NR 60
NR 60
NR 60
Terra et Aqua is published quarterly by the IADC, The International Association of Dredging Companies.
The journal is available on request to individuals or organisations with a professional interest in the
development of ports and waterways, and in particular, the associated dredging work.
The name Terra et Aqua is a registered trademark.
Marsha R. Cohen
Editorial Advisory Committee
R.C.W. Brouwer, Chairman
J. Boeter
P.J.A. Hamburger
H. van Diepen
H. de Vlieger
H. Fiers
E.A.M. Strauss
P.G. Roland
Editorial Address
Terra et Aqua
Koninginnegracht 52
2514 AE The Hague, The Netherlands
Tel. 31 (70) 364 0394
Fax 31 (70) 356 2861
Please address inquiries to the editor.
Articles in Terra et Aqua do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the IADC Board or of individual members.
1995 IADC, The Netherlands
All rights reserved. Electronic storage, reprinting or abstracting of the contents is allowed
for non-commercial purposes with permission of the publisher.
ISSN 0376-6411
Typesetting and printing by Opmeer Boekdruk Offset bv, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Front cover:
Privatisation of dredging in New Zealand has proven cost efficient and profitable. Trailing suction hopper
Pelican can be seen at work day and night, everyday, summer and winter in one New Zealand port or
another. Here she is dredging the approach channel at Tauranga (see page 11).
Duinweg 21
2585 JV The Hague, The Netherlands
Tel. 31 (70) 352 3334
Fax 31 (70) 351 2654
Books/Periodicals Reviewed
As the multi-year $25 million Dredging Research Programme of the US Corps
of Army Engineers concludes, several final reports have been published.
Four are abstracted here.
Getting ready for the WODCON in November 1995, CATS II in March and
Hydro in September 1996, as well as an announcement of the new IADC
seminar in Singapore.
Bridges, roads, harbours, beaches, tunnels, airports -- would these exist if dredgers with their trusty digging tools were not busy as beavers damming a river?
Dredging started long ago and over hundreds of years has played a significant role
in the development of civilisation as we have come to know it. Often, focussed on
a particular project, we havent the time nor inclination to stop and think of what
the world would be like if dredgers did not dredge.
The articles in this issue of Terra cover a range of subjects, from the technological to the political. Laboratory research provides important technological
information to the dredging industry (page 3). This in turn provides an essential
service when applied to a specific problem. For instance, by applying dredging
technology, dredgers are able to ensure clean water for recreation for swimming
and fishing. Such was the case in Barcelona, Spain (page 18).
As the dredging industry prepares to gather at the WODCON in November in
Amsterdam, the theme of the conference, Dredging Benefits, gives reason to
pause and take inventory of just how important the contribution of dredging has
been and continues to be to our economic and social well-being. And the question
arises: how does the future look?
Governments are being forced to tighten their budgets; cost containment when
considering infrastructure projects is becoming an ever greater factor. It is no
revelation that IADC is of the opinion that the private dredging industry is better
able to meet this challenge through free market competition than are state-run
monopolies. A Tale of Two Dredgers was written tongue-in-cheek to contrast
the differences. Privatisation of Ports in New Zealand presents a case study
which gives concrete support to this point of view. The choice of course lies with
the ports and harbour authorities, but it is certainly worth thinking through.
Marsha R. Cohen
H.J.R. Deketh
This article is based on the book Wear of Rock Cutting
Tools, Laboratory Experiments on the Abrasivity of
Rock (Deketh 1995). The book is the result of
research which aimed at getting a better understanding
of the wear processes acting in rock cutting operations
and to determine which factors control these wear
processes. An improved understanding of these processes finally allows for a better basis to predict expected rates of pick-point consumption in rock dredging
practice. The insight in the wear processes can be
useful to optimise the dredging method or dredger
from a wear point-of-view.
In this paper the laboratory test set-up is described and
some experimental results are shown. The relevancy
and application of these experimental results to a rock
cutter suction dredger is discussed and finally some
recommendations regarding wear prediction and optimisation of the dredging process are made.
The following factors showed to affect the wear process of the experiments on the mortars and the sandstones:
- the tensile and compressive strength of the rock.
- the grain size and volume percentage of abrasive
minerals in the rock.
- the feed of the chisel into the rock.
Above a certain value of feed, which was determined
by the properties of the rock to be cut, the type of wear
changed and the rate of wear decreased rapidly.
