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February 2010

Process Industry Practices


New Electrical Equipment and Systems
Field Inspection and Testing


In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has
been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major
industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical
requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering
costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice
is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual
applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence
over this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters
or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not
be made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names
from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather
recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications
are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All Practices or guidelines
are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA
requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or
other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed.
Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material
contained in or suggested by the Practice.
This Practice is subject to revision at any time.
Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The University of
Texas at Austin, 3925 West Braker Lane (R4500), Austin, Texas 78759. PIP Member
Companies and Subscribers may copy this Practice for their internal use. Changes or
modifications of any kind are not permitted within any PIP Practice without the express
written authorization of PIP. Authorized Users may attach addenda or overlays to clearly
indicate modifications or exceptions to specific sections of PIP Practices. Authorized
Users may provide their clients, suppliers and contractors with copies of the Practice
solely for Authorized Users purposes. These purposes include but are not limited to the
procurement process (e.g., as attachments to requests for quotation/ purchase orders or
requests for proposals/contracts) and preparation and issue of design engineering
deliverables for use on a specific project by Authorized Users client. PIPs copyright
notices must be clearly indicated and unequivocally incorporated in documents where an
Authorized User desires to provide any third party with copies of the Practice.
March 2001
December 2007
Complete Revision
February 2010
Editorial Revision
Not printed with State funds

February 2010

Process Industry Practices


New Electrical Equipment and Systems
Field Inspection and Testing
Table of Contents
1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose............................................3
1.2 Scope...............................................3

2. References

Industry Codes and Standards.................3

3. Definitions

4. Requirements 4

Specialty Testing..............................4
Test Equipment................................5
Qualifications of Personnel...............5
Documentation and Reports.............5

5. Acceptable Measurements 6
Data Forms
ELTFT01-R Inspection and Testing Plan
ELTFT01-T1 Inspection and Testing Form
for Low and Medium Voltage Switchgear
ELTFT01-T2 Inspection and Testing Form
for Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breakers

Process Industry Practices

ELTFT01-T3 Inspection and Testing Form

for Medium-Voltage Circuit Breakers
ELTFT01-T4 Inspection and Testing Form
for Medium-Voltage Metal Enclosed Air
ELTFT01-T5 Inspection and Testing Form
for Bus Duct
ELTFT01-T6 Inspection and Testing Form
for Low-Voltage MCC Line-ups and

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ELTFT01-T7 Inspection and Testing Form

for Low-Voltage Motor Starters, Circuit
Breakers and Switches
ELTFT01-T8 Inspection and Testing Form
for Low-Voltage Adjustable Speed
ELTFT01-T9 Inspection and Testing Form
for Medium-Voltage MCC Line-up
ELTFT01-T10 Inspection and Testing
Form for Medium-Voltage Motor Starter
ELTFT01-T11 Inspection and Testing
Form for Liquid-Immersed Power
ELTFT01-T12 Inspection and Testing
Form for Low-Voltage Cable and Wire
ELTFT01-T13 Inspection and Testing
Form for Shielded Power Cable
(5-46 kV)
ELTFT01-T14 Inspection and Testing
Form for Low-Voltage Induction Motors
ELTFT01-T15 Inspection and Testing
Form for Medium-Voltage Motors,
Induction 5000 HP and Below
ELTFT01-T16 Inspection and Testing
Form for Low-Voltage Panelboards and
Associated Transformers
ELTFT01-T17 Inspection and Testing
Form for Uninterruptible Power Supply
ELTFT01-T18 Inspection and Testing
Form for Automatic Transfer Switch
ELTFT01-T19 Inspection and Testing
Form for Battery Charger
ELTFT01-T20 Inspection and Testing
Form for Batteries and Battery Rack
ELTFT01-T21 Inspection and Testing
Form for Current Transformers (Single
ELTFT01-T22 Inspection and Testing
Form for Current Transformers (MultiRatio)
ELTFT01-T23 Inspection and Testing
Form for Voltage (Potential)
ELTFT01-T24 Inspection and Testing
Form for Dielectric Absorption
ELTFT01-T25 Inspection and Testing
Form for DC High-Potential
ELTFT01-T26 Inspection and Testing
Form for Relay Information and

ELTFT01-T27 Inspection and Testing

Form for High Resistance Grounding
ELTFT01-T28 Inspection and Testing
Form for Grounding Systems
ELTFT01-T29 Inspection and Testing
Form for Underground Conduit Systems
(Duct Banks)
ELTFT01-T30 Inspection and Testing
Form for Electrical Manholes
ELTFT01-T31 Inspection and Testing
Form for Aboveground Conduit Systems
ELTFT01-T32 Inspection and Testing
Form for Cable Tray Systems
ELTFT01-T33 Inspection and Testing
Form for Lighting and Receptacles
ELTFT01-T34 Inspection and Testing Form
for Low-Voltage Metal Enclosed Air
ELTFT01-T35 Inspection and Testing Form
for Low Resistance Grounding Equipment



This Practice provides the minimum requirements for field inspection and testing of
new, installed electrical equipment and facilities.


This Practice describes the inspection and testing procedures for new electrical
equipment and systems after installation. This Practice provides minimum acceptable
values for the testing results and forms for recording inspection and test values.
Certain specialty equipment and packaged equipment are application specific and are
not covered by this Practice.
Some inspections and tests may require an independent testing organization or an
equipment manufacturers representative. This Practice does not specify which tests
require a third party or designate responsibility for obtaining and coordinating these
third parties. These tests, if required, shall be defined in the project scope.
This Practice does not cover full compliance inspections required by various codes
and regulations but does provide assurance of equipment integrity and compliance
with project-specific documents.


