Application Form For Mining Lease (Form-1) : Annexure-VII

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Application Form For Mining Lease(Form-1)

Received at…………………………………………………….(place)on……………………………(Date)
Initial of Receiving Officer


(Application for mining lease)
[see rule 22(1)of the mineral concession rules,1960]
Dated……………………………………… of………………………………20

Secretary, Mineral Resource Department,
Mantralay,vallabh Bhawan,Bhopal
Collector, District……………………..
Madhya Pradesh, India
I/We request that the reconnaissance permit under the mineral concession Rules,1960 be Granted to
2.A sum of Rs.500/- and Rs.1,000/- being the fees in respect of this application and preliminary expenses
respectively payable under sub-rule(3) of rule 22 of the said rule have been deposited (vide receipt
Challan No…………..dated………….. of the State Bank of India/Treasury……………..)
3.The required particulars are given below:
(i)name of the applicant with complete address.
Status of the allpicant
(ii)if the applicant a private individual/co-
operative/firm/association/private company/
public company/public sector undertaking/joint
sector undertaking or any other.
(III)In case of the applicant is-
(a)an individual. His nationality, qualifications and
experience relating to mining.
(b)a compant, an attested copy of the certificate of
the registration of the company shall be enclosed.
(d) Firm or association ,the nationality of all
partners of the firm or members of the
association, and
(d)a co-operative the nationality of non Indian
members, if any along with place of registration
and the copy of the certificate of the registration
(IV) Profession or nature of the business of
(V)Particulars of documents appended:
Document Reference
(a) Mining dues clearance certificate OR
(b) Affidavit in lieu of mining dues Clearance
certificate; subject to production of mining
lease dues, clearance certificate within the
periods of ninety days of making
(c)Affidavit when not holding any mining
(d)Affidavit that up-to-date income tax
returns as prescribed under the income
Tax Act.1961 and that the tax due
including the tax on account of self
assessment has been paid.
(VI)Mineral or minerals which the applicant
intends to mine
(VII)period for which mining lease is required.
(VIII)Extent of the area for which mining lease is
(XI)Details of the area in respect of which mining
lease is required
Khasra no.
Plot no.
(X) Brief description of the area with particular
reference to the following:
(a)Does the applicant have surface rights over the
area for which he is making an application for
grant of the mining lease
(b)If not,has obtained the consent of the owner,
and the occupier of the land for the undertaking
mining operation.If so,the consent of the owner
and occupier of the land be obtained in writing
and be filled.

