Passive Voice - Summary

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Departamento de Lnguas

10 Ano | Ingls
FICHA DE TRABALHO | Fevereiro | Ano Letivo 2016/2017

Passive Voice
The passive voice is used when we want to talk about an action, but are not
interested in saying who or what does it.
We use the Passive voice in both speech and writing, but it is more common in
Not all verbs can have passive forms.
Passive structures are impossible with verbs like die or arrive, which cannot
have objects, because there is nothing to become the subject of a passive
Verbs that refer to states and not actions are not used as well (e.g.: have, lack,
resemble, suit)

A. Normal Passive:
The object of an active verb corresponds to the subject of a passive verb.
The subject of the active verb disappears when it is not relevant.
Active subjects that disappear: People, You, They, One, Someone, Something,

plays is
is playing is being
has played has been
played was
John was playing the guitar. The guitar was being played
by John.
had played had been
will play will be
is going to play is going to be
should play should be

B. Idiomatic Passive:

They have promised Peter a new opportunity.

Subject Verb Indirect Object Direct Object

Peter has been promised a new opportunity by them.

New Subject Passive Verb Direct Object Agent (usually unknown)

IO + V + DO + S

C. Impersonal (Alternative) Passive:

The subject of the alternative passive voice is never defined

The first verb is transformed into a passive verb
That introduces a clause

People say that she is an excellent actress.

Unknown Subject Active Verb Connector (introduces the clause) Clause

Two possible transformations:

1. It is said that she is an excellent actress.

Unknown subject ----------- It

Active Verb ------------------ Passive Verb
Connector -------------------- Is kept
Clause ------------------------- Doesnt change

2. She is said to be an excellent actress.

Unknown subject ----------- Disappears

Subject of the Clause ------- Begins the new sentence
Active Verb ------------------ Passive Verb
Connector -------------------- Disappears
Verb of the Clause ---------- Changes and takes its place immediately after the
Passive verb

Simple Present / Future Simple To Infinitive

Simple Past / Present Perfect / Past Perfect To have + Past
Continuous Forms To be + verb + ing

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