Russia and The Balkan Wars
Russia and The Balkan Wars
Russia and The Balkan Wars
Major Professor
1 K^^^h-4
Denton, Texas
January, 1969
The Balkan Peninsula in 1912
the goals and aspirations of Russian diplomacy at this time and evaluate
them in terms of success or failure.
Near Eastern foreign policy before World War I had one general goal, revision of the Straits question, and three secondary considerations, Panslavism, Balkan nationalism, and Russian competition with Austria-Hungary
in the Balkans.
For many years the major aim of Russian foreign policy had been
to re-open the Straits question for a settlement more favorable to
Russian interests than the terms of the Treaty of Paris (1856), which
had prohibited warships from passing through the Straits.^ Without
egress for her navy, Russia could not protect a large merchant fleet on
the world's oceans.
most valuable export was now grain, and the nation required outlets
closer to the grain producing areas in the Ukraine.
In 1841, Russia,
along with Britain, Austria, Prussia, and France, signed the Straits
Convention, which agreed to the Turkish Sultan's intention to forbid
foreign warships from passing through the Straits while Turkey was at
^Sidney Bradshaw Fay, The Origins of the World War, 2d ed., revised, 2 vols. (New York, 1966), I, 13; William L. Langer, "Russia,
the Straits Question and the Origins of the Balkan League, 1908-1912,"
Political Science Quarterly, XLIII (September, 1928), 359.
^A. J. P. Taylor, The Struggle for Mastery in Europe, 1848-1918
(Oxford, 1954), p. 12; by the treaty of Unkiar-Skelessi (1833), Turkey agreed to prohibit passage to any foreign vessels if Russia
should be at war, thus protecting the Russian Black Sea coasts,
J. A. R. Marriott, The Eastern Question; An Historical Study in
European Diplomacy, 2d ed., revised (Oxford, 1918), p. 236; cf.,
M. S. Anderson, The Eastern Question, 1774-1923 (New York, 1966), p. 84.
signed at the end of the war contained the "Black Sea Clauses" which
in effect neutralized the Black Sea.
all warships were forbidden, but the sea was left open to all merchant
ported the King of Prussia during the war, Bismarck smoothed the way
by calling a conference to discuss the English objections to Russia's
abrupt changes.
this principle, and the English agreed to dispense with the limitations
on naval armaments in the Black Sea as provided in the Treaty of Paris,
although the provision that only merchant ships could pass the Straits
was left unaltered.**
Even with the advantages inherent in the changes in the Treaty of
Paris, Russian naval strength in the Black Sea did not increase appreciably by the time of the Russo-Turkish War in 1876-8.
Balkan allies defeated the Turks and imposed on them the Treaty of
however, wanted all terms of the peace to be placed before the Great
Powers, along the lines of the principle of international treaties established in 1870.
The resulting
Ibid., p. 205.
turned to the Ottoman Empire, and the other two, Bulgaria and Eastern
Roumelia, received their independence.
other Powers, Austria suddenly annexed the contended areas, and, at the
same time, King Ferdinand of Bulgaria used the opportunity to declare
Bulgaria's total independence.*''
Isvolsky tried in vain to re-open the Straits question after the
annexation by withholding Russian recognition of the move; he hoped thereby to force Aerhenthal to carry out his part of the "bargain." Germany,
acting in favor of her alliance with Austria, presented an ultimatum to
the Russian Government demanding, in as amiable terms as possible, that
formal recognition be given to the annexation.
Russian military machine, not yet rebuilt from the 1905 disaster, prevented a European war and by forcing the Russians to accept the fait
accompli, handed Isvolsky and Russian diplomacy another bitter defeat.*
Other than Austria's diplomatic victory over Russia,^ the results
of the annexation crisis were many.
Anatolii V. Nekludoff, Diplomatic Reminiscences Before and During
the World War, 1911-1917 (New York, 1920), translated by Alexandra
Paget, p. 14.
*Karl Max Lichnowsky, Heading for the Abyss: Reminiscences (New
York, 1928), translated by Sefton Delmer, p. 19; Austen Chamberlain,
Down the Years (London, 1935), pp. 62, 64.
^Luigi Albertini, The Origins of the War of 1914, 3 vols. (London,
1952), translated by Isabella M. Massey, I, 210.
Although Russian-Austrian
He sought support by
secretary at the Holy See in Rome, but more important, Sazonov was married to the sister of Mme. Stolypin, wife of the President of the Ministerial Council.
and Isvolsky hoped to gain favor with him by appointing his brotherin-law to the Foreign Office.
Isvolsky, Russian foreign policy had returned to the Near East and cast
off from the German wharf to swim ". . .openly in British Waters.
office, Russian diplomats had come to realize that their goal in the
Near East could be accomplished only after Austria-Hungary was effectively eliminated as a competitor in the Balkan peninsula.
Hungary sought to extend her territory and power eastward at the expense
of the Ottoman Empire.
competition between the two powers, but it was negligible until the midnineteenth century.^
dence from Turkey during the latter part of the nineteenth century, both
Russia and Austria-Hungary sought to extend their influence in the Balkans
by exploiting the nationalistic aspirations of the re-emerging states.
Nationalism in the Balkans contributed to the survival of the Balkan
allowed to continue and was used by the Turks to control the Balkan peoples.
National identity slowly re-emerged first in Greece.
ture and language had virtually disappeared.
Greek litera-
the Treaty of Kuchuk-Kainarji (1774), which helped to expand their commercial independence of the Turkish government.^
nineteenth century and the early twentieth, Greek foreign policy aimed
at the incorporation of the irredentist territory.
Russian Balkan interest worked together with Serbian nationalism
to start the chain of events which led to Serbian independence.
In 1804,
Kara George led revolts against the Turk Janissaries and, with Russian
assistance, won some of Serbia's nationalistic goals.
With Napoleon's
attack on Russia, the Czar quickly signed the Treaty of Bucharest (1812)
with Turkey.
^ W e s l e y M. Gewehr, The Rise of Nationalism in the Balkans, 18001930 (New York, 1931), p. 15.
^Ferdinand Schevill, The History of the Balkan Peninsula, from
the Earliest Times to the Present Day (New York, 1922), p. 329.
^ G e w e h r , Nationalism, p. 28.
^ F o r a short history of Greece from the 1830's to 1900, see, ibid.,
pp. 49-61; for Graecian irredentism, see, Stavrianos, Balkans, pp. .467482.
Schevill, History, pp. 318-321.
Obrenovich established a tacit peace until Russia freed herself from the
Napoleonic threat.
By the terms of
Domestic tensions occupied Serbian politics for the rest of the nine-
teenth century.,
Because they were more dominated by the Greek influence than the
other Balkan states, the Bulgarians were the last nationality to arise
and assume national identity.
and a school founded in 1835 to teach the Bulgar language gave impetus
to the rise of national identity.
Treaty of Berlin (1878) reduced the Bulgarian land mass but recognized
the independence of Bulgaria.
to abdicate, the two Slav countries were reconciled when Nicholas XX
recognized Ferdinand as Prince of Bulgaria after Ferdinand's son was
baptized into the Orthodox Church.
Montenegro was different from the other Balkan states in that the
Turks never conquered the small state.
Bishop until 1851, when he married and threw off the religious responsibility.
dence was recognized in the Treaty of Berlin (1878), from which she also
received the port of Antivari on the Adriatic Sea.
The Montenegrin
The idea of
Michael B. Petrovich, The Emergence of Russian Panslavism, 18561870 (New York, 1956), p. 3.
mid-nineteenth century.^9
stopped, Russia, with the support of her Balkan allies, could then work
to re-open the Straits question at the most convenient time.
The goals of this policy, to unite the Balkans, stop Austria-Hungary,
and revise the Straits agreement, were neither clearly defined nor carefully planned.
and actions of all of these men was the silent hope of re-opening the
Straits question.
Sickly by nature, finely sensitive and a little sentimental, nervy to the point of neurasthenia, Sazonov was the
type of the 'Slav feminine spirit" par excellence, openhanded and generous, but soft and vague, unceasingly
variable in his impressions and 'intuitions,' refractory
to all sustained effort of thought, incapable of pursuing
a train of reasoning to its logical conclusion. . . .
