A Pure Data Toolkit

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The paper presents software for real-time synthesis of spectral data using Pure Data and the ATS analysis technique. ATS represents audio signals using deterministic and stochastic parts.

ATS analyzes signals into deterministic sinusoidal trajectories and a stochastic/residual part represented by noise values across critical bands. The deterministic part preserves phase while the stochastic part is the residual after subtracting the deterministic part.

ATS allows independent treatment of qualitative aspects, represents sound in a way closer to musical thinking, and simplifies residual reconstruction by avoiding artifacts from operations like time warping.

A Pure Data toolkit for real-time synthesis of ATS spectral data

Oscar Pablo DI LISCIA

Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Roque Saenz Pea 180
Quilmes, Argentina, 1876
[email protected]

This paper presents software development and
research on the field of digital audio synthesis of
spectral data using the Pure Data environment
(Miller Puckette et al) and the ATS spectral
analysis technique (by Juan Pampin [6]). The ATS
technique produces spectral data using a
deterministic-plus-stochastic representation. The
focus is on the methods by which such data may be
real-time read and synthesized using several Pure
Data externals developed by the author and others,
as well as on the involved audio synthesis
strategies. All the software involved in this
development are GNU Licensed and run under

Digital Signal Processing,
Computer Music.



The ATS analysis technique



The ATS technique (Analysis-TransformationSynthesis) was developed by Juan Pampin. Its

comprehensive study exceeds the goal of this
paper1 but, essentially, it may be said that it
represents two aspects of the analyzed signal: the
deterministic part and the stochastic or residual
part. This model was initially conceived by Julius
Orion Smith and Xavier Serra [11], but ATS
refines certain aspects of it, such as the weighting
of the spectral components on the basis of their
The deterministic part consists in sinusoidal
trajectories with varying amplitude, frequency and
phase. It is achieved by means of the depuration of
the spectral data obtained using STFT (Short-Time
Fourier Transform) analysis.


The stochastic part is also termed residual,

because it is achieved by subtracting the
deterministic signal from the original signal. For
such purposes, the deterministic part is
synthesized preserving the phase alignment of its
components in the second step of the analysis.
The residual part is represented with noise
variable energy values along the 25 critical bands
The ATS technique has the following advantages:
a-The splitting between deterministic and
stochastic parts allows an independent treatment
of two different qualitative aspects of an audio
b-The representation of the deterministic part by
means of sinusoidal trajectories improves the
information and presents it on a way that is much
closer to the way that musicians think of sound.
Therefore, it allows many 'classical' spectral
transformations (such as the suppression of
partials or their frequency data transforming) in a
more flexible and conceptually clearer way.
c-The representation of the residual part by means
of noise values among the 25 critical bands
simplifies the information and its further
reconstruction. Namely, the common artifacts that
arise in synthesis using oscillator banks or IDFT,
when the time of a noisy signal analyzed using a
FFT is warped may be completely suppressed 3.

Performing and storing ATS analysis

ATS was initially developed for the CLM

environment (Common Lisp Music [5]), but at
present there exist several GNU applications that
can perform the ATS analysis, among them the
Csound Package command-line utility ATSANAL
[8]4, and the ATSH software (Di Liscia, Pampin,
3 This is possible because the residual part
representation allows its synthesis using noise
generators.Moreonthiswill befurtherexplainedin
ATSANAL is based on the program ATSA (by

Moss [3]). The analysis parameters are somewhat

numerous, and must be carefully tuned in order to
obtain good results [2].
As documented in [3], the ATS files store a
representation of a digital sound signal in terms of
sinusoidal trajectories (called partials) with
instantaneous frequency, amplitude, and phase
changing along temporal frames. Each frame has a
set of partials, each having (at least) amplitude and
frequency values (phase information might be
discarded from the analysis). Each frame might
also contain noise information, modeled as timevarying energy in the 25 critical bands of the
analysis residual.
The ATS files start with a header at which their
description is stored (such as frame rate, duration,
number of sinusoidal trajectories, etc.).
After the header data, the time, amplitude,
frequency, phase and residual (these two may or
may not be present) data of each partial in each
frame are stored as 64 bits double values.
The format of the ATS files can be found in [3]
but it is important to keep in mind that, at present,
the ATS files come in four types:
Type 1: only sinusoidal trajectories with
amplitude and frequency data on file.
Type 2: only sinusoidal trajectories with
amplitude, frequency and phase data on file.
Type 3: sinusoidal trajectories with amplitude,
and frequency data as well as residual data on file.
Type 4: sinusoidal trajectories with amplitude,
frequency and phase data as well as residual data
on file.
In Figures 2 and 3, plots of the Deterministic and
of the Residual parts of a steady, 440 Hz sound of
a Flute can be seen 5.

