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The Mathematical Theory of Plasticity by R Hill

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I. I N T R O D U C T I O N . 1
1. Definition of the subject 1
2. Historical outline . 2
3. Physical background 4
4. T h e stress-strain curve 8

1. The ideal plastic body 14
2. T h e criterion o f yielding 16
3. Strain-hardening 23
4. The complete stress-strain relations 33
6. T h e L e v y - M i s e s a n d Reuse equations 38
6. The H e n c k y stress-strain equations 45
7. Other theories 48

III. G E N E R A L T H E O R E M S . 50
1. The plastic potential 0
2. Uniqueness of a stress distribution under given boundary conditions 63
3. E x t r e m u m a n d variational principles 60


1. Introduction . . . . . 70
2. Theory o f Hohenemser's experiment 71
3. Combined torsion a n d tension of a thin-walled tube 74
4. Combined torsion a n d tension o f a cylindrical bar . 76
5. Compression under conditions o f plane strain 77
6. B e n d i n g under conditions o f plane strain . 79
7. B e n d i n g o f a prismatic beam 81
8. Torsion o f a prismatic bar . . . . 84
9. Torsion o f a bar of non-uniform section 94


1. T h e expansion o f a spherical shell . 97
2. T h e expansion of a cylindrical tube 106
3. Theory o f the autofrettage process . . . . 114
4. E x p a n s i o n o f a cylindrical cavity i n an infinite medium 125


LINE FIELD . . . . . . . 128
1. Assumption o f a plastic-rigid material 128
2. T h e plane strain equations referred to Cartesian coordinates 129
3. T h e plane strain, equations referred t o the slip-lines . 132
4- Geometry of the slip-line field . 136
. T h e numerical calculation o f slip-line fields. . 140
6. T h e numerical calculation o f the velocity distribution . 149
7. A n a l y t i c integration of the plane strain equations . . 151
8. Discontinuities i n the stress . 157


1. F o r m u l a t i o n of the problem . . . . . 161
2. Sheet-drawing . . . . . . . 163
3- Ironing o f a thin-walled c u p . . . . . 178
4. Sheet-extrusion . . . . . . . 181
5. Piercing . . . . . . . . 186
6. Strip-rolling . . . . . . . 188
7. Machining . . . . . . . . 206
8. F l o w through a converging channel . . . . 209

VIII. N O N - S T E A D Y M O T I O N P R O B L E M S I N T W O D I M E N S I O N S . I 213
1. Geometric similarity a n d the unit diagram . . . . 213
2. Wedge-indentation. . . . . . . 215
3-. Compression o f a wedge b y a flat die . . . . 221
4. E x p a n s i o n of a semi-cylindrical c a v i t y i n a surface . . 223
5. Compression of a b l o c k between rough plates . . . 226

DC. N O N - S T E A D Y M O T I O N P R O B L E M S I N T W O D I M E N S I O N S . H 237
1. Introduction . . . . . . . 237
2. F o r m u l a t i o n of the problem . . . . 238
3. Y i e l d i n g of notched bars under tension . , . . 245
4. Plastic yielding round a c a v i t y . . . . . 252
5. Indentation a n d the theory of hardness tests . . . 254

X. AXIAL SYMMETRY . . . . . . 262

1. F u n d a m e n t a l equations . . . . . . 262
2. E x t r u s i o n from a contracting cylindrical container . . . 263
3. Compression of a cylinder under certain distributed loads . 265
4. Cylindrical tube under axial tension a n d internal pressure . . 267
5. Tube-sinking . . . . . . . 269
6. Stress distribution i n the neck of a tension specimen . . 272
7. Compression of a cylinder between rough plates . . . 277
8. Relations along slip-lines a n d flow-lines. . . . . 278


1. Deep-drawing . . . . . . . 282
2. General theory o f sheet-bending . . . . . 287

3. Plane strain of a general plastic material . 294

4. The theory of plane plastic stress, with applications 300
6. Completely plastic states of stress in a prismatic bar 313


