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Forensicssyllabus 2015

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Ms. Griffin
Room D004
[email protected]
Office hours: Tuesdays 4:00 5:00 PM or by appointment
Class website: griffinsforensicscience.weebly.com
Science Department Chair: Mr. Sigfredo Chiclana ([email protected])
Science Administrator:
Ms. Adrianna Kimbrel ([email protected])

Course Description: Forensic science encompasses several sub-fields of biology, chemistry, physics, and crime science
investigation (CSI). These sub-fields include genetics, toxicology, entomology, ballistics, pathology, computer forensics,
and fire, debris and trace evidence. This course focuses on problem solving within an interdisciplinary scientific, and
relevant context.
Class Format: Discussion, Lecture, Problem based learning, Individual and Group Work, Research
Required Materials: Composition notebook, calculator, pens and pencils
Georgia Performance Standards for Forensic Science:

Course of Study


Introduction to Forensics
The Crime Scene
Death Investigation
Fibers and Hair
Sand, Soil, and Paint
Drugs and Alcohol/Toxicology
Documents and Handwriting
Tool Marks and Impressions
Teeth and Bones (if time permits)


*The schedule is subject to change in order to adjust to students needs. Other possible units include stomach contents, microbiology,
or units deemed appropriate by the teacher.

As students and human beings, you need to learn to be responsible for yourself and your actions. I expect this of you.
Therefore, it is YOUR responsibility:

to come to class ON TIME & prepared each day,

to wear appropriate clothing for scheduled lab experiments (coming unprepared will result in a grade of 0 with no
makeup opportunity),
to pay attention in class each day,
to seek out and make-up missed work when absent, (in a timely manner) and
to make sure you complete all assignments to the best of your ability, just to name a few. I HAVE HIGH


According to policies set forth in the School District of Fulton Countys Student Handbook: During school
hours cell phones and other electronic devices are not to be activated or used in any manner and must be stored out of
sight. While possession of a cell phone in itself is not in violation of these policies, the cell phone is to remain turned
completely off while on school grounds. Thus, any handling of a cell phone including, but not limited to, checking the
time, taking pictures, playing games, text messaging, and making phone calls will result in disciplinary action. My best
advice is to leave cell phones (turned off) in purses, backpacks, or pockets.


Available on Home Access Center http://portal.fultonschools.org/parents/Pages/default.aspx

Semester grades are calculated using average scores earned on the following categories:

Fulton County Grading Scale







Lab Assignments





Final Exams

Excessive absences, including school business, can greatly impede your ability to perform well. Some valuable classroom
experiences cannot be made-up. Please make every attempt to be in class every day to maximize your chances for
When you miss a class, check with the teacher and your class buddy prior to returning to school. I expect that you are
up to date with the class when you return.
MAKEUP WORK: Makeup work is only available for excused absences. Makeup assignments will be given in the
afternoons at a convenient time for both teacher and student. Obtaining and completing makeup work is the STUDENTS
RESPONSIBILITY! Upon the students return, they should arrange for a day to stay after school to discuss all makeup
work. There is a calendar in the room on which the student can make appointments and sign-up for times to complete
missing work. Failure to complete missed work will result in a zero for the assignment.
If you are absent the day before a test, you will be expected to take the test on the test day. Tests are announced in
advance and no new information is presented the day before a test. Extensions for tests are rare and will be handled on an
individual basis only. Email is a great way to communicate!
MAKE-UP TESTS & QUIZZES: If you have an excused absence on the day a test or quiz is given, you will be expected
to take the assessment on the day you return to school. Arrangements can be made to take the assessment before or after
school. If you do not make up the assessment during the arranged time, you will receive a zero for that assessment. It is
your responsibility to show up. Academics take precedence over any extra-curricular activities.

