DLL Wedding Dance

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School Dalandanan National High School Grade Level Grade 7

Teacher Kristelle Mae O. Reyes Learning Area English

Teaching February 13, February 14, 2017 Quarter Fourth
Dates and 6:00-12:10pm DAY 1 and
Time 2

A. Content This lesson will develop greater understanding of Philippine culture and will examine the
Standard significant human experience in the story.

B. Performance

C. Learning Expand vocabulary through interpreting unfamiliar words and use graphic organizer to
Competencies/ analyze literary elements.
(Write the LC
code for each)
II. CONTENT The Wedding Dance by Amador Daguio
A. References
1. Teachers
Guide pages
2. Learners
Material pages
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other http://www.storyboardthat.com/teacher-guide/wedding-dance-by-amador-daguio
A. Reviewing Make a recap about the Prepositions and Imperatives in Giving Instructions.
previous lesson
or presenting
the new lesson
B. Establishing Heighten students anticipation in the story through an activity (Schema Activation);
a purpose for demonstrate appreciation and understanding of the text through group
the lesson differentiated task.
C. Presenting Each group will search for the meaning of the unfamiliar words in their dictionary,
examples the first group who can find all the words they will get 10 points.
/instances of 1. Wilting 2. Clamor
the new lessin 3. Sonorousness 4. Sullen

4. Mock 5. Denounce

5. Relent 6. Betel

6. Agony 7. Vanish

Schema Activation
Students will raise their hand if they will agree or will disagree with the corresponding


Traditions bind us.

D. Discussing Amador T. Daguio was a poet, novelist and teacher during the pre-war. He was best known for
new concepts Truefictions
his love does
andnot have He
poems. a happy ending because
had published true love
two volumes never "Bataan Harvest" and The
of poetry,
and practicing ends. Lyre". He served as chief editor for the Philippine House of Representatives before he
new skills #1 died in 1966.
A man, to become a man, must have a child to come after him.
Daguio was born 8 January 1912 in Laoag, Ilocos Norte, but grew up in Lubuagan, Mountain
Life is not worth living without a child.

Love is letting go.

Province, where his father, an officer in the Philippine Constabulary, was
assigned. He was class valedictorian in 1924 at the Lubuagan Elementary
School. Those four years in high school were, according to Daguio, the
most critical in his life. He worked Saturday and Sunday as printers devil
at the U.P. and served as Philippine Collegian reporter. During all this time,
he learned the craft of writing from Tom Inglis Moore, an Australian
professor at U.P., and was especially grateful to A.V.H. Hartendorp of
Philippine Magazine. His stories and poems appeared in practically all the
Manila papers.

One of ten honor graduates at U.P. in 1932, he returned to teach at his boyhood school in
Lubuagan; in 1938, he taught at Zamboanga Normal School where he met his wife Estela.
They transferred to Normal Leyte School in 1941 before the Second World War. During the
Japanese Occupation, he joined the resistance and wrote poems in secret

In 1952, he obtained his M.A. in English at Stanford U. as a Fulbright scholar. His thesis was a
study and translation of Hudhud hi Aliguyon (Ifugao Harvest Song). In 1954, he obtained his
Law degree from Romualdez Law College in Leyte. Daguio was editor and public relations
officer in various offices in government and the military. He also taught for twenty-six years at
the University of the East, U.P., and Philippine Womens University. In 1973, six years after his
death, Daguio was conferred the Republic Cultural Heritage Award.


The Wedding Dance

Amador T. Daguio

Awiyao and Lumnay is a long married couple from the Mountain tribes.
Awiyao is going to marry another woman, Madulimay, because Lumnay was not able
to give him a child.

Awiyao went back home to see Lumnay because he didn't nd her among the
dancers at his wedding. He wanted Lumnay to dance at his wedding for the last time
but she cannot. n their moment, there are many !ashbacks about how Lumnay did
her best to have a child, through o"ering to the god, #abunyan$ and how Awiyao
and Lumnay's love was as strong as the river but it is just that a man must have a
child%, and he had to leave her. He promised her that if he fails to have a child, he
will come back to her.

She wanted to protest against the written rule that a man can marry another
woman, so Lumnay went to the wedding dance. (ut while seeing her husband
married to another woman, she could not take it anymore and &ust went to the
mountain to clear away the beans she had thought about.

And so Lumnay, waiting for Awiyao a long time, thought of Awiyao's promise
as she cleared away the growing bean plants.

F. Developing Process Questions:

mastery (leads 1. Describe the characters in the story.
to Formative 2. When and where did the story happen?
Assessment 3) 3. What is the reason why did Awiyao left his wife?
4. What was the occasion in their village? Why there were women dancing and
men playing gangsas?
5. What did Awiyao gave to Lumnay? And why did she refuse it?
6. What were the characteristics that Lumnay have as a wife?
7. Why it was very difficult for Lumnay to let go of her relationship with Awiyao?
8. How important is having a child to you or how important is it in your family?
What about in your culture?
9. After a year Lumnay went back to the mountains to see if the bean pods grew
and remember their promise to each each other, what do you think about the
ending of the story?
10. When is love not enough to conquer all?

G. Finding Students could understand that The Wedding Dance is a story in which people must
practical fight for their true beliefs and never give up for what is truly right and if you truly
applications of love a person you must let them take the road of happiness, no matter painful it is
concepts and thats why you should let go things, move on and be happy.
skills in daily
H. Making Ask the student about what they have learned from today's lesson.
about the

I. Evaluating Form groups of 5. Distribute the graphic organizer worksheet that will require
learning students to examine some aspects of the short story. Time allotment is 15 minutes
for the group work, 3 minutes for the group presentation.
Character Profile (analyze the main characters in the story)
Story Element Web (identify the key information and major events in the story)
Conflict Analysis (identify the conflict in the story and how it was solved)
Storyboard Theme (use storyboard to show a modern interpretation of the
them; Letting Things Go)

Moral Lesson (site important things theyve learned in the story; HUGOT)

a) Communicative competence; ability to clearly deliver the message of the

presentation- 40%

b) Collaboration; group cohesiveness- 30%

c) Correctness of content; accuracy of the details- 30%

J. Additional
activities for Search a song that can is connected to the theme of the story Letting Things Go. Present it
application or to the class.
V. REMARKS English subject is taught 4 times per week, one hour every day as per schedule
provide: M-W-F (Creativity, Benevolence, Diligence and Love) Tue (Creativity and
Diligence); Thurs (Benevolence and Love).
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the
remedial lessons
work? No. of
learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What
difficulties did I
encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

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