1. The yield criterion . 318
2. Relations between stress and strain-increment 320
3. Plastic anisotropy of rolled sheet . 321
4. Length changes in a twisted tube 325
5. The earing of deep-drawn cups 328
6. Variation of the anisotropic parameters during cold-work 332
7. Theory of plane strain for anisotropic metals 334

APPENDIXES . . - . . - 341


Author' name are followed by the number of page on which paper or book are explicitly
mentioned. Where essentially distinct part of the tame source are quoted on different page,
all page number are given. If the same material i quoted more than once, only the page
where it first occur it given.
Aldous, C. W., 267. Eiabein, W., 185.
Allans. W. E . . 27. Elam, C. F., 4, 14.
Allen, D . N . de G., 126, 246, 307. Emat, H . , 206, 207.
Ansoff, H . I., 162, 172.
Aul, E . L., 287. Fangmeier, E . , 187.
Fisher, J . C , 125.
Baldwin, W . M . , Jr.. 17, 269, 271, 282, Ford, H . , 78, 189, 197, 201, 258.
317, 323, 330. Foster, P. Field, 213.
Baranski, G., 78. Fraenkel, S. J . , 32, 35, 45.
Barrett, C. S., 4, 329. Francis, E . L . , 178.
Bauer, F . B., 68, 64, 66. Fried, M . L . , 248.
Becker, A . J . , 23.
Belayev, . . , 124. Galin, L . . , 262.
Beltrami, E . , 20. Geiringer, H . , 88, 136, 167, 233.
Bishop, R . F . , 104, 127, 218. Gensaroer, M . , 32.
Bitter, F., 326. Gleyzal, ., 48.
Bland, D . R., 189, 197, 201. Goldberg, .. 14.
Boas, W . , 4. Greenberg, H . J . , 58, 64, 66, 67.
Bohlen, E . C., 330. Guest, J . J . , 23.
Bourne, L . , 323, 330.
Bouwinexq, J . , 19, 135. Hear, ., 67, 280.
Bragg, W. L . , 14. Haigh, B. P., 17, 20.
Brick, R. M., 329. Handelman, G. H . , 33, 45.
Bridgman, P. W., 12, 16, 77, 273, 334. Hankirtf, G. ., 257.
Briggs, G. C , 168. Hanson, D., 27.
Burghoff, H . L . , 330. Hencky, H . , 20, 45, 135, 281.
Hermito, R. L . , 218.
CairnB, W. J . , 14, 251. Heyer, R. H . , 261.
Caratheodory, C., 153. Hill, R., 41, 59, 64, 67, 77, 100, 115, 119,
Carrier, G. ., 160, 162, 172. 125, 142, 163, 178, 181, 182, 203, 215,
Chow, C. C, 334. 218, 219, 221, 223, 228, 242, 248, 256,
ChriHtianovitch, S., 143. 263, 265, 278, 284, 287, 312, 318, 323,
ChriKtophertion, D. G., 92. 329, 330, 334.
Coffin, L . F., Jr., 125. Hitchcock, J . H . , 189.
Cook, G., 23, 119, 123, 124, 125. Hodge, P . G., 64, 89, 118, 220.
Cook, M., 199, 277, 317, 322, 329. Hoff, H . , 325.
Cottrell, A. H . , 4, 11. Hohenemser, K . , 72.
Coulomb. C. ., 19. Hollomon, J . H . , 14, 29, 30.
Cox, H . L., 23. Howald, T. S., 271, 282, 323, 330.
Cunningham, D. M., 32. Howard, J . V . , 16.
Huber, . ., 20.
Dana, A. W., 334. Hume-Rothery, W., 4.
Davidenkov, . . , 273.
Davies, R. M . , 268. Ilyushin, . . , 46, 47, 48-
Davis, . . , 22, 32, 45, 172. Ishlinsky, ., 281.
Davis, . . , 32. Iterson, F. K . Th. van., 162, 181.
Dehlinger, U . , 23.
Dokos, S. J . , 172. Jackson, K . L . , 287.
Dorn, J . E . , 14, 32, 320, 333. Jackson, L . R., 30, 320, 333.
Drucker, D. C , 47. Jacobs, J . . , 252.
Eddy, R . P., 96. Karman, Th. von., 67, 198, 280.
