Cae Writing Essay Example

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It goes without saying that science is not a career that most people choose, but how can
we encourage them to enter this field? Advertising and government grants could play a
significant role.
TV shows nowadays focus mostly on topics such as sports, reality shows and gossip,
not giving much weight to the world of science. That's a shame, because the media can
be very useful in getting people interested in the field of science. To remedy this,
adverts could be made that featured the constant breakthroughs scientists are making all
around the world. By advertising these achievements, people would see that science and
scientific research are really valued by society, and more would be interested in
studying it.
Another option we have that might trigger peoples interest in science is government
grants. Governments can facilitate students access to scientific universities by giving
them financial packages, making them consider studying science as an important field

to work on, which could lead to a bright future. Although this may be a good action, it
could also prove to be ineffective. The reason is that people only study what they like
and if they are not intrigued by the world of science, they will not apply for a science
course no matter how many incentives they receive.
Although money seems to be a powerful incentive, I'm not sure that it is enough to
tempt young people to study something they are not interested in. Young people are
idealistic and want to make a difference in the world. That's why I strongly believe that
advertising is the most effective way to encourage people to study science - we can
present role models in the world of science and make the field seem both cool and

Usar encabezados con el fin de clarificar al lector que lo que est leyendo es un
report/proposal y no un ensayo o una review.
Utilizar un estilo relativamente formal e impersonal. Phrasal verbs prohbidos.
Contracciones yo tampoco pondra aunque no puedo estar seguro, ya que como veris
ms abajo en la respuesta que deja Cambridge de ejemplo hay una, y no se si lo hacen
as para engaar o noyo si fuera a hacer un report/proposal, no pondra.
Establecer el objetivo del report/proposal al principio del mismo.
Separa tu report/proposal en prrafos en funcin de cada uno de los objetivos sobre
los que tienes que hablar.
Incluye una frase resumiendo tu opinin al principio de la ltima seccin.
Podis usar bullet points (guiones para hacer una serie de recomendaciones, por
ejemplo) pero sin excederte, como mucho en una de las secciones, ya que sino no
podrs mostrar un rango amplio de vocabulario.
La diferencia entre un report y un proposal es que los primeros estn basados
en situaciones o circunstancias actuales, y los segundos se basan en hechos futuros,
por lo que en el report debers usar una mayor parte del mismo para explicar la
situacin actual y en el proposal debers emplear ms espacio en recomendaciones

Establecer el propsito

This proposal is intended to

The principal aim of this proposal is
Recomendaciones y sugerencias
There should be
I recommend that
A working group should be set up by
Recomendaciones finales
The results of the questionnaire suggest
If these recommendations are implemented
Establecer el propsito
The principal aim/objective/purpose of this report is.
In this report, I will provide a description
This report provides
Como obtuviste la informacin
I conducted interviews with
I visited three of the most popular
Reportando los resultados
Nearly three quarters of the
According to
A considerable proportion of
Presentar una lista
The arguments againstare the following
There are several ways

Hacer recomendaciones
Taking all the factors mentioned into consideration
I would therefore recommend

Proposal to Repurpose Ducie Central
In this proposal I aim to persuade the Council that Ducie Central is a landmark building,
that its demolition is not in the public interest, and that the building could still have a
bright future.
Ducie Central was the first adult education centre in the city, and it stood as a point of
pride for hundreds of years before falling into neglect. Even today in its shabby,
vandalised state, it is warmly regarded - many older people took classes there, and even
some teenagers can remember the annual fun fair that was held on the grounds.
But the building is more than memories - it's a place where education used to happen,
and where it can happen again.
Ducie is old and would cost a fortune to heat. There's no doubt it would be expensive to
insulate, install triple-glazed windows, and set up solar panels on the roofs. However,
local architects and the Engineering College are willing to work on my proposed
redevelopment for free.
I recommend that one section be converted into office space - that would help offset the
cost of the project.
It's not hard to see who would benefit from demolition - property developers who would
buy the land cheaply and throw up some copy/paste housing. Modernising the building
and re-opening the college would benefit not only the people who would study there but
also the whole community. It would be a focal point and we could hold the fun fair like
in the past.
I believe that modernising the building is the best choice and strongly urge you to
consider it.

To: Municipal council

From: M. Rezende
Subject: Municipal Library
I come through this letter to make an appeal for the not destruction of the Municipal
Librarys building.
One of the reasons why the building should be preserved is because of its touching past.
It was built with only imported material of best quality, and it was the second library in
the country. It was also, for more than a hundred years, the biggest and more luxuous
public building in the whole country. For its characteristic seventeenth century building
and for its importance in the past, it is still studied and visited by historians.
The building is located right in the middle of the town, so it is accessible for the entire
population, and it is also the biggest building in town, and it can surely support more
books than any other building. By destructing the building it would with absolutly no
doubt be a huge loss of books and culture.
There is no point arguing that the building is quite old-fashioned and could use some
improvements. It could really use some painting and repairing on the wall and floor,
however, the best would be making some technological improvements, such as
elevatiors, computers and an electronic finding books system.
To sum up, there are plenty of reasons why the library should be preserved, it benefits
the people, the history and the culture, and I would be pleased if you took my letter in


Empezar la review ponindole un ttulo a la misma.