Figure 1: Plot of the Deterministic part of an

ATS analysis.


Figure 2: Plot of the Residual part of an ATS


ATS spectral data synthesis

At present, besides the original version in CLM,

several GNU applications for ATS synthesis
already exist. Several UGens for the Csound
program were developed by Alex Norman [10].
Also, the ATSH program [3], allows the synthesis,
editing and transformation of ATS data by means
of a graphic interface. SuperCollider interfaces
for ATS (including classes to read ATS files as
well as UGens to do transformation and synthesis)
are included in Josh Parmenter's UGen library,
which is now part of the SuperCollider standard

ATS spectral data synthesis using PD

The synthesis procedure of an ATS analysis was

designed in the following stages:
1-The ATS analysis data must be read from a file,
parsed, and loaded in memory. The data of the file
header (mainly the ATS file type, its duration, its
frame rate, and the amount of partials per frame)
must be also decoded and stored.
2-According to the ATS file type, the frequency,
amplitude and phase (if any) and (if existing and
required) the energy information of the residual
part for each frame, must be sent at the right time
(or with modifications that will warp the time of
the original signal, if desired) to the synthesis
3-If the ATS file does not have residual data
(types 1 or 2), using a bank with as many
sinusoidal oscillators as partials, with their
variable amplitude and frequency values for each
frame properly interpolated would suffice to
achieve the deterministic part synthesis.
4-If the ATS file has residual data (types 3 or 4),
two special cases must be considered. The first
case is when only the residual part is to be
synthesized. The second case is when both, the
deterministic and the residual part are to be
In both cases, software units that produce random
values in the range of -1 to 1 with periodicity n

(frequency f =1/n) interpolating them linearly, are

used as sources to reconstruct the original noise.
As stated in [9] 6, such units (which will be termed
from here on randi7) produce a signal whose
spectrum has a main lobe at 0 Hz and
(Nyquist_frequency/f - 1) lobes starting at ( f + f /
2), and spaced by frequency intervals of f Hz. The
amplitude peak of the second lobe is
approximately 24 dB below the amplitude peak of
the main lobe, and the remaining lobes decrease
even more in amplitude as their frequency rises. If
such signal is multiplied by a sinusoidal signal of
frequency fc, its main lobe will be centered in this
frequency due to the convolution of the spectra of
both signals, and the result is very similar to bandpass filtered noise with center frequency at cf. A
plot of one of such signals is shown in Figure 3.

that evaluates the locations in the 25 critical

bands of each frequency value for all the
sinusoidal trajectories is used to compute and
store in memory variable energy values of noise
for each partial at each frame. The resulting signal
for the synthesis of both, the deterministic part
and the residual part of each partial, k, with
frequency fk, amplitude akand noise energy rk, is
made of the sum of the deterministic part
(synthesized according to the procedure described
in stage 3) plus the deterministic part (with
changing frequency fk, but scaled by the RMS
values of noise for each partial, rk, instead of the
deterministic amplitude ak), modulated by noise
(produced by randi units with variable frequency
proportional to fk). The following formula shows
the computing of a sample, n, of the output
par 1

output n = (a k sin (2 f k n / R )+ r k sin (2 f k n / R) randi (f k s))

k =0

Figure 3: a plot of the spectrum of the output of a

1000 Hz randi unit convolved by a sine wave at
2000 Hz and sampled at 44.1 KHz A FFT of 1024
samples with a Blackman-Harris smoothing
window was used in the analysis.
In the first case (only residual synthesis), the
output signal is the sum of the output signals of 25
randi units with their frequencies set as the
bandwidth of each one of the critical bands, each
one modulated by a sinusoidal signal with its
frequency set as the center frequency of the
corresponding critical band. The amplitudes of
each one of the resulting 25 signals are scaled by
the RMS power values obtained in the residual
analysis for each critical band and frame . The
latter RMS values for each frame are linearly
The second case is somewhat more complex. The
residual energy values for each critical band must
be re-injected into each deterministic sinusoidal
trajectory according to the critical band where
each one of these trajectories is located. Since this
information is not stored in the ATS files, and to
save computation time, this must be achieved
before the real-time synthesis process. A function




