January 2008 Flicker Flashes Birmingham Audubon Society Newsletter
January 2008 Flicker Flashes Birmingham Audubon Society Newsletter
January 2008 Flicker Flashes Birmingham Audubon Society Newsletter
But how to tell one from the other? Rounded Come early for fellowship and refreshments in the
or pointed wings? Broad vs. narrow, or short vs. long Observation Room at The Center!
tail? Soaring, flapping or gliding, or a combination of
all three? Don’t be confused; come learn for yourself
SoSo for the Record
Sightings - September 29 through November 24, 2007
Howard Horne (Mobile) has posted an alert to Alabama birders about the possibility of “encountering some great birds that
have been seen north of us this fall season.” In particular, various RBAs have reported sightings of Northern Saw-wet Owl,
Northern Shrike, and Townsend’s Solitaire. Northern Saw-wet Owl has already been banded in Alabama 21 November at
the Walls of Jericho Forever Wild tract by Eric Soehren and John Trent. So, it behooves us all to be vigilant.
Also, though not as rare, many more Red-breasted Nuthatches than usual have been reported this fall.
9/22 Caspian Tern (2); “Probably off course, tropical depression” (SD).
9/29 Philadelphia Vireo; Red-breasted Nuthatch; Ruffner Mountain Nature Center (SD).
10/3-8 Red-eyed Vireo (window kill); “A lesson for my grandsons about huge numbers of birds killed each year from colli-
sions with buildings and cell-phone towers,” Gray Catbird; “First in eight years. This bird is of special interest to me be-
cause of declining numbers on the Farm. Was at one time a common nester,” Ovenbird; “For five days, a first for the Farm,
and a treasure,” Rose-breasted Grosbeak; “Drinking from dripping sprinkler,” Cusick Farm, Leeds (GC,RC,CA,JA).
10/13 Snow Goose (both morphs); Great Egret; Peregrine Falcon; “Scattering everything,” Sanderling; Stilt Sandpiper;
Bonaparte’s Gull (early Tn Valley); Blue-headed Vireo; Red-breasted Nuthatch; Orange-Crowned Warbler; Decatur
area. Pied-billed Grebe and American Coot (many of both); Laughing (1) and Ring-billed Gulls; Forster’s Tern; Gun-
tersville (GJ,DJ).
10/14 “Needing a Sparrow fix.” Savannah, Song, Lincoln’s (2), Swamp Sparrows; Sedge and Marsh Wrens; “Nice to see
the wrens and the Lincoln’s Sparrows. They are birds I do not see very often in the Birmingham area” Saginaw Swamp,
Shelby Co (GJ).
10/18 Wood Duck (over 100 in two locations, high for Mountain Region); Logan Martin Lake (RH,PD).
10/27 California (1ad,1, 3rd year !!!) and Lesser Black-backed Gulls; Guntersville (SMcC,GJ).
11/2 Red-breasted Nuthatch (3); Pine Siskin (small flock); Clay (BS,MS).
Cole Alexander Patrick Dawson Howard Horne
Joseph Alexander Scot Duncan Greg and Debi Jackson
George Cusick Greg Harber Steve McConnell
Richard Cusick Russell Hatfield Bob and Martha Sargent
Please submit sightings for February FF at least five days before the January first deadline to Ann Miller,
520 Yorkshire Drive, Birmingham Al, 35209.
January Monthly Meeting
Rwanda, Land of A Thousand Hills
Presented by Dick Mills
Thursday, January 17, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
Birmingham Zoo Auditorium
Notorious for the gruesome genocide that occurred tion in 2003. The Volcanoes National Park, home to
there in 1994, Rwanda, the "land of a thousand hills," the rare mountain gorilla, reopened in July 1999 and
is now a reasonably safe and increasingly popular travelers can once again visit these gentle giants,
travel destination. The country's main attraction, the made famous by Dian Fossey.
mountain gorillas, have miraculously survived - even
thrived - despite a devastating civil war that brought Dick Mills the President / Owner of World Dis-
poachers, settlers and rebel soldiers into their rugged covery Safaris, Inc. Birmingham, Alabama visited
park refuge. Between April and July 1994 an ethni- Rwanda in October of 2007. His program will focus,
cally motivated genocide, during which nearly 1 million both on the wildlife of this beautiful country and on the
Rwandans were methodically hunted down and mur- programs the people of Rwanda have made to insure
dered by Hutu extremists took place, while the inter- their survival.
national community watched but refused to intervene.
Attend and enjoy this program
Since then, however, this central African
country has embarked on a program of positive Please come early at 6:45 to socialize and enjoy
change and gradual reconciliation. Local as well as some refreshments. Guests are welcome.
international tribunals have dealt with the perpetrators
of the genocide. The country held its first elections in
1999, paving the way for the unveiling of a new de- Hans Paul
mocratic constitution and a peaceful presidential elec- VP Programs
The Birmingham Audubon Society would like to thank the following for their recent memorial gifts:
Friends of Edward Patrick Roden, Jr. of Pratt City, AL have selected Birmingham Audubon Society as the
recipient of the proceeds from their annual golf tournament held in memory of Mr. Roden.
January Half-day Field Trip
January 5, 2008
Shades Creek Birding Spots
This month's half-day field trip is to two loca- with sparrows and woodpeckers. Depending on re-
tions on Shades Creek. We will start in Homewood cent weather the ground may be mushy in some of
exploring the lagoon between Shades Creek and Wild- these areas, so dress appropriately with suitable foot-
wood Shopping Center. Owls, raptors, and a variety wear.
of ducks and wintering passerines have been seen
here. Travel plans: meet at Wildwood Shopping
Center on Lakeshore Parkway in front of Office Depot
After we have explored this area, and depend- at 7:00 am. For more information contact our trip
ing on what birds were seen, we can optionally visit leader Hans Paul (807-7357) or
the Freshwater Land Trust Shades Creek Restoration [email protected].
Project site off of Morgan Road. This area is teeming
17 Board Meeting, (BZA) 5:45 p.m. 21 Board Meeting, (BZA) 5:45 p.m.
General Meeting, BZA 7:00 p.m. General Meeting, BZA 7:00 p.m.
19 BAS Field Trip, Lake Guntersville SP 23 BAS Field Trip, Talladega National Forest
The calendar in the November/December Flicker Flashes listed an incorrect date for the Gulf Shores Christ-
mas Bird Count. The count will be held on Jan 5, 2008, not on Dec 29, 2007 as listed. We regret the error.
Please deliver by December 31