Moreover, after Iswolsky, Sazonov struck the observer
by his lack of experience and preparation for his task. . . .
His capacity for work was mediocre and, at the same time
his aplomb and self-confidence manifestly excessive.^
Other impressions of Sazonov found in memoirs generally agree with
Taube's assessment. 4 *
* d e Schelking, Recollections, p. 186; Rosen, Forty Years, pp. 8081; Paul N. Miliukov, Political Memoirs. 1905-1917. edited by Arthur P.
Mendel, translated by Carl Goldberg (Ann Arbor, 1967), p. 239; W . A .
Suchomlinov, Erinnerungen (Berlin, 1924), p, 288.
the Racconigi agreement signed between Italy and Russia during Isvolsky's
tenure as Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1909, Italy and Russia promised
to "regard with benevolence " Russia's interests in the question of the
Straits and Italy's interests in Cyrenaica and Tripoli.^
By previous
Balkans and could make a major contribution o keeping them calm after
Italy attacked Turkey.
into the Sanjak of Novibazar to protect the Roman Catholics, and Serbia
would then be forced to protect the Orthodox Catholics there as well
as her territorial interests in the area.
and that in the relations between Bulgaria and Turkey they entertained
no change."
between Russia and Montenegro, Russia had promised King Nikola a yearly
subsidy of 600,000 rubles, Russian officers to train his army, and arms
and ammunition.
alliances or wage war against a third power without the consent of the
Russian M o n a r c h y . ^
fully demonstrated when, late in 1910 and early 1911, the Malissori
tribes in Northern Albania revolted against the Turkish administration.
(Berlin, 1922-27), XXXIII, 3-4 (hereafter cited as GP); I. E. Gueshoff,
The Balkan League (London, 1915), translated by Constantin C. Mincoff,
p. 12.
^ B r a u n to Foreign Office, 1 October 1911, Alfred Francis Pribram,
Heinrich Srbik, and Han Uebersberger, Osterreich-Ungarns Aussenpolitik
von der Bosnischen Krise 1908 bis sum Kreigsausbruch 1914; Diplomatische
Aktenstucke des ffisterreichisch-Ungarischen Ministeriums des ffussern,
9 vols. (Vienna, 1930), III, 374-375 (hereafter cited as 0-UA).
-^Czernin to Foreign Office, 1 October 1911, ibid., p. 375.
-''Edward C. Thaden, "Montenegro: Russia's Troublesome Ally, 19101912," Journal of Central European Affairs, XVIII (July, 1958), 112;
for a discussion of relations between Montenegro and the United States
in this period, see Richard D. Challener, "Montenegro and the United
States: A Balkan Fantasy," Journal of Central European Affairs, XVII
(October, 1957), 236-243.
King Nikola offered asylum to the rebels forced to flee from Albania.
The Porte wished to pursue the refugees into Montenegro, and Nikola re52
plied that such action would lead to armed conflict.
Turkey then
Russia complied,
been made by the Russian compromise with England in 1870, but Russia
had not been able to utilize her new freedom to build a fleet in the
Black Sea by the time of the Russo-Turk War (1876-8).
gress of Berlin (1878), Russia had not made any significant progress in
revising the Straits provisions in twenty-two years.
Russian foreign
vities in the Balkans during the nineteenth century, and exploiting Balkan nationalistic aspirations through ties of Slav brotherhood, Russian
diplomacy could set up a wall of allies between Austria-Hungary and Constantinople.
petitor in the Balkans and European Turkey in the Russian camp, a revision of the Straits settlement would be more than just a dream, it would
be a possibility.
The Russian-Montenegrin military convention of 1910 was a first step
along the path of the new policy.
By adroitly working
The rising
By July, 1913,
Bulgaria and Greece were also moving to form an alliance like the one
being negotiated between Serbia and Bulgaria, although in this final
Graeco-Bulgarian treaty, Russia did not play as important a role as in
the Serbo-Bulgarian pact.
liance then changed from defensive to offensive with provisions for commencing hostilities.
The Great Powers, meanwhile, were active.
Russia, unable
to exert decisive influence among the Balkan allies, joined the Great
Powers in attempts to prevent the war, but representations by the Powers
failed to dissuade the Balkan states from their determination against
demonstrated her inability to exercise the control she thought she had so
recently established in the formation of the Balkan alliances.
A Balkan alliance between Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, and Montenegro
against Turkey had been considered in 1891 to adjust their respective
claims in Macedonia.''"
the Italo-Turk War, in the spring of 1911, the Bulgarian Foreign Office
under the leadership of Gueshoff, the new Foreign Minister, made an
attempt at a Bulgarian-Turkish agreement.
Bulgaria and woeful inaction by the Porte doomed the move from the
"Serbia will
in our war against Turkey."
standing between the two countries met in Sofia, Bulgaria.
of the mutual mistrust that had long existed between Serbia and Bulgaria,
the other powers did not expect a successful alliance.
Their forecast
lbid., p. 17.
Two other factors may have influenced the progress of the talks.
The Italians, who had declared war against Turkey in September, 1911,*^
were bogged down in Libya without any sign of an immediate victory.
Italy grew tired of the long war and sued for peace with Turkey, the
opportunity would be lost to form a Balkan confederation while the Porte
was busy elsewhere.
war erupted in 1911, Sazonov, too sick to attend his duties, turned the
foreign office over to his assistant, Neratov.
but with tacit support from Isyolsky, to expand the scope of the talks
to a virtual re-opening of the Straits question. 1 3
that Russia would become the guarantor of European Turkey and maintain
the status quo in the Balkans, in return for the Straits being opened
to Russian warships. 1 ^
Turkey, not willing to accept de facto dependence on Russia for
territorial integrity, rejected Charykov's plan. When Sazonov heard
of Charykov's unauthorized proposals, he recalled him and thus repudiated
von Below-Saleske to the Foreign Office, 30 September 1911, GP,
XXXIII, 3-4.
study was beseiged by Serbian statesmen who came to get advice from
him. . . . "
Balkan policy--Russia should aid the Balkan states in their nationalistic ambitions and then get a firm foothold on the shores of the Bos19
porous at the entrance to the "Russian Lake."
peoples to gain independence from Turkey, they would first have to cooperate with each other.
Buchanan to Grey, 21 March 1912, BD, IX, i, 559-561; for Charykov's somewhat different account of his activities, see Tcharykow,
Glimpses, pp. 239, 276; Poincard, Memoirs, p. 158.
Gueshoff, Balkan League, p. 34.
Jftid., pp. 33-34; for longer biographical sketches of Hartwig
and Nekludoff, see Thaden, Balkan Alliance, pp. 65-70, 70-72, respectively.
^de Schelking, Recollections, pp. 241-242.
^Hartwig to Foreign Office, 5 November 1911, Krassny Archiv, VIII,
45ff, cited in APS, II, pp. 150-153; Lederer, Essays, p. 441.
Nekludoff, whose effectiveness in Bulgaria was eventually restricted
by a tacit feud with King Ferdinand,
St. Petersburg.
Russo-Japanese War Russia did not have the military strength to act in
the Balkans should the Ottoman Empire finally crumble.
He gave encourage-
ment to the conversations which had resumed in February for a SerboBulgarian alliance which the Russian foreign office conceived to be aimed
at the third power but under the auspices and direction of the Russian
foreign office.
lie felt that Russia could control the Balkan states suf-
points of border settlements in spheres of influence.
Nekludoff says
in his memoirs
The demarcation of the boundary-line gave rise to endless
discussions; each elevation, each village, each stream
was bitterly disputed, and to solve the question they
sought now the interposition of the Russian Ministers,
now the topographical authority of our military a g e n t s . ^
The role of the two Russian ministers, as well as that of Colonel Romanovsky, Russian Military Attache to Sofia, as arbitrators cannot be
Bulgar alliance was on the point of conclusion, and indeed a copy of the
treaty was signed by King Peter of Serbia and his foreign minister, Milovanovitch,with King Ferdinand of Bulgaria to sign later.^5
On the follow-
ing March 14, Nekludoff happily telegraphed St. Petersburg the good news
Yesterday Czar Ferdinand signed the Serbo-Bulgarian agreement and the secret arrangement observing the Macedonian
sphere of influences and the mutual intention of concluding
a Serbian-Bulgarian military convention. So the important
work begun by von Sementovsky and Hartwig happily becomes
Although the negotiations were carried on in secret because such a treaty
against Turkey and Austria-Hungary " . . . did most certainly present certain dangers,"^ as Nekludoff remarked, Bax-Ironside, the British representative in Sofia, reported Ferdinand's signature the same day that Nekludoff
2^lbid., p. 52; Gueshoff, Balkan League, pp. 33-34; Sazonov, Fateful Years, pp. 52-53.