Edwards, S. H . , 22. Klingler, L . J . , 172, 318, 322, 323.
Eichinger, ., 23, 29, 32, 171. Kochendorfer, . , 26.
Korber, F . , 29, 171, 256, 325. Reiner, M., 13.
Kdeter, W., 317. Reuse, ., 39, 41, 100.
Hotter, F., 136, 299. Robertson, ., 23.
Roderick, J . W., 84.
Lankford, W . T., 32, 320, 333. Roe, M., 23, 32.
Larke, E . C , 199, 277. Roeenhain, W., 206.
Lee, . . , 115, 119, 142, 215, 228. Roes, A. W., 323, 330.
Lessells, J . M., 22.
Levy, M . , 38. Saehe, G., 14, 23, 171, 172, 177, 181, 186,
Lin, C. C , 33, 45. 248, 255, 269, 287, 318, 322, 323, 334.
Linicus, W., 177. Sadowsky, . . , 67, 135.
Lode, W., 18, 22, 44. 45. Saint-Venant, B . de, 38, 117, 131.
Low, J . R., 32. Sangdahl, G. S., Jr., 287.
Lubahn, J . D., 14, 181, 287. Scheu, ., 29.
Ludwik, P., 12, 14. 29. Schleioher, F., 21.
Lueg, W., 201. Schmid, E . . 4, 16.
Lunt, R. W., 176, 177. Schmidt, E., 163.
Schmidt, R 27, 46.
McAdam, D. J . , Jr., 16. Schroeder, W., 277.
MacGregor, C. W., 12, 22, 125. Scoble, W. ., 23.
MacLellan, Q. D . S., 176, 177. Seely, F. B., 23.
Malaval, M . P., 29. Seitz, F., 4.
Mandel, J . , 297, 299. Shaw, F. S., 92, 96.
Marin, J . , 22. Shepherd, W . M . , 29, 72, 123.
Markov, . . , 68. Shevchenko, . . , 162, 172.
Mason, W., 23. Shoji, H . , 14.
Maxwell, J . Clerk, 20. Sidebotham, 0., 23.
Mebs, R . W . , 15. Siebel, E . , 162, 181, 187, 201, 256, 277.
Siniteky, A . K . , 124.
Melan, E . , 34, 57. Smith, C. S., 322.
Merchant, . ., 207, 208. Smith, K . F., 320, 333.
Meyer, . . , 261. Smith, S. L . , 15.
Miller, C. P., 22. Sneddon, I. N 253.
Misee, R . von, 20, 21, 38, 51, 141. Snitko, . . , 23.
Mohr, 0., 296. Sokolnikoe, I. S., 83, 84, 86.
Morkovin, D., 23. Sokoloveky, W. W., 17, 48, 84, 90, 93, 96,
Morrieon, J . L . M . , 23, 72, 94, 123, 124.
Mott, N . F., 104, 127, 218. 124, 141, 162, 169, 172, 235, 250, 256,
258, 299, 303, 304, 307.
Nadai, ., 20, 32, 41, 45, 46, 76, 84, 87, 93, Sopwith, D . G., 23, 125.
94, 117, 122, 136, 192, 197, 211, 230, Southwell, R. V., 83, 84, 92, 97, 131, 245,
234, 253, 255, 256, 269, 308. 307.
Nye, J . F., 14, 228, 251. Spiridonova, N . I., 273.
Stanley, R . L... 22.
Odquist, F . K . G., 30. Steveneon, A. 0., 253.
Orowan, E., 14, 189, 192, 201, 202, 261. Sturney, A. O , 206.
Oegood, W. R., 32. Swainger, . . , 48.
Swift, H . W., 94, 168, 269, 282, 286, 328.
Palm. J . H . , 13. Symonds, P. S., 141, 250, 263.
Palmer, E . W., 322.
Parasyuk, O. S., 253. Tabor, D., 258, 260.
Parker, E . R., 32. Taylor, G. I., 22, 24, 26, 27, 45, 52, 171,
Pearson, C. E . . 185. 307.
Pearson, K . , 38. Thompeon, F . C., 178.
Philippine. A. H . , 67. Thomson, E . G., 32.
Piispanen, V . , 208. Tietz, . . , 14.
Polanyi, M., 16. Timoshenko, S., 83, 84, 94, 97, 131, 190,
Pope, J . . , 23. 258.
Prager, W., 33, 41, 45, 48, 49, 64, 65, 72, Todhunter, I., 38.
88, 93, 136, 139, 142, 157, 158. Tracy, D. P., 181.
Prandtl, L . , 39, 41, 86, 233, 235, 255, 256, Trefltz, E., 92.
297. Treeca, H . , 19.
Pumphrey, S. L . , 276. Trinke, W., 197.