Where par is the number of partials (sinusoidal

trajectories), s is a scaling factor and R is the
Sampling Rate. The scaling factor s should be less
than 1, because the resulting frequency values
(fks) will determine the rate at which the randi
units get a new random value and, essentially, the
bandwidth of the resonant peaks of the output
signal spectra 9.
The following sections will explain how several
Pure Data externals were created and/or modified
to properly connect them in order to perform the
synthesis according to the stages and techniques
above mentioned. It is assumed that the reader is
familiar with the fundamentals of Pure Data
programming, at the very least. The source code
of all the externals, as well as some ATS files, and
several Pure Data example patches can be found
at [1].

Reading the data: The atsread external

The atsread external (by Alex Norman [7]), for

Pure Data, was programmed to read ATS files and

The deterministic part frequency and amplitude

be of 2fks Hz A scaling factor of 0.1 (10% of fk)

to send its data to the required synthesis units.

Essentially, this object takes an ATS file, parses its
data and stores them in memory and allows
sending them to the required synthesis units. The
object expects a succession of floats indicating the
time of the analysis that is required to be
synthesized. According to the time value received,
the frame of the analysis where it is located is
fetched, and its corresponding data values are
obtained by linear interpolation of the data of the
current and the next frames, and sent through the
respective outlets.
The author of this paper made several
improvements to the atsread external in order to
adhere to the needs of the synthesis units that are
to be further used. The modifications are listed
below and briefly explained, but their relevance
will become more understandable in the next
sections, where the synthesis units are explained.
1-Inclusion of an extra outlet for the output of
the header data of the ATS file. As previously
mentioned, knowledge of the type (whether
residual data is present or not) and of the duration
and number of partials of the opened file, at least,
is needed in order to properly set the
corresponding synthesis units and to send to them
the time data. The header data is sent in the form
of a list of floats once a file is opened.
2-Inclusion of a function to compute the residual
noise values corresponding to each partial, for the
case were residual information is present and both,
deterministic and residual synthesis, are
required10. If the file has residual data, then this
function is called once it is opened, and the
resulting values for each partial at each frame are
stored in memory.
3-Inclusion of an extra outlet for the output of
the noise values for each partial computed in 2.
4-Inclusion of an extra outlet for the output of
the index (i.e., the partial number). The partial
number if sent as a float value before its
amplitude, frequency and noise (if any) data are
5-Modification of the output format of the
amplitude, frequency, phase and noise values.
These are now sent as independent float values
(with their partial index preceding them), instead
of as lists of float values.
The modifications 4 and 5 were meant to simplify
the connections with the synthesis units.


If only the synthesis of the deterministic part is

required, the atsread external may be connected
with the oscbank~ external (by Richie Eakin, [4]).
This external is designed to perform additive
synthesis and produces its output audio signal
through the use of a lookup oscillator bank. For
better performance, the oscillator units are not
interpolating, but as the default (sine) table length
used is large enough (65536 values), the artifacts
of truncation are minimized11. The oscbank~
external takes control rate successions of three
floats (each one being respectively the oscillator
number, its frequency and its amplitude). The
received values are used to control the output of
the corresponding oscillator and are interpolated
linearly at a rate that can be set by the user. The
default table and its size are appropriate for the
purposes of the ATS deterministic part synthesis,
but the user may experiment with other wave
shapes and table sizes12.

Such C language function (band_energy_to_res)

was taken from the analysis engine code of the program
ATSA (by Pampin, Di Liscia and Moss).

Sinthesizing the residual part: The atsnoisy~ external

If only the synthesis of the residual part is

required, the atsread external may be connected
with the ats-noisy~ external (by Pablo Di Liscia).
The output audio signal of this external is
obtained adding the outputs of 25 randi units,
each one with its frequency adjusted to the
bandwidth of each critical band and modulated by
a sine wave whose frequency is adjusted by the
central frequency of each critical band. The
output of each randi unit is scaled by the RMS
power of the residual part of each critical band.
These 25 RMS values for each analysis frame are
received from the atsread external in the form of
a float list and linearly interpolated. The
interpolation rate may be set by the user.