25Nekludoff to Foreign Office, 4 March 1912, Krassny Archiv, IX,
22, cited in APS, II, 172 (No. 563); Nekludoff to Foreign Office, 4 March
1912, Krassny Archiv, IX, 22, cited in ibid. (No. 564).
26Nekludoff to Foreign Office, 14 March 1912, Krassny Archiv, IX,
22, cited in ibid., pp. 172-173.
27Nekludoff, Reminiscences, p. 54.
28sax-Ironside to Arthur Nicolson, 14 March 1912, BD, IX, i, 556;
Benckendorff to Foreign Office, 1 April 1912, Benno von Siebert, Graf
Benckendorffs Diplomatischer Schriftwechsel, 3 vols. (Berlin and Leipzig, 1928), II, 338 (hereafter cited as Benckendorff), cited in APS, II,
29isvolsky to Foreign Office, 6 April 1912, Isvolsky, II, p. 79;
Sazonov, Fateful Years, p. 53.
were made for mutual defense against any move by Austria into the Sanjak
of Novibazar.
Russia would act as arbitrator, with both countries accepting the Russian decision, if relations between one of the signatories and the Ottoman Empire became impossible and the two Balkan states could not reach
an agreement on what if any, action should be taken.
In any case, if
agreement were reached, Russia was to be notified before any action was
Russian participation in the Serbo-Bulgarian alliance was not in conflict with the new policy adopted by the Foreign Office.
Bulgaria and
The conversa-
tions began with the encouragement of the Times' (London) Balkan correspondent and mutual friend of Bulgaria and Greece, Mr. J. D. Bouchier."^
In a letter to the Bulgarian minister in spring 1911, Bourchier mentioned
the Greek interest in an agreement.
In September of the same year,
Bourchier received verbal authority to proceed from King Ferdinand and
of Turkish aggression against either of the two countries.
After dis-
cussing the Greek offer with the King and Ministerial Council, Gueshoff
received permission to proceed towards a defensive treaty.
p. 38.
^Gueshoff, Balkan League, p . 38; Medlicott, Congress of Berlin,
p. 413.
The preliminary treaty signed by Panas and Gueshoff on May 29, 1912,
did contain provisions for respecting Christian rights, but the Balkan
War started before an agreement could be reached on Macedonia and
arrangements for Russian arbitration or notification of any planned action of the allies to the Russian government.
the small kingdom, Sazonov had urged that Montenegro not be included in
the alliances^ because her views on attacking Turkey were well known.^
As early as June, 1911, the Russian minister to Montenegro, Arseniev,
reported that King Nikola seemed to be only waiting for a pretext to start
/ 0
in February, 1912, King Nikola. had expressed his opinion to the Czar
that if the Turks did not make the desired reforms in the Balkans, Russia
might unavoidably be drawn into a serious conflict by Pan-slav sympathies
in nRussia.
After the signing of the Graeco-Bulgarian alliance in May, 1912,
several minor incidents occurred which drew Montenegro into the alliance
system and pushed the Balkans closer to war.
rumors of possible Bulgarian action against Turkey caused some consternation in diplomatic circles.
to St. Petersburg on 8 July to warn of fresh movements in Bulgarian favoring military action against the Sultan because of the uprising of Albanian
tribes and a suspected Turkish military conspiracy.^
Nekludoff's tele-
Austria con-
to annex the Sanjak of Novibazar and that the military maneuvers planned
for the fall of 1912 along the Serb frontier were an indirect threat to
Serbian existence. Austria, as believed in the British Foreign Office,
/ *7
could safely occupy the Sanjak only after defeating Serbia.
The danger of war with Turkey, however, took precedence in the Balkans during the late summer.
After calm
had been restored, Turkish soldiers and police stormed into the market,
and in the ensuing riot, 112 people were killed and more than 200 wounded,
By mid-August
Three days after the Kochana incident, Montenegrin and Turkish troops
reportedly clashed on the border over haying rights on the frontier.
forces crossed the frontier, attacked the peasants cutting hay in the disputed area and built entrenchments on Montenegrin soil.
Montenegrin sol-
The next day twenty people were massacred near Treptshi in Montenegro.
The events of July and August, Serbo-Austrian tension in the Sanjak of
Novibazar, and the various border incidents contributed to pushing the
Balkan states into an offensive attitude towards Turkey, and out of the
control of Russian policy.
To include Montenegro in the system of alliances would necessarily
give the alliances an offensive character, a prospect not pleasing to
St. Petersburg.
caused Sazonov to discourage Serbia and Bulgaria from extending the Balkan
alliances to include Montenegro.
talks were delayed by the Bulgarians until after the conclusion of the
Serbo-Bulgarian military convention in October.^
The border incidents in August returned the Balkan states to negotiating alliances with Montenegro as the deepening crisis moved further
out of Russian control.
By mid-September,
within a month of Montenegro's action and would subsidize the effort with
a payment of 700,000 francs.
that an agreement existed but could not say if it had been signed.
Because of the secret nature of the negotiations, the Russian Foreign
Office could not successfully counter the inclusion of Montenegro into
the alliance or prevent the war by withholding financial support as in
earlier years.
Montenegrin and Serbian representatives met in Lucerne, Switzerland,
late in September and by 3 October had concluded a military convention
A simultaneous attack
against Turkey, operational areas for each army, and a mutual obligation
to face Austria if the contingency arose were parts of the agreement.
Article IV provided that hostilities should commence by 14 October with
provision for only one postponement.
As the summer continued and tensions in the Balkans increased, intervention by Russia and the Great Powers to maintain peace in the Balkans
was considered inevitable.
municate the proposal to the respective foreign ministries.
terms of the proposal were vague.
cabinet wished to pursue a policy of peace and calm for the Balkans.
the other powers were of the same disposition, they should meet to exchange ideas on how to influence the Porte to extend the policy of decentralization in the Balkans.
should impress upon the Balkan states how it would be in their favor to
leave the desired reforms in the hands of the Porte and avoid endanger-
ing peace in the Balkans.
The Russian reaction to the "Berchtold Initiative" was mixed.
interests there were threatened, she would reject the temptation to protect
those interests in spite of her military w e a k n e s s . ^
In St. Petersburg Sazonov did not appear to be pleased by Berchtold' s initiative.
He said that he would have no objection to entering into
an exchange of views with the Powers, though he doubted
whether anything would come of it. . . . Anything, moreover, in the shape of collective representations would be
resented at Constantinople. Much, also, would depend on
what was meant by decentralisation. . . . If the Austrian
proposal contained nothing objectionable, he would be prepared to instruct the Russian Ambassador at Constantinople
to give friendly counsels in the name of his Government,
but not to take collective action.65
Other reactions were equally non-committal.
Ambassador at Paris, reported' the French press comments were " of a guarded
nature" as the real significance of Berchtold's proposal was not fully
that in Turkey the Austrian initiative met with a vague amount of sus-
held further comment on the rest of the proposal until Berchtold suggested
specific measures for maintaining the status quo.
In a note dated 29 August 1912 and read at the respective ministeries
by 3 September, Berchtold expounded on his proposal.
called for maintaining the status quo, free elections in the Balkans, and
encouraging the Porte to consider extending privileges and reforms to all
^Krupenski to Neratov, 15 August 1912, Benckendorff, II, 432ff,
cited in APS, II, 205-206.
6 % e r a t o v to Vienna, 18 August 1912, Isvolsky, II, 228-229; Buchanan
to Grey, 16 August 1912, BD, IX, i, 621-622.
