Williamson Origins WWI

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Samuel R. Williamson, Jr.

The Origins of World War I

World War I began in

eastern Europe. The war started when Serbia, Austria-Hungary,
Russia, and Germany decided that war or the risk of war was an
acceptable policy option. In the aftermath of the Balkan wars of
1912/13, the decision-makers in eastern Europe acted more assertively and less cautiously. The Serbian government displayed little
willingness to negotiate with Vienna; in fact, some elements of
the Belgrade regime worked to challenge, by violent means if
necessary, Habsburg rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina. AustriaHungary, threatened anew by the Balkan problems, grew more
anxious about its declining position and became more enamored
of the recent successes of its militant diplomacy. Having encouraged the creation of the Balkan League and benefited from Serbia's
military triumphs, Russian policymakers displayed a new aggressiveness toward their Danubian neighbor. The German leadership, for its part, fretted more than ever about its relative position
in the European system and found the new Russian self-confidence troubling. Then came the Sarajevo assassinations on 28
June 1914 of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian
throne, and his wife Sophie. Within a month of these deaths,
Austria-Hungary and Serbia would be at war, followed by the
rest of Europe shortly thereafter. 1
Although the war began in eastern Europe, the events there
have received only modest attention from historians. This neglect
is not entirely surprising, given the Versailles "war guilt" clause
against Germany and subsequent efforts to defend or denounce
Samuel R. Williamson, Jr., is Professor of History and Provost of The University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is the author of The Origins of a Tragedy: July 1914
(Arlington Heights, Ill., 1981).
The author is indebted to Scott Lackey, Jonathan Randel, and Russel Van Wyk for
research assistance.

1 The most perceptive recent study is James Joll, The Origins of the First World War (New
York, 1984). For a survey of the issues, see Williamson, The Origins of a Tragedy: July
1914 (Arlington Heights, Ill., 1981). See also Steven E. Miller (ed.), Military Strategy and
the Origins of the First World War: An International Security Reader (Princeton, 198s).



the war guilt accusations. The interwar documentary collections

encouraged this emphasis on Germany and Anglo-German relations, as did post-1945 access to the Western archives. Since 1961
Fischer and the Hamburg school have clarified further the irresponsible nature of German policy before and during the July
crisis. Yet most scholarship has eschewed a broader focus, such
as that used by Fay and Albertini, concentrating instead on single
countries or focusing almost exclusively on the west European
origins of the war. Too much concentration on Berlin's role
slights developments taking place in Austria-Hungary, Russia,
Serbia, and the Balkan states in the months before July 1914. 2
Recent articles, multi-volume background works, and new
monographs by scholars on both sides of the Iron Curtain offer
insights into the east European origins of the July crisis-the
linkages between events there and the onset of the larger war.
These new studies also help to illumine the motivations and behaviors of the decision-makers in Belgrade, St. Petersburg, Vienna, and Budapest. 3 In seeking to prevent a future major war,
2 Fritz Fischer's two major works are Griff nach der Weltmacht (Dusseldorf, 1961) and
Krieg der 11/usionen (Diisseldorf, 1969); both are available in translation. See also idem, ]uli
1914: Wir sind nicht hineingeschlittert: Das Staatsgeheimnis um die Riezler- Tagebiicher: Eine

Streitschrift (Hamburg, 1983). Among his students, see Imanuel Geiss (ed.), ]ulikrise und
Kriegsausbruch 1914: Eine Dokumentensammlung (Hannover, 1963-64), 2v, and his English
selection of documents, July 1914: The Outbreak of the First World War: Selected Documents
(New York, 1967). Sidney B. Fay, The Origins of the World War (New York, 1928), 2v;
Luigi Albertini, The Origins of the War of 1914 (London, 1952-57), 3v.

3 Published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences and edited by Adam Wandruszka and
Peter Urbanitsch, the series on Die Habsburgermonarchie, 1848-1918 has volumes on the
economy, nationalities, administration, and religion; one on the army will appear soon.
J6zsef Galantai, Die Osterreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie und der Weltkrieg (Budapest, 1979);
Istvan Di6szegi, Hungarians in the Ballhausplatz: Studies on the Austro-Hungarian Common
Foreign Policy (Budapest, 1983). For a recent East German view, see Willibald Gutsche,
Sarajevo 1914: Vom Attentat zum Weltkrieg (Berlin, 1984). For Western scholarship, see
Francis Roy Bridge, From Sadowa to Sarajevo: The Foreign Policy of Austria-Hungary, 18661918 (London, 1972);john D. Treadway, The Falcon and the Eagle: Montenegro and AustriaHungary (West Lafayette, Ind., 1982); Norman Stone, The Eastern Front, 1914-1917 (London, 1975); Richard Crampton, The Hollow Detente: Anglo-German Relations in the Balkans,
1911-1914 (London, 1979). See also Williamson, "Vienna and July 1914: The Origins of
the Great War Once More," in Peter Pastor and Williamson (eds.), Essays on World War I:
Origins and Prisoners of War (New York, 1983), 9-36. E. Willis Brooks has brought the
following recent Russian titles to my attention: Iurii Alekseevich Pisarev, Velikie derzhavy
i Balkany nakanune pervoi mirovoi voiny [The Great Powers and the Balkans on the Eve oftht
First World War] (Moscow, 1985); Andrei Sergeevich Avetian, Russko-germanskie diplomaticheskie otnosheniia nakanune pervoi mirovoi voiny, 191o-1914 [Russo-German Diplomatic Relations on the Eve of the First World War, 191o-1914] (Moscow, 1985).



the crisis of the summer of 1914 remains fundamental to an

understanding of the issues of peace and war.
Historians often talk about the long-term origins ofWorld War I
-those physical, intellectual, emotional, and political activities
that created parameters and left legacies that influenced the July
crisis. Although these causes remain a central feature of all recent
historical works, new research reveals an almost quantum alteration in our perception of the character and nature of the causes
of the war. Recent studies-based upon rigorous archival research-make clear the dramatic changes that took place after
1911 in the relationships resulting from the alliances and ententes,
military planning, imperial attitudes, nationalism, and confidence
about the future of the governmental systems.
By 1912, the Triple Entente and Triple Alliance had been
consolidated by the Bosnian crises of 1908-09 and the Moroccan
tensions of 1911. Russia, Britain, and France formed, along with
Russia's Serbian client, the Triple Entente; Austria-Hungary,
Italy, and Germany comprised, with their secret ally King Carol
of Rumania, the Triple Alliance. In the months before July 1914,
these two groupings collided with each other on fundamental
issues, although brief periods of cooperation and apparent detente
From 1912 to the eve of the war, France and Russia worked
to convert the Triple Entente into an alliance. Paris pressed London to confer with Russia about naval issues, while assiduously
working to define their own military and naval arrangements
with Britain. In the spring of 1914, Sir Edward Grey, the most
insular of British foreign secretaries, and Winston Churchill, First
Lord of the Admiralty, agreed to start negotiations with St. Petersburg. Almost immediately German intelligence learned of this
development. When asked about such conversations, Grey denied
that any were underway. Berlin thus found itself unable to trust
Grey's assurances about these talks and could only speculate that
Britain had also made military and naval arrangements with
France. 4
4 Zara Steiner, Britain and the Origins of the First World War (London, 1977); Francis Harry
Hinsley (ed.), British Foreign Policy under Sir Edward Grey (Cambridge, 1977); Keith M.
Wilson, The Policy of the Entente: Essays on the Determinants of British Foreign Policy, 19041914 (Cambridge, 1985); Williamson, The Politics of Grand Strategy: Britain and France



