to keep the power until such time that their own children are ready to take over. They
go to the extent of killing their opponents, bribe the voters during election time, or even
organize a group that would be ready to kill those who come across their way. Thus, too
much politics and greed for power becomes an obstacle to the attainment of peace and
development in Mindanao. Violation of human rights is another factor. The Muslims
violently reacted when their Mosque in Davao City was bombed and so many of them,
innocent ones, were also killed. They believe that destroying their place of worship means
disrespect and curtailing their freedom to worship. Many still believe that the military forces
of the government are the brains of this event.

Jeffrey S. Aliudin (Cotabato City):

I have heard that the military has played a big role in these conflicts in Mindanao, that they
distributed guns and ammunitions to the rebels themselves who had claimed many lives of
people. Very pathetic!

Farrell Hazsan E. Usman (Cotabato City):

The incomprehensible differences in the way people live their lives and practice their own
faith become the basic reasons why conflicts remain unsolved here in Mindanao. It is

common for local officials to take advantage of the weak, the poor and the needy in the
community. They abuse their powers for their own self interest. They take advantage of the
less fortunate people who expect to get love and care from them. However, there are still so
many people who remain blind, deaf, and weak to even make a move to change for a better
future. The different religion (faith) of the people is another factor in the unending war here
in Mindanao. The leaders of different sects stand for their principles and beliefs and fight for
what they believe is right and just. But they really do not know who greatly suffer the
consequences of their acts.

Rainier Gem A. Machitar (Cotabato City):

Of the factors that could have contributed to the conflicts in Mindanao, religion is the first.
Religion has caused misunderstandings among Muslims, Christians and Lumads. Their
different beliefs and practices have created gaps between them which became complicated to
solve. If they could just openly accept each other’s perceptions and beliefs, peace could be
attained. Peace should start from ourselves. Second are the politicians. These politicians are
divided into two characters: one is good, responsible and a trustworthy leader and the other is
irresponsible and corrupt. Good leaders should be praised and honored for their essential
contributions to a peaceful and progressive community. But those power-hungry leaders,
they should not receive credit for anything. They are a big disgrace to the people; they hold
on to their position for power and authority. They are just using their positions for some
personal interests and for some illegal businesses. Instead of working for the welfare of the
people, they only make the situation worse for them. Third is terrorism. Until now it
remains a question when it would end. We cannot blame our fellowmen who are fighting for
what they believe in. They are fighting for justice and equality which seem unattainable. A
great number of innocent lives had already perished because of these conflicts!

Paola Joy A. Fernandez (Davao City):

One of the major problems is militarization. The military accuse some groups as rebellious so
they take advantage of them and the worst thing is that they hurt women and children. This is
a problem for quite a time already. Another problem is about land of ethnic tribes, the land of
their ancestors. Where will they live? Where will they make a living? They surely wouldn’t
want to live in the city where most people discriminate them. This is also one of their major
problems too. People, not knowing their culture and beliefs, discriminate them and make fun
of them instead of showing respect and equal treatment as Filipinos. Another problem is
their source of livelihood. Businessmen buy the products of farmers at a very low price but
sell them at a very high price. That is the reason why farmers remain poor. Added to this is
the problem on the education of their children and the youth. Their schools are too far and the
government does not provide the necessary resources like the books, teachers, and other
supplies. The school children have no means of transportation so that they have to walk a
long way to their schools. Wouldn’t that be too much hassle and too tiring for them? Does
the government know about these problems? Yes, they do, but our local officials are too busy
stealing money from the country. Some politicians who want to have a good public image are
doing projects and they implement the laws which are not suitable for the Moros and
Lumads. Politicians kept promising them a better life but never make any improvements for
them. It can be concluded that our government does not really mind them and take the
people’s needs quite seriously. They can’t even solve the problems in the major cities, how

could they attend to the problems in areas where they don’t even dare to go except before and
during election time?

Salima S. Saway (Bukidnon):

As of now I can’t explain the idea that comes into my mind about conflict. I can only say that
some people are demanding for the fulfillment of the promises given by some government
officials, that they be given support for the enhancement and betterment of their cultural and
traditional aspirations, that they would be treated as equal citizens of the country. But
instead, these people were treated like animals, some were even brutally killed by the
military. So, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front got mad and fought back. And also like us,
the Talaandig tribe in the Province of Bukidnon, we feel that our traditional and cultural
beliefs are not respected. Our ancestral lands were taken away from us particularly the Mt.
Kitanglad. Mt. Kitanglad is the land where our forefathers lived but the government has
proclaimed it as a natural park of the Philippines. And that was not fair to us!

Marion B. Guerrero (Basilan):

For years, ethnic minorities have been yearning for social justice and for equality to end
discrimination and poverty. Muslims and Lumads, and other ethnic minorities as well, have
always been the victims of this inhuman policy of the government where they are not
properly represented. To make things worse, discrimination by their own fellow countrymen
adds to their burden. These burdens spawned unrelenting rage and anger that led to violence,
armed violence. Thus, conflicts burst before our very eyes.

Nahannie D. Kamensa (Cotabato City):

As mentioned, Mindanao is a multi-racial community. Lumad, Muslims or Moros and
Christians are the major groups. Within these groups are subdivisions which have their own
conflicts among themselves. This resulted to tribalism and discrimination. One group does
not want the other group to be successful. Instead of helping each other, “crab mentality”
becomes evident. Pulling down each other leads to conflict of interests which made the
situation worse.

