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Authorship Practices
& Human Values


Authorship Practices and

Institutional Contexts in Sociology:
Elements for a Comparison of
the United States and France
David Pontille
Institut National de la Sant
et de la Recherche Mdicale, Unit U558

Studies of scientific authorship have been developing for forty years. This phenomenon is
becoming increasingly well documented. However, most of these studies deal with fields
considered in only one national context. This article tries to understand the specific
modalities of sociological authorship within two national contexts: the United States
and France. The analysis yields an understanding of the logic intimately linking texts and
contexts, throwing light not only on the way research and authorship practices are partly
shaped by their particular institutional and historical contexts but also on the interactions between cognitive content and patterns of publication.

Keywords: authorship; scientific publication; international comparison; sociology

Historians and sociologists have shown how the professionalization of

modern science has been characterized by the growth of research teams and
collaborative work. Scientific collaborative work has provided much subject
matter for researchers using publication as an indicator.1 The increases in
coauthorship rates and the number of authors per article have been widely
documented in a number of fields (Beaver and Rosen 1978, 1979a, 1979b;
Endersby 1996; Price 1963; Zuckerman 1965). With regard to sociology, several studies have analyzed changing publication patterns (McCartney 1970;
AUTHORS NOTE: I am very grateful to Blandine Roux for her help in the translation of this
article. My thanks are also due to Jrme Denis, Michel Grossetti, Marie-Pierre Bes, Gerald
Murtagh, Jake Bailey, Delphine Burali, and two anonymous reviewers for providing very helpful
comments and suggestions on earlier versions of the article.
Science, Technology, & Human Values, Vol. 28 No. 2, Spring 2003 217-243
DOI: 10.1177/0162243902250905
2003 Sage Publications



Science, Technology, & Human Values

Oromaner 1974, 1975; Patel 1972, 1973; Wilner 1985). These studies
brought to light a general trend throughout the core and mainstream journals of the field (the American Journal of Sociology [AJS], the American
Sociological Review [ASR], Social Problems, Social Forces, and Rural Sociology). This trend is characterized by increases in the number of authors per
article, the use of statistics, and financial support.
Although the important rise of teamwork in sociology has been well documented, one can notice the lack of comparative studies. The bulk of research
focuses on only a single national dimension (especially the United States).
Yet international comparative studies can enhance knowledge of institutionalized patterns of authorship in one specific field. Such a comparative point
of view could draw a particular perspective concerning the relationship
between the institutional conditions and political-economic forces bearing
on a discipline: What kind of disciplinary work is getting done? What kinds
of texts are being produced? What counts as disciplinary contributions?
These questions concern the authenticity of what is product (Strauss 1982)
and the process of establishing and maintaining legitimacy for particular
lines of work in a specific social world (Gerson 1983, 366). Thus, the expectation of authorship practices allows one to address questions both on the analytical status of scientific publication and on the definition of a field (or a scientific social world): the main purpose here consists of revealing particular
interrelations between cognitive content, authorship practices, and institutional context. Previous work has shown that differences in social patterns
lead to differences in various characteristics of journal articles (Katz and
Martin 1997). However, the particular case analyzed here allows us to point
out a specific level that is less documented in the literature: the national institutional contexts for one unique discipline.
In this text, authorship is taken as an extended definition (Pontille 2000b).
It is conceived as the result of several interactions between (co)authors themselves (Who signs the text? Who is relaying the acknowledgments? What
kind of criteria are considered essential to be an author?), between authors
and their texts (What kind of criteria are involved in writing the text and in the
structure of the argument? Is one model of writing predominant?), and
between authors and journals or professional associations (Are there recommendations for name ordering and for the headings of the text?). To address
these questions and bring some new elements to this approach, I focus on a
classical distinction between two ideal-type models: the scientific or experimental model and the literary model. Wolfe (1990) defined these ideal
types by considering that the experimental model is generally characterized
by shorter sentence construction, elliptical phrasing, greater density of jargon
and scientific shorthand, multiple authors, tables and algebraic expressions,

Pontille / Authorship Practices


stylistic conformity, and greater use of the passive voice, whereas the literary model is characterized by more a leisurely development of ideas, more
frequent obiter dicta, less consideration of economy of presentation, single
authors, idiosyncratic styles, use of first-person singular, reliance on metaphor, and more complex rhetorical strategies (p. 479). This definition allows
us to address the topic: What are the interrelations of these models in contemporary sociological research? Which model is most prevalent in research
reports, particularly in relation to authorship practices? In this sense, authorship is here elaborated as a specific line of inquiring: it constitutes the point of
view in revealing some cognitive and institutional elements that shape sociological publication patterns. In this perspective, three facets of authorship are
more specifically analyzed here (see the next section): the number of authors,
the kinds of contributions, and the narrative structure of text.
When turning toward a macro-sociological level, this text tends in part to
smooth out individual practices that are more tinged and complex. Two
national contexts are analyzed (the United States and France) for a particular
historical period: from 1960 to 1995. The postWorld War II period opened
with the carrying out of the Marshall Plan and the increasing role of the state
as an economic and social agent of planning and decision-making processes.
This was an uplifting period for sociology that saw a considerable increase in
the financing of sociological research. This period has been well documented
concerning the institutionalization and professionalization of the social sciences (Turner and Turner 1990; Ross 1991). It is here analyzed by articulating two sets of elements. On one hand, in this period of institutionalization,
which forced sociology to define its scientific criteria, the reference (positive
or negative) to the experimental sciences model was inevitable. On the other
hand, the states regulating role had gone hand in hand with the accumulation
of useful and applied knowledge brought by the social sciences (Jenkins and
Velody 1970). The analysis focuses on this double process, and especially on
its variations according to particular characteristics of national contexts. It
tries to reveal some logics intimately linking texts and contexts concerning
authorship patterns.

