KHSRC Pre Feasibility Report
KHSRC Pre Feasibility Report
KHSRC Pre Feasibility Report
l AXnthK sdbn kpcnXamtWm ?
Ghpw B[p\nIamb kmtXnI kwhn[m\amWv AXn-thK sdbnen D]tbmKnpXv.
s{Sbn\pIfpsS bm{X, knenwKv kwhn[m\ Iyq \nb{nXamWv. 1964 Pm\n BZy
AXnthK sdbn Bcw`ntijw Pm\nepw, bqtdmnepw Imcyamb Hc]IShpw Dmbnn.
XmcXtay\ henb Hc]ISw DmbXv ssN\bn am{XamWv. tdmU]ISn {]Xnhjw 5,000
tmfw Poh\pI s]menbp tIcfn AXoh kpcbp Hcp bm{Xm _ZemIm
AXnthKsdbnen\p Ignbpw.
l C\ Du aX F{Xtmfap- v ?
CXc KXmKX amKsf At]nv AXn-thK sdbn D]tbmKnp C\ntbpw
Duntbpw Afhv KWyambnpdhmWv. Ghpw ]cnnXn kulyZambnpff Hcp
]XnbmWv AXnthK sdbn. hnam\ tdmUv KXmKXhpambn Xnpt\mptm Im_
hnIncWw Xptemw XpamWv. s]t{SmUok t]mse CdpaXnmbn [mcmfw hntZi\mWyw
thnhcp C\fpsS D]tbmKw hensbmcfhphsc Ipdbvm AXnthK sdbn m]np
XneqsS Ignbpw. hensbmcfhphsc Ipdm AXnthK sdbn m]np XneqsS Ignbpw.
l Fv sIm- v tIcfw ?
Xncph\]pcw apX ImkdtKmUv hsc \ofp GXmv 560 Iotemao ssZLyapff
kwm\amWv tIcfw. XzcnXthK-n \Sp hcp \KchXvcWw, {Kmafpw \Kcfpw
Xnepff Acw IpdpsImphcpp. cmPyv Ghpw IqSpX bm{X sNp P\fpff
efn HmWv tIcfw. \nehn s{Sbn, tdmUv amKsfbmWv Gsdtcpw B{ibnpXv.
{]Xnhjw kwm\s hml\fpsS Fw 12 iXam\w Iv hfcpIbmWv. \nehn aqv
hnam\mhfapsnepw AXv kwm\n\Is bm{Xbvv Gsd {]tbmP\sSpn.
CXpImcWw tdmUv, sdbn bm{Xbvpff Xncv A\pZn\w s]cpIpIbmWv. kwm\s
ag IqSpXepff Imemhbn Ghpw anI coXn- b n \nn tdmUpI t]mepw
s]mnsmfnbpp. CXpImcWw hml\m]IShpw AXpaqeapff acWhpw hnp hcpp. Cu
]men ZoL{lkz Zqcbm{Xn Iv kpcnXhpw thKnepapff bm{Xbvpff
Ghpw \ _Z AXnthK sdbnemWv.
l FvsIm-v \nehnse sdbn D]tbmKnpIqSm ?
AXnthK sdbnens\n ]dbptm kzm`mhnIambn Dbcp kwibamWv Fv
sImv \nehnse sdbnth kwhn[m\n AXnthK XohnI HmSnpIqSm Fv Ctmgpff
sdbnth {SmpI ]camh[n 150 Intemao hsc thKn Xoh-n-Iv kcnm
Ignbhn[w m]nXambXmWv. Fm s{Sbn\pIfpsS Fw s]cpInbtXmsS \nehnse
{SmpIfn ]camh[n thKn bm{X sNbvXmt]mepw t{ImknwKv, knKv\enwKv Fnh
{IaoIcntXpaqew bm{Xbvv IqSpX kabsaSptnhcpp. s{Sbn\pI sshIn
HmSpI FXv \s kw_-n-n-St- mfw Hcp km[mcW kw`hambnoncnpp. CybpsS
sdbnth `q]Sn GsSp ]XnI ]qoIcnm Xs ccew tImSnbncw
cq] BhiyamWv. F{X apKW\ Innbmepw 2050HmsS am{Xta tIcfnse sdbnth
kwhn[m\w ]qWambpw Imcyaamm Ignbq. CXn\p ]pdsa \nehnepff sdbnth
ebn\pI AXnthK Xohn\pkrXambn ]pXpnWnbpI {]mtbmKna. cnepw hyXykvX
kmtXnI hnZybmWv D]tbmKnpXv FXp Xs ImcWw. IqSmsX \ne-hn-ep sdbn
]mXbn ]e--e--fnepw hh-f-hp-I-fp-v. CXpw Cu ]mX-bneqsS AXn-thK sdbn HmSn-p--
Xn-\v X-SamWv.
l AXnthK sdbn sImpff {]tbmP\w
AXnthK sdbn sImv tIcfns\mWv {]tbmP\sa tNmZyw
Dbcppv. kwm\nsd ka{K hfbvv \nehnse KXmKX kuIcy Xosc
A]cym]vXamWv bm{XnIcpw, hmWnPy hyhkmb taJeIfnepffhcpw Cv KXmKX kuIcyfnse
]cnanXnaqew _pnappp. kwm\s \KchXv cWw \nb{nXamb coXnbn
XzcnXsSpm AXnthK sdbn klmbnpw. sdbnth ISpt]mIp efn
sF.Sn.bpw av hyhkmb kwcw`fpw Bcw`npXn\pw, CXc tkh\taJeIfptSbpw hnt\mZ
kmctaJebptSbpw ka{K hnIk\w Ddp hcppXn\pw km[n-pw. CtXmsSmw ImjnI
]mccy taJeIfnse DXv]v henb hn]W\ kmyXIfpw Xpdv Inpw. Zqcefn
]WnsbSpv aSphv ]Xn Gsd {]tbmP\w sNpw.
l AXnthK sdbn tIcfw Fns\ ?
Xncph\]pcw apX sImnhscbpw, sImn apX awKem]pcw hscbpw cv
Lfmbn ]Xn \Smm\mWv DtinpXv. BsI 560 Intem aodmbncnpw ssZLyw.
CXn tIc-f-n Imk-dtKmUv hsc 526.8 Intem-ao--dmWv Zqcw.
l AXnthK sdbn tIcfw kmtXnIhnhcw
km[mcW sdbnthbvpff ]mf-fpsS AtX hoXnbnepff mtUv sKbnPv
Bbncnpw AXnthK sdbnen\pthn m]npI. Htcm s{Sbn-\nepw Fv tImpI
hoXapmIpw. 3.4 ao hoXnbpff Fb IojUv tImpIfn ^v mv, _nkn\kv
mpIfpmIpw. ]camh[n 350 Intemaombncnpw thKw. icm-icn thKw 300 Intem-ao--dm-bn-cn-
l C\w
hnZyp--n-bmWv AXn-thK sdbn-en-\mbn D]-tbm-Kn-p C\w.
l bm{Xmkabw tmpI
Xncph\]pcw apX awKem]pcwhsc \nnjvS AXnthK sdbnens bm{X
kabw 156 an\nmWv. AXmbXv cv aWnqdpw apnbmdv an\npw. Xncph\]pcn\pw
awKem]pcn\panSbn Ggv tj-\pIfpmIpw. tmpIfpw Xncph\]pcv \npff
bm{Xmkabhpw, sImw 15 an\nv, tImbw 37 an\nv, sImn 53 an\nv, Xrq 72 an\nv,
tImgntmSv 98 an\nv, Iq119 an\nv, ImkdtKmUv142 an\nv, awKem]pcw PwKvj 156
an\nv. cmw L-n sN-qcpw Xncqcpw tj-\p-I Dm-Ipw. Hcp tj\n cv an\nv
hoXambncnpw tmv. icmicn 300 Intemao thKn kcnmsep kabamWv apIfn
l AXnthKsdbn m]np coXn
`qanbnepw, `qK`nepw, Dbn sIp XqWpIfnepambnmIpw AXnthK
sdbn m]npI. CXn 300 Intemaotdmfw `qcw XqWpIv apIfn IqSnbpw, 130
Intemaotdmfw `qK`nepw (S-W) _mn km[mcW sdbnt]mse `qanv apIfnepambncnpw.
GXmv ]Xnt\gv Intemaotdmfw `qcw Pemibpw ]pg Ipw apIfnep ]me--fn-
eqsSbmhpw sdbn ISp t]mIpI. icm-icn 20 ao hoXn-bn CXn-\mbn `qan Bhiyw hcpw.
l AXnthK sdbn bm{Xm\ncpI
AXnthK sdbnen cv mkpIfmWv koIcnpI. _nkn\kv mkpw ^v mkpw
_nkn\kv mkns \ncv iXm_v Z n s{Sbn\pIfnse FIv k nIyqohv mkns Hc
Ccnbmbncnpw. ^v mkv NmPv _nkn\kv mkns Ccnbpw.
l `qK]mX \nanXnIv tISp]mSp- m ptam ?
AXnthKsdbn XpcneqsS ISp t]mIptm apIfnepff \nanXnIv
tISp]mSpmptam F Bi Nne tI{ Dbnppv. Ghpw \qX\amb
ktXap]tbmKnv \nanp SWepI `qIstmepw {]Xntcm[nm Ignb
hn[amWv cq]-I\ sNp-I. `qK` SWeneqsS s{Sbn ISpt]mIptm AXns
{]I\w t]mepw ]pdv A\p`hsSn. A{X I\apff `nnItfmsSbmbncnpw Xpc
l Bhiyw hcp `qan
km-ssev kt-{]-Imcw cv Ln\pambn GI-tZiw 794 slIvS `qanbmWv {]m-Y-
anI \nK-a-\-{]-Imcw Bhiyambn hcnI. Xncph\]pcw apX sImnhscbpff BZyLn\v
242 Dw sImn ImkdtKmUv cmwLn\v 552 Dw sl. 6306 Fw kzImcy`qantbbpw
\nanXnItfbpamWv ]Xn _m[npI. tj\pIv icmicn 20 slIvS eamWv
BhiyambnhcnI. UntmIqSn DsSp Xncph\]pcw tj\v Dtiw 54 sl `qan
thnhcpw. ]Xn ]qnbmbngnm ]mXbvncphihpambn XqWp-I m]n-n-cn-
pXv HgnsIbpff ew DSav hyh--Iv hnt[-b-ambn Xncnp\Ipw. tdmUv
hnIk\nteXpt]mse `mhn hnIk\n\v A[nIew AXnthK sdbnen\v Bhiyan.
l `qan GsSp Fns\ ?
tZiob]mX hnIk\n\v etasSpptm \Inhcp AtX ]cnjvIcn
]mtPmWv AXnthK sdbnens esaSpn\pw ]p\c[nhmkn\pw \SmpI. UntmI
Ignm XqWpI \nm Bhiyamb ew am{Xta GsSpq. DSav Db
\jvS]cnlmcn\p]pdsa ]p\c[nhmkn\v Bhiyamb `qanbpw \Ipw. ItmfhnebpsS
ASnm\n s\tKmtjysUv ]tkn\pff \ntihpw ]cnKW\bnepv. AXnthK
sdbnen\v Bhiyamb `qan GsSpptm ew \tInhcphpff ]mtPn\mbn
{]tXyI \nba \namWhpw ]cnKW\bnepv. ]c-am-h[n s\tKmkntb-j\ - n-eqsS Bbn-cnpw `qan
Gs-Sp-p-I. `qan ZoL-Ime ]m-nsSp-m-\p \nt-i-hpw Bh-iy-sa-n ]cn-K-Wnpw.
l ]p\-c-[n-hmkw
km-cns ]pXnb \b-a-\p-k-cnv hmk-kvY-ew hnp-sIm-Sp-tn hcp--hv 100 iX-
am\w ]p\-c-[n-hmkw Dd-mWv.
l ]XnbpsS sNehv, t{kmXv
]XnbpsS samw sNehv 1.18 ew tImSn cq]bmWv. CXn\mhiyamb XpI Ipd
]eni \ncn hmbv]bmbn e`yampw. temIsamSpw AXnthK sdbn ]Xnv kmnI
klmbhpw hmbv]bpw e`yamm Hpan Acmjv{S kmnI m]\fpw Xmdmbnpv.
Ipd ]enibpw IqSpX XncnShv Imehpw Cu hmbv]IfpsS khntijXbmWv.
l ]Xn]qnbmIm F{XImesaSppw ?
]Wn XpSngnm Xncph\]pcw apX sImnhscbpff Lw Bdphj
n\Iw ]qnbmIpw. XpSv tImgntmSphsc ASp Hcp hjn\Ihpw awKem]pcw
hsc AXn\Sp hjhpw ]qnbmIpw. 2014 ]Xn Bcw`nm Ignm 2022HmsS
]qWambpw Ioj sNm Ignbpw.
l Ncv \o-n\v AXn-thK sdbn klm-b-I-
amtWm ?
km[m-cW KpUvkv s{Sbn-\p-I-fn sImp-t]m-Ip Af-hn Ncv km[-\- AXn-
thK sdbnen sImp-t]m-hpI kmy-a- .- bm{Xm-_m-Kp-Iv ]pdta sN-dnb ]mgvke- p-I, Ip-
I Fnh am{Xta sImp-t]m-Im Ign-bq. Fm AXn-thK sdbn hcp-tm ZoL-Zqc
tdmUv KXm-K-X-n-ep-m-Ip Ipdhv tdmUv amtKWbp Ncv \ow kpK-a-am-pw. A\y
kwm-\--fn \npw amp-sa-p Ncv temdn-I tZiob ]mX-bnse Xnc-p-aqew cm{Xn-Im-
e--fn am{X-ambn bm{X ]cn-an-X-s-Sp-p Ah CsXmsS amdpw. Ahiy km[-\--fp-sS
\ow, e`yX Fnh hn-p--Xn\v CXv kmlm-b-I-am-Ipw.
\ne-hn-ep tdmUv KXm-K-X-n-\p _Z-emtWm
AXn-thK sdbn ?
tdmUv amtK-W-bp bm{Xm-amK-n-\p ]qW_Z-e AXn-thK sdbn. \ne-hn
ZoL-Zq-c-bm-{X-bvp hml\-fpsS s]cpw ImcWw lrkz-Zq-c-bm-{X-mp-m-Ip _pn-
apv hen-sbm-c-f-hp-hsc ]cn-l-cn-m AXn-thK sdbn-en-\m-Ipw. tZio-b-]m-X-bnepw av {][m\
tdmUp-I-fn-epap ZoL-Zq-c-bm-{X-hml-\--fpsS Fw Ipd-bp--tXmsS lrkz-Zq-c-bm{X IqSp-
X kpK-a-am-Ipw.
l kwm\ns hnIk\n\v ]Xn
klmbamtWm ?
kwm\ns apJmb amphm ]cym]vXamb ]XnbmWv AXnthKsdbn. Fm
taJebpsSbpw hnIk\n\v anI KXmKX kuIcyw A\nhmcy LSIamWv. tdmUvsdbn
hnIk\n\v tIcfn H\h[n ]cnanXnIfpv Cu ]cnanXnIsf AXnPohnm\pw
hnIk\ns shfnw kwm\ns Fm ZnpIfnepsanm\pw klmbIamb
]XnbmWv AXnthKsdbn. BtcmKyhnZym`ymk taJeIfn hnIknX cmPysmw
hft\Snb tIcfns `mhn IqSpX tim`\amm ]Xn hgnsXfnpw.
0.1.1 Kerala is considered the Gateway of South India. This is one of the states of
India attracting large number of tourists and having the highest literacy rate
among all the states of India. State is Located between north latitudes 8 degree
18' and 12 degree 48' and east longitudes 74 degree 52' and 72 degree 22'.
This land of eternal beauty encompasses 1.18 per cent of the country.
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The District wise population of Kerala state as per census 2011 is given in
table 0.1
Table 0.1
Kerala has 145,704 kilometers of roads (4.2% of India's total). There is about
4.62 kilometers of road per thousand population, compared to an all India
average of 2.59 kilometers. Most Kerala's villages are connected by road.
Traffic in Kerala has been growing at a rate of 1012% every year, resulting in
high traffic and pressure on the roads. Kerala's road density is nearly four
times the national average, reflecting the state's high population density.
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Indian Railways' Southern Railway line runs throughout the state, connecting
all major towns and cities except those in the highland districts of Idukki and
Wayanad. About th of Kerala population lives in urban areas
On the road front, traffic has been growing at a rate of about 11 percent every
year, resulting in excessive pressure on the roads in the state. The total road
length in Kerala during 2006-07 increased to 162149 km from 160944 km in
the previous year, Road density in the state is 417 km/100 and it is far
ahead of national average of 100.39 km/100 The length of road per
lakh population is 509.23 km and it is much higher than the national average of
321.3 km.
The history of Railway line started in Kerala with the commissioning of first
Railway line between Tirur and Beypore (port) on the Malabar coast on 12-03-
1861. Further it was extended from Tirur to Kultipuram on 01/5/1861 and
Kuttipuram to Pattambi 23/09/1861.The further development of the Railways
in the state took place on the dates as mentioned in table 0.2.
Table 0.2
S. No. Section Date of Remarks
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Total route length of Railways in the state is 1148 Kms. There are
200 Railway stations in Kerala . This extensive network connects places both
within and outside the state of Kerala . However, there are no frequent Rail
services available for travelling intrastate from one city to other.
Hence as the present Rail Infrastructure not being sufficient to meet the public
demand for the State and also large number of tourists, it was desired by Kerala
Government to have a High Speed route covering entire length of the State from
South to North vide their G.O. No Go No. 1107/2010/ID dated 02.08.2010 and the
Pre feasibility study was entrusted to Delhi Metro Rail corporation..
The objective of the Pre- Feasibility Study is to assess the transport demand
forecast of various rail corridors in the study area and formulation of a dedicated
Railway route with the upgraded technical specification, for enabling to run the
High Speed train.
The proposed corridor starts at Trivandrum in Kerala state and ends at Mangalore
in Karnataka with nine major stations initially and three more stations adding in the
future. Trains will run at an average speed of about 250 KMPH with nine stations
proposed in the first phase including Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Kottayam,
Ernakulam,Thrissur, Calicut, Kannur Kasaragod and Mangalore. Three more
stations are planned in the next phase at Chengannur, Tirur and Thalassery. The
proposal for the consent of Karnataka Government for connecting the High Speed
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route to Mangalore covering about 50 Kms. distances in Karnataka State has been
sent to GoK and being pursued. Earlier, as desired by Government of Kerala, pre-
feasibility report was prepared for the portion between Thiruvananthapuram and
Ernakulam as Stage I. However, this report is for the entire section between
Thiruvananthapuram and Kasargod. The index plan of the entire section is
put up at Fig. 0.1.Accordigly this report is prepared.
0.2.1 Globally, there are about fifty purpose-built high-speed lines on which trains
regularly travel with a maximum speed of 250 km/hr or more. In most cases they
are dedicated high-speed lines. Nearly all of these lines have provided a quantum
improvement in service level and travel time, as well as often providing a more
direct route. Newer high-speed railways generally aim for 300 km/h or above
some Chinese, Spanish and French lines are designed for 350 km/h. Commercial
speeds are typically around three-quarters of maximum speed.
A high-speed rail service can deliver competitive advantage over airlines for
journeys of up to about 3 hours or 750 km, particularly between city pairs where
airports are located far from city centres. One suitable type of corridor is that which
connects two large cities 250-500 km apart. But another promising situation is a
longer corridor that has very large urban centres located, say, every 150-300 km
apart. On these longer corridors, typical of some being built in China, high-speed
rail has the ability to serve multiple city-pairs, both direct and overlapping.
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Fig 0.2
Switzerland 35 72 107
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Kasargod- Pre Feasibility Report Dec. 2011 6/55
Average Speed
Train Stops Further Extension
Delhi-Chandigarh-Amritsar TBD 250 km/h TBD
Pune-Mumbai-Ahmedabad TBD 300 km/h TBD
TBD 300 km/h Visakhapatnam
Delhi-Agra-Lucknow-Varanasi-Patna TBD 350 km/h TBD
Chennai-Bangalore-Coimbatore- Mumbai (via Hubli),
TBD 300 km/h
Ernakulam Mysore
Howrah-Haldia TBD 350 km/h TBD
Ahmedabad - Rajkot - Jamnagar -
TBD 350 km/h TBD
Rajkot - Junagadh - Veraval TBD 350 km/h TBD
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Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Kasargod- Pre Feasibility Report Dec. 2011 8/55
Evolve the database for establishing the present level traffic and
travel characteristics of the study area. This include secondary and
primary data collection
Map the development potentials for the study area, for the proposed
stations and carry out the forecast
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Perception of users on high speed rail and formulate the optimal fare
for the proposed system
Does high speed rail attract significant mode shift from other modes?
Who are the target passengers for the High speed rail- car, rail, or bus?
Does the socioeconomic characters of the users play a part in the
What is the most cost-efficient way of attracting the trips to the High
Speed Rail?
0.3.4 Methodology
A systematic approach has been adopted in developing a firm methodology
which will provide a realistic forecast at the feasibility level. For the fulfillment of
the desired objectives, the study has been divided into the following tasks taking
into consideration the available time and money resources. These tasks are the
major activities which are inter linked with each other. The activities are detailed
out in the subsequent chapters.
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Step1: Data collection and Analysis: This includes the delineation of study
area, development of network and zone, collating the socioeconomic
indicator of the study area, establishing the present travel pattern
through primary traffic surveys and data processing & analysis.
Step2: Model development: Comprises of replicating the present travel pattern
through development of partial trip end and trip distribution parameters.
Key task in the overall process is the development of Logit model. This
will be developed from the opinion of different categories of users by
mode, class of travel, income etc to the various HSRL options in the
stated preference survey.
Step3: Mapping the development potentials and socioeconomic forecast:
Government has been in the process of establishing new investment
scenarios through polices in sectors like IT, Tourism, Industry etc. This
has attracted many investments in the recent past. To account the
impact of the same in the transport demand, we need to collate these
investments or proposals. This step explores the existing land use and
the growth trends to establish the transport demand due to the same.
Step 4 : Travel Demand forecast: With the transport proposals and the
forecasted socioeconomic indicators in place, the mode wise travel
demand will be predicted with the help of calibrated trip end and trip
distribution models. Appropriate assumptions will be used for the
forecast network, and the cost parameters.
Step 5: Ridership forecast on HSRL: Logit models will be applied to the
candidate traffic for the HSRC for different users by income, class
and purpose. Mode wise shift will be generated. The outputs include
station OD, sectional load, boarding and alighting, trip length, and
The methodology is framed in such a way as to address the above listed
analytical challenges in the forecast.
Model will be able to predict the HSRC ridership from Car, existing rail, and
bus for different purpose and trip lengths
Sensitive to the fare structure for the proposed HSRL and be able to give
the impact of that on ridership, trip length and revenues
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The ability to provide a wide range of outputs to support the decision making
process of the Government
0.3.5 Passenger Km and Trip Length Distribution for Candidate Trips
Table 0.5 Trip Length Distribution Private Car
Passenge Trips
Distance Trips
r km (%)
< 50 99664 3778 6%
51 To 100 2218004 31995 52%
101 To 150 1589912 12707 21%
151 To 200 1018864 5914 10%
201 To 300 1030639 4373 7%
301 To 400 744887 2220 4%
> 400 425270 901 1%
Total 7127240 61888 100%
Passenge Trips
Distance Trips
r km (%)
< 50 22318 826 3%
51 To 100 970178 14093 49%
101 To 150 707184 5468 19%
151 To 200 561298 3324 11%
201 To 300 730568 3070 11%
301 To 400 257835 737 3%
> 400 638950 1418 5%
Total 3888331 28936 100%
Passenge Trips
Distance Trips
r km (%)
< 50 0 0 0%
51 To 100 606723 6328 38%
101 To 150 547133 4389 26%
151 To 200 729944 4169 25%
201 To 300 444801 1883 11%
301 To 400 8581 25 0%
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> 400 0 0 0%
Total 2337181 16793 100%
Passenger Trips
Distance Trips
km (%)
< 50 169,979 5,764 2%
51 To 100 9,815,603 139,248 54%
101 To 150 6,306,772 49,783 19%
151 To 200 4,860,771 28,389 11%
201 To 300 4,981,187 21,302 8%
301 To 400 2,779,533 8,383 3%
> 400 2,106,047 4,635 2%
Total 31,019,892 257,502 100%
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Distance Trips Trips (%)
< 50 341,419 13,223 5%
51 To 100 9,284,030 126,411 47%
101 To 150 8,494,241 62,995 24%
151 To 200 5,020,528 28,841 11%
201 To 300 7,345,164 32,613 12%
301 To 400 721,264 2,162 1%
> 400 217,945 522 0%
Total 31,424,592 266,768 100%
Passenger Trips
Distance Trips
km (%)
< 50 298927 10140 4%
51 To 100 8930378 128437 56%
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The above scenarios i.e. base, optimistic and pessimistic have been defined in the
traffic assessment as under.
Scenarios Frequency in
Fare* Travel Time Reduction
Scenario II: Base
3X 40 60%
Scenario I: Optimistic 3X 20 80%
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Scenario III:
5X 40 60%
In the above Table, X has been assumed the fare of Second AC i.e. Rs. 2/- per
KM. Therefore, the fare recommended in the Report is uniformly Rs.6/- per KM i.e.
only one class. However, it has been decided that fares three time of AC Chair
Car of Shatabdi Express should only be charged from the passengers traveling in
business class and six times of AC Chair Car fare to be charged from the
passengers traveling in First Class. Therefore, to-days fare of Business Class
comes to Rs. 4.3 per Km and for Business Class it comes to Rs.8.7 per Km. Due
to the reduction in the fares to be charged as compared to the fares taken in the
modeling by M/S Wilbur, the traffic figures projected above will increase. Therefore
considering the approximate shift to High Speed Rail from various classes of the
passengers, the likely number of travel of high speed rail has been calculated in
Table 0.16.
Table 0.16
in 2020
Mode 2010 Candidate Total %age Projected
Trips candidate shift traffic
withmore Trips (2010)
than 150 between
Kms Lead 100 Km
and 150
Kms Lead
Car (Own Car 90,824 21,957 30.00% 6587.1
+ Taxi)
Private Bus 266,768 64,139 30.00% 19241.7
KSRTC Bus 257,502 62,707 30.00% 18812.1
Rail 231,081 54,333 50.00% 27166.5
Airport Car 16,793 6,076 2.00% 121.52
Total Trips 792,473 209,212 71,929
Add for the
trips between
the lead of
100 Km to 150
Km. likely to
shift to HSR
Trips to TVC- 89,280 108,832
Trips for TVC- 99,280 121,022
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Thiruvananthapuram 0 23457 0
Total 54766 54766 0
Revised traffic figures only for optimistic scenerio for the entire section i.e.
Thiruvananthapuram to Ernakulam are given in table 0.19
Table 0.19 Thiruvananthapuram to Kasargod
Year Base Optimistic Rev Optimistic
Our Traffic Consultants M/s Wilbur Smith have taken the fare to be charged
of Rs.6/- per KM. However it has been revised to Rs.4.35 per KM for
business class and Rs.8.7 Km for 1st Class. The sectional loads for
Thiruvannathapuram to Kasargod as worked after assignment with the
revised fare, are given in the Table 0.20. The total ridership of this Section
and also average lead are given in Table 0.21 and 0.22 It is assumed that 95%
of the passengers will be in position to afford business class only and 5%
capable of paying First Class fare. It is also assumed that the optimistic
figures of traffic projection will materialize.
Table 0.20 Sectional Load for Thiruvananthapuram to Kasargod section
erala High Speed Rail- PHPDT for Thiruvananthapuram to Kasargod
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Daily ridership and Average lead for the the year 2021 and 2031 is given in the
table below.
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Table 0.23 Construction Standards of Major High-speed Railways in the World (1)
Country Japan France
Section Tokaido Sanyo Tohoku Hokuriku Sud-Est Atlantique Mediterrane
Shin Osaka- Paris-Le Mans
Tokyo-Shin Osaka Tokyo-Morioka Takasaki-Nagano Paris-Lyon Valence-Marseille
Hakata /Tours
Length of New Line km 515 563 496 117 410 284 250
Construction Period Year 1959-1964 1965-1975 1971-1982 1989-1997 1976-1983 1985-1990 1995-2001
Design Criteria
Gauge mm 1435 1435 1435 1435 1435 1435 1435
Max Design Speed km/h 210 250 260 260 300 350 350
Max Commercial Speed km/h 270 300 275 260 300 300 300/320
Min Curve Radius m 2,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 6,250 6,250
Min Longitudinal Curve Radius m 10,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
Max Cant mm 200 180 180 200 180 180 180
Permussible Cant Defficiency mm 90 60 60 90 85 60 65
Max Gradient 20 15 15 30 35 25 35
Distance between Track Centers m 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.3/4.2 4.2 4.2 4.8
Car Width m 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 2.9 2.9 2.9
Max Axle Load ton NP-16 NP-16 NP-16 P-16 17 17 17
Width of Track Formation m 10.9 11.6/11.4 11.6 11.2 13.6 13.6 14.2
Tunnel Cross Section (Standard
m2 63.5 63.5 63.4 62.8 None 71 100
New Line Earth Work km 274 53% 101 18% 27 5% 16 14% 405 99% 265 93% 220 88%
Bridge & Viadnct km 173 34% 194 35% 354 71% 38 32% 5 1% 3 1% 17 7%
Tunnel km 69 13% 268 47% 115 23% 63 54% 0 0% 16 6% 13 5%
Track Structure Ballast Ballast/Slab Ballast/Slab Slab Ballast Ballast Ballast
Traction Power AC 25kV 60Hz AC 25kV 60Hz AC 25kV 50Hz AC 25kV 50/60Hz AC 25kV 50Hz AC 25kV 50Hz AC 25kV 50Hz
Passenger & Passenger & Passenger &
Remark Freight (only for Freight (only for Freight (only for Passenger Passenger Passenger Passenger
design) design) design)
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Table 0.23 Construction Standards of Major High-speed Railways in the World (2)
Country Germany Italy Spain Korea Taiwan
Section ICE Direttissima AVE KTX THSR
Mannheim-Stuttgart Kln-Frankfurt Rome-Firenze Madrid-Sevilla Seoul-Busan Taipei-Kaoshung
Length of New Line km 99 327 177 237 471 412 345
Construction Period Year 1976-1991 1979-1991 1995-2002 1970-1992 1987-1992 1999-2005
1st Section opened
Design Criteria
Gauge mm 1435 1435 1435 1435 1435 1435 1435
Max Design Speed km/h 300 300 330 300 300 350 350
Max Commercial Speed km/h 280 280 300 250 300 300 300
Min Curve Radius m 4,670 4,670 4,000 5,400 4,000 7,000 6,250
Min Longitudinal Curve Radius m 22,000 22,000 11,500 20,000 24,000 25,000 25,000
Max Cant mm 160 160 160 160 140 180 160
Permussible Cant Defficiency mm 100 100 150 130 100 90 60
Max Gradient 12.5 12.5 40 8.5 12.5 15 25
Distance between Track Centers m 4.7 4.7 4.5 5.0 4.3 5.0 4.5
Car Width m 3.1 3.1 3.1 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.4
Max Axle Load ton 19.5 19.5 20 22.5 17.2 17 25.5
Width of Track Formation m 13.7 13.7 12.1 13.0 13.3 14.0 13.0
Tunnel Cross Section (Standard
m2 82 82 92 54/60/68 75 107 90
New Line Earth Work km 64 65% 177 54% 126 75% 120 50% 445 95% 111 27% 33 10%
Bridge & Viadnct km 5 5% 30 9% 6 3% 46 20% 10 2% 112 27% 247 72%
Tunnel km 30 30% 120 37% 47 22% 71 30% 16 3% 189 46% 65 19%
Enbeded Direct
Track Structure Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Slab/Ballast Slab/Ballast
Traction Power AC 15kV 16 AC 15kV 16 AC 15kV 16 DC 3kV AC 25kV 50Hz AC 25kV 60Hz AC 25kV 60Hz
Passenber & Passenber & Passenber & Passenber &
Remark Passenger Passenger Passenger
Freight Freight Freight Freight
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On review of High Speed Rail Technology worldwide, it was felt that Shinkansen
technology is the best and safest where no major accident since its inception has
taken place. The latest implementation of this technology has been in Taiwan High
Speed Rail by THSRC and hence, it is recommended to adopt for Kerala High
Speed rail all the specifications of Taiwan High Speed Rail. Hence, the standard
specifications for Kerala High Speed Rail are given in table 0.24.
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While designing the horizontal alignment, efforts have been made to avoid habitated
areas to minimise the demolition. However it is not possible at all the locations. There
are certain locations where alignment passes through the densely habitated areas, at
these locations alignment has been proposed underground. Settlements along the
corridor are generally scattered; therefore affecting some of such structures is
inevitable. Alignment in these stretches has been planned elevated. Main advantage
of elevated alignment is that there is no physical occupation of ground strip along the
alignment, so there is no requirement of cross passage structures such as flyovers
etc. That is why at grade alignment has been kept absolute minimum except at
location of depot entry or at the beginning/end of elevated/underground/bridge
. All the curve details, gradients, waterways etc. are given in Chapter 5 on Route
Planning. The breakup of the alignment (at grade(cutting, banking), elevated, Bridges,
underground ) is given in table 0.25.
Table 0.25 Break up of alignment
S. No. Type Length (m)
1 At Grade 86984
2 Elevated 296676
3 Bridge 16986
4 Underground 126159
5 Total 526805
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0.5.4 stations
Stations planned in this section of alignment are Thiruvananthapuram, Quilon
Changannur, Kottayam and Erankulam. Changannur station has been planned as
future station. Latitudes and longitudes of station locations are given in the following
table 0.27.
Table 0.27 Station Details
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0.5.5 Depot
1) In Stage I report , a Car depot with workshop was proposed at
Thiruvananthapuram, and also a small depot at Ernakulam.
The number of storage tracks at Trivandrum, Thrissur and Mangalore depot will
be 16, 10 and 10 respectively. However, the numbers will be further worked at
DPR stage. Once the line is extended to Kasargod/Managalore, no stabling line
will be needed at Ernakulam.
Land for stabling lines and maintenance facilities for future increase of train sets
should be reserved.
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that 74808 m length of the route will be as tunnel by way of Tunnel Boring
Machines/New Austrian Tunneling Method depending on the type of strata
beneath. The length of 42978 will be done underground but by cut and cover
The calculation for the land requirement is given in the Table 0.28 .
8 Ha.+10Ha.+20 Ha.) 50.00
Assuming that 25% will be Government land and 75% private land,
Govt Land : 157.25 Hectares
Private Land : 471.75 Hectares.
The history of high-speed railways started in 1964 with the opening of the Tokaido
Shinkansen (however, the highest operating speed at that time was 210 km/h),
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followed afterwards by France (TGV) in 1981, Italy (ETR) in 1988, Germany (ICE) in
1991, and Spain (AVE) in 1992. Besides these countries, high-speed railways are
also running in Belgium, the United Kingdom, Korea, Taiwan, China, Turkey, Holland
and Russia. .
It is proposed to adopt the construction technology used for Shinkansen for Kerala
High Speed Rail after making necessary changes for making it suitable as per the
local conditions. However, it is considered appropriate to detail the various
components of Shinkansen Technology. Table 6.1 gives the standard specifications for
major High Speed Rails in the world and thereafter the description of different civil
Engineering component of Shinkansen Rail are detailed.
The superstructure of a large part of the viaduct comprises of simply supported spans.
However at major crossing over or along existing bridge, special steel or continuous
unit will be provided.
Normally the Box Girder having a soffit width of about 4.0 m (approx) accommodates
the two tracks situated at 4.2m center to center (c/c). The Box Girder superstructure
for almost all the simply supported standard spans will be constructed by precast
prestressed segmental construction with epoxy bonded joints.
The standard spans c/c of piers of simply supported spans constructed by precast
segmental construction technique has been proposed as 28.0m. The usual segments
shall be 3.0m in length except the Diaphragm segments, which shall be 2.0m each.
The other spans (c/c of pier) comprises of 31.0 m, 25.0 m, 22.0 m, 19.0 m & 16.0 m,
which shall be made by removing/adding usual segments of 3.0 m each from the
center of the span.
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- The pier segment will be finalized based on simply supported span of 31.0m and
the same will be also kept for all simply supported standard span.
- For major crossing having spans greater than 31.0m, special continuous units
normally of 3 span construction or steel girders have been envisaged.
- All these continuous units (in case provided at obligatory location) will be
constructed by cast-in-situ balanced cantilever construction technique.
The viaduct superstructure will be supported on single cast-in-place RC pier or double
pier depending upon the location where the alignment passes. For the standard
spans, the pier gradually widens at the top to support the bearing under the box webs.
In absence of detailed design, it is expected that pier size will be of 1.8 m to 2.0 m
diameter of circular shape for most of its height. However, it may be beneficial to
provide double piers in the locations where the alignment will pass through the vacant
areas. The shape of upper part of pier has to be so dimensioned that a required
clearance of 5.5 m is always available on road side beyond vertical plane drawn on
outer face of crash barrier. However, these details are to be worked out at the time of
preparation of Detailed project report.
0.6.3 Foundation
In general, the soils of Kerala are acidic, kaolintic and gravelly with low CEC(Cation
Exchange Capacity), low water holding capacity and high phosphate fixing capacity.
Climate topography, vegetation and hydrological conditions are the dominant factors
of soil formation. Hence, pile foundations with varying pile depths depending on soil
characteristic have to be provided on a case-by-case basis.
1) It is recommended to select EMU (Electronic Multiple Unit) for HSR because it will
enable full use of the floor area of a train for passengers, and thus increase the
transportation efficiency. This also has the effect of minimizing the design load for
construction if EMU for HSR are chosen. Moreover, this choice would allow a
cost reduction.
2) In a view of cost effectiveness it will be preferable to adopt the specifications
without changing those of trains that are already operational in other countries
(the design of the color of the body and interior and the types of fabric for seating
may be selected without additional cost) and to adopt the propulsion system
which has reduced mechanical systems for decreasing potential malfunction and
minimizing maintenance costs.
3) Specification of Rolling Stock Series N700(Shinkansen)
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Table 0.29
Series No. N700
Train formation 14M2T
(3M1T X 2unites, 4M X 2unites)
Overall length (16 cars) 404.7 m
Seating Capacity (First / standard class 1,323 (200 / 1,123)
Electric System 25kV 60 Hz
Maximum service speed 300 km/h
Starting acceleration 2.6 km/h/s
Carbody: Material Aluminum alloy
Length; (Leading car) 27,350 mm
(Intermediate car) 25,000 mm
Width 3,360 mm
Height; (Single level) 3,600 mm, 3,500 mm
Bogie center distance 17,500 mm
Bogie: Suspension Bolsterless Air-spring
Gauge 1,435 mm
Wheel diameter 860 mm
Wheel base 2,500 mm
Vibration control device Yes
The above specification is for 16 Car trains. However, Kerala High Speed will need
only 8 car trains due to the PHPDT being comparatively less than Japan and Taiwan.
Even ultimately, it may require only 12 car trains for catering to the demand. Hence
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for KHSR, some modification will be needed as done on Shinkansen trains for Taiwan
high speed trains. The modifications will be needed as per the changed climatic
conditions for having the effective ventilation systems etc.
Unit Unit
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Electricity is supplied to the electric rolling stock through overhead contact lines and
rails for operation. Because the rails, which are in contact with the ground, become the
return circuit of the feeding circuit, a portion of the return current flows to the ground
through the rails.
In the case of an AC electric railway, the outflow current is induced to the nearby
communication lines, causing inductive problems to the communication lines. A
feeding system shall be adopted as a measure to control the outflow of current.
There are four major types of feeding systems: simple feeding systems, booster
transformer feeding system, auto transformer feeding system and coaxial cable
feeding system. Table 1.2 shows the characteristics of each system.
Of the systems, the auto-transformer feeding system has many characteristics that are
suitable for the TM HSR. For example, it can have a longer interval between sub
stations, it is effective in reducing induction to communication lines, and it can
control the leakage of current from the rails of the ground.
For this reason, the auto Transformer (AT) feeding system is recommended for the
TM HSR, which requires high density/high volume power supply.
In general, the auto-transformers are installed at a standard interval of 10 to 15 km.
For this project, the auto transformer will be installed at substations, sectioning posts,
sub sectioning posts and AT-posts. The rated power self capacity of each auto-
transformer is 5MVA.
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lines in Asia like Japan, Taiwan etc are using the older proven signaling system
having ATC based on track circuits.
Any of these systems can be deployed on a high speed line in order to have
Centralized Train Control System. Overview
Provide high level of safety with trains running at high speed at shorter headways
ensuring continuous safe train separation.
Eliminate accidents due to driver passing Signal at Danger by continuous speed
monitoring and automatic application of brake in case of disregard of signal /
warning by the driver.
Provides safety and enforces speed limit on section having permanent and
temporary speed restrictions.
Improve capacity with safer and smoother operations. Driver will have continuous
display of Target Speed in his cab enabling him to optimize the speed potential of
the track section. It provides signal / speed status in the cab even in bad weather.
Increased productivity of rolling stock by increasing line capacity and train speeds,
and enabling train to arrive at its destination sooner. Hence more trips will be
possible with the same number of rolling stock.
Improve maintenance of Signalling and Telecommunication equipments by
monitoring system status of trackside and train born equipments and enabling
preventive maintenance.
Signalling & Train Control system on the line shall be designed to meet the required
headway during peak hours.
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The telecommunication system acts as the communication backbone for Signalling
systems and other systems such as AFC etc and provides telecommunication
services to meet operational and administrative requirements of metro network.
The telecommunication facilities proposed are helpful in meeting the requirements for Technology
The Technologies proposed to be adopted for telecommunication systems are
shown in Table 0.33 :
TABLE 0.33
System Standards
Transmission Optical Fibre system as the main bearer for bulk of the
Media telecommunication network
Telephone EPABX of minimum 30 ports is to be provided at all Stations, an
Exchange Exchange of 60 Ports to be provided at Terminal Station
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System Standards
System moving cars, stations, maintenance personnel and central control.
For Multiple Journey, the Store Value Contactless Smart Card can be utilized and for
the Single Journey, Smart Contactless Token can be utilised.
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AFC system proves to be cheaper than semi-automatic (manual system) in long run
due to reduced manpower cost for ticketing staff, reduced maintenance in comparison
to paper ticket machines, overall less cost of recyclable tickets (Smart Card/Token) in
comparison to paper tickets and prevention of leakage of revenue
1) The proposed train set is an 8 (eight) car train, which consists of six motor cars
and two trailer cars, designed considering technical features of rolling stock of
HSR and to provide adequate frequency of train operation for HSR users.
2) All of commercial trains will stop only on one station in between to get the higher
average speed. Few trains may be allowed to stop even on both the intermediate
3) A period of time between 24.00 hrs. and 6:00 am is strictly allocated for
maintenance work only. No commercial train operation shall be allowed during
this time zone from view point of safety of maintenance work at the site, which is
essential for safety train operation and comfortable riding quality.
4) Consideration for transfer to/from other transport modes and transit to/from
conventional railway lines shall be taken into account at the HSR
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Shuttle service will be provided for the transit railway passenger using existing
conventional railway when the HSR station is apart from the station of the
existing railway line.
1) With the average speed of 250 Kmph, the traveling time will be 46 minutes
between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam
2) The proposed HSR trains will be operated at its maximum speed of 300 kmph
throughout the route between Trivandrum and Ernakulam with due observance to
permanent and temporary speed restrictions
3) The number of stations of the HSR line will be Eight, namely Trivandrum, Quilon,
Kottayam, Ernakulam, Thrissur, Kozhikode, kannur and Kasargod and the
stopping time at each station is assumed to be two to two and half minutes.
Consequently, traveling time between Trivandrum and Kasargod is estimated at
approximately 115 minutes without any stop en-route .The duration required from
one station to other is given in the table below.
TVC Quilon 15
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3.0 Headway
Peak Period (0800 to 1100 & 1700 15 mins
to 2100 hrs)
30 mins
Non Peak (0600 to 0800, 1100 to
1700 and 2100 to 2300)
4.0 Dwell time at intermediate station 2 mins
5.0 Dwell time at terminal stations 30 mins
6.0 Maintenance time for emergency 30 mins
checks per round trip
7.0 Engineering Recovery time 3 mins
8.0 Traffic Recovery time 3 mins
9.0 End to end run time 131 mins
10.0 Average speed (end to end) 250 kmph
11.0 Total round trip time per rake 352 mins*
12.0 Bare minimum requirement of rakes 22
13.0 Traffic reserve (one standby at each 1
14.0 Maintenance requirement of rakes 2
(@ 8 % maintenance )
15.0 Total rake requirement 25
It is planned that time between 00.06 hrs and 06.00 hrs. will be strictly allocated
for maintenance work only. No commercial train operation shall be allowed
during this time.
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Examination has just screened out the environmental issues which require a detailed
environmental and ecological impact study along with detailed Rehabilitation and
Resettlement (R&R) issues. Hence, a more comprehensive Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) is recommended for the project. This cannot be ignored as explained
that the project area is a very sensitive zone.
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3 Bridges The rate for important bridges per Km has been adopted
considering the completion cost of the bridge at Yamuna
river in Delhi.
4 Station buildings The cost of construction of station for Shinkansen has
been approx.Rs.148 Crores. However, as the station
length for Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor will be lesser
than Shinkansen due to ultimate requirement of only 12
coach trains (as against 16 coach trains in Japan), the rate
of Rs.100 Crores per station in the estimate has been
adopted. Provision for interchange facilities on two
stations of High Speed Rail Corridors with Railways has
also been made..
5 E & M Works Provision of Rs. 20 Crores for each station for E & M
works (Lifts, Escalators, DG sets etc.) is made.
6 Depot Based on Shinkansen, after reducing for the smaller trains
length, the provision of Rs. 300 Crores has been made for
the Depot to be located at Trivendrum. Provision for
stabling lines on other end i.e. Kasargod/Mangalore is also
7 Workshop Provision of Rs.500 Crores for the Workshop is also made
based on the Shinkansen Japan where it is worked out as
Rs. 600 crores.
8 Permanent Way The unit rate for ballasted track has been arrived at based
on the rates of Shinkansen.
9 Traction and power The rates for traction and power supply have been worked
supply out based on Shinkansen but reduced due to rate in Japan
being on very high side.
9 Signalling& The rates of Signalling and Telecommunication based on
Telecommunication Shinkansen rates were considered on low side and hence
the rates of Delhi Metro have been adopted.
10 AFC The rates have been adopted based on Shinkansen.
11 Rolling Stock The rates for Rolling Stock have been taken based on
12 Taxes Taxes have also been calculated on cost of Rs 4583
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0.12.1 The cost of The High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulum is
given as under in table 0.36 and taxes in table 0.37.