Mark Conrad R. Ravanzo (Basilan):

The present conflict in Southern Philippines has something to do with the different kinds of
tribes we have, their culture and religion and their ideologies. From my perspective as a
Christian, let me cite instances why conflicts in Southern Philippines cannot be solved. First,
both Muslims and Christians follow the teachings of their respective religions. I am a
Christian and I follow the teachings of Christ. Muslims do not believe in what the Christians
do. Second, the customs and traditions of Muslims are different from those of the Christians.
Third, vested interests, especially among the elite group. The rich and the famous become
powerful and can easily influence people in the government. The poor become the victims
of a system created by the powerful. In the process, there is loss of hope, loss of dignity,
absence of a good life and finally conflicts set in.

Amor Jade A. Miguel (Basilan):

The different tribes living in Mindanao may have created problems which started these
conflicts today. Followers of politicians faithfully express their support no matter how
corrupt these politicians have become. These politicians become our local officials but they
do not seen to think anymore about the future of their own people and community. They
keep on practicing graft and corrupt practices and maintain their goons, guns and gold by
whatever means for them to enjoy the leadership and management of the affairs of the local
government. The educational system does not have the technical know-how and machineries
to help enhance the knowledge and skills of the school children in both the elementary and
secondary levels. Poverty is also a big factor to consider since this lead to criminal acts like
drug addiction, rape, stealing and even killing for the sake of survival. Finally, the absence
of good moral values of people in all levels and the non-commitment of our government
officials to improve the quality of life of the citizens.

Fermina Y. Omar (Jolo, Sulu):

I thought that the creation of Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) would be
the solution to the long years of suffering of the Moro people. But I was wrong. Some of our
leaders promised us good life but those promises are empty, maybe because Mindanao is the
land of promise and our leaders keep on promising without making them into reality.
Economic problem is also one of the causes of the absence of peace because people are very
greedy when it comes to money, the rich becomes richer and poor becomes poorer. Those
who have the power and the authority usually control everything in their own hands. Others
are busy doing corrupt activities and they are never satisfied with the wealth they already
have and instead want to have more. Mindanao is rich in mineral resources but its economy
is almost dying as compared to Luzon and Visayas where people are enjoying economic
opportunities brought about by stable peace and order conditions. Some politicians run only
for the wealth they could get from holding positions they get from the elections but they
don’t care about the progress of our land. This is because they lack faith in God; they are just
Muslims in names but not in deeds. Islam means Peace, but where is Peace in Mindanao?
This is the time to seek for true leaders, leaders who are God-fearing and dedicated to his
fellowmen for the development of Mindanao. Why does the government spend billions of
pesos for the weapons used in the unending encounters with the rebel groups? Why can’t the
government spend those billions for the development of Mindanao? The people want to be
independent, to govern their own affairs, but the government objects to this demand. Why?
These are puzzles that need answers.

Jeffrey S. Aliudin (Cotabato City):

Peace! Peace! We all want peace, don’t we? But there is no real peace. Instead, there has
always been conflict. What actions can we take in the name of peace? Can developed
countries share their wealth and make a special effort to help develop some areas in poor
countries like the Philippines? The people in Southern Philippines are suffering in poverty
because of political divisions and religious differences as well as misunderstanding between
the government panel and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). These problems have
now erupted into violent conflicts. Indeed, it is in achieving lasting peace which has made the
least progress.

Ambayanan B. Manding (Marawi City):

The Maranaos and Maguindanaos are known to be brave and strong fighters. Some of them
organized groups now known as Abu Sayyaf, Moro National Liberation Front, and the Moro
Islamic Liberation Front to seek for independence from the Philippine Republic. These
fearless groups are one of the government’s major problems. They are the main reason why
we have gun battles, ambushes and murders here in Mindanao. Another reason of conflict in
Mindanao are the pride and principles of different groups of people particularly the
Maranaos, Maguindanaos and Tausugs.

Juhairah M. Cadir (Marawi City):

I believe that the conflicts in southern Philippines started from the Administration and the
Bangsamoro forces. The Bangsamoro people untiringly want to fight for the separation of
Mindanao from the Philippines. They want to establish their own state, where they can
practice their own laws, tradition and way of life. Conflicts affect the livelihood and
financial activities of the people. I believe in the saying that understanding begets
cooperation, cooperation begets unity and unity begets peace.

Sittie Ayeesha M. Dicali (Marawi City):

What are the reasons behind this chaos? This question is a tough one. But I believe that
religious beliefs and political orientations of the people have contributed to it. The Moslems
have sown hatred towards their Christian brothers and the Christians also planted grudges
towards their Moslem brothers.

Wilric S. Asuncion (Zamboanga City):

The present conflicts in the Southern part of the Philippines are not about cultural differences
but obviously about the blood-sucking self interest of some leaders. They want to have their
own government and sovereignty in Mindanao and would like to rule the land even through

Johayrah R. Mindalano (Marawi City):

There exists a big gap of differences and misunderstanding between the Muslims and the
Christians living in one place. From the very start, they had been competing to be more
superior over the other. Christians would say that Muslims are terrorists and that they had
been the victims of such ruthlessness. Sad to say, these conflicts have immensely wasted the
lives of many people.