Materials and Methodologies

Several investigations were conducted to support the analysis. To grasp
the role of professional associations and editors in this shaping, a content
analysis of the instructions to authors of the selected journals for the period
from 1960 to 1995 was carried out. Also, the content of the American Sociological Association Style Guide (American Sociological Association [ASA]


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1997) was analyzed. Although this level of investigation is partly instructive,

sociologists practices needed to be questioned too.
Therefore, interviews were conducted with American and French sociologists (N = 30) about their authorship practices. Interviews were organized
around accounts of personal stories of research and publication, name ordering, the importance of writing, the different tasks undertaken in the research
process, the coauthors characteristics (status, specific roles in the study,
etc.), and the decision-making processes of journals. Stories were chosen by
sociologists, who generally related more than one case to illustrate different
patterns. The time spans of interviews fluctuated between one and a half
hours and two hours, according to the experiences of each sociologist and
their degrees of trust. All interviews were done at the offices of the researchers to facilitate access to the publications we spoke about. Interviewees generally told different stories by looking at their curricula vitae. As a specific
form of self-presentation, a curriculum vitae is instructive on both the institutional and the cognitive biography of a researcher too. Interviews were then
supplemented by the accumulation of these documents, which are punctually
used in the analysis.
Also, a statistical analysis of a sample of articles published between 1960
and 1995 in different journals was elaborated: AJS and ASR for American
sociology and Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie (CIS) and Revue
Franaise de Sociologie (RFS) for French sociology. These journals were
chosen because (1) they publish articles on a wide variety of topics, contrary
to other, more specialized ones (e.g., Theory and Society, Symbolic
Interactionism, Gender and Society), and (2) interviewees explained to us
that these journals define the professionon this point, see also Glenn
(1971). Despite the small number of journals considered here, the national
adjective (e.g., French sociology) is used to refer to the national context.
Only articles were kept; editorials, presidential addresses, letters, research
notes, commentaries, replies, and rejoinders were systematically excluded.
For each article (N = 1,029), the number of authors was encoded over the
period from 1960 to 1995. Two other elements of articles from a subsample (n
= 373) relative to the years 1965, 1980, and 1995 were considered. The first
element concerned the kinds of contributions. The coding was done on the
basis of the material and the methods used in the article. Five categories of
text were elaborated according to the cognitive content: theoretical analysis (analytical discussion of a concept, an author, or a paradigm), fieldwork
analysis (research based on interviews and/or observations), statistical
analysis (descriptive or analytical), mathematical model (based on firsthand or secondhand analysis of data), and textual analysis (research based
on the content analysis of textual documents). This analytical categorization

Pontille / Authorship Practices


should not be understood as an intrinsic and exclusive characteristic of texts.

An article was coded as part of one of these five categories on the basis of its
argumentation. The second element was the narrative structure of texts. The
format that has emerged as a stable genre in the experimental sciences
(Bazerman 1988; Dear 1991), standardized since 1979 (American National
Standards Institute 1979), was the focus of study. This format organizes and
divides an argument into different sections: introduction, material and methods, results, and discussion (IMRAD). But this generic structure is rarely
expressed in its pure form in sociological articles. Then, the presence or
absence of this division between the problem, the methodological proceedings, and the presentation of results was coded.

Trends in American and French Sociological Research

With regard to authorship, the statistical analysis clearly revealed national
differences (Table 1). The rate of coauthored articles increased for all journals between 1960 and 1995, but differentially according to national contexts.2 Coauthored articles in French journals were more prevalent in 1995
than in 1960 (from 0 to 12.5 percent for CIS and from 5.6 to 33.3 percent for
RFS). However, they represented only one fifth to one third of all articles published in those journals. Yet American journals showed a reversal in that
period. Articles moved from single authorship (26.9 percent for AJS and 8.2
percent for ASR in 1960) to coauthorship (54.5 percent for AJS and 66.7 percent for ASR in 1995). These national differences were also expressed in the
number of authors per coauthored article (Table 2). On one hand, French articles presented a low distribution, with the majority coauthored by two
authors (92.9 percent for CIS and 75.8 percent for RFS). On the other hand,
American articles were more widely coauthored by three, four, and five
authors per article. The average of authors was 2.37 for American journals
(2.42 for AJS and 2.33 for ASR), whereas it was 2.19 for French journals (2.07
for CIS and 2.24 for RFS). Thus, American sociological articles were different from French ones at two levels: they were more often coauthored, and the
number of authors per article was larger in most cases.
The analysis of the types of contributions reinforced this trend (Figure 1).
Theoretical and fieldwork contributions were prevalent in the French journals in 1965 and 1980. By 1995, those analyses had made room for statistical
ones, which represented more than one third of published articles (35 percent). The same trend was found among American journals, but it was more
pronounced. As several studies have shown (McCartney 1970; Patel 1972,
1973; Wilner 1985), the content of American sociological articles changed


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Table 1. Coauthorship in Four Sociological Journals,

1960 to 1995
American Journals

French Journals














NOTE: AJS = American Journal of Sociology; ASR = American Sociological Review;

CIS = Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie; RFS = Revue Franaise de Sociologie.

Table 2. Number of Authors per Coauthored Article in Four

Sociological Journals, 1960 to 1995
Number of Authors
American journals
French journals





Average of

67.4 87
73.0 119

25.6 33
21.5 35

4.7 6
4.9 8

2.3 3
0.6 1

100.0 129
100.0 163




0.0 0
0.0 0

0.0 0
0.0 0






NOTE: AJS = American Journal of Sociology; ASR = American Sociological Review;

CIS = Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie; RFS = Revue Franaise de Sociologie.

from 1895 to 1965: researches using qualitative methods (interviews, participant observation, case studies) progressively gave way to researches
using quantitative methods (survey research, mathematical models). Figure 1 illustrates that this trend continued in the 1990s.3 Statistical analyses
already represented the majority of contributions published in 1965 and 1980
(50 and 48.8 percent, respectively), but they were more numerously published in 1995 (58.9 percent). Theoretical analysis remained present, but it
declined through the period from 25.6 percent in 1965 to 17.9 percent in
1995. Both the French and American parts of the sample exhibited similar
trends toward statistical analysis over the period. However, American sociological articles were more often based on this kind of evidence.