During 1912 and 1913, the Franco-Russian alliance within

the Triple Entente assumed new meaning. The French wanted
immediate Russian pressure on Germany if war came and invested
capital in railway construction that could be used to facilitate the
movement of Russian troops. Raymond Poincare, first as premier
and then as president of France, brought new vigor to French
diplomacy and spared no effort to strengthen the Paris-St. Petersburg connection. Despite socialist opposition, he even managed to secure passage of a three-year military service law that
increased the number of French troops on active duty. 5
Russo-Serbian relations had also grown closer in the years
before Sarajevo. St. Petersburg had played mid-wife to the Balkan
League, a pact signed in the spring of I 912 and directed against
both the Ottoman Empire and the Habsburg monarchy. Vigorous
Russian diplomatic support, along with shipments of military
supplies during the Balkan wars, buttressed the ties. In the spring
of 1914, Nikola Pasic, the Serbian premier, depended upon Russian support in his disputes with the Serbian military. Indeed,
when Pasic resigned in June 1914, the Russians pressured King
Peter I to restore him to the premiership. 6
The leaders of the Triple Alliance were also active in the
months following the Agadir crisis over Morocco. In late 1911
Berlin and Vienna backed Rome in its war with the Ottoman
Empire over Tripoli. At the end of 1912, the partners renewed
the alliance for another five years and reinstituted military and
naval planning, though neither Berlin nor Vienna expected much
Prepare for War, t904-t9t4 (Cambridge, Mass., 1969); Paul Halpern, The Medite"anean
Naval Situation, t908-t9t4 (Cambridge, Mass., 1971). Bernt von Siebert, third secretary

of the Russian embassy in London, was the source of Berlin's information; see Fischer,
Krieg, 6Jl-635
5 John F. V. Keiger, France and the Origins of the First World War (London, 1983); Gerd
Krumeich (trans. Marion Berghahn), Armaments and Politics in France on the Eve of the First
World War: The Introduction of Three-Year Conscription, t9t3-t9t4 (Dover, N.H., 1984);
Jack Snyder, The Ideology of the Offensive: Military Decision Making and the Disasters of t9t4
(Ithaca, 1984); Thomas Hayes Conner, "Parliament and the Making of Foreign Policy:
France under the Third Republic, 1875-1914,'' unpub. Ph.D. diss. (Chapel Hill, 1983).
6 Vladimir Dedijer, The Road to Sarajevo (New York, 1966), 385-388; Barbara Jelavich,
History of the Balkans (Cambridge, 1983), II, 106-112; Hans Obersberger, Oste"eich
zwischen Russ/and und Serbien (Koln, 1958); Andrew Rossos, Russia and the Balkans: InterBalkan Rivalries and Russian Foreign Policy, t908-t9t4 (Toronto, 1981). Publication of the
Serbian diplomatic documents, now in progress, will facilitate a study of Serbo-Russian
relations before 1914.



support from their southern ally. Furthermore, the three partners

maneuvered for position with each other over a potential division
of Turkish Asia Minor, and a new issue-Albania and its futureemerged after the Balkan wars as a point of friction between
Vienna and Rome. 7
Vienna's problems were not confined to Italy. The Balkan
wars had shaken Vienna's confidence about German support if a
crisis arose. On three occasions the Habsburgs had nearly gone
to war; in each instance the Germans had counseled caution and
prudence. To be sure, Kaiser Wilhelm II talked boisterously of
strong action, but the German political leadership spoke about
negotiation. As a result, there was considerable apprehension in
Vienna over Berlin's possible behavior in a crisis involving either
Serbia or Russia or both. 8
The major problem confronting the Austro-German allies
was not their own relationship, but evidence that Bucharest would
probably defect from the alliance. If King Carol opted out, Austria-Hungary faced a new and nearly intolerable strategic situation. Furthermore, Rumanian nationalism, stirred by the successes
of the month-long second Balkan war, demanded changes in the
status of the three million Rumanians living in Transylvania under
Magyar domination. Budapest, however, offered virtually no
concessions. Thus the Rumanian problem, like the Serbian issue,
encompassed both a domestic and a diplomatic dimension. For
Vienna, distinctions between Aussenpolitik and Innenpolitik simply
did not exist. Foreign policy provided much of the raison d'etre
for the Habsburg state, but foreign affairs also furnished most of
the threats to its future. 9
7 Michael Behnen, Rustrmg-Bundnis-Sicherheit: Dreibund und infonneller Imperialismus,
t900-t9o8 (Tiibingen, 1985); Richard Bosworth, Italy and the Approach of the First World
War (New York, 1983) and Italy, the Least of the Great Powers (Cambridge, 1979). On
Habsburg concerns about Albania, see Ludwig Bittner and Obersberger (eds.), Oste"eichUngarns Aussenpolitik von der bosnischen Krise t908 bis zum Kriegsausbruch (hereafter Aussen)
(Vienna, 1930), VII, VIII; Bridge, '"Tarde venientibus ossa': Austro-Hungarian Colonial
Aspirations in Asia Minor, 1913-14," Middle Eastern Studies, VI (1970), 319-330.
8 Fischer, Krieg, 289-323; Bridge, Sadowa, 360-368; Erwin Holze, Die Se/bstentmachung
Europas (Frankfurt am M., 1975), 269-278; Hugo Hantsch, Leopold Graf Berchtold: Grandseigneur und Staatsmann (Graz, 1963), II, po-539.
9 Keith Hitchins, "The Nationality Problem in Hungary: Istvan Tisza and the Rumanian
National Party, 1906-1914,'' Journal of Modern History, Llll (1981), 619-651; Gheorghe
Nicolae Cizan and Serban Radulescu-Zoner, Romdnia si Trip/a Alianta, t878-t9t4 (Bucharest, 1979).



In a desperate effort to rescue the situation, Vienna sent

Ottokar Czernin, a confidant of Franz Ferdinand, as minister to
Bucharest in late I9I3. Czernin achieved nothing. Then in June
the czar and czarina visited Constantsa in Rumania. During the
trip Serge Sazonov, the Russian foreign minister, actually crossed
into Transylvania in a defiant show of support for the Rumanians
living in Austria-Hungary. These events thoroughly alarmed Vienna. More than ever, Foreign Minister Count Leopold Berchtold
and his associates believed that Bucharest was lost to the alliance
and that Russia was determined to cause problems at all costs. 10
Russia also antagonized Germany and Austria-Hungary more
directly. The Liman von Sanders affair, a Russo-German dispute
over whether the German general would have actual command
over Turkish troops in Constantinople, embroiled St. Petersburg
and Berlin for weeks in late I9I3. The crisis created genuine
concern in Berlin and accelerated a series of studies by the German
general staff of Russian mobilization plans. For the first time since
March I909, the two Baltic powers were in direct confrontation,
and this time St. Petersburg, not Berlin, was the protagonist. 11
Relations between St. Petersburg and Vienna were more
fragile still. The Austrians held the Russians partly responsible
for the Balkan wars. Vienna had difficulty forgetting St. Petersburg's tactic in the fall of I9I2, when it kept an additional 1.2
million troops on duty to check any Habsburg move against
Serbia. Vienna had responded by calling up 20o,ooo reservists,
stationing many of them in Galicia. The border tensions led to
bank runs and public unrest in the Habsburg provinces; the potential conflict also prompted passage of emergency legislation in
Austria and Hungary in December I9I2 in the event that war
should come. Not until March I9I3, after extensive negotiations,
did the two powers begin to demobilize troops and tensions abate.
But the residual perceptions of the incident were not so easily
10 Czernin to Berchtold, 22June 1914, Aussen, VIII, no. 9902; also Czernin to Berchtold,
22 June 1914, Berchtold Archiv, no. 9, Haus-, Hof-, und Staatsarchiv, Vienna; Hantsch,
Berchtold, II, 545-557.
II Fischer, Krieg, 481-515; Stone, "Austria-Hungary," in Ernest R. May (ed.), Knowing
One's Enemies: Intelligence Assessment before the Two World Wars (Princeton, 1984), 43-48;
Holger Herwig, "Imperial Germany," ibid., 86-92; William C. Fuller, Jr. "The Russian
Empire," ibid., II5-U3.



altered, certainly not among the military leaders in either St.