^ B e r t i e to Grey, 17 August 1912, ibid., 622-623; Marling to Grey,
19 August 1913, ibid., p. 624.
Balkan states.
between the powers since they had objected to such a meeting in their
answers to the first proposal.
Berchtold had done little to show strong leadership for Austrian foreign
on everyone's l i p s . " ^
to Austrian future policies towards the Balkan states and the growing
tensions of the summer of 1912.
an united front, they could pressure the allies into preserving peace.
In mid-September Sazonov expressed his opinion that unless the Powers
intervened to gain some concessions from Turkey in line with the provisions of Article XXIII of the Treaty of Berlin, formal hostilities would
begin in the Balkans in the near future.^
As tensions mounted in the Balkans, the French Minister of Foreign
Affairs, Poincar^, made a proposal for a collective representation
made by the Powers at the Balkan capitals if the situation worsened.
The French proposal was more definite than the Berchtold Initiative a
month earlier.
turb the status quo; to press the Porte for further concessions to the
Balkan demands; in case of war, the Balkan states could not expect to
retain any territorial gains.
other Powers had agreed to follow the French lead.
Since Poincare's
proposal needed the cooperation of all the Powers and since some of them
had demonstrated reluctance to state such a definite position, he suggested on 2 October that Russia and Austria-Hungary, as the two most interested Powers, put the proposals before Serbia and Bulgaria as mandato-
upon by 6 October.
that time the Russians categorically denied that the "test mobilization"
in Poland was in any way connected with the Balkan situation.
taneous mobilizations, declared general mobilization on 1 October.
^ I b i d . t 1 October 1912, p. 8.
^ S z i l a s s y (St. Petersburg) to the Foreign Office, 1 October 1912,
5-UA, IV, 513-514; The Times (London), 3 October 1912, p. 6; although
the Russian explanation was officially accepted in Vienna, it was still
felt that the Balkan states received unofficial encouragement from the
Russian attitude, ibid. 2 October 1912, p. 5.
^Wangenheim to the Foreign Office, 27 September 1912, GP, XXXIII,
frontier on 5 October.
During the
the cadet school which happened to be closed for summer vacation.
over the Kochana incident, Russia would give neither diplomatic nor military support but, on the contrary, Serbia and Bulgaria would be left alone
to face Austria and Roumania.
This step by Russia was obviously more
^ M a r y E. Durham, Twenty Years of Balkan Tangle (London, 1920), 226227; The Times (London), 7 October 1912, p. 5.
^ I b i d . , 9 October 1912, p. 5; Albertini, Origins, I, 377.
^ D a i l y report on a visit of the Russian representative, 9 August
1912, 0-UA, IV, 326; Durham, Struggle, p. 165; the possibility that Russian encouragement in the Balkans might get out of control received notice
at the British Foreign Office, Barclay to Grey, 30 August 1912, BD, IX,
i, 657-658.
^ G r e y to Barclay, 31 August 1912; ibid., pp. 661-662.
in the interest of world peace than the Balkan interest of full national
in the Balkans.
states, and now she seemed to be trying to undo her successful efforts.
In the Northwest area of Albania, close to the Montenegrin border,
the Malissori tribes re-opened their revolt against Turkey in midQA
September, 1912.
inforced by heavy artillery, and the Bulgarian Army called off maneuvers
earlier than had been planned.
Serb protest, the Porte again used dilatory tactics by asking that the
protest be presented in writing.
The Serbian protest also demanded an explanation for the calling out
of Turkish reserves in the Uskub and Mitrowitza districts.
The Turks
had also moved troops to the Bulgarian border, an action which caused
considerable apprehension in Sofia, especially when the Porte explained
that the troops were there to help the Bulgarian government calm agitation.^-*
28 September.
ration given to the Bulgarian army on 30 September.
Serbia ordered
general mobilization the same day,^ and Montenegro, after King Nikola
had given "assurances that he would be the last of the Balkan Sovereigns
to m o b i l i z e , " " followed suit on 1 O c t o b e r 1 ^ and declared war a week
Spurred on by the Italo-Turk War and Russian encouragement, Bulgaria
and Serbia had allied themselves against a common enemy under the auspices
of the Czar.
had been able to exert only indirect influence, and Bulgaria and Greece
border incidents between the Balkan states and Turkey. Montenegro was
included into the Balkan League against the advice of the Russian Foreign
liances, the intent of the pacts were changed from defensive to offensive,
with the Ottoman Empire named as the enemy.
In August and September, Russia and the Great Powers moved to prevent a Balkan war.
When war
seemed imminent, Russia joined the Great Powers and acting with her Balkan rival, Austria-Hungary, as mandatories, failed to dissuade the allies
from fulfilling their commitments for war against Turkey.
Over the years Russian policy in the Balkans had changed from the
idea of a frontal revision of the Straits question to a more subtle approach.
hoped to some day revise the Straits agreement in a way more favorable to
her position as a great power.
new policy seemed to be well on its way to realization until the independent actions of the Balkan states showed that Russian influence in the
Balkans was illusory.
Balkan states, and if she did not support their claims, she ran the risk
of losing all semblance of influence.
The opening of hostilities on 8 October 1912 by Montenegro signalled the beginning of the Balkan Wars and the demise of Russian influence in the Balkans.
kingdoms of the Balkan peninsula had moved outside the limits of Russian
policy to attempt on their own a redress of wrongs, both real and imagined, inflicted on them by the Ottoman Empire through unfulfilled reform
measures provided for in the Treaty of Berlin, 1878.
allied decision to begin war against the Turks, Russian diplomacy faced
a clearly defined problem:
their struggle against Turkey and have Russia thereby risk incurring the
displeasure of the other Great Powers who wished to see the maintenance
of the status quo; or should Russia give full and undivided support to
the Great Powers, thereby losing all pretense of leadership over the
peoples of the Balkans and wrecking future possibilities of Balkan support to revise the Straits question?
In the months following the declaration of war, the allies unaided
by Russia won unexpected victories against the Turks and captured territory in excess of even their own optimistic plans of September.
Russia and the Powers had to face a fait accompli revision of the territorial status quo, they agreed to call a conference to re-arrange the
confidence of the Powers by urging the Balkan allies to accept concessions and the will of the Powers.
As Sazonov
swung between the allies and the Powers, he failed to gain any significant aims of the allies.
own hands and on 3 February 1913 broke the armistice in order to complete
their conquest of the Balkan Peninsula.
Serge Sazonov had heard the news of the declaration of war in October while in Berlin.
that day Sazonov had expressed his hope for peace in the Balkans.
he had been criticized for the danger of Russian activities in the Balkans, he replied that Russia had made it explicitly clear that any Balkan
alliance would not have aggressive purposes.
deferred, and the Balkan rulers could not continue to go against the will
of their subjects.
The British
Foreign Office had received a note on 3 October from Buchanan in St. Petersburg explaining the views of Neratov, acting Foreign Minister while Sazonov was on a trip.
to move in five
accurate guess or actually knew the correct day the allies would commence
hostilities is unknown.
ber during the consideration of the Poincare proposal, Russia had been
one of the first to send instructions to her representative to join the
*^von Lucious to the Foreign Office, 14 September, 1912, GP, XXXIII,
p. 103.
^The Times (London), 4 October 1912, p. 6.
^Buchanan to Grey, 3 October 1912, BD, IX, i, p. 730.
^de Schelking, Recollections, p. 191.
^George Buchanan, Mjr Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories,
2 Vols. (Boston: Little, Brown & Company, 1923), I, p. 122.
With the
the allies would not be able to say that Russia had prevented them from
seeking their reforms from Turkey since France had suggested the step.
By joining the other Powers, Russia preserved their confidence.
could also join Austria as a mandatory of the other Powers because she
would appear as a better representative for protecting Balkan interests
than Austria whose hostility to Balkan expansion was well known.
had very little to lose by acting with the Powers to prevent the war.
Yet Sazonov and Russian diplomacy have been accused of duplicity in
the activities prior to 8 October.
sian government did not think a Balkan war at that time was the most
favorable to all the Slavic nations.
ber, Sazonov expressed fears that Austria would move against Serbia should
there be a violation of territory in the Sanjak of Novibazar.
^Bogitshevich, Causes, pp. 38-39.