Fatimah Sheridana L. Kadil (Bongao, Tawi-tawi):

Some people say that the problem is political! However, according to some community
elders, the conflict is deeply rooted on ethnic and religious differences. Such problems are
magnified by the present socio-political, economic and cultural inequalities in our lives.

Joanna Loren J. Ochia (Maguindanao):

Betrayal begot the Muslim and Mindanao problems. Betrayal of trust, of truth, and of justice.
People so trusting left abandoned, truth distorted; justice, mocked. Muslims and Christians,
both players in the Mindanao conflict, are betrayed. Once one people, fate divided them,

alienated them and pitted one against the other. Much as they liked to understand each other,
prejudices and biases have prevented this. Suspicions supplanted good intentions. Two
people centuries apart needed time and special efforts to bridge the socio-cultural and
economic gaps between them. The Muslim problem is socio-economic and political in
nature. It has to do with socio-economic disparities between Muslims and Christians in their
social and political life as a people; the socio-political struggles of the Muslims for identity,
freedom, justice and prosperity; and the Muslim alienation.

What do the youth say about how these things are affecting people’s lives
in the southern Philippines?

Henry F. Segovia (Zamboanga City):

Violence had erupted, lives lost and the dreams of several people were shattered. Thousands
of innocent residents were forced to flee their homes for fear of being hurt, and several of
them are now suffering from hunger and fear.

Cecilia Alexandra Niza (Cagayan de Oro City):

War spells chaos, disunity, and turmoil – the words that exactly describe what is happening
in Southern Mindanao. The ongoing armed conflict is threatening thousands of lives
especially the civilians. Young adolescents are being dragged into the scene with most of
them forced either to become a rebel or a government soldier. Women experience
tremendous losses of their husband, their brothers, and their sons. Children are left to grow
without a father. And worse, all these scar the hearts of people making them live with hatred
and revenge. And the ones greatly affected by all these atrocities are the youth – the hope of
our nation. They are the ones who would suffer all the consequences their elders have done.
Their elders, on the other hand, claim that they are fighting for their children’s future when
that future is nothing but ashes and dust. I see those youths on television, the Muslims
especially, they cried saying they want the war to stop, they want to lead normal lives, and
they want to study. I pity their situation but I think what they really need from us is our
understanding, our love, and our respect.

Johairah M. Cadir (Marawi City):

These conflicts had created a lot of problems which doesn’t only affect Mindanao but also
the whole Philippines. It affects the country specially its economy. It has also affected our
relationship with other countries. Some countries do not allow their citizens to come to the
Philippines because of the peace and order situation. They call our country a “battlefield”.

Nahannie D. Kamensa (Cotabato City):

This situation affects the development in the sense that people are now afraid to live at their
own place. People are evacuating from their own lands. The fighting of government forces
and the rebels, make the civilians the usual victims. Because of this situation Mindanao is
experiencing economic crises. Investors are afraid to invest in any business here in Mindanao
because they do not see any assurance that their business will be secured from lawless
elements. The beautiful sceneries cannot generate any income because tourists would prefer

places in nearby countries like, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore where they can spend
their time and money with peace of mind. Jobless people are growing in number because of
limited opportunities in the area.

Fermina Y. Omar (Jolo, Sulu):

The existing conflicts between the government and the Moro rebels, the military operations
in the province, the bomb threats and explosions destruct people from living normal lives.
People are always evacuating to other places far from their homes, migrating and even living
in utter poverty. These misguided rebels do not even think of our future, they are not aware
what will happen to their victims. They don’t even think that in war, there is no winner but
only losers and victims. Those affected most are the people living in peace in rural areas,
earning a living, cultivating their lands and raising animals.

Johayrah R. Mindalano (Marawi City):

Mindanao -- the land of conflict, the home of the brave and the fighters, the battlefield of the
MILF and the government soldiers. Aren’t we tired of fighting one another? Our land is
already in great chaos. The economy is not that effective, innocent people are suffering, and
the image of the Filipino most especially the Muslims have been stained with biases and

Ambayanan B. Manding (Marawi City):

Because of fighting for their belief they haven’t noticed the effects and the results of war.
Hundreds of innocent lives were lost. A number of churches, mosques, buildings and bridges
in some places like Zamboanga, Cotabato, Davao and Pikit were burned which all the more
created a big gap between Christians and Muslims. Crimes, death rate and poverty have
gone up because of selfishness and strong desire for political power and popularity of some
government officials. If no changes can be done, Mindanao will be known as the conflict
capital of the Philippines. Moreover, our country will suffer economic crisis due to these
unresolved problems in Mindanao.

Jamaleah L. Benito (Marawi City):

The Abu Sayyaf and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), the most popular terrorist
groups in the Philippines, did immoral acts which tarnish the image of Islam. They said that
they are doing this for the sake of Islam but what they have done only worsened the situation.
It has given Islam a very bad image abroad.

Fatimah Sheridana L. Kadil (Bongao, Tawi-Tawi):

This contemporary conflict is causing several millions of damages to properties and the loss
of thousands of precious lives. Innocent civilians – Muslims, Christians, and Lumads alike –
are the ultimate victims of this problem. The Muslim insurgency, no matter how noble their
cause maybe, has frozen southern Philippines and its people into the dark ages of history. It is
now time to unfreeze this situation and make the region live its name as the “Land of

Sittie Ayeesha M. Dicali (Marawi City):
In my own point of view, the conflict here in Southern Philippines is a burden of the whole
country and it needs urgent solution. The wars nearly stopped all economic activities in
Mindanao. In the process, the whole nation is affected. This is not a problem of Mindanao
inhabitants alone. This is a problem of the whole country. The Cebuanos in the Visayas and
the Tagalogs in Luzon will consequently feel its effects even if they have not witnessed the
terror of endless battles. They will feel the waves of the aftershock in the form of economic
depression and instability.