Putnam, W. J . , 23. Teolikov. A . T.. 195.
Tupper, S. J . , 115, 119, 142, 163, 215, 228.
Quinney. H . . 22, 27, 45, 171. I Turner, L. B., 110, 121.
Underwood, L . R., 195, 197. Wheeler, . . , 27.
White, . . , Jr., 118.
Voce, E . , 13. Williams, . ., 84.
Wilson, F. H . , 329.
Warren, A. 0., 121, 124. Winzer, . , 48, 160.
Webster, D. . , 277. Wistreinh, J . O., 178.
Weiss, L . , 178.
Westergaard, . . , 17. Zener, C , 14, 29, 30.
Anisotropy, 29, 44, 45, Chap. X I I . of sheet, 163-76; of wire, 176-8; stand-
Annealing, 5. ing wave in, 168.
Autofrettaged tube, axial expansion of,
121-2; axial stress distribution in, 116, Earing of deep-drawn cups, 328-32.
120; under plane strain, 115-18; with Elastic limit, see Criterion of yielding.
closed ends, 118-24; with open ends, moduli, influence of cold-work on, 6,15.
124. Elastic-plastic boundary, conditions along,
55, 132, Chaps. I V , V , I X .
Bauschinger effect, 8, 16, 24, 30, 72, 121. Envelope of Mohr circles, 295-6.
Bending, of a sheet, 79-81, 287-92; of a Equivalent, strain, 30; stress, 26.
beam, 81-4. Extremum principles, for elastic body,
under tension, 292-4. 60-3; for plastic-elastic body, 63-6; for
plastic-rigid body, 66-8.
Cavity, expansion in plate of circular, 307- Extrusion, deformation in, 185; direct,
13; expansion in surface of semi- 186; efficiency of, 185; from contract-
cylindrical, 223-6; expansion of cylindri- ing container, 263-5; inverted, 182;
cal, 125-7, 252; expansion of spherical, pressure of, 185.
Channel, flow of plastic material through, Forward slip in rolling, 193.
Characteristics, theory of, 345-8; in deep- Glide system, 6, 34, 50.
drawing, 285; in expansion of a tube, Grain boundaries, 7.
113; in plane strain, 132, 296-7, 336; in
plane stress, 300-1; in torsion, 89, 95-6. Hardness test, significance of, 258-61.
Compressibility during plastic distortion, Hole, see Cavity.
26-7. Hydrostatic stress, influence on necking,
Compression, of block between rough 12; influence on yielding, 16, 294-5.
plates, 226-36; of block between smooth Hysteresis loop, 10.
plates, 77-9; of cylinder between rough
plates, 277; of cylinder under dis- Indentation, by cone, 218; by flat oylinder
tributed load, 265-7 ; of wedge by a flat 281; by rectangular die, 254-8, 339-40;
die, 221-2, 351. by sphere, 281; by wedge, 215-20.
Consistent strain-increment for plastic- Internal stress, 24, 35, 37, 50, 328.
rigid body, 59. Invariants, 15, 30, 343.
Constraint factor in notched-bar test, 250. Ironing, 178-81.
Creep, physical mechanism of, 5. Isotropy, conditions for, 7.
Criterion of yielding, definition of, 15;
dependence on cold-work of, 23-32; Lattice imperfections, 6.
experimental investigations of, 19,22-3; Lode's variables, 18, 36, 44.
for anisotropic metals, 318; geometrical Liiders bands, 10, 52, 255-6.
representation of, 17, 295, 301; influence
of hydrostatic stress on, 16. Machining, 206-9.
Crystal, lattice structure of, 4; plastic Maximum plastic work, principle of, 66.