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2 Station Buildings
c) Elevated station -
civil works 1190.00 85.80 114.85 200.65
d) Elevated station-EM
works 240.00 10.05 16.81 22.50 49.37
3 Depot
Civil works 400.00 25.14 20.19 27.02 72.35
EM works 600.00 25.14 42.02 56.25 123.41
6 S and T Works
S&T 5268.05 882.77 108.52 145.27 1136.56
AFC 44.00 6.91 1.13 1.52 9.56
8 Misc.
Civil works 300.00 21.63 28.95 50.58
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The Kerala High Speed Rail covering a route length of 526.803 KMs is proposed to be
constructed with an estimated cost of Rs 79223 Crore at May 2011 price level without
taxes and duties but including land cost of Rs. 6434 crores. The estimated cost with
central taxes is Rs. 87757 crores.
For the purpose of calculating the Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR), the
completion cost with central taxes have been calculated by taking escalation factor
@5% PA. It has been assumed that Government of Kerala will exempt local taxes or
reimburse the same. The impact of proposed Goods & Service Tax Act (GST) has not
been considered in the calculation.
The project will be taken up for construction in April-2013 and expected to be
completed by 31.03.2020 and Revenue Opening Date (ROD) is expected to be as
01.04.2020. The total completion costs duly escalated and shown in the table 0.38
have been taken as the initial investment. FIRR of the project is given in Table 0.39.
Table 0.38 Corridor-wise & Year wise Investment-With Central Taxes
Figs in Rs./Crore
The land cost is divided in initial three years during which it is expected that the land
acquisition work would be over and related payments would have to be released. The
escalation factor used is 5% p.a. excluding on land cost. No escalation has been considered
on Land Cost.
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The funding of the project on Government model is given in the table 0.40.
Table 0.40 Funding pattern under SPV model (with central taxes)
0.14.1 We, therefore, strongly recommend that Japanese help should be availed for the high
speed railway line between Thiruvananthapuram and Kasargod and transplant the
Japanese technology in-toto without trying to invent the wheel. This would also pave
the way for a massive aid to flow from Japan to fund the Thiruvananthapuram
Kasargod Project.
0.14.2 The Project can be implemented in either of the two ways:
a. Special Purpose Vehicle
By setting up a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) as a joint venture between
Government of Kerala and Government of India with each Government
contributing 10% of the cost of the project as equity to the SPV. The cost of
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the land has to be fully borne by the State Government. All state taxes
amounting to Rs.5456 crores leviable on the project should be waived by the
State Government. The Central taxes and duties amounting to Rs.12518
crores should be provided to the SPV as interest free subordinate debt in the
ratio of 50 : 50 by the Central Government and the State Government
respectively. The remaining cost amounting to Rs. 71609.00 crores should be
availed as a soft loan from the Government of Japan through Japan
International Cooperation Agency on similar conditions as for the loan to Delhi
On this basis the state governments burden on the project will be Rs.29469
crores (inclusive of land cost, state taxes and 50 % of central Taxes.) The
State Government may raise part of this amount by domestic borrowings.
From the financial analysis it will be seen that there will be sufficient
operational revenue from which the SPV will not have any difficulty in servicing
and paying back the loan taken from Japan.
If this model is followed, work can commence immediately after the project is
approved by the two governments and completed within a period of 7 years.
The operation and maintenance of the high speed network will be done by the
SPV itself with Japanese help in the initial stages.
b. BOT Model
In the BOT model, a concessionaire will be selected with viability gap funding
support. If the concessionaire is to have at least 14% return on his
investments, then the VGF will be Rs.62710 crores (excluding land cost and
State Taxes) as indicated in the financial analysis. As the VGF will be too
much for the two governments to shoulder, this route is not recommended.
Further to finalize the concessionaire agreement it will take at least two years.
Only thereafter the concessionaire will engage general consultants to prepare
the designs and tender documents which will involve a delay of another 18
months. Thereafter the work will commence i.e 3 years after the government
gives approval to the project. It is also highly doubtful whether a suitable
concessionaire can be found for undertaking this project. If the BOT route is
followed the government will not be able to give duty and tax concessions and
the concessionaires financial costs will also be much more than the
governments financial costs. This is likely to result in the cost of the project
going up by 25 to 30%. Hence we do not recommend the BOT route.
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In case the project is implemented in the BOT route the concessionaire will
have to engage a suitable operator for running the system.
i) The traffic survey indicated that there is willingness to shift to the High
Speed rail corridor if available. There is need of providing more efficient
rail system which will attract the road and air traffic and reduce the load
and congestion on the roads and also be comfortable and quick transport
ii) The road traffic has been growing at a rate of 10 to 12%. The same trend
is seen in the growth of vehicles during 03 to 07 which is at 12%.While the
growth of Road length has been negligible. This has resulted in great
increase in Road congestion.
iii) Study revealed that there is no efficient and fast rail transport system in
the State.
iv) For the success of High Speed Rail, in influence area of residential /
commercial /institutional localities, planned integrated operation of the
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v) The Study was started with the marking of route alignment on Topo
Sheets of Survey of India and finally the base map was prepared
making use of Carto-set and QuickBird Images.The base map so
prepared was used for designing the route alignment.
vii) To complete this study, Experts from Japan were engaged for reviewing
the technology worldwide and give their recommendations for various
items to be implemented as part of Kerala High Speed Rail..
viii) High Speed Rail is now a tried and tested technology with deliverables
really transport benefits and can dominate market against road and
Airline transport
ix) The cost of Shinkansen High Speed Rail has been used for costing the
Kerala High Speed Rail .
xi) The traffic projections have been done based on the candidate trips
along Thiruvannathapuram to Kasargod Section and using the logistic
model In 2020, the expected date of commissioning of this line, it is
estimated that 109487 passengers will use High Speed Rail.
xii) It has been assumed that 95% of the passengers can afford to pay only
business Class fare which is Rs.4.35 per KM on date and 5% of the
passengers will be in position to afford 1st class with the fare of Rs.8.70
per KM.
xiii) 100 Hectares of the Government land for P.D.has been considered for
making the Project viable.
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xv) The Viability Gap for any private party to take this project on BOT( with
14% return) comes to Rs.74600 Crores (including the cost of land, State
Taxes), which is 63% of the total cost of this Project and hence not
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Fig 0.1
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Executive Summary
0.1.1 Kerala is considered the Gateway of South India. This is one of the states of
India attracting large number of tourists and having the highest literacy rate
among all the states of India. State is Located between north latitudes 8 degree
18' and 12 degree 48' and east longitudes 74 degree 52' and 72 degree 22'.
This land of eternal beauty encompasses 1.18 per cent of the country.
Kerala is a union state located in the southwestern part of India. With an
Arabian sea coastline on the west, it is bordered on the north by Karnataka and
by Tamil Nadu on the south and east. Kerala extends over an area of 38,863
sq. km. It has a total coastline of 580 km. Its width varies from 120 kilometers
at its maximum and just 30 kilometers at its minimum.
0.1.2 Decadal Growth of Population
An analysis of the decadal growth of all India population shows that it increased
from 1921 to 1971 and since then it started declining gradually. In Kerala the
decadal growth rate had been higher rate from 1941 to 1971 and since then
growth rate has been declining. The details of decadal growth rate of
population at all India and Kerala from 1901 to 2011 are given below Table 0.1
shows decadal growth rates of urban and rural population.
Table 0.1 Figures in Lakhs
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 1
Executive Summary
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Executive Summary
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Executive Summary
Total route length of Railways in the state is 1148 Kms. There are
200 Railway stations in Kerala . This extensive network connects places both
within and outside the state of Kerala . However, there are no frequent Rail
services available for travelling intrastate from one city to other.
Hence as the present Rail Infrastructure not being sufficient to meet the public
demand for the State and also large number of tourists, it was desired by
Kerala Government to have a High Speed route covering entire length of the
State from South to North vide their G.O. No Go No. 1107/2010/ID dated
02.08.2010 and the Pre feasibility study was entrusted to Delhi Metro Rail
corporation. DMRC prepared the feasibility report of this corridor and submitted
the report to State Government in the month of August 2012.Subsequently
Government of Kerala decided that Detailed Project Report for this corridor be
prepared and entrusted to DMRC vide their G.O. (MS) No.367/2012/ID, dated
0.1.7 Economic Benefits of High-speed rail
High speed trains require dedicated track at a cost substantially higher than
the conventional rail line. Infrastructure maintenance cost is comparable with
conventional rail but the building costs and the acquisition, operation and
maintenance costs of specific rolling stock make this transport alternative an
expensive option.
HSR infrastructure is associated with lower total travel time, higher comfort
and reliability, reduction in the probability of accident, and in some cases the
release of extra capacity which helps to alleviate congestion in other modes
of transport. HSR investment reduces the net environmental impact of
transport and boosts regional development.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 4
Executive Summary
0.2.1 Globally, there are about fifty purpose-built high-speed lines on which trains
regularly travel with a maximum speed of 250 km/hr or more. In most cases
they are dedicated high-speed lines. Nearly all of these lines have provided a
quantum improvement in service level and travel time, as well as often
providing a more direct route. Newer high-speed railways generally aim for 300
km/h or above some Chinese, Spanish and French lines are designed for 350
km/h. Commercial speeds are typically around three-quarters of maximum
A high-speed rail service can deliver competitive advantage over airlines for
journeys of up to about 3 hours or 750 km, particularly between city pairs
where airports are located far from city centres. One suitable type of corridor is
that which connects two large cities 250-500 km apart. But another promising
situation is a longer corridor that has very large urban centres located, say,
every 150-300 km apart. On these longer corridors, typical of some being built
in China, high-speed rail has the ability to serve multiple city-pairs, both direct
and overlapping.
Thereafter, number of countries have opted for High Speed Rail Transport and
on date, China is having the longest network of High Speed routes
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 5
Executive Summary
In operation
Rank Country Region
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 6
Executive Summary
In operation
Rank Country Region
18 Poland Europe 85
19 Norway Europe 64
21 Denmark Europe 5
22 Switzerland Europe 80
Source: Wikipedia
India has undergone rapid economic growth in recent years, and along with this
growth, demand for the transport of people and goods has arisen sharply. To
meet this rise, Dedicated Freight Corridors (DFC) to haul freight from Delhi to
Mumbai and Kolkata are being constructed. The existing Rail infrastructure has
not been able to meet the traffic demand of the people transport. There have
been the situations in most of the sectors of Rail where it is difficult to find out
the berth in any class in any of the trains even two months in advance.
Similarly for transportation of people from one place to other, High speed Rail
Corridors as under are at different stages of conceptualization by Ministry of
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 7
Executive Summary
The Prime Minister of India while addressing the Joint Session of the
Parliament on June 9, 2014 mentioned that the Government is committed to
launch a Diamond Quadrilateral High Speed Rail Network connecting Chennai,
Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata.
Further the MoU have been signed between India and China, and it was
agreed that China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group will conduct a
Feasibility Study on the Delhi-Chennai corridor. Also, Ministry of Railways
through HSRC has appointed 3 international consortiums to study three
corridors of the Quadrilateral.
Table 0.5b:- High Speed Diamond Quadrilateral Feasibility Studies.
S.No. Corridor Status
Study awarded and Inception report submitted by
M/s INECO-M/s TYPSA -M/s Intercontinental
1. Delhi-Kolkata
Consultants and Technocrats Private Limited
Inception report submitted and Pre-Feasibility
Report under preparation by Third Rail Survey &
2. Delhi-Mumbai
Design(China)-Lahmeyer Intl Lahmeyer India
Inception report submitted and Pre-Feasibility
3. Mumbai-Chennai Report under preparation by SYSTRA-RITES- EY
and Young LLP Consortium.
Delhi-Nagpur as Study being carried out through G2G cooperation
4. part of Delhi- with China Siyuan Group of China. Planning report
Chennai submitted
Mumbai Nagpur
G2G cooperation with Spain. ADIF and INECO are
5. as part of
Agency to be finalized.
6. Chennai-Kolkata
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 9
Executive Summary
In summary, high-speed rail is now a tried and tested technology that delivers
real transport benefits and can dominate market share against road and airline
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Executive Summary
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Executive Summary
Table 0.7:- 0.7 Construction Standards
Table 6-1 of of
Construction High-speed
Major of MainRailways
Standards in the
High-Speed World (2)
in in
Railways the
theWorld (2)
World (2)
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Executive Summary
0.4.3 Scope of services:
The scope of Traffic projections included:
A site reconnaissance of the study area and the proposed high
speed rail corridor to appraise the land use along and around the
proposed corridor
Evolve the database for establishing the present level traffic and
travel characteristics of the study area. This include secondary and
primary data collection
Carryout primary traffic surveys such as traffic volume counts, origin
destination survey, road network inventory survey, willingness to pay
survey, and speed and delay survey
Map the development potentials for the study area, for the proposed
stations and carry out the forecast
Perception of users on high speed rail and formulate the optimal fare
for the proposed system
Development of mode choice model to estimate the shift towards the
proposed system
Travel demand forecast for the next twenty years for the available
modes using appropriate forecast framework
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 14
Executive Summary
Step 3: Mapping the development potentials and socioeconomic forecast:
Government has been in the process of establishing new investment
scenarios through polices in sectors like IT, Tourism, Industry etc. This
has attracted many investments in the recent past. To account the
impact of the same in the transport demand, we need to collate these
investments or proposals. This step explores the existing land use and
the growth trends to establish the transport demand due to the same.
Step4: Travel Demand forecast: With the transport proposals and the
forecasted socioeconomic indicators in place, the mode wise travel
demand will be predicted with the help of calibrated trip end and trip
distribution models. Appropriate assumptions will be used for the
forecast network, and the cost parameters.
Step 5: Ridership forecast on HSRL: Logit models will be applied to the
candidate traffic for the HSRC for different users by income, class and
purpose. Mode wise shift will be generated. The outputs include station
OD, sectional load, boarding and alighting, trip length, and revenue.
The methodology is framed in such a way as to address the above
listed analytical challenges in the forecast.
Model will be able to predict the HSRC ridership from Car, existing
rail, and bus for different purpose and trip lengths
Should be able to account the impact of changes in economy on the
overall mode shift over a period of time
Demand and economic impacts of activity based developments
around the proposed high speed rail station locations
Sensitive to the fare structure for the proposed HSRL and be able to
give the impact of that on ridership, trip length and revenues
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 15
Executive Summary
Table 0.10 Trip Length Distribution Taxi
< 50 0 0 0%
51 To 100 606723 6328 38%
101 To 150 547133 4389 26%
151 To 200 729944 4169 25%
201 To 300 444801 1883 11%
301 To 400 8581 25 0%
> 400 0 0 0%
Total 2337181 16793 100%
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 16
Executive Summary
Mode Category Total Daily Trips
Private 465,302
KSRTC + Private 1,090,949
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 17
Executive Summary
First Class Ordinary 1198
Sleeper Express or Mail 24094
Second Class Express or Mail 107030
Second Class Ordinary 341606
AC Chair Car 1637
Third Class AC 1991
Total 478299
Distance Trips Trips (%)
< 50 298927 10140 4%
51 To 100 8930378 128437 56%
101 To 150 4797284 38171 17%
151 To 200 3518704 20155 9%
201 To 300 5944030 24646 11%
301 To 400 1639907 4771 2%
> 400 2180892 4761 2%
Total 27310123 231081 100%
Total daily trips by train are 478299. Majority of the trips (70%) are carried by
second class ordinary followed by second class in Express or Mail trains.
Average trip length by rail is found to be 118 Km. About 56% of the trips are
made between a distances of 51 to 100 Km.
0.4.8 Potential Modes
The potential modes identified for the study corridor in Kerala include bus, car,
taxi and rail. Each potential mode is categorized by service type. So the trip
matrices were segregated by mode and service to get varied shift by service.
The details of mode categorization by service are presented in table 0.17. The
ordinary service for the bus and rail was not considered as the analysis showed
the shift as nearly nil.
Table 0.17 Mode and services considered
Sl.No Mode Service
Super Express
Super Deluxe
Super Fast
Fast Passenger
2 Car Big Car
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 18
Executive Summary
Sl.No Mode Service
Small Car
Big Taxi
3 Taxi
Small Taxi
First Class Express or Mail
First Class AC
First class ordinary
Second class AC
4 Rail Sleeper Express or Mail
Second Class Express or Mail
Second class ordinary
AC Chair Car
Third Class AC
5 Airport Car All
0.4.9 Candidate Traffic
The candidate trip matrices were prepared from total trip matrices based on the
influential zones identified. The summary of total trips & candidate trips by
mode as presented in Table 0.18.
Table 0.18 Base Year Trips
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 19
Executive Summary
Table 0.19 Assumption on variables for Diversion under various
Frequency in
Fare* Travel Time Reduction
Scenario II: Base
Case 3X 40 60%
Scenario III:
5X 40 60%
* X- Train Second AC Fare i.e. 2 Rs/Km
Based on the estimated shift to the proposed KHSRC and the growth rates
shown above the ridership for different horizon years for different scenarios
area tabulated below:
Scenario 1: Estimated ridership for HSRC corridor between
Thiruvananthapuram & Mangalore
Table 0.21 Ridership for corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Mangalore
Years 2028 2040 2051
Ridership 127093 183236 232423
Passenger-km 31914773.39 47449081.99 61320071.55
ATL (km) 251.11 258.95 263.83
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 20
Executive Summary
Scenario 3: Estimated ridership for HSRC corridor between
Thiruvananthapuram &Kasargod
Table 0.23 Ridership for corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kasargod
Years 2028 2040 2051
Ridership 121602 173615 219193
Passenger-km 29214927.02 42498015.77 54277379.01
ATL (km) 240.25 244.78 247.62
0.4.12 Recommendations
It is seen that the additional ridership between Kannur and kasargod will not
justify the investment, unless the line is extended to Mangalore.
In view of the above, it is recommended that first phase of the high speed
corridor should be between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur.
While designing the horizontal alignment, efforts have been made to avoid
habitated areas to minimise the demolition. However it is not possible at all the
locations. There are certain locations where alignment passes through the
densely habitated areas, at these locations alignment has been proposed
underground. Settlements along the corridor are generally scattered; therefore
affecting some of such structures is inevitable. Alignment in these stretches
has been planned elevated. Main advantage of elevated alignment is that there
is no physical occupation of ground strip along the alignment, so there is no
requirement of cross passage structures such as flyovers etc. That is why at
grade alignment has been kept absolute minimum except at location of depot
entry or at the beginning/end of elevated/underground/bridge locations.
All the curve details, gradients, waterways etc. are given in Chapter 6 on Route
Planning. The breakup of the alignment (at grade(cutting, banking), elevated,
Bridges, underground ) is given in table 0.24.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 21
Executive Summary
Table 0.24 Break up of alignment
No. Particulars Length of Route
in Km in %
1. Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur 430 --
(End to End)
(a) Viaduct 180 41.86
(b) Tunnel (Underground) 105 24.42
(c) Cutting 65 12.15
(d) Bank 20 4.65
(e) Cut & Bank 36 8.37
(f) Cut & Cover 24 5.58
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 22
Executive Summary
22 6500 939'08" 548.809 500 500 1095.021 2095.021
23 6250 1958'42" 1100.824 500 500 2179.296 3179.296
24 8000 2541'44" 1824.574 500 500 3587.78 4587.78
25 8000 212'46" 154.503 500 500 308.968 1308.968
26 6250 3203'44" 1795.832 500 500 3497.447 4497.447
27 0 2929'59" 4396.715 185 185 8598.312 8968.312
28 6250 737'05" 416.107 500 500 830.988 1830.988
29 6250 559'05" 326.718 500 500 652.841 1652.841
30 6250 2157'32" 1212.557 500 500 2395.356 3395.356
31 8000 2736'21" 1965.415 300 300 3854.491 4454.491
32 8000 812'28" 573.995 200 200 1146.027 1546.027
33 8500 159'55" 148.263 500 500 296.496 1296.496
34 8500 2212'33" 1668.347 500 500 3294.81 4294.81
35 8500 3344'55" 2578.326 500 500 5006.691 6006.691
36 8500 5127'06" 4095.49 500 500 7633 8633
1 up to 3000 2 4466.855 4%
>3000 to 69953.872
2 7000 25 61%
>7000 to 32128.263
10000 8 28%
3 >10000 1 8968.312 8%
0.5.4 Stations
Stations planned in this section of alignment are Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam
Changannur, Kottayam Kochi, Thrissur Valenchary, Kozhikode and kannur
Details of stations with chainages are given in the Table below.
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Executive Summary
Table 0.26 Station List
S.No Name of station Chainage Inter-station Elevated /
(KM) distance(KM) At grade
1 Thiruvananthapuram 000.000 00.000 At grade
0.5.5 Depot
In Stage I report, a Car depot with workshop is proposed at
Thiruvananthapuram, and also a small depot at Kannur.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 24
Executive Summary
8. Kozhikode 37.55 Open land Private
9. Kannur 5.00 Thinly populated Private
10. Total 267.46
11. Government Land 5 Ha. & Private Land 262.46 Ha.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 25
Executive Summary
Availability of adequate infrastructural support and optimum potential for
commercial utilization and early high return
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 26
Executive Summary
5. Railway land 0.20 nil 0.20
(Approaches and
6. Total 5.20 1155.57 1160.77
The history of high-speed railways started in 1964 with the opening of the
Tokaido Shinkansen (however, the highest operating speed at that time was
210 km/h), followed afterwards by France (TGV) in 1981, Italy (ETR) in 1988,
Germany (ICE) in 1991, and Spain (AVE) in 1992. Besides these countries,
high-speed railways are also running in Belgium, the United Kingdom, Korea,
Taiwan, China, Turkey, Holland and Russia. .
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 27
Executive Summary
units normally of 3 span construction or steel girders have been
- All these continuous units (in case provided at obligatory location) will be
constructed by cast-in-situ balanced cantilever construction technique.
The viaduct superstructure will be supported on single cast-in-place RC pier or
double pier depending upon the location where the alignment passes. For the
standard spans, the pier gradually widens at the top to support the bearing
under the box webs. In absence of detailed design, it is expected that pier size
will be of 1.5 m to 2.0 m diameter of circular shape for most of its height.
However, it may be beneficial to provide double piers in the locations where the
alignment will pass through the vacant areas. The shape of upper part of pier
has to be so dimensioned that a required clearance of 5.5 m is always
available on road side beyond vertical plane drawn on outer face of crash
0.6.3 Foundation
In general, the soils of Kerala are acidic, kaolintic and gravelly with low
CEC(Cation Exchange Capacity), low water holding capacity and high
phosphate fixing capacity. Climate topography, vegetation and hydrological
conditions are the dominant factors of soil formation. Hence, pile foundations
with varying pile depths depending on soil characteristic have to be provided on
a case-by-case basis.
0.7 Transit Oriented Development
There is tremendous scope for further development by providing spaces for
Malls/structures closer to the station location. This value is not indicated since it
is not possible to maintain correct assessment. Since Government of Kerala is
undertaking large scale development activities, it is possible that, the land now
identified for development could be diverted for some other purposes. It is
therefore necessary that the land required for the property development which is
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 28
Executive Summary
given in this DPR will have to be necessarily identified immediately on approval
of this project by the State Government and necessary notification given.
Further, as mentioned earlier, the development activities which come in between
Stations and also along the corridor is not been taken into account for arriving at
a quantum of property development. Since the service roads are provided
almost all along the alignment, the development of the area along the entire
length for the Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor especially, those areas hitherto
unconnected by any road will be very high and has also not been quantified at
this stage.
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Executive Summary
(the design of the color of the body and interior and the types of fabric for
seating may be selected without additional cost) and to adopt the propulsion
system which has reduced mechanical systems for decreasing potential
malfunction and minimizing maintenance costs.
0.8.2 Rolling stocks Operation Parameters
Table 0.31 Design Parameters for Operation
S.No. Item Value
Power System: 2 x 25 KV AC(Pantograph voltage:25 KV,50Hz)
Starting Acceleration: 0.53 m/s2
Avg.Acceleration: 0.25 m/s2
Avg.Deceleration: 0.61 m/s2
Emergency brake distance from 300km/h: 4100 m
Jerk rate: 0.5 m/s3
Design speed: 350 kmph
Operational speed: 300 kmph
Track Gauge: 1435 mm
Car body width: 3.2-3.4 m
% Motorization: 75%
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Executive Summary
Kollam, Chengannur, Kottayam, Kochi, Thrissur, Valancherry, Kozhikode and
Kannur, the Average speed has been worked out to 195kmph.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 31
Executive Summary
Mode-3 123 305
Mode-4 61 367
Mode-5 82 346
Rake requirement has been worked out in the most conservative scenario i.e.
Mode-1 assuming that train stops at all stations.
Based on the projected PHPDT demand, train operation has been planned for
Thiruvanthapuram to Kannur for the year 2028, 2040 and 2051 as detailed
Year 2028
Train operation with 8 car Trains with headway of 10.75 min between
Thiruvanthapuram to Kannur is planned in the first year of operation i.e.
2028 with Peak Hour Peak Direction Capacity of 3126 against PHPDT
demand of 3100.
Year 2040
Train operation with 12 car Trains with headway of 10.75 min between
Thiruvanthapuram to Kannur is planned in the year of operation 2040 with
Peak Hour Peak Direction Capacity of 4688 against PHPDT demand of
Year 2051
Train operation with 12 car Trains with headway of 9 min between
Thiruvanthapuram to Kannur is planned in the year of operation 2051 with
Peak Hour Peak Direction Capacity of 5600 against PHPDT demand of
The PHPDT capacity provided on Thiruvanthapuram to Kannur corridor in
different years of operation is given below:
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 32
Executive Summary
Table 0.35 PHPDT Capacity Provided
Description 2028 2040 2051
Cars/trains 8 12 12
Head way (Minutes) 10.75 10.75 9
Max. PHPDT Demand 3100 4425 5587
PHPDT Capacity Available 3126 4688 5600
Carrying capacity of 560 passengers per train for 8 car train length and 840
passengers per train for 12 car train length have been considered
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 33
Executive Summary
The number of Business class, standard class or economy class cars in 8-car
or 12 car train can be decided later.
0.9.3 Weight
The weight of an 8-car train have been estimated in Table 0.37 below. The
average passenger weight has been taken as 65 kg. Also, additional Luggage
weight of 15 kg/passenger has been considered. The number of passengers in
an 8 car train has been considered as 560.
Table 0.37 Weight of High Speed Rail (Tonnes)
Description 8 Car train
TARE (maximum) 358
Passenger 44.8
Gross 402.8
Average Axle Load (Design
The average axle load works out to 19T based on above noted considerations.
It is, however, mentioned that as different classes of accommodation are
proposed, the passenger capacity of different cars will be different and hence
the axle loads for different cars will be different and may be higher than the
average worked out above. Also, it will be advisable to design the coach with
sufficient strength so that even with overload, the design will not result in over
stresses in the coach. Considering the above, the Coach and bogie will,
therefore, have maximum axle load of 19T (Design as per UIC loading).
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 34
Executive Summary
(vi) Viaduct/tunnel/fencing lighting load 200 kVA per ASS at emergency
egress location at every 3 km, 10 kW per km for the plug points and 5
kW per km for the lighting load.
(vii) Depot auxiliary load - initially 1500 KW, which will increase to 2500 KW
in the year 2051. For OCC and training center at Thiruvananthapuram,
an additional 1.5 MVA load shall be taken. There will be 2 ASS with 3
MVA transformers.
(viii) The property development load has been worked out on the basis of
200 W/sq.m as per area anticipated station wise. The intensity of
utilization is projected to increase from 30% in 2028, 60 % in 2041 and
100% in 2051.
Considering that the fire pumps do not operate under normal working and not
all lifts and escalators are used simultaneously, the Electrical load at stations
and circulation areas is taken as 800 kW in 2028, 1000 kW in 2041 and 1100
kW in .
Keeping in view of the train operation plan and demand of auxiliary and traction
power requirements projected for the year 2028, 2041 and 2051 are calculated
at Table 0.38 and summarized in Table 0.40 below. The energy consumption
estimation is calculated in Table 0.39.
Table 0.38 Power Requirements
Year 2028 Year 2041 Year 2051
Traction power
1 2 3 4 5 6
(2DT+1 (2DT+1
No of cars 8 12 T+ 12 T+
9MC) 9MC)
Total train weight
403 T 605 T 605 T
(Passenger & Train)
Section length 428.40 KM 428.40 KM 428.40 KM
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 35
Executive Summary
Year 2028 Year 2041 Year 2051
Traction power
1 2 3 4 5 6
Total traction power
requirement (MVA)
192.61 MVA 287.81 MVA 335.69 MVA
assuming 5% energy
losses and .95 pf
Aux. power
station--power 0.80 MW 1.00 MW 1.10 MW
Undeground tunnel 130
km (light & fan load at 1 3.60 MW 3.60 MW 3.60 MW
egress location)
No. of elevated/at-
9 9 9
grade stations
Undeground tunnel 130
1.00 MW 1.00 MW 1.00 MW
km (lighting load)
Emergency egress @
3km at grade
0.30 MW 0.30 MW 0.30 MW
(considering worst
condition at 3 points)
Total Station Aux
12.1 MW 13.9 MW 14.8 MW
Power requirement
Depot Aux power
3.0 MW 4.0 MW 5.0 MW
OCC+Traning Centre 1.5 MW 1.6 MW 1.7 MW
Total Aux Power
16.6 MW 19.5 MW 21.5 MW
Total aux power
requirement (MVA)
assuming 5% energy 20.51 MVA 24.09 MVA 26.56 MVA
losses and .85 pf for
aux loads
Total traction & aux
power requirement 213.12 MVA 311.9 MVA 362.25 MVA
Note: The requirement of PD load is not considered in estimation of power
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 36
Executive Summary
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 37
Executive Summary
Table 0.40 Power Demand Estimation (MVA)
Corridor 2028 2041 2051
Traction 193 288 336
Auxiliary 20.5 24.1 26.6
Kannur 430 kms, (9
stations) PD 7.8 15.5 25.6
Total 221 328 388 The Signaling and Train Control system shall provide the means of an
efficient Train Control, ensuring safety in train movements. It assists in
optimization of rail infrastructure investment and running of efficient train
services on the network.
On high speed lines in Europe and Asia, there are mainly two types of
signaling systems presently in service. Europe is shifting towards ERTMS
Level 2 on high speed lines and is becoming the standard in Europe. This is
true for some Non-European countries also. Whereas the countries which
already have high speed lines in Asia like Japan, Taiwan etc are using the
older proven signaling system having ATC based on track circuits.
Any of these systems can be deployed on a high speed line in order to have
Centralized Train Control System. Overview
Provide high level of safety with trains running at high speed at shorter
headways ensuring continuous safe train separation.
Eliminate accidents due to driver passing Signal at Danger by
continuous speed monitoring and automatic application of brake in case
of disregard of signal / warning by the driver.
Provides safety and enforces speed limit on section having permanent
and temporary speed restrictions.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 38
Executive Summary
Improve capacity with safer and smoother operations. Driver will have
continuous display of Target Speed in his cab enabling him to optimize
the speed potential of the track section. It provides signal / speed status
in the cab even in bad weather.
Increased productivity of rolling stock by increasing line capacity and
train speeds, and enabling train to arrive at its destination sooner.
Hence more trips will be possible with the same number of rolling stock.
Improve maintenance of Signalling and Telecommunication equipments
by monitoring system status of trackside and train born equipments and
enabling preventive maintenance.
Signalling & Train Control system on the line shall be designed to meet
the required headway during peak hours.
The telecommunication system acts as the communication backbone for
Signalling systems and other systems such as AFC etc and provides
telecommunication services to meet operational and administrative
requirements of metro network.
0.12.1 Overview
The telecommunication facilities proposed are helpful in meeting the
requirements for
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 39
Executive Summary
0.12.2 Technology
The Technologies proposed to be adopted for telecommunication systems are
shown in Table 0.41 :
Table 0.41
System Standards
Optical Fibre system as the main bearer for bulk of
Transmission Media
the telecommunication network
EPABX of minimum 30 ports is to be provided at all
Stations, an Exchange of 60 Ports to be provided at
Terminal Station
Digital Train radio (GSM-R) communication between
Train Radio System motorman of moving cars, stations, maintenance
personnel and central control.
LED/LCD based boards with adequate visibility to be
provided at convenient location at all stations to
Train Destination
provide bilingual visual indication of the status of the
Indicator System
running trains, and also special messages in
Accurate display of time through a synchronisation
Centralized clock system of slave clocks driven from a master clock at
system the OCC and sub master clock in station. This shall
also be used for synchronisation other systems.
Passenger Passenger Announcement System covering all
Announcement platform and concourse areas with local as well as
System Central Announcement.
Redundancy on Radios in the Base Stations,
Path Redundancy for Optical Fibre Cable by
(Major System)
provisioning in ring configuration.
All equipment rooms to be air-conditioned.
System to have, as far as possible, automatic
switching facility to alternate routes/circuits in the
event of failure.
Philosophy of preventive checks of maintenance to
Maintenance be followed. System networked with NMS for
Philosophy diagnosing faults and co-ordination.
Card/module level replacement shall be done in the
field and repairs undertaken in the central
laboratory/manufacture's premises.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 40
Executive Summary
0.13.1 Introduction
Tickets are most often used for receiving fares in exchange for railway
transportation services provided for users. Tickets, on which the information of
the service contents and the fare is shown, are given users who have paid
fares for getting services. This process is ticket issuing. To get reserved seats,
passengers need to reserve them. In this case, ticket issuing follows
reservation. The Railway business operator can confirm by checking the ticket
that the user has a legitimate right to transportation services. This checking
process is ticket inspection.
High Speed Rail System is expected to handle large number of passengers.
Ticket issue and fare collection play a vital role in the efficient and proper
operation of the system. To achieve this objective, ticketing system shall be
simple, easy to use/operate and maintain, easy on accounting facilities,
capable of issuing journey tickets, amenable for quick fare changes and require
overall lesser manpower.
The Ticketing System shall provide world class ticketing facility to passenger
regarding Booking, Reservation, Boarding, De-boarding, Checking etc. In
Ticketing System, with valid ticket, a passenger shall entry and Exit through
Automatic Gates at board and de-boarding stations without any manual
intervention by HSR staff.
It is also cheaper than semi-automatic (manual system) in long run due to
reduced manpower cost for ticketing staff, reduced maintenance.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 41
Executive Summary
g). Self Service Ticketing Kiosks
h). Passenger operated Ticket Vending Machines.
i). Bulk Ticketing
j). Wi-Fi enabled Mobile Ticketing Capability
k). Promotion - Ready
l). Ticket Readers.
m). Retractable Flap type AFC Gates (Entry, Exit & Reversible).
n). Security Features
o). Dynamic pricing facility
p). Financial reporting
q). Central Clearing House System (CCHS).
r). Software and hardware required for AFC including development
system, licenses of all applications and Operating System software,
API, software source code, simulator etc.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 42
Executive Summary
covering databases, web services and interfaces to other operating
systems, including web sites, mobile devices, mobile apps, etc.
Provide ticketing facility with centralized ticketing solution.
It should be scalable and modular in a way that additional application,
database and server licenses can be purchased and added on
subsequently to meet business growth and needs.
It shall be installed in a classical client-server model on a network
discussed in Telecom Section.
Flexibility in types of ticket offerings
E-Ticketing To allow for ticketing online, via desktop or mobile web
and app.
Bulk ticketing e.g. corporate, tour groups; in particular to provision a
travel agent site for ticket procurement with pre-defined discount tiers
Promotion-Ready e.g. to be able to integrate with coupons, discounts,
offers and variable incentives
Dynamic pricing to manage passenger motivation / behavior, such as to
lower ticket pricing during low traffic periods.
Financial Reporting - To be able to generate various real-time & built-in
financial reports.
Mobile Ticketing Capability - To equip the ticketing staff with handheld
Scanner & Printer, as well as mobile ticketing cart. This allows for
flexibility in addressing potential crowds with easy-to-deploy mobile
ticketing stations.
Self-Serve Ticketing Kiosks To allow passengers to quickly procure
tickets on their own.
Printing of system generated receipts
The system should be proven to come equipped with strong Security
System shall be integrated with stations Wi-Fi network.
Access Monitoring and Control e.g. to limit platform occupancy in
platform area without deploying any physical barricade.
Central System in redundant configuration shall be connected with
stations equipments on fiber and data network provided in Telecom
The Central Clearing House System (CCHS) shall handle all
transactions for multiple applications and seamlessly integrate HSR
AFC network. The CCHS shall have all the functionalities required,
thereof, for clearing and settlement between different registered
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 43
Executive Summary
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 44
Executive Summary
Table 0.43 Fauna Statistics
1 Land Cost Considering at grade and elevated length, 2/3rd of the elevated
length has been assumed to pass through the fields and 1/3rd
through township and villages. The width for land to be acquired is
been taken as 20m with the restriction that no development in 11.5
m on either side will be allowed. While in towns/ villages for at Grade
(Cutting/Filling) the top width has been taken as 13.7m. For tunnel
no acquisition is proposed except at entry/exit points. For water
ways, the acquisition proposed is only on the approaches of the
bridges for 20m width and that too only for both approaches which is
taken as 10% 0f the waterway length is taken for acquisition. The
unit rate for the acquisition of the land has been taken as Rs. 8.00
Crores per Hectare. cost taken as 35% of Pvt. land i.e Rs. 2.80 crores per
hectare and Railway land at 90% of Pvt. Land i.e at Rs.7.20 crores
per hectare.
2 Alignment 1. The unit rate for TBM is based on Delhi Metro rate (2010)
and augmented by 25% for escalation to year 2015.. The rate
formation adopted is @ Rs. 160/- per km. & 80% of this rate is taken
for NATM i.e. Rs. 142/- per km.
2. For Cut & Cover - Delhi Metro rate (2010) augmented by
25% which is @ Rs.121/- per km.
3. For Viaduct- Rate is based on the LAR of KC 2 - Kochi
Metro (2013) augmented by 10% for year 2015 which works
out to Rs.70.00 Cr. per km.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 45
Executive Summary
SN Items Remarks
4. For Earth work (Filling/Bank) is based on the LAR for the
Muttom yard in Kochi Metro for year 2013 augmented by
10% for year 2015 which is Rs.6.00 cr.per km.
5. For Cutting (Earth work)
a) Cutting in all soils (40% of 109 km say 41 km)
DSR item 2.6.1 ( year 2014 + escalation 5% X index 1.54) at
Rs.4.20 Cr per km
b) Cutting in Ord. rock (10% of 109 km. say 10.0 km.)
DSR item 2.7.1 (year 2014+ escalation 5% X 1.54 index) at
Rs. 4.20 Cr. per km
c) Cutting in Hard rock (requiring blasting) ;1% of 109km say
DSR item 2.7.2 ( year 2014+ escalation 5% X index 1.54) at
Rs. 9.00 cr. per km
Average of item a ,b,& c above is Rs.5.75Cr per km
d) Cutting in Hard rock (blasting prohibited); 4% of 109 km say
4.0 km.)
DSR item 2.7.3 (year 2014+ escalation 5% X index 1.54) at
Rs 30.00 cr. per km.
Similarly for hard rock (no blasting) as Rs 30.00 cr. per km
4 Extra for LS amount of Rs. 675 Crores has been provided for Baffle wall/
Baffle wall, Railway Flyover & water ways and LS amount of Rs. 700 Crores has
Fly over been provided for civil works for Egress
and civil
works for
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 46
Executive Summary
SN Items Remarks
5 Depot and LS amount of Rs. 500 Crores has been provided for the Depot and
Workshop work shop located at Thiruvananthapuram and Provision of a LS
amount of Rs.100 crores is made for the daily inspection
/maintenance facility at Kannur.
6 Permanent The unit rate Rs.12.00 cr. per km for slab track and Rs.9.00 cr. per
Way km for ballasted track has been adopted.
8 Traction The rates for traction and power supply have been worked out
and power based on present market trend.
10 AFC The rates have been adopted based on Shinkansen and other
11 Rolling The rates for Rolling Stock have been taken based on Shinkansen
0.15.2 The cost of The High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and
Kannur is given as under in Table 0.45 and taxes in Table 0.46
Table 0.45
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 47
Executive Summary
Rate as
per Price Amount Rema
S. No. Item Unit Qty.
Mar,201 (`` in Cr.) rks
5(In Cr.)
1 Land
1.1 Private land Hact. 8.00 1,155.37 9,242.96
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 48
Executive Summary
Intermediate Way side
a LS 30 4.00 120.00
Stations At Grade 4 No.
b Elevated stations 5 No. LS 60 5.00 300.00
OCC & Administrative
4.2 LS 200.00
Subtotal (4) 620.00
TOTAL FOR CIVIL (1) TO (4) 45,122.71
5 Depot
Depot at
5.1 no. 500.00 1.00 500.00
including work shop &
Kannur including
5.2 LS 100.00
inspection facility
Maintenance Vehicle,
Track recoding car,
5.3 Rail Grinding Machine, LS 100.00
Cetenary Installation
Car, etc
Accident Relief
5.4 Train,Crane,and Other LS 150.00
Subtotal (5) 850.00
6 Permanent Way
Ballastless track for
elevated , R.
6.1 12.00 437.00 5,244.00
underground and at km.
grade alignment
Ballasted track for
6.2 R.Km 9.00 15.00 135.00
Subtotal (6) 5,379.00
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 49
Executive Summary
9.1 Signalling & OCC 12.00 430.00 5,160.00
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 50
Executive Summary
Table 0.46
Thiruvananthpuram to Kannur High Speed Rail
2 Station Buildings
c) Elevated station
- civil works 1170.00 102.38 115.17 217.55
d) Elevated station-
EM works 1000.00 46.83 85.00 95.63 227.46
3 Depot
Civil works 340.00 23.88 20.83 23.43 68.14
EM works 510.00 23.88 43.35 48.77 116.00
4 P-Way
P-Way 5379.00 1007.62 114.30 128.59 1250.51
6 S & T Works
S&T 7810.00 1463.00 195.25 219.66 1877.91
AFC 58.50 10.27 1.83 2.06 14.16
8 Misc.
Training etc 50.00 4.38 4.92 9.30
9 Rolling stock
Rolling stock 5632.00 1160.51 54.91 61.78 1277.20
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 51
Executive Summary
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 52
Executive Summary
In view of the above features, a maintenance work time zone when trains dont
run is specified in advance, in which an interval between two trains
dedicated to maintenance work called the maintenance time zone is set
between 23.00 to 5.00 hrs.with overall maintenance control centralized by the
maintenance work dispatcher.
After the completion of maintenance work, a maintenance car is run as
a pilot car to confirm that the permanent way is free from obstacles that
would impede train operation.
d) Prevention of accidents on platforms
Platform width is guaranteed to cope with the demand sufficiently for 30
years. Furthermore, PSDs are installed for all platforms to prevent passengers
from falling onto the track pushed by the train draft.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 53
Executive Summary
Maintenance shall be carried out by maintenance organizations working under
the labor laws. A regime of maintenance standards matching with high speed
operations shall be adopted to give a framework to maintenance staff as they will
have to comply with.
0.17.1 Introduction
The Kerala High speed Rail (from Thiruvananthapuram to Kannur) Project is
proposed to be constructed at an estimated cost of Rs. 86735.00 Crore with
central taxes and land cost. The route length of the proposed high speed rail
system and estimated cost at March-2015 price level without central taxes, with
central taxes and with all taxes are placed in table 0.47 as under:
Table 0.47 Cost Details
Estimated Estimated
cost with cost with all
Name of Distance cost without
S.No. Central taxes taxes, Octroi
Corridor (KMs) taxes
& land cost & land cost
(Rs/Crore) (Rs/Crore)
1 430 77631.00 86735.00 90663.00
uram to Kannur
For the purpose of calculating the Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR),
the completion cost with central and state taxes has been calculated by
taking escalation factor @5% per annum. The taxes and duties consist of
Custom Duty (CD), Excise Duty (ED) and State Value Added Tax (VAT). It
is assumed that the Kerala High Speed Rail project will be eligible for
availing concessional project import duty under chapter 98.01 of the
Custom Tariff Act. The effective CD works out to 23.4155% (Basic CD
(5%), Countervail Duty (CVD) + Additional Custom Duty (ACD)) on the
imported portions, ED @ 12.50% and VAT @ 12.50% on indigenously
manufactured items. It has been assumed that Kerala State Government
will exempt the state taxes or reimburse the same. The impact of
proposed GST Act has not been considered in the FIRR calculation.
As per the relevant provisions of the service tax rules, works contract
services pertaining to railways is exempted. Therefore service tax implication
has not been considered in the cost.
Considering the fact that obtaining approval from state government, Indian
Railways and GOI may take minimum 2 years period, it is assumed that the
construction work will start on 01.04.2018 and is expected to be completed
on 31.12.2025 with Revenue Opening Date (ROD) as 01.01.2026 for the high
speed corridor. The total completion costs duly escalated and shown in the
table 0.48 have been taken as the initial investment. The cash flow of
investments separately is placed in Table 0.48 as below.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 54
Executive Summary
Table 0.48 Year wise Investment (Completion Cost including cost of
Estimated Cost including cost of Completion Cost including
land and central taxes & duties at cost of land cost and central
March -2015 Price Level taxes & duties
2018-19 3,247.00 3,759.00
2019-20 4,011.00 4,875.00
2020-21 9,361.00 11,947.00
2021-22 9,361.00 12,545.00
2022-23 10,889.00 15,322.00
2023-24 17,004.00 25,123.00
2024-25 15,285.00 23,712.00
2025-26 9,171.00 14,939.00
2026-27 3,821.00 6,535.00
2027-28 2,293.00 4,118.00
2028-29 2,292.00 4,322.00
Total 86735.00 127197.00
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 55
Executive Summary
0.17.4 Traffic The traffic has been moderated to 80% of the projection in view the fact that
being a high speed railway the projected ridership may not materialise.
Accordingly, the ridership moderated and assumed in the financial model is
indicated in table 0.50 below: -
Table 0.50 Projected Ridership
The growth rate for traffic is assumed @3% Per Annum upto 2040-
41 thereafter @2.10% per annum.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 56
Executive Summary
Table 0.51 Fare Structure
Distance Slab Standard Class Business Class
(KMs) Fare (Rupees) Fare (Rupees)
0 54.150 320 880
<54.150 100.284 590 1630
<100.284 131.200 780 2140
<131.200 182.600 1080 2980
< 182.200 243.200 1450 3960
< 243.200 311.400 1850 5070
<311.400 346.200 2050 5640
<346.200 428.400 2540 6980
The above fare structure has been further escalated @ 15% once in every two
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 57
Executive Summary
203 - 203 0 0 2773 2773 8925 446 9371 6598
203 - 203 0 0 2949 2949 9193 460 9653 6703
203 - 203 0 0 3138 3138 10889 544 11433 8295
203 - 203 0 0 3340 3340 11216 561 11777 8437
203 - 203 0 0 3556 3556 13285 664 13949 10393
203 - 203 0 0 3787 3787 13684 684 14368 10580
203 - 203 0 0 4035 4035 16209 810 17019 12984
203 - 203 0 0 4300 4300 16695 835 17530 13230
203 - 204 0 0 5130 5130 19776 989 20765 15635
204 - 204 0 0 5462 5462 20369 1018 21387 15925
204 - 204 0 0 5817 5817 23917 1196 25113 19296
204 - 204 0 14258 6198 20456 24419 1221 25640 5184
204 - 204 0 0 6605 6605 28672 1434 30106 23500
204 - 204 0 0 7042 14536 21578 29274 1464 30738 9160
204 - 204 0 0 7510 15263 22773 34372 1719 36091 13318
204 - 204 0 0 8012 0 8012 35094 1755 36849 28837
204 - 204 0 0 8550 0 8550 41207 2060 43267 34717
Total 127197 14258 100275 29799 271531 390507 19526 410033 4.67%
These sensitivities have been carried out independently for each factor.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 58
Executive Summary
3. Fully through Government funding. That is Government to mobilize all
the funds through equity, grants and debts (borrowings with government
A hybrid PPP model has some possibility provided the ridership is guaranteed
and sufficient sweeteners are extended such as free lands for property
development, taxes and duty concessions and certain flexibility in fare fixation.