In such a
case, the Russian government could not withstand public opinion and would
The note
presented to the Balkan states that day by the Austrian and Russian emmisaries, acting as mandatories of the six Powers, showed the Russians in
league with the Powers, contrary to Balkan interests, and at the same
time acting as friend and protector of Slavic ambitions in the Balkans.
On the same day, Sazonov in person contradicted both implications of
the mandate note by his statements to Kiderlen-Wachter. Other instances
of the confusion in Russian policy and the dilemma of having to chose between the Powers and the Balkan allies occurred during the early months
of the war and the early peace negotiations at London.
Ten days after Montenegro began hostilities against the Ottoman Empire, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Greece joined Montenegro as co-belligerents.
The declarations of the Powers, made by Russia and Austria after the failure to unite in early October, showed that they were not likely to make
positive steps to prevent or stop the Balkan states from waging war.
Turkish army, in any case, would defeat the smaller Balkan allies.
and Austria would then be on the side of the victors in any negotiations,
while Russia, the only Entente power with major interests in the peninsula, would be alone in her support of the defeated allies.
the Turk army.
The Balkan allies surprised Russia and the European capitals with
unexpected victories.
The Monte-
The Ser-
bians, who began to push to the Adriatic across Albania, had occupied
the Sanjak of Novibazar with Montenegro and part of Macedonia with the
Bulgarian army.
fleeing Turks to the Chatalja lines, the defense perimeter west of Constantinople, where they were bogged down by unusually heavy autumn r a i n s . ^
By mid-November the Balkan allies had changed the territorial status quo.
^Sazonov, Fateful Years, p. 65; Nekludoff, Reminiscences, p. 110;
von Bulow to Basserman, 28 February 1913, Bernhard von Biilow, Memoirs of
Prince Von Bulow, Geoffrey Dunlop, trans., (Boston, 1932), III, pp. 126127.
^Ibid., p. 127.
The area
included the city of Adrianople, which was considered the key to the
defense of Constantinople.
asked to remind the Bulgarian government of the restricted area, Nekludoff protested because of conflicts he anticipated with Bulgarian aspirations.
the Bulgarian army already within the area, Sazonov accepted the advice
of his minister and withdrew his objections.
With Con-
stantinople again threatened, Sazonov declared that Russia would not remain idle if Bulgaria took the city."^
Constantinople appeared to be safe from the Bulgarians, Sazonov agreed
that the new eastern frontier of Bulgaria would be a line Midia-Enos,
from the Black Sea across the peninsula to the Aegean.
After the allies bogged down in siege operations in mid-November,
they accepted a Turkish plea for an armistice, which was signed on 3 December.
prosecute the active siege of Jania; moreover, she hoped to win a victory
at sea against Turkey.
Berchtold formally recognized that the status quo in the Balkans had been
disturbed, and the Triple Alliance powers should accept the change but
limit its extent along lines he suggested.
Among the Austrian sugges21
tions was one which totally denied Serbia the Adriatic outlet she desired.
Instead the Austrians proposed the creation of an independent and "viable"
Any Serb
corridor would provide a temptation to the Serbs to expand their holdings and create another Balkan crisis.
While Austria was firming up her new position on territorial changes
in the Balkans, Sazonov moved his support to the side of the victorious
on the Ottoman Empire for protection from the danger of Serbian expansion
of her littoral.
become a Russian port, and the fear existed that Italy and Serbia or
Russia and Serbia would work together to shut the Adriatic to Austria.
23crey to Buchanan, 1 November 1912, BD, IX, ii, pp. 74-75.
^ B u c h a n a n to Grey, 2 November 1912, ibid., pp. 80-81.
^ F o r a discussion of the Austrian opposition to a Serb port, see
Helmreich, Diplomacy, pp. 209-212.
for her economic survival, and the partition of the Albanian part of
European Turkey to which the Balkan allies had agreed and which Serbia
assumed Russia had sanctioned provided that Serbia should receive the
contested littoral.
Pan-slav sympathies, and the Serbs and Bulgars would not accept Russian
neutrality at face value.
^ N o t e to Rome, 3 November 1912, o'-UA, IV, p. 763; Berchtold to London, St. Petersburg, Paris, and Berlin, 4 November 1912, ibid., p. 768;
Grey to Cartwright, 5 November 1912, BD, IX, i, pp. 102-103.
Sazonov to Paris, Vienna, London, Berlin, Rome and Constantinople,
17 September 1912, Isvolsky, II, 253; Popovich to Pasi<5, 8 October 1912,
APS, I, 245; Koschutitsch (St. Petersburg) to Pasi6, 10 October 1912,
APS, I, 246; Barclay to Grey, 9 September 1912, BD, IX, i, 684.
Germany would support Austria.
even suggested that she would be wise to accept an Austrian proposal for
a commercial outlet instead of continuing to demand a littoral.
new conciliatory attitude from St. Petersburg may have been influenced
by the solidarity of the Triple Alliance behind the Austrian position,
the rash, independent actions of Serbia in the Berlin interview of 7 November, and the opening of the "Consular Affair" a few days later.
A /
Czar had instructed the Foreign Office, in late October, to use Russia's
full aid for all Balkan programs, short of war.*^
On 17 November, Buchanan reported that Sazonov had again taken up
the Serbian claims to a littoral.
port of San Giovanni di Medua would not divide Albania and would leave
that country essentially united so that an autonomous or an independent
government could preserve the nationalistic ambitions supported by
By the end
The next day Sazonov was again working in agreement with the powers to
devise a commercial egress for Serbia other than a littoral on the Adriatic.^
Sazonov realized the true cost of supporting Serbia and began backing
off, Russian influence in the Balkans became negligible.
On the other
hand, by supporting Serbia and then backing down, Sazonov had decreased
Russian influence over the Great Powers.
this one instance for a viable Albania, could now make more stringent
demands on the Balkan allies.
return to the status quo-~Russia probably could not oppose her actions
with any hope for success, especially since England had expressed reluctance about being drawn into a Balkan conflict.
ning to realize the futility and danger of supporting Serbia, the Balkan
armies were making their victory almost complete.
By the end of November, the allies had defeated the once mighty Ottoman Empire.
signed on 3 December.
batants would hold their present positions, beseiged forts would not be
re-supplied, Turkey would lift all blockades and trade restrictions
hindering the provisioning of Bulgarian troops, and peace negotiations
would begin in London by 13 December.
By November the Powers generally realized that a change of the status
quo was inevitable in the Balkans.
They were
would begin talks on 13 December, but the allies and Turkey agreed to
begin their peace negotiations the same day as the Powers.
The two most important problems for the conference were the related
Serbian commercial access to the Adriatic and the creation of an autonomous Albania.
banian and Montenegrin borders must remain as they were at the time of
the conference.
not yet captured Scutari, and under the Austrian conditions, the city
would remain in the new Albania even if the Montenegrin siege succeeded.
Benckendorff raised a general objection to the Austrian demand, and the
subject was left to private discussion.
ference, the two problems which had seemed most likely to disrupt European peace only a month before, autonomous Albania and a Serbian littoral, were amicably resolved by the Great Powers and not by the nations
most concerned.
If Montenegro in-
corporated Scutari into the kingdom, the fertile land would greatly
armistice had been signed, Montenegro had not been successful at Scutari.
Ibid., p. 293.
By the terms of the armistice, her troops could remain around the city,
while the garrison inside could neither be relieved nor re-provisioned.
Although Montenegro was fighting for possession of Scutari, Austria
demanded that the city should be in the new Albania.
Montenegro looked
He argued that "it had not been easy for Russia to abandon Ser-
bia's claim for a port of her own, and now Austria was coming forward
with a fresh and unexpected demand."^
opinion to Germany, Austria, and Italy that since Russia had given way
on the Serbian littoral, it seemed only fair that Austria relinquish her
support of Scutari for Albania,
British support.
Even with British support the Russian minister was unable to gain
any concessions from Austria, not even a reduction of the mobilized
Austrian troops.^
agreement had been reached on Scutari, and Albania was not discussed.
The conference agreed on the disposition of certain islands in the
Aegean, but the Montenegrin claims for Scutari remained unsatisfied.