Petersburg or Vienna. 12
Despite the growing tensions, there were moments of cooperation and concession. The rhetoric of Anglo-German relations was muted somewhat; the powers cooperated to keep the
Balkan turmoil within bounds in the spring and summer of I913.
Austrians invested funds in a Russian armaments factory, and
royal visits continued. Yet the clashes of 191 I and thereafter were
not easily forgotten. The future of the Balkans and the Macedonian inheritance of the Ottoman Empire were significant issues.
The Eastern Question and the fate of Ottoman holdings in the
Balkans, the bane of British foreign secretaries in the nineteenth
century, had now become a problem for all foreign ministers. 13
No group of decision-makers recognized this new danger
more quickly than the military commanders. Everywhere the
doctrine of offensive warfare and the "short war illusion" prevailed. The French revamped their war plans after I9I I to conform to these doctrines. The Germans, British, and Austro-Hungarians further refined their offensive schemes in the belief that
offensive warfare alone offered the possibility of quick success.
No one probed the question of what would happen if success did
not in fact come quickly at the start of a war. Sufficient intelligence
information existed about the manpower pools and general intentions of the opposing powers; what remained uncertain was the
location and timing of the deployment. Few realized that stalemate could also be the result of offensive operations. Nor were
general staffs cognizant of their own differing conceptions of what
mobilization actually meant for the other governments; for some
it meant actual war and for others, the mere possibility of war.
Questionable assumptions had now become dogma. 14
12 Ernst Christian Helmreich, The Diplomacy of the Balkan Wars, 1912-1913 (Cambridge,
Mass., 1938), 157-164, 281-290; Williamson, "Military Dimensions ofHabsburg-Romanov Relations during the Era of the Balkan Wars," in Bela K. Kiraly and Dimitrie
Djordevic (eds.), East Central European Society and the Balkan Wars (New York, 1987),
13 Paul Kennedy, The Rise of Anglo-German Antagonism, 1860-1914 (London, 1980);
Steiner, Britain, 42-78. Cf. Volker R. Berghahn, Germany and the Approach of War in 1914
(New York, 1973), 165-185; Fischer, Krieg, 613-635.
14 Snyder, Ideology; Joll, Origins, 58-91; Lancelot L. Farrar, Jr., The Short War lllusion
(Santa Barbara, 1973); Stone, Eastern; Douglas Porch, The March to the Marne: The French



No generals faced greater problems than did the Habsburg

commanders after 1912. To the south, Serbia, their most formidable foe, had fought well in the Balkan wars, had virtually doubled its territory and population base, and possessed seasoned
military leaders. Rumania's probable defection added another border to defend, and Bulgaria's defeat in the second Balkan war
reduced its ability to offset either Serbia or Rumania. Reports
from Berlin were even more disturbing; the Russians were shortening their mobilization timetables by five to seven days. Each
day gained by the Russians endangered the Schlieffen-Moltke
plan, in turn putting a higher premium on a Habsburg assault
against Russia. In May 1914 General Franz Conrad von Hotzendorf, chief of the Austro-Hungarian general staff, met Helmuth
von Moltke, his German counterpart, to review the increased
Russian threat. Conrad asked for more German troops in the east
to protect Germany (and Austria-Hungary); Moltke pressed for
more immediate Austro-Hungarian action against Russia with
only secondary action against Serbia. The two generals failed to
reach agreement. Conrad had always wanted to defeat the troublesome Serbians, yet he could not ignore the Russian threat. He
never overcame this dilemma. 15
After 1912 the European military and naval leaders grew less
confident. Troop increases and the continuing naval race (though
with less rhetoric) fueled fears, as did the sudden shifts of military
fortune in the Balkans. Everywhere the military leaders warned
their civilian superiors of the dangers of falling behind in the race
for military supremacy. The militarization of attitudes and unspoken assumptions, even in Britain, grew more noticeable and
pervasive. Militarism, despite occasional signs of pacificism, remained a dynamic factor. 16
Anny, 1871-1914 (Cambridge, 1981); Arthur J. Marder, From the Dreadnought to Scapa
Flow. 1: The Road to War, 1904-14 (London, 1961); Gunther E. Rothenberg, The Anny of
Francis joseph (West Lafayette, Ind., 1976); Richard Ned Lebow, Between Peace and War:
The Nature of International Crisis (Baltimore, 1981); Kennedy (ed.), The War Plans of the
Great Powers, 188o-1914 (London, 1979); Williamson, Politics.
15 Conrad's memoirs are valuable. See his Aus meiner Dienstzeit, 1906-1918 (Vienna,
1921-25), III, 665-675; Rothenberg, Anny, 172-176; Stone, "Die Mobilmachung der
osterreichisch-ungarischen Armee 1914," Mi/itiirgeschichtliche Mitteilungen, XVI (1974), 6795 See also Kurt Peball's edition of Conrad's private notes, Private Aufzeichnungen: Erste
Veriiffentlichungen aus den Papieren des lt.u.lt. Generalstabs-Chef(Vienna, 1977).
16 Joll, "1914: The Unspoken Assumptions," in Hannesjoachim Wilhelm Koch (ed.),
The Origins of the First World War: Great Power Rivalry and Gennan War Aims (New York,



Closely linked with militarism was another long-term cause

of war: imperialism. It was reinforced by ideas of Social Darwinism and racism as well. After the second Moroccan crisis in the
summer of 1911, imperialism became more a Balkan phenomenon
and less an Asian or African one. As the Eastern Question flared
anew, the dangers for Europe, in the context of the rigidity of
both the alliance and the entente, increased exponentially.
Three examples illustrate the dangerous changes. First, in the
autumn of 191 I, the Russians renewed their pressure on the Straits
issue. Second, the Italians were reluctant to return Ottoman territory in the Aegean which they seized in their war with Turkey
in 1912. Indeed, Rome and Berlin actually plotted to carve out
potential gains in Asia Minor. Third, Bosnia and Herzegovina
represented a special part of the Ottoman legacy. Annexed by
Vienna in 1908 after thirty years of de facto Habsburg administration, the two provinces were Habsburg imperial gains at Ottoman expense. Bosnia and Herzegovina now became the focus
of South Slav agitation for greater Serbian and/or Yugoslavian
unity. Franz Joseph had, however, no intention of relinquishing
the two provinces which represented the only gains of his long
reign. Vienna would protect its acquisitions just as the British,
French, and Italians had protected their gains from the gradual
breakup of the Ottoman Empire. 17
Nationalism as a long-term cause ofWorld War I has received
sustained historical attention. Nationalism and a mixture of chauvinism and racism were prevalent in both Europe and North
America. In Germany, Britain, Russia, and France, nationalism
often served as a centripetal factor. 18
By contrast, in the Habsburg monarchy nationalism had a
disruptive function. In Rumania, the impact of nationalism was
growing, and St. Petersburg encouraged intensive campaigns
1972), 307-328. On the peace movement in Germany, see Roger Chickering, Imperial
Gennany and a World without War: The Peace Movement in Gennan Society, 1892-1914