In Figure 2 the effect of the feed on the rate of wear
can be seen for three mortars, which differ in unconfined compressive strength (UCS), other properties
were approximately the same (the mortars contained
60 % of rounded quartz grains with an average grain
size of 1.5 mm). The unconfined compressive strength
of the mortars mc1, mc2 and mc3 was respectively 30,
18 and 64 MPa. In the graph each dot represents one
test run in which all parameters were kept constant.
At low values of feed, the rock production was relatively low (scraping process) and the level of wear high;
high temperatures and plastic deformation of the steel
at the wear-flat of the chisel occurred, two-body abrasive wear dominated: wear mode I.
At higher levels of feed the rock production was relatively high (cutting process) and the level of wear low;
lower temperatures and less plastic deformation took
place, three body abrasive wear dominated: wear
mode III. The feed at which a transition from the first
type of wear during the scraping process to the latter
type of wear during the cutting process takes place,
was also dependant on rock strength (UCS and BTS),
grain size and volume percentage of abrasive minerals
(quartz) in the rock. The transition from wear mode I to
wear mode III is called wear mode II. In Figures 4 and 5
photographs of chisel wear-flats in wear mode I and in
wear mode III are shown.
The chisel worn in wear mode I shows clean parallel
continuous grooves on the wear-flat, pointing to twobody abrasive wear. High temperatures at the wear-flat
resulted in burs, tempering colours and plastic deformation of the steel, leading to adhesive wear, additional
to the two-body abrasive wear. The chisel worn in wear
mode III shows irregular, sometimes abruptly ending
grooves, which are infilled by crushed rock material,
pointing to three-body abrasive wear. The absence of
burs, tempering colours and plastic deformation of the
steel indicates lower temperatures at the wear-flat and
therefore adhesive wear is not likely to occur.
These results hold for mortars as well as for the tested
sandstones. Limestones behaved differently, probably
due to the fact that the calcite in the limestone was not
hard enough to be abrasive to the tested steel types.
In Figure 3 some scraping test results on a sandstone
are shown. In the left graph both the influence of the
feed and the cutting velocity on the rate of wear is
shown. In the right graph the range of feed and cutting
velocity at which the disadvantageous wear and cutting
mode I is delineated.
0.4 cm
0.4 cm
Figure 6. Wear at low feed (start of a cut) is higher than at higher feed (end of a cut). The wear during a cut is determined by the
magnitude of the contribution of wear mode I.
Conclusions: Implementation of
Research Results in Wear Prediction
The experiments showed that wear is mainly occurring
at the start of a cut in wear mode I. To predict the rate
or amount of wear for a specific dredger it is therefore
very important to determine for what part of the total
cut made by a pick-point this disadvantageous wear
mode I will take place.
For that we have to calculate:
1. the maximum expected feed per pick-point of the
chosen dredger in the rock to be dredged. This is a
function of the advance (haulage) rate and rotation
velocity of the cutterhead. These dredging parameters depend in their turn on the dredger characteristics like power on the cutterhead and the winches, cutterhead design etc. and the resistance of
the rock to cutting.
2. the feed at which a transition (mode II) from wear
mode I to III takes place. The transition is a function
of the UCS, BTS, the content (vol.%) and the grain
size of the abrasive minerals in the rock.
- the magnitude of the wear in wear mode I is determined by the same rock properties and by the sensitivity of the tool material to wear.
Deketh, H.J.R.
Wear of Rock Cutting Tools, Laboratory Experiments on the
Abrasivity of Rock. A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam ISBN
90 5410 620 4, 1995.
Giezen, M.
Rock Properties Relevant for Tool Wear and Production of
Rock Cutting Trenchers. Memoirs of the Centre for Engineering Geology in the Netherlands, no 110, Technical University
Delft, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, 1993.
Adrian Hunt
Adrian Hunt
Barri ER works for the State Legislature of Waterways (SLOW for short). It has responsibility for the
maintenance of one principal port and several minor
ports in a faraway country somewhere. Very little
capital dredging is ever carried out, the work is mostly
maintenance. The small fleet is dated and frequently
in dock.
The Tale
We take up the story one morning quite recently.
Eric Van GATT and Barri ER chatted happily over breakfast. After all, they had much in common -- dredging.
Eric explained that he had just flown in from the Far
East where he was working on a new petro-chemical
port. He was then scheduled to go to South America
for port maintenance work combined with reclamation.