During the rest of January, the representatives of the Powers carried on private conversations in which various compromises were suggested
and rejected.
gable stream which drains Lake Scutari, and other compensations were
discussed, but no agreement was reached before the armistice ended and
the war resumed on 3 February.
54crey to Goschen, 18 December 1912, ibid., p. 296; Grey to Rodd, 19
December 1912, ibid., p. 299; Grey to Bertie, 19 December 1912, ibid.,
p. 300; Grey to Buchanan, 25 December 1912, ibid., p. 315.
-'-'Buchanan to Grey, 26 December 1912, ibid., p. 315.
5^See, Helmreich, Diplomacy, pp. 257-258, for a discussion of the
apprehension caused by the continued Austrian mobilization.
^Lichnowsky to the Foreign Office, 2 January 1913, GP, XXXIV, i,
111-112, 112-113; Grey to Cartwright, 2 January 1912, BD, IX, ii, 33433 6.
-^Grey to Buchanan, 3 January 1912, ibid., p. 348; Grey to Bertie,
3 January 1912, ibid., p. 349.
60crey to Cartwright, 7 January 1912, ibid., p. 371; Cartwright to
Grey, 8 January 1912, ibid., p. 374; Grey to Buchanan, 8 January 1912,
ibid., p. 375.
While these talks among the representative of the Great Powers were
going on, the peace talks between the Turks and Balkan allies had become
deadlocked over the possession of Adrianople.
the Powers advised Turkey to cede the city; but the Porte refused to
comply because the siege had not yet been successful.
suspended peace talks on 6 January.
alistic group gained control of the Turkish government and firmly rejected the Powers' note.
on 30 January, and four days later hostilities resumed.
From the beginning of the war in October, 1912, until the resumption
of hostilities after the armistice in February, 1913, Russian foreign
policy in the Balkans suffered setbacks.
proceeding with the war, the Russian Minister then tried to represent
the claims of the Balkan states after their victories made the maintenance
of the status quo impossible.
seemed again to be backing into a corner from which only a general war
would provide an exit without dishonor.
they actually captured the cities the Powers would be forced to award
them their prizes, rather than start a universal conflict.
By the time hostilities resumed, Serge Sazonov had lost all vestiges
of Russian influence over the actions of the Balkan states.
tion in the formation of the Balkan Alliances was the peak of Russian
ning of the war in spite of Great Power demands, the victorious prosecution of the war against Turkey, Great Power agreement to accept alterations to the status quo, and Serbian possession of Durazzo on the Adriatic
pushed the allies to greater acts of arrogance and at the same time
further away from the sobering sounds of Russian influence.
carry out her threats to forcibly remove the Montenegrins from the
Scutari area assigned to the future autonomous Albania.
In the face of a general war, Sazonov did not push the Monte-
negrin claims.
The most important question before the conferetce was the de-
ment to reject the Serbian claim for an Adriatic port, the definite
border between Montenegro and Albania had been opened to negotiation.
Montenegro, still carrying out the siege against Scutari, demanded that
the border should be south of the disputed city.
given in on Ipek and Prizrend, but she had steadily refused to allow
port for Serbia and had, for the time being, only held reservations about
Scutari belonging to Albania.
Berchtold, on
the other hand, felt that the concessions to Montenegro and Serbia in
the Sanjak of Novibazar prevented further surrender of Albanian territory.''"
With the two powers seemingly deadlocked, Grey made the first
Austria and Russia were only bargaining, the suggestion did not receive
favorable attention until a final
deadlock a few weeks later.
Dibra and Djakova because the two cities had Albanian populations. 4
While despairing of Dibra and Djakova ever becoming Serbian, and Scutari
Montenegrin, Sazonov still had hoped the land between Scutari and the
lake would go to Montenegro."*
During the early part of February, Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria
sent a personal letter to Czar Nicholas of Russia in an effort to ease
Austrian-Russian relations.
cessions in the Emperor's letter, the mission did not directly influence
tion of the German Foreign Office and the German Ambassador at St. Petersburg, put forward new proposals for the Albanian border.^
Sazonov's change in his support of Serbian claims was not wholly
due to the influence of the German Foreign Office.
In an interview with
facing Austria alone unless she accepted the will of the powers.
the other hand, Pa2i6, Serbian Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign
Affairs, saw the problem of the two towns as a trial of strength between
Russia and her friends, and Austria and Germany.
He instructed Popo-
next day, Sazonov made his new proposal for delimitation of the Albanian
Sazonov's new line proposed on 15 February, put Djakova, Dibra,
and the land between Montenegro and Scutari outside Albania,whereas
before he had insisted that Scutari be Montenegrin.
Russian proposals, Grey felt that if Austria would concede Djakova and
Dibra to Serbia, Russia would allow Tarabosh, the mountain overlooking
Scutari, and the plain of Luma around Scutari to be in Albania.
In short,
Russia was offering a compromise, and Grey thought Austria should make a
ment on the basis of this new proposal, Grey again suggested an international commission to investigate the disputed regions.
The Russian suggestion of 15 February provoked further concessions
from Austria.
Russians and inquire if they would agree to allow an international commissio ; to decide the fate of Djakova in return for economic considerations if the area was not assigned to Albania, and if Russia would give
firm support to keep Montenegro out of Scutari.
two days later.
Sazonov replied that if Djakova did not go to Albania, Russia would
consent to "energetic" pressure at Cettinje and Belgrade."''
He remained
vague when asked if Russia would insist that Scutari would remain Albanian
even if it fell to the Montenegrin a r m y . ^
Sazonov's vague
Ibid., 576.
had wanted Djakova and Scutari to be in Albania, while Russia could not
allow both cities to be kept from the allies.
Now it appeared
that Austria had definitely given in on a disputed point under the steady
pressure of Russian opposition, but the concession was a diplomatic victory for Austria and not for Russia.
negrin siege, the prospect of Serbian troops reaching Scutari, and the
general apprehension that the city might fall at any time, Berchtold
considered it more important that the Powers come to a final agreement
on the northern Albanian border.
On the
the other hand, he did not readily agree to the steps mentioned in the
proposal as to how the Powers should force Montenegro from Scutari.
The Powers immediately began discussions on steps available to them
whereby they might compel Montenegro to discontinue the siege, and if
^Buchanan to Grey, 22 March 1913, BD, IX, ii, 610-611.
the city fell, force King Nikola to respect their wishes on the fate of
and Belgrade.
The note of
the Powers was delivered on 28 March.
At the Ambassadors' Conference meeting the same day, before the
Montenegrin reply had been received, the ambassadors began preliminary
discussions for an international naval demonstration as the next step
in coercing Montenegro.
the Powers' suggestion regarding S c u t a r i . T h r e e days later, the Ambassadors' Conference agreed to the international naval demonstration,
and issued orders for their ships to assemble at Corfu.^2
The French
French ship would be ordered to participate if all the powers took part
in the demonstration or if Russia did not join but authorized France to
^Lichnowsky to the Foreign Office, 19 March 1913, GP, XXXIV, ii,
526-527; Buchanan, Mission, I, 131.
^ G r e y to Paget, 20 March 1913, BD, XX, ii, 606; Paget to Grey, 28
March 1913, ibid., p. 621; Grey to Buchanan, 31 March 1913, ibid., p. 624.
at this time, and the passage of war ships through the Straits was prohibited by international treaty.
nov had expressed, through diplomatic channels, a desire that France and
England participate on behalf of Russia.
public announcement, and it was not until 3 April that Sazonov gave the
^ B u c h a n a n to Grey, 3 April 1913, ibid., p. 647.
^Grey to Buchanan, 3 April 1913, ibid., pp. 646-647; Grey to Buchanan, 1 April 1913, ibid., pp. 633-634; Grey to Bertie, 2 April 1913,
ibid., p. 639.
"^Berchtold to Mensdorff, 1 April 1913, 9-UA, VI, 4; Grey to Cartwright, 1 April 1913, &D, IX, ii, 635.
^ B u c h a n a n to Grey, 2 April 1913, ibid., pp. 641-642; Popovich
to PaSid, 4 April 1913, APS, I, 314.
Ambassadors met again, instructions had been sent by all governments ex39
cept the Russians.