Under the PPP model about 57% of the cost of the project has to be still borne
by the SPV. Since the revenues from train operations are taken by the PPP
concessionaire the SPV will not have any revenue stream based on which
funds can be borrowed. The experience of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation in
building the Airport line on a similar PPP model was a total failure. The cost of
funding for an investor will be almost double of what it costs the Government.
That means, the funds for a private investor will be more expensive which will
increase the cost of the project. Being a social project, mainly meant for
reducing pollution, save travel time and reduce road accidents, it is not
advisable to make the project more expensive through private participation.
Nowhere in the world, a High Speed Railway line has been implemented on a
PPP model and therefore this funding option is also not recommended. Any
exercise to rope in a private partner on PPP basis will therefore be a waste of
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 59
Executive Summary
With the above considerations in mind, it is recommended that the
Thiruvananthapuram-Kannur high speed railway project is implemented and
operated fully as a Government initiative. For this purpose a special purpose
vehicle under the name Kerala High Speed Rail Corporation Ltd should be set
up as a joint venture of the State Government and Government of India with
equal share participation. A 50:50 equity participation is strongly
recommended to give the SPV total responsibility, full autonomy, and ample
powers for all decision making. Delhi Metro Rail Corporation has demonstrated
the advantages of such a Corporate set up.
The funding pattern under this model (SPV) is placed in table 0.54 as under: -
Table 0.54 Funding pattern under SPV model (with central taxes and land)
With Taxes & Duties
Amount % of contribution
Equity By GOI 11431.00 10.00%
Equity By GOK 11431.00 10.00%
0.30% Loan from Multilateral/Overseas
Development Agencies or 12% Domestic
Market Borrowings 91446.00 80.00%
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 60
Executive Summary
With Taxes & Duties
Amount % of contribution
Total 114308.00 100.00%
To be exempted by
Central Taxes GOI
Total 127849.00
Exemption /
5841.00 Reimbursement by
State Taxes GOK
Grand Total 133690.00
With the above funding pattern, each Govt. has to contribute Rs.11431 crores
as equity to the SPV.
0.17.8 Year wise fund Contribution
The year-wise fund requirement excluding Central Taxes and state taxes is
indicated in the Table below:-
Table 0.55 Fund Contribution by Each Government
Year PTA Equity for
Equity Total Total
(JICA Loan) Land
0.17.9 Recommendations
The FIRR of the corridor with central taxes and land is 4.67%. The pre-tax
Equity FIRR to the BOT operator worked out to 16% with total VGF of
Rs.83728 crore. Apart from the above, the GOK will either reimburse or
exempt the state taxes.
The total fund contribution of GOI & GOK under various alternatives is
tabulated in table 0.56 excluding state taxes.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 61
Executive Summary
Table 0.56 Comparison
Particulars SPV Model BOT Model
GOI 11431.00 22733.00
GOK 11431.00 60995.00
Total 22862.00 83728.00
GOK will either reimburse or exempt the state taxes.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 62
Executive Summary
(ridership and average trip length is multiplied to get passenger km). As is done
in highway projects, net benefit is obtained by subtracting the cost of the
project (incurred for construction (capital) and maintenance (recurring) costs for
the HSR) from the benefits derived from pass km savings in each year. The net
benefit value would be negative during initial years but becomes positive as
years pass. Internal rate of return and benefit cost ratio are derived from the
The sources from where economic savings occur are identified first. Although
there are many kinds of primary, secondary and tertiary benefits, only the
quantifiable components can be taken to measure the benefits. These
components are quantified by linking with the number of passengers shifted
and the passenger km saved by the trips which are shifted from road/rail based
modes to HSR. There are some direct benefits and other are secondary benefit
components are due to decongestion effect on the road, reduction of emission,
accident, saving of fuel and time by remaining road passengers and road
maintenance cost.
Project Costs are first obtained by applying market values of the components in
the estimation year (Fixed Costs) then the cost is distributed year wise
according to project schedule after applying escalation factors. This is
commonly known as completion cost. Tax components are included in the fixed
cost. For financial analysis these exercises are necessary, but for economic
analysis all additional cost components from the asset values are removed.
Project cost without taxes is also derived for obtaining economic cost of the
0.18.2 Economic Performance Indicators
After generating the cost and benefit stream table, values of economic
indicators are derived considering the Project period as 2017-2048.
On the basis of completion cost, EIRR is 14.02%, B/C Ratio is 4.11 and NPV is
725289 Cr. On the basis of economic cost, EIRR is found to be 19.25%, B/C
ratio as 10.17 and NPV as 1007031 Cr. With 12 % discount, EIRR (completion
cost) is 1.81% and B/C ratio is 1.23. NPV is Rs 20406 Cr. and with 12%
discount rate, EIRR (economic cost) is 6.48% and B/C ratio is 2.15. NPV is Rs
58529 Cr.
Table 0.57: Economic Indicator Values (2047-48)
(Completion Cost Basis) (Economic Cost)
(12%) (12%)
Cumulative cost (Cr.) 271531 89021 109863 50898
Cumulative benefit(Cr.) 1116894 109427 1116894 109427
Benefit Cost Ratio 4.11 1.23 10.17 2.15
NPV(Cr.) 725289 20406 1007031 58529
EIRR 14.02% 1.81% 19.25% 6.48%
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 63
Executive Summary
Main benefit of the project will be coming from the saving of the journey time
which is estimated as 5 hours 41 minutes of journey of 211 km. For passengers
who would like to save time for work or business purpose, this high speed rail
travel will be helpful.
With the EIRR of 14.02 %, the entire cost to Society will come back in 8
0.19.1 Introduction
Disaster is a crisis that results in massive damage to life and property, uproots
the physical and psychological fabric of the affected communities and outstrips
the capacity of the local community to cope with the situation.Disasters are
those situations which cause acute distress to passengers, employees and
outsiders and may even be caused by external factors.As per the disaster
management act, 2005 "disaster" means a catastrophe, mishap, calamity or
grave occurrence in any area, arising from natural or manmade causes, or by
accident or negligence which results in substantial loss of life or human
suffering or damage to, and destruction of, property, or damage to, or
degradation of, environment, and is of such a nature or magnitude as to be
beyond the coping capacity of the community of the affected area. As per
world health organization (who):
Any occurrence that causes damage, economic disruption, loss of human life
and deterioration of health and services on a scale sufficient to warrant an
extra ordinary response from outside the affected community or area.
A disaster is a tragic event, be it natural or manmade, which brings sudden and
immense agony to humanity and disrupts normal life. It causes large scale
human suffering due to loss of life, loss of livelihood, damages to property and
persons and also brings untold hardships. It may also cause destruction to
infrastructure, buildings, communication channels essential services, etc.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 64
Executive Summary
0.19.3 Objectives
The main objectives of this Disaster Management Measures are as follows:
Save life and alleviate suffering.
0.20.1 Introduction
This country does not have any experience or background for planning,
designing, execution and operations of a high speed railway network. Credit
for ushering high speed technology into the world goes to Japan. Japan
Government gave the go ahead for a high speed railway line between Tokyo
and Shin Osaka a distance of 510 kms. on December 19, 1958 and this line
was inaugurated on 1st October, 1964. They were able to commission such a
line in a matter of 6 years. Japan still dominates the high speed technology
and has now upgraded and honed this technology to an unbelievably perfect
standard. The Taiwan high speed line was basically planned, designed and
executed with the Japanese help and supervision.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 65
Executive Summary
are keen to take up. The High speed Railway line from Thiruvananthapuram to
Kannur should therefore be taken up under the extension of the same policy.
High Speed Railway Lines are not generally financially viable. Therefore
implementing this project under the BOT or PPP model will not be possible for
reasons explained in Chapter.17. It is therefore recommended that the project
is implemented fully as a Government initiative. The recommended funding
options for taking up this project jointly by the two Governments have been
detailed onder para 0.17.
Such a huge project, with new and complex technologies, cannot be executed
by Indian Railways as a departmental project. Konkan Railway is a shining
example of how a huge Railway project can be implemented and operated by a
Special Purpose Vehicle. A similar strategy for implementing this High Speed
Railway Project is therefore recommended.
For this, a Special Purpose Vehicle should be incorporated with equal equity
participation by Government of India and Government of Kerala under the
name Kerala High Speed Railway Corporation (KHSRC) which is already
there but only purely State Government at present.GOI may now be inducted to
make it 50:50 GOI and State joint venture. This Corporation will execute the
project and operate and maintain the system on behalf of the two Governments
totally independent of Indian Railways. It is imperative the Kerala High Speed
Railway Corporation (KHSRC) is headed by an experienced and dynamic
technocrat with excellent Railway track record and having impeccable integrity.
Such a person should be selected as the Chairman-cum-Managing Director of
the Corporation through a process of open competition. The whole success of
the venture will depend upon the leader chosen to head the SPV.
Since India does not have any experience of designing and building High
Speed Railway lines, KHSRC will need General Consultants to be appointed.
The General Consultants will assist the SPV in finalising designs,
specifications, tender documents, tender finalisation and supervision of the
works. General Consultants will be engaged based on global competitive
bidding. The General Consultants will function as Engineers to the project.
The SPV will be the owner of the project and will have total responsibility for
executing the project and later for its operation and maintenance as well. The
SPV will also have responsibility to raise funds for the project and servicing and
repayment of the loans taken. It is recommended the Headquarters of the SPV
is located at Thiruvananthpuram. The organisational set up of the SPV is to be
decided by CMD after he assumes charge.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 66
Executive Summary
0.20.2 Implementation Strategy and Implementation Schedule
It is expected about 2 years would be needed for setting up the SPV, selection
of the Chairman-cum-Managing Director, obtaining approval of the project from
the two Governments, engagement of General consultants and taking
possession of lands for commencing the work. The whole project covering a
length of 430 kms shall be divided into 3 reaches as under.
Reach R1 : Thiruvananthapuram to Kochi (183km)
There are three options for the implementation of the project as under.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 67
Executive Summary
implemented on BOT model. In BOT cost will escalate by 25% to 30%,.
Because of delay in starting the work and likelihood of cost escalation of
25% to 30% on the completion cost , BOT option for this project is not
recommended PPP
A hybrid PPP model has some possibility provided the ridership is
guaranteed and sufficient sweeteners are extended such as free lands
for property development, taxes and duty concessions and certain
flexibility in fare fixation. Under the PPP model about 43% of the cost of
the project has to be still borne by the PPP. Since the revenues from
train operations are taken by the PPP concessionaire the Government
will not have any revenue stream based on which funds can be
borrowed. The experience of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation in building
the Airport line on a similar PPP model was a total failure. The cost of
funding for an investor will be almost double of what it costs for the
Government. That means, the funds for a private investor will be more
expensive which will increase the cost of the project. Being a social
project, mainly meant for reducing pollution, save travel time and
reduce road accidents, it will not be advisable to make the project more
expensive through private participation. Nowhere in the world, a High
Speed Railway line has been implemented on a PPP model and
therefore PPP model for funding option is also not recommended
.On this basis the state governments burden on the project will be
Rs.17272 crores (inclusive of land cost & state taxes). The State
Government may raise part of this amount by domestic borrowings.
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Executive Summary
network will be the responsibility of the SPV .In the light of above, the
SPV model of implementation is recommended for this project.
0.20.4 Legal Cover
The Indian Railways Act, 1889 is essentially for railway operations in
the country where the speed is limited to 160 kms. per hour. Although
there is no mention in the Railways Act itself, it is obvious that for speed
beyond 160 kms. per hour, special statutory provisions and safeguards
will have to be incorporated. On the lines of the Metro Construction and
Operations Act, a new act can be passed by the Parliament specifically
for high speed operations where the speeds can be more than 160 kms.
An independent assessor can be nominated initially, having support
from the foreign agencies / countries who have vast experience in
running the High Speed trains. After introduction of the services, The
Commissioner of Railway Safety can be nominated as the authority for
inspection and certifying the line for carriage of passengers. The
Project can be commenced under the Railway Act but by the time it is
ready for operation the new High Speed Railway Act should be in
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 69
Executive Summary
Table 0.58:- Implementation Schedule
SN Milestone Duration
1. Submission of Final Detailed Project Report to Kerala Govt. D
2. Approval of Detailed Project Report by State Government D+ 2 months
3. Sending Detailed Project Report to Ministry of Railways D+ 3 months
4. Approval of Derailed Project Report by Ministry of Railways D+6 months
5. Approval of Final Detailed Project Report by Government D+10 months
6. Formation of SPV D+10 months
7. Decision of Financing Method / Funding pattern D+24 months
8. Tendering and Detailed designing D+34 months
9. A. Implementation of High Speed Rail : Reach -I D+84 months
B. Implementation of High Speed Rail :ReachII D+96 months
C. Implementation of High Speed Rail ;Reach -III D+108 months
Note: D= Date of submission of Final Detailed Project Report.
For implementation of High Speed Rail Corridor, Kerala High Speed Rail
Corporation (KHSRC) has to monitor this Project strictly as per the time
schedule at every stage. It will have very important role of coordination with
Ministry of Railways and other Government departments. Ministry of
Railways will be also responsible for the enactment of the new Act needed
for Operation and Maintenance of High Speed Trains planned in our
country first time.
0.21.1 Introduction
The proposed high speed railway line is 430 km length with 9 stations
proposed at Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Chengannur, Kottayam, Kochi,
Thrissur, Valancherry, Kozhikode and Kannur. Provision has been kept for
one more future stations at Nedumbassery. The alignment of the high speed
railways is about 4 to 8 kms east of the existing railway line avoiding heavily
built up areas. Of the 430 kms, 105 kms will be underground in tunnels, 190
kms elevated on viaducts and balance length is at grade/ cut and cover. The
stations have been located in such a way that they can be easily connected to
the existing railway stations and bus stations by feeder bus services so as to
establish a truly integrated transport system.
The 430 kms between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur is expected to cost
Rs. 127849 crores (Excluding State Taxes) on completion. The financial rate
of return of this project has been assessed as 4.67% and the economic rate of
return. 14.02%. This effectually means the investment on this project will come
back to the society in a period of 8 years.
Apart from these benefits there are other multiplier effects of this high speed
railway line which are listed below
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 70
Executive Summary Savings in travel time
The High speed Railway line is expected to carry 0.95 lakhs of passengers per
day in the year 2025-26 and 1.73 lakhs passengers in the year 2040. The
travel time from Thiruvananthapuram to Kollam will be 20 minutes, to Kochi 45
minutes, to Kozhikode 90 minutes and to Kannur 2 hours.
Estimated Daily Trips between Thiruvanantapuram and Kannur by HSR is 5857
in 2025-26. Travel time by train is about 12 hours. When these passengers will
travel in HSR having air-conditioned comfort, fast, safe and with high degree of
reliability each passenger will save10 hours in his travel time. This tantamount
to 58780 man hours saving for the State each day and if man hour cost is
reckoned as Rs. 4.0 per min, this is equal to 1.41 crores of rupees saved
every day.
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 71
Executive Summary Financial sustainability.
It can be seen from Para 0.17 that the high speed project is financially self-
sustaining and no government support or subsidies will be needed at any time
for operating the system.
On the flip side, there are certain adverse effects also with the high speed
railway line which are trivial considering the other direct and indirect benefits
explained above. The adverse effects are 1155.57 hectares of private land
has to be acquired which will face resistances and has to be handled with
humaneness and understanding. 3868 residential / commercial structures will
have to be relocated for the construction of high speed railway. 36923 trees
have to be felled which can of course be compensated with a resolve to take
up compensatory afforestation at the rate of 10 trees being planted for every
tree cut. Then, there are adverse effects of high noise levels and vibrations
however when high speed trains whizz through. There are effective measures
available to reduce noise and vibration levels due to high speed train
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 72
Executive Summary
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Executive Summary
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Executive Summary
Kerala High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Kannur Detailed Project Report June 2016 75
1.1.1 Kerala is considered the Gateway of South India. This is one of the states
of India attracting large number of tourists and having the highest literacy
rate among all the states of India. The map of the Kerala State is put up at
Fig. No. 1.1. State is Located between north latitudes 8 degree 18' and 12
degree 48' and east longitudes 74 degree 52' and 72 degree 22'. This land
of eternal beauty encompasses 1.18 per cent of the country.
The Highlands accounts for 48 percent of the total land area of Kerala.
The Midlands lie between the mountains and the lowlands.
Lowlands are known as the Coastal Area. This area is very fertile and
most of the paddy cultivation is along this area. Kuttanad region of Kerala
is one of the very few places in India where cultivation is done below sea
level. Major cities are Thiruvananthapuram (the capital), Kochi, and
Kozhikode. The principal spoken language is Malayalam but many other
languages are also spoken.
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Kerala has 44 rivers of which 41are flowing to west and three flow to east.
Kerala has large no of lakes and back waters. Vembanadu lake with area of
260 is the largest in the state. Shastamkotta lake is the largest
natural fresh water lake.
1.1.2 Kerala is mentioned in the ancient epic Mahabharata (800 BC) at several
instances as a tribe, as a region and as a kingdom. The first written mention
of Kerala is seen in a 3rd-century-BC rock inscription by emperor Asoka the
Great, where it is mentioned as Keralaputra. This region formed part of
ancient Tamilakam and was ruled by the Cheras. They had extensive trade
relations with the Greeks, Romans and Arabs. In the 1st century AD Jewish
immigrants arrived, and it is believed that St. Thomas the Apostle visited
Kerala in the same century. The Chera Kingdom and later the feudal Nair
and Namboothiri Brahmin city-states became major powers in the region.
Early contact with Europeans later gave way to struggles between colonial
and native interests. The States Reorganisation Act of 1 November 1956
elevated Kerala to statehood.
1.1.3 The culture of Kerala has persisted through the ages precisely for the
reasons of antiquity, unity, continuity and universality of its nature. In its
widest sense it embraces the highest achievements of the human spirit in
every sphere of life. Thus, in its totality, it represents the quintessence of
the collective achievements of people in the fields of religion and
philosophy, language and literature, art and architecture, education and
learning and economic and social organisation. In fact, all through its
history the genius of Kerala has blossomed forth in all its vigour and
vitality and has helped its people to reach the peak of excellence in all
their endeavours.
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rattan palm (Calamus rotang - a type of climbing palm), and aromatic vetiver
grass (Vetiveria zizanioides)
1.1.5 Kerala has been attracting huge investments in the past few years in
various sectors. Kerala has achieved a superior position through its
Kerala model of development with its high human development index,
influential and widely used indices to measure human development
across countries. This represents the state's achievement of significant
improvements in material conditions of living, reflected in indicators of
social development that are comparable to that of many developed
countries.But the growth of infrastructure in the transport sector doesnt
seem to be in pace with the investment, leads to imbalance in the system
which seek more focus in that sector.
Kerala Government has taken initiative to carry out a pre-feasibility study
for 550-km high-speed rail corridor linking Thiruvananthapuram and
Kasaragod. The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) has been engaged
by the State Government to examine the viability of having a high speed
rail in the state by estimating the possible ridership while establishing the
other technical components.
Census 2001 put Kerala's population at 318.4 lakhs persons which included
154.7 lakh males and 163.7 lakh females. Although Kerala accounts for
only 1 per cent of the total area of India, it contains about 3 per cent of the
country's population. The population density of the state is about 819
people per square kilometres, three times the national average. Kerala is
one of the densest States in the country and it recorded a decadal
population growth of + 9.42% (2,740,101 persons). Kerala, with a sex-ratio
(females per 1000 males) of 1058, is the only state in India with a positive
figure. In the human development and related indices it occupies prime
position among the Indian States.The provisional population of Kerala in
2011 is 33387677, with a sex-ratio (females per 1000 males) of 1084,
population density of the state is about 819 people per square kilometres.
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Table 1.1
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The District wise population of Kerala state as per census 2001 is given in
table 1.2
Table 1.2
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National Highways form the prime arterial routes and span about 66,590
km throughout the country and cater to 45 percent of the total road
transport demand. The National Highway network in Kerala is of the length
of 1523.954 kms. This is only 2.3% of total National Highways in the
country. There are eight National Highways in the State
On the road front, traffic has been growing at a rate of about 11 percent
every year, resulting in excessive pressure on the roads in the state. The
total road length in Kerala during 2006-07 increased to 162149 km from
160944 km in the previous year, Road density in the state is 417 km/100 and it is far ahead of national average of 100.39 km/100 The
length of road per lakh population is 509.23 km and it is much higher than
the national average of 321.3 km. Growth of road and Rail is given in the
table No. 1.3.
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The history of Railway line started in Kerala with the commissioning of first
Railway line between Tirur and Beypore (port) on the Malabar coast on 12-
03-1861. Further it was extended from Tirur to Kultipuram on 01/5/1861
and Kuttipuram to Pattambi 23/09/1861.The further development of the
Railways in the state took place on the dates as mentioned in table 1.4.
Table 1.4
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4. Shoranur Ernakulam MG line 16/07/1902 Converted to BG in
5. Tirunalveli Quilon (Kollam) 1/03/1904
6. (Kollam) Quilon Trivandrum 4/11/1931
7. Ernakulam Kottayam MG 17/10/1956
8. Kottayam to Quilon 6/1/1958
9. Ernakulam to Trivandrum Converted to BG
on 13.9.1976
There are 200 Railway stations in Kerala . This extensive network connects places
both within and outside the state of Kerala . Local train services and long distance
express trains ply all over the state making it a convenient and quick method of
transport. Long distance trains connect the state to major Indian cities like Kolkata,
Coimbatore, Chennai, Hyderabad , Mumbai, and New-Delhi.
They also connect Jammu and Kashmir and the North- East. The entire length of the
rail route is around 1050 kms and covers 13 Railway routes within its fold. Broad
gauge lines measure up to 933 kms while meter gauge lines cover 117kms.
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Fig. 1.1
From the Early days Railway development itself, it can be seen that the Malabar
Coast and areas centered around Ernakulam played a very vital role in the
development of the area. The Coastal area between Cannanore to Alleppey is well
developed and full of habitation all along the under mentioned Railway lines but
with no effective Rail based mass transportation system.
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A rail based mass rapid transport system is preferred over the road based
for the following regions.
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Investing in HSR is on the front line of action to revitalize the railways. The ultimate
objective is to provide infrastructure for the public to change modal split in favor of
passenger transport with the aim of reducing congestion, accidents and
environmental impacts.
Prima facie, the need for HSR depends on the existing volume of inter city traffic
where the new lines are proposed, the likely time savings, generated traffic,
willingness to pay of potential users, and release of capacity in congested roads,
airports or conventional rail lines.
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Consultant shall study the implications of adopting 250 kmph and 300
kmph for the proposed corridors and recommend the optimum speed to
be adopted, by consulting foreign consultants as high speed rail is
planning for the first time in the country.
The number of receiving substations, their locations and capacity will be
indicated along with the power requirements for the system.
The land requirement and the affected properties requiring R & R will be
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The proposed stations on High Speed Rail Connection are shown in Fig.
Fig. 1.3
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2.1.1 A high-speed rail service can deliver competitive advantage over airlines
for journeys of up to about 3 hours or 750 km, particularly between city
pairs where airports are located far from city centres. One suitable type
of corridor is that which connects two large cities 250-500 km apart. But
another promising situation is a longer corridor that has very large urban
centres located, say, every 150-300 km apart. On these longer corridors,
typical of some being built in China, high-speed rail has the ability to
serve multiple city-pairs, both direct and overlapping.
2.1.2 The demographic and economic conditions that can support the financial
or economic viability of high-speed rail are limited. The established lines
with greatest demand are in East Asia; the Tokaido line in Japan carries
an average of 83 million passengers/year, and the Sanyo, Tohuku and
Taiwan lines an average of 20-30 million passengers/year. In Europe, the
French TGV SudEst and Atlantique lines both carry close to 20 million
passengers/ year. Nevertheless, high-speed projects have rarely met the
full ridership forecasts asserted by their promoters and in some cases
have fallen far short.
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conventional services. China high-speed train fares are about three times
of conventional train fares. But in order to generate the required
volume of passengers it will usually be necessary not only to target the
most affluent travelers but also to adopt a fare structure that is affordable
for the middle income population and, if any spare capacity still exists, to
offer discount tickets with restrictions on use and availability that can fill
otherwise unused seats.
2.1.5 Operating and maintenance costs are generally low by comparison with
the capital costs because speed delivers better equipment utilization and
train crew turn-rounds. Most lines at least recover their operating and
maintenance costs. But is very difficult for most stand-alone high-speed
railways to recover much of the capital costs from the passenger revenue
stream alone, except in the very densest traffic corridors. Governments
contemplating the benefits of a new high-speed railway, whether
procured by public or private or combined public-private project
structures, should also contemplate the near-certainty of copious and
continuing budget support for the debt.
2.1.6 High-speed lines will naturally provide valuable travel time savings to
users and may also free up capacity on existing lines for other transport
users and enable performance improvements on those lines due to lower
congestion. It may also affect the relative usage of different modes of
transport creating resource savings if those other modes have higher unit
costs of operation. High-speed rail will also have various environmental
and social consequences that may on balance be negative or positive. A
high-speed passenger train will use more energy, and thereby generate
more greenhouse gases, than a slower passenger train over the same
route. But if the higher speed attracts passenger travel away from road
and air it may reduce the overall long-term carbon intensity of the
transport system as a whole. Through mode transfer it will also reduce
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2.1.7 In summary then, high-speed rail is now a tried and tested technology
that delivers real transport benefits and can dominate market share
against road and airline transport over the medium distances that many
inter-city travellers confront. However, the demographic and economic
conditions that can support the viability of high-speed rail are, in global
terms, limited. The number of passenger transport corridors of the
requisite length, that are already capacity constrained, and where there
is sufficiently dense potential demand by people of adequate purchasing
power, is limited; some may be in countries where the implementation
capacity may be lacking
2.1.8 The combination of supportive features that exist on the eastern plains of
China including very high population density, rapidly growing disposable
incomes, and the prevalence of many large cities in reasonable proximity
to one another (creating not just one city-pair but a string of such pairs)
are not found in most developing countries. Nor could all countries
assemble the focused collective capacity-building effort and the
economies of scale in construction costs that arise when a government
can commit the country, politically and economically, to a decades-long
program over a vast land area. Even in China, the sustainability of
railway debt arising from the program as it proceeds will need to be
closely monitored and payback periods will not be short, as they cannot
be for such lumpy and long-lived assets. But a combination of those
factors that create favourable conditions of both demand and supply
comes together in China in a way that is distinctly favourable to
delivering a successful high-speed rail system.
2.2 The story of high-speed rail
Fast passenger trains have been around for many decades. They
originally ran on conventional railway lines, limited by sharing track with
slower passenger and freight trains. The speed record for a steam
locomotive was set in the United Kingdom by the locomotive, Mallard, at
203 km/h in 1938 (Albeit for about half a mile after a period of downhill
running). It is thought that several U.S. steam locomotives were also
capable of similar speeds (e.g. on the Chicago-Milwaukee service) but
this was not trumpeted for fear of scaring the passengers. Multiple-unit
trains, which are trains made up of power units and passenger cars
combined in a fixed formation, have also been running at fast speeds
since the Flying Hamburger in Germany in 1933, which travelled at a top
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The details of High Speed Rail in Various countries are given as under
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In Japanese, the word Shinkansen literally means new trunk line, and
the Tokaido Shinkansen is a new trunk line that the then Japanese
National Railways completed in 1964, the same year as the Tokyo
Olympic Games. It is known as the worlds first high-speed railway to top
a normal running speed of 200 km/h (124 mph). During Japans period of
rapid economic growth, the Shinkansen network expanded as such lines
as the Sanyo Shinkansen, Tohoku Shinkansen and Joetsu Shinkansen
were opened one after another. Before the Tokaido Shinkansen opened,
some people went so far as to say that railways had been made obsolete
by the remarkable progress of automobiles and airplanes. But the arrival
of the Shinkansen gave new hope to the future of rail, its success had an
enormous impact on railways around the world.
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The Tokaido and Sanyo Shinkansens use four main type of train: the
Series 300, 500, 700, and N700. The series 300 was developed by JR
Central to be capable of running at speeds of up to 270 km/h (168 mph).
It was put into commercial operation in 1992. Until then, the top speed of
Shinkansen trains was 220 km/h (137 mph), and the travel time between
Tokyo and Shin-Osaka was 2 hours and 56 minutes. The advent of the
Series 300 reduced that time to 2 hours and 30 minutes. Since the
Series 300 runs at such high speeds, design emphases was placed on
reducing the carbody weight as much as possible. Therefore, the
carbody was built out of aluminum rather than steel. In addition, a
lightweight, bolsterless bogie was adopted. VVVF control employing and
asynchronous traction motor was adopted for the control equipment, the
first time this type of control has been adopted for the Shinkansen.
The Series 500 was developed by JR West. It made its debut in 1997,
and reaches speeds of up to 300 km/h (186 mph) on the Sanyo
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Shinkasen. This time, major design emphasis was placed on reducing air
resistance and noise, and developments such as a sharp nose profile, a
rounded carbody cross-section and a wing-shaped pantograph helps
prevent micro-pressure waves. In addition, an aluminum honeycomb
structure was adopted for the carbody to further reduce its weight.
In October 2003, all the trains used for the Tokaido Shinkansen were
replaced with the Series 300, 500, and 700, which are capable of running
at speeds higher than 270 km/h (168 mph). With 12 trains operated per
hours, the Tokaido Shinkansen is even more convenient as a high-speed
railway, and can be utilized without much waiting time.
The Kyushu Shinkansen, opened in March 2004, uses the Series 800
train, which is based on the Series 700. Although the series maximum
operating speed is 260 km/h (162 mph), it has excellent climbing
performance, being able to negotiate a steep grade of 3.5% at speeds up
to 195 km/h (121 mph).
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Sanyo Sanyo
Shinkansen Shinkansen Tohoku /
Tokaido Hokuriku Kyushu
Railway line (east of (west of Joetsu
Shinkansen Shinkansen Shinkansen
Okayama Okayama Shinkansen
Station) Station)
Mode of use Exclusive for Exclusive for Exclusive for Exclusive for Exclusive for Exclusive for
passengers passengers passengers passengers passengers passengers
Gauge 1,435mm (4ft 8 1,435mm (4ft 8 1,435mm (4ft 8 1,435mm (4ft 8 1,435mm (4ft 8 1,435mm (4ft 8
1/2 in) 1/2 in) 1/2 in) 1/2 in) 1/2 in) 1/2 in)
Maximum axle
weight 16tf (35,000 lbf) 16tf (35,000 lbf) 16tf (35,000 lbf) 17tf (37,000 lbf) 16tf (35,000 lbf) 16tf (35,000 lbf)
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90mm (3 9/16
90mm in)
90mm (3 9/16 in)
(3 9/16 in) Series 700;
Permissive cant Series 700; 90mm 90mm 90mm
Series 700; 110mm
deficiency 110mm (4 5/16 (3 9/16 in) (3 9/16 in) (3 9/16 in)
110mm (4 5/16 (4 5/16 in)
in) Series 500;
Track center-to-
4.2m (13ft 9 in) 4.3m (14ft 1 in) 4.3m (14ft 1 in) 4.3m (14ft 1 in) 4.3m (14ft 1 in) 4.3m (14ft 1 in)
center distance
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Tunnel cross 60.5m2 (651 63.4m2 (682 63.4m2 (682 63.4m2 (682 63.4m2 (682
section sq.ft) sq.ft) sq.ft) sq.ft) sq.ft)
3,383mm (11ft 3,383mm (11ft 1 3,383mm (11ft 1 3,385mm (11ft 1 3,385mm (11ft 1 3,380mm (11ft 1
Car body width
1 3/16 in) 3/16 in) 3/16 in) 1/4 in) 1/4 in) 1/16 in)
817mm (2 ft 8 917mm (3 ft 0 917mm (3 ft 0 915mm (3 ft 0 915mm (3 ft 0 920mm (3 ft 0
between car
3/16 in) 1/8 in) 1/8 in) in) in) 15/16 in)
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A.Series No. Series 300 Series 500 Series 700 Series N700
JR Central,
Operator JR West JR Central, JR West JR Central, JR West
JR West
Tokaido /
Operation line Tokaido / Sanyo Tokaido / Sanyo Tokaido / Sanyo
10M6T 14M2T
Train formation; (Basic Type) 16M 12M4T
(2M1T x (3M1T x 2units, 4M x
(4M x 4 units) (3M1T x 4 units)
5units + 1T) 2units)
(Variations) 6M2T
Coupling operation No No No No
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Starting acceleration 1.6 km/h/s 1.9 km/h/s 2.0 km/h/s 2.6 km/h/s
Maximum axle load (loaded) 11.4 tons 11.1 tons 11.4 tons
Carbody: Material Aluminum alloy Aluminum alloy Aluminum alloy
3,600 mm
Height; (Single level) 3,650 mm 3,690 mm 3,650 mm
3,500 mm
Bogie: Suspension Bolsterless Air-spring Bolsterless Air-spring Bolsterless Air-spring
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300 kW x 40
Rating output 275 kW x 64 sets 275 kW x 48 sets 305 kW x 56 sets
Converter-inverter, Converter-inverter, Converter-inverter,
Powering: Circuit control inverter,
PWM control PWM control PWM control
PWM control
Element adopted GTO GTO IGBT IGBT
Braking: AC regenerative
M: 40 axles M: 64 axles M: 48 axles M: 56 axles
M/T: 2
Air brake (wheel disk) M/T: 2 sets/axle M/T: 2 sets/axle M/T: 2 sets/axle
Diamond type Wing-shaped low noise Single arm low noise Single arm low noise
Pantographs type (sets/train)
x2 type x 2 type x 2 type x 2
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Continuous, Pressure Continuous, Pressure Continuous, Pressure
Ventilation system Pressure
sealed sealed sealed
Double- Double-frequency
Double-frequency Double-frequency combination
ATC system frequency
combination combination
combination (Digital ATC)
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Seating capacity
334 823/311) 817 (54/763) 630 (51/579) 814 (51/763) 392 (0/392)
(Fist/standard class)
Maximum service
275km/h 240km/h 275km/h 275km/h 260km/h
Starting acceleration 1.6 km/h/s 1.7 km/h/s 1.6 km/h/s 1.6 km/h/s 2.5 km/h/s
Carbody: Material Aluminum alloy Aluminum alloy Aluminum alloy Aluminum alloy Aluminum alloy
23,075 mm 25,700 mm 25,700 mm 25,700 mm 27,350 mm
(Leading car)
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(Intermediate car)
Height; (Single
4,080 mm --- 3,700 mm 3,700 mm 3,650 mm
(Bi-level) 4,485 mm
Vibration control
Non Non Non Yes Yes
Rating output 300 kW x 16 sets 420 kW x 16 sets 300 kW x 24 sets 300 kW x 32 sets 275 kW x 24 sets
Powering: Circuit
Converter-inverter, Converter-inverter, Converter-inverter, Converter-inverter, Converter-inverter,
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PWM control PWM control PWM control PWM control PWM control
Braking: AC
M: 16 axles M: 16 axles M: 24 axles M: 32 axles M: 24 axles
regenerative brake
Eddy current
--- --- --- --- ---
Pantographs type Single arm low Single arm low Single arm low
Diamond type x 2 Diamond type x 2
(sets/train) noise type x 2 noise type x 2 noise type x 2
Air conditioning Under-floor/roof On-roof Semi- On-roof Semi- On-roof Semi- Under-floor Semi-
equipment (sets/car) Separate system centralized x 2 centralized x 2 centralized x 2 centralized x 2
Double-frequency Double-frequency
Double-frequency Double-frequency Double-frequency
ATC system combination combination
combination combination combination
(Digital ATC) (Digital ATC)
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After three years, more than 100 million passengers had used the trains, and the first
billion was passed in 1976. Later, the Shinkansen system has grown to a 2,459 km
(1,528 mi) network, and the Tkaid Shinkansen still is the world's busiest high-speed
rail line. Up to ten trains per hour with 16 cars each (1,300 seats capacity) run in each
direction with a minimum of 3 minutes between trains. Though largely a long-distance
transport system, the Shinkansen also serves commuters who travel to work in
metropolitan areas from outlying cities.
In March 2011, a Hayabusa or Falcon train started operating from Tokyo to northern
Japan with carriages outfitted to airline business class standard. Capable of travelling
at 300 km/h (190 mph) it can make the 675 km (419 mi) trip toAomori in just over 3
The 2011 Thoku earthquake and tsunami, which devastated Sendai, a city northeast
of Tokyo, made all Shinkansen trains automatically stop. No Shinkansen passengers
suffered, and the Tkaid Shinkansen between Tokyo and Osaka resumed operation
several hours after the disasters, while the Thoku Shinkansen remained out of service
for several days.
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Line Start End Length Operator Opened
Tkaid JR
Tokyo Shin-Osaka 515.4 km 1964 151,320,000
Shinkansen Central
Thoku 1982
Tokyo Shin-Aomori 674.9 km 84,833,000
Shinkansen 2010
miya Niigata 269.5 km 1982 38,294,000
JR East
Takasaki Nagano 117.4 km 1997 10,135,000
Latest cumulative figures for Tokaido Line are 4.9 billion passengers (as of
November 2010)
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2.2. Overview
Type High-speed rail
wa Termini Taipei, Zuoying
Hig Stations 8
ed Ridership 36,939,596 (2010)
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No. of tracks 2
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Taiwan High Speed Rail (abbreviated to THSR or HSR) is a high-speed rail line that
runs approximately 345 km (214 mi) along the west coast of the Republic of China
(Taiwan) from the national capital of Taipei to the southern city of Kaohsiung. With
construction managed by a private company, Taiwan High Speed Rail
Corporation (THSRC), which also operates the line, the total cost of the project
was US$18 billion. At the time it was built this was one of the world's largest privately
funded rail construction schemes. For most of its length the line runs on viaducts or
through tunnels with technology mainly based onJapan's Shinkansen system mixed
with European standards and system components. The THSR 700T train series is a
variant of the 700 Series Shinkansen and was built by a consortium of Japanese rolling
stock manufacturers. The completion cost of this line comes approximately Rs. 235
Services began on January 5, 2007, using trains with a top speed of 300 km/h
(186 mph), which offer journey times from Taipei to Kaohsiung as short as 96 minutes.
In comparison, trains operating on the conventional Western Line of the Taiwan
Railway Administration (TRA), take over four hours for the same journey. Tickets are
more expensive than on normal trains or express buses, but cheaper than those for
airplanes. Most intermediate stations on the line lie outside the cities served, with rapid
transit connections constructed only after the opening of the line. Ridership initially fell
short of forecasts, but grew from fewer than 40,000 passengers a day in the first few
months to over 100,000 passengers a day in 2010. Once THSR began operations,
almost all passengers switched from airlines flying parallel routes, while road traffic
was also impacted.
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Three-quarters of the project's funding in the construction phase came in the form
of syndicated loans from banks. In February 2000 THSRC and a group of 25 domestic
banks signed an agreement for a NT$ 323.3 billion package, of which NT$ 240 billion
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came from government deposits in the banks. In July 2006, after a delay in opening,
seven banks agreed to provide a second loan package of NT$40.7 billion, and THSRC
sought further funding abroad. To raise its own capital, the company sought investors.
From January 2002, the government invested via state-owned companies, with its
share reaching 37% in November 2005. From December 2003, THSRC began issuing
preferred stock.
The system made Taiwan the country with the third-fastest trains in 2007, with non-
stop trains from Taichung to Zuoying averaging 244.7 km/h (152.0 mph) over 179.5 km
(111.5 mi). The system's operating hours are from 06:00 to 24:00. Although all trains
stop at Taipei, Banciao, and Taichung stations, there are different service patterns for
other stations. For southbound trains:
Train numbers 1xx, 2xx: Taipei to Zuoying, stops at Banciao and Taichung only
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compartments are available aboard each train, with the latter offering wider seating,
individual audio entertainment systems, and power outlets for portable electronics in
each seat.
THSR started service with reserved tickets only. The fare was set below the level of
airline tickets and above that of long-distance bus and conventional train tickets. For a
one-way TaipeiZuoying trip, a Standard Car ticket is NT$1,490, which was about
US$45 in 2007; a Business Car ticket is NT$1,950, a reduction from the original
NT$2,440 price of 2007. Hence in Rs terms, the fare for normal class is 2025 and 2650
for Business class for the distance of 345 Kms. It comes to Rs. 5.87 & Rs.7.68 per
Kilometer for normal and Business class respectively..
Discounts from the normal fare apply to children, seniors, disabled people,
groups of travellers, and return trips. From March 31, 2008, THSRC applied off-
peak discounts on weekday trains. From July 1, 2010, these were replaced by
fixed lower fares for Business Car tickets, and a new Standard Car ticketing
system consisting of designated coaches with unassigned seats, non-reserved
one-way tickets with a discount, and a smart card system that provides frequent
travelers with multi-ride tickets for eight trips or periodic tickets for 30
days. Following complaints by passengers who had to stand, the number of non-
reserved seats was increased. A new combined off-peak and early booking
discount was introduced on January 26, 2011. Early Bird 7 fares apply a 30%
discount 15 to 31 days prior to travel, while Early Bird 9 fares apply a 10%
discount 8 to 14 days prior to departure on selected
trains. - cite_note-101
Train frequency
Train frequency was ramped up progressively from an initial 38 per day. A maximum
176 train runs per day is possible with the current 30 train sets. This was expected to
be reached by the end of 2009. However, with the onset of the global economic crisis,
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train frequency was reduced instead. Starting from July 1, 2009, train frequency was
progressively increased again.
Train frequencies
in timetable valid from December 1, 2010
Southbound 62 61 70 69 71 455
Northbound 63 62 70 66 75 460
THSRC operates additional train services during national holidays. On June 29,
2011, a proposal by THSRC to increase the maximum number of train services to
210 runs per day (compared to the existing 175 runs per day) passed an
environmental impact assessment, increasing the number of services available on
"high-load days".
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The 10-millionth passenger was carried after 265 days on September 26,
2007, while the 100-millionth passenger was welcomed after 1,307 days on
August 3, 2010. On April 6, 2008, the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, THSRC
transported a single-day record of 132,000 passengers. On October 10, 2008,
the Double Ten Day holiday, a new record of 161,000 passengers a day was
achieved The next single-day record was achieved during Chinese New Year
celebrations on February 5, 2011, at 190,588 passengers. Approximate
average ridership in 2010 on this line was 290 per Km in a day.
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2007. Despite cheaper ticket prices, long-distance bus companies reported that
passenger volumes had fallen by 20 to 30 percent by 2008.
Most of THSRC's revenue comes from ticket sales; income from non-core
activities like renting advertisement and shop space amounts to about a tenth of
the total. Revenues grew along with ridership over the first three years, but both
measurements remained below expectations. In 2008 the second year of
operation, revenues fell barely short of THSRC's expectations a year earlier of a
doubling of first-year results.
The cost of running the trains and infrastructure, or cash operating costs,
was initially over NT$1 billion a month, but was reduced to around
NT$0.850.9 billion a month by 2008. Revenues first exceeded this level,
thus generating a positive operating cash flow, in the fourth month of
operation (April 2007). The O M cost per annum comes to Rs. 4.54 crores
per route Km.
For THSRC, the delayed accounting of the fixed cost of fixed assets like rolling
stock and infrastructure (depreciation) is a significant non-cash element of total
operating costs. In its first two years of operation, THSRC applied straight-line
depreciation, distributing costs evenly over a period of 26.5 years. As a result,
the balance of operating revenues and costs (operating income) showed a high
loss in the first year of operation, which was only reduced as revenues grew in
the second year. The depreciation period set for THSRC reflected the length of
the BOT franchise rather than the much longer lifespan of the infrastructure,
and the company blamed that factor for the operating loss. ] After adopting
an activity depreciation method which is variable in time, THSRC posted its first
operating profit for 2009, the third year of operation.
While THSRC's financial earnings are insignificant, the interest cost of financing
the project with loans is a major item. In the first few years of operation, interest
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rates were well above market rates. Interest expense stood at around
NT$1.3 billion per month in April 2008, when THSRC first achieved break-
even cash flow, with revenue and cash expenses (which exclude depreciation)
both around NT$2.1 billion. Interest rates fell in the first half of 2009, reducing
interest expenses and contributing to a reduced net loss.
Construction on the first German high-speed lines began shortly after that of the
French LGVs (lignes grande vitesse, high speed lines). Legal battles caused
significant delays, so that the Inter City Express (ICE) trains were deployed ten
years after the TGV network was established The first regularly scheduled ICE
trains ran from 2 June 1991 from Hamburg-Altona via Hamburg Hbf Hannover
Hbf Kassel-Wilhelmshhe Fulda Frankfurt Hbf Mannheim Hbf and
Stuttgart Hbf toward Mnchen Hbf on the new ICE line 6. The ICE network is
more tightly integrated with pre-existing lines and trains as a result of the
different settlement structure in Germany, which has almost twice the population
density of France. ICE trains reached destinations
in Austriaand Switzerland soon after they entered service, taking advantage of
the same voltage used in these countries. Starting in 2000, multisystem third-
generation ICE tra ins entered the Netherlandsand Belgium. The third
generation of the ICE has a service speed of 330 km/h (205 mph) and has
reached speeds up to 363 km/h (226 mph).
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Admission of ICE trains onto French LGVs was applied for in 2001, and trial
runs completed in 2005. Since 2008, ICEs service Paris from Frankfurt and
Saarbrcken via the LGV Est.
Thalys trains began running in Germany in 1997, from the Belgian HSL
3 to Aachen and Cologne using the CologneAachen high-speed railway. TGV
POS trains began running in Germany in 2007, to Karlsruhe and Stuttgart using
theMannheimStuttgart and KarlsruheBasel high-speed lines.
Germany has developed the Transrapid, a magnetic levitation train system. The
Transrapid reaches speeds up to 550 km/h (340 mph). A test track with a total
length of 31.5 km (19.5 mi) is operating in Emsland. In China, Shanghai Maglev
Train, a Transrapid technology based maglev built in collaboration
with Siemens, Germany, has been operational since March 2004
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ICE network
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The ICE system is a polycentric network. Connections are offered in either 30-
minute, hourly or bi-hourly intervals. Furthermore, additional services run during
peak times, and some services call at lesser stations during off-peak times.
Unlike the French TGV or the Japanese Shinkansen systems, the vehicles,
tracks and operations were not designed as an integrated whole; rather,
the ICE system has been integrated into Germany's pre-existing system of
railway lines instead. One of the effects of this is that the ICE 3 trains can
reach a speed of 300 km/h (186 mph) only on some stretches of line and
cannot currently reach their maximum allowed speed of 330 km/h on
German railway lines (though a speed of 320 km/h is reached by ICE 3 in
The line most heavily utilized by ICE trains is the Riedbahn between
Frankfurt and Mannheim due to the bundling of many ICE lines in that region.