(Princeton, 1975).
17 Little has been written about the two provinces, but the following books are helpful:
Peter F. Sugar, Industrialization of Bosnia-Hercegovina, 1878-1918 (Seattle, 1963); Robert J.
Donia, Islam under the Double Eagle: The Muslims of Bosnia and Hercegovina, 1878-1914
(New York, 1981).
18 Keiger, France; Fischer, Krieg; Bosworth, Italy and the Approach; Steiner, Britain, treat
the issue of nationalism. For Russian attitudes, see Dominic C. B. Lieven, Russia and the
Origins ofthe First World War (New York, 1983).



among the Ruthenians in Galicia and Bukovina. Although panSlavic propaganda did not match the intensity of the challenge
posed by the South Slav demands, Russia's subvention of panSlavism provided still one more reason for Vienna to distrust its
northern neighbor. 19
The Habsburgs' most dangerous threat from nationalism lay
along its southern border. The victorious Balkan states stimulated
a new self-confidence among the monarchy's South Slav citizens.
Serbian and Croatian political leaders talked openly of greater
Yugoslavian unity. In Croatia political violence intensified. The
Balkan wars not only revolutionized the geographical situation;
they also revived and accentuated feelings of South Slav unity. 20
Vienna held Serbia directly (and the Russians less directly)
responsible for much of the mounting friction. Their annoyance,
indeed anger, had basis in fact. After the 1908-09 Bosnian crisis,
Belgrade, in spite of commitments to the contrary, developed a
propaganda machine to inculcate the ideals of Yugoslavian unity
(under Serbian leadership) among the Slavs living in the Habsburg
realms. Political cells like the Narodna Odbrana served as instruments for political activity. 21
Far more dangerous, however, was a secret organization
known as the Black Hand, a group of Serbian military and political figures sworn to a violent solution to the South Slav problem.
Although Habsburg intelligence was aware of the Black Hand, it
never fully appreciated the strength of its commitment to the use
of violence. Among the members, none was more sinister than
Dragutin Dimitrijevic (known as Apis), who participated in the
1903 murder of King Alexander of the Obrenovic dynasty. By
1912, Apis had become chief of Serbian military intelligence.
Although it is unlikely that the exact details will ever be established, Apis played a major part in the plot against Franz Ferdinand. In his plans for the assassination, Apis and his associates
exploited the nationalism of young students and the inability of
19 Two excellent recent studies are Raymond Pearson, National Minorities in Eastern
Europe, 1848-1945 (London, 1983); Wandruszka and Urbanitsch (eds.), Die Volker des
Reiches (Vienna, 1980), 2.v. See also Robert A. Kann and Zdenek V. David, The Peoples
of the Eastern Habsburg Lands, 1526--1918 (Seattle, 1984).
2.0 Jelavich, History, II, 79-112.; Dedijer, Road, 16o-2.84; Ivo Banac, The National Question
in Yugoslavia: Origins, History, Politics (Ithaca, 1984).
2.1 Dedijer, Road, 2.61-2.84. See also Friedrich Wiirthle, Die Spur fohrt nach Be/grad: Die
Hintergriinde des Dramas von Sarajevo 1914 (Vienna, 1975).



the Pasic government to control the Black Hand. Serbia's sponsorship of South Slav agitation inside the Habsburg monarchy
posed threats of an immediate and practical nature for the Habsburg leadership. For Vienna, Serbia represented the twin issues
of state security and state survival.
The decay in the effectiveness of the political structures of
the Habsburg, Hohenzollern, and Romanov regimes is noted as
a final long-term cause of the war. After 1911, demands for
constitutional change in Prussia increased, the growth of the socialist party frightened the established elites, and Kaiser Wilhelm II's
ineffectiveness were matters of public comment. Certainly Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg and his associates feared
for the future of the existing political order. Much the same could
be said of Russia where the abortive revolt of 1905 had already
revealed the weaknesses of the czar's regime.
The future of Austria-Hungary after the death of Franz Joseph, an octogenarian, was already a matter of international speculation. In Vienna and Budapest, linked by a common monarch,
common army, and common foreign policy, the blows of the
Balkan wars and the prospect of Franz Ferdinand as ruler worried
many. Yet the archduke desperately wanted the dynasty to survive, and he thought a pro-Russian foreign policy would help
him achieve that goal. A force for peace during the Balkan wars,
Franz Ferdinand had supported Berchtold's policy of militant
diplomacy, but not militant action, against Conrad, his own protege. The archduke's death removed a force for peace and provided the pretext for decisions in Vienna that launched the third
Balkan war. Within these parameters, the decisions during late
June and early July 1914 are critical.22
On internal pressures and the causes of war, see Arno J. Mayer, The Persistence of the
Old Regime: Europe to the Great War (New York, 1981), 2.75-32.9. See also Joll, Origins,
92.-12.2.. On Germany, see Fischer, Krieg, 2.89-32.3, 663-738; David Kaiser, "Germany and
the Origins of the First World War," Journal of Modern History, LV (1983), 442.-474; Konrad
Jarausch, The Enigmatic Chancellor: Bethmann Hollweg and the Hubris of Imperial Germany
(New Haven, 1973), 153-170. On Russia, see Lieven, Russia, 139-151. On AustriaHungary, see the period piece, Henry Wickham Steed, The Hapsburg Monarchy (London,
1914, 2.nd ed.); Arthur J. May, The Hapsburg Monarchy, 1867-1914 (Cambridge, Mass.,
1951);joachim Remak, "The Healthy Invalid: How Doomed Was the Habsburg Empire?"
Journal of Modern History, XLI (1969), 12.7-143; idem, "1914: The Origins of the Third
Balkan War Reconsidered," ibid., XLII (1971); Robert A. Kann, Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand
Studien (Vienna, 1976), 15-2.5; Williamson, "Influence, Power, and the Policy Process:
The Case of Franz Ferdinand," The Historical Journal, XVII (1974), 417-434.



Many historians have devoted their attention to the July

crisis, and any analysis here risks injustice to the complexity of
historical thought concerning the events of that summer. To facilitate a systematic examination of that period, this essay focuses
upon a number of key decisions taken during July. Each decision,
one can argue, led to the next, and in the absence of any one of
them, the crisis might have been averted. One may quarrel with
the choices or the emphasis, but most will agree that the decisions
discussed here were important, possibly decisive, on the road to
war. 23
The first steps toward war began in Vienna. The deaths of
Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie shocked Berchtold and the
other civilian ministers who wanted action against Serbia.
Strongly supporting this view were Conrad and General Alexander von Krobatin, the minister of war. They were joined from
Sarajevo by General Oskar Potiorek, who exaggerated the postSarajevo unrest in Bosnia and Herzegovina to justify immediate
military action against Belgrade. Put simply, Potiorek demanded
that Vienna should go to war to protect the two provinces. Thus,
in early July, well before Germany indicated strong support, Vienna planned retribution against Serbia. Only Istvan Tisza, the
Hungarian premier, disliked this prospect. 24
With the conversion of Franz Joseph to a policy of retribution, Berchtold had the crucial support he needed within the
Habsburg government. The emperor/king's decision stemmed in
part from evidence of Belgrade's complicity in the murders, for
police interrogations in Sarajevo had quickly established the conspiracy of Gavrilo Princip and his associates and the possible
involvement of some members of the Serbian government. By
July 3, Franz Joseph was talking of the need for action. For the
next ten days, Tisza was his only senior adviser who remained
unconvinced. But his reluctance to act should not obscure the fact
23 Joll, Origins, has the most current bibliography; Dwight E. Lee, Europe's Crucial
Years: The Diplomatic Background of World War I, 1901-1914 (Hanover, N.H., 1974);
Leonard Charles Frederick Turner, Origins of the First World War (New York, 1970);
Stephan Verosta, Theorie und Realitiit von Bundnissen (Vienna, 1971).
24 Conrad, Aus meiner Dienstzeit, IV, 13-36; Hantsch, Berchtold, II, 557-569; Leon von
Bilinski, Wspominienia i dokumenty, 1846-1922 (Memoirs and Documents, 1846-1922) (Warsaw, 1924), I, 274-278; Potiorek's reports from Sarajevo are found in part in Aussen, VIII.