Cecilia Alexandra S. Niza (Cagayan de Oro City):

Now, where does that leave us? Definitely nowhere between the win-win situation but in the
lose-lose situation instead. Why? Because war provokes greed instead of generosity; it
creates discrimination instead of equality; it promotes inequity instead of justice; it manifests
violence instead of caring and; it wreaks havoc instead of reaping love and understanding.

Mark Kenny S. Macrohon (Zamboanga City):

The Filipino youth can not help wondering what went wrong in Mindanao. The problems of
massive corruption, divided people and poor development leave Mindanao behind other parts
of the Philippines. Moreover, there exists some cultural differences among the inhabitants;
and perhaps because of this, the hope of a tranquil, harmonious and more productive living
continues to be obscured. However, amidst the struggles and pessimism, the determination of
some inspiring people who believe in the capability of the Mindanaoans towards change
cannot be ignored.

Joanna Loren J. Ochia (Maguindanao):

At present, the Muslim problem is clearly evident by contrasting the lifestyle of Muslims and
the Christians in neighboring communities. Economically, the Christian community is more
progressive; socially, the Christians are more advanced. The problem now is how to
enlighten the other and eventually remove the disparities. To do this, it is important that we
get into the heart of the problem. Another problem that usually comes from poverty and poor
education are poor health and sanitation in their homes and in their community. This is true
to Christians and Muslims or those in highland communities in similar social situations.
Unfortunately, more Muslim than Christian communities in Mindanao are suffering from this
social disparity and it is a fact. In the case of Mindanao problem, it is complicated with
socio-economic disparity between Muslim and Christian communities. This disparity is
blamed on the Christians and the national government. The conflicts are blamed between
contemporary realities on one hand and, on the other, the demands of the Muslims for self
governance and their aspiration to be free, to preserve their socio-cultural religious identity
and their heritage.

Henry F. Segovia (Zamboanga City):

It really doesn’t matter if these people are Muslims or Christians, because the bottom line is
that these people have nothing to do with this war and therefore they should be spared. The
government may not realize this, but it is not the rebels who are suffering from this war – it is

the people of Mindanao who are really suffering. Haven’t we learned anything at all from
this conflict?

Mary Rose Jean Andrada (Zamboanga City):

We are saddled with so many questions about our history, and we wonder why we do not
dare ask them; instead, we keep them to ourselves. That is why we never understand each
other. That is why until now we are not educated about ourselves and what it means to be a
true Filipino. I feel strongly about these issues. And now that I am given the chance to ask
questions and express my opinions I wish that I be given the chance to personally seek the

What do the youth say about what should be done for peace to prevail in

Cecilia Alexandra S. Niza (Cagayan de Oro City):

There is no better way to alleviate the worsening condition in Mindanao but to dig deeper
into the core of the issues. First, we have to understand why these things are happening and
then we have to start accepting each other’s differences as this may be the only way to end
the hostilities. We put aside our personal agenda hidden behind smiles and start thinking of
the others. After that, the rest would just follow and before you know it, we have completely
accepted each other’s diverse culture. The youth now can play a big role in making
Mindanao vision for peace a reality. Being able to comprehend all these adversities and
peace-destructing situation will help make a change for the betterment of our society. The
politicians should build extra classrooms for the education of the youth instead of
misspending the money of the government and using it for themselves. Whether they like it
or not, the youth will be the next generation to run our nation and if the youth is not trained
to be good leaders, this problem in Mindanao will remain unsolved and would even worsen.
Education is the way. With wide knowledge and understanding it would be easier for
everyone to accept each other’s differences. Then we would not have hard time promoting
peace and together start building a progressive Mindanao.

Farrell Hazsan E. Usman (Cotabato City):

Maybe, in order to resolve these problems that greatly affect both the innocent people and the
economy, people must learn to understand that they must all cooperate in working for the
attainment of peace and to forget their own selfish desires.

Menard Pete Dacono (Davao City):

Peace can start within us. Peace can start from the youth. We should start teaching the
children the right values. We should not let them be influenced by the negative things
happening in our society. We should be more responsive to the country’s call for peace.

Mark Kenny S. Macrohon (Zamboanga City):

The participation of all Filipinos is just as important as the initiative and sincerity of the
Mindanaoans. Furthermore, there is a demand for fresh, vibrant and timely ideas in order to

achieve peace in Mindanao. This may come from no less than the youth. The modern youth
is filled with new ideas. However, there should be a venue where these ideas could be
expressed. They have witnessed all events which took place in their native land. Youth look
at Mindanao problems from a vantage point that is different from the view point of the
adults; and probably, the youth do not have vested interests which might prevent the desire
for change. The modern Filipino youth is liberal with new principles which Mindanao needs
for a better future. The youth, inspired by their ideas for a better life for the people, is the
hope of Mindanao.