-Utilizar un prrafo para la la introduccin y despus uno para cada pregunta que
haya que resolver o contestar. Finalmente, utilizar otro para establecer la
conclusin. Es fundamental cubrir todos los puntos y contestar a todo a lo que se nos
pide hacer.
-En la introduccin, dar al lector una pista de como va a ser la estructura que se va a
seguir en la review y trata de hacer que el lector se interese por lo que va a leer a
-Realizar comparaciones.
Nunca desvelar el final del libro, pelcula o lo que sea que ests analizando porque
esto arruinara al lector potencial el disfrute del libro. Vamos, como si estis siguiendo
una serie que os gustan y alguien os hace un spoiler del final, os cagis en todo. Pues
esto es lo mismo y se tiene muy en cuenta.
-Usar vocabulario especfico para libros, pelculas
-Incluir una recomendacin o valoracin cuando estemos haciendo la conclusin de
nuestra review.
-El lenguaje a utilizar debera ser neutro. Se aceptan contracciones y algn phrasal
verb pero sin abusar de los mismos

Empezar la carta de una manera determinada u otra segn a quien nos estemos
dirigiendo en la misma. Para ello necesitaremos distinguir entre los siguientes
Si sabemos el nombre y el ttulo de la persona: Dear Dr Johnson, Dear Mr White
(hombre), Dear Ms Westbrook (mujer).

Si estamos escribiendo a una persona especfica, pero no sabemos su nombre,

ttulo o gnero: Dear sir or Madam.
Si no sabemos quien va a leer la carta: To whom it may concern.
A continuacin, en el primer prrafo, comentar la razn por la que estamos
escribiendo la carta.
Como siempre, usar un prrafo para cada una de las cuestiones que tenemos que
analizar. Es raro ver que tengas que analizar 4 como en este caso, lo ms habitual son 3
porque de otra manera no tendramos espacio suficiente con las 260 palabras que
podemos escribir como mximo.
Uso de linkers. Trata de enlazar los prrafos, que no parezca que ests hablando de
una cosa totalmente diferente.
Usa registro formal obviamente. Nada de phrasal verbs y contracciones,
totalmente prohibidos.
En el ltimo prrafo, explica como conclusin lo que quieres o lo que esperas
conseguir con la carta que acabas de escribir.
Para acabar la carta, tenemos que diferenciar, como cuando la empezamos, a quien
nos estamos dirigiendo con ella. Para ello tenemos otra vez las mismas opciones:
Si sabemos el nombre y el ttulo de la persona: Yours sincerely.
Si hemos empezado con Dear sir or Madam o con To whom it may concern:
Yours faithfully.
Por ltimo, escribir tu nombre.

Para empezar:
I am writing with regard toI am writing with reference to
I am writing in reply toI am writing to express my concern about/disappointment
with/disapproval of/apologies for.
I have been asked to write to you concerning
Para terminar:

I very much hope you will consider

I am sure you will see
I look forward to receiving your response.
I would appreciate if.I would be grateful if you would
It seems only fair that you should.
We hope that this has not caused you any inconvenience


Empezar la carta tal que as: Dear X o Hi X. Sin ms. Cuando os explique la carta
formal veremos que hay que darle ms importancia a este saludo inicial y variarlo
dependiendo de a quin nos estemos dirigiendo.
A continuacin en el siguiente prrafo dar una razn por la que escribes como
introduccin, no os metis a contestar las pregunta as del tirn. Si te est escribiendo un
amigo no est de ms decirle que gracias por escribirte, espero que ests bien etc. Ya
sabis. Debajo pegar el ejemplo de respuesta para que os hagis a la idea.
Usar prrafos cubriendo todas las preguntas que os hayan hecho. Importante que
contestis a todas y que usis un prrafo para cada una. Que vean los de Cambridge
que sois ordenaditos. Ni que decir tiene que os explayis con la respuesta. Si os estn
preguntando que donde ir pues no le digas a Madrid y os quedis tan panchos, sino que
le digais porque es una buena poca por el tiempo, que va a haber mucha gente por all
o lo que se os ocurra. Bueno esto ya lo daba por hecho que lo sabais pero nunca est de
ms comentarlo. Tambin decir que aunque el tema que nos presenten sea fcil, como
en este caso, hay que usar ya unas estructuras ms avanzadas, de alguna manera hay
que distinguirse y hacer notar que tenemos un nivel C1. A parte de cubrir todos los
puntos que os piden, tambin pensar en ideas propias que podis aadir.
ltimo prrafo acordando ver o contactar pronto otra vez a la persona a la que os
estis dirigiendo.
Para finalizar la carta hay que tener en cuenta el grado de amistad o parentesco con
la persona que nos estamos escribiendo. Os recomiendo acabar la carta o email tal que
Amigo muy cercano o familiar: With (all) my love, Love o Lots of love.
Si es un amigo: All the best

Si no conocis muy bien del todo a la persona: (With) Best wishes

Y debajo de esto vuestro nombre.

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