See also Potiorek's separate reports to the military leadership in Nachlass Potiorek, Kriegsarchiv, Vienna.



that the Habsburg civilian and military leadership wanted to punish Belgrade for the deaths at Sarajevo. No pressure from Berlin
was required for Vienna to reach that decision. 25
The second step in the July crisis was Berlin's decision to
support Habsburg military action against Belgrade. Kaiser Wilhelm II genuinely grieved over the Sarajevo victims and wanted
action against Serbia, as did Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg. Thus
both men proved receptive to the Hoyos mission in which Vienna
asked for assurances of German support and indicated its plan to
take radical action against Serbia. On July 5 and 6 Berlin gave
Vienna the backing it sought. In contrast to its earlier hesitations
during the Balkan wars, this time Berlin supported Vienna's desire
to act. Thus, by July 6 Berchtold had assurances from Berlin and,
he hoped, a deterrent against possible Russian intervention. 26
Why did the German leaders endorse Austro-Hungarian action against Serbia? Alliance loyalties, personal feelings, and Bethmann Hollweg's desire for an assertive German policy are among
the traditional explanations. To these reasons have been added
Germany's desire to intimidate the Triple Entente and to end
Serbian affronts against its Habsburg ally. The German decision
had many fateful consequences.
Vienna probably would not have gone to war without Berlin's assurances of support. However, the unilateral and provocative measures taken by Vienna during the Balkan wars, often
with scant German knowledge, suggest that Berchtold and Conrad might well have staged some kind of military action (for
example, a border incident or alleged bombardment of a Habsburg town) without a firm German guarantee. In any event, in
25 On the investigation in Sarajevo, see Wiirthle, Spur, and idem, Dokumente zum Sarajevoprozess: Ein Quellenbericht (Vienna, 1978). For one indication ofFranzJoseph's thinking,
see Heinrich von Tschirschky to Bethmann Hollweg, 2 July 1914, in Max Montgelas and
Walther Schiicking (eds.), Outbreak of the World War: German Documents Collected by Karl
Kautsky (New York, 1924) (hereafter Kautsky Documents), no. 11; Kann, Kaiser Franz
Joseph und der Ausbruch des Weltkrieges (Vienna, 1971). On Tisza see Galantai, Weltkrieg,
251-278; Gabor Vermes, IJtvan Tisza: The Liberal Vision and Conservative Statecraft of a
Magyar Nationalist (New York, 1985), and Burian's diary entries for 7-14 July 1914, in

Istvan Di6szegi, "Aussenminister Stephen Graf Burian: Biographie und Tagebuchstelle,"

Annales: Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinesis, Sectio Historica, VIII (1966), 205-206.
26 Fischer, Krieg, 686-694; Fritz Fellner, "Die 'Mission Hoyos'," in Vasa Cubrilovic
(ed.), Recueil des trarwaux aux assists scientijiques internationales: Les grandes puissances et Ia
Serbie a Ia vei/le de Ia Premiere guerre mondiale (Belgrade, 1976), IV, 387-418; Albertini,
Origins, II, 133-150.





July 1914 Austria-Hungary wanted action against Serbia; the Germans certainly did not discourage it; and they soon found themselves pulled into the crisis. 27
Even though Vienna had obtained Berlin's pledge of support
against Serbia by July 6, more than two weeks elapsed before the
ultimatum was presented to Belgrade on July 23. A major factor
explaining this delay lies in the organization of the Habsburg
military. Early in his tenure as chief of staff, Conrad instituted a
policy of "harvest" leaves to appease the monarchy's agrarian
interests. This policy allowed soldiers to go home to help in the
fields and then return to their duty stations for the annual summer
maneuvers. In the days after Sarajevo, sizable numbers of Habsburg soldiers were scattered over the empire on harvest leave.
Cancellation of the leaves would have alerted Europe to the impending military action, disrupted farm production, and risked
confusion concerning the railway's mobilization plans. Conrad
therefore decided to let the current leaves run their normal course,
but to cancel any new harvest leaves. As a result, most of those
leaves already granted would end by July 2I or 22. Conrad's
decision gave Berchtold the parameters for the timing of the July
crisis. 28
Another cause of delay involved convincing Tisza to permit
military action against Serbia. When the Common Ministerial
Council met on July 7, the Magyar premier initially persisted in
opposing military action but, by the end of the lengthy session,
his resistance had weakened. Tisza then appealed to Franz Joseph,
only to find that his sovereign was strongly committed to action.
In his efforts to sway Tisza, Berchtold stressed Germany's support
for action and, possibly more important, warned of Rumania's
probable defection from the alliance. The foreign minister apparently suggested that a failure to deal with Serbia would encourage
Bucharest to press the Transylvania issue ever more insistently.
Whatever the arguments, Berchtold convinced Tisza that intervention was required. On July I5, the Magyar leader met with

the Hungarian House of Deputies and openly hinted of the need

for action. His only requirements were that Vienna would present
an ultimatum to Belgrade and would pledge not to annex additional Slavic territory. 29
A further reason for Vienna's delay was more prosaic. Poincare and Rene Viviani, the French premier, were scheduled to be
in St. Petersburg on a state visit from July 20 to July 23. Understandably, Berchtold wanted the ultimatum presented after the
French had left St. Petersburg. As a result, it was finally delivered
at 5 p.m. on Thursday, July 23, when the French leaders were at
Vienna used the hiatus of mid-July to mislead the other
European governments about its intentions. After July I2 Berchtold restrained press comment about Serbia, and the journals in
Vienna and Budapest recounted little about the adjoining state.
Conrad went hiking in the mountains; Franz Joseph stayed at Bad
Ischl; and the other Habsburg leaders carried out their customary
duties. The Danubian monarchy appeared to have returned to
normal. 30
Berchtold had another motive for his deception. In mid-July,
he discovered that on July I I Berlin had informed Hans von
Flotow, its ambassador in Rome, about the possibility of Habsburg action against Serbia. Shortly afterward, Flotow conveyed
this message to Antonio San Giuliano, the Italian foreign minister;
not surprisingly, San Giuliano cabled the information to Vienna.
When the telegram reached Vienna, the Austrian codebreakers
duly deciphered it, thereby exposing the indiscretion of both
Germany and Italy. Berchtold could only assume that San Giuliano had also sent the same information to St. Petersburg and
Belgrade. Henceforth, he gave Berlin no further details about his
plans, including the text of the ultimatum, until the very last
moment. Later, this secrecy would be held against Berchtold as
a sign of duplicity; at the time, it appeared to be the only way he
could maintain his options. Jt

27 See Fritz Stem, "Bethmann Hollweg and the War: The Limits of Responsibility," in
Leonard Krieger and Stem (eds.), The Responsibility of Power (Garden City, 1967), 271307. Fay argued that Austria-Hungary pulled Berlin along (Origins, II, 198-223).
28 General Staff memorandum, "Vorbereitende Massnahmen," n.d, but seen by Conrad
on 6 July 1914, Generalstab: Operations Buro, faszikel 43, Kriegsarchiv, Vienna; Conrad,
Aus meiner Dienstzeit, IV, 13-87.