Rainier Gem A. Machitar (Cotabato City):

There is still hope and it lies in the citizens of Mindanao. If we should only practice respect
and love for others in spite of our differences, it would not be difficult for us to attain peace.
If justice prevails and equality reigns, there is no doubt we can have a productive and
harmonious life. The key to success is in our hands. The current peace problem in
Mindanao is making life dangerous for people who seek change. Leaders should do
something about it. The people themselves should initiate change for the better. Mindanao is
such a nice place to go to waste. If this situation will not be resolved, what will happen to the
people of Mindanao?

Fatimah Sheridanah L. Kadil (Bongao, Tawi-Tawi):

To end this conflict, peaceful negotiation is the only right course to take. Sincere cooperation
and understanding is vital to a lasting resolution of such problem. Every civilized individual
and society must not rest until the conflict in southern Philippines is finally solved. Let the
tragedy end and let development and prosperity begin in the spirit of freedom, understanding,
unity and co-existence under one nation!

Johayrah R. Mindalano (Marawi City):

At this point, we should not use our pride or else we will all certainly fail in this fight. Let us
open our eyes to the reality, the calamities happening in our country and the sufferings of the
people because of these conflicts. Imagine how much money the government have spent for
this war which should had been spent for the welfare of the people. To attain peace, there
should be mutual respect between Muslims and Christians as Filipinos. Christians should
stop making generalizations about the Muslims. They should remember that the true
Muslims are those who follow the five pillars of Islam. We should not lose hope because it’s
not yet too late to solve this problem. If we just respect, love, care, and help one another, we
will be united… Inshaallah. Peace will be achieved and war will be terminated. But if we
only sit down and do nothing, we’ll suffer more than we could ever imagine and we’ll have
nothing good to offer to the subsequent generation.

Sittie Ayeesha M. Dicali (Marawi City):

I believe this clash must be stopped. The sick needs medicine and their pain, alleviated. The
government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) must destroy the walls of
misunderstanding and mistrust. They must open the doors of communication and
understanding especially when they’re engaged in peace talks. Let not politics interfere in the

negotiation. The whole nation must move now to heal its wounds because it will take a long
time to heal by itself. Then, we can achieve peace and prosperity.

Juhairah M. Cadir (Marawi City):

I can not see any positive development in the negotiations between the government and the
Bangsamoro. I don’t think that the solution to these conflicts is giving in to their demands.
Why don’t we just help the government to improve and develop our respective communities?
I think we should all unite and be one. We are divided by waters so let us not allow
religions, beliefs, traditions and politics totally divide us further.

Jamaleah L. Benito (Marawi City):

I am appealing to our Christian brothers and sisters, please do not be carried away with what
these terrorists are doing. They are not true Muslims because if they are then they would not
be doing these acts. Please do not make generalizations about us. Muslim brothers, please do
not do anything which can alter the image of Islam as a whole. Always remember that by
being good, God is always with us.

Fermina Y. Omar (Jolo, Sulu):

If we are just willing to admit our mistakes and be ready to unite with our fellow Muslims,
there’ll be no conflict, then peace shall prevail!

Fahad A. Pimping (Marawi City):

It is also important that history books be rewritten to erase the distorted picture of Muslims as
juramentados and pirates. What should be written are things which could foster better
relationships between Christians and Muslims. Moreover, in areas where there is conflict,
the youth can play a very important role if given the chance. They should not remain silent,
dumb, inactive, disunited and uncooperative in facing these problems. Thus, inter-ethnic
forum and cooperation will make a difference in understanding each other even if we differ
in culture and history. Inter-ethnic dialogue serves as a good start for a young peace-process
to grow, to mature and to be fruitful.

Marion B. Guerrero (Basilan):

Since independence, the government poured billions of funds to push economic plans to end
the conflict, unfortunately corruption ate it away. The military made the situation more
fragile. Amidst the turmoil, a bright unorthodox method was launched: “Inter-faith and ethnic
dialogue”. A dialogue is the most appropriate forum to deliver unheard pleas and to find a
peaceful solution to end this conflict. This is the forum in which views from both sides are
heard and fully considered for the sake of peace.

Salima S. Saway (Bukidnon):

I hope that our government will try to show its concern for the indigenous peoples and that
our traditional cultures be given due respect and recognition. We also want to be given equal
services just like other citizens of this country.

Carell Ryza E. Nartatez (Cotabato City):
It is high time that the government revise its policies towards the native inhabitants of
Southern Philippines and address the root causes of the problem so that peace and
development in the region can be finally attained. Then we can look forward to a nation
where there is solidarity, harmony, equality and respect for human rights and the dignity of
every citizen.

Jeffrey S. Aliudin (Cotabato City):

What we can do now is to reconcile different ethnic groups and be united with a common
goal to attain peace. When will we ever learn to accept our differences? As the protest song
puts it, the answer is still blowing in the wind.

Joanna Loren J. Ochia (Maguindanao):

The gap is not unbridgeable. Let us try to understand the main root of the problem. Apply the
proper solution. Stop the betrayal. Present realities show that a bridge can be built for mutual
understanding. Finding solutions to the Muslim and Mindanao problems has been
frustrating. Solution begets new problems. As a high school student, it is already very clear to
me that engaging in bloody war and sacrificing lives are not the answers to anyone’s
adversities. The solution can be found in our lifetime. Despite the intensifying conflict,
positive signs are there. So let’s just continue these peace efforts so that solutions can evolve
and it’s already our responsibility to nurture its growth and development.

