Ate Hazel - Final Demo

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At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
A. Give their own examples of conflict.
B. Determine the conflict presented in literary selection.
C. Resolve the conflict through role playing.
D. Relate the events in the story in real life experiences.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Conflict
Text: “I Shall Have Other Birthdays” by Cefereno Joven
B. References:
Internet References:
Book: Philippine Literature and Communication Arts, Gabriel J.P pp. 208-210
C. Materials: 1Gift Box, 4 Dice box, Cartolina

III. Lesson Proper

A. Motivation
The students will be grouped into two. Each group will be given 8 letters that they need to arrange to
form the word "conflict".

B. Presentation
The teacher will explain the meaning of conflict provided with the visual aid.
What is conflict?
 It is a problem or struggles of the 2 opposing characters.
 A situation in which people, groups, countries, are involved in a serious disagreement or
 A violent situation or period of fighting between 2 persons, countries, or animals
 A situation in which there are opposing ideas, opinions, feelings, or wishes in which is difficult to

C. Application
 The students will give their own examples of conflict.
 The students will be given two questions related on the selection “I shall have other birthdays" by
Ceferino Joven that they need to answer.

 The students will be grouped into two.Each group will be given a reading material with the
selection entitled "I shall have other birthdays" by Ceferino Joven.•Each group will be given 5
minutes to have a short skit in the part of the selection "I shall have other birthdays" by Ceferino
Joven that shows the conflict and how they will resolve that conflict in their own ways.


Ways of resolving 5
Clarity of Voice 2

Acting 3

Total 10

IV. Assignment:
The students will write an essay consisting of 5-6 sentences on how they resolve conflicts at home.

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Teacher’s Activity Students Activity
Daily Routine:
Greetings Good Morning Ma’am!
Good Morning 7-Malamig!

Everyone, please stand for the prayer Yes Ma’am.
____________ please lead the prayer? In the name of the father, and of the son, and
of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Everyone, you may seat properly.

Checking Attendance
Do we have absentees today?
Very Good! None, Ma’am

Class, who can recall of what we’ve discussed last
meeting? Ma’am!
It’s all about the elements of the story.
Yes, Very Good!
Who can give the 5 elements of a story? Ma’am!
Character, Setting, Plot, Conflict, Theme

A. Engage:

Class, do you attend on birthday parties? Yes, Ma’am

Did you experience having a birthday party? Yes/No Ma’am

Do you want to attend a birthday party now? Yes Ma’am

I See, here are your party hats.

We will have a birthday party right now and right
Wear all your party hats and we will start our
party. I will be your clown and MC for today.
Everyone please stand up and go to the center.
Find your group members and make a circle.
There should be 4 circles.
We will play a game called “Stop Dance”
Are you familiar with the game?
Yes Ma’am!

You will dance to the tune of “Baby shark” while

holding a gift. That gift will be forwarded to the
next member beside you. When the music stops,
the one who holds the gift will open it and what is
written on the paper.

Did you get it?

Yes, Ma’am.
Are you excited?
Yes, Ma’am
Okay, so dance 7-Malamig!
(The students will dance)

1st Box:

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What is the most important gift that you
want to receive Why?


2nd Box:
Do you know someone or somebody
who needs a gift more than you do? Why?

Answer: The Beggar or less fortunate

3rd Box:
Did you experience to share or to give
something to someone whom you know
needed it more than you do?
What is the feeling?

Answer: Yes, it feels great to help someone

who needed my help the most.

4th Box:
When was the last time that you’ve
receive a birthday gift? How was the feeling?

Answer: My last birthday, I felt happy and

loved because my family is giving me so
much importance.

It seems that 7-Malamig are very kind and

appreciative, Am I Right?
Definitely Ma’am

I will be showing to you a short video clips
All you have to do is watch very carefully.