When considering all traffic (freight, local and long distance passenger), the
busiest line carrying ICE traffic is the MunichAugsburg line, carrying about 300
trains per day.
North-South connections
The network's main backbone consists of six north-south lines:
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East-West connections
Furthermore, the network has four main East-West thoroughfares:
1. from Berlin Gesundbrunnen via Berlin Hbf Berlin Sdkreuz Hamburg Hbf
Hamburg Dammtor Hamburg Altona (ICE line 6)
2. from Berlin Ostbf via Berlin Hbf Hannover Hbf Bielefeld Hbf Hamm
(Westfalen) either via Dortmund Hbf Essen Hbf Duisburg Hbf Dsseldorf
Hbf to Kln/Bonn Flughafen or via Hagen Hbf Wuppertal Hbf Solingen Hbf
Kln Hbf to Bonn Hbf (ICE line 10, train partitions in Hamm)
3. from Dresden Hbf (with some trains from Berlin Gesundbrunnen) via Leipzig
Hbf Erfurt Hbf Fulda Bf Frankfurt Hbf either via Frankfurt Flughafen
Mainz Hbf to Wiesbaden Hbf or (off-peak services) via Darmstadt Hbf
Mannheim Hbf Kaiserslautern Hbf to Saarbrcken Hbf (ICE line 50, train
partitions in Frankfurt Hbf)
4. from Dresden Hbf via Leipzig Hbf Erfurt Hbf Kassel-Wilhelmshhe
Paderborn Hbf Dortmund Hbf Essen Hbf Duisburg Hbf Dsseldorf
Hbf to Kln Hbf (IC/ICE line 51)
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Connecting the capital Madrid with several of Spain's largest cities, the four lines
are named according to their terminus cities. The first line to open was the
Madrid-Seville high-speed rail line (L.A.V. Madrid-Sevilla), followed by the
Madrid-Valladolid high-speed rail line (L.A.V. Madrid-Valladolid), the Cordoba-
Mlaga high speed rail line (L.A.V. Crdoba-Mlaga) and the Madrid-Barcelona
high speed rail line (L.A.V. Madrid-Barcelona). The network is to be greatly
expanded during the next decade with most of the Spanish peninsula being
On April 24, 2010, it was announced a 55 km high-speed spur would leave the
Madrid-Valladolid route at Segovia and continue to Avila. Initial plans are
expected to be complete by the end of 2010.[2]
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Looking to explore the beauty that is Spain? The AVE is a high-speed train
connecting cities in Spain, so that travelers can experience all that the
illustrious region has to offer. Plan on breathing the fresh air of Madrid, Seville,
Malaga, Barcelona and our newest destination, Valencia, just 1 hour, 38
minutes from Madrid. Effortlessly coast from city to city inside one of the
window-lined, high-tech cars of the AVE.
Known for its speed, reasonable fares and flexible schedules, the AVE
remains the ideal form of transportation for savvy travelers looking for an
unparalleled Spanish experience. Take advantage of the rail and design a trip
that takes you from the breathtaking monuments of Madrid to the art and design
of Barcelona and the fine cuisine in Seville.
Ticket control and passport checks will occur at the station before boarding the
AVE train. Note that the gate closes 2 minutes prior to the trains departure time
and the entire train is non-smoking.
Barcelona Madrid 04
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Seating Options
The 2nd-class cabins (called Tourist on the AVE) offer many amenities that
make them first rate with families and cost-conscious adventurers more
interested in savings than luxury. Still, these cabins feature electric sockets to
charge your electronics and there are video and audio services on most major
routes. Your seats are reserved and there are telephones, a nursery and play
area, as well as childrens board games. Everything is done to make this train as
friendly for kids as it is satisfying for adults. Youll also find these cars
wheelchair friendly, with facilities to accommodate the disabled.
The Ministry of Railways (MORC) is creating what will be by far the biggest
network of high-speed (250km/h plus) services in the world. High-speed train
travel did not just appear in China overnight, however. MORC has for three
decades faced the challenge of how to meet growing freight and passenger
demand and prevent railways from becoming a bottleneck on development. It
progressively discouraged short-distance freight and passenger travel, to divert
this demand to road transport while expanding medium- and long-distance
capacity. As a result, the average distance travelled by passengers on the
national railway system nearly doubled, from 275 km in 1990 to 534 km in 2008.
On the freight side China Railway adopted many initiatives to help handle more
freight, but even so there is substantial unmet demand for rail freight transport
on many routes.
In 1973 a prototype had set a world speed record for a diesel locomotive, of
230km/h. For the purposes of network length estimates, high-speed lines have
been taken as those with services of 250 km/h or more. Most are dedicated,
purpose-built passenger lines but a few are parallel to existing alignments, and
some also carry lower-speed freight services. Several services (e.g. the TGV in
France) start and finish their journeys over conventional lines; these distances
have been omitted.
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In recent years, mainland China has taken its place on the international stage of
high-speed rail, and is already dominant in terms of system length and
The Guangshen Railway Company was the first to introduce very fast trains in
China. Created as a subsidiary of the Guangdong Regional Rail Administration,
the company had been listed on the Hong Kong and New York Stock
Exchanges as early as 1996. In 2004, the company began operating trains
between Guangzhou and Shenzhen at a maximum speed of 200 km/h.
Following that success China Rail introduced express electric multiple unit
trains, with a maximum speed of 200 km/h, on 16,500 km of track.
In 2007 140 train pairs per day, operating at top speeds of 200-250 km/h, were
launched on over 6,000 kms of mixed-use routes. The services (by now branded
CRH and increasing in number) are currently
Operated with modern, air-conditioned eight- and 16-car EMU train sets and
have a commercial speed of over 150 km/h. First class accommodation has two-
by-two reclining seats, while second class features a two-by-three seat
configuration. The general ambience and riding quality of these trains is world-
class and they have proved very popular, even though the price charged is
substantially higher than on normal express trains.
In 2003, for the first time, full details of the planned network of dedicated high-
speed routes were unveiled in MORCs Mid to Long-Range Network Plan
(MLRNP. The Plan, the first industry plan of its kind approved by the
Government of China, comprehensively addressed the future development of
the railway network in all its facets. The crucial decisions in the Plan were to
separate passenger and freight services on constrained trunk routes, and to
develop fast inter-city regional passenger networks in densely populated areas.
The Plan originally targeted a 12,000 kms high-speed passenger network by
2020, based on four north-south and four east-west corridors, plus a further
20,000 kms of mixed traffic high-speed lines with a target speed of 200-250
km/h. The Plan (as augmented in 2007) is shown in Figure 2.
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A China Railways CRH2C (left) and a China Railways CRH3C (right) train in Tianjin.
The CRH2 is a modified E2-1000 Series Shinkansen. The CRH3 is based
on Siemens'ICE3(class/Baureihe 403).
An eight-car China Railways CRH5 train-set. The CRH5 is derived from the Alstom
Pendolino ETR600.
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High-speed train in China refers to any commercial train service in the People's
Republic of China with an average speed of 200 km/h (124 mph) or higher. China
has the world's longest high-speed rail (HSR) network with about 9,676 km
(6,012 mi of routes in service as of June 2011 including 3,515 km (2,184 mi) of rail
lines with top speeds of 300 km/h (186 mph). According to the BBC, China will by
2012 have more high-speed railway tracks than the rest of the world put
together. Since the introduction of high-speed rail on April 18, 2007, daily
ridership has grown from 237,000 in 2007 and 349,000 in 2008 to 492,000 in 2009
and 796,000 in 2010.
China's high speed rail network consists of upgraded conventional rail lines, newly-built
high-speed passenger designated lines (PDLs), and the worlds first high-speed
commercial magnetic levitation (maglev) line. The country has been undergoing an
HSR building boom. With generous funding from the Chinese government's
economic stimulus program, 17,000 km (11,000 mi) of high-speed lines are now
under construction. The entire HSR network will reach 13,073 km (8,123 mi) by
the end of 2011and 25,000 km (16,000 mi) by the end of 2015.
China is the first and only country to have commercial train service on conventional rail
lines that can reach 350 km/h (217 mph) . Notable examples of HSR lines include:
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In February 2011, Chinese Railways Minister Liu Zhijun, a key proponent of HSR
expansion, was removed from office pending investigation for corruption. Since
then concerns about HSR safety, high ticket prices, low ridership, financial
sustainability of high speed rail projects and environmental impact have drawn
greater scrutiny from the Chinese press. Top operational speed of HSR trains on
most lines have been lowered to 300 km/h. The Railway Ministry has emphasized
that the lowering of train speed to 300 km/h is not out of concern for safety but to
make high-speed rail tickets more affordable. China has announced further speed
reductions, trains built for 350 km/h will run to 300 km/h, while those built for
250 km/h will be run to 200 km/h. CRH380A trainsets on the BeijingShanghai
High-Speed Railway can reach a top operational speed of 380 km/h (240 mph) but
run at 300 km/h.
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China Railways, the MOR's national rail service operator, provides high speed train
service called China Railway High-speed (CRH) on upgraded conventional rail
lines, national high speed railways and intercity high-speed lines. The CRH's high
speed trains are also called "Harmony Express." In October 2010, CRH service
more than 1,000 trains per day, with a daily ridership of about 925,000. as of
January, 2011, a total of 495 CRH train sets were put in to use.
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Track technology
Many of the Passenger Designated Lines use ballastless tracks, which allow for
smoother train rides at high speeds and can withstand heavy use without
warping. The ballastless track technology, imported from Germany, carries
higher upfront costs but can reduce maintenance costs.
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Examined the propensity of those making long distance trips for switching
to high-speed rail to provide key parameter values for modeling demand
for high-speed rail services, including: value of time, and to examine
whether these vary differentially by mode of travel; cost sensitivity, and to
examine how these vary across income groups and trip length; out-of-
vehicle components, such as frequency, interchanges, access/egress
time; rail service components, such as rail reliability and crowding;
whether there exists an additional preference for HSR over classic rail,
above that which can be measured by service attributes; and where HSR
fits in the mode choice hierarchy.
The stated preference choice experiments are based around a range of
realistic station locations, and as such examine scenarios where many
respondents making long-distance trips within the corridor of the study
may face significant access and/or egress times to use the high-speed rail
A travel demand model was built to estimate future trips along the high
speed rail corridor
Three corridor alignment scenarios were considered, taking into account
spatial constrains of built-in land and natural preserves in Hungary. One
branch line toward Southern Hungary was also assumed in each scenario.
Decreased corridor travel time from 14 to less than 5 hours, improved
service frequency, and high quality rolling stock were envisioned.
Travel demand model included three components: current trip table
calibration and validation, mode choice module and assignment module.
Forecast methodology considered base travel demand growth, and mode
shift from air and road transport and newly generated trips due to high
speed rail service.
Forecast results showed significant future increase in rail travel between
Italy and Hungary, as well as domestic travel within Hungary, creating new
trips as well as significant shift from air and road trips. Railway volumes
doubled, and in sections close to Budapest, almost tripled due to improved
service conditions.
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The following table shows all high speed dedicated lines (speed over
250 km/h, 155 mph) in service and under construction, listed by country.
Based on UIC figures (International Union of Railways), it has been
updated with other sources. Since the purpose is to convey updated
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information with unified criteria, planned lines are not included. Not all rail
lines are dedicated, that is, some high speed rail lines, such as Moscow-
St. Petersburg, share lines with local and/or freight trains.
113 0 113
Switzerland 35 72 107
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MLX01 maglev train 581 km/h (361 mph) (current world record holder)
World speed record holding (574.8 km/h, 357.2 mph) TGV the V150
The Shanghai Maglev Train reaches top speeds of 431 km/h (268 mph), the fastest
high-speed train in service in the world.
The term "maximum speed" has many meanings here. It can reflect:
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maximum average speed between two scheduled stops based on the running
times in timetables - daily operation.
maximum speed at which a train is allowed to run safely as set by law or policy
on a straight section in daily service with minimal constraints (MOR)
the maximum speed at which an unmodified train is proved to be capable of
the maximum speed a specially modified train is proved to be capable of
A one time specially modified system and trainset record was set by the
manned TGV's 574.8 km/h (357.2 mph) run. This run was for proof of concept and
engineering, not to test normal passenger service.
The maximum speed an unmodified train is capable of running was set by the non-
wheeled 581 km/h (361 mph) JR-Maglev MLX01 run in 2003. However, even this is
not necessarily suitable for passenger operation as there can be concerns such as
noise, cost, deceleration time in an emergency, etc.
The Shanghai Maglev Train reaches 431 km/h (268 mph) during its daily service
between Longyang Road and Pudong International Airport, holds the speed record
of any commercial train services. Besides maglev, the fastest maximum operating
speed (MOR) of any segment of any high speed rail line is currently 350 km/h
(217 mph), a record held by multiple lines in China, first achieved by the Beijing
Tianjin Intercity Railway in August 2008. In October 2010, the trains on Shanghai
Hangzhou High-Speed Railway have shown an unmodified capability of running
416.6 km/h (258.9 mph) in tests, and thus have been set to run 350 km/h
(217 mph) in normal operation.
The highest scheduled average speed between two scheduled stops is held
by China Railway High-speed service on Wuhan-Guangzhou High-Speed
Railway. Starting from December 26, 2009, until January 29, 2010, non-stop trains
on this line cover the 922 km (573 mi) journey in 2 hours, 57 minutes, at an average
speed of 312.5 km/h (194.2 mph) from Wuhan to Guangzhou North. The average
speed slowed down to 309 km/h (192 mph) for a longer 968 km (601 mi) journey
when Guangzhou South, the new terminal of the line, was opened on January 30,
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2010. Since July 1, 2010, all non-stop trains were canceled and the fastest trains
run at an average speed of 296 km/h (184 mph) with one stop in Changsha South.
The trains cover Guangzhou South and Changsha South section in 2 hours, 2
minutes, hold the speed record at 305 km/h (190 mph).
Due to high costs and safety concerns the top speeds in China is reduced to
300 km/h (186 mph) or less with effect from July 1, 2011.
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1979 Japan 504 313
500R (unmanned)
1979 Japan 517 321
500R (unmanned)
Inter City
1985 West Germany 324 201
1988 West Germany 406 252
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Siemens Transrapid
2003 China 501 311
unmodified commercial
2006 Spain 103 (Siemens 404 251
modified commercial
2011 China CRH380BL 487.3 303
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Source: Internet
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Average Speed
Train Stops Further Extension
TBD 300 km/h Visakhapatnam
TBD 350 km/h TBD
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2.3. Conclusions
In summary, high-speed rail is now a tried and tested technology that delivers
real transport benefits and can dominate market share against road and airline
transport over the medium distances that many inter-city travelers confront.
However, the demographic and economic circumstances that could support the
viability of high-speed rail are, in global terms, limited. The number of passenger
transport corridors of the requisite length, that are already capacity constrained,
and where there is sufficiently dense potential demand by people of adequate
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are usually located nearer to urban centers than airports. These factors often
offset the speed advantage of air travel for mid-distance trips.
Rail travel has less weather dependency than air travel. If the rail system is well-
designed and well-operated, severe weather conditions such as heavy snow,
heavy fog, and storms do not affect the journeys; whereas flights are generally
canceled or delayed under these conditions. Nevertheless, snow and wind can
cause some issues and can delay trains.
Although comfort over air travel is often believed to be a trait of high speed rail
because train seats are larger and it is easy for passengers to move around
during the journey, the comfort advantage of rail is not inherent; it depends on
the specific implementation. For example, high speed trains which are not
subject to compulsory reservation may carry some standing passengers.
Airplanes do not allow standing passengers, so excess passengers are denied
boarding. Train passengers can have the choice between standing or waiting for
a bookable connection.
Larger number of target areas
From the operator's point of view, a single train can call at multiple stations,
often far more stops than aircraft, and each stop takes much less down time.
One train stopping pattern can allow a multitude of possible journeys, increasing
the potential market. This increase in potential market allows the operator to
schedule more frequent departures than the aircraft, and hence create another
good reason for preference.
From the point of view of required traffic control systems and infrastructure,
high-speed rail has the added advantage of being much simpler to control due
to its predictable course, even at very high passenger loads; this issue is
becoming more relevant as air traffic reaches its safe limit in busy airspaces..
High-speed rail systems reduce (but do not eliminate) the possibility of collisions
with automobiles or people, while lower speed rail systems used by high speed
trains may have level crossings.
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3.1 Background
Kerala has been attracting huge investments in the past few years in various
sectors. Kerala has achieved a superior position through its Kerala model of
development with its high human development index, influential and widely
used indices to measure human development across countries. This
represents the state's achievement of significant improvements in material
conditions of living, reflected in indicators of social development that are
comparable to that of many developed countries.
But the growth of infrastructure in the transport sector doesnt seem to be in
pace with the investment, leads to imbalance in the system which seek more
focus in that sector. Kerala Government has taken initiative to carry out a pre-
feasibility study for 550-km high-speed rail corridor linking
Thiruvananthapuram and Kasaragod. The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
(DMRC) has been engaged by the State Government to examine the viability
of having a high speed rail in the state by estimating the possible ridership
while establishing the other technical components.
Wilbursmith Associates was appointed by Delhi Metro rail Corporation to
establish the forecast methodology for the proposed high-speed rail between
Thiruvananthapuram and Kasaragod with the help of a forecast framework
which can test and appraise many options for the system. The forecasting
framework was developed having in-house discussion with the experts and
having further refinements with guidance from DMRC officials.
3.2 Salient features
Located in the south-western tip of India, Kerala state is bordered by
Karnataka to the North, Tamil Nadu to the South- East and the Arabian Sea
towards the West with an area of 38,863 km2. Thiruvananthapuram being the
administrative capital of the state, is a major destination for tourists. Cochin
and Kozhikode are the other two major cities with lot of industrial activities.
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Kerala is very unique in its character with backwaters all along due to its
proximity to the coastal area. The state illustrates a true example of ribbon
development with its form by having the rail and road run all along parallel to
the coast. The majority of the activities concentrated along the railway line and
road ie NH17 and NH47 pass all across the state from North to South. All
district head quarters except Idukki fall along the National Highway.
Kerala economy is primarily based on agriculture.The strong historical
significance and natural attributes of the state have resulted in the presence of
several industries in Kerala. Located in the south-western tip of India, Kerala
has the highest literacy rate in India. Tourism has grown to be a front line
industry with government backing and private management. The economy of
Kerala, though small and agro-based, has a lot to look forward in future with
the upcoming of IT and allied industries that are willing to exploit the yet-to-be
tapped resources. The state has witnessed significant migration of its people,
especially to the Persian Gulf countries during the Kerala Gulf boom, and is
heavily dependent on remittances from its large Malayali expatriate
community,annually contribute more than a fifth of GSDP.
The transportation system for the intercity travel in the state is mostly by road,
rail and by air. Kerala has 1.45 lakh kilometers of roads which comes out to be
4.2% of India's total length. Most of Kerala's west coast is accessible through
two National Highways, NH 47, and NH 17.
The Indian Railways' Southern Railway line runs throughout the state,
connecting all major towns and cities except those in the highland districts of
Idukki and Wayanad. Kerala's major railway stations are Alappuzha, Aluva,
Chengannur, Ernakulam Junction, Kannur, Kasaragod, Kayamkulam Junction,
Kollam Junction, Kottayam, Kozhikode, Palakkad Junction, Shornur Junction,
Thalassery, Thrissur Junction, Tirur, Thiruvananthapuram Central and
Traffic in Kerala has been growing at a rate of 1011% every year, resulting in
high traffic and pressure on the roads resulting in increased travel time for the
users. Kerala's annual total of road accidents is among the Nations highest.
Widening of the National Highways is still not accomplished due to
Resettlement and Rehabilitation issues.
This situation doesnt warrant for a comfortable ride by road due to its capacity
constraint, congestion and ultimately the riding quality and safety. In this
background, Kerala Government has taken initiative to carry out a pre-
feasibility study for 550-km high-speed rail corridor linking
Thiruvananthapuram and Kasaragod.However its extension to Mangalore may
be advantageous.
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Once completed and well established, high speed train lines have many
advantages over other forms of high capacity public transportation. One of
these is that due to infrastructure design in many countries, highway and air
travel systems are constrained, cannot expand, and in many cases are
overloaded. Because the addition of new high speed rail can also be high
capacity, it has the potential to relieve congestion on other transit systems.
3.3 Purpose of this Chapter
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a detailed explanation of the
methodology, data collection and techniques used in carrying out the
Feasibility study for the High-speed Rail. The intent is to provide a clear
understanding of the full range of activities that was undertaken during the
study period and how they have been combined to provide the deliverables for
the study.
3.3.1 Objective and Scope of Service
The objective is to estimate the ridership on the proposed high speed rail
system in Kerala. The proposed corridor starts at Thiruvananthapuram in
Kerala state and ends at Kasaragod with eight major stations in the first phase
and three more stations adding in the future.Mangalore may be the 12th station
but terminal in case extension of Thiuvanthapurem- Kasargod line is agrred to
High speed train is expected to navigate at an average speed of about 250
Kmph which will cover the entire Kerala state in a duration of less than three
hours. The eight stations proposed in the first phase include
Thiruvananthapuram, Kollam, Kottayam, Ernakulam, Thrissur, Kozhikode,
Kannur, and Kasaragod. Three more stations are planned in the next phase at
Chengannur, Valanchery and Thalassery.The proposed High Speed Rail
Corridor is presented in Figure 3.1.
Scope of services:
The scope of Traffic projections includes:
A site reconnaissance of the study area and the proposed high speed rail
corridor to appraise the land use along and around the proposed corridor
Evolve the database for establishing the present level traffic and travel
characteristics of the study area. This include secondary and primary data
Carryout primary traffic surveys such as traffic volume counts, origin
destination survey, road network inventory survey, willingness to pay survey,
and speed and delay survey
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Map the development potentials for the study area, for the proposed stations
and carry out the forecast
Perception of users on high speed rail and formulate the optimal fare for the
proposed system
Development of mode choice model to estimate the shift towards the
proposed system
Travel demand forecast for the next twenty years for the available modes
using appropriate forecast framework
Forecast ridership on the High Speed Rail corridor
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could say that we should basically establish the long distance demand and the
availability of present modes and network or in other words supply.
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existing land use and the growth trends to establish the transport
demand due to the same.
Step 4 : Travel Demand forecast: With the transport proposals and the
forecasted socioeconomic indicators in place, the mode wise travel
demand will be predicted with the help of calibrated trip end and
trip distribution models. Appropriate assumptions will be used for
the forecast network, and the cost parameters.
Step 5: Ridership forecast on HSRL: Logit models will be applied to the
candidate traffic for the HSRC for different users by income, class
and purpose. Mode wise shift will be generated. The outputs
include station OD, sectional load, boarding and alighting, trip
length, and revenue.
The methodology is framed in such a way as to address the above listed
analytical challenges in the forecast.
Model will be able to predict the HSRC ridership from Car, existing rail,
and bus for different purpose and trip lengths
Should be able to account the impact of changes in economy on the
overall mode shift over a period of time
Demand and economic impacts of activity based developments around the
proposed high speed rail station locations
Sensitive to the fare structure for the proposed HSRL and be able to give
the impact of that on ridership, trip length and revenues
The ability to provide a wide range of outputs to support the decision
making process of the Government
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Socioeconomic Indicators
of the Region
Estimation of
Activity Based Candidate Traffic
Development at HSRL
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results are presented in Annexure 3.1. The figure 3.3 presents the traffic
survey locations.
Table 3.1 Traffic Survey Schedule
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3.3.4 Kerala-Today Land use
Kerala has a diverse land use. Agriculture is the dominant land use type of the
State. It accounts for over 60% of the geographical area followed by forest
land (including degraded forest) of 26%. Table 3.2 shows the pattern of land
use in the state.
Table 3.2: Land use pattern in Kerala
Sl. Area
Land Category Land Use (%)
(Sq. Km.)
1 Residential Area 364.62 0.94%
2 Commercial Area 226.15 0.58%
3 Industrial Area 0.31 0.00%
4 Mixed Built-up area 899.25 2.31%
5 Forest 10291.68 26.48%
6 Agriculture 23659.86 60.88%
7 Water Bodies 1279.04 3.29%
8 Open Spaces 2144.02 5.52%
Total 38865 100.0% Demographic characteristics Population Growth
Census 2001 put Keralas population at 31.8 million persons with 15.6 million
males and 16.4 million females. This carries a share of 3% of the entire
population of the country. Table 3.3 presents the decadal growth of population
in the state. It can be observed that the Keralas population growth is only 25%
of the growth of the country. Decadal growth rate illustrate that there is
significant reduction in the population growth in the last two decades.
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Table 3.3 Decadal Growth Rate (%) of Population India & Kerala
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Table 3.5 presents the district wise population growth and density as per 2001
census. Alappuzha with a population density of 1496 persons per is the
most densely populated district in Kerala followed by Thiruvananthapuram
with 1476 persons per and Kozhikode with 1228 persons per
density. Idukki with a density of just 252 persons per is the least
densely populated district followed by Wayanad with a density of 369 persons.
Figure 3.4 illustrates the population density as of 2001.
Kerala being an agricultural state with an agrarian economy, a good percent of
its population is confined to agriculture or other agro base industry.
Kerala is home to 3.44% of India's people, and at 819 persons per km
its land is three times as densely settled as the rest of India. However,
Kerala's population growth rate is far lower than the national average. Kerala's
people are most densely settled in the coastal region, leaving the eastern hills
and mountains comparitively sparsely populated. Urbanisation
The urban sector in Kerala comprise of five Municipal Corporations and 53
Municipalities. In Kerala 25.97% of the population live in urban area which is
very close to the National figure. But Urbanization in Kerala is not only limited
to the main cities and towns but it also spreads over the entire state excluding
certain hilly and isolated areas. Generally, the Kerala society by and large can
be termed as urbanized.
In the year 1981, there were 106 census towns in the state which
accommodated a population of 4.7 million (18.74 % of the total population)
and in 1991 there were 197 census towns and the urban population was 7.6
million which is 26.44 % of the total population. As per 2001 Census urban
population in the state is 8.2 million which is 25.97% of the total population
and is spread over 159 census towns in the state. The urban content of the
state population has increased from 18.74% in 1981 to 26.39% in 1991, but it
got decreased during the decade 1991 2001 to 25.97%. The change in
jurisdiction in statutory urban areas mainly speaks for this. The urban
population and its growth for the past four decades (1971-2001) is presented
respectively in the Tables 3.6 to Table 3.7
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India Kerala
Percentage Percentage
Total Urban of Urban Total Urban of Urban
Population Population
1971 548,159,652 109,113,977 19.91 21,300,560 3,459,211 16.24
1981 683,329,097 159,462,547 23.34 25,453,680 4,770,020 18.74
1991 846,302,688 217,611,012 25.71 29,098,518 7,680,294 26.39
2001 1,027,015,247 285,354,954 27.78 31,838,619 8,267,135 25.97
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2000-01 7160885
2001-02 7530899
2002-03 8080908
2003-04 8585833
2004-05 9442065
2005-06 10410426
2006-07 11510339
2007-08 12637775
2008-09 13520249
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Year PCI
2000-01 22549
2001-02 23555
2002-03 25016
2003-04 26344
2004-05 28721
2005-06 31400
2006-07 34435
2007-08 37507
2008-09 39815
Source: Department of Economics and Statistics
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Remittance to Remittance to
Year India (in Rs Kerala (Rs in
Crores) Crores
1990-91 3712 -
1991-92 9382 3025
1992-93 11226 3882
1993-94 16514 6084
1994-95 25417 7069
1995-96 28660 9521
1996-97 43969 10761
1997-98 43765 10817
1998-99 43242 13652
1999-00 53132 14438
2000-01 58811 15732
2001-02 73363 17362
2002-03 79229 18465
2003-04 99165 19797
2004-05 91971 21251
2005-06 108565 22828
2006-07 126088 24526
2007-08 163709 30122
2008-09 221222 43288
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Road transport acts as the feeder service to rail, air and inland water transport. The
vehicle density of the State is very high compared to many other States in India. The
road freight services in the state are wholly owned and operated by the private sector.
National Highways
National Highways form the prime arterial routes and span about 66,590 Km
throughout the country and cater to 45 percent of the total road transport demand.
The National Highway network in Kerala is of length 1523.9 Km; this is only 2.3% of
total National Highways in the country. There are eight National Highways in the
State. Details are presented in table 3.12.
State Road Network
The state highways are the main arterial routes of the state, linking district
headquarters and important towns within the state and connecting them with national
highways or Highways of the neighboring states. There are 76 state highways in
The State Highway 1 (Main Central Road or MC Road) is a major arterial State
Highway in the state. It covers many important towns of Central and South Kerala and
runs almost parallel to NH 47. This road starts from National Highway 47 at
Kesavadasapuram in Thiruvananthapuram city and rejoins the NH 47 at Angamali in
Ernakulam district.
Table 3.12 National Highways in Kerala
1 NH 47 Walayar
Kaliyikkavila (Salem 416.8 380.8 36.000
2 NH 17 Thalappady
420.8 395.8 25.0
Edappally (Panavel
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3 NH 49 Kundanoor
Bodimettu (Cochin 167.6 167.6
4 NH 47A Kundanoor
5.9 5.9
Willington Island
5 NH 208 Kollam
Aryankavu (Kollam 81.3 81.0
6 NH 212 Kozhikode
Muthanga (Kozhikode 117.0 117.0
7 NH 213 Palakkad -
125.3 125.3
8 NH 220 Kollam Kumily
189.3 189.3
(Kollam Theni)
Total Length 1523.9 1076.0 411.7 36.0
Network characteristics
National Highways constitute 1% of total road network in the state. In the total length
only 28% of road is double lane or more in width. PWD roads constitute about 16% of
the total road network in the state but carries nearly 80 percent of the road traffic
within the state. Even though Kerala has succeeded in providing adequate length of
roads, the overall quality of PWD roads is much below the prescribed standard set
forth by the Indian Road Congress (IRC). Kerala PWD also has 4650 kilometers of
State Highways of which about 90 percent is of single or intermediate lane width.
National highway carries a traffic of more than 20000 PCUs per day at the current
scenario. State Highways currently carry between 6000 to 12000 vehicles per day
and are already due for widening and strengthening. Vehicle registration
The vehicle population in the state is growing at an average rate of more than 10%
every year. With the motor vehicles entering the roads doubling every eight years,
the number of motor vehicles being registered in the State is likely to exceed the
number of households by 2015.
The number of motor vehicles registered in the State was 5.81 lakh in 1990, 48.80
lakhs in 2009 and had crossed 52 lakh in 2010. The road length in the State is 1.74
lakh km and the road density about 1417 km / 100 sq km, which is higher than the
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national average. Table 3.13 gives the district wise break up of registered vehicles
in the state as on 31.03.2009.
The number of cars registered has almost crossed more than one lakh in
Thiruvananthapuram , Kottayam and Ernakulam. This means around 20% of the
households in this districts own cars. Public transport-Bus
Buses are the most common type of public transport mode in the state. Both State
transport buses as well as private buses carry out operations in the state. Bus
transport serves as the main feeder system for the railways.
KSRTC: Kerala State Road Transport Corporation is the largest single public
sector transport undertaking, which carries out transport operations in the State.
Presently the corporation has 5659 buses operates more than 4700 schedules per
day and runs about 14 lakh kilometer per day. An average passenger carried by
the corporation in a day is 31.45 Lakhs (3.145 millions). Table 3.14 presents major
indicators showing operational efficiency of KSRTC.
As the present study aim at establishing the long distance traffic on the parallel
corridors to the proposed HSRL, the trip sheets pertaining to the specific corridors
has been collected. Table 3.15 briefs the details by type of service. Figure 3.6
shows the growth in passenger traffic in KSRTC.
Table 3.13 Number of Motor Vehicle Having Valid Registration as on 31.03.2009
Kozhikode 1996 8447 3648 4904 75607 33064 249863 2659 39815
Wayanad 3413
6 1631 527 1217 13519 7139 26630 2166 56242
Kannur 1627 6630 3830 5659 54024 31197 135047 4718 25738
Kasargod 4995
9 1817 975 737 26016 18748 57305 1103 11169
Total 2466 100919 4199 11083 983507 422966 2929243 43906 48800
87 8 3 Source: Economic Review 2009 59
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Figure 3.6 Growth of passenger traffic in KSRTC over the last five years
In Kerala, private bus services hold more than 80% of the public transport share.
From the primary survey analysis, it was observed that the private bus operation for
the long distance travel is more predominant in the North side compared to KSRTC
operation in south. Rail Transport
Railways play a significant role in the transport system of the State. The railway
network extends over 1148 route km. in Kerala of which 111.14 kms are metre gauge.
The rail passenger data has been collected from the Thiruvananthapuram and
Palghat division to establish the rail passenger trips occurring between
Thiruvananthapuram and Kasargod and for various origin between. Table 3.16
presents the summary of passenger travelling by type of service on this corridor.
Table 3.16 Service wise daily Railway passenger traffic in the corridor
Sl. Trips
Private Service Trips (Total)
No (Internal)
1 First Class Express or Mail 104 135
2 First Class AC 3 4
3 First Class Ordinary 1157 1198
4 Second Class AC 493 604
5 Sleeper Express or Mail 20908 24094
Second Class Express or
6 97082 107030
7 Second Class Ordinary 320220 341606
8 AC Chair Car 1587 1637
9 Third Class AC 1663 1991
Total 443218 478298
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Total Revenue
449 506.4 1064.89 766.48
Receipts (in lakh)
Total Revenue
1727 2087 1185.55 1043.11
Expenditure (in lakh)
Source: Economic Review 2009
3.3.4 Traffic and travel characteristics Traffic on homogeneous sections
Classified volume counts along with origin-destination were carried out to assess the
present passenger traffic in different sections and to estimate the potential traffic for
the high speed rail. Identification of homogeneous section and survey locations
The road corridor extending from Thiruvananthapuram to Kasargod has been divided
in to sections to have the classified volume count on all parallel corridors to HSRL and
to get the variation of traffic between major towns falling on it. The following points are
considered in arriving at the homogenous sections
Based on proposed high speed rail stations
To cover the entire long distance demand
To capture all OD pairs with origination and/or destination between
Thiruvananthapuram and Kasaragod on NH 47, NH 17 and SH 1.
Directional classified volume count surveys were carried out for all the passenger
modes at selected 12 parallel road sections to the proposed rail corridor for 24 hours.
The survey was conducted from 8 AM to 8 PM covering both the morning and
evening peak periods. Enumerators suitably trained were deployed in sufficient
numbers to capture data in the specified format recording the volume counts manually
for every 15 minutes during the course of the survey. At each identified count location,
passenger vehicles in both directions were counted and included all vehicle types i.e.,
cars, jeeps, vans based on ownership and sitting capacity, buses based on service
type as well as ownership i.e. KSRTC or private , two wheelers and three wheelers.
The survey format used is given in Traffic report.
The average daily traffic observed at each section is presented in table 3.18. Among
the counting stations the first six locations i.e. Mangalapady, Mayilatti, Chala,
Quilandy, Puthanathany and Kodungaloor lies in NH 17 which connects Cochin to the
north Kerala as well as north Karnataka. NH 17 links Kerala to the states of
Karnataka, Goa, and Maharashtra. The other four locations Chalakuddy, Cherthala,
Haripad and Paripally falls in NH 47 connecting Kerala and Tamilnadu and it runs
through the western coast of Kerala from Thiruvananthapuram to Cochin connecting
major towns in the south and central Kerala. The Main Central Road (SH 1) is the
arterial State Highway which covers many important towns of Central and South
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Kerala and the last two survey locations Ettumanoor and Adoor lies in the same.
Location wise volume counts are summarised in table 4.19.
Table 3.18 Average daily traffic (ADT)
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Mode NH-17 NH-47 SH-1
Mangal Quilan Puthanat Kodun Near Ettum
Mayilatti Chala Chalakuddy Haripad Paripally Adoor
apady dy hany galoor Cherthala anoor
Ordinary Bus 227 254 208 245 273 220 658 566 551 613 417 510
Fast Passenger 81 74 63 66 74 61 301 190 192 293 137 143
39 12 35 29 42 54 115 79 89 78 51 81
26 20 24 19 31 26 30 22 22 18 9 9
Ordinary Bus 310 306 569 453 347 329 658 278 362 388 542 138
Semi Sleeper 146 87 115 155 173 133 389 166 235 259 151 55
Luxury(Volvo) 25 16 47 39 42 52 98 45 64 52 11 10
Mini Bus 64 36 47 68 63 48 101 57 83 81 21 23
Two Wheeler 3,172 2,048 3,115 2,155 2,630 4,409 5,161 6,107 5,856 5,877 4,830 3,499
Auto Rickshaw 1,435 1,428 1,271 1,045 1,324 1,770 1,297 1,403 1,018 1,522 2,471 824
Small Car-White
3,174 2,554 3,368 3,584 4,154 2,453 4,866 4,573 4,154 7,679 7,162 2,994
Small Car
293 214 532 792 392 289 1,012 816 600 1,223 1,315 339
Yellow Board
Big Car/Jeep /
Van- White 537 682 796 1,009 1,035 632 974 913 795 1,790 1,753 930
Big Car/Jeep /
Van- Yellow 409 468 637 755 526 352 858 756 502 1,109 1,040 627
Total Passenger
9938 8199 10827 10414 11106 10828 16518 15971 14523 20982 19910 10182
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The peak hour traffic varied from a minimum of 740 vehicles per hour at Quilandy
(Thalassery-Kozhikode Stretch) to a maximum of 1170 vehicles per hour at
Ettumanoor (Eranakulam-Kottayam Stretch). The sections in the NH 17 were
observed to have less peak hour traffic compared to NH 47 and SH 1.
The seasonal factor for estimating the AADT from ADT is derived from the monthly
fuel sales data. From the data collected, the factor is found to be 1.09 for the month
of September. The month seasonal factor is presented in Table 3.20.
Table 3.20 Seasonal factor
Month Factor for
petrol & diesel
April 1.02
May 0.99
June 1.05
July 1.12
August 0.98
September 1.09
October 1.01
November 1.04
December 0.94
January 0.91
February 1.00
March 0.92
The seasonal factors are applied to have the Annual average daily traffic in each
homogeneous section (table 3.21).
Table 3.21 Annual Average daily Traffic in No.s
Name of Survey KSRT Private Two Total
Ricksha Car
Road Location C Bus Bus Wheeler (No.s)
NH-17 Mangalapady 373 545 3172 1435 4810 10335
NH-17 Mayilatti 360 445 2048 1428 4270 8551
NH-17 Chala 330 778 3115 1271 5813 11307
NH-17 Quilandy 359 715 2155 1045 6693 10967
NH-17 Puthanathany 420 625 2630 1324 6656 11655
NH-17 Kodungaloor 361 562 4409 1770 4062 11164
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Name of Survey KSRT Private Two Total
Ricksha Car
Road Location C Bus Bus Wheeler (No.s)
NH-47 Chalakuddy 1104 1246 5161 1297 8404 17212
NH-47 Near Cherthala 857 546 6107 1403 7693 16606
NH-47 Haripad 854 744 5856 1018 6596 15068
NH-47 Paripally 1002 780 5877 1522 12863 22044
NH-47 Ettumanoor 714 725 4830 2471 12285 21025
NH-47 Adoor 743 226 3499 824 5330 10622
Traffic composition:
Figure 3.7 illustrate the average traffic composition for the passenger modes during the
day. It can be observed that cars constitute 51% and buses 9%.
Figure 3.8 shows the mode composition for KSRTC buses for all the counting locations.
The ordinary buses hold the major share with 65% of total state buses. The Fast
passenger buses and Superfast/Super Express constitutes 22% and 9% respectively of
total volume. The Luxury buses were found to have the minimum share of 4% among
the state buses.
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For the private buses Figure 3.9 presents the average mode composition among all the
survey locations. Like KSRTC buses, ordinary buses constitute the major volume with
60% share. The other services like Tourist travels and luxury buses compose 25% and
6% respectively of total private bus traffic. Luxury buses such as Volvo services
contribute a significant share of 9% of total traffic.
The passenger car transport constituted almost 50% of total vehicular traffic in the
survey locations and Figure 3.10 shows the composition of different passenger car
modes in the traffic. The private (white board) small cars occupies the major share of car
traffic with a 65% share. The small cars which are taxi services (yellow board) were
found to be 10% of traffic. For the big car category, private cars and taxis holds a share
of 15% and 10% respectively.
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Conduct of Surveys: Interviews were carried out on a sample basis for 24 hours on
a typical working day by stopping the vehicles with the help of police. Minimum
sample coverage of 10 percent was captured across the time of the day and type of
vehicles proportionately. Classified volume counts have also been carried out along
with the interviews in order to calculate expansion factors. At each identified station,
both directional counts were carried out by vehicle type. The information collected
includes origin and destination of trip, occupancy, frequency, trip purpose, etc.
Merging of RSI matrices
The mode wise matrices developed from the Road Side Interview at all the survey
locations were merged using a computer programme (developed by M/S Wilbur
Smith) to eliminate duplicate trips. Any illegal trips due to error in data capture or at
data entry level were removed and matrices were extracted.
The following steps including few major checks were carried out through the
Checking of any data entry error and zone coding error
Adjustments for common trips
Expansion of matrices with the classified volume count
Elimination of Illegal trips
Daily trips by private car are 144085, whereas total daily trips by taxi and
airport car are 60360 and 24652 respectively. About 88% of the trips by
private car are within the internal zones. External to external trips by car is
only 0.3%. About 97% of the airport trips and 85% of taxi trips are made within
internal zones.
Average Trip Length by private car is found to be 115 Km, taxi- 135 Km and
airport car is found to be 139 Km. For private car about 52% of the trips are
made for a trip length of 51 to 100 Km. 49 % of the trips made by taxi are
travelling between a distance of 51 to 100 Km.
The national highway 17 which runs parallel to the western coast connects
most of the major towns in the north Kerala. Six out of the twelve OD locations
lie in the NH 17, between Mangalore and Ernakulum. In all the locations small
private cars was the major passenger car mode carrying a share of 57% to
76% of total trips. The other modes i.e. small taxi cars, big private cars and big
taxi cars holds average shares of 10%, 15% and 7% respectively on NH 17.
The trip length distributions for private cars, taxis and airport cars are given
respectively in tables 3.23, 3.24 and 3.25.
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The desire lines for the private car and taxi are shown in figure 3.12 and figure 3.13
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Passenge Trips
Distance Trips
r km (%)
< 50 99664 3778 6%
51 To 100 2218004 31995 52%
101 To 150 1589912 12707 21%
151 To 200 1018864 5914 10%
201 To 300 1030639 4373 7%
301 To 400 744887 2220 4%
> 400 425270 901 1%
Total 7127240 61888 100%
Passenge Trips
Distance Trips
r km (%)
< 50 22318 826 3%
51 To 100 970178 14093 49%
101 To 150 707184 5468 19%
151 To 200 561298 3324 11%
201 To 300 730568 3070 11%
301 To 400 257835 737 3%
> 400 638950 1418 5%
Total 3888331 28936 100%
Passenge Trips
Distance Trips
r km (%)
< 50 0 0 0%
51 To 100 606723 6328 38%
101 To 150 547133 4389 26%
151 To 200 729944 4169 25%
201 To 300 444801 1883 11%
301 To 400 8581 25 0%
> 400 0 0 0%
Total 2337181 16793 100%
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Passenger Trips
Distance Trips
km (%)
< 50 169,979 5,764 2%
51 To 100 9,815,603 139,248 54%
101 To 150 6,306,772 49,783 19%
151 To 200 4,860,771 28,389 11%
201 To 300 4,981,187 21,302 8%
301 To 400 2,779,533 8,383 3%
> 400 2,106,047 4,635 2%
Total 31,019,892 257,502 100%
Passenger Trips
Distance Trips
km (%)
< 50 341,419 13,223 5%
51 To 100 9,284,030 126,411 47%
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TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS Daily 1090949 trips are made by buses in the study area of which 625647 trips are
carried by KSRTC buses and 465302 trips are made in private buses. Majority of
the KSRTC trips are carried by Limited Stop Ordinary (241773 trips) and Fast
Passenger buses (296230 trips). Similarly for private buses, Ordinary buses carry
232669 trips and 155113 trips are carried by limited stop ordinary buses. Average
trip length for KSRTC buses and private buses are 120 Km and 118 Km
respectively. Desire line diagram for KSRTC and private buses by higher and lower
order services are given in the following figures (3.14, 3.15, 3.16 and 3.17).
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Table 3.34: Passenger Km and Trip Length Distribution for Candidate Trips
Passenger Trips
Distance Trips
km (%)
< 50 298927 10140 4%
51 To 100 8930378 128437 56%
101 To 150 4797284 38171 17%
151 To 200 3518704 20155 9%
201 To 300 5944030 24646 11%
301 To 400 1639907 4771 2%
> 400 2180892 4761 2%
Total 27310123 231081 100%
Total daily trips by train are 478299. Majority of the trips (70%) are carried by second
class ordinary followed by second class in Express or Mail trains. Average trip length
by rail is found to be 118 Km. About 56% of the trips are made between a distances
of 51 to 100 Km. Figure 3.18 and figure 3.19 represents the desire line diagrams for
lower class and higher class services respectively.
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Figure 3.18: Desire Line for train Lower Figure 3.19: Desire Line for train
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Travel Limited
Scenarios/ Fare Frequency
Time Stop/All Very Very
Situations (Rs.) (Min) Unlikely Neutral Likely
Reduction Stops Unlikely Likely
1 3X 0.8T 20 1 1 2 3 4 5
2 3X 0.6T 40 0 1 2 3 4 5
3 4X 0.8T 20 1 1 2 3 4 5
4 4X 0.6T 40 0 1 2 3 4 5
5 5X 0.8T 20 1 1 2 3 4 5
6 5X 0.6T 40 0 1 2 3 4 5
Note*: Response scale, 1- very unlikely, 2- unlikely, 3- neutral, 4- likely and 5- very likely.
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The notations of variables used in the model development are presented in Table
Table 3.39: Notations used in Developing Logit Models
Variable Values Notations
3 x X (X-Train 2nd AC Fare
i.e. 2 Rs/Km)
Fare X1
4xX 2
5xX 3
Frequency 20Min 1
(headway in min.)
40Min 2
Travel time 80% reduction
reduction (in min.)-
60% reduction
Limited Stops 0
Train will stop at all stations 1 Model Development for Car
Independent variables/ explanatory variables play a major role in developing the
equations.The explanatory variables that can have influence on trip
generation/attraction were extracted from the primary and secondary sources. They
Income, Trip Purpose,Generalised Cost,Mode of travel
The following guidelines were broadly considered to develop the models. The
selected explanatory variables
Must be linearly related to the dependent variable
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Based on the preliminary analysis of the available data, a correlation matrix was
developed and monthly income and purpose are found to be the predominant
variables to make any trip and choice of the mode of travel. For developing the model,
the data is segregated based on income - classified into income level-1 which is less
than Rs. 30,000/month and income level-2 which is more than Rs. 30,000/Month. And
trips having income level less than Rs.10,000/Month is not been considered. Based
on the purpose, the trips are classified into Business and Non Business. Developed
model details are given in table 3.40.