(a)The situation of the area in respect of natural
features such As stream or lakes.
(b)In case of the village areas, the name of the
village, the khasra no. the area IN ECTARE OF EACH
Field or part thereof applied for.
(c)In case the area applied for is under forest then
the following is to be given:
1.Forest division, Block and Range.
2.Legal status of forest(namely
reserved,protected,unclassified etc)
3.Weather it forms part of a national park or Wild
life century.
4.Type and extent of vegetation in the area.
5.For area where no forest maps or no cadastral
maps are available. a sketch plan should be
submitted on scale showing the area applied for
together with the boundary ,if any ,of any other
existing mining lease or prospecting license area,if
the area applied for has many common point or
line with the boundaries of existing prospecting
license or mining lease areas.
(XII)The area applied for should be marked on plan
as detailed below:
(a)In case a cadastral map* of the area is
available, the area on this should be marked
showing the name of the village ,khasra no. ,and
area in hectare of each field and part thereof.
(b)in the case of forest map the area should be
marked on the map showing the range and the
felling series.
(c)Incase neither cadastral map nor forest map are
available, the area should be marked on the sketch
plan drawn t scales showing on this plan all
important surfaces and natural features, the
dimension of the lines forming the boundary of
the area and the bearing and distance af all corner
points from any important, prominent and fixed
point or points.
(No.1(3)/68-MII Dt. 30.3.68)
particulars of the areas mineral-wise in each state
duly supported by an affidavit for which the
applicant or any person joint in interest with him:
(a)already holds under prospecting licence
(b)has already applied for but not granted;
(c)being applied for simultaneously.
(XIV)nature of join in interest, if any
(XV)Does the applicant hold a prospecting licence
over the area mentioned ar(XI)above?
If so,give its no. and date of grant and the date
when it is due to expire.
(b)has the applicant carried out the prospecting
operations over the area held under prospecting
licence and sent his report to the state Govt.,as
required by rule 16of the mineral concession
Rules,1960?If not, state reason for not doing so.
(XVI)Broad parameters of the mineral/ore
(a)Strike length, average width and dip.
(b)Weather area is considerably disturbed
geologically or is comparatively free of geological
disturbance?(copy of geological map of the area is
to be attached.)
(d)Reserves assessed with their grade(s)
(chemical analysis reports of representative
sample are to be attached).
(e)Weather the area is virgin? If not ,the extent to
which it has already been worked. In case there
are old workings ,there locations are to be shown
on the geological map of the area.
(XVII)Broad parameters of the mine
(a)proposed date of commencement of the mining
(b)proposed rate of mineral production during the
first 5 years(year wise).
(c)Proposed rate of production when mining is
fully developed.
(d)Anticipated life of mine.
(e)Proposed method of mining
(Underground or opencast)
(I)If underground the method of approach to the
deposited mineral/ore weather through inclines
or shafts.
(II)If opencast, the over-burden to one ratio and
overall pit stope.
(f)Nature of the land chosen for dumping over
burden/waste and tailings(that is type of land
weather agricultural,grazing,barren,saline land etc)
And weather proposed site has been shown on the
mine working plan. Give also the extent of area in
hectares set apart for dumping of waste and
(XVIII) A report giving the details of prospecting
carried out in the area together with assessment
of the ore analysis of the representative samples,
and boreholes and logs.
(XIX)manner in which the mineral raised to be
(a)(I)if for captive use ,the location of plant and
(II)For sale for indigenous consumption.
(b)If for export to foreign countries indicate,
(i)Name of the countries to which it is likely to be
exported where the mine is being set up on
100%export oriented or tied-up basis.
(ii)Weather mineral will be exported in raw form
or after processing .also indicate the stage of
processing ,weather intermediate stage or final
stage of the end product.
(C)If it is not to be used within the country.
(i)The industry/industries in which it would be
used .
(ii)weather it will be supplied in raw form or after
(iii)Weather it would need up gradation and if so,
Whether it is proposed to set up beneficiation
plant. Also indicate the capacity of such plant and
the time by which it would be set up.
(d)In case of coal, or other high high bulk
minerals/ores details of existing railway transport
facility available and additional transport facility, if
any, required.
(XX)Name, qualification and experience of the
technical personnel available for supervising the
(XXI)(i)Financial resource of the applicant.
(II)Anticipated yearly financial investment during
the course of mine; construction and aggregate
investment up to the stage of commencement of
commercial production.
(XXII)(a)nature of waste water(e.g. weather acidic)
If so, expected pH value
(b)The application form should be accompanied bt
the statement of the salient features of the
scheme of the mining.
This should be generally on the lines of the
“project at a glance” given in a mining feasibility
report including features relating to the protection
of the environment
I/We do hereby declare that the particulars furnished above are correct and am/are ready to furnish any
other details, including accurate plans and security deposit as may be required by you

place You Faithfully,

Date (Signature and designation of the


*The topographical map of 1”=1 mile scale is obtainable from the office of the survey of India.
Hathibarkha ,Dehradun

Detailed plan and topographical map are to be attached in triplicate with the original application in case
mineral applied for is a scheduled mineral.


1 if the application is signed by the authorized agent of the applicant .power of attorney should be

2.the application should relate to one compact area only except when the application for mining lease id
for an area already held under prospecting license by the applicant.

3.Such large size map,as may be available,should be attached for proper demarcation of the
areas,specially when the area applied for is 40 hectare or less.(No.MII-152(58)/61 dt/30.4.1963).

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