Applicable parts of the following industry codes and standards shall be considered an integral
part of this Practice. The edition in effect on the date of contract award shall be used, except
as otherwise noted. Short titles are used herein where appropriate.
Industry Codes and Standards

International Electrical Testing Association (NETA)

ANSI/NETA ATS - Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power
Distribution Equipment and Systems (NETA ATS)
ANSI/NETA ETT - Standard for Certification of Electrical Testing Personnel


owner: The party who owns the facility where the inspections and testing services will be
purchaser: The party who awards the contract to the supplier. The purchaser may be the
owner or the owners authorized agent.
test: Application of external power source or test equipment to prove the integrity of the unit
or system; may require witnessing by owners authorized representative as indicated on the
Inspection and Testing Plan PIP ELTFT01-R
tester: The party responsible for performing the check items, inspection items, testing
requirements, and function test items as covered herein for the installed electrical equipment
and electrical facilities as defined in the project scope

New Electrical Equipment and Systems

February 2010

Field Inspection and Testing




Testing and inspection shall comply with the provisions of this Practice,
ANSI/NETA ATS, and the equipment manufacturers instructions. Tests that
are necessary to retain the manufacturers warranty will be conducted in
accordance with instructions from the manufacturer. Conflicts between these
documents shall be submitted in writing to the Owners authorized
representative for resolution.


Test Plan PIP ELTFT01-R is provided to develop an inspection and testing

plan for electrical equipment and facilities. The plan provides a means to
define a scope of work for inspection and testing as well as define witness
requirements. Check boxes are provided to select inspection, test and witness
for a particular inspection and/or test. Check box definitions are as follows:
a. An STD box is a PIP recognized standard inspection and/or test.
b. An OPT box is a PIP recognized optional inspection and/or test.
c. A WITNESS box is to be selected if purchaser wants to witness a


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Tester shall perform all inspections, measurements, and tests as indicated on

purchasers Inspection and Testing Plan PIP ELTFT01-R and in accordance
with the Inspection and Testing Forms, PIP ELTFT01-T series. Supplemental
information may be found in ANSI/NETA ATS.


Tester shall comply with all federal, state, and local regulations and codes as
well as with site-specific safety procedures and requirements.


Before starting any inspection and testing, the Purchaser or authorized

representative and the Tester must agree on the electrical inspection and
testing procedures.


Tester shall confirm that all check items, inspection items, and testing are
performed. All test forms shall be signed by Tester and Owners
Representative before notifying the owner that the equipment is ready for


Tester shall be responsible for arranging and conducting the testing in

accordance with the approved project schedule.


Inspection, testing, and function test items shall be witnessed by an Owners

authorized representative unless specifically waived in writing. Tester shall
give sufficient notice before any witnessed test.

Specialty Testing

For this Practice, the intent is that specialty testing such as Doble testing and
relay calibration are to be carried out by an independent testing organization


Specialty test forms for these tests are not provided by this Practice. Refer to
ANSI/NETA ATS and ITO test forms.

Process Industry Practices


New Electrical Equipment and Systems
Field Inspection and Testing

February 2010




PIP ELFTF01-R, Inspection and Testing Plan, does allow for the selection of
specialty tests.

Test Equipment

Test equipment shall be suitable for the tests that will be performed in
accordance with ANSI/NETA ATS 2009 Section 5.2.


Tester shall have a calibration program that assures all test equipment
performs within rated accuracy. The program shall include traceability to the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), calibration
frequency, date calibration labels, and calibration instructions and procedures
in accordance with the requirements of ANSI/NETA ATS 2009 Section 5.3.

Qualifications of Personnel

Personnel conducting the electrical tests and inspections shall be qualified for
the work by virtue of training and experience.


Testing personnel shall be completely familiar with the manufacturers

instructions on the proper operation and application of the test equipment
being utilized.


Where indicated on the Inspection and Testing Plan PIP ELTFT01-R, the test
personnel shall be certified in accordance with ANSI/NETA ETT. Where this
certification is required, each on-site crew leader shall hold a current
certification, Level III or higher, in electrical testing.

Documentation and Reports


Unless otherwise indicated on the Inspection and Testing Plan

PIP ELTFT01-R, Tester shall document test results on PIP Inspection and
Testing forms provided by the Owner. Where alternate forms are provided,
these forms shall contain all of the visual and mechanical inspection items
and tests included in the PIP Inspection and Testing forms.


The Tester shall be responsible for maintaining the individual test sheets as
defined in the project scope.
a. Test sheets shall be maintained in an up-to-date condition and are subject
to review at any time.
b. Copies of individual, completed test forms shall be submitted to the
Owners authorized representative within five (5) working days after
each test.
c. A complete set of test forms in electronic or hard copy format as
indicated on the Inspection and Testing Plan PIP ELTFT01-R shall be
submitted to the Owners authorized representative at the completion of
the test work. Where alternate forms are used, the use of hard-copy or
electronic forms shall be agreed between the Purchaser and the testing


Acceptable Measurements
All test values shall fall within the guidelines of ANSI/NETA ATS. All components with test
results that fall outside the acceptable range and individual measurements that fall outside the

Process Industry Practices

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New Electrical Equipment and Systems

February 2010

Field Inspection and Testing

average of like measurements stated in ANSI/NETA ATS shall be immediately brought to the
attention of the Owners authorized representative.

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Process Industry Practices

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