Barri ER listened enviously in the knowledge that he
would shortly be returning to the same dredger, to the
same port work and to the same old routine. But, for
the time being at least, he had a few days in which to
broaden his mind and to see what was happening in
the real world of dredging. Looking at his conference
programme, he said to Eric Van GATT: Which of the
papers are you most looking forward to hearing?
Why, the IADC presentation of course, came the
reply. Outside, the sun shone on the Buena Vista
Palace grounds.
The Conclusion
Privatisation of Ports
in New Zealand
The New Zealand economy has undergone significant
change in the last ten years. The Ports Industry is one
of the many areas affected by changed Government
policy since the mid-1980s. This paper sets out how
three ports -- Tauranga, Taranaki and Timaru -- responded to the changing political and economic climate in
one aspect of their business operation: port dredging.
It describes the shift from port-operated dredgers to
contract dredging.
The dredging situation in New Zealand until 1986 is
presented, followed by a summary of the investigation
conducted by the three ports of all options open to
them. Financial and engineering analyses carried out by
independent consultants are reported. The conclusion
of these analyses was that the most cost-effective
option was clearly to pool their dredging workloads and
enter into term contracts with an international dredging
contractor. This was effectuated in 1988.
The contract operation is discussed from the perspectives of the contractor and the port companies including: dredging programme flexibility; plant utilisation;
human resources and industrial relations; long-term
planning of operations; utilisation of port company
resources; and contract benefits and problems. The
paper concludes with an update on the present situation of this cooperative dredging arrangement.
The paper was first presented at the Australasian Port
and Harbour Conference in 1990. The authors wish to
acknowledge the contributions to the original paper of
John Palmer, who was then Engineering Manager of
the Port of Tauranga Ltd. and is presently a consultant
for port planning and development based in of Tauranga; of Peter Atkinson who continues to be Technical
Services Manager of Westgate-Taranaki Port as it is
now known; and of Hadyn Pike, who was Contracts
Manager of Australian Dredging & General Works Pty.
Ltd. at the time the contract was signed.
Many ports find the costs of dredging to be one of the
major annual operating costs of the port. Such was the
case of three New Zealand ports -- Tauranga, Taranaki
and Timaru (Figure 1). They investigated in detail the
Roy Weaver
New Zealand ports, where they had significant on-going
maintenance or capital development programmes,
historically owned their own dredgers. This stems
from the geographic isolation of New Zealand with the
consequent very high mobilisation costs of bringing
dredgers from even the closest neighbour, Australia.
Until 1970 dredgers owned by individual harbour
boards were designed, manned and set up for work at
their home port only, and there was no real sharing of
equipment or contracting out of work to other harbour
Figure 1. The North and South Islands which form New
Zealand, with the three ports involved in contract dredging
indicated -- Tauranga, Taranaki and Timaru.
Port Companies
In 1984 the Government immediately set about eliminating subsidies wherever they were and freeing up
the New Zealand economy from many of the controls
that it had traditionally been under. All industries were
affected in many ways by the changes and the Government took up the Onshore Costs Study and progressed
it vigorously. This eventually led to the formation of Port
Companies to manage the commercial port operations
and probably had the effect, as far as dredging was
concerned, of making all ports more aware of their
dredging costs and more receptive to looking at alternative or new means of reducing them.
In 1986 the question arose as to whether it was economic to have three dredgers in New Zealand doing
work which could be performed by one or perhaps two
of the existing dredgers or by contract. As a result, the
ports of Tauranga, Taranaki and Timaru held a meeting
at which the idea of carrying out a detailed study into
the best option for dredging the three ports in combination was explored. Thus in December 1986 the study
into the optimal dredging method for the three ports
was initiated in a political and economic environment
which encouraged a fresh and more stringently economic approach to dredging policies.
The total costs of the joint venture for the period 19882000 under each option was established, and after
discussions with the engineers from the three participating ports, Option 1 Contract Dredging was selected as the most favourable. The total dredging bill for
the three ports was slashed by over $1,000,000 per
annum as a result of the change to contract dredging.
To execute the work a 1,000 m3 trailer suction splithopper dredger, Pelican, was mobilised from Europe
(Figure 2). The Pelican is basically stationed in New
Zealand but also makes the occasional side trip to
Australia. Work for third parties is only undertaken
after consultation with the three main client Port
Figure 2. The Pelican is a split-hopper trailing dredger, equipped with a suction installation allowing the dredged spoil to be
discharged ashore. The dredge pump has been mounted halfway along the suction pipe enabling the vessel to dredge highly
concentrated mixtures at great depths.
