Social Graces

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What did you learn out of this session?

Etiquette is an integral part of the business world. Whether you're introducing a

potential client to your supervisor or attending a business dinner, your fellow
professionals will expect you to know and abide by basic etiquette rules. Business
etiquette is based on the rules of common courtesy, and like the etiquette rules
used in social situations, the goal of business etiquette is demonstrating respect for
the people you interact with.
The art of the introduction is essential to both business and social interactions. The
Emily Post Institute describes the rule for making introductions as "speaking to the
person you wish to honor first." For example, when introducing your boss to a new
employee, you'd mention your boss first, with a sentence such as "Mr. Peterson, I'd
like to introduce you to Emily Smith, the new marketing director. Emily, this is
Mr. Peterson, our CEO."
Business etiquette is a system of rules for personal conduct in a business setting. It
calls for manners and social guidelines that all should follow when dealing with
others in business situations. Understanding business etiquette is a valuable asset
for practically anyone in the workforce. This is especially true for job-seekers who
are involved in interviewing. Treat the interviewer with courtesy and respect. By
doing so, you'll be increasing your chances of scoring a successful job interview.
Punctuality is a quality that applies to job-interview situations. You must be on
time for a job interview. A good way to reduce the stress of arriving on time is to
have a dry run. Be sure of the time it takes to reach the company by going there on
a day prior to your appointment. If you're driving, decide on the best route and
locate a convenient place to park. If you know the name of the interviewer, go into
the building and ask where her office is located. On the day of the interview, arrive
at least 10 minutes before the time of the appointment. This will give you a few
minutes to freshen up and compose yourself.

Wear the right attire for the occasion. If you aren't sure what employees at the
company wear to work, visit the location before your interview. A good tactic is to
dress slightly more formally than the employees. If you cannot visit the company
beforehand, call the human resources department. Introduce yourself, say that you
will be coming for a job interview and ask about the dress code. On the day of the
interview, be sure your personal grooming is at its best.
Business etiquette is the umbrella term for any mannerisms or behaviors you use
to show respect for and consideration of coworkers, business partners and clients.
Business etiquette can help you build rapport with managers and colleagues,
which ultimately contributes to your professional development. While the number
of business etiquette factors is vast, the majority fall within several common

What is the impact of this training on your career

If you decide to pursue a career in the corporate world -- for example in banking,
the technology sector, or phone center support services -- developing appropriate
business manners is key to the all-important goal of fitting in and being accepted.
Consider etiquette as a guide for how you should act around your boss, clients,
other employees and customers. According to some research, business associates
begin forming a first impression of you within 30 seconds of interaction. In less
than five minutes, your business character is assessed. This means that people will
evaluate your ability, self-esteem, compassion and likeability. Learning how to
interact in business relationships will help you make a favorable impression.
Practicing proper business etiquette builds self-confidence. For example, when
you dress for success, youll exude assurance and positivity. This will help you
feel better about who you are as a professional. Interacting well with your
colleagues and communicating effectively creates an image of success. It sends a
message about the type of employee and colleague you aspire to be. As you
practice business etiquette and build self-esteem, youll feel more comfortable
making decisions and being a leader in the workplace.





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