On 5 April, Admiral Burney, commander of the British naval forces
participating in the demonstration, reported that ships of the international fleet had assembled and a conference of the commanders had prepared a message to the Montenegrin government notifying them of the pur40
pose of the demonstration and advising them to accept the Powers' wish.
The Montenegrin answer on April 6 rejected the Naval note and accused
the Powers of violating their own principle of neutrality by interfering.^
On 5 April
the arms is certainly not above suspicion, especially since the allies
had held Salonica since 8 November.
negro did not materially affect the siege at Scutari, but the blockade
give Serbia an opportunity to withdraw her active support from Monte46
As early as 23 March, Sazonov had told Popovich that Serbia would
have to remove her troops from Scutari if the city fell.
He warned the
Serbs not to follow Montenegro's foolhardy leadership into Scutari because her actions did not represent the true interests of Slavdom.^
^ 3 Mensdorff to Berchtold, 6 April 1913, O-UA, VI, 52; Cartwright to
Grey, 7 April 1913, BD, IX, ii, 658-659; Bertie to Grey, 2 April 1913,
ibid., 643.
^ B u c h a n a n to Grey, 5 April 1913, ibid., p. 655; Kokovtsov, Memoirs,
pp. 357-359; Helmreich, Diplomacy, p. 311.
^ G i e s l to Berchtold, 2 April 1913, (j-UA, VI, p. 11.
^Cartwright to Nicolson, 11 April 1913, BD, IX, ii, 679.
^ P o p o v i c h to PaSic, 24 March 1913, APS, I, 311-312.
With the naval demonstration at Antivari, Serbia had a ready-made excuse
to gracefully withdraw further support from Montenegro.
On 9 April,
Serbia decided to send no more men to Scutari,
think Parliament would vote the British part of the money, nor did he
think Berchtold should be asked to make further concessions to Montenegro.^
At the Conference
Berchtold to Rome. . . .
organize financial compensation for Montenegro, news of the move leaked
April, the Montenegrin position was restated with the added statement
that Montenegro declined any financial or monetary compensation from the
The Ambassadors did not take the declaration at face value and
A violent
article in the newspapers of Cettinje called the idea of the loan an insult, to the King and Montenegro.^
on 21 April,
Prince of Albania, under the suzerainty of the Sultan, and recognize the
Montenegrin claims to Scutari.
to give both rulers claim to legitimacy and give them a stronger hand
to win concessions from the Powers.
55cartwright to Grey, 14 April 1913, ibid., pp. 687-688.
-^Lichnowsky to the Foreign Office, 17 April 1913, GP, XXXIV, ii,
With the fall of Scutari, the Ambassadors' Conference met and quicker
sent instructions to Cettinje that the Montenegrin government should be
informed that the fall of the city did not in any way affect the decision of the Powers regarding the Northern delimitation of Albania, and
Montenegro should turn the city over to the Naval representatives of
the Powers.
negro in return for Scutari would reopen the already delimited North and
Northeastern Albanian border.
diplomats in the British Foreign Office would not consider reopening the
discussions. A
Sazonov wisely did not carry his request for further
compensation or Scutari becoming Montenegrin beyond 23 April.
The same
day, Austria proposed that the Great Powers should, without delay, carry
out positive steps to impress on Montenegro the full extent of the Powers'
Austria-Hungary was,
Nikola and force became necessary, Sazonov hoped that more Powers than
just Austria-Hungary would participate in the a c t i o n . ^
From 23 April until the Conference's collective note was delivered
at Cettinje, the Powers discussed possible coercive measures that would
probably be needed against Montenegro.
public opinion would allow their participation in military actions.*^
Italy, likewise, could not join Austria without British or French participation.^^
at the indecision exhibited by the other Great Powers and moved closer
to active independent intervention, Montenegro gave a negative reply to
the Powers' demand that she abandon Scutari.7
alone, and Russia could not be expected to remain idle in the event of
an Austrian invasion of Montenegro.
On 1 May the Montenegrin delegate in London transmitted an inquiry
from his government asking the British whether Montenegro would receive
territorial and financial compensation if she withdrew from Scutari.
Grey presented the Montenegrin offer to the Conference, and the Ambassadors agreed to answer the Montenegrin government on 3 May that
if the Montenegrin Gov 1 fprnment) evacuate Scutari, as
demanded by the Powers they will receive the financial
help which has already been under the consideration of
the Powers . . . But if they do not evacuate Scutari
they will certainly be expelled, by one method or another, and Montenegro must abandon the hope of subsequent
help from the 'Powers.'7^
6?Grey to Buchanan, 28 April 1913, BD, IX, ii, 725-726.
6%odd to Grey, 28 April 1913, ibid., p. 726.
69Ibid., see the attached minutes; Buchanan to Grey, 28 April 1913,
ibid., p. 725.
70de Salis to Grey, 30 April 1913, ibid., pp. 740-741.
73-Grey to Cartwright, 1 May 1913, ibid., pp. 749-750; Grey to Goschen, 1 May 1913, ibid., p. 746.
The next day, Count de Salis reported from Cettinje that King Nikola
surrendered the fate of Scutari to the Powers,7"* and ten days later,
Scutari was turned over to them.^
Soon after the Montenegrin capitulation, the Preliminaries of London
were signed on 30 May 1913.
By the
In the
told, Sazonov was forced to accept Djakova and close the Albanian delimitation question.
would not consider further discussion, and Austria all but ignored the
Russian proposal.
Before and after the fall of Scutari, Russia failed to help the
Balkan Slavs and also damaged her prestige with the Powers.
Before the
73de Salis to Grey, 4 May 1913, ibid.t p. 766; King Nikola has been
accused of using the Scutari crisis to influence the price fluctuations
on the Vienna Bourse and, by trading, to have made a private fortune in
stock speculation, Durham, Struggle, p. 272, Bogitshevich, Causes, p. 37,
Rebecca West, Black Lamb and Grey Falcon, A Journey Through Yugoslavia,
(New York, 1944), p. 1052.
With Rus-
The Treaty of London, 30 May 1913, officially ended the First Balkan
to the end of the war, the Scutari crisis, had been resolved.
English and
and Bulgaria early in 1912, Russia had been unable to prevent them from
Conference Russian diplomats were singularly unsuccessful in representing the allies at the conference table.
In the months following the Preliminaries of London, and during the
Second Balkan War, Russian diplomacy fully illustrated the bankruptcy of
its influence in Balkan affairs.
outbreak of war and when those efforts failed, they tried to bring about
an armistice but were unsuccessful.
sponsible for the fall of the Bulgarian cabinet and the pro-Austrian
bias of the new cabinet.
The dis-
pute began when Serbia finally accepted the loss of the Adriatic littoral.
Bulgaria had not sent the military aid she promised to Serbia in Macedonia by the alliance treaty of 1912, while the Serbs had sent troops
to aid in the siege of Adrianople.
at Adrianople, Serbia consented and sent the needed artillery on 13 February 1913.
than pecuniary.^
pected that Serbia would make claims in Macedonia beyond the limits
defined in the Serbo-Bulgarian Treaty of 1912.4
Bulgaria, of course,
was not willing to relinquish any of her gains to compensate Serbia for
her contributions or her losses.
Ibid., p. 534.
On 22 February, Serbia made formal demands on Bulgaria for compensations in Macedonia for her losses in the littoral question and her
additional contributions to the war effort in excess of treaty provisions.-*
deadlock over territorial questions.
re-affirmed the principle of arbitration, but evaded any direct commitment to accept the Russian offer if they could not settle their differences
without force.
rians over the possession of Salonica, was not under the protection of
prospective Russian arbitration.
Because of the Salonica dispute, the Greek and Serbian diplomats
began talks for an alliance against Bulgaria early in May.
After the
London Treaty had been signed, the Serb and Greek governments concluded
allies were obviously becoming strained, Czar Nicholas, on 8 June, personally intervened by sending telegrams to the Serbian and Bulgarian
Nekludoff, Reminiscences, pp. 162-163; for details of the SerbGreece alliances and conventions see Helmreich, Diplomacy, pp. 347349.
had demobilized, and then she wished to negotiate only within the limits
of the 1912 alliances.
demobilization until all claims were settled.
idea of treaty revision and, for that reason, was thought to consider
war with Serbia as inevitable.
