Research and Statistics (For DepEd)
Research and Statistics (For DepEd)
Research and Statistics (For DepEd)
Research comprises creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of
knowledge, including knowledge of humans, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge
to devise new applications. It is used to establish or confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work,
solve new or existing problems, support theorems, or develop new theories.
Statistics play an important role in research of almost any kind because they deal with easily-quantified
data. When working in fields such as science or medicine, trials are needed, and experimental data has
to be collected and analyzed. The study of statistics enables researchers to look at a large set of data
and condense it into meaningful information.
Through Statistics, we will also be able to verify and evaluate published numerical data and facts. Every
person is exposed to manufacturers claims for products; to the results of sociological, consumer, and
political polls; and to the published results of scientific research. Some inferences are valid; others are
invalid. Some are based on samples of adequate size; others are not. Yet all these published results
bear the ring of truth. Some people (particularly statisticians) say that statistics can be made to support
almost anything. Others say it is easy to lie with statistics. Both statements are true. It is easy, purposely
or unwittingly, to distort the truth by using statistics when presenting the results of sampling to the
uninformed. It is thus crucial that each of us should become an informed and critical reader of databased reports and articles.
Another reason for studying statistics is that our education, profession or employment may require us
to interpret the results of sampling (surveys or experimentation) or to employ statistical methods of
analysis to make inferences. Without basic knowledge of statistics and data analysis, these are very
difficult to undertake.
The use of statistics in the social, biological, and physical sciences is essential because all these
sciences make use of observations of natural phenomena, through sample surveys or experimentation,
to develop and test new theories. Statistical methods are employed in business when sample data are
used to forecast sales and profit. In addition, they are used in engineering and manufacturing to monitor
product quality. Any data or information generated from any of these activities is meaningless and
useless unless properly analyzed and interpreted using statistical techniques. In addition,
misunderstandings of statistical techniques and results can lead to major errors by government
policymakers, medical workers, and consumers of this information. Thus, statistics plays an important
role in almost all areas of science, business, and industry; and all of us should know the basic concepts,
strengths, and limitations of statistics.
The type of statistical analysis best suited to a particular problem depends on:
Objective and purpose or research (descriptive/inferential)
Level of data measurements
Types of data samples (independent/paired)
No. of data groups to test or compare
Other population/sample characteristics such as size, distribution, normality, variance, etc.
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Statistics - is the art and science of using numerical data (collection and presentation) to draw
inferences and make decisions (analysis and interpretation)
Data Analysis - is the process of systematically applying statistical and/or logical techniques to describe
and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data
Population collection of all elements that is being considered in a statistical study
Sample part of the population where information is collected
Experimental Unit is an entity that displays or possesses the traits of a variable
Variable is a condition, quality or observable characteristic that can vary from one experimental unit
to another and can take on different values; can be classified as categorical or numerical.
Types of Variables
Independent Variable cause of some effect, does not depend on any variable.
Dependent Variable the value is affected by changes in the cause, i.e. independent
variable; usually the variable being tested for significant relationship or differences
Examples: Rice yield (dependent variable) due to different fertilizer levels (independent
Experimental Unit
Individual teacher
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Types of Research
1. Qualitative Research is a type of research that generates non-numerical data. It aims to
understand the reasons why something is the way it is, without attempting to quantifiably
measure variables or look to potential relationships between variables. Examples: observing
peoples culture, child behavior.
2. Quantitative Research is a type of research that generates numerical data or information
that can be converted into numbers. Statistics derived from quantitative research can be used
to establish the existence of associative or causal relationships between variables. Examples:
experimental and scientific research
Types of Quantitative Research
1. Descriptive Research used to get a general overview of the subjects. It addresses the "what"
question rather than the how/when/why the characteristics occurred. It is also useful when it is not
possible to test using more quantitative types of experimentation.
Objective: Observe and Describe only
Examples: Surveys and census (Labor Force Surveys, Pulse and SWS Surveys, Census of
Methods: mean, median, mode, standard deviation, skewness, range, frequency, maximum,
2. Correlational Research determines whether or not two variables are correlated or dependent
with each other - whether an increase or decrease in one variable corresponds to an increase or
decrease in the other variable. However, no conclusions can be derived regarding causality.
Objective: Compare and Predict
Examples: Case Studies, Observational Studies (stress levels vs exam scores, no. of beer
houses vs domestic violence cases)
Methods: Correlation statistics or measures of association, independence tests
2. Ordinal or Ranking Scale has the characteristics of a nominal scale and the property of
indicating the direction of difference - whether greater than or less than but the scale does
not say how much the difference of two or more entities.
Size (Small=1, Medium=2, Large=3)
Salary Grade (SG - 1 to 30)
Attitude Scale (Always=1, Sometimes=2, Never=3)
Opinion Scale (Strongly Agree=1, Agree=2, No Opinion=3, Disagree=4,
Strongly Disagree=5)
3. Interval Scale has the properties of both nominal and ordinal plus the additional property that the
difference between the numbers are equal, but has no true zero point.
Temperature { Celsius (-10C, 0C or 100C) }
Test Scores
Percentile rank
4. Ratio Scale can provide meaningful information regarding degree of difference and also of ratio.
Has a true zero point which indicates that a complete absence of the variable being measured.
Time, Height, Weight, Age, Work Experience, No. of Siblings
In statistics, interval and ratio are grouped and are considered on the same level, such that both
data are analysed using the same statistical tests.