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Theoretical analysis

Figure 1.



Fieldwork analysis


Textual analysis


Statistical analysis


Mathematical models

Evolution of types of contribution in four sociological journals, 1965,

1980, and 1995.

Authorship was also shared differently between the types of articles and
national contexts (Table 3). The French articles showed a trend for single
authorship involving every kind of contribution, especially theoretical analyses (97 percent) and fieldwork analyses (91.9 percent). Although statistical
analysis was well represented in the sample of French contributions (28 percent), this type of contribution was single authored for the most part (69.7
percent). On the other hand, American articles were more differentiated: theoretical analyses, textual analyses, and mathematical models were more
often single authored (86, 71.4, and 63 percent, respectively), whereas statistical analyses and fieldwork analyses were regularly coauthored (62.2 and 60
percent, respectively). Thus, the increase of coauthorship in American sociological articles was a characteristic of empirical contributions (only 14 percent of theoretical analyses were coauthored), especially those that were
based on statistical analysis (52.9 percent).
The analysis of the IMRAD format enables the underlining of the characteristics of articles more precisely. As Table 4 shows, this narrative structure
was differently bound with the kinds of contributions. French articles were
ordinarily published without this format. Only a small part adopted the
generic structure: it was exclusively the case for some statistical analyses (3.4
percent). For their part, American articles were divided into two major categories: theoretical analyses without the IMRAD format (22.4 percent) and
statistical analyses with this narrative structure (41.2 percent). The former
were more often single authored, whereas the latter were regularly


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Table 3. Coauthored Articles and Types of Contributions, 1965,

1980, and 1995
Type of Contribution
American journals
Theoretical analysis
Fieldwork analysis
Statistical analysis
Mathematical model
Textual analysis
French journals
Theoretical analysis
Fieldwork analysis
Statistical analysis
Mathematical model
Textual analysis

Articles (%)

Each Type of
Contribution (%)

Total (n)







Table 4. Presence of the IMRAD (Introduction, Material and

Methods, Results, and Discussion) Format According
to Types of Contributions and National Contexts, 1965,
1980, and 1995
American Journals

French Journals

IMRAD/Type of Contribution

Absent/theoretical analysis
Absent/fieldwork analysis
Absent/statistical analysis
Absent/mathematical model
Absent/textual analysis
Present/statistical analysis
Present/mathematical model
Present/fieldwork analysis
Present/textual analysis





coauthored (Table 3). But statistical analyses were not the only kinds of contributions published with the IMRAD format among the American articles: it
was also the case for some articles based on mathematical models (7.5

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This statistical analysis reveals that French and American articles were
singularly different in their forms and their contents. On one hand, most
French articles were single authored, whatever kind of contribution they
were. Some articles were coauthored (particularly statistical analyses in
RFS), but their argumentation conformed to the IMRAD format in only a
very few cases. On the other hand, a large number of American articles presented a specific form: they were coauthored, their arguments were mostly
based on statistical analysis, and the structure of their argumentation corresponded to the IMRAD format. At a formal level, these textual characteristics
are close to those in the experimental sciences.
How does one grasp these differences? How can they be understood? Are
they an artifact of institutional and contextual differences? What can one
learn from these differences with regard to the disciplinary work of sociology? To bring some elements to these questions, a sociohistorical analysis of
the institutionalization of the sociological discipline in each national context
is proposed. The focus concerns the model of research and authorship that is
predominant in the processes of institutionalization.

American Sociology: Scientific Professionalization

In the United States, the first phase of the institutionalization of sociology
began in the 1890s and continued through the 1940s at the Sociology Department of the University of Chicago, with the achievement of numerous
research efforts (partially financed by the Rockefeller Foundation) and the
creation of the first journal in the field, AJS, in 1895. After World War II,
however, the process became widespread at most American universities,
together with the mass creation of sociology departments and teaching
In this professionalization movement, reference to the model of the experimental sciences expressed itself at several levels: in the cognitive content
and in the mode of organization, as well as in the mode of evaluating

Toward Quantification
From a methodological viewpoint, the postwar period opened with a
quantitative turn that contrasted with the sociography of Chicagos first
sociologists. For although these sociologists used and integrated official
statistics into their socioanthropological analyses, they used few statistics
based on firsthand data.4 Yet during this period, a movement toward the


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mathematization of social facts, initiated in the 1930s, increased significantly. The use of statistical methods was then a guarantor of legitimacy and
scientific authenticity for sociology. The work of Camic and Xie (1994) is
particularly relevant in supporting such a statement. Attending to the period
between 1890 and 1915 at Columbia University, Camic and Xie examined
how four fields (psychology, anthropology, economy, and sociology) incorporated European statistical methods. In this appropriation, they showed how
the tools developed by statistics were guarantors of legitimate standards for
scientific practices and variously adaptable according to each discipline.
They allowed the establishment of scientific legitimacy for each while specifying their singularity (institutional and epistemic boundaries).
Institutionally identified with statistical methods, Columbia University
then became a dominant reference against the other competing American
universities (notably, John Hopkins, Yale, Cornell, Michigan, and Harvard).
By employing scientists specializing in quantitative studies, Columbia thus
maintained its advantage in the move toward the quantification of social studies that began between 1915 and 1930 (Camic and Xie 1994, 797). This turn
toward the mathematization of social facts continued after World War II with
P. F. Lazarsfeld, who founded the Bureau of Applied Social Research at
Columbia University at the beginning of the 1940s. The development of survey research was booming, piloted notably by the Sociology Department at
Columbia (under the direction of Lazarsfeld, with his research on radio
effects financed by the University of Chicagos National Opinion Research
Center) and Harvard (with S. Stouffer). Problems relating to the choice of
variables, the sampling of populations, and the formulation of questions were
accompanied by the sophistication of the mode of statistical treatment of
data: chi-square analysis, factor analysis, latent class analysis, structural
equation modeling, and log-linear models (McCartney 1970). This movement toward quantification went on and increased later on at the Universities
of Wisconsin and Michigan:
Theres a big change that happened in the last twenty years. I mean the ColumbiaChicago-Harvard dominance was followed by a shift towards the very large
public universities. They started using large data sets. And then you had the
whole Wisconsin school of Robert Hauser, David Featherman, and Dudley
Duncan, then Michigan. And they gave rise to a very large number of followers, of students . . . . And they tend to try to shift the center of gravity towards
large empirical research. (Interview 21)

Thus, sociological research now quantifies the social and tries to chart
trends as other sciences do. This cognitive orientation toward quantification
brought the sociological mode of production nearer to that of the experi-

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mental sciences. But reference to the model of the experimental sciences was
not only effective in the adaptation of some of their tools. It was also efficient
by the move of persons.