29 Galantai, Weltkrieg, 258-271. See also Norman Stone, "Hungary and the Crisis of
July 1914," Journal of Contemporary History, I (1966), 153-170; Fremdenblatt, 16 July 1914.
30 Berchtold used the Literary Bureau of the foreign ministry to help with the press; his
efforts were generally successful, but the stock market continued to show signs of uneasiness.
31 Gottlieb von Jagow to Flotow, (tel.) II July 1914, Kautsky Documents, no. 33; Habs-



The Common Ministerial Council met secretly in Vienna on

July 19 to review the ultimatum. Although none present believed
Belgrade could accept it, the ministers approved the ultimatum
and concurrently affirmed their acquiescence to Tisza's demand
that there would be no territorial annexations, only modifications
of strategic boundaries in case of victory. Conrad reportedly said,
when leaving the meeting, "We will see; before the Balkan war
the powers also talked of the status quo-after the war no one
worried about it. " 32 His cynicism matched the Habsburg approach
to war. Vienna wanted war with Serbia in the summer of 1914;
for that confl.ict the leaders were willing to risk a war with St.
Petersburg but hoped (and believed) that Germany's support
would deter the Russians.
With the ultimatum delivered, Belgrade became the focus of
activity. Although the reactions of the Pasic government have
never been chronicled in detail, recently published Serbian documents for the pre-1914 years confirm that senior officials in the
Serbian government were aware of Apis' conspiratorial activity
in May and June and sought to stop it. Yet PasiC's weakened
political base made a public confrontation with the Serbian military or with Apis impossible. Apis, behind a carefully constructed
non-answer to PasiC's queries about reports of agents being smuggled across the border, essentially went his own way. After the
assassinations, Pasic could not, of course, offer Apis to Vienna or
do more than proceed as if he and the government had known
nothing. 33
burg ambassador in Rome, Kajetan von Merey to Berchtold, (tel.) I8July 1914, Aussen,
VIII, no. 10364; Berchtold to Merey, (tel.) 20 July 1914, ibid, no. 10418. San Giuliano to
Berlin, St. Petersburg, Belgrade, Vienna, (tels.) 16 July 1914, in Italian Foreign Ministry,
I Documenti Diplomatici ltaliani (1908-1914), XII, no. 272.
32 Conrad, Aus meiner Dienstzeit, IV, 92. The meeting on July 19 took place at Berchtold's private residence, not at the Ballhausplatz. Conrad came in civilian clothes and in a
private car.
33 I am indebted to Dragan Zivojinovic for help with the documents. Dedijer, who
edited the July volume of documents, drew upon them in Road to Sarajevo. The volume
of documents is Dedijer and Zivota Anic (eds.), Documents sur Ia politique exterieure du
Royaume de Serbie (Dokumenti o spoljnoj politici kraljevine Srbije, 190J-1914] (Belgrade, 1980).
For 14 May-4 August 1914, see VII, pt. II. The general series was under the editorial
direction of Vasa Cubrilovic. On knowledge of some kind of activity, see Protic (minister
of the interior) to Pa~ic, 15 June 1914, ibid., no. 206; report from Sabac county on
smuggling of arms across the border, 16 June 1914, ibid., no. 209; Apis to Putnik (chief



On one point, however, the Serbian documents are definite-Serbia had no intention of accepting any Habsburg ultimatum
that infringed in the slightest on Serbian sovereignty. On July 18
Pasic, probably alerted to Vienna's intentions by the Italian minister to Belgrade, prepared a memorandum stating unequivocally
that Serbia would tolerate no infringement of its sovereignity.
This defiant tone persisted through the discussions in Belgrade
on July 24 and 25. Thus, contrary to earlier explanations which
argued that the Russians had acted to stiffen the Serbian will to
resist, the Serbian documents reveal a hard-line position in Belgrade that predates the ultimatum. In taking this stance, Pasic and
his colleagues were obviously confident of Russian help. In July
1914, the Serbian government showed little willingness to compromise; that stance also contributed to the escalation of the
crisis. 34
Given this new background on the Serbian attitude and the
messages sent from Rome, the state visit of Poincare and Viviani
to St. Petersburg assumes new importance. Indeed, some historians have long suspected that Poincare's talks were more detailed
and more relevant to the Balkan situation than either his memoirs
or the official memoranda of the visit indicate. Since the Russians
probably had broken the Italian code, just as the Austrians had,
St. Petersburg must have known of Vienna's intentions.
This assumption in turn helps to explain a series of actions
by both French and Russian officials during the crisis, suggesting
a coordinated Franco-Russian policy based upon advance knowledge. On July 21 and 22, Poincare deliberately and abruptly
warned Friedrich Szapiry, the Habsburg ambassador to Russia,
against any action by Vienna, while indicating strong French
support for Serbia. The content of Poincare's message alarmed
the ambassador, the president's tone even more. Given the almost
total black-out of news from Vienna about its intentions, Poincare's warnings were probably prompted by the intercepted telegrams. Certainly, given the anti-Habsburg views of Miroslav
Spalajkovic, the Serbian minister to Russia, the merest hint of
of the Serbian general staff), 21 June 1914, ibid., no. 230; Putmk to Pa~u:, 23 June 1914,
ibid., no. 234. On Pa~ic's attempts to curb the activity, see Pa~ic to Putnik, 24June 1914,
ibid., no. 254.


Pa~ic to all Serbian missions abroad, (tels.) 18 July 1914, Documents, no. 462.



action by Vienna would have prompted overtures to the French

and the Russians for strong declarations of support. 35
Similarly, throughout the crisis, the French apparently never
cautioned St. Petersburg to urge Serbia to show restraint. The
Russian military preparations on July 25, and thereafter, were
those of a government supremely confident of French support;
that confidence could have come only from Poincare and Viviani
in a series of discussions in St. Petersburg. Thus, the provocative
Russian diplomacy of 1912 would be repeated anew, this time
with advance French approval. 36
In Belgrade on July 23, Wladimir Giesl von Gieslingen, the
Austro-Hungarian minister, delivered the forty-eight hour ultimatum. Pasic, campaigning for the general elections in the countryside, returned home to draft a reply. His response stunned even
the Habsburgs. He accepted most of Vienna's demands, thus
winning European sympathy, while carefully evading the essential
demands. Above all, Pasic could not agree to a police investigation
of the assassinations, for he knew where such an inquiry could
lead. Otherwise, Pasic was so acquiescent that Serbia almost appeared to be the injured party in the proceedings. In any event,
the Austrians immediately rejected Belgrade's answer as insufficient and issued orders on July 25 for partial mobilization to begin
on July 28Y
The senior Russian ministers, meanwhile, met in St. Petersburg on July 24 and 25 to consider their options. Their conclusions
can easily be construed as belligerent, provocative, and ill-designed to keep the crisis in check. Furthermore, their decisions
were taken before St. Petersburg knew either the Serbian reply
or the Austrian response to Serbia. With the czar's approval, the
ministers agreed to a series of pre-mobilization measures: military
See Szapary to Berchtold, (tels.) 21 July and 22 July 1914, Aussen, VIII, nos. 10461,
10497. On the Russian documents for the Poincare visit, see Otto Hoetzsch (ed.), Die
intemationalen Beziehungen im Zeitalttr des lmperialismus (Berlin, I9J.l-I934). V, nos. 1, 2.
On the French records for the visit, see Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres, Documents
diplomatiques .franfais, 1871-1914 (Paris, 1936), X, no. 536 which refers only to AngloRussian naval talks; the editors of the volumes indicate that they could find no other
records. On this issue, see Albertini, Origins, II, 188-203.
36 Lieven, Origins, makes no mention of the French visit, in keeping with his general
view of the lack of Russian activism during the crisis (14o-141); cf. Keiger, Origins, 15o152.
37 The ultimatum and the Serbian reply have been frequently reprinted. See Geiss, July
1914, 142-146, 201-204.