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Significance of the variables is decided based on t-test distribution. The t- test is the
most powerful parametric test for calculating the significance of a small sample mean.
The range of t- value is beyond the -1.67 to +1.67. ie If t-value falls within -1.67 to
+1.67 that means there is no significance
From the models, it is observed that the fare is very significant for income level-1.
The higher income people find travel time reduction is the major criteria in their
decision towards shift. Overall the business people are comparatively less bothered
about fare compared to other purpose of travel. Model Development for Airport Car
Williness-to-pay survey is conducted at three airports - Cochin, Kozhikode &
Thiruvananthapuram. Models developed are given in table 3.41.
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Model t-Statistic
of F- Travel
Travel R2
Mode Interce Fare
Time Statistic Interc Fare Frequ Time
pt ncy ept ency Reductio
Car 2.16 -0.44 -0.27 0.22 0.33 126 19 -16 -6 9
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Model t-Statistic
Type of Income (in Travel Travel
Sub type F-
Mode Rs. Per Interc Freque Time R2
of mode Fare Statistic Interce Fare
Frequ Time
Month) ept ncy Redu pt ency Reductio
ction n
Volvo >10000 3.04 -0.18 -0.25 0.31 0.41 51 11 -2 -2 11
Fast 10000
1.64 -0.32 -0.13 0.19 0.37 315 25 -19 -5 22
KSRTC Passenger 20000
>20000 1.77 -0.14 -0.31 0.42 0.47 138 8 -3 -3 18
Volvo +
Semi >10000 3.34 -0.40 -0.61 0.42 0.48 85 13 -6 -5 12
Private Fast 10000
2.12 -0.51 -0.17 0.19 0.44 120 15 -15 -3 9
Passenger 20000
>20000 1.30 -0.02 -0.29 0.45 0.66 48 3 2 -2 11
Table 3.43 Logit models developed-Rail WTP
No of Travel Time 2
Sl.No Class K Fare Frequen R Travel Time
Samples Reduction Intercept Fare Frequency
cy Reduction
1 1st and 2nd AC 205 5.08 -0.30 -0.58 0.10 0.46 50.53 -26.96 -13.44 7.61
2 1st class Express 58 4.80 -0.36 -0.58 0.07 0.49 31.72 -16.59 -6.97 1.23
3 2nd Class Express
Mail 738 1.01 -0.79 -0.22 0.01 0.50 75.55 -43.23 -25.27 9.02
4 SleeperMail
Express 446 1.40 -0.58 -0.24 0.05 0.32 26.20 -11.31 -10.35 27.94
5 3rd/Mail
AC All 91 3.90 -0.42 -0.73 0.06 0.53 38.99 -21.77 -10.67 1.89
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
1 + e (R-3)
P (m) Probability of using proposed high speed rail and
R Response or the Utility function
Three scenarios were considered in the diversion estimation. They are:
Base Case
The various scenarios considered for estimation of diversion is presented in Table
3.44 and the corresponding diversion estimated is presented in Table 3.45.
Table 3.44 Assumption on variables for Diversion under various Scenarios
Frequency in
Fare* Travel Time Reduction
Scenario II: Base
3X 40 60%
Scenario I: Optimistic 3X 20 80%
Scenario III:
5X 40 60%
* X- Train Second AC Fare i.e. 2 Rs/Km
Based on the logit models developed, the anticipated diversion by mode for the base
year estimated is presented in Table 3.45.
Table 3.45 Anticipated Diversion in the base year
Scenario Car Bus Rail
Base Case 15.4% 21.3% 4% 4.8%
Optimistic 19.6% 29.5% 5.3% 6.1%
Pessimistic 7% 10.1% 2.6% 1.4%
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Based on the above guidelines, correlation matrix has been developed for various
independent variables. Finally, the following variables have been selected based on
a set of statistical tests.
Trip production F( Population, Income, Vehicle ownership)
Trip Attraction F( Employment, Tourism)
Each type of mode has different purpose and income status. Hence it is advised to
develop separate models for different vehicles. The base year OD matrix, the
generalized cost skim, and socioeconomic indicator of the study area were used to
calibrate the model parameters. The zonal productions and attractions establish the
zonal tripends.
Trip ends (Generations and Attractions) from the base year mode-wise matrices were
regressed with the zonal planning variables i.e. population and employment of base
year. But it was observed that the models are not able to predict any significant
relation at the zonal level. The reason for this is that the regional trip doesnt show
any regular pattern. So it is decided to develop trip rates at zonal level.
The model form is as follows.
Trip production= * population
Where is defined as the zonal influence factor.
Trip attraction= * employment
Where is defined as the zonal attractiveness factor.
Zone-wise base year planning variables is given in Table 3.46.
Table 3.46 Base year planning variables
Study area
Population 345.6 Lakhs
Employment 84.5 Lakhs
GSDP (in
PCI (in Rs.) 39,815
While developing the trip end model, we have found that there is significant relation
between the zonal income and the trip rates. Table 3.47 present the base year trip
rates by mode for different percapita income ranges.
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The baseyear trips by zone is given in Annexure 5. The future percapita trip rates for car were
derived based on the projected socioeconomic indicators. The growth of percapta trip rates for
different income groups over a period of twenty years were assumed based on the variation in
the trip rates observed in the base year.
Trip distribution: The base year candidate matrix along with the generalized cost matrix was
used to calibrate the trip distribution function. Trip distribution normally is carried out using the
traditional gravity function of the form:
Tijm= ri Gi sj Aj Fijm
Where T= number of inter zonal trips between zone i & j and by mode m
G= Total generation trip ends by zone
A= Total attraction trip ends by zone
i=Generation Zone
j= Attraction Zone
r,s=Balancing factors (constants)
Fijm= Deterrence function
Fijm= K Cij (Eqn 1)
Where K= Constant Factor
C=Generalized Cost
=Calibration Constant- Power function
The calibration includes estimation of parameters of the deterrence function in the
form of inverse power (Refer Eqn 1)
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The cost of travel (C- generallised cost) between the zones has been estimated
based on skims from the highway and Public Transport assignment.
The deterrence function was calibrated for car and public transport (Bus and rail)
separately. Figure 3.23 presents the Deterrence Function for Car Trips and Figure
3.24 & 3.25 presents the Deterrence Function for bus and rail trips separately. Table
3.48 presents the calibrated parameters for the deterrence function.
CAR y = 103933x-1.555
R = 0.7479
Observed Modelled
Friction Factor
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
BUS y = 3478x-1.51
R = 0.8937
Friction Factor
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
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y = 242.72x-1.088
TRAIN R = 0.9147
Friction Factor
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
The mode split for the horizon years were determined based on the vehicle
registration, rail policy and the plans of KSRTC.
Horizon year land use scenario
Projected population, employment and the PCI for the study area for different horizon
years is presented in Table 3.49.
Table 3.49: Planning Parameters for Horizon Years
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horizon years were estimated based on the assumptions put for the estimation of the
Forecast Assumptions
The transit network has been updated by adding the proposed rail link in the study
area along with the following proposals.
No new raillink will be added in to the system for the passenger modes
The proposed HSRL will have 11 stations.
Generalised cost:
Vehicle operation cost will grow at -2% annually
Value of time will grow at 2% annually
Public transport fare will grow at 0%
Growth of airport trips are based on the past trend(five years) in growth of
passenger in the airports
Kannur airport will be operational by 2021
Table 3.50 presents the candidate traffic for the base and horizon years.
Table 3.50 Candidate traffic Trips per Day
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sectional load details direction wise for base case is presented in Table 6 to 15.
Horizon year candaite trips are presented in Annexure 7.
Table 3.51: Ridership on HSRL Trips per Day
M/s Willbur Smith using the logit model, assessed the trips on High Speed Rail Corridor
between Thiruvananthapuram Kasargod as given in the Table 3.53.
Table 3.53
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The above scenarios i.e. base, optimistic and pessimistic have been defined in the traffic
assessment as under.
Scenarios Frequency in
Fare* Travel Time Reduction
Scenario II: Base
3X 40 60%
Scenario I: Optimistic 3X 20 80%
Scenario III:
5X 40 60%
In the above Table, X has been assumed the fare of Second AC i.e. Rs. 2/- per KM.
Therefore, the fare recommended in the Report is uniformly Rs.6/- per KM i.e. only one
class. However, it has been decided that fares three time of AC Chair Car of Shatabdi
Express should only be charged from the passengers traveling in business class and six
times of AC Chair Car fare to be charged from the passengers traveling in First Class.
Therefore, to-days fare of Business Class comes to Rs. 4.3 per Km and for Business
Class it comes to Rs.8.7 per Km. Due to the reduction in the fares to be charged as
compared to the fares taken in the modeling by M/S Wilbur, the traffic figures projected
above will increase. Therefore considering the approximate shift to High Speed Rail from
various classes of the passengers, the likely number of travel of high speed rail has
been calculated in Table 3.54.
Table 3.54
Traffic in
Mode 2010 Candidate Total %age Projected
Trips candidate shift traffic
withmore Trips (2010)
than 150 between
Kms Lead 100 Km
and 150
Car (Own Car + 90,824 21,957 30.00% 6587.1
Private Bus 266,768 64,139 30.00% 19241.7
KSRTC Bus 257,502 62,707 30.00% 18812.1
Rail 231,081 54,333 50.00% 27166.5
Airport Car 16,793 6,076 121.52
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In calculation of revenue it has been assumed that 95% of the passengers can
afford only business class and only 5% of the passengers will be in position to
afford first class. With the increase of total trips, the daily passengers boarding
and alighting of various stations, will also get increase. Accordingly the sectional
load will also be more. The revised station boarding and alighting with this
increase of the traffic has been calculated only for 2021 and furnished in the
Table 3.55 and 3.56.Base for calculation of these traffic projections has been the
the figures worked out by our traffic consultants i.e. M/S Wilbur Smith, Bangalore.
The revised figures has been calculated only by applying the incremental factor
as arrived from the revised total traffic projection for the section i.e.
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Thiruvananthapuram 0 23457 0
Total 54766 54766 0
Pre-Feasibility Report for High Speed Rail is under preparation for the Section
between Thiruvananthapuram to Kasargod as desired by Kerala Government.
However, subsequently they decided that the Pre-Feasibility Report for
Thiruvannathapuram to Ernakulam Section should first be given. All the traffic
projections were done for Trivendrum to Kasargod Section as a whole. However
using the available origin destination matrix, the traffic figures for Trivendrum to
Ernakulam Section have been worked out. While calculating these figures, the
reduced fare as compared to the fare taken in the traffic study for entire section
has also been taken into account. Our Traffic Consultants M/s Wilbur Smith have
taken the fare to be charged of Rs.6/- per KM. However it has been revised to
Rs.4.35 per KM for business class and Rs.8.7 Km for 1st Class. The sectional
loads for Thiruvannathapuram to Ernakulam as worked are given in the Table
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3.5.6. The total ridership of this Section and also average lead are given in Table
3.5.6 and 3.5.7 It is assumed that 95% of the passengers will be in position to
afford business class only and 5% capable of paying First Class fare. It is also
assumed that the optimistic figures of traffic projection will materialize.
2021 2031 FROM TO
From the above table , it is seen that there will be total trips of 42359 in 2021 on
Thiruvanantahpuram to Ernakulam and 53989 in 2031.
Passenger Km and Average lead for the the year 2021 and 2031 is given in the table
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Table 3.56 PKM and average lead for the section betweeen Thiruvananthapuram
and Ernakulam
2031 passengerkm
passengerkm 5508088.07 0.00 253915.48 396464.54 762589.38
passenger 54362 380300.17 0.00 182535.02 429465.81
Lead 101.32 604934.97 198625.43 0.00 345829.57
1042825.41 416620.75 493981.55 0.00
2021 2031
passengerkm 4268393 5508088
passenger 42651 54362
Lead (km) 100.08 101.32
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Chengan Kottaya Ernakula Valanch Kozhikod Thalasse Kasargo
Station OD anthapur Kollam Thrissur Kannur Total
nur m m ery e ry d
0 0 1088 1762 1245 633 135 293 34 234 82 5506
Kollam 0 0 0 0 994 335 214 102 42 116 12 1813
Thrissur 807 224 173 441 0 0 0 434 109 299 151 2640
Total 6490 1575 2234 2884 4904 2658 1504 1656 662 1460 1313 27341
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Cheng Kottay Ernaku Thrissu Valanc Kozhik Thalas Kasarg
Station OD nantha Kollam Kannur Total
annur am lam r hery ode sery od
0 0 1297 1993 1941 745 289 613 79 441 160 7558
Kollam 0 0 0 0 1356 437 317 198 72 181 57 2619
Chengannur 1423 0 0 0 1459 277 135 141 31 90 36 3592
Kottayam 2022 0 0 0 0 644 331 220 64 235 150 3666
Ernakulam 2311 1110 1003 0 0 0 741 736 143 302 178 6524
Thrissur 931 288 223 555 0 0 0 498 141 325 174 3135
Valanchery 465 241 105 260 1245 0 0 0 374 643 369 3703
Kozhikode 737 208 119 213 1134 684 0 0 0 0 423 3518
Thalassery 170 60 24 104 178 160 256 0 0 0 227 1181
Kannur 474 95 77 478 443 270 322 0 0 0 0 2159
Kasargod 130 108 27 88 200 107 156 315 148 0 0 1279
Total 8663 2110 2876 3691 7956 3324 2547 2722 1052 2218 1774 38933
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Chenga Kottaya Ernakul Valanch Kozhiko Thalass Kasargo
Station OD anthapu Kollam Thrissur Kannur Total
nnur m am ery de ery d
0 0 1440 2132 2534 836 418 949 122 525 230 9185
Ernakulam 2732 1297 1135 0 0 0 1029 1111 209 417 258 8188
Thrissur 1030 346 269 656 0 0 0 540 167 337 192 3536
Valanchery 660 338 173 421 1655 0 0 0 447 750 430 4874
Kasargod 210 146 49 113 299 124 183 313 184 0 0 1621
Total 10330 2601 3372 4322 10404 3917 3390 3758 1391 2668 2157 48310
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ananth Cheng Kottay Ernaku Thrissu Valanc Kozhik Thalas Kasargo
Station OD Kollam Kannur Total
apura annur am lam r hery ode sery d
0 0 1686 2447 3086 933 545 1057 147 902 286 11088
Kollam 0 0 0 0 1934 588 477 334 116 283 115 3847
Chengannur 1990 0 0 0 2031 380 254 244 60 165 79 5202
Kottayam 2546 0 0 0 0 855 588 381 124 348 222 5063
Ernakulam 3165 1444 1311 0 0 0 1328 1258 249 650 303 9710
Thrissur 1143 387 303 739 0 0 0 621 193 383 212 3980
Valanchery 884 415 246 612 2315 0 0 0 595 992 535 6593
Kozhikode 1154 301 200 353 2004 911 0 0 0 0 528 5452
Thalassery 231 96 51 171 330 231 410 0 0 0 265 1784
Kannur 1077 148 140 639 1083 348 477 0 0 0 0 3912
Kasargod 283 156 58 131 383 137 238 405 204 0 0 1994
Total 12474 2945 3995 5092 13164 4383 4316 4301 1687 3722 2545 58625
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Chenga Ernakul Valanch Kozhiko Thalass
Station OD anthapu Kollam Kottayam Thrissur Kannur Kasargod Total
nnur am ery de ery
Thiruvananthapuram 0 0 1908 2720 3647 1029 672 1219 176 1209 345 12927
Ernakulam 3596 1601 1477 0 0 0 1624 1460 295 855 357 11266
Thrissur 1253 432 339 826 0 0 0 693 219 420 231 4414
Valanchery 1101 496 317 796 2915 0 0 0 725 1201 630 8180
Kasargod 357 172 70 151 470 151 286 475 228 0 0 2360
Total 14504 3326 4588 5829 15849 4880 5224 4959 1995 4632 2932 68719
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Station Name Boarding Alighting
Thiruvananthapuram 7558 0 7558
Kollam 2619 0 10177
Chengannur 2169 1297 11049
Kottayam 1644 1993 10700
Ernakulam 2101 4756 8045
Thrissur 1138 2103 7079
Valanchery 1386 1813 6653
Kozhikode 423 2407 4669
Thalassery 227 904 3992
Kannur 0 2218 1774
Kasargod 0 1774 0
Total 19264 19264
Station Name Boarding Alighting
Kasargod 1279 0 1279
Kannur 2159 0 3438
Thalassery 954 148 4244
Kozhikode 3094 315 7023
Valanchery 2317 735 8605
Thrissur 1997 1220 9382
Ernakulam 4424 3200 10605
Kottayam 2022 1698 10929
Chengannur 1423 1579 10773
Kollam 0 2110 8663
Thiruvananthapuram 0 8663 0
Total 19669 19669
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Station Name Boarding Alighting
Thiruvananthapuram 11088 0 11088
Kollam 3847 0 14935
Chengannur 3212 1686 16461
Kottayam 2517 2447 16531
Ernakulam 3789 7050 13270
Thrissur 1408 2755 11923
Valanchery 2122 3191 10853
Kozhikode 528 3895 7486
Thalassery 265 1483 6267
Kannur 0 3722 2545
Kasargod 0 2545 0
Total 28776 28776
Station Name Boarding Alighting
Kasargod 1621 0 1621
Kannur 3912 0 5533
Thalassery 1519 204 6848
Kozhikode 4924 405 11367
Valanchery 4471 1125 14713
Thrissur 2572 1627 15657
Ernakulam 5921 6114 15464
Kottayam 2546 2645 15364
Chengannur 1990 2309 15046
Kollam 0 2945 12101
Thiruvananthapuram 0 12101 0
Total 29476 29476
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Optimistic case ridership details are presented in Table 16 to 20 for 2010, 2016,
2021, 2026 and 2031respectively. Alighting & boarding details direction wise for
Optimistic case is presented in Table 21 to 30.
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Chengan Kottaya Ernakula Valanch Kozhikod Thalasse Kasargo
Station OD anthapur Kollam Thrissur Kannur Total
nur m m ery e ry d
0 0 1410 2369 1732 868 185 400 47 314 106 7431
Kollam 0 0 0 0 1358 458 298 140 58 156 17 2484
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Kasargod - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Cheng Kottaya Ernakul Thrissu Valanc Kozhik Thalas Kasarg
Station OD nantha Kollam Kannur Total
annur m am r hery ode sery od
0 0 1691 2681 2678 1022 393 853 107 603 207 10235
Kollam 0 0 0 0 1827 598 436 269 98 243 76 3547
1866 0 0 0 1907 368 183 194 42 124 49 4732
Kottayam 2716 0 0 0 0 842 445 298 86 321 204 4912
Ernakulam 3190 1486 1299 0 0 0 965 998 189 414 243 8785
Thrissur 1293 390 300 729 0 0 0 650 187 445 238 4232
Valanchery 638 330 141 345 1642 0 0 0 489 860 502 4948
Kozhikode 1023 286 162 291 1547 901 0 0 0 0 572 4782
Thalassery 230 81 33 144 237 215 330 0 0 0 296 1567
Kannur 655 128 106 673 618 368 424 0 0 0 0 2972
Kasargod 173 141 37 119 275 146 208 427 192 0 0 1718
Total 11783 2842 3769 4983 10731 4459 3385 3691 1391 3011 2387 52432
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Kasargod - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Chenga Kottaya Ernakul Valanch Kozhiko Thalass Kasargo
Station OD nanthap Kollam Thrissur Kannur Total
nnur m am ery de ery d
0 0 1888 2871 3480 1149 566 1330 164 715 297 12459
Kollam 0 0 0 0 2239 736 564 402 138 323 142 4542
Chengannur 2237 0 0 0 2255 454 270 296 68 155 92 5827
Kottayam 3019 0 0 0 0 1018 633 454 145 388 278 5936
Ernakulam 3761 1734 1477 0 0 0 1340 1509 276 566 351 11013
Thrissur 1430 467 361 863 0 0 0 710 223 459 263 4777
Valanchery 901 461 232 558 2173 0 0 0 587 1008 589 6510
Kozhikode 1429 370 237 419 2301 1053 0 0 0 0 591 6401
Thalassery 256 110 55 204 346 272 399 0 0 0 299 1941
Kannur 733 161 124 769 799 417 489 0 0 0 0 3492
Kasargod 279 191 67 153 410 169 245 422 239 0 0 2176
Total 14046 3495 4441 5838 14003 5268 4505 5122 1840 3614 2902 65074
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Kasargod - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
ananth Cheng Kottay Ernaku Thrissu Valanc Kozhik Thalas Kasarg
Station OD Kollam Kannur Total
apura annur am lam r hery ode sery od
0 0 2209 3291 4239 1279 739 1480 197 1253 369 15056
Kollam 0 0 0 0 2579 801 651 451 156 380 154 5172
Chengannur 2618 0 0 0 2661 505 344 336 80 229 107 6880
Kottayam 3415 0 0 0 0 1120 788 515 166 478 301 6783
Ernakulam 4355 1928 1706 0 0 0 1727 1706 328 898 414 13061
Thrissur 1583 521 405 971 0 0 0 815 257 521 289 5361
Valanchery 1210 565 330 813 3034 0 0 0 777 1329 730 8788
Kozhikode 1608 410 275 482 2734 1206 0 0 0 0 712 7425
Thalassery 308 128 68 235 436 309 530 0 0 0 345 2359
Kannur 1513 198 195 902 1524 476 629 0 0 0 0 5436
Kasargod 376 204 79 179 527 186 318 549 266 0 0 2684
Total 16987 3953 5266 6873 17733 5881 5727 5852 2227 5086 3421 79006
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Kasargod - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Chenga Kottaya Ernakul Valanch Kozhiko Thalass Kasargo
Station OD nanthap Kollam Thrissur Kannur Total
nnur m am ery de ery d
0 0 2501 3657 5008 1408 912 1707 236 1689 446 17565
Kollam 0 0 0 0 2936 884 748 520 179 443 178 5888
Chengannur 2997 0 0 0 3054 564 421 391 96 292 128 7943
Kottayam 3789 0 0 0 0 1240 951 598 196 562 336 7671
Ernakulam 4944 2134 1922 0 0 0 2111 1978 388 1187 488 15152
Thrissur 1732 580 454 1085 0 0 0 909 291 571 315 5936
Valanchery 1509 675 426 1058 3816 0 0 0 945 1608 859 10896
Kozhikode 1841 460 321 561 3243 1358 0 0 0 0 808 8592
Thalassery 354 148 83 272 530 351 647 0 0 0 381 2766
Kannur 2125 235 253 1026 2119 532 751 0 0 0 0 7042
Kasargod 476 226 95 206 648 204 383 645 297 0 0 3178
Total 19767 4459 6054 7865 21354 6542 6924 6749 2626 6352 3939 92629
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Kasargod - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
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Pessimistic case ridership details are presented in Table 23 to 27 for 2010, 2016,
2021, 2026 and 2031respectively. Alighting & boarding details direction wise for
Pessimistic case is presented in Table 28 to 37.
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Chenga Kottaya Ernakul Valanch Kozhiko Thalass Kasargo
Station OD nanthap Kollam Thrissur Kannur Total
nnur m am ery de ery d
0 0 564 964 684 370 78 179 15 150 53 3058
Thalassery 78 20 2 36 35 56 70 0 0 0 96 394
Total 3584 877 1120 1604 2601 1425 755 859 298 808 675 14605
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Chenga Kottaya Ernakul Valanch Kozhiko Thalass Kasargo
Station OD nanthap Kollam Thrissur Kannur Total
nnur m am ery de ery d
Thiruvananthapu 0 0 676 1110 1002 429 147 341 33 262 97 4098
Total 4701 1123 1443 2036 3989 1751 1224 1336 472 1190 908 20172
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Chengan Kottaya Ernakula Valanch Kozhikod Thalasse Kasargo
Station OD anthapur Kollam Thrissur Kannur Total
nur m m ery e ry d
0 0 763 1223 1274 482 204 513 49 307 136 4950
Total 5590 1355 1712 2400 5114 2058 1608 1811 628 1420 1110 24805
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Chenga Kottaya Ernakul Valanch Kozhiko Thalass Kasargo
Station OD nanthap Kollam Thrissur Kannur Total
nnur m am ery de ery d
Thiruvananthapu 0 0 870 1367 1522 524 264 563 59 514 169 5853
Valanchery 456 214 109 283 1077 0 0 0 283 507 280 3210
Total 6618 1497 1980 2753 6343 2246 2012 2031 747 1940 1285 29452
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Chenga Kottaya Ernakul Valanch Kozhiko Thalass Kasargo
Station OD anthapu Kollam Thrissur Kannur Total
nnur m am ery de ery d
0 0 972 1503 1776 569 323 642 71 683 204 6742
Ernakulam 1856 790 714 0 0 0 709 647 114 383 163 5377
Valanchery 562 252 141 367 1342 0 0 0 342 606 327 3939
Total 7613 1661 2250 3107 7547 2463 2412 2313 874 2390 1466 34097
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Table 28 Thiruvananthapuram to Kasargad Boarding & Alighting (2010)-
Pessimistic Case
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Table 30 Thiruvananthapuram to Kasargad Boarding & Alighting (2016)-
Pessimistic Case
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Table 32 Thiruvananthapuram to Kasargad Boarding & Alighting (2021)-
Pessimistic Case
Station Name Boarding Alighting Sectional
Thiruvananthapuram 4950 0 4950
Kollam 1722 0 6672
Chengannur 1377 763 7286
Kottayam 1092 1223 7155
Ernakulam 1345 2992 5508
Thrissur 618 1334 4792
Valanchery 851 1217 4426
Kozhikode 212 1670 2968
Thalassery 105 545 2528
Kannur 0 1420 1108
Kasargod 0 1108 0
Total 12272 12272
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Table 34 Thiruvananthapuram to Kasargad Boarding & Alighting (2026)-
Pessimistic Case
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Table 36 Thiruvananthapuram to Kasargad Boarding & Alighting (2031)-
Pessimistic Case
Station Name Boarding Alighting Sectional
Thiruvananthapuram 6742 0 6742
Kollam 2142 0 8884
Chengannur 1828 972 9740
Kottayam 1403 1503 9640
Ernakulam 2016 3976 7680
Thrissur 746 1571 6855
Valanchery 1275 1808 6322
Kozhikode 281 2102 4501
Thalassery 130 775 3856
Kannur 0 2390 1466
Kasargod 0 1466 0
Total 16562 16562
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011 101/105 Estimated trip length
The trip length estimated for all the three scenarios for the base year,2016,
2021,2026 and 2031 is presented in Table 38 to table 42 respectively.
Table 38 Trip length distribution-2010
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1062 2.7% 563019 1459 2.8% 771396 606 3.0% 316558
>500 397 1.0% 250076 529 1.0% 328575 246 1.2% 144760
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150- 262556 2125 130793
200 15763 26.9% 9 5 26.9% 3532562 7877 26.7% 1
200- 222020 1340 109692
250 9819 16.7% 0 2 17.0% 3031187 4855 16.5% 4
250- 154899
300 5457 9.3% 4 7512 9.5% 2137746 2819 9.6% 803631
350 2029 3.5% 666295 2813 3.6% 916933 1095 3.7% 359909
350- 174090
400 4537 7.7% 0 6313 8.0% 2407645 2394 8.1% 912257
450 1121 1.9% 475722 1510 1.9% 641421 592 2.0% 244946
450- 114264
500 2235 3.8% 0 3131 4.0% 1585488 1218 4.1% 623942
>500 824 1.4% 463958 1064 1.3% 609982 473 1.6% 260333
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Distan Base Case Optimistic case Pessimistic case
ce in
(%) KM S (%) KM S (%) KM
500 2
>500 1008 1.5% 558519 1326 1.4% 734619 563 1.7% 312255
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On Indian Railways so far there are no high speed tracks. The maximum speed of
the trains on Indian Railways is 160 KMPH i.e. on A; routes. Normally, the speed of
200 Kmph and more is considered as High Speed. The track gauge followed on
Indian Railways is Broad Gauge. Hence, there are no planning parameters as such
for High Speed tracks in our country However, most of the high speed routes
available worldwide are being run on Standard Gauge (Track Gauge: 1435 Kms).
The speed of high speed trains worldwide and the gauge used threin is given in the
Tables below:
Track Gauge
The track gauge used for the Shinkansen is 1,435 mm, which is world standard
gauge. The standard gauge is used for other worlds high-speed rails as well.
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11.8 x V2
Cm + Cd
11.8 x V2
Cd = - Cm
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11.8 x 2102
= - 180
= 28 mm
Since safety of the deficient cant used for Tokaido Shinkansen was ensured, the
value was used for other Shinkansens as well.
11.8 x 2602
R1 = = 3,835 => 4,000 m
180 + 28
Safety is kept by use of actual set cant of 180 mm and deficient cant of 90 mm for
design maximum speed of 300 km/h.
11.8 x 3002
R2 = = 3,933 => 4,000 m
180 + 90
65 90 110
200 250 300 350 200 250 300 350 200 250 300 350
R (m) 2,000 3,100 4,400 5,900 1,800 2,800 4,000 5,400 1,700 2,800 3,700 5,000
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4.1.2. Cant
(1) Cant
Definition : Differential between level of the center of inner rail and level of the point
1,500 mm away from the center of inner rail
Inner rail is lowered in one second of required cant and outer rail is raised in one second
of required cant to avoid up and down movement of the centre of gravity.
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Cant x 1/2
x 1/2
11.8 x V2
V: Train speed
R: Curve radius
1) Comfort
Initially 7.50 (degree) was set as maximum inclination in the point of comfort. The
cant is calculated as follows.
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Vibration is taken into urn
consideration to
More than 80km/h: H = out
0.1g sid
Up to 80km/h: Limited e
wind speed is proportion to cur
running speed ve
Weight of rolling
Relation between running speed and limited wind speed which car is overturned at
11.8 x 203.12
CO = = 195 mm => 200 mm
m cant
200 180 200 180 200 200 180 180 180 150 140 105
Actual cant is usually set in slightly lower than equilibrium cant allowing future
speed increase.
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1) Safety
(Cm + Cd) x R
= 252 km/h
In this case wind speed which causes overturn of car to outsider is 38 m/sec and it is
ensured that safety is kept for running curve.
2) Comfort
3) Maintenance
Since abrasion of outer rail and destruction of outer shoulder ballast are caused by cant
deficiency, it is desirable that cant deficiency should be decreased as much as possible.
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Railway Diretti
Shinkansen TGV ICE AVE
line ssima
90 90
ive cant 90 90
(110) 90 90 90 60 75 90 60 100 92
deficien (110) (110)
(115) 55
cy (mm)
Since gradual diminution of cant for sine curve is not straight line, but curved line, in
principle sine curve is used for the Shinkansen as transition curve. But cubic
parabola curve can be used for main line less than design maximum speed 80 km/h
and siding tracks.
Gradual diminution of cant and shape of horizontal curve for transition section
Straight Transition
Radius of Straight Transition Curve
and Cant
Straight ur Transition
Section v Curve
Shape of ur
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x2 X2
y= - (1 cos x/ X)
4R 22R
= (1 cos x/ X)/ 2R
C x= ( 1 cos x)
2 X
a) Safety
L1 = 0.4 x Cm
(400 times of Cm is required to avoid tree wheels supporting.)
b) Comfort
L2 = 0.0062 x Cm x V
(The above coefficient is found by change ratio of cant to time for comfort.)
L3 = 0.0075 x Cd x V
(The above coefficient is found by change ratio of lateral acceleration cased by cant
deficiency for comfort.)
Since gradient of sine cure at center is two times as linear decrease line for cubic
parabola curve, transition curve length is prolonged in/2 (1.571) times.
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Half Sine
Straight Line
Gradient: (Cant/transition curve
L1 = 1.0 Cm V
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L3 0.0075 Cd V 0.0075 Cd V
4.1.4 Gradient
For ordinary sections 15
For section of less than 2.5 km in total 18
For section of less than 1.0 km in total 2
For deadheading line and section of less than 250 m in total 30
For stations 3
For newly built Shinkansen lines, a steepest gradient of 1.5 % (up to 3.5 % where
(127 x a)
a: vertical acceleration
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R= = 14,913 = 15,000
(127 x 0.033)
a 0.050g 0.033g
(km/ 200 250 300 350 200 250 300 350
R 15,00 21,50
6,300 9,900 14,200 19,300 9,600 29,300
(m) 0 0
It has been confirmed that rail car does not rise up by vertical acceleration of less
than 0.1g and safety is kept for vertical curve of 15,000 m.
Labors view:
Since labors view is prolonged in 100 m to 150 m, 15,000 m is better than 10,000
4.1.5 Minimum length of circular curve and length of straight line between
Main line:
In case of more than 110 km/h: more than 100 m
In case of less than 110 km/h: more than 50 m
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Having mentioned the planning parameters of track of important High Speed rail
Project, it is important to mention that the latest High Speed rail done with
Shinkansen Technology is in Taiwan where the tracks have been designed for the
maximum speed of 350 Kmph and the trains are presently being operated at the
maximum speed of 300 Kmph. As decided, Kerala High Speed Rail, will also be
planned with maximum speed of 350 KMPH and initially run with maximum
operational speed of 300 KMPH. It is recommended to follow the available
parameters of Taiwan High Speed Rail which are briefly given in the under-
mentioned paras:-
The parameters for the layout of the track shall comply with the requirements of a 1435
mm gauge High Speed Railway (HSR) operating at 350 km/h.
- Safe Operations
- Comfortable ride
- Minimum life cycle cost
- Minimal impact on the environment in terms of noise and vibration.
All parameters calculated using these criteria shall be based on the design speed for the
line of 350 km/h, except for locations defined in accordance with Subsection 4.6 and
Appendix A
On the general layout the length of transition curves (ballasted and ballastless tracks)
and ballastless cant shall be designed for 350km/h.
The initial operating speed of 300km/h shall be used with respect to the cant applied for
both ballasted and ballastless tracks.
Limiting values are the values which may be used without consulting with the ER.
Exceptional values are those which shall only be used upon receipt of PROJECT
AUTHORITYs written statement of No Objection.
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Unless otherwise specified in this Section, the minimum radius of curvature to be used in the
design of the alignment shall be as follows:
The minimum radius shall be applied at the alignment centre line (the median line between
the two tracks of the twin track railway). Length
All horizontal curves shall have a minimum length that allows attenuation of the lateral
vibration in the rolling stock. This length shall be calculated using the formula:
For the design speed of 350 km/h this minimum length is 175 m.
In an exceptional case where there is a particular constraint on the alignment T = 1.5 sec
may be used upon receipt of PROJECT AUTHORITYs written statement of No
Objection. In this case the minimum length is 146m.
Cant shall be applied by lifting the outer rail of each track, and the gradient shall be
continuous on the low rail of each track. Cant application requirements are given in
Appendix A.
The cant required on a 1435 mm gauge railway curve to have the resulting force vector from
the centroid of the rolling stock act through the center of the track structure shall be
calculated using the formula:
Cb 11.8
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Cb = balanced cant in mm
V = train speed through the curve in km/h
R = radius of the curve in m
It is desirable applied cant be such that trains normally operate at a slight cant deficiency.
A minimum cant deficiency of 25 mm shall be used with the 300 km/h design speed. The
maximum cant deficiency shall be as follows:
- desirable value: 60 mm
- exceptional value: 100 mm, except 60 mm at a rail expansion joint.
Excess of cant shall be avoided to the greatest extent practicable. There shall be no excess
cant in any curve for the normal through train operating speeds. Excess of cant shall be
examined with respect to the actual speed of traffic running at reduced speed. The excess
cant situation usually occurs near stations where trains are slowing or accelerating on the
main tracks in approach to or departing from the station track turnouts.
- maximum value: 60 mm
- exceptional value: 110 mm
Applied cant shall be based on the operational speed requirements of the railway and
limitations of cant deficiency and excess. The applied cant value shall not be varied
through the body of the curve. Applied cant values shall be set in increments of 5 mm. If
the formula 8.4V2/R indicates an applied cant value of less than 20 mm, the applied cant
shall be zero. Applied cant should be near the value obtained by application of the formula:
and shall not be less than the lesser of: Cmin = 5.9 V2/R or (11.8 V2/R 60)
where V is the maximum anticipated speed on the curve. The value obtained shall then be
adjusted as required due to the average range of speed over the curve and the best fit cant
deficiency and excess. For the two minimum radius curves where there are no other
restraints, the applied cant should be:
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Note that these values are above that determined by 7.8 V2 / R. The governing value is to
keep the cant deficiency to under 60 mm.
The rate of change of cant and cant deficiency are governed by rotational considerations on
the rolling stock and passengers. This rate per unit time is then divided by speed to convert
the requirements to a rate per unit length. These parameters are set out as a rate of change
per unit of length in Table 4.1
When relating the above rates to trains travelling at the design speed of 350 km/h, they shall
be converted to rates of change of cant and cant deficiency per unit length as shown in the
Table 4.2.
Table 4.2: Maximum Rates of Change of Cant and Cant Deficiency (mm/m)
The above values shall establish maximum rates. Lower rates are acceptable and are often
produced by the application of conditions for the lengths of horizontal transition curves as
set out in Subsection
Smooth transitions of the cant for the track between tangents and curves shall be made by
setting up the track as shown in Figure 4.1.
C C2
C2 .
TS C 1 cos
2 Lt
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Horizontal transition curves shall be used between all tangents and curves and between
curves of different radii. Length
The length of horizontal transition curves shall be set by the level of cant designed for the
particular curve, the allowable rate of change of cant, and the train speed. It shall be
established by using the maximum value of length calculated using a series of equations.
These are shown in Table 4.3 below for the desirable and limiting values.
The Desirable and Limiting lengths of horizontal transition curves are based on the
maximum rates of change of cant and cant deficiency that occur at mid-length of the Sine
Rule transitions. For clothoid or other forms of transition different formulae apply. See
Subsection 2.6.
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Transition curves shall be laid out as sine half wave diminishing curves.
The characteristics of the curvature of the transition curve shall be expressed as:
1 1 1 1 1
1 cos
R R1 R2 R1 2 Lt
The minimum length for tangents shall be established, as for curves, to allow attenuation of
the lateral vibration in the rolling stock, as the equation below:
The design speed of 350 km/h requires minimum tangents of 175 m between two curves in
either the same or opposite directions.
In an exceptional case where there is a particular constraint on the alignment T = 1.5 sec
may be used upon receipt of PROJECT AUTHORITYs written statement of No
Objection. In this case the minimum length shall be 146m.
Reversed curves shall be connected by two transition curves. The distance between the
beginning points (r = ) of these transition curves shall be V/2 but not less than 0.4 V,
where V = design speed (km/h).
In exceptional cases, the beginning points of the two transition curves may be congruent
with no tangent between them. In curves with cant, the gradient shall continue on the
low rail on the curved, canted track. The cant shall be applied by lifting the outer rail on
each track
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The distance between the track centers of main line tracks shall be 4.5 m.
The distance between the track centers of main lines and sidings shall be 6.6 m.
The fouling point for two converging tracks is the point to which trains can approach
without interfering with the safety of train operation on the adjacent track.
The fouling point for turnouts from the main line of HSR shall be at the point where the
track centers are 4.0 m apart. Clearances
The clearance requirements for the HSR project are defined in Subsection 1.8. Gradients Limits
The maximum gradients to be used in the design of the alignment shall be as shown below:
- Desirable value 25
- limiting value 35
In addition minimum gradients in tunnels and cuts shall be 3 0 00 , except over the length of
vertical curves at summits. Maximum gradients in stations shall be 1.5 0 00 . In exceptional
conditions, the maximum gradient may be modified provided that normal operating and
system safety is maintained. Length
The minimum length of grades between vertical curves shall be set to allow 3.0 seconds
of travel time between the curves as the desirable situation and 1.5 seconds in the
limiting case. The resulting minimum lengths between vertical curves at the design
speed are:
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If the gradient is 35 0 00 , the maximum length shall be 3 km and total length of gradient
in the same rising (or falling) direction shall not exceed 9 km.
Vertical curves need not be provided in the structure or embankment if the difference in
gradient is less than 1.0 0 00 in full speed sections, or if the calculated vertical curve mid
ordinate is less than 10 mm in lower speed sections. Radius
The minimum radius vertical curve shall be 2000 m, except where larger values are
required by speed related formulae. There is no maximum vertical curve radius.
The desired vertical acceleration limit is 0.20 m/s2. The exceptional vertical
acceleration limit is 0.40 m/s2. Using these limits, the radius of vertical curves shall be
calculated as:
Minimum vertical curve radius in full speed main line sections shall be: Length
Minimum lengths of vertical curves shall be set to ensure a travel time of at least 1.5
seconds, which is equivalent to a length of L = 0.42 V. At the design speed of 350 km/h,
this length is 146 meters. The length of vertical curve based on radius requirements
described above may be calculated as:
LVC = vertical curve length, meters
g = difference in grades, 0/00 (parts per thousand)
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If the vertical curve length calculated by these formulae is less than the required minimum,
the vertical curve radius shall be increased as necessary to provide the required minimum
length. For vertical curves connecting very small changes of grades, the minimum length
may be reduced if the calculated vertical acceleration approaches imperceptibility. This
may be taken as occurring where the acceleration is under 0.05 m/s2. For 300 km/h, the
radius at 0.05 m/s2 acceleration is 140,000 m. This radius gives an acceleration of 0.0675
m/s2 at 350 km/h, which is barely perceptible, and can therefore be considered as the radius
above which vertical acceleration is imperceptible.
On the long viaducts and at grade sections, large radius vertical curves should be used at
small changes of grade for aesthetic reasons. Vertical curves in long straight or near
straight sections appear as vertical kinks unless they are very long. Therefore, unless
otherwise restrained, the minimum length vertical curves in viaducts should be 300 m.
4.2.4 Constraints
Excluding exceptional cases which shall be subject to ERs written statement of No
Objection, horizontal transition curves (alignment) and vertical curves shall not occur
A dipping vertical curve shall not create a low point in cuts or in tunnels.
To avoid water passing through tunnels, there shall normally be a high point in the
profile. The portal of a tunnel shall not be located near a water stream.
Where the HSR line in cut crosses an existing road, the following solutions shall be
- preserve existing road overpass
- modify road overpass or rebuild bridge
4.2.4 TURNOUTS Introduction
Switches and crossings shall comply with the necessities of high speed operations.
Speeds on through routes shall comply with the main line design speed regardless of the
allowed speed on the diverging route.
The primary application of heavily used turnouts is as connections to the station platform
tracks. Since these will be heavily used, the geometry selected is based on minimizing forces
for the twin objects of improved ride quality and low wear on turnout components. The basic
design concept followed for the high speed turnouts is the transitioned turnout design of the
German Federal Railways. The crossing ends and other features were modified as
appropriate to the specific conditions applicable to the Taiwan High Speed Railway.
Other turnouts, including the main line crossovers which are anticipated to be used in
disturbed operations and maintenance only, are based on the designs given in UIC Code 711
and other designs commonly used in Europe.
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(1) Transition is on the switch end. Frog end transition is outside turnout unit.
(2) In certain locations straight crossings will need to be used in these turnouts.
Radius is not changed. Total angle turned in the turnout is smaller.
(3) Main track crossovers to be used in disturbed operations and maintenance only.
(4) For use in yards and depots only.
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(1) Not for use in crossovers at 4.500 m track centers.
(2) Insufficient distance between turnout curves for use in crossovers at 4.500 m track
(3) Main track crossovers to be used in disturbed operations and maintenance only.
(4) For use in yards and depots only
Curves in the through track shall be clear of the turnout sleepers. Where space is
available, the curve shall clear the sleeper set by 30 m. Curves on the switch end of the
turnout shall begin no closer than the greater of 30 m or V/2 ahead of the switch point,
where V is the allowable speed through the turnout. This length may be reduced to 0.2
V, but not to less than 12 m in exceptional circumstances.
Turnouts will be located where practical:
- outside of structures (particularly not on long span bridges)
- on low gradient slopes
- with road access
These restraints are not to be taken as requiring the shifting of turnout locations to
operationally deficient locations.
Where more than one turnout is in the same track they shall be spaced so that the long
sleeper sets do not interfere with each other. A length of 30 m between sleeper sets
shall be provided where other geometric features permit. Where turnouts are both
facing in the same direction, no other restrictions are applicable.
Where turnouts are point to point in relation to each other, and there is potential for
trains going through both turnouts, the distance between switch points shall be the
greater of 30 m or V/2, where V is the speed (in km/h) over the lower speed turnout.
Where there is no potential for trains going through both turnouts, the minimum
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Curves out of the curved side of the turnout may be a continuation of the curve radius
of the turnout, or may have a transition curve to straight. If the turnout is other than a
turnout to a station platform track, the alignment beyond the turnout curve may be
straight without a transition. The distance to a reversal of curvature shall be no less
than the greater of the distance providing a cant deficiency transition rate of 90 mm/s or
18 m. In the case of infrequently used crossovers, the minimum distance may be
reduced to the greater of either 15m or that providing a cant deficiency transition rate
not greater than 150 mm/s. Reversals of curvature may also be made by using point to
point transition curves with a cant deficiency transition rate of not more than 90 mm/s.
(With no cant, the minimum length of transition = (11.8 x V3) / (3.6 x Transition rate).) General
The relative positions of turnouts and structural movement joints shall be such that turnouts
avoid free (expansion) ends of the structure and comply with a minimum length between
the structural movement joint and the turnout. The maximum limit from a fixed point to a
free end of structure permitted without a rail expansion joint is 100 m. Therefore, all
turnouts and crossovers should fit within a 200 m length if at all practical. Since rail
expansion joints are noisy, high maintenance devices, the expansion length of structures
should in all cases be kept to 100 m or less wherever practical. Bridges with an expansion length of 100 m or less. (No rail expansion joint required.)
The minimum distance between the structural movement joint and the switch point end of
the turnout shall be:
10 m if the structural expansion length is less than 60 m.
20 m if the structural expansion length is between 60 m and 90 m.
25 m if the structural expansion length is between 90 m and 100 m. Bridges with expansion lengths of over 100 m. (Rail expansion joints required.)
Structural expansion joints requiring the use of a rail expansion joint shall be located no
less than 40 m from either end of a turnout or crossover.
The rail expansion joint shall be located adjacent to the structural expansion joint, and
shall be assumed, for purposes of turnouts, alignment and structural joint locations, to
occupy a track length of 10 m each side of the structural expansion joint. Rail expansion
joints should, where practical, be located on straight track.
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The layout of each type of facility shall be in accordance with the requirements given in the
following sections. Typical Stations
Simple stations comprise two through main tracks and two platform tracks as shown on the
Employers Drawings. Track layout at stations shall be designed as simple, and these shall
meet the following requirements:
Cross-over tracks shall be installed along the length of the line. The minimum length of
plain line between crossovers shall be 30 m. Where a rail expansion joint may be eliminated
thereby, crossovers on viaducts shall be separated by at least two spans of structure. Main
track crossovers will be designated as 100 km/h crossovers. Since it is anticipated that their
use in revenue service will be minimal, main track crossovers shall be formed with 1200 m
radius 1:18.5 turnouts. When located on viaducts near station entry tracks, they shall be
placed so that there is at least two spans of structure between the end of the station entry
turnout and the crossover turnout. No special support structure related restrictions are
required for at-grade and underground crossovers.