The Migration of Scientists

The work of Camic and Xie (1994) indirectly shows how in a local context
favorable to these evolutions, the initial education (mathematics and physics)
of some scientists (Cattell in psychology, Boas in anthropology, Giddings in
sociology, and Moore in economics) was important. It was influential in the
process of the redefinition of the disciplines they investigated, while turning,
by means of statistical tools, the quantitative methods into a standard of scientific authenticity for the social sciences. And more specifically, Pollak
(1979) showed how Lazarsfeld drew his empirical conception, both quantitative and applied to sociology, from his former education in physics and mathematics. Other sociologists, deeply involved in the development of mathematical methods in sociology (notably on the modeling side), started their
academic educations in other disciplines. Graduate school5 academic education encouraged disciplinary crossover: as the Sociology Department was
coupled with the Anthropology Department at the University of Chicago,
other departments were in this period associated with those of economics,
psychology, or political science. The academic education of current sociologists went through a combination of disciplines. Thus, some psychologists
and economists went to sociology (as several curricula vitae of sociologists
show). Open to the experimental model, these two fields have played a major
role in the professionalization of the social sciences (Jenkins and Velody
1970). Yet this friction between various fields within social sciences was
not the only type of migration operating. Over the period from 1955 to 1960,
several public and private institutions also launched for several years
research programs requiring disciplinary convergence. For example, the
National Mental Health Act promulgated research in medical sociology. Collaborations between doctors and sociologists of health increased greatly,
leading to regular multiple authorship (McCartney 1970; Chubin 1975). But
other programs went even further. Indeed, the Ford Foundation and the
National Science Foundation launched research programs that incited and
facilitated crossover between the experimental sciences and the social
In the Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences Division, there has
been established a program in Socio-Physical Sciences. This program includes
support of basic research of an interdisciplinarity nature involving


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convergence of the social sciences and the physical, mathematical, and engineering sciences, including such disciplines as mathematical social science,
human geography, economic engineering, and statistical design. (Alpert 1955,

This stimulation became effective in several cases.6 Thus, sociology

received an influx of scientists from other fields, such as psychology and economics. Yet research programs inciting the crossover of the experimental sciences and the social sciences also led to an infiltration of physicists and statisticians into sociology, as the following education sections7 of two curricula
vitae clearly show:
Bachelor of Sciences, MIT
Ph.Dissertation, MIT
Ph.Dissertation, Princeton University
Assistant Professor, University of Chicago

1950: Physics
1955: Theoretical Physics
1960: Sociology
1959-1963: Sociology

Bachelor of Sciences, University of Chicago

Master of Sciences, University of Chicago
Ph.Dissertation, University of Chicago
Assistant Professor, New York University

1962: Physics
1963: Physics
1969: Physics
1973: Sociology

It is likely that this transfer of people and tools had an impact both on the
conception that sociologists had of their discipline and on their working habits. A part of American sociology was deeply reshaped in its research practices, then focused on empirical quantitative research. This recentering of the
field was nonetheless more specific to some sociology departments, such as
Columbias from the beginning of the twentieth century to the 1950s and
Michigans and Wisconsins from the 1960s onward. However, the disciplines convergence and their crossover encouraged by research programs
were also at the origin of this conception, widely shared by numerous other
departments. Furthermore, members of those departments (or those who
were educated in those departments) were involved in the editing committees
of mainstream journals of the field (Wanderer 1966; Yoels 1971, 1974). The
intrusion into these journals thus led to the promotion of contributions essentially oriented toward empirical investigation conducted with statistical
methods and/or the mathematical modeling of social facts, despite some theoretical publications (Wiley 1979). And in this empirical turn, the narrative
structure of articles was also transformed.

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The Narrative Structure

The mode of writing articles referred to that of the experimental sciences,
imposed in the instructions to authors of all journals (with particularities for
each). As a matter of fact, the two journals of American sociology considered
started this process of formalization and adopted (for empirical contributions) the IMRAD format. This move toward a standardized narrative structure did not take place all at once; it underwent a progressive standardization
in which each section of IMRAD was implemented. In this race for scientific authenticity, psychology played a major role for the other social sciences in the United States; it somehow served as a bridge between the social
sciences and the experimental sciences. The American Psychological Association regularly publishes its Publication Manual (first sketch in 1929 and
first publication in 1957), dictating the rules to be followed for the proper
writing of scientific articles.8 Reference to this manual was explicitly formulated in some instructions to authors in ASR, whose articles particularly
exhibited the trends brought to the fore until now. In the section on manuscript preparation, one reads, For clarification of heading formats, abbreviations, table preparation, and so on, or guidance on such issues as using
gender-neutral language, refer to the third edition of the Publication Manual
of the American Psychological Association (ASR, Notice to Contributors,
January 1990).
The move toward this scientific form of presentation resulted in American sociology relying partly on standardized procedures of psychology.
However, the ASA plunged in its turn into the race toward the normalization
of writing. In October 1991, ASA managing editors joined together to provide some concrete guidance to authors and editorsto specify the kind of
writing style and manuscript organization ASA journals expect (American
Sociological Association 1997, iii). Although the IMRAD format was not
dealt with in any other particular chapter or paragraph (as opposed to the Publication Manual), it was relatively incorporated into the writing practices, as
several articles published in AJS and ASR indicate.

