Rewrite The Following Sentences Using Conditional Sentences

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Departamento de Lnguas

10 Ano | Ingls
Ficha de Trabalho | maio | Ano Letivo 2016/2017


1. Peter lives with his parents because he cant buy a flat.

2. Mary is sad because she has a small flat.

3. I didnt go to Marys birthday because she didnt invite me.

4. John will pass the driving exam if he isnt nervous.

5. I dont know his email so I cant send him an invitation.

6. You must leave home early or youll miss the flight.

7. I was busy so I didnt have enough time to go to the supermarket.

8. Mary was ill so she didnt go to the cinema with me.

9. Mary didnt play tennis because she had broken her leg.

10. Id like to buy a new car but I havent got enough money.

11. It rained so we couldnt go for a walk.

12. If you dont study, youll fail your English exam.

13. I missed the bus so I was late for my English class.

14. Youre tired because you go to bed late.

15. I didnt buy a new mobile phone because my credit card didnt work.

16. It snowed so much yesterday that I didnt go out.

17. I didnt see Mary because she didnt go to the disco.

18. It rained so the football match was cancelled.

19. I cant go to the disco because Im under 18.

20. I didnt buy a new mobile phone because I didnt have enough money.

21. It was so cold yesterday that we stayed at home.

22. I couldnt fix the washing machine because I didnt have the instructions.

23. The reason I was late was that my alarm clock didnt work.
24. Im not going out because Im tired.

25. They didnt miss the train because they were early at the station.

26. I dont know how this machine works so I dont use it.

27. I dont have enough time to learn how to play golf.

28. We cant go to the beach because its raining.

29. I didnt take any pictures because I forgot my camera at home.

30. You forgot your coat, gloves and cap so you got a cold.

31. Im with the flu so I cant go to the party.

32. Unless you leave home now, you wont miss the train.

33. I would like to travel to Japan but I dont have enough money.

34. I didnt go to Annes birthday party because she didnt invite me.


1. Those of you who do not give in their names last week must do so today.
Unless you
2. Those of you who havent got cars will have to take the bus.
Unless you
3. I didnt know anything about it. Otherwise, Id told you.
If I
4. It may not fit you. In that case, you can return it to the shop.
5. You didnt tell me in time. Otherwise, I might have been able to help.
6. you could have had an accident and your family would have blamed me.
7. If you arent on a diet, try the cheesecake.
8. Danny wants to lose weight, but he doesnt have any will power.
9. Sue didnt mention the tennis game so I didnt turn up to watch.
10. In my opinion, you should drink low-fat milk.
11. You should have a medical check-up when starting a diet.
12. I didnt buy any vegetables so I couldnt make a salad.
13. Paul wont swim in the pool because there is no lifeguard.
Proving that
14. Peter gets angry with people who wont take him seriously.
15. It was a mistake to go to England in winter.
I wish
16. She is so careless!
If only
17. You press this button to stop the machine.
18. My advice is that you must go to the doctor.
If I
19. Im sorry I didnt meet you at the station.
If only
20. Its a pity you dont like this food.
I wish
21. What a pity Mary didnt remember to take the camera.
I wish Mary
22. You should tell them immediately.
If I
23. She should have called her parents earlier.
I wish
24. Im sorry but I cant help you now.
I wish
25. The computer was stolen because nobody saw the thief.
If someone
26. I really want you to stop smoking.
I wish
27. He shouts so much, and its so annoying!
I wish
28. I didnt have an umbrella with me and so I get wet.
I wouldnt
29. Ill call the police if you dont leave me alone.
30. In the snowy weather, we dont go to the school.
31. Without Jacks help, I wouldnt have been able to move the table.
32. It was very cold, thats why we didnt have a party in the garden.
If it
33. Unless you hand in all your exercises you will have a negative mark.
If you
34. I missed my dental appointment because you didnt remind me.
If you
35. He was using old tires, thats why he had an accident.
If he
36. If you dont advertise your product, nobody will know it.
37. When I arrived the train had left, so I couldnt say goodbye to them.
If I
38. I didnt help Sheila because she didnt ask me.
If Sheila
39. If he continues driving so fast he will be fined.
40. I dont know what time it is because I havent got a watch.
If I
41. You got wet because you didnt take an umbrella.
If you
42. You dont feel well because you didnt do the right thing (and you know it).
If you
43. I like that television but I cant buy it because it is very expensive.
If .
44. Dylan was not here at that time, so he didnt meet the new counselor.
If Dylan
45. If we are not careful with the resources, the earth will suffer the consequences in a short time.
46. Gerry is really helpful, so everybody is delighted to work with him.
47. She wasnt wearing warm enough clothes, thats why she caught a cold.
If she
48. Jake was so distrustful that he didnt mix with anybody.
If Jake
49. It is a pity that you missed the play. It was really entertaining.
I wish
50. I regret not having more opportunities to speak English.
I wish