Bulgarian army was massed on the Serbian frontier and would be ready
to strike within ten days.-^
matum, and, when Danev responded with further threats, the Russian minis-
ter formally deserted Bulgaria for the time being.
Bulgaria attacked Serbia and Greece, and the Second Balkan War had
Bulgaria was at war with her former allies, but with one important
London, but before Bulgaria attacked Serbia and Greece, Rumania had de21
clared that if Serbia were attacked, she would move against Bulgaria.
Rumania could not allow Bulgaria to reduce Serbia because a larger Bulgaria
^Ibid., pp. 42-43.
l^Danev to Bobchev (St. Petersburg), 22 June 1913, as cited in
ibid., p. 57.
17]?or General Savov's estimates on the readiness of the Bulgarian
army see ibid., pp. 49-51.
l^For the Russian reaction to the Bulgarian demands for arbitration
within seven days, see ibid., pp. 61-62, and Helmreich, Diplomacy,
pp. 360-361.
^ F o r a discussion of the events immediately preceeding the Second
Balkan War, see ibid., pp. 359-367.
^ONekludoff, Reminiscences, p. 153.
Furstenberg to Berchtold, 27 June 1913, g-UA, VI, 750; Barclay to
Grey, 19 June 1913, BD, IX, ii, 855.
Rumanian-Bulgarian conflict,
and on 3 July, Rumania mobilized.
the time Rumania declared war, 10 August 1913, Bulgaria had already suffered severe losses of men and territory to the Greek and Serb armies.
Pummeled on several fronts, Bulgaria could only accept her defeat and
try to salvage what she could by appealing to the Powers for succor.
Less than ten days after she attacked Greece and Serbia, Bulgaria
appealed to Russia to act as mediator.
had representations made at the Balkan capitals which stated that Russia
invited the Balkan governments to cease hostilities immediately and
sign an armistice.
sisted that Bulgaria must sign the armistice and the final treaties
on the battlefield.27
line Turtukaia-Balchik before she would stop her advances into Bulgaria.
The Bulgarian government quickly authorized the concession, but Rumania
decided to continue the war until Serbia made peace with Bulgaria.^
With most of the combatants not willing to negotiate under Russian
patronage, Sazonov's intervention attempt failed to produce results.
Because Russia could not effect an armistice, Danev, who had sought
Russian mediation, resigned along with his cabinet on 15 July.
became the new Bulgarian prince minister and Genadiev became foreign
In the days
to pull her troops back to the line Enos-Midia to answer Turkish demands
for that part of the peninsula left to her by the Treaty of London.
When the Turk army followed the retreating Bulgars, it did not stop at
the treaty line but continued west until it recaptured Adrianople.
noring the insistent attitude adopted by the Powers, the Porte refused
to return the city to Bulgaria.
The Powers made a collective demarche
in Constantinople on 7 August 1913 demanding that the Sultan respect
The Turks
Bulgaria, meanwhile,
demobilized her army under the terms of the Treaty of Bucharest and left
the Adrianople question in the hands of the Powers.
With Bulgaria surrendering her fate to the Powers, Sazonov sought
a way to enhance Russian diplomacy and help Bulgaria.
He even flirted
with the idea of acting with Austria to force Turkey to abandon Adrianople.^
Buchanan reported
that the entire incident was a misunderstanding and that Turkish troops
would be withdrawn across the Maritza.
^For the general question of the Turkish recapture of Adrianople,
see Helmreich, Diplomacy, pp. 400-403.
^^Wangenheim to the Foreign Office, 7 August 1913, GP, XXXVI, i, 13.
^Zimmerman to Lichnowsky, 12 August 1913, ibid., pp. 21-22.
^^Bax-Ironside to Grey, 7 August 1913, BD, IX, ii, 963.
^Buchanan to Grey, 18 August 1913, ibid., pp. 987-988.
^^See the Post Script of Buchanan to Grey, 19 August 1913, ibid.,
p. 991.
and did not exercise the Czar's permission to break diplomatic relations
with the Ottoman Empire.^
Bulgaria was advised to accept the loss of Adrianople and immediately begin negotiations with her enemies for a peace treaty.
Czar Nicholas'
tration decision within seven days also shows the vacuity of Russian influence.
the other Balkan states, Serbia, Rumania, and Greece refused the Russian
Adrianople, Russia and the Great Powers were unable to force the Porte
to return the city to Bulgaria by diplomatic means, and the Powers did
not have the unity necessary to exert a more positive form of coercion.
before the weak results of the Powers' first demarche, he had wanted
Turkey to return Adrianople outright to Bulgaria, his threat to break
diplomatic relations at Constantinople was designed solely to get the
Turk army to stop their advances further into Bulgarian territory.
diplomacy had failed in the Second Balkan War to meet the goals of her
foreign policy.
needed egress for her navy so she could fully participate in world affairs as was her right as a Great Power.
to Russia in the last half of the nineteenth century, but by 1880, she
had made very small gains in the quest for revision of the Straits question.
fered a bitter humiliation for Russian diplomacy by the Austrian annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Russian diplomats that open attempts to revise the Straits question were
pre-ordained to failure.
conflicted with the similar Russian goal, and any Russian success would
come only after the Dual Monarchy had been eliminated as a competitor.
Soon after the turn of the century, Russian diplomats had come to
realize that the Straits settlement could be revised and Austria's drang
nach osten checked if they could utilize Pan-slavic sympathy in the
Balkans to unite the Balkan states under Russian patronage.
With Pan-
slavism, and by capitalizing on the impatient nationalism in the Balkans, Russia could influence and control events in the peninsula to
prevent Austrian expansion.
failed to fully co-operate with each other, although they pursued the
same goals.
The outbreak of the Tripolitan War in autumn, 1911, threatened to
upset the status quo in the Balkans.
Balkan states might use the war as a pretext to start their own war
with Turkey.
The Balkans remained calm the first few months of the Tripolitan
War, and Russian diplomacy pursued the new policy to unite the Balkan
Slavs under the patronage of the Czar.
War and Russian sympathy, Bulgaria and Serbia allied themselves against
a common enemy under the auspicies of Russian mediation.
The al-
liance was extended to include Greece, but Russia was able to exert only
indirect influence.
With Montenegro's
adherence to the alliances, the Balkan allies named the Ottoman Empire
as the enemy and changed the treaties from defensive to offensive
As tensions in the Balkans mounted during August and September,
Russia, realizing the dangers inherent in further encouragement to the
allies, joined the Great Powers' efforts to prevent a Balkan war.
The manda-
Russian diplomacy in
the next five months vacillated between suppqrt of the Powers' attempts
The Russian
failure to successfully support the Serbian iittoral, and now the uncertain support she had been showing at the Conference on the Northern
Albanian question prompted Montenegro to move on her own to settle the
Scutari question.
In the months following 3 February 1913, the Scutari problem became
Since Russia had agreed to the border, she could not easily
Russian partici-
pation in steps to aid Montenegro before the fall of Scutari did not
have the desired results on Balkan opinion and only negative influence
among the Great Powers.
By the
end of the First Balkan War, Russian diplomacy had shown itself completely inadequate in pursuing a policy to a successful conclusion.
In the months following the Treaty of London, 30 May 1913, and
during the Second Balkan War, Russian diplomacy further testified to
the bankruptcy of its influence in Balkan affairs.
to prevent a new outbreak of war and could not bring about a quick armistice.
Russian failures were in part responsible for the fall of the Bul-
League had their own foreign policies, and when they tried to fulfill
their ambitions, they did so without Russia's aid or permission.
failures to successfully represent the Balkan demands to the Great Powers.
From the First Balkan War until the end of the Second, each crisis that
arose brought a further diminishment of Russian prestige in the Balkans.
By the end of the Second Balkan War, Russian influence in Balkan affairs was almost non-existent. Without Balkan influence, the new foreign policy, unite the Balkans under Russian patronage, stop AustriaHungary's eastward expansion, and then revise the Straits question, was
a failure.
The key to the success of the new approach was Balkan friend-
ship, and in September, 1913, Russia did not have the confidence of the
Balkan states.
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