Financial Support and Visibility

This period was also characterized by the growth of financial support.
Indeed, developed at Columbia under the impulse of P. F. Lazarsfeld at the
Bureau of Applied Social Research, research financed by external and
nonacademic organizations became, little by little, acceptable for the academic institution. Greatly copied by the other American universities and


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exported to most European countries with the impulse of the foundations

(especially the Ford Foundation), this form of research based on commissioning progressively increased in social sciences (Biderman and Crawford
1970; McCartney 1970, 1971). And this increase was distributed differently
according to topics (Simpson 1961). As McCartney (1970) showed, financial
support was more important in the sociology of education (70 percent of articles of this specialty were financed), the sociology of health (66 percent), and
military sociology (52.2 percent) than other specialties of research between
1945 and 1970.
Directed mainly toward the development of applied and empirical
research to enlighten governments in dealing with social problems, funds
from these institutions and foundations were not allocated haphazardly
(Alpert 1955; McCartney 1971). In this movement of professionalization and
institutionalization of the social sciences, it seems that presenting a structured, competent team to obtain reliable results based on quantitative data
was an asset to get financial support from these organizations: A sociologist
who adopts a rigorous scientific stance, complete with the use of statistics,
will have more success in obtaining funds to do research and a greater probability of having the results published in the major professional journals
(McCartney 1970, 32-35).
Because the federal funding of universities progressively left room for a
mode of financing allocated by a diversity of private and public institutions,
useful and applied knowledge became a determinant criterion. The scientific
image that a team or a scientist had was then all the more important. Moreover, the period was characterized by the doubling of ASA membership
between 1963 and 1971 and the increase of graduate schools in sociology
between 1967 and 1977 (Turner and Turner 1990). This growth of new sociology Ph.D.s found great competition in the academic market. They had to
face a decline of available academic positions and similarly greater pressure
to publish because the number of publications required for tenure in U.S. universities rose during the 1970s (Perrucci, OFlaherty, and Marshall 1983;
Clark 1998). This competition led to reinforcement of evaluation criteria in
the recruiting commissions and in peer-reviewed journals, which flourished
between 1968 and 1980 (Hargens 1991). Thus, to have a chance to be
selected, a graduate student (and in a wider sense any scientist looking for a
promotion) had to present a curriculum vitae containing well-located publications: as much in alphabetical order as in the range of peer-reviewed journals. This count of publications warranted a reexamination of authorship patterns: subauthorship (Patel 1973; Heffner 1981) became less acceptable in
some cases, leaving room for shared authorship collaborations. Usually
acknowledged in footnotes for the standing task in the research process,

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students gained access to authorship and mostly took the second position,
after their mentors.
All these elements allow us to grasp certain modifications in sociological
practices in the United States. Reference to the experimental sciences model
turned research toward an increased use of statistical methods as guarantors
of a certain scientific authenticity, with repercussions on article format. In
these transformations, sociology was also influenced by scientists from other
walks of scientific life (psychology and economics, but also physics and
mathematics) importing their knowledge and methods. Simultaneously, public and private financial support greatly encouraged works with a predominantly useful and applied character. Finally, the massive increase of candidates for university careers facing the available positions tended to reinforce
the evaluation criteria and modify authorship patterns.
Empirical research based on quantitative data enables sociologists to
operate more easily than other methods of standardizing concepts and techniques leading to a certain work organization: work can be divided and
ranked among different complementary operations. In such a division of
labor, the article format allows, in some cases, several scholars to write the
different parts (introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusion) of the final article.9 In this context of a new work organization starting under the impulse of a specific content of knowledge (empirical quantitative) and of a specific form of research (financed and commissioned) linked
to the new requirement for publications, collaborative team research and
coauthorship become common practices. These contextual elements throw
light on the transformations in the nature and form of texts.

French Sociology: Between Vocation and Professionalization

The postwar period was one of great institutionalization for French sociology (Pollak 1976; Drouard 1982; Sainsaulieu 1988; Chapoulie 1991; Chenu
1998; Farrugia 1999).10 As opposed to American sociology, already institutionalized at least at the University of Chicago, French sociology barely
existed as an academic discipline prior to the 1950s. Although a first foundation was operated by Durkheim and his followers, notably with the founding
of Anne Sociologique and the obtaining of a chair at Bordeaux,11 it was only
after 1945 that French sociology became an autonomous academic discipline. The first sociology laboratory, the Centre dtudes Sociologiques
(CES), and CIS were created in 1946 on the initiative and under the direction
of G. Gurvitch. This institutionalization increased during the period from
1950 to 1970, with the growth of financing linked with state research


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institutions, the creation of the sixth section (Sciences conomiques et

Sociales) of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE) in 1948 and of the
licence de sociologie in 1958. Added to this, a system of publication also
emerged: a collection of books at the Presses Universitaires de France (the
Bibliothque de Sociologie Contemporaine) in 1950 and several academic
As for the American case, only certain aspects of this institutionalization
are retained here to illustrate the present study: the importance of philosophy,
the directions of CES, and the relation with financial support.

