President'S Message by Randy Mccormick
President'S Message by Randy Mccormick
President'S Message by Randy Mccormick
How many of us have heard someone say, “I’m cardinal or a mockingbird. Later there will be a
not sure I could live in Florida year round because chorus of grackles, blue jays, and yes…starlings.
I would miss the changing of the seasons.” I From the top of the pine trees the great crested
know I have heard this and I find it to be an flycatcher will shout out his “WHEEEP” and
interesting comment. Granted, our seasons from the thickets the white-eyed vireo will
display less contrast than some other places, but sing his scolding five-to seven-note phrase over
just because the distinctions are subtler does not and over again. In the pasture across the road we
mean they don’t exist. To my mind, all of hear the meadowlark’s flute, and the primordial
Florida’s seasons are blessedly unique and rich. bugling of sandhill cranes.
My appreciation of the seasons increases in direct
proportion to the level of intimacy I allow in my Seasons in Florida? Oh yes, believe me, we
relationship with Nature. The closer I am, and the have them all. The challenge is to get out into
more open I allow myself to be, the more I notice. the forests and fields and bear witness to it all.
We need to get out from in front of the
If you take some time to immerse yourself in a television, out from behind the steering wheel (or
natural area right now, you will not fail to notice in my case, from behind the desk) and sally
that spring has arrived in all her splendor. The forth. Spring is the season of renewal. Loren
climbing yellow jasmine is covered in lemon Eiseley put it so well when he said, “The human
yellow flowers and crowded with bees and other brain, so frail, so perishable, so full of
insects. The laurel oaks, maples and willows inexhaustible dreams and hungers, burns by the
are sending forth tender, brilliant green leaves. power of the leaf.” From the magical mixture
Walter’s viburnums are wearing petticoats of of chlorophyll and sunlight comes all biological
delicate white flowers. To see all this happening life. But beyond this simple chemistry, we
in spite of our current drought fills me with awe. also need contact with sunlight for our
Nature can be so sensitive and tough at the same psychological and emotional health.
Take some time… soon… to reconnect
Then, of course, there are the birds of spring. yourself to the natural world
Rachael Carson understood the power and that sustains you, and of
influence that birds have over us this time of year. which we are all a part. Treat
Can you even imagine a spring without dewy yourself to some immersion
mornings filled with birdsong? Around my house therapy. Get outside and
right now the windows are flung open at night soak yourself in springtime!
just to assure us front row seats for the symphony
that will begin with the first hint of sunrise. The
first to pierce the silence is usually either a
Cryptic Coloration:
Ever wonder what you AREN’T seeing when you are out in the wild...well, now’s the time to find out!
There will be a social time with coffee, soft drinks and refreshments beginning at 7:00 PM. The
program will start at 7:30 PM. Bring a friend and enjoy an Audubon evening.
Spring has sprung and migrants have already arrived! SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 2001
10 AM - 4 PM
Martins are back in force, Swallow-tailed Kites were EXPLORE....
reported last week from all across the state, and the first
Barn & Rough-winged Swallows are returning. Short-
tailed Hawks have returned to their breeding areas in ENJOY....
Central FL, and Barn Owls have fledged young in some These are the words in the Nature Festival’s publications.
areas. Please join us as a volunteer or simply join us!
Here is a list of early spring arrival dates for selected On-site at CHEC are exhibits, displays, live animals,
species on the Gulf Coast of Florida, retrieved from the nature crafts, artwork, guest speakers, slide shows, guided
internet (just a tiny part of the list): walks, children’s activities, music and good food!
LEAST TERN -- 17 Mar 93 Orlando
CHUCK-WILL’S-WIDOW -- 16 Feb 93 Sarasota Off-site events are:
CHIMNEY SWIFT -- 28 Feb 91 Pasco County • Morning Kayak Tour 9:30-11:30, Grande Tours
PHILADELPHIA VIREO -- 21 Mar 91 • Charlotte Harbor Cruise 10-noon, Kingfisher Fleet
Fort DeSoto • Wilderness River Cruise 10-noon, Nav-A-Gator Tours
BAY-BREASTED WARBLER -- 14 Apr • Sunset White Pelican Tour 4-sunset, Grande Tours
80 Tierre Verde
BLACKPOLL WARBLER -- 16 Mar 97 Peace River Audubon’s web-site address is:
Polk County
96 Gainesville
SUMMER TANAGER -- 04 Mar 95 Delray Beach & 04 Mar
97 Pasco Co. President: Randy McCormick 863-993-3288
BLUE GROSBEAK -- 11 Mar 93 Fort DeSoto Vice President: George Marks 255-3318
INDIGO BUNTING -- 03 Mar 95 Alligator Point
Secretary: Kitty Rich 764-8089
Treasurer: Lynn Bates 639-7277
Keep your eyes open—they are on their way! Jeff Bouton DIRECTORS: Karen Bennett Evelyn Booker
Bill Coombs Kirk DeVries
Ellen Hawkinson Clarke Keller
Marilyn Ress Bob Wilkin