glide in, 6. Mild steel, yield-point in, 10, 23, 52, 123-4.
Cycloidal slip-line field. 232.
Cylindrical cavity in infinite medium, Necking in tension, of cylindrical bar,
125-7, 252. 272-7; of thin strip, 323-5.
tube, under internal pressure, 115-25; Neutral loading, 33.
under tension and internal pressure, surface in bending, 79, 82, 288-91.
267-9; under tension and torsion, 71-5. Notched bar under tension, 245-52.
Deep-drawing, 282-7. 328-32. Orientation, preferred, 8, 317.
Deviatoric, strain-increment, 27 ; stress, 16.
Discontinuity, in stress, 93, 157; in stress Piercing, 106, 186-8.
gradient, 133; in stress rate, 55, 239; in Plane plastic strain, 77-8, Chap. V I .
velocity, 150, 160; in velocity gradient, stress, 300-7.
134. Plastic potential, 50.
Drawing, deformation in, 171; die pres- Plastio-elaetic boundary, conditions along,
sure and load in, 167, 172-3; efficiency 55, 132, Chaps. IV, V, I X .
of, 170; influence of back-pull in, 175; Plastic-rigid body, 38-9, 58.128, Chap. I X .
Prismatic beam, bending of, 81-4; tension Strain-hardening, see Work-hardening.
and torsion of, 75-6; torsion of, 84-94; Stress, deviatoric or reduced, 16; equiva-
torsion, tension, and bending of, 313-6. lent, 26.
Stress-strain curves, comparison of, 27-31;
Reduced stress, 16. significance of, 8-13.
Residual stresses in overstrained shell, relations, experimental, 44-5, 71-2;
102-3, 121. geometrical representation of, 41, 301;
Riemann method, 153-4. inversion of, 68; theoretical, 38-40.
Rolling, efficiency of, 199; empirical Suffix notation and summation convention,
formulae in theory of, 199; influence of 342.
strip-tension on, 202; influence of work-
hardening on, 200-1; pressure dis- Thermal phenomena, 14.
tribution in, 199-201; roll-distortion in, Torsion, membrane-roof analogy for, 86-7.
189-90. 93; of anisotropic tube, 325-8; of
annealed bar, 93; of non-uniform bar,
Shear, deformation in, 326-7. 94-6; of uniform bar, 85-92; warping
Size effects, 23, 124. of section in, 88-9.
Slip bands, 6. Tube drawing and sinking, 269-72.
Slip-lines, definition of, 134; Hencky'e
theorems on, 136-8; in anisotropic Uniqueness theorems, for plastic-elastic
metals, 336; in axially-symmetric state, body, 53-8, 242-5; for plastic-rigid
278; numerical calculation of, 140-9; body, 58-60.
variation of curvatures of, 138-9; varia- Unit diagram, 213.
tion of pressure along, 135; variation of
velocity along, 136.
Soil mechanics, 294-300. Variational principles, tee Extremum
Spherical cavity in infinite medium, 103-4, principles.
106. Viscous fluid, contrast to plastic solid, 38.
Spherical shell, under internal pressure,
97-103, 104-5. Work-hardening, dependence on plastic
Statically determined problems, 87, 100, strain, 26-32; physical mechanism of, 5.
111, 131, 242-5.
Strain, engineering, 9; equivalent, 30; Yielding, tee Criterion of.
increment of, 26; logarithmic or natural, Yield-point, in annealed mild steel, 10, 23,
9, 28. 52, 123-4.

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