The Importance of Philosophy

In this process of institutionalization, French sociology was marked by
philosophy. This rooting in the humanities was visible at both institutional
and cognitive levels. From an institutional standpoint, sociology was dominated by philosophy until 1970. The absence of an academic curriculum
obliged sociologists to defend their Ph.D.s in front of committees essentially
composed of members of other fields: Dominated in facults de lettres by
philosophy (and also by history) sociology remained marked by its motherdisciplines: predilection for a literary style, treatment of great theoretical
topics, scarcity of empirical researches (Pollak 1976, 106).
Thus, until the creation of the licence de sociologie and of the doctorat of
sociology in 1958 and 1959, scientists identifying themselves with sociology were evaluated by other disciplines that were academic rivals. This
dependence is to a degree still true today: whereas economics is linked up
with Facults de Droit et des Sciences Economiques, sociology is taught in
the Facults de Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, next to philosophy and
From a cognitive standpoint, the types of works realized in sociology during this period bore the trace of this literary and philosophical tradition. An
interest in grand theory and in synthesis was its main expression. For
although the specialists in sociology who clustered at CES realized empirical
works and investigations, it is also necessary to insist on the fact that, among
university people, and especially the Sorbonne professors, only a very small
minority was ready to accept as genuine university work the empirical investigation of contemporary reality (Chapoulie 1991, 329).
The sociological model of scientific authenticity was characterized by its
ambivalence between this literary and philosophical tradition on one hand
and the experimental tradition of the sciences on the other. However, it was on

Pontille / Authorship Practices


the side of experimental sciences that the ambivalence of the reference was
most pronounced. It was the object of several intermediates. Whereas in the
United States, psychology was the bridge between the social sciences and the
experimental sciences, in France, it was rather economics that played this
role by mathematizing itself before the other social sciences. The collecting
of ciphered information under the impulse of the reinforcing of the technical
and statistical services of the state then became a priority for the construction
of the economy (Pollak 1976; Drouard 1982).
But to the eyes of the first French sociologists, a second intermediate came
to the fore: American sociology, perceived as unified, became the model to
follow in acquiring investigation methods. The borrowings liable to promote
the scientific label claimed by the new discipline occurred primarily on the
methodological side. French sociologists (Bourricaud, Crozier, Mendras,
Boudon, Touraine, Tranton, Stoetzel, etc.) made stays, partially financed by
Fulbright scholarships and as part of Marshall Plan productivity missions, in
some American universities (Chicago, Harvard, Columbia, Cornell, etc.).
There they discovered and learned research methods (interviews, surveys,
statistics) and some modes of data treatment grounded in original firsthand
documentation. These initiation trips were an important step in learning the
job of the sociologist.
At the time, to obtain a grant to attend an American university during a year,
that was a real treat. . . . In Chicago I found what I was looking for: a biting worrying to go get a look at things, to plunge my hands in the social dirty
grease . . . . I learnt my job as I wished to and as you could not learn in Paris at
the time. (Mendras 1995, 43-48)

However, though looking to its American counterpart for the scientific

authenticity it offered, French sociology simultaneously claimed an identity
and an originality that still survives today (Wieviorka 1996). French sociologists then criticized some aspects of American sociology, which they otherwise adulated. These sociologists were aware of the weak attention paid to
the historical dimension and the absence of explicit theoretical conceptualization that condemned the use of statistics at best to descriptions and at worst
to quantophrenia. Besides, in the political context of the period, under the
ideological sway of Marxism and the influence of the Communist Party,
French sociologists were impressed by the insufficient attention paid to
social problems in general and social classes in particular. This ambivalence
in the reference to American sociology was visible in the lines of the disciplines institutionalization, notably in the successive directions of CES.


Science, Technology, & Human Values

CES Directors: Numbers against Letters

The rebuilding of French sociology partly operated outside the universities. There were indeed only four positions for sociology in 1939, all in
facults de lettres: two at the Sorbonne (occupied by A. Bayet until 1948 and
by G. Davy until 1955), one in Bordeaux invested by J. Stoetzel until 1945
(the date of his being nominated at the Sorbonne to a social psychology position), and one in Strasbourg occupied by G. Gurvitch from 1935 onward.
This poor list is completed by the position of the Conservatoire National des
Arts et Mtiers invested by G. Friedmann in 1946 and the research teams welcomed by the sixth section of the EPHE, as well as the sociology courses
given notably by G. Le Bras, G. Friedmann, and J. Stoetzel at the Institut
dtudes Politiques of Paris.
During this period of the second founding of French sociology, the creation of CES in May 1946 in the new Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique (CNRS) institutional environment was crucial. Founded by
Gurvitch, the center was under his direction until 1949. The CESs main
objective was first to organize conferences aimed at apprentice sociologists.
The university members who participated in CES activities came from various horizons: history, geography, ethnology, literature, and philosophy. It
was among this variety that fieldwork and the constitution of the first research
teams took place:
Chombart and Maucorps, then [in] America, had convinced us that research
had to be undertaken by teams. The first were convinced that, from now on,
research in social science would be a collective work. For them, solitary
research was not worth it except for literary disciplines; it did not fit social sciences. (Mendras 1995, 56)

However, this form of empirical and collective organization of work took

different shapes under the different directions of CES. For more than ten
years, it was Gurvitch who imposed himself. The centers director, he was
also director of studies at the sixth section of the EPHE and dominated on his
own the discipline until the arrival of Friedmann at CNRS and at the direction
of CES in 1949. Friedmann distinguished himself by the dissatisfaction that
mere philosophical thought about the working class generates (Chapoulie
1991, 336). He was therefore one of the rare sociologists of his generation
to look on fieldwork as necessary, and he thus contributed to the introduction in France of American empirical research in the sociology of labor. The
thematic cutting of research was initiated at his impulse at CES (Mendras
1995, 57).