Sinthesizing the deterministic and the

residual parts: The ats-sinnoi~ external

If the synthesis of both, the residual and the

deterministic parts is required, the atsread
external may be connected with the ats-sinnoi~
external (by Richie Eakin and Pablo Di Liscia).



Sinthesizing the deterministic part: The

oscbank~ external

As stated by Moore ([9], pp. 166), a truncating

oscillator reading a table of 65536 values, produces a
signal-to-error-noise ratio of approximately 85 dB.

This external was programmed modifying the

oscbank~ external (by Richie Eakin).
Basically, the above mentioned modifications
include the addition of a bank with as many randi
units as deterministic partials are to be
synthesized, plus an inlet to retrieve the residual
RMS power data for each partial, which must be
sent by atsread as a succession of float values. As
explained in section 2.1, in this case the
corresponding noise of the residual part must be
re-injected in each deterministic trajectory. This is
computed previously by the atsread external once
a file having both residual and deterministic part is
loaded. The residual part, in this case, is
synthesized using randi units as sources, but the
output of each one is multiplied by the output of
each deterministic trajectory and scaled by the
RMS of the noise computed for each partial. The
deterministic part is synthesized as explained in
section 2.3. An extra audio outlet was added to the
external as well, in order to have individual
outputs of both, the residual and the deterministic
parts. This allows the user to further mix them
with individual amplitude scaling, if desired. The
user may synthesize only the deterministic part
with this external as well, but doing so with the
oscbank~ external (as explained in section 2.3)
will be much less CPU consuming.


The synthesized signals of all the presented units

were found of similar quality of the ones produced
by the synthesis units listed in the beginning of
Section 2. Other strategies for synthesizing the
residual part such as, for instance, a bank of bandpass filters processing white noise sources, could
be used as well. However, the method described in
this paper seems to provide a better 'blending' of
the residual and deterministic signals with the
additional benefit of being less CPU consuming.
The example Patches that were developed are
simple, and only deal with the synthesis of all the
partials with modifications in the duration of the
output signal and its frequency. However, the
examples suggest that, using the Pure Data toolkit
that was presented in this paper, the user skilled in
Pure Data programming may achieve very
interesting transformations in a relatively straight
forward way.
Future research will be focused in the
development of an analysis external to perform
high level analysis of the ATS data, with the
purpose of allowing real time transformations of
timbre and spectral morphing between different


The author thanks the Universidad Nacional de

Quilmes (UNQ, Buenos Aires, Argentina) for
supporting and hosting this research, to Juan
Pampin (the developer of the ATS technique) for
his advice, and to Alex Norman and Richie Eakin,
the authors of the Pure Data externals that were
taken as the basis for this development.
[1] Oscar Pablo Di Liscia. 2013. PD-ATS Toolkit.
[2] Oscar Pablo Di Liscia and Juan Pampin. 2002:
ATSH Manual,
[3] Oscar Pablo Di Liscia and Juan Pampin. 2003.
transformation of digital sound: the ATSH
program. Proceedings of the IX Brazilian
Symposium of Computer Music, NUCOM, Minas
Gerais, Brasil.
[4] Richie Eakin. 2007. oscbank~.
[5] Juan Pampin. 1999. ATS: a Lisp environment
for Spectral Modeling. Proceedings of the
International Computer Music Conference,
[6] Juan Pampin. 2011. ATS_theory,
[7] Juan Pampin, Oscar Pablo Di Liscia, Pete
Moss and Alex Norman. 2004. ATS user
Interfaces. Proceedings of the International
Computer Music Conference, Miami University,
[8] Itzvan Varga, ATSANAL documentation,
[9] F. Richard Moore.1990. Elements of
Computer Music. Prentice-Hall., New Jersey,
[10] Alex Norman. 2004. Csound ATS spectral
processing UGens,

[11] Xavier Serra and Julius O. Smith III. 1990. A
Sound Analysis/Synthesis System Based on a
Deterministic plus Stochastic Decomposition,
Computer Music Journal, Vol.14 #4, MIT Press,
[12] Ernst Zwiker and Hugo Fastl. 1990.
Psychoacoustics Facts and Models. Springer,
Berlin, Heidelberg.

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