51. My parents dont let me go out on weekdays. I dont like that at all.
I wish
52. I regret ignoring my parents advice when I was at school.
If only
53. I dont have much free time to do what I really like. Thats a pity.
I wish
54. I would like shops to be open on Sunday.
I wish
55. Brendan is very rude to me. I cant stand it.
I wish
56. Its a pity that you cannot take part in the competition. You play really well.
If only
57. Chris is always late, and that is not fair for the rest of the employees.
I wish
58. I cant stand their impoliteness.
I wish
1. If Peter could buy a flat, he wouldnt live with his parents or Peter wouldnt live with his parents
if he could buy a flat.
2. If Mary didnt have a small flat, she wouldnt be sad or Mary wouldnt be sad if she didnt have a
small flat.
3. I would have gone to Marys birthday if she had invited me or if Mary had invited me, I would
have gone to her birthday.
4. John will pass the driving exam unless he is nervous.
5. If I knew his email, I could send him an invitation.
6. If you dont leave home early, youll miss the flight.
7. If I hadnt been so busy, I would have had enough time to go to the supermarket.
8. If Mary hadnt been ill, she would have gone to the cinema with me.
9. Mary would have played tennis if she hadnt broken her leg or If Mary hadnt broken her leg, she
would have played tennis.
10. I would buy a new car if I had enough money or If I had enough money, I would buy a new car.
11. If it hadnt rained, we could have gone for a walk .
12. Unless you study, youll fail your English exam.
13. If I hadnt missed the bus, I wouldnt have been late for my English class.
14. You wouldnt be tired if you didnt go to bed late or if you didnt go to bed late, you wouldnt be
15. I would have bought a new mobile phone if my credit card had worked or If my credit card had
worked, I would have bought a new mobile phone.
16. If it hadnt snowed so much yesterday, I would have gone out.
17. I would have seen Mary if she had gone to the disco or if Mary had gone to the disco, I would
have seen her.
18. If it hadnt rained, the football match wouldnt have been cancelled.
19. I could go to the disco if I werent under 18 or if I werent under 18, I could go to the disco
20. I would have bought a new mobile phone if I had had enough money or if I had had enough
money, I would have bought a new mobile phone.
21. If it hadnt been so cold yesterday, we wouldnt have stayed at home.
22. I could have fixed the washing machine if I had had the instructions or If I had had the
instructions, I could have fixed the washing machine.
23. I wouldnt have been late if my alarm clock had worked or if my alarm clock had worked, I
wouldnt have been late.
24. I would go out if I werent tired or if I werent tired, I would go out.
25. They would have missed the train if they hadnt been early at the station or if they hadnt been
early at the station, they would have missed the train.
26. If I knew how this machine works, I would use it.
27. If I had enough time, I would learn how to play golf.
28. We could go to the beach if it didnt rain or if it didnt rain, we could go to the beach.
29. I would have taken some pictures if I hadnt forgotten my camera at home or if I hadnt
forgotten my camera at home, I would have taken some pictures.
30. If you hadnt forgotten your coat, gloves and cap, you wouldnt have got a cold.
31. If I werent with the flu, I could go to the party.
32. If you dont leave home now, you wont miss the train.
33. I would travel to Japan if I had enough money or if I had enough money, I would travel to
34. I would have gone to Annes birthday if she had invited me.

32. If it hadnt been so cold, we would have had a party in the garden.

33. If you dont hand in all your exercises, you will have a negative mark.

34. If you had reminded me, I wouldnt have missed my dental appointment.

35. If he hadnt been using old tires, he wouldnt have had an accident.

36. Unless you advertise your product, nobody will know it.

37. If I hadnt arrived when the train left, I could have said goodbye to them.

38. If Sheila had asked me, I would have helped her.

39. Unless he stops driving so fast, he will be fined.

40. If I had a watch, I would know what time it is.

41. If you had taken an umbrella, you wouldnt have got wet.

42. If you had done the right thing, you would feel well.

43. If I could, I would buy that television.

44. If Dylan had been here at that time, he would have met the new counselor.

45. Unless we are careful with the resources, the earth will suffer the consequences in a

46. If Gerry werent so helpful, everybody wouldnt be delighted with him.

47. If she had been wearing warm enough clothes, she wouldnt have caught a cold.

48. If Jake hadnt been so distrustful, he would have met with people.

49. I wish you hadnt missed the play (because it was very entertaining).

50. I wish I had more opportunities to speak English.

51. I wish my parents would let me go out on weekdays.

52. If only I hadnt ignored my parents advice when I was at school.

53. I wish I had more time to do what I really like.

54. I wish shops were open on Sundays.

55. I wish Brendan wouldnt be so rude to me.

56. If only you could take part in the competition.

57. I wish Chris would not always be late.

58. I wish they wouldnt be so impolite.

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