Pontille / Authorship Practices


However, it was under the direction of Stoetzel that the empirical

approach became paramount.12 His taking of a directors position in 1955 was
accompanied by a new orientation of the sociological discipline. Because he
was trained with Lazarsfeld and Gallup at Columbia, he had never ceased to
promote quantitative research in sociology:
Time will probably come, for which I am personally waiting with impatient
irony . . . when we will see the best sociologists write terrible works of philosophy. Then, sociology will be a science. . . . The more quantitative our sociological knowledge, the more solid and the more scientific our knowledge. This is
the reason why statistical analysis has such an increasing role in sociology.
New sociology must thus cease to be general, leave ambitious syntheses
and look for extreme specialization. It must free itself from philosophy, but
also from morals and literature, and summon the number and the measure.
(Conference address by Stoetzel before the Socit de Philosophie de Bordeaux, quoted in Farrugia 1999, 24)

Besides the fact that he introduced Anglo-Saxon quantitative empirical

methods in academic research, Stoetzel was deeply involved in a pragmatic
approach. Funding the Institut Franais dOpinion Publique in 1938, he was
also in France the instigator of research based on contracts. He then contributed to bending sociological research toward an applicable form and expertise. On the academic level, RFS, which Stoetzel created in 1960, played the
role of medium for the diffusion of research works with a quantitative orientation. Sociology became promoted for its capacity to bring ciphered solutions to accurate social and political questions. It was here conceived as a
However, the influence of philosophy was still active in the sociological
rows. Gurvitch and his fellows (Ansart, Balandier, Duvignaud, Lefebvre,
etc.) developed a conception in reaction to this solely empirical and applied
trend of sociology. These sociologists did not reject fieldwork altogether. But
they were more part of the critical theory. They therefore prevented this sort
of sociology from running the risk of losing all critical distance by reducing
itself to a research technique. The founding of CIS put in concrete form this
will to open up wider by welcoming reflection articles. The use of numbers
does not mean that it is the intelligible mode; letters are more than necessary
to give them meaning. This protection against the scientific authenticity
effect provided by the use of statistical methods operated then at different levels. The first level, methodological, was concerned with preventing the blind
use of data, which could be induced by the quantification of social facts. The
second level, political, was directed against American imperialism and its
hold on social sciences, notably at the methodological level but also at the


Science, Technology, & Human Values

financial level. The third level concerned the place of sociologists in society:
if Stoetzels point of view tended to install a professionalization by numbers,
Gurvitch and his fellows held to the contrary that sociology, experienced as a
true vocation, must stay close to philosophy while keeping its lettres de
Defining itself sometimes as an activity close to empirical application and
expertise and sometimes as a form of generalizing synthesis leaving out any
external pressure, French sociology is thus marked by a strong ambivalence. This ambivalence lies in the ambiguous relations that French sociology entertains with the social command.

Financial Support and Authorship Practices

After 1945, the state incited the social sciences to produce useful and
applied knowledge in the aid of planning decisions. In this institutionalization of the social sciences movement, the role of the Dlgation
Gnrale la Recherche Scientifique et Technique was fundamental in setting research contracts and programs (Drouard 1982). Built at the interface of
academia and the political-administrative system, this particular form of
policy-relevant research was also controversial. On one hand, contractual
research was perceived as an opportunity for institutionalization and professionalization. It made possible the practice of a recognized sociological
occupation by legitimating knowledge produced by sociology. On the other
hand, the financial support that the social sciences obtained (in the United
States and in Europe) from the American army was vigorously criticized in
the political context of this period. The philosophical marks, from which
sociology was barely freeing itself, gave rise to a strong reservation: that of
becoming social engineers by being instrumentalized by commissioners
(Amiot 1986).
This ambivalence is still widely shared today. Until the beginning of the
1990s, according to Piriou (1999), French sociologists refused any kind of
professionalization outside the university setting (Chenu 1998). Such a conception seems yet to leave more and more room for practical sociology,
with notably the creation of professional organizations (the Association
Professionnelle des Sociologues, created in 1981, and the Association des
Professionnels en Sociologie de lEntreprise, founded in 1998). If contractual practices were the impulse at the end of World War II, and they have
lasted until today, it seems therefore that it has been during only the past ten
years that this form of research outside the university setting has become,
despite Stoetzels impulsions, considered as legitimately worthy of the sociologists status in France.

Pontille / Authorship Practices


Heir to this historical context of production, French sociology partly

keeps some traces of its academic roots. Collective work, punctually developed in the first teams of CES and also around some important figures of the
period (Crozier at the Centre de Sociologie des Organisations, Touraine, or
Bourdieu at the Centre de Sociologie Europenne), can easily start. However,
the importance of certain institutionalization characteristics of French sociology has marked its modalities of publication. Even when work (especially
data collection) is realized partly in collaboration, several criteria remain fundamentally determining for authorship. Writing is ranked high in the hierarchy of various research operations (methodological conception, data collection, analysis, etc.).13
The hierarchical position linked with the responsibility for the project is
also vital, relegating students and other research assistants to subauthorship
(acknowledgement). Therefore, the call for other competences (statistics and
mathematics) is generally not integrated to the publication process: sociologists subcontract statisticians for a part of empirical work seen as depreciating. Then, the definition of sociological practiceas vocation, as occupation, then as professionseems to echo publication practices. The reluctance
to contract research favors a dichotomy between single-authored productions
(sometimes produced collectively) of the academic sphere and coauthored
research reports dedicated to commissioners.

Authorship Practices: Between Texts and Contexts

From the point of view of international standardization, one can tell that
the experimental model will probably become a common horizon for sociological productions. This model has settled a way of producing statements of
great detail and reliability among a large variety of fields (Bazerman 1988).
But patterns of institutional processes for one discipline are sometimes different. In French and American sociology, both the intersection processes
and the legitimation processes (Gerson 1983) are involved in singular
ways. The differences pointed out here are significant: they illustrate how the
institutional contexts shape modalities of production as well as authorship
If previous work indicated these kinds of interactions, the particular case
analyzed here enables pointing out several organizational arrangements.
First, the reference to the experimental model turns research toward an
increased use of particular methodological tools (statistical analyses) as
guarantors of a certain scientific authenticity. The importation of statistical
methods and narrative structure of the experimental model provides the