Mary Rose Jean Andrada (Zamboanga City):

The current situation in Southern Philippines will never be solved unless someone dares to
stand and put some sense into our people’s psyche. Someone has to send the message that
our country needs to be helped. This is the time when the Philippines needs its people most.
In the end, all boils down to us. The welfare of this nation rests in its people’s hands. It is up
to us now to take the move. We should not fear today’s evil for it shall pass, but rather, we
should fear the day when our children would wake up in a world where unity is impossible
and freedom non-existent. For it is only then when we all strive to be ONE Filipino people
can we be really united. We shall only gain peace when we once again become ONE in the
service of God and country.

Mark Kenny S. Macrohon (Zamboanga City):

The people of Mindanao should live in unity with the mutual interest of striving for the best.
We treasure our diverse religious convictions and various cultural traditions, but we have one
common denominator - we are Mindanaoans and we are Filipinos. The youth from different
parts of Mindanao must come together to share their different point of views. They have to
investigate and understand the root causes of the conflict. Youth empowerment can be
achieved with ideas from fellow youth and from other people who are leaders in advancing
the cause for national unity. We must have optimism, strength and faith in ourselves because
there is still hope for peace in southern Philippines. The youth are the hope. If the youth
possess these qualities, they must be given the opportunity to voice out what they think and
believe are best for Mindanao. They must be able to put their ideas into action. The youth

comprise the largest group of people in Mindanao as well as in the Philippines. If they work
together, Mindanao will grow. Mindanao will be a sanctuary for the most colorful groups of
people in the Philippines living in peace and prosperity.

Wilric C. Asuncion (Zamboanga City):

I suggest that we set aside all our grievances and self interests because if we don’t, we cannot
have success in the attainment of peace. We should be committed and unselfish. Hope lies in
the hands of those who have conviction and ideals. We should strongly believe that this
country is not hopeless. We should believe that Filipinos can stand together as brothers. The
psalmist said. “Let us then be up and doing, with a heart for any faith still achieving, still
pursuing, learn to labor and to wait.” It means that if we want peace, let us start peace in
ourselves, and let us learn to wait, because if we will help ourselves, God will also help us.

Henry F. Segovia (Zamboanga City):

Peace in Mindanao is an elusive concept, but strides can be made, one-step at a time. I hope
to initiate change, it can be small in magnitude, but change leads to revolutions, and this is
where my peace begins.

Appendix B: Selected Speeches
By Henry Segovia
Unity in Diversity Lunch, April 21, 2004

"Who are the Americans, these new men”, asked one of the thousands who moved to
North America in the 18th century. “He is an American, who leaving behind him all his
ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has
embraced. Here, individuals of different origin are melted in to a new race of men.
It has always amazed me how a nation of such diversity is glued by a politics of
participation based on the belief that to be legitimate and lasting, a government had to derive
its power from the people. This is an ideal that is yet to be accomplished in my country, the
Philippines. Today, the Filipino people are struggling for that ideal.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe that it is possible to have unity in diversity. If not, I
would have not joined this Philippine ACCESS Exchange Program. In the world where we
are living today and it is rightly called “the Global Village”, having unity without diversity
would seem absurd.
But, I also know that there are too many conflicts throughout that continuously satisfy
us. The revival of historical grudges in the Balkans, the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo, the daily
violence in Israel and troubles in Indonesia. My country is not indifferent to these situations:
until now, we are struggling to unite a Mindanao torn apart by religious divide, political
neglect and ethnic conflicts.
These issues and more convinced me that I have to do something – both as an
individual and as a member of the community.
Some of my questions have been answered, most are to be realized.
My 21 days of stay in the US has helped me to come up with an answer to these
conflicts – and that is, intolerance. Intolerance ignited most wars, fuelled religious
persecution and violent ideological confrontations.
Unity in diversity, for me, means enhancing common values that emphasize
interdependence. Together, tolerance can be taught, can be learned, can be integrated.
There is so much job to be done in building a better Mindanao _ and the 33 of us
from the Philippine ACCESS Exchange Program are willing to take the challenge.
Nine days from now, we will have to say goodbye to America.
For 21 days, I have experienced how it is to live in pursuit of liberty and happiness.
For 21 days, it was entirely a different culture from mine – big hamburgers, cereals for
breakfast, changing weather. For 21 days, the Filipino youths had a voice, a message and we
were heard, because you listened to us. And I am never, ever the same again.
Together, we will fulfill the promise of great Mindanao.
There is hope, so believe in us. We have a vision, so trust us.

The Journey Back Home
By Henry Segovia
Graduation Ceremony, April 28, 2004

Ladies and Gentlemen:

A 5-year old boy, after hours of peddling cigarettes, which is common in the
Philippines, hesitantly asked 50 cents from her old mother – barely 1 percent of a dollar. The
busy street of down Zamboanga – the city where I come from – had been a home to these
two impoverished people. In the cold, bare floor they would rest every night not even
minding the passersby. The streets had been their world, the only place they could afford to
live. But, on that fateful night of October 11, 2001, a bomb exploded in an open public
restaurant where the old mother and her son would do their trade. All the little boy wanted
was to buy iced water because he was so thirsty, so he went inside that public restaurant…but
he never went out alive again. Her mother, hearing the loud explosion, powerless in her
desire to help the child, could do nothing but grieve in pain. Because on that night, she had
lost her only possession, her life, her happiness, her son. She is old and all alone.
Because the Abu Sayyaf did it! Because some MILF or MNLF group were, perhaps,
behind it. Because the Muslims wanted it.
And some Christian and Muslim fundamentalists would not rest until the other is
diminished…until the last breath of all religious adherents of a particular faith are taken
away…until they shall feel God’s favor on them by executing horrible attacks to those who
are indifferent to their plight.
The next morning, I had to beg my parents not to go to work. I was scared because
just the thought of the rebels executing another bomb plot is unbearable. But, they wouldn’t
listen because they had to work to sustain us. Accordingly, it had to be business as usual.
Everyday, the same amount of fear and insecurity would sweep me. Everyday, there is no
peace of mind.
In some areas, guns and bombs form an exploding roar of power and might
threatening the inhabitants of its presence, its force, its desire to conquer. But within its evil
desires, within its might and within its terrifying threats, peace is not to be found.
And this is the reason why I joined this Philippine ACCESS Exchange Program – that
I shall, that we shall no longer sit immobile in front of our televisions when a handful of
power thirsty vultures spreads death in the name of religion….that I, along with my peers,
must take my backpack with courage, wisdom and commitment in it and trail a journey
towards peace.
To paraphrase the words of the great Chinese sage, Lao Tze: the journey of a
thousand miles begins with a single step. And the people behind this Philippine ACCESS
Exchange Program have all taken that single step now.
A scarred hand is reaching out, palm facing forward. It is the hand of those who have
sacrificed their lives so that peace can be rooted deeply in the rich soil of commitment.
Someday, I know, peace will flow like a never ending stream of harmony throughout our
islands. Someday, peace will have a place in the heart of every Mindanaon.
To all those who have been a part of this great dream, Thank You Very Much.
I also would like to remember our families in the Philippines. They were brave
enough to let go of us for a month. Days from now, we will be together again. Days from
now, we are back from where we came from.
But before we leave, our sincerest appreciation to all our foster families. Thank you
for welcoming us to your homes.

Ladies and Gentlemen, today we finally break our silence.
And to all those who have died, who have laid their lives as a ransom for peace in
Mindanao, I dedicate my journey, our journey.


Distinguished guests…Provost Gary Gersholdt, Provost Ivan Legg, Dr Thecla Cooler,
Michelle Bringas, Dr. Susan Russell, Dr. Nagasura Madale, Dr. Noemi Medina, Dr Lina
Ong, my colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon!

It started with a dream. A dream that has long been waiting for someone to fulfill and sustain.
And now the dream is a reality. We are here, twenty six young Filipinos willing to change
lives and redefine the future of peace. Peace seems like an illusive dream for us. People, for
some reasons, build walls instead of breaking barriers and bridging the gap.

Looking back to our history, as I have learned is an essential part of understanding the root
causes of conflict and affecting change by destroying our biases and prejudices. That we not
only respect the differences of others but rather celebrate them as it is what makes this world
a haven of unique individuals.

I believe that the purpose of these differences is not for us to start resisting and closing our
minds to others. This is essential for all of us to be able to discover and appreciate the beauty
of diversity and realize how wonderful we are as one people. If we start believing in the
power of peace then there will be no more wars, no more tears shed. We believe that this is
just the beginning of our careers as ambassadors of peace and agents of change in Mindanao.
If all nations, starting with the youth, take this awesome responsibility then who knows in ten
years we will be less discriminating but more accepting of the fact that we all are human
beings with equal rights deserving of respect regardless of our faith, race and color.

Paz, Kalilintad, Kaayad hu kaggahinawa, Kalinaw, Kapayaoaan, Peace…They may sound

differently but they all mean the same thing. Peace be with us all. Thank you.

Delivered by: Johayrah R. Mindalano

DCFI, Marawi City
Date delivered: April 26, 2004
Chandelier Room

Appendix C: Pledge of Commitment

ACCESS/Philippines Program 2004

Pledge of Commitment

I, ___________________________________, a participant of the

ACCESS/Philippines Program, having gone through a month-
long training for Interethnic Dialogue and Conflict Resolution at
Northern Illinois University, commit myself to:

• Examine my own biases and work to overcome them;

• Set a positive example for my family and friends;
• Work for active tolerance and respect in my own
community and to continually challenge myself to work for
peace, holding to my own identity, culture, and tradition
inspired by my own faith in God, and
• Work further to face all these challenges with wisdom and

So help me God.



Appendix D: Partner Institutions
Northern Illinois University (NIU), through the Center for Southeast Asian Studies
and the International Training Office (ITO), entered into a partnership with the Capitol
University in Cagayan de Oro, and the International Visitors Program-Philippines Alumni
Foundation, Inc. Collectively, these organizations brought critical resources and capacities to
the ACCESS-Philippines Project. These partner institutions provided (1) expertise and
personal contacts in recruiting and selecting program participants; (2) expertise in organizing
and coordinating community youth programs; (3) first-hand knowledge of the ARMM and
the Mindanao region; (4) experience in dealing with inter-ethnic issues of cooperation and
conflict management.