4.2.7 Station Entry and Exit Tracks
Station platform tracks are set at 6.600 m centers with the adjacent main track. Station
entry tracks shall have 130 km/h connections or 160 km/h connections to the main tracks,
depending upon the anticipated maximum speed over the connection. If the distance
beyond station center to switch point is less than 850 m, the design will be for 130 km/h.
Longer distances require a determination of operating speed. Station exit tracks shall have
100 km/h connections or 130 km/h connections to the main tracks, depending upon the
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anticipated maximum speed over the connection. If the distance beyond station center to
switch point is less than 500 m, the design will be for 100 km/h. Longer distances require a
determination of operating speed. Refuge tracks on the departure end will have a 300 m
radius 1:12 turnout connection set 20.000 m beyond the platform end. Switch point in all
cases is the theoretical beginning of turnout point, not the actual switch point which is
slightly cut back from this position. Tracks within the platform shall be designed for 100
Connections to a parallel 130 km/h 160 km/h 100 km/h 100 km/h exit
alignment at 6.600 meter entry entry exit with without
track centers refuge trk refuge trk
Speed 130 km/h 160 km/h 100 km/h 100 km/h
Center platform to main track 508.981 (1) 580.536 (1) 488.056 (1) 443.156 (1)
switch point
Switch point to fouling point 153.6 194.2 118.7 118.7
End platform to begin curve 20.000 20.000 64.900 20.000
Connection length, switch point 278.981 350.536 258.056 213.156
to ST curve
Total angle turned, each 2.6300243 2.0986395 3.4285562 3.4285562
direction (degrees)
Turnout Reference Number 2 1 3 3
Turnout Entry Radius 4800 10000 3000 3000
Turnout Body Radius 2450 4000 1500 1500
Curve Length 63.441 99.263 55.509 55.509
Switch end spiral length 41.075 37.500 27.000 27.000
Frog end spiral Length 36.000 42.000 28.000 28.000
Curve Radius 2300 3600 1300 1300
Spiral Length 33.000 40.000 25.000 25.000
(1) Minimum distance required by geometry. May be increased as required by operations.
(2) An applied cant of 30 mm shall be used in all return curves.
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(1) For exceptional use as a crossover at 4.200 m track centers. (Straight distance
between turnoul curves is 4.802 m)
(2) Not for use in crossovers at 4.200 m track centers.
(3) Fouling distance in depot is at 3.80 m track centers.
(13) It is desirable to place turnouts so that sleeper sets do not overlap. Steelwork of the
turnouts shall not overlap. In point to point installations, it is desirable to provide 20
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m between points. Not less than 7.0 m shall be provided point to point in exceptional
(14) Twenty meters shall be provided between reverse curves where it is practical to do so.
A shorter distance may be used, but shall not be less than the greater of 5 m or the
The design specifications in this subsection covers those items of design criteria that are not
covered or at variance with the requirements given in subsections 4.1 through 4.2.
Therefore, the requirements of subsection 4.1 through 4.2 apply to lower speed tracks
except as modified in this subsection.
These design criteria apply to station tracks, yard and depot lead tracks, except as
covered in subsection 4.2.8, and the lower speed approaches into the stations.
4.2.10 Transition Curves
The clothoid spiral with a radius inversely proportional to the distance along the curve shall
be adopted for all transition curves. The cant shall increase proportionally with the
curvature in the clothoid spiral transition curve. The length of curve shall be not less than
that required to meet the governing criteria of either minimum cant gradient, maximum rate
of change of cant, or maximum rate of change of cant deficiency.
Lt = length of transition curve in m
C = designed applied cant for the curve in mm
Cd = designed cant deficiency for the curve in mm
V = train speed in km/h
Note: may be reduced to 0.0031 Cd V for curves out of or adjacent to turnouts
Applied cant shall be as described in subsection, except that the desirable value
for applied cant in curves normally operated at relatively constant speed should be based on
7.1 V2/R rather than 7.8 V2/R.
Applied cant in station approach tracks, depot lead tracks and other tracks where the speed
may be highly variable should be near the value obtained by application of the formula:
C = 6.0 V2 / R, but shall not exceed: Cmax = 7.5 V2/R
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and shall not be less than the lesser of: Cmin = 4.0 V2/R or (11.8 V2/R 80)
where V is the maximum anticipated speed on the curve.
On tracks where passengers are not carried, the Exceptional value above shall be
considered as the limiting value.
Minimum lengths of vertical curves, if vertical acceleration is greater than 0.05 m/s2:
On tracks where passengers are not carried, there is no speed related minimum length
requirement. The 20 m minimum should be respected on ballasted track.
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4.3 Gauge
1) Worldwide, only the 1,435 mm gauge has managed to reach the maximum operating
speed of 300 km/h. The maximum operating speed for broad gauge stays at 200 km/h,
achieved only by Finlands Pendolino S220. The high-speed train Sokol between
Moscow and St. Petersburg is planning to achieve a higher speed of 250 km/h but it is
still at a testing stage. Therefore, no broad gauge railways have technologically made
it to the class of maximum operating speed of 300 km/h at this time.
2) Although it is conceivable to adopt the same gauge as the 1,676 mm gauge (5 feet 6
inches) of the Indian Railways, technological verification is necessary due to reasons
mentioned above. The development of broad-gauge high-speed railways will require
both time and investment, making it impossible to meet the schedule if construction
of the high-speed railway is to begin in the near future.
3) To ensure the high safety level, the TrivandrumMangalore high-speed railway must
adopt a high-speed railway system that is independent of the conventional line.
4) It is also conceivable to link up the high-speed railway with the conventional line
running on the 1,676 mm broad gauge. However, since system and infrastructures of
high-speed train are quit different from conventional train, it is advisable to be
dedicated corridor for high-speed rail.
For the reasons mentioned above, the high-speed railway between Trivandrum and
Mangalore shall adopt the international standard 1,435 mm gauge.
Design standard of railway facilities is shown in Table 4.5 taking into account safe
operation and easy maintenance. Figure 4-1 shows the construction gauge and rolling
stock gauge.
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It is necessary to avoid grade crossings between the high speed railway and highway.
Therefore, an underpass type crossing or crossing bridge over the railway is required at
intersections between the high speed railway and highways.
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Type-A : Concourse floor at 1st floor of viaduct, platform at 2nd floor of viaduct
(Viaduct station)
Type-B : Concourse floor at 1st floor of viaduct, platform at ground floor (Ground
Station Type-A shall be applied in the urban area and is constructed above the existing
railway or road. Accordingly, it is convenient to keep access from existing railway and
road. Station Type-B shall be applied together with new development of land and
construction of stations.
In this project, it is recommended to apply station Type-A taking into account the
development plan of station and the convenience of passengers
Track layout
Track layout plan at a turn-back station shall be determined based on incoming train,
outgoing time of train, cleaning time of train, boarding and alighting time. For the two
terminal stations which have starting and stopping trains, two side tracks and two lead
tracks are arranged. Track layout at intermediate stations depends on stop pattern and
train operation density and it is recommended to arrange two side tracks at Ernakulam
station or Trissur station in order to do one stop and less than 30 minutes headway
operation. For other intermediate stations side track is not arranged. Two alternatives for
track layout are shown in Figure 2-2 and 2-3.
304.5 km 307.5 km
411.0 km 201.0 km
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Figure 4.5 shows typical section of viaduct station (with side tracks), Figure 4.6 shows
typical viaduct section.
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Embankment structure is applied between the cities and at the depot. An underpass type
crossing or a crossing bridge over the railway is required at intersections between the high
speed railway and a highway. A typical section of embankment structure is shown in
Figure 4.7.
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For safe and smooth transportation, the track structure shall be designed for axle loading,
side pressure, total loading and design speed. The track structure shall also take into
consideration the minimization of annual maintenance cost. In addition, environmental
aspects, namely noise, vibration, corrosion, electrolytic corrosion and drainage, shall be
taken into account.
There are two types of track structure, namely the ballasted track and the slab track, and it
is desirable to apply the slab track in the view of safety, comfortableness and maintenance.
The initial cost of the slab track is more than two times as the cost of the ballasted track,
but the total cost of both types would be nearly same in terms of total life span.
In this project, it is recommended that the ballasted track should be applied for
embankment section of the main line, side tracks and the depot because of low
construction cost, and the slab track should be applied for viaduct and bridge sections.
(tunnel section if there are)
As explained in 2.1.3, the track gauge of existing high speed railways that applies an
operational maximum speed at 300km/h is 1,435mm. If broad gauge (1,676mm) as
adopted by Indian railways is used for the high speed railway, no experience is currently
available for such a system and extended time and cost would be necessary to develop
and verify all technical and safety aspects. Consequently, it is recommended that standard
gauge (1,435mm) should be implemented at this stage.
(3) Rail
Basically, local material shall be used for the rail and quality shall be equivalent to JIS 60
rail (60kg/m) for main track and continuous welding is applied for all running rails. High
carbon steel rail shall be applied (tension strength >80kg/mm2, extension > 8%) from the
point of strength, wear resistivity and corrosion resistivity.
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(4) Turnout
An important element to decide the scale of station is traffic demand capacity. Scale of
station is planned based on total passenger volume per day which is estimated for 10, 15
and 20 years after operation starting. Future extension of station shall be taken into
account because increase of passenger volume is feasible by the development of areas
complemented by new railway lines.
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office, meeting room, emergency room, resting room, maintenance labor office, waste
disposal room, etc
4) Mechanical room
Air-conditioner & ventilation room, electric& mechanical room, power supply room,
water supply & drainage, signal & communication room, etc
(4) Basic Concept of Planning for Station Facility
1) Air-conditioner and ventilation
A natural ventilation system shall be provided for the passenger moving zone, namely
platforms, the concourse and the access way. The station office zone shall be
equipped with an air conditioning.
4) Emergency equipment
Plan of emergency equipment shall be established based on the national fire laws and
any related regulations for the particular region. Design of viaduct stations shall take
into account the smoke extraction. Alarm devices such as an automatic fire alarm, a
fire extinguisher shall be equipped in the station.
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7) Safety Measures
Closed circuit TV cameras and emergency reporting devices shall be established in
various locations to be used in the event of accidents or disaster. Protective device
with doors shall be used to prevent people falling down onto the track.
Photo 2-6 CCTV Camera Photo 2-7 Protective Wall with moving door
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Nominal Gauge (mm) 1435
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Absolute values are figures in brackets
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Identification of station locations and the inter-change points with the existing
rail network.
Identification of the land requirement and the affected properties requiring R &
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tentatively marked. Thereafter station locations and important crossings such as major
rivers; existing railway line and highways physically verified at the site and made
necessary changes as required. It is felt that topo sheets of Survey of India are quite old
and do to reflect actual ground situation prevailing at site on date. So route marked on the
topo sheets transfer on the Google Earth. Google Earth images are quite recent and
reflect present situation of the site. Cartosat 1 satellite stereo-pair images and QuickBird
Pan Sharpened images procured for the ground profile and geographic features along
the corridor. Base on geographic features extracted from the QuickBird Pan Sharpened
images and grond profile from the Cartosat 1 satellite stereo-pair images; horizontal and
vertical alignment designed.
Mapping of the proposed study area and creation of corridor with 0.5 Km buffer
on both sides.
Mapping of existing feature within the corridor and layer creation in GIS
Environment for the following features
o Building
o Bridge
o Canal
o Cemetery
o Drainage
o Pond
o Railway Track
o Roads
o Trees/Group of trees
o Agricultural Land
o Large Open Land
Creation of feature GIS database along 0.5 Km buffer on each side of the
proposed railway route.
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Compilation of DEM, 5m contours and Spot heights along the entire section of the
study area.
Once plan and profile are prepared horizontal and vertical alignment were designed and
finalized plan & detailed L-Section sheet along the corridor at various suggested scales
were created to facilitate planning.
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The following softwares were used for analysis of the QB and Cartosat 1 image data.
Digital Terrain Models are generated with X, Y and Z coordinates for each point.
Seamless DTMs are generated for entire area. Digital terrain models interpolated from
extremely dense 3D clouds of points which are extracted from the images. For the
processing, full resolution 16 bit images are used. Best accuracy is achieved by applying
advanced algorithms for image matching and data filtering. Automated filter are applied to
the Generated DEM to create the Bare Earth Terrain Model & further the accuracy are
refined by manual editing, break lines. Stringent quality control system are applied to
make sure the DTM is of the desired accuracy.
DTM are generated using Leica Photogrammetric Suite Software and would be checked
through Quality procedures. The QC process will eliminate points captured over trees,
buildings etc. ensuring that the DTM are totally at ground level shaping the ground
elevation alone, accurately.
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1. Transportation features:
a. All transportation features are collected at the traveling edges as well
as to represent terrain data.
b. Spot heights are collected at all road intersections and road ends.
c. All roads are continued through overpasses and bridges. Mass points
are skipped inside the roads to avoid zigzag of contours and kinks in
the contours.
2. Hydrography/Hydrological Features:
a. All Static water bodies are collected with constant elevation by following
the right hand rules (The feature extraction will always be to the right of
the actual feature)
b. All flowing water bodies are captured from top to down (downhill -flow
c. All double Line Rivers are collected with a parallel elevation at both the
banks of the river by following the downstream.
d. All hydro features are continued through bridges to represent the natural
e. Water levels are collected for Static water bodies at the center of the
feature with water elevation.
f. The mass points over the dead areas such as water bodies are not
collected, as this will have no height variation. A picture of the
Hydrological features is given below:
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Structures: All structure points are captured on the highest point of the building. The highest
rooftop are taken as the elevation of the building. All building spot heights are placed on the
center of the building by considering the highest roof elevation.
Break lines: Break lines are collected at natural terrain breaks to support the contours with
respect to the scale. This is important to collect top and bottom break lines where there are
vertical drops. Offsetting of the bottom feature are with a small tolerance to avoid the contour
overlap. Retaining walls are collected with the break lines at top and bottom. Similarly all
embankments are collected with the break-lines. A picture of digitization of break-lines is given
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Quick Bird images, procured for data generation for the mutually agreed Urban areas are
ortho-rectified using DTM generated from Cartosat1 data. The ortho-rectification are done
to create QB image at 0.61m resolution. After ortho-rectification, seam-line are generated
along with the images could be stitched/mosaiced.
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Necessary digital retouch are done to create seamless mosaic. Further these mosaics of
ortho-rectified colored images are tiled, in workable units so that it could be easily handled
in AutoCAD map environment.
For all the areas, except for identified Urban patches, along the corridor, Cartosat1 Black
& White images are used for GIS data creation. For this purpose, first of all Cartosat1
images would be ortho-rectified at 2.5m resolution. After ortho-rectification, tonal
balancing is done, and a mosaic along the seam-lines would be created for the entire
corridor. This mosaic are further cut into tiles, so that it could be easily handled in
AutoCAD environment.
All the feature are created by following their actual positions on the satellite
image properly and there are proper node placement wherever required to
maintain the shape and topological connectivity
Limits of settlement/habitation are captured from the satellite image
Individual buildings are captured only in case they are isolated or scattered.
In the Urban areas, all the major roads are captured as double line and
In rural areas, if roads are not prominent, they are shown as single line.
Water body feature are captured as mentioned in the polygon.
Once features extracted from the image, layer wise features are checked to
make sure there is no interchange of feature from layer to layer.
Once features are correct as per the layer, topology are generated and checks
are performed to remove overshoot, undershoot and slivers polygons.
The feature extraction are undertaken in small units (Areas) for better control
on the quality of the data generated. Once the feature extraction is completed
for each area it are checked though a separate team of people who are given a
special training on quality requirements.
The SOI data which are provided by the client are overlaid on the satellite I
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The names and attribute text on maps are acquired from SOI toposheets and
other available sources such as Google earth or any other existing source.
All the digital data produced from Cartosat1 imagery are at 1:25000 scale while
the digital data produced from QB imagery are at 1:5000 or 1:2500 scale,
depending upon the requirement of depiction.
Horizontal alignment has been finalized by using google images and thereafter refined on
QB images. Thereafter, the L-Section along the alignment is prepared. These L-sections
are now superimposed with the Horizontal plans.
The under mentioned documents were prepared during the course of preparation of
featured images.
Colored Digital geo-referenced High Resolution Satellite images of the corridor
o Format-Tiff and Tfw
2D GIS Feature Data
o Shape file format
o DGN file format
Height Data
o Contours and Spot height- 3D shape file format or DGN file format
o Digital Terrain Model- ASCII and Tiff file format
Detailed L section
o DWG file format using Civil 3D
o Print ready PDF format
o Digital Terrain Model- ASCII and Tiff file format
Note: All the GIS digital data is created as per the following projection parameters-
Projection : UTM
Spheroid : WGS 84
Datum : WGS 84
Zone : 43
Hemisphere : North
GADs have been plotted on the horizontal scale of 1:15000 and vertical scale of 1: 1500.
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Following is the summary of the checks in addition to the other checks demanded by the
SOI or its associates designated for.
Following are quality checks that are undertaken in the data.
1. Data Completeness Check
Check to ensure that there is no missing and extra features
Check to ensure captured features to be as per layer mentioned in data
model structure
Check to ensure vector extraction of the features are correct
Check to ensure all point features place at correct location
2. Topological / Geometrical checks
Checks to ensure that no slivers, dangles, overshoots, undershoot etc.
are present in the vector data layer-wise
Checks to ensure that no overlap between building and Road network
Checks to ensure higher level road given more preference in continuity
comparing to lower one i.e. National highway are given more
preference in continuity than state highway
3. Visual check / Logical checks
Visual checks are done to ensure the proper continuity and logically it
are correct
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Horizontal alignment has been designed for the speed of 350kmph and maximum
operational speed of 300kmph. Design parameters adopted for the design of
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horizontal alignment are the same as being followed for the similar projects
worldwide. Thus the radius desirable for centre line of system for such high speed
has been adopted 6250m. The limiting value for the same is 5500m. However
there are certain locations where this requirement could not achieved.
While designing the horizontal alignment efforts have been made to avoid
habitated areas to minimise the demolition. However it is not possible at all the
locations. There are certain locations where alignment passes across the densely
habitated areas, at these locations alignment has been proposed underground.
Settlements in along the corridor are generally scattered; therefore affecting some
of such structures is inevitable. Alignment in these stretches has been planned
elevated. Main advantage of elevated alignment is that there is no physical
occupation of ground strip along the alignment and there is no requirement of
cross passes structures such as flyovers etc. That is why at grade alignment has
been kept absolute minimum except at location of depot entry or at the
beginning/end of elevated/underground/bridge locations.
Base on the alignment design parameters following norms have followed for the
designing of horizontal and vertical alignment.
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Design speed Radius (m) Proposed Set Cant Cant Excess Maximum Desirable Limiting
(kmph) Cant (Ca) Deficiency (Ce) Permissible Transition Transition
(Cd) @200kmph Speed Length Length
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Length of Gradient
Desirable 300m
Limiting 150m
Desirable 25,000m
Exceptional 19,000m
5.2.1 References
Centre line of Thiruanthapuram station has been taken as 0 for reckoning the
chainages and it increases towards Kasargod. Coordinates used are WGS 84
coordinates. The coordinates of start, end of alignment and at each one kilometre
are given in the following table.
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5.2.2 Curves
Horizontal curves are used flatter as far as possible. There are total 16 curves out
of which only 3 curves are of 5500m radius, which is limiting value for 350kmph
design speed. Largest radius of curve used in this section is 20000m. Details of
horizontal alignment are given in the following table.
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5.2.2 Gradients
Terrain along the corridor in this stretch is plain to moderately rolling. Gradients in
general are flatter and most of the gradients are less than 1%. Steepest gradient is
2.38%. Steeper gradients are used at the location of switch over ramp where
alignment emerges out from underground position to elevated position or vise
versa. The details of gradients are given in the following table.
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Length(m) Remarks
From To
45056 46459 1403 At Grade
50053 50345 292 At Grade
54640 55348 708 At Grade
57792 58652 860 At Grade
63200 63755 555 At Grade
65080 65469 389 At Grade
68133 68425 292 At Grade
70490 70910 420 At Grade
70910 71737 827 At Grade
72144 72347 203 At Grade
73395 73738 343 At Grade
74770 75150 380 At Grade
75364 75755 391 At Grade
76840 76962 122 At Grade
77254 77351 97 At Grade
78027 80461 2434 At Grade
80461 80552 91 At Grade
81555 82662 1107 At Grade
85110 85297 187 At Grade
87232 88015 783 At Grade
88364 88936 572 At Grade
88936 89353 417 At Grade
90325 90972 647 At Grade
91550 91795 245 At Grade
95416 96061 645 At Grade
106727 107030 303 At Grade
113468 113700 232 At Grade
117215 117790 575 At Grade
117790 118084 294 At Grade
118084 118793 709 At Grade
118793 118957 164 At Grade
122314 122760 446 At Grade
125597 125994 397 At Grade
126830 127210 380 At Grade
127550 127795 245 At Grade
128190 128470 280 At Grade
129381 129748 367 At Grade
130150 130688 538 At Grade
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Length(m) Remarks
From To
131849 132208 359 At Grade
132208 132334 126 At Grade
133130 134251 1121 At Grade
134251 134569 318 At Grade
135152 135350 198 At Grade
135952 136343 391 At Grade
140450 140655 205 At Grade
142856 143260 404 At Grade
143465 144551 1086 At Grade
146560 146962 402 At Grade
150846 151164 318 At Grade
154771 154970 199 At Grade
154970 155050 80 At Grade
155254 155355 101 At Grade
155653 155821 168 At Grade
155979 156060 81 At Grade
156380 156440 60 At Grade
156760 156891 131 At Grade
156891 157060 169 At Grade
157978 158164 186 At Grade
158771 158918 147 At Grade
159570 159656 86 At Grade
159656 160176 520 At Grade
160650 160830 180 At Grade
161290 161492 202 At Grade
161492 161533 41 At Grade
161787 161867 80 At Grade
163423 163613 190 At Grade
164290 164767 477 At Grade
164892 165640 748 At Grade
165893 166326 433 At Grade
166326 166608 282 At Grade
167120 167250 130 At Grade
167945 168050 105 At Grade
168686 168806 120 At Grade
168806 169130 324 At Grade
170885 171095 210 At Grade
171095 171150 55 At Grade
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Length(m) Remarks
From To
171377 171669 292 At Grade
171669 171761 92 At Grade
172100 172389 289 At Grade
172389 172480 91 At Grade
172570 172948 378 At Grade
172948 173035 87 At Grade
173800 174040 240 At Grade
174200 174430 230 At Grade
174864 175055 191 At Grade
175631 176168 537 At Grade
176168 176260 92 At Grade
177534 177847 313 At Grade
177847 177954 107 At Grade
178368 179290 922 At Grade
179290 179371 81 At Grade
180088 180355 267 At Grade
180568 181245 677 At Grade
181245 181460 215 At Grade
181460 181556 96 At Grade
181870 182443 573 At Grade
182443 182550 107 At Grade
184260 184451 191 At Grade
184451 184856 405 At Grade
186400 186944 544 At Grade
186944 187175 231 At Grade
187650 187965 315 At Grade
187965 188644 679 At Grade
190358 191250 892 At Grade
191250 191550 300 At Grade
Total at grade length 48720m
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Length(m) Remarks
From To
76962 77254 292 Underground
119940 120340 400 Underground
140655 142856 2201 Underground
143260 143465 205 Underground
155821 155979 158 Underground
160830 161290 460 Underground
161867 163143 1276 Underground
165640 165893 253 Underground
168050 168686 636 Underground
172480 172570 90 Underground
174040 174200 160 Underground
175055 175267 212 Underground
184856 186400 1544 Underground
188644 190358 1714 Underground
Total Underground length 25886m
5.3 Stations
Stations planned in this section of alignment are Thiruvananthapuram, Quilon
Changannur, Kottayam and Erankulam. Changannur station has been planned as
future station. Latitudes and longitudes of station locations are given in the
following table.
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5.4 Depot
In the section of corridor from Thiruvananthapuram to Erankulam, the depot has
been planned at Thiruvananthapuram end by the side of proposed
Thiruvananthapuram station. Quite large open area is available to locate
maintenance depot cum work shop.
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Alignment crosses a number of major/Minor roads. The details of therse roads are
given in the following tables.
S. No Chainage(m) Description Width (m)
1 3595 Centre Line of Major Road 5.5
2 6275.00 Centre Line of Major Road 27.4
3 7925.00 Centre Line of Major Road 5.4
4 9050.00 Centre Line of Major Road 30.0
5 9230.00 Centre Line of Major Road 10.0
6 11390.00 Centre Line of Major Road 5.7
7 12890.00 Centre Line of Major Road 5.0
8 14155.00 Centre Line of Major Road 3.7
9 14260.00 Centre Line of Major Road 7.0
10 14610.00 Centre Line of Major Road 5.0
11 17490.00 Centre Line of Major Road 4.0
12 19250.00 Centre Line of Major Road 6.2
13 20180.00 Centre Line of Major Road 9.5
14 22520.00 Centre Line of Major Road 4.1
15 23098.00 Centre Line of Major Road 3.0
16 23745.00 Centre Line of Major Road 9.0
17 23890.00 Centre Line of Major Road 5.1
18 25235.00 Centre Line of Major Road 8.8
19 25930.00 Centre Line of Major Road 8.0
20 27115.00 Centre Line of Major Road 6.4
21 30260.00 Centre Line of Major Road 6.5
22 30640.00 Centre Line of Major Road 7.1
23 33250.00 Centre Line of Major Road 7.8
24 35065.00 Centre Line of Major Road 8.0
25 35515.00 Centre Line of Major Road 20.0
26 36780.00 Centre Line of Major Road 7.6
27 38405.00 Centre Line of Major Road 8.8
28 41700.00 Centre Line of Major Road 44.8
29 41950.00 Centre Line of Major Road 14.8
30 50150.00 Centre Line of Major Road 26.2
31 54305.00 Centre Line of Major Road 8.0
32 55410.00 Centre Line of Major Road 12.8
33 57040.00 Centre Line of Major Road 5.0
34 58780.00 Centre Line of Major Road 6.6
35 60220.00 Centre Line of Major Road 6.3
36 63090.00 Centre Line of Major Road 7.2
37 63280.00 Centre Line of Major Road 9.0
38 66355.00 Centre Line of Major Road 19.7
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S. No Description
1 1470 Centre Line of Railway Line Crossing
2 9900 Centre Line of Railway Line Crossing
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S. No Description
3 18925 Centre Line of Railway Line Crossing
4 118300 Centre Line of Railway Line Crossing
5 119391 Centre Line of Railway Line Crossing
6 136626 Centre Line of Railway Line Crossing
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The history of high-speed railways started in 1964 with the opening of the Tokaido
Shinkansen (however, the highest operating speed at that time was 210 km/h),
followed afterwards by France (TGV) in 1981, Italy (ETR) in 1988, Germany (ICE)
in 1991, and Spain (AVE) in 1992. Besides these countries, high-speed railways
are also running in Belgium, the United Kingdom, Korea, Taiwan, China, Turkey,
Holland and Russia. Today, high-speed railways are operated in these thirteen
Among the high-speed railways, the Japanese Shinkansen (Series 500 & Series
N700); the French TGV Series, Thalys, and Eurostar; the German ICE3, the
Spanish AVE, the Korean KTX, the Taiwanese Series 700T, the Chinese CRH are
operating at the worlds highest speed of 300 to 350 km/h.
It is proposed to adopt the construction technology used for Shinkansen for Kerala
High Speed Rail after making necessary changes for making it suitable as per the
local conditions. However, it is considered appropriate to detail the various
components of Shinkansen Technology. Table 6.1 gives the standard specifications
for major High Speed Rails in the world and thereafter the description of different
civil Engineering component of Shinkansen Rail are detailed
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Table 6-1Standards
Table 6.1Construction Construction Standards
of Major of Main High-Speed
High-speed Railways inRailways in the
the World (2)World (2)
Country Germany Italy Spain Korea Taiwan
Section ICE D irettissim a AVE KTX THSR
Mannheim-Stuttgart Kln-Frankfurt Rome-Firenze Madrid-Sevilla Seoul-Busan Taipei-Kaoshung
Length of New Line km 99 327 177 237 471 412 345
Construction Period Year 1976-1991 1979-1991 1995-2002 1970-1992 1987-1992 1999-2005
1st Section opened
Design Criteria
Gauge mm 1435 1435 1435 1435 1435 1435 1435
Max Design Speed km/h 300 300 330 300 300 350 350
Max Commercial Speed km/h 280 280 300 250 300 300 300
Min Curve Radius m 4,670 4,670 4,000 5,400 4,000 7,000 6,250
Min Longitudinal Curve Radius m 22,000 22,000 11,500 20,000 24,000 25,000 25,000
Max Cant mm 160 160 160 160 140 180 160
Permussible Cant Defficiency mm 100 100 150 130 100 90 60
Max Gradient 12.5 12.5 40 8.5 12.5 15 25
Distance between Track Centers m 4.7 4.7 4.5 5.0 4.3 5.0 4.5
Car Width m 3.1 3.1 3.1 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.4
Max Axle Load ton 19.5 19.5 20 22.5 17.2 17 25.5
Width of Track Formation m 13.7 13.7 12.1 13.0 13.3 14.0 13.0
Tunnel Cross Section (Standard 2
m 82 82 92 54/60/68 75 107 90
New Line Earth Work km 64 65% 177 54% 126 75% 120 50% 445 95% 111 27% 33 10%
Bridge & Viadnct km 5 5% 30 9% 6 3% 46 20% 10 2% 112 27% 247 72%
Tunnel km 30 30% 120 37% 47 22% 71 30% 16 3% 189 46% 65 19%
Enbeded Direct
Track Structure Ballast Ballast Ballast Ballast Slab/Ballast Slab/Ballast
Traction Power AC 15kV 16 AC 15kV 16 AC 15kV 16 DC 3kV AC 25kV 50Hz AC 25kV 60Hz AC 25kV 60Hz
Passenber & Passenber & Passenber & Passenber &
Remark Passenger Passenger Passenger
Freight Freight Freight Freight
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Railway line TGV lines ICE lines AVE line Direttissima KTX line THSR line
4.7 4.3 5.0 5.0 4.5
distance 4.5
It was planed that freight trains also were operated on same Shinkasen
corridor, but now the corridors are dedicated for passenger trains.
Length (m)
L L1 L2 L3
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
N 16 N 16 N 16 N 16
P 16 P 16
P 16 P 16 P 17 P 17
Railway line TGV lines ICE lines AVE line Direttissima KTX line THSR line
17tf 20tf 19tf 20tf 25.5tf
axle weight
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Cross Section
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Many kinds of bridge are used for Shinkansen and type can be selected taking
condition of construction site and cost. In general RC T-type girder is used for 8 to 25
m in span and PC girder is used for more than 25 m in span. Steel girder is also used
for many cases, but it is better to use concrete girder in urban area in respect of noise-
control measures.
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Composte girder
Steel girder
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Roadbed concrete
Invert concrete
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
(Area of cross section: 64m )
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Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
20.7 33.3
55.9 31.1
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
29.6 33.2
Nagaoka 213.8
Tsubamesanjo 237.4
Niigata 269.5
Average Average
distance distance Average distance
33.7 23.5 31.5
between between between stations
stations stations
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Terminal station
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Tokuyama Shinyamaguchi Asa Shinshimonoseki Kokura Hakata Hakataminami Car depot (workshop)
Maintenance dept
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
2) Sanyo Shinkansen
Standard of effective length of track at stations for Sanyo Shinkansen is 480 m which
450 m (maximum train length) plus 30 m (extra length).
16 cars
4.3m 4.3m
4.3m 4.3m
16 cars
More than 4.3 m
Sign for absolutely required stop Platform
Effective length
4) Hokuriku Shinkansen
Standard of effective length of track at stations for Tohoku and Joetsu Shinkasen is 330
m which 300 m (maximum train length: 25 m x 12 cars) plus 30 m (extra length), but
actually these have been build in more than 380 m which 300 m (maximum train length)
plus 30 m (extra length) plus 50 m (for return operation in future) in order to rerun
operation at stations in future.
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
12 cars
12 cars
Effective length
5) Kyushu Shinkansen
Standard of effective length of track at stations for Tohoku and Joetsu Shinkasen is 230 m
which 200 m (maximum train length: 25 m x 8 cars) plus 30 m (extra length), but actually
these have been build in more than 280 m which 200 m (maximum train length) plus 30 m
(extra length) plus 50 m (for return operation in future) in order to rerun operation at stations
in future.
8 cars
8 cars
Effective length
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
(b) Platform
1) Length of platform
Standard of platform length is as follows.
1) Width of platform
Standard of platform width is as follows.
2) Height of platform
Standard of platform height is as follows.
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
1,795 mm
98 mm 12 mm 10 mm 1,675 mm
1,800 mm
64 mm 11 mm 10 mm 1,675 mm 1,760 mm
ii) Distance between end of platform and track center (for curve)
The distance between end of platform and track center at curve is widened by the
following formula.
W = W
W: widening
: deviation of rolling stock caused by cant at 1,250 mm level from rail level
S2 = 1,250 x tan
= tan-1 (C/G)
C: Cant (mm)
G: Gauge (mm)
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Floor Level
Floor Level
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Island Platform
Side Platform
Floor Level
Floor Level
4) Distances between end of platform and columns, walls of subway, over-bridge and others
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Dimensions of station for each Shinkansen are shown in the following tables.
Tokyo Shinagawa Odawara Atami Mshima
Number of tracks 6 4 4 2 2 4
Down 456 Down 559 Down 528 Down 571 Down 495
Effective length 470 - 478
Up 457 Up 560 Up 524 Up 558 Up 444
Number of
3 2 2 2 2 1
Down 410 Down 418 Down 412 Down 418 Down 414
Length 410 431
Up 412 Up 423 Up 411 Up 419 Up 418
Gradient L 3.0 L L
(10.0) (6.0)
Number of tracks 4 4 4 5 5 4
Down 509 Down 546 Down 550 Down 520 Down 561
Effective length 448
Up 510 Up 569 Up 509 Up 454 Up 553
Number of
2 2 2 2 2 2
7.0m (up)
Width 5.0m 7.0m 5.0m 7.0m 5.0m
9.0m (down)
Type Island Island Island Island Island
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
L L 3.0 6.0
Gradient 2.0 L
(2.0) (8.0) (18.0) (13.0)
Number of tracks 4 6 5 4 7
Number of
2 2 2 2 4
Down 419
Length 410 410 410 440
Up 416
(20.0) (10.0) (16.0) (5.0) (4.0)
6.1.5 Track
(1) Rail
(a) Type of rail
The Tokaido Shinkansen opened in 1964 as the worlds first 200 km/h (124 mph) high-
speed railway. Its track structure was conventional, that is, ballasted track with 50T (53
kg/m (36 lbs/ft)) rails and pre-stressed concrete sleepers. The Tokaido Shinkansen
achieved great commercial success, with the number of passengers increasing rapidly.
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
were gradually replaced with 60 kg/m (40 lbs/ft) rails. The replacement was completed in
Currently, 60kg rail is used for main tracks and 50kgN rail is used for siding tracks only.
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Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
The specifications of 60kg rail and 50kgN rail are shown in the following table.
1) Expansion joint
It is required that Insulated joint is set about 1,000 m interval for the purpose of track circuit
of signaling system. Therefore, expansion joints with insulated joint were used for Tohoku
and Joetsu Shinakansens.
Expansion joint
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
2) Super-continuous rail
Since costs of expansion joint and maintenance are high, bonded joint was developed and
is being used. As the result of that, the bonded joint has made possible super-continuous
rail of 40 km to 60 km.
Unit: mm
Name Plate
L l
No Parts
1 Rail
2 Fishplate
3 Rail form
4 Dry bond
5 Tube
6 Washer
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Pad thickness 12 mm 12 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm 10 mm
PC Sleeper
PC Sleeper PC Sleeper PC Sleeper PC Sleeper PC Sleeper PC Sleeper
(3HE or
Sleeper (3T or 4T) (3T or 4T) (3H or 4H) (3H or 4H) (3H or 4H) (3HE or 4HE)
Tunnel 250 mm 250 mm 250 mm 250 mm 250 mm 250 mm 250 mm
Ballast mat Not used Not used Not used Used Used Not used Not used
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Ballasted track
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
This has been adopted as the standard track structure for the Sanyo Shinkansen (the
section west of Okayama) and other Shinkansen lines built subsequently. Proper track
maintenance is also vertical from the standpoint of ensuring the safety of trains running at
high speeds. Maintenance workers regularly grind tops and maintain track surfaces in order
to reduce the level of noise and repair damage to the rails.
Even for Shinkansen lines that were constructed later, the basic slab-track structure has
remained unchanged, although various improvements have been made to the slab track to
reduce noise, vibration and cost of maintenance.
Slab track
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
The newly developed frame-shaped slab track, a slab with a hole in the center, has
reduced the temperature stress and weight of the slab, thereby making the construction
of tracks easier and less expensive.
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Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Under construction
Structure analysis and measurement of tracks during the running of trains showed that
the train running safety and stresses in the track structural members would remain
unaffected even when the rail-fastener interval was widened from 625 mm (2 ft 1 in) to
725 mm (2 ft 5 in). Therefore, the number of rail fasteners per track slab was decreased
from eight to seven, allowing track costs to be cut accordingly.
Special Gravel
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
At locations with special requirements for reducing noise and vibration, solid-bed track with
resilient ties is used.
Although slab track has a slightly higher than construction cost than ballasted track, it
required minimal maintenance after commencement of revenue-earning operation. In
addition, unlike ballasted track, slab track is free from problems of ballast being
scattered by wind caused by passing trains or the impact of snow falling from trains.
When ballasted track is used for a high-speed railway, it is difficult to completely prevent
the scattering of ballast. This is one of the major reasons why slab track is normally
chosen for the Shinkansen. However, if track irregularity occurs once, repairing work for
slab track is more difficult than ballasted track.
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Standard O O O O
(A- Anti-vibration O
Other Low spring
Tie plate O O
than pad
Standard O
55M) Low spring
Standard O O
Tunnel 51)
(straight) (AF-
Standard O O O
Standard O O
Tunnel 55)
Tie plate
(curve) (AF-
Standard O O O
Ratio between slab track and ballast track on each Shinkansen line
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
(Reference only)
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Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
(3) Turnout
(a) Turnouts used for the Shinkansen
Turnout number 9 12 14 16 18 38
0 0 0 0 0 0
Crossing angle 6 22 4 46 4 05 3 34.5 3 11 1 3028
Total length of
29.978 m 52.640 m 51.827 m 66.276 m 71.339 m 134.790 m
turnout L
Crossing structure Fixed Movable nose Fixed Movable nose Movable nose Movable nose
V1 35 - 40 60 - 65 65 - 75 75 - 85 85 95
speed km/h
V2 40 55 60 75 80 160
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
No. 38 Turnout
Wing rail
Tongue rail
Tongue rail
Movable rail Welded part
Elastic part
Diagonal joint part Movable part Fix part Expansion joint part
a-a Section b-b Section c-c Section d-d Section e-e Section f-f Section
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
A-A Section
Elastic part
80S rail
Cut-out of basic rail
Gradient 1/3
Start point of cut-out of basic rail
Elastic point
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Shinkobe Nishiakashi Himeji Aioi Okayama
Number of tracks 2 4 5 4 4 4
Down 475 Down 499 Down 485 Down 491 Down 518
Effective length 502
Up 476 Up 504 Up 495 Up 487 Up 533
Number of
2 2 2 2 2 2
Down 9.5
Width 8.0 7.0 7.0 1.0 7.0
Up 8.0
Side Side Compound Side Side
Type Island
platforms platforms type platforms platforms
Down 410
Length 417 410 417 413 411
Up 420
Gradient L L L L
(3.0) (3.0)
Shinonomich Higashihirosh
Fukuyama Mihara Hiroshima Shiniwakuni
i ima
Number of tracks 4 4 4 4 4 5
Down 500 Down 499 Down 509 Down 509 Down 500
Effective length 481
Up 502 Up 489 Up 507 Up 508 Up 499
Number of
2 2 2 2 2 2
Gradient L 3.0 3.0
(3.0) (7.0) (1.5)
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Straight Straight
Curve Radius 3,500 Straight Straight Straight
(3,500) (500)
Shinyamagu Shinshimono
Tokuyama Asa Kokura Hakata
chi seki
Number of tracks 4 4 4 5 4 4
Number of
2 2 2 2 2 2
Down 411
Length 410 410 410 414 414
Up 412
Gradient L L L L L
1,200 1,000
Curve Radius 1,600 4,000 Straight Straight
(2,000) (800)
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Block Block
for for
caution caution
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
4) Mechanical room
Air-conditioner & ventilation room, electric & mechanical room, power supply room, water
supply & drainage, signal & communication room, etc
4) Emergency equipment
Plan of emergency equipment shall be established based on the national fire laws and
related regulations for the particular region. Design of viaduct stations shall take into
account the smoke extraction. Alarm devices such as an automatic fire alarm, a fire
extinguisher shall be equipped in the station.
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
7) Safety measures
Closed circuit TV cameras and emergency reporting devices shall be established in various
locations to be used in the event of accidents or disaster. Protective device with doors shall
be used to prevent people falling down onto the track.
Concourse Level
Platform Level
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Cross Section
On review of High Speed Rail Technology worldwide, it was felt that Shinkansen
technology is the best and safest where no major accident since its inception has
taken place. The latest implementation of this technology has been in Taiwan High
Speed Rail by THSRC and hence, it is recommended to adopt for Kerala High
Speed rail all the specifications of Taiwan High Speed Rail. The standard
specifications of THSRC are given in the table below.
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
n Standards of Main High-Speed Railways in the World (2) Table 6-1 Construction St
Italy Spain Korea Taiwan Germany
D irettissim a AVE KTX THSR ICE
Kln-Frankfurt Rome-Firenze Madrid-Sevilla Seoul-Busan Mannheim-Stuttgart
Taipei-Kaoshung K
177 237
Length of New Line 471 412 km 345
99 327
1995-2002 Construction
1970-1992 Period 1987-1992 Year 1976-1991
1999-2005 1979-1991
1st Section opened
Design Criteria
1435 1435 Gauge 1435 1435mm 1435 1435
330 300 Max Design Speed300 350km/h 300
350 300
300 250 Max Commercial 300Speed 300km/h 280
300 280
4,000 5,400 Min Curve Radius
4,000 7,000 m 4,670
6,250 4,670
11,500 20,000 Min Longitudinal
24,000Curve Radius 25,000m 22,000
25,000 22,000
160 160 Max Cant 140 180 mm 160 160
150 130 Permussible Cant100 Defficiency 90 mm 100
60 100
40 8.5 Max Gradient12.5 15 12.5
25 12.5
4.5 5.0 4.3 Track Centers 5.0 m
Distance between 4.7
4.5 4.7
3.1 2.9 Car Width 2.9 2.9 m 3.1
3.4 3.1
20 22.5 Max Axle Load 17.2 17 ton 19.5
25.5 19.5
12.1 13.0 Width of Track 13.3
Formation 14.0 m 13.7
13.0 13.7
Tunnel Cross Section (Standard
92 54/60/68 75 107 m2 82
90 82
126 75% New
120 Line 50%Earth Work
445 95% 111 km
27% 64
33 65%
10% 177 54% 1
6 3% 46 20%
Bridge & 10
Viadnct 2% 112 km
27% 247
5 72%
5% 30 9%
47 22% 71 30%
Tunnel 16 3% 189 km
46% 30
65 30%
19% 120 37%
Enbeded Direct E
Track Structure Ballast Slab/Ballast Slab/Ballast
Ballast Ballast
AC 15kV 16 DC 3kV
Traction Power AC 25kV 50Hz AC 25kV 60Hz AC
25kV 60Hz16 AC 15kV 16 AC
Passenber & Passenber & Passenber & Passenber &
Passenger Remark Passenger Passenger
Freight Freight Freight Freight
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
In general, the soils of Kerala are acidic, kaolintic and gravelly with low CEC(Cation
Exchange Capacity), low water holding capacity and high phosphate fixing capacity.
Climate topography, vegetation and hydrological conditions are the dominant factors of
soil formation. On the basis of the morphological features and physico-chemical
properties, the soils of the State have been classified into red loam, laterite coastal
alluvium, riverine alluvium, Onattukara alluvium, brown hydromorphic, saline
hydromorphic, Kuttanad alluvium, black soil and forest loam.
Red Loam
Location :- Red loams of Kerala are localized in occurrence and are found mostly in the
southern parts of Thiruvananthapuram district.
Formation and Occurance:-These soils occur in catenary sequence along with laterites
and are found mainly as deposits by colluviation in foothills and small hillocks.
a. Colour and texture:- The soils have red colour, which has been attributed to the
presence of hematite or anhydrous ferric oxides.
a. Permeability:- The rapid permeability of the surface soils also has been
responsible for the characteristic development of these loamy oils, which are very deep
and homogeneous without much expression of horizons.
a. Fertile Nature:- They are not fertile due to low organic matter content as well as
low essential plant nutrients.
Location :- This is the most abundant soil seen in Kerala. They cover about 65 per cent
of the total area of the State, occupying a major portion of the midland and mid-upland
regions and are the most extensive of the soil groups found in Kerala. Laterite soil is
predominantly seen in northern parts of Kerala like Kozhikode, Kannur,Mallapuram and
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
a. Colour and texture:- The surface soil, which is reddish brown to yellowish red, is mostly
gravelly loam to gravelly clay loam in texture. It shows the development of AB(c) profiles.
The profiles have well-developed B-horizon with abundant ferruginous and quartz
gravels. The plinthite is characterized by a compact vesicular mass below the B-horizon,
composed essentially of a mixture of hydrated oxides of iron and aluminum. The plinthite
includes quarriable type that breaks into blocks and also non-quarriable type that breaks
into irregular lumps.
a. Fertile Nature:- Tough this soil, in general, is acidic, poor in available nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium and are low in the bases,it is well drained, widely cultivated
and respond to management practices. A variety of crops like coconut, tapioca, rubber,
areca nut, pepper, cashew etc can be successfully grown by the proper application of
fertilizers and irrigation.
a. Other Features:- They are generally acidic with pH ranging from 4.5 to 6.2.They have
CEC and high P fixing capacity with low organic matter content.
Coastal Alluvium
Location :- These soils are seen in the coastal tracts along the West as a narrow belt
with an average width of about 10 km.
Formation and Occurrance:- As it has been developed from recent marine deposits
Sand is the chief constituent of this type of soil. Soil profile surface is not well developed.
They show incipient development.
a. Colour and texture:- The texture is dominated by sand fraction The A horizon is usually
thin and the surface textures observed are loamy sand and sandy loam.
a. Other Features:- These soils are acidic (pH value less than 6.5 in most of the
areas).They are also low in organic matter, clay and CEC.
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Riverine Alluvium
Location :- This soil occurs throughout the state cutting across the extensive laterite
soils. They are important in Kollam taluk.
Formation and Occurrance:- This type of soil, developed along river valley, occurs
mostly along the banks of rivers and their tributaries.
a. Colour and texture:- They are very deep soils which surface texture ranging from
sandy loam to clay loam. Horizon differentiation is not well expressed.
a. Other Features:- They are moderately supplied with organic matter, nitrogen and
potassium. They are acidic and poor in phosphorus and lime. They show wide variation
in their physico-chemical properties depending obviously on the nature of alluvium that is
deposited and the characteristics of the catchment area through which the river flows.