cadets were promoted early, protective measures were instituted

along the borders, and troops in the east were ordered to prepare
to move west. From July 25 to July 30 Serbian officials in Russia
sent detailed reports of Russian military measures and referred to
them as partial mobilization. Simply put, the Russians initiated a
series of military measures well in advance of the other great
powers, although Austria-Hungary's partial mobilization came
shortly after the Russian initiative. These measures, moreover,
were the equivalent of a partial mobilization and accelerated the
crisis far more than recent historiography has usually conceded.
The Russian measures upset both Habsburg and German assumptions about St. Petersburg's probable behavior in the crisis. Furthermore, the steps disrupted the timetables in Vienna and Berlin,
thus reducing the options that were available and, of course, the
time to consider them. 38
The final stage of the third Balkan war began with Austria's
declaration of war on July 28 and the desultory shelling of Belgrade that same night. There was little further hostile action for
several days. Neither Vienna nor Belgrade showed the slightest
willingness to negotiate or to consider half-way measures. Talk
of a "Halt in Belgrade" as a Habsburg military objective got
nowhere with Conrad, who wanted a total reckoning with Serbia.
The once reluctant Tisza now zealously pressed Conrad for action,
fearing possible Rumanian movement into Transylvania against
the Magyars. Already at war with Serbia, Vienna had risked the
wider war that would soon follow.
At this point in the July crisis the diplomatic activity shifted
abruptly from eastern to western Europe and to Anglo-German
efforts to contain the escalating hostilities. Wilhelm remained as
fickle as ever. Returning from his North Sea cruise, the kaiser
praised the Serbian response to Austria's ultimatum and suggested
38 Lieven describes some of the measures, Origins, 141-151; Snyder, Ideology, 183-198;
Stone, Eastern, 37-6o; Ulrich Trumpener, "War Premeditated? German Intelligence Operations in July 1914," Central European History, IX (1976), 58-85. Cf. Fischer, Krieg, 704709 On the Serbian reports, see, e.g., Spalajkovi~ to Pa~ic, (tels.) 25, 26, 29 July 1914,
Dedijer and Anic (eds.), Documents, nos. 570, 584, 673 See also Risto Ropponen, Die
russische Gefahr (Helsinki, 1976), 18o-206.
39 Galantai, Weltkrieg, 344-373; Hantsch, Berchtold, II, 618-647.

Pa~ic indicated he would

concede nothing; note by Paic, dated 27 July 1914 on telegram from Berlin of the same
date (Dedijer and Anic [eds.), Documents, no. 588).



a resolution of the crisis. Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg now

wavered too; at moments Berlin sought to restrain Vienna, but
the German leadership did not abandon Vienna or act responsibly
to avert the crisis.
Grey was not much more helpful. Whether a more assertive
British policy-action or inaction-would have decisively influenced the crisis has long fascinated historians. It can be argued
that the rapidity of the crisis played a major role in the outcome,
perhaps a more decisive role than Jervis suggests elsewhere in this
volume. 40 Throughout the crisis, Grey failed to appreciate Vienna's desire for war. Accustomed to treating Vienna as an appendage of Berlin, Grey and his hard-line, anti-German associates
believed Berlin could control Vienna. But the third largest state
in Europe, with a population of fifty million, with two proud
governments, and a proud monarch, wanted a resounding defeat
of the Serbians. Grey's failure to acknowledge the differences
between this crisis and earlier ones constitutes a major failure of
perception that severely reduced Britain's ability to manipulate
the crisis toward a peaceful solution. In fact, after August 1, the
British leaders, like their counterparts on the Continent, sought
chiefly to make their actions appear defensive in nature. Just as
the Russians obliged the Germans to enter the war, so too the
Germans would oblige the British by invading Belgium on their
way to France. 41
In the final days of July, Russia's general mobilization made
containment of the crisis an impossibility. Historians have devoted
ample attention to Russia's call for general mobilization on July
30. A frequent theme has emerged: why, if the Russians had
partially mobilized during the first Balkan war, could they not
have done so again? The Serbian documents offer a new interpretation of this issue. A partial mobilization was impossible
because the steps St. Petersburg had ordered after July 25 were
effectively already those of a partial mobilization. After the preparatory measures, only full mobilization remained. Czar Nicholas agreed to this step on July 29, but on receipt of a letter from
Kaiser Wilhelm II, the czar rescinded the order. With difficulty,
40 Robert Jervis, "War and Misperception," journal of Interdisciplinary History, XVIII
(1988), 675-700
41 Steiner, Britain, 22o-241; also Albertini, Origins, Ill, 521-525; Bridge, Great Britain,



Sazonov and the generals convinced the czar to reissue the order
on July 30. The headquarters' troops allegedly then tore out the
telephones to prevent any further delays. With Russian mobilization, Berlin faced the dilemma of a two-front campaign. Wilhelm and his associates proceeded to set in motion their own
plans, plans that guaranteed a European conflict. 42
In Vienna, meanwhile, the war plans unfolded. Conrad remained transfixed with plans for an attack on Serbia. In the north,
along the Russian frontier, he planned to leave only minimal
defensive forces. He persisted in his intentions despite mounting
evidence that the Russians would not stand aside. His southward
gaze remains almost inexplicable. Only months before, in the
spring, he had worried about the Russian threat and about the
implications of recent Russian behavior in the Balkan wars. Yet,
he disregarded reports reaching Vienna of Russian preparations,
perhaps because of his long-standing distrust of diplomats and his
own desire for war. The sooner the troops were engaged, the
more likely it was that Conrad would succeed in precipitating the
war that he had advocated since the Bosnian crisis of 1908. And
the fastest way to engage the troops was to send them south to
fight against the Serbian forces. Later, when he could not ignore
the movement of Russian troops toward the Habsburg lands,
Conrad had to order most of the Habsburg troops to return to
fight in Galicia. Not surprisingly, the soldiers were fatigued by
the time that they faced the Russian units. 43
Conrad's desire for war set him apart from most of the other
actors in the July crisis. Whereas many would accede to the
developing situation with regret or caution, he welcomed the
crisis. Anxious to settle scores with the Serbians, the Habsburg
chief of staff made a difference in the decision-making process.
Of all of the central actors in 1914, Conrad alone could have-by saying no to Berchtold or expressing hesitation to Franz Joseph
42 The Serbian documents report extensive military steps by the Russians after July 25;
e.g., Spalajkovic to Pa~ic, (tel.) 26 July, 1914, Dedijer and Anic (eds.), Documents, no.
585. Albertini summarized the Russian mobilization arguments well in Origins, II, p858I. See also Fischer, Krieg, 704-729.
43 Stone, "Die Mobilmachung," 176-184; see also Williamson, "Theories of Organizational Process and Foreign Policy Outcomes," in Paul G. Lauren (ed.), Diplomacy: New
Approaches in History, Theory, and Policy (New York, 1979), Iji-154;Jack S. Levy, "Organizational Routines and the Causes of War," International Studies Quarterly, XXX (1986),



