Here Are The Tips On How To Write A Good Essay

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Here are the tips on how to write a good essay, based on each criterion:

1) Hardly any mistakes in grammar (including spelling and punctuation)

Good essays should be without any major grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors.
So, focus on these key aspects. Make sure that you know the grammar rules well and
apply them when you write.
2) Effective use of varied sentence structures
Many students face problems with the sentence structure of the English language. The
problem can be solved through plenty of reading. When you read, your mind is fed with the
correct sentence structures over and over. In time, you will be able to write sentences with
the right structure. When you write an essay, use a variety of sentences - simple,
compound, complex, sentences in both the active voice and passive voice, etc. Thus, it is
advisable to make good use of as much variety of reading material as possible storybooks, magazines, newspapers, etc. to expose yourself to different types of sentence
3) Wide vocabulary, used expressively/precisely
Reading helps to increase your vocabulary. When you see a new word, look it up in a
dictionary to learn its meaning. To score high marks, you need to show that you have a
wide vocabulary. For example, you can use 'delighted' or 'overjoyed' instead of 'happy'.
Instead of using 'sad', use 'upset' or 'downhearted'. Try not to use the same word
repeatedly. Use different words with the same meaning to impress the examiner. It is also
important that you use a word precisely or accurately. Wrong use of words result in mark
deduction. So, make sure that a word is suitable to be used in a sentence or a particular
situation before using it. Make good use of the 'Increase your vocabulary' section of this
website to help you build your vocabulary. Reading helps you understand the meaning of a
word accurately. When you read extensively, you tend to be familiar with words and know
when to use them and when not to. Look it up in a dictionary again when you forget the
meaning of a particular word.
4) Good and relevant points
When writing an essay, it is important to write about relevant points, or write about what the
question ask for. For example, for the title 'Describe an outing with your friends', the whole
essay should be about the outing. If you write about other things such as your friends'
hobbies, that would be irrelevant. As long as you understand the title and write relevant
points, you will be safe. The lack of points or ideas is a common problem faced by students
when writing essays. Reading model essays helps a lot, since it gives you plenty of ideas.
5) Coherence in paragraphing & 6) Well-organised paragraphing
An Oxford dictionary defines 'coherence' as 'the situation in which all the parts of
something fit together well'. For instance, when writing an essay entitled 'My Hero', it is
advisable to write about things that are of the same nature in a paragraph. For example,
after the introduction, you can write about the childhood of your hero in the first paragraph.
Then, in the second, third, fourth and fifth paragraphs, you can write about his educational
background, occupation, personalities and accomplishments respectively. It is unwise to
mix them up as it lacks coherence and is not well-organised.
7) Essay is very interesting and shows originality
An interesting essay does not talk about the boring stuff. For example, you decide to write
an essay entitled 'Describe an enjoyable weekend you have experienced' and describe a

camping trip at the beach with your family. Avoid including stuff like:
"When I woke up that morning, I went to the toilet to brush my teeth and wash my face.
After that, I dressed up and went downstairs to have my breakfast. I have bread and butter
for breakfast..."
You can put it this way:
"When I woke up that morning, I was excited as my whole family would be going on a
camping trip at the beach. After getting everything ready, we set off for the beach in my
father's van..."
You can continue the essay by describing all the interesting things that you and your family
saw and did at the beach. It is a good idea to write about your own experience, since it
shows originality. When writing essays, it is also important to write about logical things.
Stated above are the important points to note. Apart from those based on the criteria, other
points to take note of include:
i) Practise writing essays, since 'practice makes perfect'. Besides school assignments, try
to write more essays and have someone qualified to correct them for you. When you make
mistakes, learn from them and make it a point not to repeat them again, in order to improve
your writing skills effectively. When practising, learn to finish an essay within the time frame
given. For instance, in SPM, you have about an hour to complete an essay. Spend about
10 minutes, 35 minutes and 15 minutes on planning, writing and checking the essay
respectively. If you wish to, you can submit your essays to Dr Grammar. After Dr Grammar
has corrected your essays, they will be included in the "Students' Essays" section. You can
then compare the corrected essay with your original essay to find out where your weak
points are and improve accordingly.
ii) Remember, there are no short cuts to success. Essay writing skills take time to develop.
There goes the saying, 'Rome wasn't built in a day'. Diligence and perseverance are the
keys to success. Do not give up until you succeed. If you face problems or have any
questions, do not hesitate to contact Dr Grammar.
iii) Look at the past year papers and study the examination format. Then, refer to the model
answers and familiarise yourself with the answering techniques in order to score high
To summarise:
1 Learn and know the grammar rules well.
2 Do more reading, as it helps in all aspects of writing good essays.
3 Practise writing essays and learn from your mistakes.
Good luck to you in all your examinations!

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