(Watching a Video)

Now, what element of short story is highlighted in

the video?
Ma’am, It’s Conflict

B. Explain:
What is conflict?

It is a problem or struggles of the 2 opposing

 A situation in which people, groups,
countries, are involved in a serious
disagreement or argument.
 A violent situation or period of
fighting between 2 persons,
countries, or animals
 A situation in which there are
opposing ideas, opinions, feelings, or

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wishes in which is difficult to

To sum up, conflict is a problem or struggles that

the characters are experiencing. It may be within
the character itself or between the 2 characters, it
can be a protagonist against many antagonist and
also even with nature

Can you identify the conflict in the video?

She has a problem with her mother.
If you were the character in that video, what will
you do to resolve that conflict? I will approach my mother kindly, and I will
say sorry to her.
How does the character resolve the conflict?
In non-violent ways.
What kinds of conflict. Can you name those two?
Ma’am, the two kinds of conflict are internal
and external conflict.
Who can differentiate internal and external
conflict? Internal Conflict is when the character needs
to decide in a particular situation while,
External Conflict is a problem with
characters surrounding.

We have 4 kinds of external conflict.

What are those? Man vs. Man- involves stories where
characters are against each other.
Man vs. Nature- external struggle
positioning the hero against an animal or
force of nature.
Man vs. Society- characters are force to make
moral choices or frustrated by social rules in
meeting their own goals.

Do you understand?
Yes, Ma’am
C. Elaborate:
I will show you four short video clips.
You will identify what kind of conflict is present
in each video (Internal and External Conflict). If
its external, what kind.

Are we clear?
Yes, Ma’am

1st Video: External Conflict

2nd Video: Internal Conflict
3rd Video: External Conflict
4th Video: External Conflict
Very Good Class!
It seems you learned more of what conflict is

Now, I have here a Venn Diagram balloon

Fill out the differences and the similarities of
internal and external conflict.

External Conflict Internal

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Are you ready?
Yes, Ma’am

Within the
Within the
Characters Conflict Character

Yes, clap your hands 7-Malamig!

Are you ready for our next activity?

Yes, Ma’am
You will watch a selection entitled
“I Shall Have Other Birthday” by Ceferino Joven

I Will play it only once, so watch very carefully

and attentively. Afterwards, you will determine
the conflict presented in the selection.

Are you ready 7-Malamig in our mini film

Yes, Ma’am

Who are the characters in the story?

The characters are:
Good! Doña Achay, Emilio Jacinto, Pangoy

What is the conflict present in the story?

When Doña Achay asking for the payment of
Pangoy but she refused to give.
How did the character, resolve the conflict in the
story? Instead, of buying the Kamisa as a birthday
gift. Emilio Jacinto advised, his mother to
give the money to Doña Achay.

D. Evaluation:
You are already with your group members.
This is what you going to do.
I will be giving each group a situation wherein
you must resolve the conflicts in non-violent ways
through role playing.

Are you ready?

Yes, Ma’am
Ways of resolving
Clarity of Voice 2
Acting 3

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Total 10

I Will be giving 10 minutes to prepare

Is It Clear?
Yes, Ma’am
(Group Activity)

From the cartoon series Huckleberry Finn

Group 2:
From the movie “Walk About”
(Rallying between the civilian and the police)

Group 3:
From the movie “IT”
(Bullying of a classmates)\

Group 4:
From the movie “Cyberbully”
(Cyber Bullying)
Are You Done?
Yes, Ma’am
Presentation and giving feedback
Be Ready, group 2 you will be critiquing group 1
Group 3 for the Group 2
Group 4 for the Group 3
Group 1 for the Group 4

Around of applause for the groups.

You are all amazing!
D. Evaluation:
You are already with your group members.
This is what you going to do.
I will be giving each group a situation wherein
you must resolve the conflicts in non-violent ways
through role playing.

Are you ready?

Ways of resolving 5
Clarity of Voice 2

Acting 3

Total 10


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