Thus, a variable can be classified in any of just three (3) types of data:
1. Nominal data
2. Ordinal data
3. Interval and Ratio data
Nonparametric Tests
Applicable to data with nominal and ordinal scales
Generally not as powerful as parametric tests
Quite suitable for analyzing smaller samples
No assumption that the sample was taken from a normal population
Examples: Mann-Whitney U Test, Kruskal-Wallis Test
Parametric Tests
Applicable only to data with interval and ratio scales
Assumes that the population is drawn from a normal population
Assumes that the variances are more or less equal across all samples
Not applicable for small sample size, thus, n 30
More powerful and greater in scope compared to nonparametric tests
Examples: ANOVA F-test, t-test, Pearson coefficient, etc.
Sampling - is the process of selecting individual observations intended to yield some knowledge
about a population of concern, especially for the purposes of statistical inference.
Examples: Simple random sampling, Purposive sampling, Cluster sampling, Stratified sampling,
Systematic sampling
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Independent Samples (also called Unrelated Samples) - samples from different group of participants
are assigned to different experimental conditions (also called unrelated samples)
Example: 2 distinct sample groups, treatment and control groups
Dependent Samples (also called Paired, Matched or Related Samples) - samples from the same
group of participants are exposed to different experimental conditions.
Example: Pre-test and post-test scores for the same group of students
Statistical Hypothesis
is an inference about a population variable/ parameter that needs to be verified through data
collection, experimentation and testing.
an inference about a variable between two or more population
Examples: African people are not prone to cancer
Hybrid rice is better than native varieties in terms of yield
DOST employees are highly motivated workers
Hypothesis Testing
Process of verifying the validity of statistical hypothesis through the use of test statistics, i.e. ttest, chi-square, F-test, etc.
Computed value is compared to tabular value a given confidence level (1%, 3% or 5%), also
called level of significance.
If the computed value is greater than the tabular value, there is a significant difference in the
variables tested.
A computed probability value or p-value (also called significance value) of Statistical Programs
like SPSS can also be used as basis.
If p-value < 0.05 = significant
p-value < 0.01 = highly significant
p-value 0.05 = not significant
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Data Entry
Graphs and tables of summary statistics are excellent tools for visualizing data.
Identify any unexpected observations or patterns - which may due to errors in data collection or
data entry
Presence of data outliers can greatly affect the results of statistical tests
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Questions Answered
1. Descriptive
2. Correlational
3. Experimental or
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Common Analysis
Descriptive Analysis
Description Method
Level of Measurements
1. Frequencies
Count, Percent
2. Central Tendency
4. Graphical Analysis
Pie, Bar
Pie, Bar
Scatterplot, Histogram,
3. Dispersion
Count, Percent,
Cumulative Count,
Cumulative Percent
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Count, Percent
Cumulative Count,
Cumulative Percent
Range, Percentile,
Variance and Standard
Variable Y
Variable X
At least 3 levels of Nominal
Eta Correlation
At least 3 levels of
Nominal Variable:
Eta Correlation
Biserial rb
Pearsons r (r)
Simple and Multiple
Linear Regression
Example 1:
Is there a significant relationship between Accountancy pre-board examination scores and actual
Accountancy board ratings of ESSU students?
Variable 1:
Level of Measurement:
Variable 2:
Level of Measurement:
Measure of Correlation:
Example 2:
Is shopping frequency (1st time, <1/mo., 1/mo., 1/wk, >1/wk) related to overall customer satisfaction
levels (strongly negative, negative, neutral, positive or strongly positive) in a mall?
Variable 1:
Level of Measurement:
Variable 2:
Level of Measurement:
Measure of Correlation:
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Interval/Ratio Scale
One Group:
One Sample Chi-square Goodness
of Fit Test (X2)
One Group:
Kolmogorov-Smirnov One Sample
Test (D)
One Group:
One Sample t-Test (t)
Independent Samples: Chi-square
Test for Independence (X2)
Dependent/Paired Samples:
McNemar Test (X2)
Independent Samples: MannWhitney U Test (U)
Dependent/Paired Samples:
Wilcoxon Signed-Ranked Test (T)
Independent Samples: Independent
Sample t-Test (t)
Dependent/Paired Samples: Paired
Sample t-Test (t)
Mixed Samples: ANCOVA (F)
Example 1:
Is there a significant difference between NAT results of pupils from public schools and private schools
in Borongan City?
Dependent Variable:
Level of Measurement:
Independent Variable:
No. of Groups Compared:
Type of Samples:
Appropriate Analysis:
Example 2:
Is there a significant difference between job satisfaction levels (strongly negative, negative, neutral,
positive or strongly positive) of workers from 4 Jollibee branches in Tacloban City?
Dependent Variable:
Level of Measurement:
Independent Variable:
No. of Groups Compared:
Type of Samples:
Appropriate Analysis:
Example 3:
Is there a significant difference between cholesterol levels of 20 patients before and after 6 months of
special diet?
Dependent Variable:
Level of Measurement:
Independent Variable:
No. of Groups Compared:
Type of Samples:
Appropriate Analysis:
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Note: Levenes Test is used to determine homogeneity of variance. Significant result of the test
(p<0.05) means that the variances are not homogeneous
Is there a significant difference between the volume contents of 80 bottled beers (10 from each
machine) taken randomly from 8 bottling machines?
Dependent Variable:
Level of Measurement:
Independent Variable:
No. of Groups Compared:
Type of Samples:
Test for Differences:
Comparison of Means (assuming there is significant difference and there is homogeneity of
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