CONSECUTIVE ABSENCES: If you have excused absences for three or more consecutive days, please see me to make
special arrangements for making up work, labs, quizzes, and/or tests. Communication is key! As a general rule, you have
as many days to make up work as the excused absence.
SCHOOL BUSINESS/ISS: You are considered present in school and not absent during these times. You will be treated
as if you attended class. You are aware of these situations in advance, and I require that you obtain all work via the class
buddy, or prior arrangements with me. Unless arrangements have been made with me in advance, special
considerations will not be given. Remember, teachers should be notified of school business no less than three days in
advance. If school business causes you to miss a test or quiz, you must take the test or quiz prior to the event. Tests and
quizzes will be administered in ISS on the day they are given.
**Missing the majority of (or entire) class period and presenting me with a pass from anyone besides administrators or
resource officers with valid reasoning is NOT acceptable. It will be considered an unexcused absence, skipping, and a
referral will be issued. No teacher has the right to keep you out of class without prior permission.
Excessive absences, including school business, can greatly impede your ability to perform well. Some valuable classroom
experiences cannot be made-up. Please make every attempt to be in class every day to maximize your chances for
Students who are absent on lab days are expected to make up the lab within one week of the original lab date.
Students must make up the lab(s) or complete an alternative assignment during office hours with either teacher. Extended
absences will be handled on an individual basis.
I will follow the North Springs Charter High School Recovery policy. Recovery opportunities must be completed
ten (10) school days prior to the end of the semester.
Additional Stakeholder Responsibility
It is solely the stakeholders responsibility to keep up to date with assignments, due dates, and grades throughout each
semester (Stakeholders consist of students, their parents, and/or legal guardians). This can be done through viewing or
listening to announcements made or given in class, using the class website, email, or utilizing Home Access Center. All
modes of contact need not be used concurrently for either contact or announcements to be considered given or made.
Lack of internet connection does not constitute means by which this agreement becomes invalid, as internet connection is
available to the student before or after school in the media center and to the parent at a local public library for free. All
deadlines are considered non-floating, regardless of perceived implication.

Your student has enrolled in forensic science here at North Springs High School. This class is an elective science class and
they do not have to take it. We will be covering a wide range of topics and may not go into great detail about some of the
topics. Due to the nature of the course, there may be some instances where the topics discussed are more graphic than in
other courses. If you feel that you or your student might have a problem with any potential topics, please contact me to
discuss possible solutions. They will have a few major projects and they will be writing, reading, and researching.
I am very interested in the success of your student. I would appreciate your help in ensuring your child has a great year
by: 1) encouraging your student 2) setting, distraction free study times 3) teacher communication -- as necessary.
Again, feel free to contact me via e-mail or contact the school counseling department to set up a conference. Likewise, I
will contact you should I feel it is necessary.
Chelsey Griffin

Forensic Science 2015-2016

Sign and return this portion of the syllabus by August 14, 2015.
Student contract
I have read the syllabus for Forensic Science and understand what is expected of me during the year. I understand that if I
violate classroom rules there will be consequences for these actions.



Student name printed

Student signature

Parent/Guardian contract
I have read the syllabus for Forensic Science and understand what is expected of my child during the semester. I
understand that if my child violates the classroom rules there will be consequences for their actions. It is also my
responsibility to contact the instructor with any questions/concerns that I may have with the class.



Parent/Guardian name printed

Parent/Guardian signature

Contact Info:






Anything you would like to share about your child

North Springs High School Sciences Safety Contract

Student Agreement
Do you wear contact
Are you color blind? Do you have asthma?
If you answered yes to allergies and/or medical conditions, list here.

Do you have allergies?



Do you have other

medical conditions?

I have read and agree to follow all the safety rules set forth in the Science Laboratory Safety Contract. I realize that I must
obey these rules to insure my own safety and that of my fellow students and the teacher. I will cooperate fully with my
teacher and fellow students to maintain a safe lab environment. I also will closely follow the oral and written instructions
provided by the teacher. I am aware that any violation of this safety contract is misbehavior on my part and is unsafe
conduct in the laboratory; it may result in my being removed from the lab or other disciplinary action. Since laboratory
work is addressed in course standards, any unsafe behavior on my part that requires disciplinary action may negatively
impact my grade.
Student name (printed)



Student signature

or Guardian:
We believe that you should be informed regarding North Spring High School's effort to create and maintain a safe
science classroom and laboratory environment. With the cooperation of the teachers, parents, guardians, and students,
laboratory safety instruction can prevent, correct, and eliminate possible hazards.
You should be aware of the safety instruction your child will receive before engaging in any lab work. Please
read the list of safety rules. No student will be permitted to perform laboratory activities unless this contract is signed by
the student, signed by a parent/guardian, and on file with the teacher.
Your signature on this contract indicates that you have read the Science Laboratory Safety Contract, and are
aware of the measures taken to insure the safety of your child in the science laboratory, and will instruct your child to
uphold his/her agreement to follow these rules and procedures in the laboratory.

Parent name (printed)

Parent signature


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