Dredging Programme Flexibility
Control of the dredging programme essentially lies with
the Port Companies and is driven by their needs. The
long-term programme of the contractor is reviewed by
all parties on a biannual basis where each Port Companys individual forecast of dredging needs is programmed with other work the contractor may have or
considers likely together with other requirements such
as vessel maintenance.
The Port Companies are able to take advantage of the
contractors ability to be flexible in dredging operations
and programming campaigns. This can enable the port
to be confidently operated with some tolerance or
variation to the port operating parameters, e.g.,
draught, channel, width, and so on.
There are no physical limits as to the volume dredged
each year, therefore each Port Company is able to
choose whether to bring forward, defer or combine
dredging campaigns to meet their own shipping or
cash flow needs. Instead of slavishly following a clear
depth over a clear toeline concept essential for one
off contracts, the Port Companies can tailor each
dredging campaign and time a campaign for a better
Figure 3. The Pelican at work in the evening, dredging the harbour of Timaru. Dredging takes place 24 hours a day, 6 1/2 days per
Contract Problems
Some difficulties can be met in the execution of the
long-term contracts, and these are summarised
Since the implementation of this contract in 1988, the
Port of Timaru has dredged 160,000 m3 per annum
(Figures 3 and 4), Westgate-Taranaki 120,000 m3 per
annum, and Tauranga (Figure 5) approximately 350,000
m3. During 1993 Timaru gained ISO 9002 Certification
for a key customer interface, its container yard and
freight station area. It was the first port in Australia or
New Zealand to do so.
Deloitte Haskins & Sells.
Financial Evaluation of the Joint Venture Dredging Options.
Report for the Ports of Tauranga, Taranaki and Timaru.
June 1987.
Figure 5. The Pelican dredging the approach channel at Tauranga in 1990. Its modest size and high manoeuvrability make the vessel
ideally suited for operations in smaller harbours as well as for dredging pipeline and cable trenches in shallow coastal waters.
In the light of recent EC legislation, EMSSA (the Barcelona sewerage disposal authority) had been reviewing
The outfall consists of a cement mortar lined 19 mm
thick steel liner pipe with a structural reinforced concrete coating to produce the following overall dimensions:
Outside Diameter
Structural Concrete
Total length
Diffuser section
(with 15 diffusers)
Total dry weight empty
Submerged weight
Maximum flow rate
2.10 m
2.62 m
222 mm thick
2900 m
840 m
16,800 T
150 kg/m
12.4 m3/ s.
Bert Dijkstra
Stuart McIntyre
The dredging works consisted of dredging the 4-m
deep, 2900-m long trench and, after installation of the
pipe, backfilling of the trench with sand. The overall
Figure 2. The first pipe string being moved from the welding area to the stock area. The structures on top of the pipe are the
starters for the diffusers.
S PRING 1994
Breakwater Soil Improvement
The future harbour breakwater will be constructed over
the outfall, in approximately 20 metres of water. To
support this massive construction so that it does not
damage the outfall required the removal of 200,000 m3
of soft clay and mud.
The soft material was removed by the suction dredger
Poseidon, and on acceptance of the dredged area by
the client, was backfilled by the same vessel with sand
with a D50 of 400 m.
The borrowing of sand for this purpose is controversial,
as sand is particularly valuable in Spain for the formation and maintenance of beaches.
After backfilling, the area was compacted using twin
torpedo vibro-compactors supported from the crane
pontoon Kutxa (Figure 4), in a pattern that compacted 5
m2 per point. Design of the soil improvement area to
support the breakwater and protect the outfall, even
during earthquakes, used specialist three-dimensional
consolidation, finite element models developed by
Cambridge University, followed by finite element dynamic earthquake analysis using real earthquake recordings, scaled appropriately to the design criteria at
Figure 5. Basic design, longitudinal profile. Minimum radius at gasline crossing: 4500 m.
Figure 6. The gas pipeline bridge is lowered into the harbour in preparation for towing out to site.
This support bridge is 60 m overall length.