NIU is a Carnegie-classified Research Extensive university with a century-long

reputation for excellence in teaching, discovery and outreach. Chartered in 1895, NIU is a
comprehensive teaching and research university with seven degree granting colleges that
together offer 51 undergraduate degree programs and 70 graduate degree programs, including
Ph.D. programs, doctoral degrees in Education, and the Juris Doctorate. As the suburban
Chicago area's premier public university, NIU serves one of the nation's largest and most
dynamic regions. More than 24,000 students study here, and nearly 200,000 alumni call NIU
their alma mater.

In the fall of 2003, over 1,000 international students representing about 100 countries
were enrolled at NIU. To meet the needs of an ever-growing international student body, NIU
has employed a significant number of faculty and staff with valuable experience and skills in
international training and related fields. Many faculty members are involved in international
development activities that include providing consulting services to business, industry,
education, and government, as well as providing instruction and training services overseas.

The northern Illinois region includes 80% of the state's population, a significant
aggregation of minority and ethnic groups, and a majority of the Illinois community colleges.
Like the region, the university is changing rapidly into a highly diverse student body, with
27% of our undergraduates being minority students--mirroring the population base from
which most of our students come.

NIU draws upon the extensive human resources and support capabilities of the entire
academic community as well as the rich learning resources of the Chicago area in order to
create a meaningful learning environment for the participants of its international training
programs. The ability to tap these human and physical resources is a critical factor in the
success of its programs. The university campus is within easy access to major federal
regional centers, leading community colleges, political institutions and multinational
companies, which make it possible to develop enriching observational tours and hands-on
experiences for participants

NIU’ international reputation for academic achievement attracts students, researchers,

and professors from around the globe. The university provides numerous academic facilities
for its students, including a sizeable modern library, computer labs, and a state-of-the art
language laboratory. As a National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I

school, NIU also possesses well-maintained recreational facilities, including a modern sports
and recreation center, swimming facility, and gymnasium. The 514-acre campus is situated
only 60 minutes from the historic landmarks of downtown metropolitan Chicago – the
nation’s third largest city.

The Center for Southeast Asian Studies at NIU is a federally-funded and

internationally renowned undergraduate National Resource Center (
CSEAS draws upon and contributes to the cultural and intellectual richness of the region,
which is the center of Illinois’ high technology and agribusiness. As one of only eight U.S.
Department of Education Title VI National Resource Centers for Southeast Asian, the
CSEAS has the nation’s fifth largest Southeast Asian library collection and 45 faculty and
staff that specialize in Southeast Asia. Established in 1963, the Center is responsible for
addressing the academic curriculum needs of the university community on Southeast Asia,
and developing and administering outreach and research programs concerned with this region
of the world. A unique Center resource is SEAsite, an interactive multimedia language
training and culture learning Web site that offers instruction in languages not commonly
taught in universities and grade schools including Vietnamese, Thai, Burmese, Lao, Tagalog,
and Indonesian. Center Associates teach over 65 courses a year that deal with Southeast Asia.

The International Training Office (ITO) at NIU is the international training

resource unit of the university and is in charge of administering certificate courses and short-
term training programs for international client organizations, both from the government and
the private sector for the past 20 years. Through the years, ITO has carved a niche as an
enabler and facilitator of change and as an active partner in developing the human resources
potential of professionals from the less advanced areas of the world. ITO has enhanced the
capacities of public sector, private sector and nongovernmental organizations as well as
individuals from many countries in the world, including Argentina, Costa Rica, Chile,
Colombia, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Morocco,
Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, and
Venezuela. For two decades, ITO has been engaged in design and delivery of training
programs in a wide variety of fields that are customized to the special requirements of
international clients. ITO’s training philosophy emphasizes active learning methodologies to
maximize learner participation and promote creative and practical applications. ITO
advocates participatory processes in training design and implementation and has remained at
the forefront of the learner-centered training approach.

Capitol University (formerly Cagayan Capitol College) in Cagayan de Oro,

Philippines, is the youngest university in northern Mindanao. Founded in 1971 by Madame
Laureana S. Rosales, Capitol University is a private co-educational institution. With a
student enrollment of almost 7,000, the university is considered one of the finest marine
science institutions in the Philippines. The university offers a wide range of graduate and
undergraduate degree programs including education, engineering (civil, mechanical,
electronics, and marine), nursing, commerce, criminology, agricultural technology,
physiotherapy, and computer science. Capitol University prides itself in educating the "total
person" and raising capable individuals of upright character who will become catalysts for
positive social transformation. Capitol University will soon launch a new Ph.D. program in
anthropology with a focus on Muslim-Christian integration, and peace studies. This area of
specialization is one of eleven priorities in the university’s five-year academic agenda.

The International Visitors Program-Philippines Alumni Foundation, Inc. or
IVP-Phils. was born out of a desire to come together in solidarity by former Filipino
participants of the International Visitor Program (IVP) of the U.S. State Department. With
the support and encouragement of the U.S. Embassy in Manila, the organization composed of
IVP participants dating back to the early 1960s was created four years ago with the objective
of being a prime mover of volunteerism in the Philippines. IVP-Phils. is a diverse network of
professionals composed of senators, justices, cabinet members, university presidents,
professors, teachers, private voluntary organization directors, cultural experts, clerics and a
lot more and thus covers almost all sectors of Philippine society. It has been involved in
implementing projects on corporate governance and social responsibility, teacher-
empowerment and enhancing their proficiency in English and other skills, peace, human
rights and development, among others. One of its projects involves training and mobilizing
the youth in all regions of Mindanao to do their share in working for peace in Mindanao.


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