A Shawl For Anita Real
A Shawl For Anita Real
A Shawl For Anita Real
A. Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of how contemporary Philippine
literature and various text types through using reading, listening and viewing
strategies, lexical and contextual cues, action verbs, WH questions, imperatives
and prepositions; giving clear, precise, and concise information orally;
composing simple informative text serve as a means to respond to the
demands of the global village.
B. Performance Standard:
The learner actively performs in a multi-media informational presentation of
multi-cultural highlights.
a. The teacher will be leading the class in reading the story.
Students will be called to read the selection aloud in class. She will
be asking questions while the story is being read.
b. The students will answer the following questions:
Who narrates the story?
Who are the characters in the story?
Among the characters, who is frail but never stopped
What actions did the mother do?
Who is the child that the mother take care the most?
In what way did the mother stay the same?
Why does Anita keep on requesting something from the
mother despite her mother’s condition?
How did the events contribute to the development of the
What specific change happened to the narrator?
What kind of character is the narrator?
Seat work.
a. The students will be asked to reflect on the story of A Shawl for
Anita. They will write their answers on their notebook.
1. Who can you relate to the most in the story? Why?
2. If you are Anita, would you do the same to your mother? Why?
3. How can you contribute as a son/daughter to maintain peace
in the family?
4. Being a single parent is a journey for the strong. Explain.
5. Is “The youngest is always the favorite” true in the story?
b. Some students will be asked to share their answers to the class.
Give two examples of static and dynamic characters.
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
Checked by:
Key Teacher, English Department