Onattukara alluvium
Location :- These soils are confined to the Onattukara region comprising the
Karunagapally, Karthikapally and Mavelikara taluks of Kollam and Alappuzha districts.
Formation and Occurrance:- They occur as marine deposits extending to the interior
up to the lateritic belt.
a. Colour and texture:- The soils are, in general, coarse textured with immature profiles.
a. Permeability:-These soils have very rapid permeability. In low-lying areas, the water
table is high and drainage is a problem.
a. Fertile Nature:- Addition of sufficient organic matter and irrigation facilities improve the
water holding capacity. Coconut, Paddy and Tapioca are the major products derived
from these soils.
a. Other Features:- They are acidic in reaction and are extremely deficient in all the major
plant nutrients.
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Brown hydromorphic
Location :- Hydromorphic soils, as a group, occur extensively in the State. These soils
are mostly confined to valley bottoms of undulating topography in the midland and to low
lying areas of coastal strip. These are also found in areas of wetland.
Formation and Occurrance:- They have been formed as a result of transportation and
sedimentation of material from adjacent hill slopes and also through deposition by rivers.
Presence of Lateritic and gravel suggest that these are formed by the action of gravity.
a. Colour and texture:- As the name implies the soil is deep brown in colour.
Compositionally it ranges between sandy loam to clay. Clay is of pottery type.
Saline hydromorphic
Location :- These soils are usually seen within the coastal tracts of the districts of
Ernakulam, Alappuzha, Trissur and Kannur.
Formation and Occurrance:- The origin, genesis and development of these soils have
been under peculiar physiographic conditions. They are, therefore, not comparable with
the saline soils occurring in the other parts of the Country. The network of backwaters
and estuaries bordering the coast serves as an inlet of tidal waters to flow into these
areas, causing Salinity. During the period of March April the soil is characterised by
high salinity, but in June July they are devoid of salts. Wide fluctuation in the intensity
of salinity has been observed. During the rainy season, the fields are flooded and most
of the salt is leached out, leaving the area almost free of the salts.
a. Colour and texture:- These soils are in general brownish and deep. The profile show
wide variation in texture, as is common in most of the alluvial soils.
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
a. Fertile Nature:- In these soils one crop of Paddy is cultivated during Auguast
a. Other Features: - Electrical conductivity of the soil during June July season ranges
from 0.1 to 2.0 m mhos/cm2. The maximum accumulation of toxic salts is observed
during the summer months from March to April when electrical conductivity rises to the
range of 10 - 15m mhos/cm2. Being developed in areas with relatively high ground water
table, these soils show aquic properties. In some areas,undecomposed organic matter is
observed in the lower layers, causing problems of acidity. The Pokkali (Ernakulam
district) and kaipad (Kannur district) soils come under this category.
Location:- Kuttanad
a. Characteristics:- The Kuttanad region covering about 875 km2 is a unique agricultural
area in the world. A good portion of this area lies 1-2 m below MSL and is submerged for
major parts of the year. The area is susceptible to seasonal ingress of saline water as a
result of tidal inflow from the sea. During the monsoons, the rivers and rivulets pour fresh
water into the area. As the North East monsoon recedes, seawater again enters the
Vembanad Lake and the whole area becomes saline. Hence, the soils of Kuttanad area
are faced with the serious problems of hydrology floods, acidity and salinity. Consequent
on the construction of the Thanneermukkam bund, salinity hazards have been
considerably reduced. The soils of Kuttanad form the typical waterlogged soils and are
entirely different from normal well-drained soils in their morphological, chemical and
physical characteristics.
They can be grouped into three categories which are dealt with in the zone of Problem
Location :- This type of soil is seen in the reformed lake bed of Kottayam and Alappuzha
Colour and texture:- This soil is dark brown in colour but a white colour seen on the
surface due to presence of salt. They contain Alluvial silt and Clay Loams some lime shells,
organic matter,calcium, little nutrients and some salts on the surface.
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Other Features: -They are slightly acidic in nature and are deeply situated. These
soils show some aquic features like grey colour, red and brown streak, as the clay content
decreases with depth.
Location :- These occur in the flat lands of large part of upper Kuttanad and also along
the inland stream and rivers.
Formation and Occurrance:- They are formed by the transportation activity of rivers.
These are situated 1 2m below sea level.
a. Colour and texture:- This soil contain Clay Loams, Silty clay sub soils, some sands,
decayed organic matter, and little amount of nutrients Phosphorus and Calcium.
c. Other Features: -The important features of these soils are high salt content and
presence of decomposed organic materials
Location :- This soil is found insome parts of Alappuzha, Kottayam and Ernakulam
Formation and Occurrance:- These are situated 12m below sea level.
Black soils
Location:- Black soils are restricted in their occurrence to Chittoor taluk of Palakkad
district. They are found to occur in patches and are considered as extension of the black
cotton soils observed in the adjacent Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu.
Characteristics:- These soils are dark, low in organic matter, calcareous, neutral to
moderately alkaline (PH 7.0 to 8.5) and high in clay content and CEC. Hence they
exhibit the characteristic cracking during dry periods. They are usually located in gently
sloping to nearly level lands. The levels of potassium and calcium are moderate and
those of nitrogen and phosphorus, low. In a relatively small area of 1000 ha. in Chittoor
block, a highly dispersed soil termed as "Poonthalpadam" soil, is seen. This soil occurs
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
as a slushy layer to a depth of about 0.5m to 1.5m. A bed of limestone is seen beneath
the slushy layer. The physical properties like plasticity, cohesion, expansion and
shrinkage are similar to those of the regular soils of the Deccan.
Forest loam
Formation and Occurrance:- They are the products of weathering of crystalline rocks
under forest cover.
a. Colour and texture:- They generally show vide variation in depth and are dark reddish
brown to black, with loam to silty loam texture.They have immature profiles with shallow
soils, followed by gneissic parent material in various stages of weathering. In areas with
lesser canopy cover, signs of laterisation have been observed in the profiles. In denuded
areas, leaching and deposition of humus in the lower layers are observed. The B-horizon
usually contains gneissic gravels and boulders.
Fertile Nature:-The soil is quite fertile under forest cover and promotes prolific
undergrowth. This soil is often found under vegetation
Other Features: - These soils are generally acidic with PH ranging from 5.5 to 6.3. They
are rich in nitrogen; but poor in the bases because of heavy leaching.
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Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Sheet Piles: Z/ U sheet piles cane be used as temporary support wall. This can be
advantageous where it is possible to re-use the sheet pile again and again and
therefore, economy can be achieved however the main concern remains, driving of
sheet piles causes vibrations/noise to the adjacent buildings. This may sometimes lead
to damage to the building and most of the time causes inconvenience to the occupants
of the building. Situation becomes more critical if sensitive buildings are adjacent to the
alignment like hospitals, schools, laboratories, etc. Silent pile driving equipments
however are now available and can be used where such problems are anticipated.
Retaining Casing Piles: This is suitable for situation where the cut and cover is to be
done partly in soil and partly in rocky strata. The top soil retaining structure can be
done with the help of Casing pile which is then grouted with cement slurry. This is
considered suitable in case of shallow level, non-uniform, uneven nature of rock head
surface which render the construction of sheet piles/diaphragm wall impracticable.
These are suitable up to 7-meter depth. The common diameter used for such casing
pile is 2.00-2.50 mm dia.
Soldier Piles and Lagging: Steel piles (H Section or I section) are driven into the
ground at suitable interval (normally 1-1.5 mtr.) centre-to-centre depending on the
section and depth of excavation. The gap between two piles is covered with suitable
lagging of timber planks/shot-creting /steel sheets/GI sheets during the process of
Secant Piles: are cast-in-situ bored piles constructed contiguously to each other so
that it forms a rigid continuous wall. This is considered an alternative to diaphragm wall
where due to soil conditions it is not advisable to construct diaphragm wall from the
consideration of settlement during the trenching operation. 800 to 1000 mm dia piles
are commonly used. Two alternate soft piles are driven and cast in such a way that the
new pile partly cuts into earlier constructed piles. This new pile is constructed with
suitable reinforcement. With this, alternate soft and hard pile is constructed. This has
got all the advantages of diaphragm wall. However, this wall can not be used as part of
permanent structure and permanent structure has to be constructed in- side of this
temporary wall. Anchors
As an alternative to the struts, soil/rock anchors can be used to keep these support
walls in position. This gives additional advantage as clear space is available between
two support walls and progress of excavation & construction is much faster as
compared to the case where large number of struts is provided which create hindrance
to the movement of equipments and material & thus affects the progress adversely.
The combination of all the type of retaining walls, struts/anchors may be necessary for
the project to suit the particular site. Based on the above broad principle, the support
walls system for cut and cover shall be chosen for particular locations.
The choice of superstructure has to be made keeping in view the ease of
constructability and the maximum standardization of the form-work for a wide span
ranges. Following type of superstructures has been considered:
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Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
the construction of every span, formwork units are adjusted, raised and suspended
on the transverse trusses using Maccalloy bars (high tensile bars) in conjunction
with the hollow ram jacks.
- After the formwork units are in place, fixing of reinforcement, placing of ducts and
concreting will follow.
- When the structure achieves a concrete strength of 30 MPa, the stressing of the
tendons will begin.
- Upon complete transfer of load to the starting elements and piers, the formwork
units will be dismantled and placed on the working platform. The entire ALG will
then be jacked to the next span. This cycle is then repeated.
The advantage of the span by span method of construction pertains to the pre-
stressing steel requirement. Since the segments are supported by the form travellers,
there are no cantilever stresses during construction, and pre-stress requirements are
akin to those of conventional construction on false work.
The capital investment in the equipment for this type of construction is considerable.
Taking into account total length of approximately 25.4 km of viaduct and the large
number of equal spans, it may be economically justifiable for the equipment
investment by the contractor. Pre-Cast Construction
For the elevated sections It is recommended to have pre-cast segmental construction
for super structure for the viaduct. For stations also the superstructure is generally of
pre-cast members. The pre-cast construction will have the following advantages:-
- Reduction in construction period due to concurrent working for substructure and
- For segmental, pre-cast element (of generally 3.0m length), transportation from
construction depot to site is easy and economical.
- Minimum inconvenience is caused to the public utilising the road as the
superstructure launching is carried out through launching girder requiring narrow
width of the road.
- As the pre-cast elements are cast on production line in a construction depot, very
good quality can be ensured.
- The method is environment friendly as no concreting work is carried at site for the
Casting of Segments
For viaducts segmental pre-cast construction requires a casting yard. The construction
depot will have facilities for casting beds, curing and stacking areas, batching plant
with storage facilities for aggregates and cement, site testing laboratories,
reinforcement steel yard, fabrication yard, etc. An area of about 3 ha to 4 ha is
required for each construction depot (one per contract).
For casting of segments both long line and short line method can be adopted.
However the long line method is more suitable for spans curved in plan while short line
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
method is good for straight spans. A high degree of accuracy is required for setting out
the curves on long line method for which pre calculation of offsets is necessary. Match
casting of segments is required in either method. The cast segments are cured on the
bed as well as in stacking yard. Ends of the segments are to be made rough through
sand blasting so that gluing of segments can be effective.
The cast segment will be transported on trailers and launched in position through
launching girders.
Launching Scheme
Launching girder is specially designed for launching of segments. The launching
scheme is shown in the Figures 6.1 to 6.7. Initially, the launching girder is erected on
pier head at one end of the work. The segments are lifted in sequence as shown in the
figures and dry matched while hanging from the launching girder. After dry matching,
the segments are glued with epoxy and pre-stressed from one end. The girder is
lowered on the temporary / permanent bearings after pre-stressing. The launching
girder then moves over the launched span to next span and the sequences continue. Structural System of Viaduct
The superstructure of a large part of the viaduct comprises of simply supported spans.
However at major crossing over or along existing bridge, special steel or continuous
unit will be provided.
Normally the Box Girder having a soffit width of about 4.0 m (approx) accommodates
the two tracks situated at 4.2m center to center (c/c). The Box Girder superstructure
for almost all the simply supported standard spans will be constructed by precast
prestressed segmental construction with epoxy bonded joints.
The standard spans c/c of piers of simply supported spans constructed by precast
segmental construction technique has been proposed as 28.0m. The usual segments
shall be 3.0m in length except the Diaphragm segments, which shall be 2.0m each.
The other spans (c/c of pier) comprises of 31.0 m, 25.0 m, 22.0 m, 19.0 m & 16.0 m,
which shall be made by removing/adding usual segments of 3.0 m each from the
center of the span.
- The pier segment will be finalized based on simply supported span of 31.0m and
the same will be also kept for all simply supported standard span.
- For major crossing having spans greater than 31.0m, special continuous units
normally of 3 span construction or steel girders have been envisaged.
- All these continuous units (in case provided at obligatory location) will be
constructed by cast-in-situ balanced cantilever construction technique.
The viaduct superstructure will be supported on single cast-in-place RC pier. The
shape of the pier follows the flow of forces. For the standard spans, the pier gradually
widens at the top to support the bearing under the box webs. At this preliminary design
stage, the size of pier is found to be limited to 1.8m to 2.0 m diameter of circular shape
for most of its height so that it occupies the minimum space at ground level where the
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
alignment often follows the central verge of existing roads. To prevent the direct
collision of vehicle to pier, a Jersey Shaped crash barrier of 1.0 m height above
existing road level has been provided all around the pier. A gap of 25 mm has also
been provided in between the crash barrier and outer face of pier. The shape of upper
part of pier has been so dimensioned that a required clearance of 5.5 m is always
available on road side beyond vertical plane drawn on outer face of crash barrier. In
such a situation, the minimum height of rail above the existing road is 8.4 m. The
longitudinal center to center spacing of elastomeric/pot bearing over a pier would be
about 1.8 m. The space between the elastomeric bearings will be utilized for placing
the lifting jack required for the replacement of elastomeric bearing. An outward slope
of 1:200 will be provided at pier top for the drainage due to spilling of rainwater, if any.
The transverse spacing between bearings would be 3.2 m (to be studied in more
details).The orientation and dimensions of the piers for the continuous units or steel
girder (simply supported span) have to be carefully selected to ensure minimum
occupation at ground level traffic. Since the vertical and horizontal loads will vary from
pier to pier, this will be catered to by selecting the appropriate structural dimensions. Foundation Recommendation
Substratum consists of top 1 meter as filled up soil followed by sand, silty sand, silty
sand mixed with gravel up to 30 meter depth. Pile foundations have been
recommended for the foundations as per the stratum encountered. Hence, pile
foundations with varying pile depths depending on soil characteristic have to be
provided on a case-by-case basis.
Deck Simple Spans
Salient features of the precast segmental construction method technique as envisaged
for the project under consideration are indicated below:
- The superstructure shall be constructed span by span sequentially, starting at
one end of a continuous stretch and finishing at the other end. Nos. of launching
girders may be required so as to work on different stretches simultaneously to
enable completion of the project in time.
- The number of breaks in the stretch can be identified by Nos. of continuous units
& stations.
- The suggested method of erection will be detailed in drawings to be prepared, at
the time of detailed design. The launching girder (or, more accurately, the
assembly truss) is capable of supporting the entire dead load of one span and
transferring it to the temporary brackets attached to the pier. The governing weight
of the segments will be of the order of 50t (to be finalized). The launching girder
envisaged will be slightly longer than two span lengths. It must be able to
negotiate curves in conjunction with temporary brackets.
- Transportation of segments from casting yard to the point of erection will be
effected by appropriately designed low-bedded trailers (tyre-mounted). The
segments can be lifted and erected using erection portal gantry moving on
launching girder.
- Box girder segments shall be match cast at the casting yard before being
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Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
prestressed cantilever cross girders are planned for supporting the concourse girders
and escalators at mezzanine level. All the members will be pre-cast in a construction
depot and launched at site through cranes. Grade of Concrete
It is proposed to carry out construction work with design mix concrete through
computerized automatic Batching Plants with following grade of concrete for various
members as per design requirement/durability considerations.
i) Piles - M -35
ii) Pile cap and open foundation - M -35
iii) Piers - M -40
iv) All precast element for viaduct and station - M -45
v) Cantilever piers and portals - M -45
- M -60
vi) Other miscellaneous structure - M -30
For all the main structures, permeability test on concrete sample is recommended to
ensure impermeable concrete. Reinforcement and pre-stressed Steel
It is proposed to use HYSD 415 or TMT steel as reinforcement bars.For pre-stressing
work, low relaxation high tensile steel strands with the configuration 12 T 13 and or 19
K 15 is recommended (confirming to IS:14268).
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Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011
Fig 6.2
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Fig 6.3
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Fig 6.4
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Fig 6.5
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Fig 6.7
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technology for reducing the size and weight of electrical and electrical products is
especially remarkable. It may be said, therefore, that the combination of the distributed
traction system and the recent technological progress has contributed much to the
progress of the Shinkansen. High-speed railways in Europe employed the concentrated
traction system at first. Today, however, the German ICE and the French TGV have
made a changeover to the distributed traction system. In view of this, it is evident that
the initial choice made for the Japanese Shinkansen was a wise one.
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Electricity consumption
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The carbody of the Shinkansen meets safety requirements in both its strength and
durability, while being lightweight enough for a high-speed train. It is constructed to
provide both high riding comfort and a quiet interior to its passengers. In addition to
these basic living space properties, it also feature a large cross-section to allow for
flexible layout.
Carbody cross-section
The carbody has a large cross section than the worlds other high-speed rail systems.
In terms of the rolling stock gauge, the carbody is 3,400 mm (11 ft) in width and 4,500
mm (15 ft) in height from the rail top. Therefore,, it normally permits a layout of five
seats (2+3) per row. In addition, it is possible to build a bi-level car within the height
limit such as in Series E1 and E4.
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and thereby increasing the car speed. The most common carbody of the Shinkansen is
made of hollow, extrusion-formed aluminum alloy members. This carbody does not
require any support pillars. Since the aluminum-alloy carbody is comparatively easy to
build and has boog soundproofing performance, it has come to be widely used for
many new Shinkansen cars (the 700 and subsequent series).
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The photos of some of the series of the rolling stock of Japan are given below.
E1 Series:
E2 Series:
E3 Series:
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E4 Series: E5 Series:
E6 Series:
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Full active control system
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Series 300 and later, a car-end damper is installed at the end of each car to prevent
them from rolling. For the Series 700, N700, E2 and E3 a damper to restrain yawing is
also installed between the carbodies. I addition, for the Series E2, and later, a
precompressed outer bellows is installed between the carbodies to absorb vibration
and improve riding comfort.
The introduction of a controlled bogie and the control of rolling and yawing by dampers
installed between carbodies have improved the riding comfort of the Shinkansen. A
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carbody inclining system has been introduced on the Series N700, to further improve
the curving performance and riding comfort of the Shinkansen.
Asynchronous motor
After the opening of the Shinkansen in 1964, DC traction motors were used for
the Series 0, 200 and 100, and their speeds were controlled by a tap-changing
method and thruster phase control circuit. The Shinkansen 300 (developed in
1992) and subsequent Shinkansen cars employ asynchronous motors. An
asynchronous (AC) motor is more compact, has a higher output and is lighter
than a DC motor. Despite the fact that the asynchronous motor generates
higher output, its weight is less than half that of a DC motor.
The AC motor is extremely easy to maintain. The AC motors is extremely easy
to maintain. The AC motors that are now in use only require overhaul about
every 3 million km (1.9 million miles) of train operation. This means that despite
the large number of AC motors, they do not cause a bottleneck in vehicle
maintenance. In fact, these motors almost never break down.
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1964 Series 0 changing 185KW
DC 230
1986 Series 100 traction Thyristor km/h
motor phase
1982 Series 200
control 240
circuit km/h
1992 Series 400 210KW
1992 Series 300 300KW
1997 Series 500 285KW
1999 Series 700
Series km/h
2000 275KW
700, 7000 Asynchr
onous 260
2004 Series 800 VVVF
(AC) km/h
Series motor 300
2007 305KW
N700 km/h
1997 Series E2
1997 Series E3 300KW
Series E2,
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Series E3,
Series E1 240
1994 410KW
(MAX) km/h
Series E4
1997 420KW
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Regenerative brake
Powering performance curve and deceleration of Series 700 are shown in the following
Acceleration/Traction Force
Speed V (km/h)
Powering performance curve of Series 700
Deceleration (km/h/s)
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Speed (km/h)
Deceleration of Series 700
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Adhesion control
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lbs) (807,000ibs)
Starting acceleration of
2.5km/h 1.6km/h Series 0 is one before
Starting acceleration
(1.6mph/s) (1.0mph/s) improvement in current
limiting value
Equilibrium speed on 377km/h 300km/h
Open section, tangent
flat track (234mph) (186mph)
195km/h 170km/h
Equilibrium speed on
(121mph) or (106mph) or Open section
3.5% track
more more
i) Reduction to 76% of that of Series 0, ii) 0.3% gradient, iii) Open section, 3.5%
gradient, iv) Tunnel section, 3% gradient
Amidst the mountainous terrain of the Hokuriku and Kyushu areas, the Shinkansen
shines on steep grades.
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Series 0, 200
Series 300
Series 500
Series 700
Series 800
Series 400
Series E1
Series E2
Series E3
Series E4
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The interior of each Shinkansen car is an open, bright and comfortable space. Standard class
cars are equipped with five (2 + 3) seats per row and first class cars with four (2 + 2) seats per
row. The space between seats in contiguous rows is 1,040 mm (3 ft 4 15/16 in) for standard
class and 1,160 mm (3 ft 9 11/16 in) for first class. All seats can be reclined and turned around.
The vestibule areas are equipped with toilets, washbasins, telephones, vending machines and
so on. For physically handicapped persons, specially designated benches, toilets, washbasins
and private compartments are also provided. Careful consideration is given to the layout of
these facilities.
Since the vehicle vestibule is level with the platform, even small children and elderly persons
find no difficulty getting on and off the train.
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General arrangement Club Car (Fist Class Coach Accommodation) Series 700
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Series 800
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Among the high-speed railways, the Japanese Shinkansen (Series 500 & Series N700);
the French TGV Series, Thalys, and Eurostar; the German ICE3, the Spanish AVE, the
Korean KTX, the Taiwanese Series 700T, the Chinese CRH are operating at the worlds
highest speed of 300 to 350 km/h.
All 30 trainsets used on THSR are Electric multiple units (EMUs) of the 700T series,
supplied by a consortium led by Kawasaki Heavy Industries. THSRC considered
ordering an additional six to twelve trains in November 2008 to cope with increased
demand expected by 2011.
The THSR 700T type is based on the 700 Series Shinkansen train used by JR Central
and JR West in Japan. This marked the first time Shinkansen technology had been
exported to a foreign country. The trains had to be adapted for Taiwanese climate
conditions, had to meet European specificationsincluding additional safety
measuresand the nose shape was optimised for tunnels wider than those in Japan.
The maximum service speed of the trains was raised from the 700 Series Shinkansen's
285 to 300 km/h (177 to 186 mph). The 12 cars of a 700T train are grouped in three
traction units with three power cars and one trailer each, providing 10.26 MW of power;
both end cars are trailers to avoid slip on powered bogies. The train is 304 m (997 ft)
long and has a mass of 503 t (554 short tons) when empty. The trains have a passenger
capacity of 989 seats in two classes: 66 seats in 2+2 configuration in the single Business
Car and 923 in 2+3 configuration in the eleven Standard Cars. The per capita energy
consumption of a fully loaded 700T train is 16% of that of private cars and half that of
buses; carbon dioxide emissions are 11% of private cars and a quarter that of buses.
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1) It is recommended to select EMU (Electronic Multiple Unit) for HSR because it will
enable full use of the floor area of a train for passengers, and thus increase the
transportation efficiency. This also has the effect of minimizing the design load for
construction if EMU for HSR are chosen. Moreover, this choice would allow a cost
2) In a view of cost effectiveness it will be preferable to adopt the specifications without
changing those of trains that are already operational in other countries (the design
of the color of the body and interior and the types of fabric for seating may be
selected without additional cost) and to adopt the propulsion system which has
reduced mechanical systems for decreasing potential malfunction and minimizing
maintenance costs.
3) Specification of Rolling Stock Series N700(Shinkansen)
Series No. N700
Train formation 14M2T
(3M1T X 2unites, 4M X 2unites)
Overall length (16 cars) 404.7 m
Seating Capacity (First / standard class 1,323 (200 / 1,123)
Electric System 25kV 60 Hz
Maximum service speed 300 km/h
Starting acceleration 2.6 km/h/s
Carbody: Material Aluminum alloy
Length; (Leading car) 27,350 mm
(Intermediate car) 25,000 mm
Width 3,360 mm
Height; (Single level) 3,600 mm, 3,500 mm
Bogie center distance 17,500 mm
Bogie: Suspension Bolsterless Air-spring
Gauge 1,435 mm
Wheel diameter 860 mm
Wheel base 2,500 mm
Vibration control device Yes
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The above specification is for 16 Car trains. However, Kerala High Speed will need only
8 car trains due to the PHPDT being comparatively less than Japan and Taiwan. Even
ultimately, it may require only 12 car trains for catering to the demand. Hence for
KHSR, some modification will be needed as done on Shinkansen trains for Taiwan high
speed trains. The modifications will be needed as per the changed climate conditions
for having the effective ventilation systems etc.
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Km /h M inutes
300 6
Pass through 5
Pass through
200 230sec 4
Lost tim e
(about 1.5 3
Lost tim e 170sec
m inutes)
100 (about1.5 2
m inutes)
10 20 -10
11.9Km 18.78Km 6.6Km
(case of Taiw an)
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Land for stabling lines and maintenance facilities for future increase of train sets should be
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The system being proposed here is the latest system and is highly reliable. It combines the
proven technology of Japanese Shinkansen developed over many years and the cutting
edge technology of power electronics, which has made tremendous advances in recent
Table 1.1 shows the voltage of overhead contact line for the TM HSR proposed.
In the case of an AC electric railway, the outflow current is induced to the nearby
communication lines, causing inductive problems to the communication lines. A feeding
system shall be adopted as a measure to control the outflow of current.
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There are four major types of feeding systems: simple feeding systems, booster
transformer feeding system, auto transformer feeding system and coaxial cable feeding
system. Table 1.2 shows the characteristics of each system.
Of the systems, the auto-transformer feeding system has many characteristics that are
suitable for the TM HSR. For example, it can have a longer interval between sub stations,
it is effective in reducing induction to communication lines, and it can control the leakage
of current from the rails of the ground.
For this reason, the auto Transformer (AT) feeding system is recommended for the TM
HSR, which requires high density/high volume power supply.
In general, the auto-transformers are installed at a standard interval of 10 to 15 km. For this
project, the auto transformer will be installed at substations, sectioning posts, sub
sectioning posts and AT-posts. The rated power self capacity of each auto-transformer is
5MVA. Details of how the capacity was selected are explained in 2.5.
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The 2x25KV Power Supply system is being recommended for TM HSR. In comparison with
an architecture based on 1x25 kV, a system based on 2x25 kV architecture shall provide
the following advantages for the HSR:
- With equal traffic the number of sub-stations, and consequently neutral sections
would reduce to half.
- With the same number of sub stations, it is possible to double the traffic,
- To locate in better conditions the sub-stations at the proximity of the existing very
high voltage lines,
- To decrease significantly the electromagnetic interferences created by the OCS in
face of the signaling and telecommunications installations.
Although constraints in the installation of substations for this project have not been clarified,
the capacity of feeding transformers is examined based on the assumption that the feeding
section interval between the substations is approximately 80 km. The tentative study
indicates that 08 substations with 07 sectioning posts will be required.
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Between a substation and a sectioning post, a few sub-sectioning post (SSP) are to be set
up. This makes it possible to minimize the affected section during maintenance or when an
accident occurs. AT post (ATP) is required to provide relief when there is a drop in voltage
and to mitigate inductive problems triggered by a low-voltage circuit.
There will be around 28 sub-sectioning posts and 05 AT posts. The positions of the SSP
are determined taking into account the feeding distance, the location of AT posts, station
positions, and cost-effectiveness, etc.
Once the commercial operation ends, feeding from the substations to the main line will also
stop so that maintenance can be carried out. The car depots, however, will continue to
need power to perform maintenance on the rolling stock and to air-condition the cars to
prepare them for early morning operation, even after the commercial operation has finished
for the day. For this reason, the car depots need an independent power supply system.
There are two ways to supply power to the car depots: by setting up a dedicated substation
or by providing an independent dedicated power supply from the nearest substation. The
latter is preferred on account of economic considerations.
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- Extended feeding: The substation and sectioning post facilities shall have
configuration capable of extended feeding.
Extended feeding is resorted to supply the same-phase power supply into a regular feeding
section through the sectioning post when power supply of adjacent substation fails . This
method ensures the continued supply of power for passenger services, including lighting
and air-conditioning, to cars that are still in the section. However, due to the following
reasons , extended feeding will not be used for regular operation.
+ It is unlikely that the power failure at a substation will continue for long time as power
supply will be provided through two independent sources, two feeding transformers
will be used for regular and backup operation, and other devices will also have
backup. If extended feeding is used for the purpose of ensuring normal operation,
the interval between substations will be longer and huge facility investment will be
needed, making the option very expensive.
+ Parallel operation of feeding transformers will not be carried out. If a power receiving
bus line is installed for parallel operation, then the short circuit current will become
very large. It will necessitate raising the current overload capacity of the auto-
transformer, circuit breaker and so on, making the cost formidable.
Thus rating of the feeding transformers, auto transformers, circuit breakers etc. is
made on the assumption of regular feeding.
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Insulation of BIL 200 kV will be used for overhead contact lines with auto transformer
feeding facilities and low voltage control circuits. Even though the high voltage devices
have earth fault protection, net like earth connection is used to distribute the grounding
potential evenly. Optical cables are likely to be used as communication cables for
controlling the trains entry into stations and information display and as cables for circuit
+ Separate the communication lines from the overhead contact line as far as possible
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+ Install auto transformers to proactively absorb the current from the rails to harness
the current leaked to the ground.
+ Separate the communication line from the overhead contact line as far as possible
or cover the communication line with cables.
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The maximum electrical power per hour can be calculated from train types and the number
of trains in each type that operate in the section for which the feeding substation supplies
power. The maximum electrical power per hour is calculated as follows:
Wa= (PuxWtxLLxNex2)/(1000xPF)
Wt : Weight of train
The capacity of feeding transformers will be based on the start of full operation in 2026.
Based on a train set of 12 cars and two trains per hour between Trivandrum Mangalore, it
is suggested to have transformer capacity of 80 MVA for feeding a distance of 80 km. Thus,
the 80MVA value will be used.
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Table 1.3 Capacity Required for the Feeding Transformer and Rating Capacity.
However the capacity would be finalized based on the simulation study carried out at the
detailed design stage.
Besides the capacity needed for operating electric trains, the auto transformer also needs
to have short circuit capacity that corresponds and endures the intensity of the electrical
source (electrical source short circuit capacity). Assuming that the capacity needed for the
auto transformer is set based on the capacity needed to operate electric trains, when the
electrical system is configured with large electrical source short circuit capacity and small
ground fault resistance, it is conceivable that electric current above the specified short
Circuit current may flow to the winding wire when a train accident occurs.
The Simple OCS includes trackside equipment, but the power supply system must be
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thought about as a global system including the pantographs installed on the rolling
stock. The proper working of the whole system includes the interface between the
catenary and the pantograph.
The electric static clearance between the parts of the OCS electrified under 25 kV and the
structures not electrified must be at the minimum of 320 mm as per IEC 270.
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In case of use of one common gantry to support the catenary of the 2 tracks, a
problem on the gantry may prevent train operation on both tracks. Gantry supports
may be required:
- In the areas where switches are installed,
- In stations at location where the insufficient gauge do not allow to install
independent posts for each track.
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The design of tensioning devices has been modified and uses only ball bearings.
The contact wire has a deflection in the middle of the span of 1/2000 of the length of the
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One way to fix the Simple OCS equipments in tunnels and cut and covers is to use fixing
profiles of the Halfen" type (or a similar production).
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Fig 1.9- Example of "inserts" installed in the vault of the tunnel to support OCS equipments
The aerial earthing conductor and the feeder may also be fixed in tunnels with a profile of
the Halfen type.
Aluminum alloy stranded wire (300 mm2) and copper stranded wires (200 mm2) are used
for feeder cables. Polymer insulator is recommended for use. Insulator characteristics are:
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Polymer Insulator
For train operation at 300 km/h (186 mph) a copper clad steel contact wire and a copper
alloy contact wire are used.
Catenary Equipment
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CS contact wire is composed of a center made of steel and an exterior covered with
copper. For a copper alloy contact wire, we add chromium and zinconium to the copper for
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PHC and tin for SN. Copper alloy contract wire gives a higher tensile strength, and is
superior to CS contact wire in terms of recycling after use to the allowance wear limit.
Pulley type has been used for automatic tension regulator, but spring type (39.2 kN, tension
change ratio: 9%) is recently used. Consequently it is not required to lubricate and replace
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T: Trolley (Wire)
M: Messenger (Wire)
Fig 1.8-The tensioning equipment are realized with 4 spans or 5 spans depending on the site conditions
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- An aerial earthing cable is installed and connected on the catenary masts (as
indicated in the drawing below),
- An earth cable is buried in the ground.
From time to time, on locations defined by the design study for the return of the traction
current, this aerial cable is linked to the earth cable and linked to the rails also. The
metallic structures of the cables are connected to the earth cable.
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Standard Title
EN 10034 Structural Steel I and H Sections Tolerances on Shape and
EN 10055 Hot Rolled Steel Equal Flange Tees with Raduised Root and Toes
Dimensions and Tolerances on Shape and Dimensions
EN 10056 Structural Steel Equal and Unequal Leg Angles
EN 10083 Quenched and Tempered Steels
EN 10088 Stainless Steels
EN 1301 Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys
EN 50163 Supply Voltage of Traction System
EN 60811 Insulating and Sheathing Materials of Electric Cables
ENV 50121-5 Railway Application Electromagnetic Compatibility Part 5: Fixed
Power Supply Installations
EURONORM IPE Beams; I-Beams with Parallel Flange Facings and Steel Products
19 IPN Beams Dimensions
IEC 60398 General Test for Electro-heating Equipment
IEC 1131 Programmable controllers
IEC 265.1 High Voltage Switch
IEC 502 Insulated and protected cables for power supply network
IEC 60 44-1 Current Transformers
IEC 60 44-2 Voltage Transformer
IEC 60137 Insulated Bushing for rated Voltage above 1 kV
IEC 60157 Low Voltage Switchgear Circuit Breakers
IEC 60168 Tests on Indoor and Outdoor Post Insulators of Ceramic Material or
Glass for Systems with Nominal Voltages greater than 1000 V
IEC 60228 Conductor of Insulated Cables
IEC 60273 Dimensions of Indoor and Outdoor Post Insulators and Post Insulator
Units for Systems with Nominal Voltages greater than 1000 V
IEC 60296 Insulating oils for transformers
IEC 60297 Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482.6 mm (19 in)
IEC 60372 Locking Devices for Ball and Socket Couplings of String Insulator
Units Dimensions and Tests
IEC 60376 Sulphur Hexafluoride
IEC 60383 Insulators for Overhead Lines with a nominal Voltage above 1000 V
IEC 60502 Power Cables from 1 kV to 30 kV
IEC 60591 Test for OHCS Ceramic or Glass Insulators above 1 kV
IEC 60591 Sampling Rules and Acceptance Criteria when applying Statistical
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Standard Title
Control Methods for Mechanical and Electromechanical Tests on
Insulators of Ceramic Material or Glass for Overhead Lines with a
Nominal Voltage greater than 1000 V
IEC 60721 Environmental conditions :Specifications for painting
IEC 622 Sealed Nickel-Cadmium prismatic rechargeable single cell.
IEC 801 Electromagnetic Compatibility for Industrial-process Measurement
and Control IEC 870
ISO 1035 Hot Rolled Steel Bars
ISO 1190 Copper and Copper Alloys
ISO 1234 Split Pins
ISO 1337 Wrought Coppers (having Minimum Copper Contents of 99,85%)
Chemical Composition and Forms of Wrought Products
ISO 1460 Metallic Coatings Hot Dip Galvanised Coatings on Ferrous
Materials Gravimetric Determination of the Mass per Unit Area
ISO 1461 Metallic Coatings Hot Dip Galvanised Coatings on Fabricated
Ferrous Products Requirements
ISO 2092 Light Metals and their Alloys Code of Designation based on
Chemical Symbols
ISO 2340 Clevis Pins without Head
ISO 2341 Clevis Pins with Head
ISO 261 ISO General Purpose Metric Screw Threads General Plan
ISO 262 ISO General Purpose Metric Screw Threads Selected Sizes for
Screws, Bolts and Nuts
ISO 2859/1 Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Attributes Sampling Plans
Indexed by Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) for Lot-by-lot Inspection
ISO 3768 Metallic Coatings Neutral Salt Spray Test (NSS Test)
ISO 4014 Hexagon Head Bolts Product Grades A and B
ISO 4017 Hexagon Head Screw Bolts Product Grades A and B
ISO 4032 Hexagon Nuts, Style 1 Product Grades A and B
ISO 404 Steel and Steel Products General Technical Delivery Requirements
ISO 657 Hot Rolled Steel Sections
ISO 68 ISO General Purpose Screw Threads Basic Profile
ISO 8402 Quality Management and Quality Assurance Vocabulary
ISO 898 Mechanical Properties of Fasteners
ISO 9000 Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standards
ISO 9001 Quality Systems Model for Quality Assurance in Design /
Development, Production, Installation and Servicing
ISO 9002 Quality Systems Model for Quality Assurance in Production and
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Standard Title
ISO 9003 Quality Systems Model for Quality Assurance in Final Inspection
and Test
ISO 9004 Quality Management and Quality System Elements
ISO 965 ISO General Purpose Metric Screw Threads
UIC 505-1 Railway Transport Stock Rolling Stock Construction Gauge
UIC 505-4 Effects on the Application of the Kinematic Gauges defined in the 505
Series of Leaflets on the Positioning of Structures in relation to the
Tracks and of the Tracks in relation to each other
UIC 606-1 OR Consequences of the Application of the Kinematic Gauges defined by
UIC Leaflets in the 505 Series on the Design of the Contact Lines
UIC 606-2 OR Installation of 25 kV and 50 or 60 Hz Overhead Contact Lines
UIC 608 OR Conditions to be complied with for the Pantographs of Tractive Units
used on International Services
UIC 791 R Quality Assurance of Overhead Line Equipment
UIC 811-1 Technical Specifications for the Supply of Axles and Trailing Stock
UIC 812-2 Solid Wheels for Tractive and Trailing Stock Tolerances
UIC 870 O Technical Specification for Grooved Contact Wires
IEC 28 International specification of soft annealing type copper
IEC 99-2 Expulsion type lighting arresters
IEC 99-1 Non-linear resistor type gapped surge arresters for A.C. system
IEC 62271-200 Alternating current disconnectors and earthing switches
IEC 146-1-3 Semiconductor converters, general requirements and line
commutated converters. Transformers and reactors
IEC 146-1-2 Semiconductor converters, general requirements and line
commutated converters. Application guide
IEC 146-1-1 Semiconductor converters, general requirements and line
commutated converters. Specifications of basic requirements.
IEC 196 IEC standard frequencies
IEC 228 Conductors of insulated cable
IEC 265-1 High voltage switches for rated voltage above 1 kV and less than 52
IEC 296 New insulating mineral oil specification for transformers
IEC 298 A.C. metal enclosed switchgear and control gear for rated voltages
above 1 kV and up to and including 72,5 kV
IEC 502-2 Extruded solid dielectric insulated power cables and their accessories
for rated voltage from 6 kV (Um = 7,2 kV) up to 30 kV (Um = 36 kV)
IEC 551 Determination of transformer and reactor sound level
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Standard Title
IEC 622 Alkaline secondary cells and batteries- Sealed nickel-cadmium
parallelepiped rechargeable single cells
IEC 721-3-3 Classification of environmental conditions- Classification of groups of
environmental parameters and their severity- Stationary use at
weather protected locations.
IEC 726 Dry type power transformer
IEC 1131 Programming languages Programmable controllers Part 3
IEC 1131 Programmable Logic Controllers
IEC 297-3 Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482.6 mm (19 in) series
IEC 571 Electronic equipment specification
IEC 60870 Transmission Protocol
IEC 801-1 Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-process measurement and
control equipment General introduction
IEC 801-2 Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-process measurement and
control equipment Electrostatic discharge requirements
IEC 801-3 Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-process measurement and
control equipment Radiated electromagnetic field requirements
IEC 801-4 Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-process measurement and
control equipment - Electrical for transient/burst requirements
IEC 801-5 Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-process measurement and
control equipment Shock wave requirements
IEC 801-6 Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial-process measurement and
control equipment Immunities to disturbances conducted and
induced by radio fields
IEC 848 Preparation of block diagrams for control systems
IEC 870-1-1 Control equipment and systems General principles
IEC 870-2-1 Control equipment and systems Power supply and environment
IEC 870-3 Control equipment and systems Interfaces (electrical
IEC 870-4 Control equipment and systems Performance requirements
IEC 870-5 Control equipment and systems Transmission protocol
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Corridor Station KM
SSP20 195.00
TSS6 180.00
SSP21 165.00
SSP22 155.00
SP6 140.00
SSP23 125.00
SSP24 115.00
Ernakulam HIGH
SSP25 85.00
SSP26 75.00 TSS 3
SP7 60.00 SP 2
SSP27 45.00 SSP 9
SSP28 35.00 ATP 1
TSS8 20.00 TOTAL 15
ATP2 8.00
Trivandrum HSR Station 0.00
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Signalling and Train Control
The Signalling and Train Control system shall provide the means of an efficient Train
Control, ensuring safety in train movements. It assists in optimization of rail
infrastructure investment and running of efficient train services on the network.
On high speed lines in Europe and Asia, there are mainly two types of signaling systems
presently in service. Europe is shifting towards ERTMS Level 2 on high speed lines and
is becoming the standard in Europe. This is true for some Non-European countries also.
Where as the countries which already have high speed lines in Asia like Japan, Taiwan
etc are using the older proven signaling system having ATC based on track circuits.
Any of these systems can be deployed on a high speed line in order to have Centralized
Train Control System.
9.1.1 Overview
High speed rail is expected to carry large number of passengers by maintaining shorter
spacing between trains requiring a very high level of safety enforcement and reliability.
At the same time heavy investment in infrastructure and Rolling stock necessitates
optimization of its capacity to provide the best services to the people.
These requirements of the High Speed Rail are planned to be achieved by adopting ATC
sub-systems. This will:
Provide high level of safety with trains running at high speed at shorter headways
ensuring continuous safe train separation.
Eliminate accidents due to driver passing Signal at Danger by continuous speed
monitoring and automatic application of brake in case of disregard of signal / warning
by the driver.
Provides safety and enforces speed limit on section having permanent and
temporary speed restrictions.
Improve capacity with safer and smoother operations. Driver will have continuous
display of Target Speed in his cab enabling him to optimize the speed potential of the
track section. It provides signal / speed status in the cab even in bad weather.
Increased productivity of rolling stock by increasing line capacity and train speeds,
and enabling train to arrive at its destination sooner. Hence more trips will be
possible with the same number of rolling stock.
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Signalling and Train Control
9.2.1 The trains are operated at such high speeds that wayside signals can hardly be
recognized by the human eye, a cab signal system which indicates a permissible train
speed on the drivers console is employed in place of the wayside-signal system. In
addition, a device is employed which applies the brakes automatically (without
intervention of the train crew) when it becomes necessary to lower the train speed. This
is called Automatic Train Control (ATC), and it ensures the safe operation of trains.
9.2.2 The train control system ensures safety and reliability. In order to operate high-speed
trains safely and efficiently, it is essential that all trains are controlled in a centralized
manner. This is accomplished by implementing a traffic control system that permits
confirmation of current train positions, train numbers, route open/close status and
other information on an integrated display panel. The traffic controller can manipulate
the points and signals at all stations from the display terminal. The integrated display
panel and display terminal also permit continuous monitoring of the operating
conditions of the entire line.
9.2.3 The Signalling and Train control system forms the basis of the security setup, and to
ensure safety, stability and reliability, the systems devices constitute a redundant fail-
safe system. A fail-safe system means that it is designed to always work on the safe
side, even in the event of failure. This concept supports the safety and reliability of
9.3.2 If any train is not operated as scheduled, this computer issues an alarm calling for
suitable adjustments such as changing the sequence of departures/arrivals. In addition,
central computer predicts train operating conditions according to conditions set by traffic
control personnel.
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Signalling and Train Control
9.3.3 This computer can also performs transport planning and traffic control, managements
equipment, vehicles and maintenance, controls information and more in order to improve
the reliability, economy, maintainability, operability and scalability of the System.
9.4.1 ERTMS Level 2 (also called ETCS Level 2) is a fix block continuous speed
supervision and control system. This system works like a conventional Automatic
Train Protection System but the vital information exchange between the train and
track side equipments is through radio instead of track circuit. On the track side,
centralized Radio Block Centers (RBC) and distributed EURO balises are
provided. GSM-R radio basically transfers the vital information to and from
onboard system and EURO balises are used for initialization and periodic
calibration of onboard computer.
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Signalling and Train Control
9.4.2 Train detection and train integrity supervision are performed by the trackside
equipment of the underlying signaling system (interlocking, track circuits etc.) and
are outside the scope of ERTMS.
9.4.3 In the RBC, all static data such as static speed profiles, gradient profiles, track
conditions and location of Balises are held in the form of a routemap. Through a
direct connection between RBC and interlocking all the necessary dynamic
information such as state of the points and signals are available in the RBC.
Thus, in the RBC an image of the supervised area exists.
9.4.4 The fixed infrastructure information in RBC is combined with the variable
information taken from the track side interlocking.
9.4.5 With this information, the RBC is constantly in a position to calculate a MA for
every ETCS controlled train in the area, or to withdraw a previously issued MA.
9.4.6 This information is passed in the form of message to the GSM-R radio for
assessment to the train.
9.4.7 The on board unit will process the information received via radio and the
information available in the trainborne unit such as brake characteristics to
determine the necessary speed profile and identify the necessary information for
presentation to the driver via the DMI.
9.4.8 The on board unit also sends information to the RBC, for example MA request or
position reports thus provide bi-directional data exchange on real time bases
regarding train locations. Based on the position report, the train position on the
RBC routemap can be updated. This information is processed by different
systems for control and supervisory functions.
9.4.9 Recognised procedures are used to ensure the security of the radio
9.4.10 Although in this arrangement, line side signals are not required but still it is
proposed to keep line side signals on interlocked stations having point and
crossings. Line side signal will also be required at the depot connections in both
directions. These signals also provide backup in case of system failure.
9.4.11 This system provides continuous speed supervision and control and also protect
against over run of movement authority. Train detection and train integrity
supervision are performed by track side equipment (interlocking, track circuits
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Signalling and Train Control
9.5 Components
- Knowing each train equipped with and running under ETCS within and RBC area by
its ETCS identity.
- Handing over of train control between different RBCs at the RBC-RBC borders.