or accepting some modified "Halt in Belgrade"-brought the

crisis to a more peaceful conclusion. Conrad, however, did not,
and that raises in stark relief the role of the individual in history.
In this instance, Conrad's military ambitions were motivated,
possibly, by his own desire to be a military hero and thus be able
to marry Gina von Reininghaus, the woman he loved but could
not wed because she was already married (and the mother of six
children). Between 1907 and their nuptials in 1915, Conrad wrote
literally thousands of letters to Gina, many mailed, others not. In
several his theme is: if war comes and I am a hero, then I can
marry Gina. But first he had to have the war. In the summer of
1914, he finally got his war and a year later his bride. 44
While Conrad delayed any shift of his forces from the south
to the north, Berlin attempted to cope with the Russian mobilization. Those decisions opened the final stages of the July crisis.
Faced with the two-front war, the German leadership demanded
that the Russians and French cease their preparations. But neither
yielded to German pressure. The German high command pointed
to unambiguous evidence of extensive Russian military activity;
the Schlieffen-Moltke plan demanded action. On August 2, in
scenes far distant from Sarajevo, Germany moved against Luxembourg and, one day later, against Belgium. With Germany's
violation of Belgium neutrality, Grey pressed the British government to intervene. Thus the third Balkan war became World War I.

The outbreak of World War I saw a fusion of long-term causes

with short-run tactical decisions. Although the momentum of the
crisis differed from capital to capital, the limited options available
to the policymakers are explicable only when the eastern European dynamics are considered. Alliance loyalties, the pressures of
the military bureaucrats, and the juxtaposition of different perceptions with personal motivations made the chances of peace
extremely remote in the last days of July and early August 1914.
What broader conclusions can be drawn from the July crisis
about the origins and prevention of major wars? A few deserve
emphasis, even if they are familiar. Nationalism and ethnic arro44 For a discussion of Conrad's relationship with Gina, see Williamson, "Vienna and
July 1914," 13-14. See also Gina Conrad's indiscreet, Mein Leben mit Conrad von Hotzendorf
(Leipzig, 1935).



gance should never be underestimated. The powerful, emotive

forces of prestige and survival press statesmen to take chances
that ostensibly rational actors might not take, especially when the
civilian ministers fail to comprehend the ramifications of military
planning or its illusory nature. Even Berchtold and the other
senior Habsburg statesmen, well versed in crisis management after
the Balkan wars of 1912 and 1913, never fully probed the logic
of Conrad's plans. The offensive ideology swept aside any doubts
harbored by the civilian leadership and left them no time to
ponder and reconsider.
The alliance and entente structures likewise placed a premium
upon action. To be sure, the arrangements seemingly offered
protection to their members. The alliances, however, could also
coerce a state into taking action simply for the sake of the alliance.
Strong, tight alliances may in fact be more d.angerous to peace
than loose, ambiguous ones where the actors must negotiate
among themselves before taking action.
A number of conclusions can be drawn concerning the July
crisis. First, "satisficing" as a decision-making process was evident
everywhere; the statesmen repeatedly took the first suitable option, not necessarily the best option. 45 An economist model of
decision-making was seldom seen during the weeks after Sarajevo;
instead, a series of reactive decisions were taken by statesmen in
Vienna, Berlin, and St. Petersburg. Cost-benefit analysis, such as
occurred during the Cuban missile crisis, may take place if the
time parameters of a crisis are known. But such a process is
unlikely (and the Cuban missile crisis is not a good guide for
decision-making during a crisis), because in most international
crises the denouement can be projected only at an unspecified
future time, not at a specific future time. In most crises, this is
not possible, and, certainly in 1914, the statesmen had no time
carefully to consider their decisions, the Habsburg leadership excepted, once the ultimatum was delivered in Belgrade on July 23.
Second, the events of July reaffirm the power of perceptions
and past experience in assessing current situations. In 1914 a group
of leaders, all experienced in statecraft, power, and crisis management, deliberately made decisions that risked or assumed war.

Graham T. Allison, The Essence ofDecision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis (Boston,

1971), 72



Statesmen and generals cast the die because of their fears and
apprehensions about the future. No group had less confidence
than the Habsburg leaders, who had been battered during the
Balkan wars, Serbian expansion, and the loss of Franz Ferdinand,
their experienced heir apparent. The Habsburg policymakers desperately desired to shape the future, rather than let events control
them. The prospect of domestic disintegration, exacerbated by
foreign intervention from the north and south, made war an
acceptable policy option. Frustration and fear were a fatal and
seductive combination for Vienna and Budapest. The Habsburg
decision, backed by the Germans for their own reasons, gave the
July crisis momentum and a dynamic that rendered peace the first
But the willingness of the Habsburg leadership to rescue a
sagging dual monarchy by resorting to force had echoes elsewhere
in Europe. In each capital, and despite the recent Balkan wars,
the policymakers adopted a fatalistic, almost reckless, approach
to the crisis. A convergence of offensive military strategies, fears
about the future, and an unwillingness to consider other less
dangerous options formed the perceptual agenda for the governmental leaders; peace had little chance once Vienna decided war
was an acceptable option.
The war of 1914 began as a local quarrel with international
ties; those ties converted it into a major conflagration. Therein
lies possibly the most salient lesson of the July crisis: a local quarrel
does not always remain a local issue. Peace is more easily maintained if one avoids even the smallest incursion into war, for,
once the barrier of peace is broken, the process of diplomacy in
restoring peace or preventing a larger war is infinitely more difficult. The maintenance of peace requires an aggressive commitment to imaginative diplomacy and to continual negotiation, not
spasms of despair and the clash of military action in the hope for
something better. Something better is almost always something
worse, as all of the European governments discovered in World
War I. 46
46 On the problem of maintaining peace over long decades, see John Lewis Gaddis,
"The Long Peace: Elements of Stability in the Postwar International System," International
Security, X (1986), 99-142.

Charles S. Maier

The past is certainly a

knowledge given the flow
not teach lessons. By lesso
ular outcomes in the
para bellum, or it is better
Insofar as these maxims
they are usually
summarize human traits
torical contexts. Other
appeasement encourages
makers will tend to over
plan if a realistic assessment
beliefs or values. " 3
was the goal of philosoohil
appropriate program for
their policy-studies heirs.
usually sought to describe

Charles S. Maier is Professor of

Search of Stability: Exploratiom in
Unmasterable Past: History, Holocaust,

With all due respect to Ernest

History in American Foreign Policy
Thinking in Time (New York,
simplistic lessons and illusory
Cf. Robin G. Collingwood's
history" in The Idea of History
laws, psychological laws. A psycho!
it is an unchanging rule which
wood's may be an impoverished
relying on general laws to explain
"affirm" laws needs closer examinal
is, however, the effort to derive or
political scientist from the historian.
3 Jack Snyder, "Civil-Military
in Steven E. Miller (ed.), Military

1985). 137

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