Lecture6 Research Problem & Objectives Chap6
Lecture6 Research Problem & Objectives Chap6
Lecture6 Research Problem & Objectives Chap6
A research problem (also issue or question) indicates the need or desire to know or to understand something. Problem solving has three steps:
1. Obtaining relevant information about the problem and potential solutions research component 2. Examine alternative approaches and chose among them decision component 3. Determine how to implement the decision and take action action component
This lecture deals mainly with the first of these three components, recognizing that they are all interconnected.
When research does lead to decision or action it is important to keep the research activity separated from the decision and implementation activities. This helps to maintain as much neutrality as possible in the research process and helps the researcher remain objective. A model of problem solving is presented in Figure 6.1 (developed by Glenn Johnson, 1976) for pragmatic problem-solving research.
The research problem is the reason the research is being undertaken The written problem description is the only credible evidence that a clear understanding of the issue has been achieved.
Problematic situations are not researchable within an individual research project. But, specific components of these problematic situations are researchable, when broken into distinct components. The components must be:
confined in scope and complexity, and support a set of research objectives that can be achieved with given resource constraints (time & money).
Research from many individual projects can be combined to address problematic situations.
Note that the specific problem is not necessarily small, but rather it must be precisely specified and capable of being addressed with available resources.
The general problem statement provides the background or setting for the researchable problem. Usually, it helps to introduce the problem with very general statements, then progressively narrow the focus to more specific, precise issues. However, if the reader of the proposal is already knowledgeable on the subject, the broad general discussion can be reduced.
ie. The problem definition should be tailored for the expected audience. 10
For example, consider a situation where a student from a foreign country plans to conduct research about his home country.
The students research committee may not know much about the country, so it is helpful to provide descriptions of the economic, social, political and institutional conditions in the country
Sample proposals are provided in Appendices A (government agency), B (masters thesis), and C (PhD dissertation)
The general problem statement sets the stage for the specific, researchable problem. The specific problem narrows the perspective to a set of issues on which knowledge or information is needed. It must be clarified,
what knowledge is needed the reasons the knowledge is needed by whom the knowledge is needed the potential purposes it could serve.
C. The problem must be described sufficiently so that other people can comprehend it (This applies to both general and specific problem statements)
D. The researchers perceptions of the problems may be intuitive, but must be developed logically E. The problem explanation must provide the reason (justification) for the research objective (at this point, it is helpful to read the general and specific problem statements in Appendix B, MS Thesis, pp 192-193)
Use of Data
Data can affect our awareness of a problem and how we perceive the problem. It is usually advisable to examine relevant data in the process of developing the problem statements In this process, large amounts of miscellaneous facts can be reduced to useful information
(See the proposal in Appendix C, PhD dissertation, for the use of data to show changes in the pharmaceutical industry in relation to the impact of mergers)
Objectives specify what the research project proposes to accomplish (do, achieve, estimate, determine, measure, evaluate, etc.) The are usually best specified in general and specific parts. Often the shortest part of the proposal, but it is the centerpiece.
1) General objective states the main purpose of the study. It should derive directly from the research problem statement. One sentence is best! 2) Specific objectives a set or list of sub-objectives, each of which contributes to achieving the general objective
If you know more about the research area and already have a good idea about the researchable problem, you may need to develop the general dimensions or context of the problem. (ie. Opposite from the previous example). Once the problem has been defined and general objective identified, the specific objectives often naturally follow, by considering what are important components. A logical and clearly written statement of problems and objectives is often the most difficult part of proposal writing.