Science, Technology, & Human Values

positive assertion of legitimacy for a large part of American sociologists,

whereas it is more ambiguous for French sociologists. Second, the initial
education (in mathematics and physics or in philosophy and literature) of
some scientists influences the disciplinary work that is getting done, the
kinds of texts that are being produced, and the work that counts as authentic
disciplinary contributions. Third, the authenticity of what is product is
involved with the setting of institutional and epistemic boundaries among
disciplines. This boundary work establishes the legitimacy of research problems and of standardized methodological techniques for scientific practices.
Although intersections of American sociological practices are concerned
with statistics, physics, and psychology, French ones are more implicated
with philosophy, literature, and economics. Finally, the institutional conditions and political-economic forces bearing on a discipline define modes of
funding and lines of research programs. If contractual research could be an
opportunity to realize academic and applied research, it could be vigorously
criticized in a particular political context (as in the 1960s in France), on the
other hand.
These elements show that standards and boundaries of a scientific social
world are intrinsically shaped by the relationship between cognitive content
and institutional contexts. In the case analyzed here, these contexts include a
specific dimension: the national one, that molds in particular ways the modes
of production, presentation, and evaluation of sociological researches. The
ambivalence between the use of measure to draw trends and the importance
of text to give meaning is polarized. American sociological productions are
characterized by a decisive quantitative turn that affects a large (but not
exclusive) share of contributions. This movement of ordering cognitive content, research, and publication practices associates in a particularly consistent manner the scientific legitimacy of the discipline, the practical applications of its knowledge, and the professionalization of its members. French
sociology, on the other hand, oscillates in a more pronounced way between
practices inherited from a far older academic tradition (philosophy and literature) and the beginning of professionalization through the adoption of the
experimental model embodied in part by American sociology. Its
institutionalization did not operate in a quantitative turn but through an
ambivalence in which the humanities have a major place. Thus, the polarization of ambivalence according to national contexts throw light on modes of
production of sociological knowledge, at one time closed to the experimental
model, at another time closed to the literary model (Lepenies 1988). It yields
an understanding of the differences among authorship practices according to
national contexts.

Pontille / Authorship Practices


Publication, the central communication tool of scientific activity (the diffusion of knowledge, training, and the peer assessment of scientists), was
widely studied from an evaluative perspective (the productivity of scientists,
laboratories, countries, etc.). By reconsidering its status, this study has
attempted to bring to the fore that it is as much an element in the construction
of research practices as a structured space for their legibility. As a critical vector for scientific production, publication crystallizes, in a specific way, the
particular links woven between the cognitive and institutional aspects of a
field. This work hence reveals that the understanding of a fields scientific
practices goes necessarily with the analysis of the specific interrelations
between its contextual modalities of institutionalization and the characteristics of the knowledge it produces.

1. Collective publication is far from being the only dimension of scientific collaboration.
For critical contributions on this assumption, see Edge (1979) and Katz and Martin (1997).
2. In this period, the rate of coauthored articles was differential according to the journals
too, but this point is not examined in this article.
3. For a more detailed analysis of characteristics of articles published in AJS and ASR
between 1950 and 1995, see Pontille (2000a).
4. The presence of the National Opinion Research Center within the University of Chicago
calls for adding nuances to a vision, too widely spread in France, that holds that sociologists from
Chicago did not use statistical survey methods between 1920 and 1940. This center indeed
financed quantitative opinion research, with some realized in collaboration with some members
of the Columbia University Department of Sociology. The presence of proquantitative
approach scientists such as W. F. Ogburn and O. D. Duncan at Chicago testifies to this orientation. For complementary information on this, see notably Bulmer (1981) and Shanas (1945).
5. For an institutional and historical analysis of universities and academic systems in several countries, see Ben-David (1991); see also Turner and Turner (1990) for an institutional analysis of American sociology.
6. This analysis is based on interviews with American sociologists who either benefited
from or witnessed this move. Here is an excerpt of one of these interviews:
The Ford Foundation had a fellowship program to encourage people to consider a
change in field. And so it was a nonthreatening thing, it was just a year, you know it
was a bit like taking a year off. So I went to Princeton, where my physics people
were . . . . And so I got in there and I was just fascinated. This was in the economics
and sociology department. So it was very flexible and a lot of interesting things to do,
where I could do what I thought . . . . I hadnt really thought that you could do science
in social science. (Interview 25)
7. Only excerpts of the education sections are reported here to avoid the identification of the


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8. For an analysis of the codification of scientific writing, see Bazerman (1988), especially
chapter 9, Codifying the Social Scientific Style: The APA Publication Manual as a Behaviorist
Rhetoric (pp. 257-77).
9. As one interviewee said,
Ive done coauthorship where one person writes one section, another person writes
another section . . . . I did that with the graduate student that I wrote the two papers
with. In the first paper we did more of that, but its just hard to make sure the style
flows, and that the paper is consistent. Not just in terms of style, but in terms of focus
and theoretical development and that sort of thing. Its hard to make that work. (Interview 19)
10. To supplement this overview of French sociology, see the special issues of RFS (volume
32-33, 1991, Reconstructions de la Sociologie Franaise) and LHomme et la Socit (volume
131, 1999, Politiques des Sciences Sociales).
11. For a very interesting historical analysis of this first foundation, see Mucchielli (1998).
12. For an analysis of the first research reports of French sociologists in this period, see
Chapoulie (1991, 352-58).
13. As two interviewees noted, Writing is a crucial criterion. If there are two coauthors, I
hardly can imagine there would be a big unbalance where writing production is concerned
(Interview 5); and
I strongly rely on the rule who writes signs his or her name. And of course, it happened to me to be on research projects where people who did not write, did not put
their name. Thats obvious . . . . Otherwise . . . no this is a minimum. After all you
dont put your name just for anything, you sign a text. You sign if you write. (Interview 11)

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David Pontille is a postdoctoral student in sociology at both the Centre dEtude des
Rationalits et des Savoirs and the Institut National de la Sant et de la Recherche
Mdicale, Unit U558, Toulouse, France. His research interests include authorship in
different fields, modes of authenticating knowledge, writing procedures in sciences and
social sciences, and forms of research organization in biomedical sciences. His recent
articles are LAuteur Scientifique en Question: Pratiques en Psychologie et en Sciences
Biomdicales (Social Science Information, 2001) and La Signature Scientifique:
Authentification et Valeur Marchande (Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales,
2002). He is finishing a book on scientific authorship, and he is currently involved in a
project on the introduction of the electronic signature in various professional arenas.

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