When dredging of the trench was complete and accepted by the client, the outfall could be pulled out. The
pull out went very smoothly, with the outfall being
pulled into the trench using the Taklift 8 pull barge with
an installed winch capacity of 600 tonne reacting
against four huge anchors placed further offshore (13
Tonne Stevpris type). One 117 metre string was fully
welded, wrapped, concrete coated and pulled out
every 24 hours (Figure 11).
The pull barge was initially anchored 1.5 km offshore
with the pull pennant passing underneath the gas line
only 400 m away. Considerable detailed engineering
and monitoring was required to ensure that the pull
wires did not lift off close to the gas line, threatening
contact with it.
During the pull, continuous survey was carried out to
determine that the pipe was following the correct
profile and monitoring the cable touchdown point.
Installation of the diffusers, traditionally a very weathersensitive and timeconsuming activity also went very
smoothly. All 15 diffusers were installed within 30
hours. This is all the more remarkable considering that
this was carried out by divers in 50 metre water depth
with one metre visibility. The diffusers were installed
using the deck crane aboard the pull barge.
The key to the successful accurate dredging of the
trench was survey. The control system for the survey
comprised two DGPS reference stations, seven microfix stations and an automatic tide gauge. Survey stations were installed on the survey launch La Restinga,
crane pontoon Kutxa, suction hoppers Poseidon and
Lelystad and the cutter dredger Rozenburg. In the later
stages, a station was set up on the pull barge Taklift 8
and another on the anchor handling tug Smit Lloyd 31.
The dredging activities necessary to ensure the successful construction of the new longer outfall at Bess in
Barcelona were defined by several strict requirements.
For instance, dredging activities were not allowed to
cause turbulence which would disturb beaches during
holiday seasons. Therefore work took place during
restricted periods (spring and autumn) and suction
hopper dredgers had to work mostly without overflow.
In addition, utmost care was needed to cross a high
pressure operational gas pipeline. This included devising
contingency plans which had to be approved by Gas
Books/Periodicals Reviewed
The US Army Corps of Engineers is concluding a multiyear $25 million dredging research programme. Many
fine interim technical reports have been produced
periodically during the course of the programme.
Presently a number of final reports are being published
which are of prime interest, and four of these are
abstracted below. The Dredging Research Programme
(DRP) is organised into five technical areas:
Area 1 Analysis of Dredged Material Placed in Open
Area 2 Material Properties Related to Navigation and
Area 3 Dredge Plant Equipment and Systems Processes
Area 4 Vessel Positioning, Survey Controls and
Dredge Monitoring Systems
Area 5 Management of Dredging Projects
approach for computing the bottom surge and computations that make the model more applicable at dispersive disposal sites.
STFATE has been applied to simulate disposal tests
conducted at a 1:50 scale in a large laboratory facility at
the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station.
Comparison of computed and measured results on
decent and bottom surge speeds, bottom deposition,
and suspended sediment concentrations have been
made. The results show that STFATE can be used to
reliably predict the fate of material disposed at open
water disposal sites. However, an uncertainty analysis
is needed to place accuracy bounds on model results.
Key words: barge, disposal, dredged material, hopper
dredge, mixing zone, numerical model, sediment.
Hydro 96
De Doelen Congress Centre
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
September 24-26, 1996
The tenth international biennial symposium of The
Hydrographic Society is being organised by The Societys Benelux Branch and will take place in September
1996. The Symposiums topics will address key hydrographic issues affecting port and other applications,
- port and coastal surveys;
- port and coast geodesy and navigation;
- dredging surveys;
- mapping; and
- water management.
The proceedings will be supported by an exhibition of
equipment and services at which the Port of Rotterdam
will be a major participant. Deadline for submission of
abstracts is 1 January 1996. Notification of acceptance
for presentation will be 1 March 1996. Submission of
full papers for proceedings must take place by 1 July
Prospective speakers and organisations wishing to
participate should contact:
Mrs P.Y. van den Berg
Hydro 96 Organising Committee
Oceanographic Company of The Netherlands
P.O. Box 7429
2701 AK Zoetermeer, The Netherlands
tel. +31 7942 8316
fax +31 7941 5084
International Seminar on
Dredging and Reclamation
Place: Singapore
Date: January 15-19, 1996
Venue: Concorde Hotel
Day 1:
Why Dredging?
Day 2:
What is Dredging?
Day 3:
How Dredging?
Day 4:
Preparation of Dredging
Cost/Pricing and Contracts
Dredging Projects
Day 5:
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