- The train reads Eurobalises and sends its position relative to the detected Balises to
the Radio Block Centre
- The train receives a movement authority and the track description via Euroradio
relating to a Balise.
- Selection of the most restrictive value of the different speeds permitted at each
location ahead.
- Calculation of a dynamic speed profile taking into account the train running/braking
characteristics which are known on board and the track description data
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Signalling and Train Control
- Comparison of the actual train speed with the permitted speed and commanding of
the brake application if necessary.
9.8.1 The movement authority is generated by the Radio Block Centre, on the basis of
communications with the ERTMS-equipped trains on one side and with interlocking
on the other.
- Setting and releasing of routes, in relation to the orders from the Control Centre,
9.8.3 The main objective of the communication between interlocking and the Radio Block
Centres then to provide information about:
- The emergency replacement of signals to red, due either to the intervention of the
Controller or due to an emergency situation
9.9.1 The Level 2 system will also provide an interface to the operator of the Control
9.9.2 Typical facility offered by the Level 2 system is to allow the introduction and removal
of temporary speed restrictions directly by the operator, or any portion of the area
covered by the Radio Block Centre. Other commands can also be sent, as sending
Unconditional Emergency stop to one or to all trains, sending text messages to a
train, etc.
9.9.3 The Level 2 system can also provide information about the trains it supervises,
based on their position report and on the train data known by the Radio Block
Centre. This includes train running number, train length, train category, train
position, train mode and train speed.
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Signalling and Train Control
9.10.1 The rails of train tracks are divided into sections (shorter than that in the vicinity of
station), with each one electrically insulated from the adjacent sections to form a
track circuit. When a train enters a section, its wheel sets drops a track circuit,
indicating presence of a train, ATC telegrams are sent on the rails. The on board
ATC system receives these telegrams from the rails with a receiver and displays it
via the speedometer on the driving console. This enables the driver to acknowledge
the signal aspect ahead even when forward visibility is insufficient due to rain, fog or
other meteorological conditions. The ATC system automatically applies the brakes
at the right time when required, regardless of the drivers intention.
9.10.2 This system is based on the principle of making the onboard devices take the
initiative in controlling train speed. Under this setup, trains have a database that
stores the information required for speed control such as data on track conditions
and vehicle performance. Additionally, wayside devices transmit digital signals
containing information on the position of the preceding train and the turnout
open/close status. On receiving the information, the onboard devices retrieve an
appropriate brake pattern from the database, perform the necessary calculations
and implement optional brake control. The wayside devices send digital signals on
the number of clear sections ahead and the route code to trains, based on which
the onboard devices compute an appropriate brake pattern consecutively and
perform optimal brake application.
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Signalling and Train Control
The information to drive the train are displayed in the cabin to the driver (cab signaling).
Following information are displayed to the driver;
Actual speed
Maximum speed at which he is permitted to travel
the target speed to achieve
the target distance at which a target speed is to be achieved
Mode of supervision
Cab Signalling enables the driver to acknowledge the signal aspect ahead even when
forward visibility is insufficient due to rain, fog or other meteorological conditions. The
ATC system automatically applies the brakes at the right time when required, regardless
of the drivers intention.
ERTMS Level 2 system can be installed with or without signals. In the case this is
implemented with signals, the implementation must take into account possible discord
between the cab signaling and the signal indication.
Further, these redundant line side signals are useful for back up arrangement when
trackside is defective.
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Signalling and Train Control
- A train supervision system will be installed to facilitate the monitoring of train operation
and also remote control of the station. The train supervision will log each train movement
and display it on the workstations with each Traffic Controller at the OCC and on one
workstation placed in the Station Control room (SCR) with each Station Controller.
- The centralized system will be installed in the Operation Control Centre. The OCC will
have a projection display panel showing a panoramic view showing the status of tracks,
points, signals and the vehicles operating in the relevant section/ whole system.
At all stations with points and crossings, Computer Based Interlocking (CBI) will be
provided for operation of points and crossings and setting of routes.
The setting of the route and clearing of the signals will be done by workstation, which
can be either locally (at station) operated or operated remotely from the OCC.
This sub-system is used for controlling vehicle movements into or out of stations
automatically from a workstation. All stations having points and crossings will be
provided with workstations for local control. Track occupancy, point position, etc. will be
clearly indicated on the workstation. It will be possible to operate the workstation locally,
if the central control hands over the operation to the local station. The interlocking
system design will be on the basis of fail-safe principle.
Track Circuit/Axle counter will be used for vehicle detection and for transmission of data
from track to train (if train control information is transmitted through track circuits).
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Signalling and Train Control
All depot lines except the one which is used for shunting and in the workshop shall be
interlocked. A workstation shall be provided in the Depot Control Centre for electrical
operation of the points, signals and routes of the depot yard. Audio Frequency Track
Circuits or DC track circuit will be used in the depot as well.
The signals from these systems will be provided to Train Control system to ensure
appropriate action to avoid a unsafe situation.
Where there is a risk of flooding of the railway track, steps should be taken in
order to slow down or stop the trains before the concerned area.
A specific study should have to be realized in order to evaluate the risks and the
possible consequences of an earthquake, taking into account the geotechnical
characteristics of the site.
If there are risks with regards to the train operation, seismic captors shall have to
be installed near the line and data shall be transmitted to the OCC/train control
All the Road Over Bridges (ROB) located on High Speed Line must be equipped
with a protection system in order to avoid the fall of vehicles on the tracks. As a
complement, the road bridges with heavy traffic and with such a configuration
that fall of vehicles may be considered, a system for the detection of falling
vehicles must be installed.
In windy areas, there is a risk of overturn of the train under the combination of
crosswinds and induced winds provoked by the trains.
A meteorological study must be carried out in order to define the critical sites
taking into account and protective steps ensured:
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Signalling and Train Control
To counter the risk of falling rocks on the tracks and/or landslides, specials
systems must be installed in order to prevent accidents.
9.17 Standards
The Signalling and Train Control system shall be as below. Sub-system/ components will
conform to international standards like CENELEC, IEC, BS, IS, ITU-T etc:
The following standards will be adopted with regard to the Signalling system.
Description Standards
UPS (uninterrupted
For Signalling, Telecommunications and AFC
power at stations as
well as for OCC)
ERTMS Level 2 or Train Control system based on
Train protection system Track circuit based transmission
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Signalling and Train Control
Reliable uninterrupted power supply is the most essential requirement for working of
Signalling, Telecom and AFC installation. There will be a common 3 phase UPS catering
to various loads to meet the requirement of voltage and frequency range of all the
systems. UPS will also have generator backup.
Adequate space for proper installations of all Signalling and UPS equipment at each of
the stations has to be provided keeping in view the case of maintenance and use of
instrumentation set up for regular testing and line up of the equipment/system. The
areas required at each of the stations for Signalling equipment shall be generally 60
sq.m for UPS Room (common for signalling and telecom) and for Signalling Equipment
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Signalling and Train Control
Room 50 sq.m at interlocked station with points & 20 sq.m at other stations. These
areas shall also cater to local storage and space for maintenance personnel to work. At
the OCC and the Depot, the areas required shall be as per the final configuration of the
equipments and network configuration keeping space for further expansion.
The philosophy of continuous monitoring of system status and preventive & corrective
maintenance of Signalling and telecommunication equipments shall be followed. Card /
module / sub-system level replacement shall be done in the field. Maintenance
personnel shall be suitably placed at intervals and they shall be trained in
multidisciplinary skills. Each team shall be equipped with a fully equipped transport
vehicle for effectively carrying out the maintenance from station to station.
The defective card/ module / sub-system taken out from the section shall be sent for
diagnostic and repair to a centralized S&T repair lab suitably located on the section. This
lab will be equipped with appropriate diagnostic and test equipments to rectify the faults
and undertake minor repairs. Cards / modules / equipments requiring major repairs as
specified in suppliers documents shall be sent to manufacturer's workshop.
9.17.4 Conclusion
Both train control technologies i.e. ERTMS Level 2 and Train Control based on track to
train communication are suitable for high speed rail as both are proven and are working
in Europe, Japan, Taiwan and China.
It is also suggested that line side signal will also be provided for back up signaling.
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Signalling and Train Control
SDH (minimum STM-4) based system will be adopted with SDH nodes at
every station and OCC . Access 2MB multiplexing system will be adopted
for the lower level at each node, equipped for channel cards depending on
the requirement of channels in the network. Further small routers and
switches shall be provided for LAN network at stations. Alternatively a
totally IP Based High Capacity, highly reliable and fault tolerant, MPLS
Ethernet Network can be provided in lieu of SDH/MUX.
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Signalling and Train Control
The CCTV system shall provide video surveillance and recording function
for the operations to monitor each station. The monitoring shall be
possible both locally at each station and remotely from the OCC.
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Signalling and Train Control
(i) Technology
System Standards
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Signalling and Train Control
System Standards
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Signalling and Train Control
The defective card/ module / sub-system taken out from the section shall
be sent for diagnostic and repair to a centralized S&T repair lab suitably
located on the section. This lab will be equipped with appropriate
diagnostic and test equipments to rectify the faults and undertake minor
repairs. Cards / modules / equipment requiring major repairs as specified
in suppliers documents shall be sent to manufacturer's workshop.
For Multiple Journey, the Store Value Contactless Smart Card can be
utilized and for the Single Journey, Smart Contactless Token can be
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Signalling and Train Control
The technology proposed for AFC systems are given in Table 9.2:
Standards Description
a) Contactless smart card For multiple journeys.
Fare media b) Single Journey : Same as being adopted for other Metro Line
(East West Corridor).
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Signalling and Train Control
Standards Description
Computer controlled retractable flap type automatic gates at entry
and exit. There will be following types of gates:
Gates Exit
Reversible (if required as per final station layout) can be set
to entry or exit
Reversible Handicapped Gate -gate for disabled people.
All the fare collection equipment shall be connected in a local area
network with a station server controlling the activities of all the
Station computer, machines. These station servers will be linked to the central
Central computer computer situated in the operational control centre through the optic
and AFC Net fibre communication channels. The centralised control of the system
work shall provide real time data of earnings, passenger flow analysis,
blacklisting of specified cards etc.
Ticket office Manned Ticket office machine shall be installed in the stations for
machine selling tickets to the passengers. Also POMs shall be provided for
(TOM/EFO) Automatic Ticket Vending.
Ticket reader and Ticket reader shall be installed near EFO for passengers to check
portable ticket information stored in the ticket.
power at stations Common UPS of S&T system will be utilized.
as well as for
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Signalling and Train Control
Entry/Exit Gates
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Signalling and Train Control
9.20 The Technology for Ticket sale for High Speed Rail in Other countries
That is the two parts of he world where high speed lines are the most experienced.
This document is intended to provide a view of AFC systems dedicated to high speed
lines. It will present:
Existing Systems.
Here the AFC systems existing around the world is described. The examples
highlighted herein present the ticketing systems in France and Japan by
Tickets media
Tickets media
France uses actually one ticket media for the high speed train, the paper ticket. The
dimension is: 20,3 cm x 8.2 cm. This ticket contains the travel information
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Signalling and Train Control
All the sale systems need a connection with the booking system to attribute and book
the place.
For the Internet system the customer chooses how to get this ticket. He can get it by
mail or in a ticket distributor in a rail station. Recently the rail operator offers at the
customer to print his ticket himself but not for every train at the moment.
The French rail stations are all open area. The customer must validate his ticket
before boarding. There are many validators principally close to the platforms.
The validators print on the ticket the stations name, the date and the time plus mark
a triangle shape in relief and it is not possible to validate a second time.
The control is done on board the train. The controllers do a visual check of the ticket
and use a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) with a dedicated application to register
the potential violation.
Ticket Media.
Japan uses two tickets media for the high speed train, the magnetic ticket and the
contactless card.
The dimensions of the magnetic ticket are: 8,5 cm x 5,75 cm. This ticket contains
the travel informations:
This card is interoperable with other transit systems ( metro, bus) in Japan.
In Japan the train ticket can be bought:
All the sale systems need a connection with the booking system to attribute and book
the place.
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Signalling and Train Control
For the magnetic ticket, the validator checks if it is the right station.
For the smart card, the validator records the departure station in the card and the
minimum fare is collected. At the destination station, the validator calculates the
amount and collects the complement if necessary.
The control is done on board the train. The controllers do a visual check of the ticket
and use a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) with a dedicated application to register
the potential violation.
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1) The proposed train set is an 8 (eight) car train, which consists of six motor cars
and two trailer cars, designed considering technical features of rolling stock of
HSR and to provide adequate frequency of train operation for HSR users.
2) All of commercial trains will stop only on one station in between to get the higher
average speed. Few trains may be allowed to stop even on both the intermediate
3) A period of time between 22.46 hrs. and 6:00 am is strictly allocated for
maintenance work only. No commercial train operation shall be allowed during
this time zone from view point of safety of maintenance work at the site, which is
essential for safety train operation and comfortable riding quality.
4) Consideration for transfer to/from other transport modes and transit to/from
conventional railway lines shall be taken into account at the HSR
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Shuttle service will be provided for the transit railway passenger using existing
conventional railway when the HSR station is apart from the station of the
existing railway line.
1) Detailed traveling time is not estimated at this time due to lack of detailed
alignment data.
2) The proposed HSR trains will be operated at its maximum speed of 300 kph
through out the route between Trivandrum and Mangalore with no speed
restriction section if horizontal/vertical alignment design along the route is
3) The number of stations of the HSR line will be four, namely Trivandrum, Quilon,
Ernakulam, and the stopping time at each station is assumed to be two to two and
half minutes. Consequently, traveling time between Trivandrum and Ernakulam is
estimated at approximately 47 minutes. In case no stop in between, traveling time
is estimated at approximately 42 minutes.
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Energy Consumption:
It is planned that time between 22.45 hrs and 06.00 hrs. will be strictly allocated for
maintenance work only. No commercial train operation shall be allowed during this
time. The last train from either side of the terminal will leave at 22.00 hours. The total
number of trips for catering to the projected traffic in 2020 will be 2x7+1x9 = 23 Nos
one way.
Total Annual Energy Consumption= 3257260 x 48 = (KW hour per TKM) = 15.63
Crores KWHR.
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Figure 10.1 Diagram of 30 minutes headway for rush hour and 60 minutes headway for day time Maximum
speed 300km/h, Series N700)
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R 11
The proposed high speed rail link between Thiruvananthapuram and Kasargod in Kerala is of about 550
km length. On this route, 9 stations are proposed at present and 3 in future. The proposed high speed
corridor along the west coast is quite near the existing railway lines. The proposed nine stations are
Thiruvananthapuram, Quilon, Kottayam, Earnakulam, Thrissur, Calicut, Kannur, Kasargod and Manglore,
while Chengannur, Tirur and Thalassery are the future stations. Kerala has a coast line of 580 km. The
proposed stations and alignment is shown in Figure 11.1 On the proposed high speed rail link, trains will
run at a speed of 300 kmph through tunnels and a dedicated right of way (ROW).
Due to the typical coastal terrain, approach roads, bridges and tunnels are to be built for construction of
the rail link. As a result, the excavate that will be generated may eventually slide down into the streams
if not disposed off properly. The construction of the rail link may also lead to instability of some of the
slopes which may be vulnerable. The rail link envisages construction of tunnels and bridges. Due to
construction of tunnels, a significant amount of earth will be generated requiring disposal in an
environmentally sustainable manner. The biodiversity of the region as well as the virgin landscape of the
area are likely to be affected due to the proposed high speed rail link activity. The existing drainage
network is also likely to be affected due to construction of approach roads. Since the proposed high
speed rail link trains will run at a speed of 275 - 300 kmph through tunnels and decided right of way
(ROW), due to this high speed noise and vibration issues will be of critical importance and will have to be
studied in greater detail.
The present study is essentially in the nature of an Initial Environmental Examination. The approach for
this study is based on the collection and analysis of secondary data on environment of the project area,
as available in literature. The methodology involves identification of environmental issues and impact
prediction. The available Acts, legislations, Standards and Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines
have been consulted to assess the impacts. The environment baseline data from secondary sources
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include available Water Quality, Air quality, Soils, Geology, Land use, Forests, and Socio- economic
Based on project particulars and the existing environmental conditions, potential impacts have been
identified. Both positive and negative impacts have been evaluated to have an idea about resultant
impacts. These likely impacts may be such as loss of land, loss of buildings / houses, loss of livelihood
and impacts on vulnerable population. These impacts have been assessed for various phases of project
cycle namely location, design, construction and operation.
An environmental management strategy has been suggested to mitigate the adverse impacts and is
integrated as a part of project implementation. However, for accurately assessing the magnitude of
aforesaid impacts, a detailed social analysis and social management along with a detailed environmental
study and environmental management plan are required and it shall be prepared during detailed
engineering design phase of the study. Suggested Scope of Work for such a study has also been
The objective of Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) is to ascertain the baseline environmental
conditions and then assess the impacts as a result of the proposed High Speed Passenger Line (HSPL)
during various phases of the project cycle namely location, construction and operation. The proposed
HSPL is an effort to meet growing demand of traffic and reduce travel time. The fast and safe
transportation system is a prerequisite for sustainable development. The development process has
depleted and degraded natural resources. Consequently this requires attention for conservation of
environment and to push development with utmost care which could not have severe negative impacts
on the natural resources, if any observed, should be mitigated properly and comprehensively. Thus the
environmental consideration in development process is necessary to achieve the universal goal of
sustainability. To achieve the goal of sustainable development and environmental protection, the
Government of India (GoI) has formulated numerous Policies, Acts and Rules with amendments from
time to time with the following basic principles:
Enhance the quality of Environment in and around the project area by adopting proper
measures for conservation of natural resources,
Prevent the adverse environmental impacts up to the extent possible, and
Mitigate the possible adverse environmental impacts.
In pursuance of the global goals of nature conservation and protection of environment to which India is
committed since its participation in Stockholm Conference, the State Government has initiated plans,
schemes and actions to implement the various legislations, latest being Environmental (Protection) Act
1986 of Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF). The MoEF has issued notifications with
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amendments for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of development projects in May 1994, July
2004, September 2006 and January 2009. Though the railways development projects are exempted from
the environmental clearance from MoEF and also from the purview of these notifications, the client and
consultant both are environmental conscious and have carefully assessed the negative impacts of HSPL.
Keeping high speed rail corridor in view, selected important Environmental Legislations/Acts/Rules
referred are listed in Table 11.1.
The section deals with the description of existing environmental setting of the project area.
Environmental baseline data includes the physical, biological and socio-economic data. A scoping matrix
is formulated in Table 11.2 to identify the attributes likely to be affected due to the development of
proposed project.
Based on the environmental scoping matrix and project settings the attributes likely to be affected are
identified for baseline data generation. Information presented in this chapter was collected from various
sources. Land use data was compiled from toposheets; data on physiography, geology, soil, water and
Air was collected from various reports/publications and maps.
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TABLE 11.1
and Control To levy and collect cess on water consumed by persons carrying on certain Prevention and control of water Central and State Pollution Construction and
ess Act, industries and by local authorities pollution Control Boards operation phases
d Control of To prevent, control and abatement of air pollution, for the establishment, with a Preservation of the air quality and Central and State Pollution Construction/
, amended view to carrying out the aforesaid purposes control of air pollution Control Boards Operation phases
To prevent and control Noise pollution Control noise pollution Central and State Pollution Construction/
l)Rules, Control Board Operation phases
(Protection) To protect the wild animals, birds and plants and the matters connected Deals with the Nature Protected Forest and Wildlife Construction/
93, 2002 therewith or ancillary or incidental thereto with a view to ensure the ecological Areas, National Parks and Boards/Authorities Operation phases
and environmental security of the country Sanctuaries and regulation of
TABLE 11.2
Land Use Change in Land Use Labour Colonies/Camps & RoW No Impact Land Use Toposheets
Soils Throughout the Increase in Soil Erosion due to Borrow No Impact Types of Soils Secondary
alignment and Querry sites data
Soil Pollution Throughout the Increase in soil pollution due to waste Increase in soil Pollution Secondary
alignment water, sewage and construction spoils pollution due to waste Indicators Source
water, sewage and
solid waste
Water Quality Water Pollution Impact on water Quality due to soil Water quality change Physical, Field Study &
WATER erosion, disposal of sewage and due to disposal of Chemical & Secondary
2 RESOURCES waste water sewage, solid waste & Biological data
Water Body size Loss of Water Bodies Construction of Pillars/Piers waste water
3 AIR Air Quality Construction site Increase in Air Pollution due to Emission due to the SPM,RSPM, Field Study &
construction activities operation of HSPR SOx & NOx Secondary
4 NOISE & Noise & Vibration Throughout the Increase in noise & Vibration due to Increase in Noise & Noise Level (dB Field Study &
The environmental baseline data was compiled for:
Land Environment (Physiography, geology and minerals, soils, seismicity)
Water Environment (Water resources, water uses )
Air Environment (Air quality)
Noise/Vibration Environment (Noise/Vibration levels)
Ecological Environment (Flora and Fauna) and
Socio-Economic Environment (Demography, socio economics, etc)
The coastal state of Kerala lying on the south western tip of India has commonly been called the tropical
paradise of India. The Arabian Sea on one side and the Western Ghats on the other cover the state of
Kerala. The area is marked by coastal zone of Arabian Sea. This coastal state has hot and humid climate
during April - May and pleasant, cold climate during December - January. Kerala has 14 districts. Eleven
districts fall on the alignment and their population in 2001 is presented in Table 11.3. The state has a
population of 31.841 million people. Out of this 28.697 millions (90.12%) are in those districts through
which the high speed corridor will pass. Male and female ratio is 0.944. Although Kerala accounts for
only 1% of the total area of India, it contains about 3% of the countrys population. The population
density of the state is about 819 people per square kilometre, three times the national average. Kerala is
one of the densest states in the country and it recorded a decadal population growth of +9.42%
TABLE 11.3
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8 Kozhikode 2,879,131 1,399,358 1,479,773
The baseline data related to the land environment is oriented towards collection of baseline data with
respect to physical environment viz. physiography, soils, geology, minerals, land use pattern and
seismicity. The state is gifted with 12 soil types derived from laterite base and has distinct agro-climatic
zones. Based on morphological features and physico-chemical properties, the soils are red soils, laterite
soils, coastal alluvial soils, reverine alluvial soils, onattukura soils, brown hydromorphic soils, black and
forest soils. Low lands (0-7.5m) contribute 10.24% area of the state; Mid lands (7.5-75m) 41.76% and
High land (above 75m) 48.0%. The Kerala soils have limitations for sustained use under irrigation. Only
37% of soils of Kerala are suitable for agriculture. Kerala has mineral deposits such as Zircon, Rutile,
Monozite, Sillimanite and Gold. The minerals found near the proposed corridor of high speed rail are
Buxite, Clay, beach placers, silica sand, etc. The land use pattern of Kerala is summerised in Table 11.4.
The route will be passing through built up rural and urban areas, agriculture field, plians, coastal,
riverine sands and marshy. The project area falls in the zone III (Moderate) as per seismic zoning Map of
TABLE 11.4
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6 Forest Plantation 1217.13 3.13
Kerala has 44 perennial rivers. Out of these 3 are east flowing and 41 are west flowing and fall in
Lakshadweep Sea. Most of the west flowing rivers will be crossed by the proposed corridor for high
speed rail alignment. The state also has a total of 46.13 km2 area under estuaries. The important back
waters are Vembanad (260 km2), Kayamkulam and Ashtamudi lakes (55 km2).These are observed
throughout the alignment. The backwaters or lagoons are shallow bodies of water separated from the
open sea by land. Because of this separation from sea, backwaters are free from the pounding action of
sea. Backwaters are one of the most alluring, ecologically and economically valuable features of Kerala.
Environmentally speaking, the hot spot back waters are Velli, Kadhinamkulam, Anjuthengu, Kodungallur,
Punmamada and Chetuva.
The data on air, noise and vibration environment is important for the proposed HSPR corridor as the
proposed alignment passes through dense populated cities & habitation, environmental hot spots,
ecologically sensitive and rich biodiversity. The people of Thiruvanathpuram, Kollam, Alappuzha,
Kottayam, Ernakulam, Thrissur, Palakkad, Kozhikode, Malappuram, Kannur and Kasargod have already
been facing the high level of air and noise pollution due to the population growth and large scale
vehicular movement. Table 11.5 indicates air quality of few selected cities along the proposed
alignment. As observed from the table, all parameters of the air quality along the alignment are within
the permissible limits, however level of RSPM in Palakkad city is a little higher.
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TABLE 11.5
(source: CPCB, 2006); BDL: below detection limit
The level of noise is likely to increase due to the proposed high speed passenger trains, which needs to
be mitigated properly since the alignment is passing close to densely populated regions.
The major forests types include dry deciduous, moist deciduous, semi evergreen, ever green and sola
forests. The project area has wet land ecosystem, mangroves ecosystem and marine ecosystem.
Western Ghats through which the proposed high speed trains are planned fall under major
environmental hotspot. The detail on fauna biodiversity is presented in Table 11.6, which shows the rich
biodiversity of the region. Approximately 8% of the total fishes types of India are found in Kerala, 64% of
total Indias amphibians are noticed in Kerala, 39% of the Indian reptile, 41% of Indian birds, 35% of
Indian Mammals are found in Kerala. These indicate that the area is ecologically a hotspot and needs
special attention while studying the project. .
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Kerala is one of the most land-hungry-states in India with most lowest per capita holding. Hence the
encroachments, cattle grazing, firewood collection, man-animal conflict, poaching, mining,
infrastructure development shall affect the biodiversity of the region.
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Loss of Contamination by fuel Increase in erosion,
Erosion and loss of Contamination from Pollution due
Soil Agricultural / Loss of crops and lubricants siltation and slope Soil pollution No Impact
top soil wastes to spills
Barren land Compaction of soil instability
Water extraction for
Spill of lubricants and
Ground Water No Impacts No Impact No Impact drinking and other No Impacts No Impact No Impact No Impact
grease contaminates
Pollution due
Water logging
Change in water Siltation Pollution from sanitary Contamination by fuel reduction of GW to Pollution due to disposal of
Surface water No Impact and mosquito
quality and siltation due to Torrent & other wastes & lubricants recharge spill into water effluents and wastes
runoff bodies
Change in drainage
Change in natural Interference with
Change in natural Change in natural pattern due to Change in
Drainage -- drainage pattern due to natural drainage No Impacts Cleaning & maintenance
drainage pattern drainage pattern disposal drainage pattern
spills and water logging
of wastes on soils
Reduced buffering of
air pollution, change Pollution due to fuel Dust pollution and Reduction in SPM, SO2
Increase in Noise Reduced buffering increase in Noise increase in Noise Increase in Increase in noise level,
Noise Quality No Impacts No Impacts Increase in Noise level
level of Noise level level Noise migration of wildlife
Increase in Vibration Vibration from Increase in
Vibration No Impact No Impact No Impact No Impact Insegnificant Increase in Vib. Level
level blasting operations Vibration level
Disturbance to Human
habitations/life due to high
Loss of level of vibration & noise, but
Encroachment into Disturbance to local Employment
Socio-Economic Loss livelihood environment & Loss of Eco-settings -- -- at the same time it will help in
Lives and freedom people generation
livelihood fast mobility and by this rapid
socio-economic changes which
may transform the region.
Loss of habitat, Loss of habitat due to
Loss of Flora and Water pollution and Loss of habitat and
Ecology density and Loss of Forest -- -- interference and migration of
fauna impact on ecology diversity
biodiversity wild life due to high noise
TABLE 11.8
Construction of Demand / Supply Beneficial Direct Medium Medium
Rail Corridor
Infrastructure Beneficial Indirect Medium Medium
Note: (Impact) High Irreversible; Medium Mitigated through measures; Low Mitigation required
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TABLE 11.9
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Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakunal - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011 14/21
regularly maintained so that construction SPCB SPCB
emissions conform to National
and State Standards.
Noise Sites within 200m of sensitive Beginning Concessionaire & Developer &
receptors construction will be and SPCB SPCB
stopped from 22:00 to 06:00. throughout
Noise barriers to machinery for construction
silence, if required.
Vibration Sites within 200m of sensitive Beginning Concessionaire & Developer &
receptors construction will be and SPCB SPCB
stopped from 22:00 to 06:00. throughout
A buffer zone of 100m shall be construction
created between site and human
habitation, if required.
Alteration of Measures need to be taken to Whenever Design Unit and
drainage prevent earthworks and stone encountered Concessionaire
works related to the rail track during
from impeding cross drainage at construction
rivers / streams and water canals
or existing irrigation and drainage
Siltation Construction materials containing Throughout Concessionaire
fine particles will be stored in an construction
enclosure such that sediment- period
laden water does not drain into
nearby watercourse, but rather
percolate slowly into the soil.
Contamination from All measures will be taken to Throughout Concessionaire & &
Wastes prevent the wastewater from construction SPCB SPCB
construction site entering into period
water resources
Sewerage disposal A minimum distance of any Throughout Concessionaire & &
during construction sewage or toilet facility from construction SPCB SPCB
water sources should be 200 period
Contamination from Vehicle maintenance and Throughout Concessionaire & & SPCB
fuel and lubricants refuelling will be confined to construction SPCB
areas in construction camps period
designed to contain spilled
lubricants and fuels. Waste
petroleum and lubricants must be
collected stored and taken to
proper disposal sites, as per GOI
Sanitation and Provision of garbage bins and During Concessionaire & & SPCB
Waste Disposal in sanitation facilities in the construction SPCB
Construction construction camps. Waste in
Camps septic tanks will be cleared
periodically. Garbage will be
collected in a tank and disposed
of daily.
Quarrying & Quarrying shall be carried at During Concessionaire Developer
Borrow pits licensed quarries only. Before construction
opening additional borrow pits,
operating pits shall be closed as
per the Specification.
Equipment Construction plants and During Concessionaire Developer
Selection, equipment will meet emission construction
maintenance and standards and will be maintained
operation and operated in a manner that
ensures relevant air, noise, and
discharge regulations are met.
Soil Erosion and In slopes and at other suitable During Concessionaire Developer
Soil Conservation places along the roadside, trees construction
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and grass should be planted. On
sections with filling (>3m) and
deep cutting their slopes should
be turfed or planted with grass,
etc. If existing irrigation and
drainage system of ponds are
damaged, they will be rebuilt by
suitable methods.
Loss of agricultural Arable lands should not be used During Concessionaire Developer
topsoil as earth borrowing. If needed, the construction
topsoil (15 cm) will be kept and
refilled after excavation is over to
minimise the impact on
productive lands.
Compaction of Soil Construction vehicles should During Concessionaire Developer
operate within the Corridor of construction
alignment to avoid damaging soil
and vegetation.
Loss of trees and Trees removed due to project will End of Forest Developer &
Avenue Plantation be replaced according to construction Department Forest
Compensatory afforestation activities Department
Guidelines of forest Department.
Fauna Construction workers should be During Concessionaire, Developer Forest
told to protect natural resources construction Forest /Department
and wild animals. Hunting would Department
be prohibited.
Vegetation Replace trees lost due to Immediately Forest Developer &
construction and encourage new after Department Forest
plantations on either side of Rail construction, Department
Corridor within Right of Way to since area
develop buffer zone to reduce should no
noise/vibration. longer be
Pollution Enforce Pollution Under Control During Developer & Developer &
(PUC) Programs. Monitor air Operation SPCB SPCB
pollution at critical points and
Tree Plantations
Noise The use of sound barriers or After Developer & Developer &
other measures should be completion of SPCB SPCB
considered where warranted. construction
The public will be educated about
the regulations of noise.
Vibration The vibration barrier and After Developer
plantation of trees along the completion of
alignment. If possible a buffer construction
zone of 100m shall be left
between alignment and human
and wild life habitation.
Maintenance of The urban drainage systems will Beginning Developer Developer
Storm Water be periodically checked and and end of designated EO &
Drainage System cleared so as to ensure adequate monsoon Municipal Corps.
storm water flow.
Collision with Barriers along the forest region During Developer with Developer Forest
animals and wild life Construction the help of Forest Department
Safety and noise No new schools and hospitals Throughout Developer Developer
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakunal - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011 16/21
disturbances should be allowed within 1km and after
from HSPR. project
The proposed high speed rail project is situated in an environmentally sensitive region and one of the
ecological hot spots of the world/India. The proposed project shall have significant impacts on all the
environmental attributes in different stages of the project cycle. The proposed high speed rail project
shall acquire land in the state of Kerala where per capita land holding is minimum and the ecology and
biodiversity is very rich. The proposed alignment shall pass through backwaters, estuaries, coastal /
riverine, lakes, sands and the coastal regulated zones. At this stage, the Initial Environmental
Examination has just screened out the environmental issues which require a detailed environmental and
ecological impact study along with detailed Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) issues. Hence, a
more comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is recommended for the project. This
cannot be ignored as explained that the project area is a very sensitive zone. Keeping this in mind, the
proposed scope of work for a detailed EIA is enclosed as Annexure-11.1.
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The scope of work for detailed EIA recommended to be taken up subsequently is summarized on the
basis of Initial Environmental Examination conducted for the High Speed Rail Corridor.
The Environmental Impact Assessment study will be conducted for selected alignment during which
additional data will be collected from primary, secondary and all other sources wherever required to
accomplish the detailed environmental study. The study will be concentrated on the project influence
area as decided during environmental screening study. The data collected will be verified by consulting
key stakeholders and as per the demarcated project influence area.
Baseline Surveys : Verification of collected data will be accomplished along with particular attention to
environmentally sensitive issues such as Marine Ecology, Costal Regulation Zones, Creeks, etc.. Primary
data for air, water, noise and soil will be generated along with the detailed data collection within the
project influence area. Detailed discussions with all stakeholders will be accomplished regarding impact
of the project on environment and suitable mitigation measures to minimize the impacts.
Stakeholder Consultation : Consultation and communication with stakeholders during the project
preparation is an integral part of the process of gathering relevant data for impact assessment, and
facilitates the development of appropriate options for the affected population. The consultation would
be fostered by holding public meetings and identifying focus groups with consultation. The initial
opposition to a project may be transferred into constructive participation of selected listed
stakeholders by consulting for impacts on identified environmental components and their suggestion for
mitigation measures. The stakeholders would be informed for inclusion of their suggestion during
second consultation. The stakeholder consultation would improve projects interventions with regard to
environmental management.
Analysis of Alternatives : It would be done on the basis of considering the parameters like Routes, Cross
section, Materials, Machinery, Earthwork, Design Technology, Selection of Construction Techniques,
Phasing of Works and O & M Procedures which will have impacts on Environmental Components.
Environmental Impact Prediction : The objective of the study would be to ascertain the existing baseline
conditions and assess the impacts as a result of construction of high speed corridor. The changes likely
to occur in different components of the environment viz. physical, biological, socio-economic etc.
would be studied and analysed.
Based on project particulars and the existing environmental conditions, potential impacts would be
identified that are expected to be effected as a result of the proposed high speed rail project and
wherever possible, these will be quantified. Both positive and negative impacts would be evaluated
to have an idea about resultant impacts. These impacts would be assessed for various phases of project
cycle namely, location, design, construction and operation. The standard methodology will be
adopted for impact prediction and assessment. The issues in each phase will be considered as follows;
a. Impacts due to Project Location: The potential issues under this head are:
loss of lands/Change in land use,
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loss of forest/trees,
encroachment into forest lands and loss of forest produce,
encroachment into natural reserves,
loss of historical and cultural monuments,
effect on water resources inside and outside the project.
risk due to earthquake.
Land acquisition,
rehabilitation and resettlement of people
b. Impacts due to Project Design & Structure : Considered impacts due to project design could be:
drainage problem,
impacts related to design of structures,
passage for people, livestock and wildlife.
d. Impacts due to Project Operation: The impacts due to project operation will be long term and will
be both positive and negative in nature. These could be:
i) Positive Impacts :
Traffic decongestion
better infrastructures
Reduction in pollution load
Saving in time
Employment Opportunity
ii) Negative Impacts :
Above impacts will be classified as Positive and Negative, Direct and Indirect, Immediate and Long Term,
Unavoidable or irreversible. The impact will be analysed under different stages of project like pre-
construction, construction and operation.
Environmental Management Plan : The impact projections would identify whether the pre-project
environmental conditions would be degraded or enhanced. An environmental management strategy
would be developed to mitigate the adverse impacts during construction and operation phases of the
project. The strategy would include evaluation of alternative methods to reduce or eliminate adverse
impacts of the most critical areas likely to contribute to the most significant environmental burdens. The
Environmental Action Plan (EAP) would specifically highlight the proposed mitigation measures to be
implemented during project construction phase like compensatory afforestation plan, Rehabilitation and
Resettlement Action Plan (R&RAP), comprehensive health plan, plan for adequate provision of fuel
wood, infrastructure facilities like sanitation, project colonies, roads, refuse disposal, Institutional
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arrangement and training, environmental enhancements, redevelopment of quarries/borrow areas and
construction camps, upkeep of plant and machinery and responsibility for execution and supervision.
Cost estimates for each of the proposed mitigation measures shall be given.
Environmental Cost : The Budget estimates and equipments necessary for the effective implementation
of the Environmental Management Plan and environmental monitoring would be worked out.
Clearances : Being the Railway Project, Environmental Clearance from the Ministry of Environment and
Forest is not required. Forest clearance will be obtained as per Indian Forest Act. Consent to Establish is
required to be obtained prior to start of the construction from the relevant State Pollution Control
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Fig. 11.1
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12.1 Capital Cost
The unit costs of each item are estimated based on the Japanese costs and Indian
Delhi Metro costs..Foreign Consultants while preparing the Report did an exercise for
estimating the cost of High Speed Rail Corridor in Kerala by way of finding a factor
between unit cost of Delhi Metro and the unit cost of Tokyo Metro. They worked out
the factors for various group of construction activities which are given in the Table
Table 12.1
S.No Item Kerala High Speed Corridor
unit cost as %age of
Shinkansen unit cost
1 Civil works (embankment, viaduct, bridges, 20.21%
2 Stations ( Elevated) 20.21%
3 Track work ( Ballasted ) 37%
4 Track work ( Slab) 37%
5 E & M ( Sub-station/Section Post/Sub- 50.39%
section Post
6 Catenary equipment (Messenger/contract 50.39%
7 Signalling/Telecommunication/OCC 50.39%
8 AFC at stations 50.39%
9 Cost of Depots 16.2%
10 Cost of Workshop 16.2%
11 Rolling Stock 100% + Transportation cost
12 Engineering services cost 4% of construction cost as
taken in Shinkensen Report.
13 Administrative cost 2% of the construction cost as
taken in Shinkensen Report
14 Contingency 5% of the construction cost
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Delhi Metro unit cost and Japanese Metro unit cost are shown in Table 12-2
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Unit cost of the Shinkansen (Tokaido Shinkansen) is shown in the following table.
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Costs for land acquisition, compensation and the substitute land are unknown
at this moment.
(3) Administration Cost
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Item Unit Unit Cost Qty Remarks
1 Civil works
1-1 Earth work
1-2 Concrete structure Km 3.29 632.0 2,079.28
Station Each 32.94 7 230.58
1-3 Incidental works (5% Ls 115.493
of civil)
Total 2,425.35
2 Track works
Track works (Ballast) Km 2.00 335.0 670.00
Track works (Slab) Km 4.60 297.0 1,366.20
Total 2,036.20
3 E&M work
Power supply Km 5.49 632.0 3,469.68
Catenary equipment Km 1.11 632.0 701.52
Signal/Telecom, Km 1.66 632.0 1,049.12
AFC Each 1.22 7 8.54
Total 5,228.86
4 Depot and Workshop
Depot Each 106.16 3 318.48
Workshop Each 141.52 1 141.52
Total 460.00
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5 Rolling stock
Shinkansen Series Set 26.75 17 454.75
Maintenance cars Ls 1 69.36
Total 524.11
6 Sub-total 10,674.52
7 Engineering service 426.98
cost (4%)
8 Administration cost 213.49
9 Contingency (5%) 533.73
10 Grand Total 11,848.72
In the above table, the total length of the project corridor was taken as 632 Kms. Which is on
very high side as finally it has come to only 534 Km and 574 Kms up to Kasargod and
Mangalore respectively . However in this chapter, the cost only for the portion between
Thiruvananthapuram Ernakulam is worked out.
2 Main Structure:
(in KM)
A. Viaduct : 75%
B. Tunnel : 15%
C. Embankment : 10%
3 Cost of Construction:
(Million) (Million)
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011 8/17
Total 100%
489,600 16,883
Unit - TWD=Taiwan Doller
4 Source of Fund
(Million) (Million)
A. Common Capital 13%
63,984 2,206
B. Preferred Stock 8%
39,216 1,352
C. 1st Syndication 63%
307,600 10,607
D. 2nd Syndication 8%
40,700 1,403
E. ECB 2%
9,000 310
F. 2nd Syndication - New Tranche 2 5%
24,800 855
G. Interest Income 1%
4,300 148
Total 100%
489,600 16,883
(Million) (Million)
5 Cost Per KM
A. Civil Works
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557.58 19.23
B. Core System
306.97 10.59
C. Track Work
182.73 6.30
D. Station
64.24 2.22
E. Depot
52.42 1.81
F. Others (Indirect Cost)
159.70 5.51
G. Custom Duty
14.85 0.51
H. Financing Cost
113.94 3.93
I. Working Capital
31.21 1.08
1,483.64 51.16
Say Rs. 230 Crores /KM
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The cost of The High Speed Rail Corridor between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam is
given as under in table 12 9 and taxes in table 12 10..
1.0 Land
1.1 Assume
d rate
Private land Hect. 10.00 217.670 2176.70
Rs. 10
1.2 Govt.
Govt.Land Hect. 5.00 24.170 120.85 Rs. 5
1.3 Railway Land Hect. 17.70 0.000 0.00
1.4 Temporary land for 8 Nos.
casting yard, working Hect. 3.60 32.000 115.20 construc
spaces etc. tion
Kerala High Speed Rail between Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam - Pre Feasibility Report Sept 2011 12/17
from the
3.0 Important bridges Nos 70.00 8.876 621.32
taken for
Phase III
Sub total (3) 621.32
4 Station Buildings
4.1 Elevated stations
(including finishes)
b Type (B) Way side with Based
signaling on
Each 100.00 2.000 200.00
c Type (C), Terminal Based
station on
Each 100.00 2.000 200.00
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5 E&M Works
5.1 Elevated station (E&M
,Lifts ,Escalators, DG Each 20.00 4.000 80.00
sets etc.)
5.2 Derived
from the
Mid Section Ventilation rates
Each 10.00 4.000 40.00
Shaft taken for
Phase III
Sub total (5) 120.00
6.0 Depot
6.1 Depot at Trivendrum( i/c Based
Civil works, E & M,P&M, on
Track work, OHE etc.) Shinkan
no. 300.00 1.000 300.00 sen but
due to
6.2 Stabling Lines, trains
Ernakulam 50.00 1.000 50.00
and also
6.3 Workshop
LS 500.00 numbers
of rake
Sub total (6) 850.00
7.0 Permanent Way
7.1 Ballastless/Ballasted Based
track for elevated , on
R. km. 22.00 193.970 4267.34 Shinkan
underground and at
grade alignment sen
7.2 Ballasted track for depot R.Km 9.45 6.000 56.70
Sub total (7) 4267.34
8 Traction & power
8.1 Traction & power
supply incl. OHE, ASS
8.1.1 Under Ground Section R. km. 20.00 35.630 712.60 Based
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Thiruvanantahpuram to Ernakulam
Details of Taxes and Duties
2 Station Buildings
c) Elevated station -
civil works 570.00 41.10 55.01 96.11
d) Elevated station-EM
works 120.00 5.03 8.40 11.25 24.68
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3 Depot
Civil works 340.00 21.37 17.16 22.97 61.50
EM works 510.00 21.37 35.72 47.82 104.90
6 S and T Works
S&T 1939.70 325.04 39.96 53.49 418.48
AFC 22.00 3.46 0.57 0.76 4.78
8 Misc.
Civil works 150.00 10.82 14.48 25.29
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The Kerala High Speed Rail covering a route length of 193.97 KMs is
proposed to be constructed with an estimated cost of Rs 29113 Crore at May
2011 price level without taxes and duties but including land cost of Rs. 3006
crore. The estimated cost with central taxes is Rs. 32132 crore.
13.2 Costs
13.2.1 Investment Cost For the purpose of calculating the Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR),
the completion cost with central taxes have been calculated by taking
escalation factor @5% PA. It has been assumed that Government of Kerala
will exempt local taxes or reimburse the same. The impact of proposed
Goods & Service Tax Act (GST) has not been considered in the calculation.
The project will be taken up for construction in April-2013 and expected to
be completed on 31.03.2020 and Revenue Opening Date (ROD) has been
assumed as 01.04.2020. The total completion costs duly escalated and
shown in the table 12.1 have been taken as the initial investment. The cash
flow of investments separately is placed in Table 13.1 as below.
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CHAPTER 12 - FINANCING OPTIONS, FARE STRUCTURE AND FINANCIAL VIABILITY The land cost is divided in initial three years during which it is expected that
the land acquisition work would be over and related payments would have to
be released. The escalation factor used is 5% p.a. excluding on land cost. No escalation
has been considered on Land Cost.
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The cost of other expenses is based on the actual O & M unit cost for
the Delhi Metro Phase-2 project. The rate of electricity assumed in
the Delhi Metro study is about Rs. 3.80 per unit whereas at present in
Kerala the applicable rate is Rs. 4.00 per unit. The latter has been
used for all calculations. The O&M cost (excluding staff cost) has
been obtained by providing an escalation of 5% per annum towards
energy cost, 5% towards Maintenance cost.
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CHAPTER 12 - FINANCING OPTIONS, FARE STRUCTURE AND FINANCIAL VIABILITY The total O&M cost of both the corridors have been tabulated in
Table 13.3 as below:
Table 13.3 Operation and Maintenance Costs
Figs in Rs./Crore
YEAR Staff ce Energy Total
13.2.4 Depreciation
Although depreciation does not enter the FIRR calculation (not being a cash
outflow) unless a specific depreciation reserve fund has been provided, in the
present calculation, depreciation calculations are placed for purpose of record.
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13.3 Revenues
The Revenue of Kerala High Speed Rail mainly consists of fare box collection
and other incomes from property development, advertisement, parking etc.
The Fare box collection is the product of projected ridership per day
and applicable fare structure based on trip distribution at different
distance zones.
13.3.2 Traffic a. The projected ridership figures years are as indicated in table 13.4
as below: - b. The growth rate for traffic is assumed at 7% Per Annum upto 2025-
26, @ 5% from 2026-27 to 2035-36 and @3.5% thereafter.
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As per the calculations, the FIRR without taking in to account revenue from
additional PD land is negative. Accordingly, revenue from additional 50
hectors of lands to be provided free of cost by GOK for PD, which can be
exploited for Real Estate Development with the involvement of established
Developers has been considered. The property development models can be
designed in a way that the regular receipts in the development of lease rentals
can be ensured to supplement the fare box collection and reduce the fare
The SPV i.e., KHSRL will give the land free of cost to the developer. The
developer will bring equity to the extent of Rs.722 crore and the balance
amount towards construction to be given to KHSRL as 12% Market Debt.
The estimated development cost will be Rs.2891 crore. It is assumed that the
rental revenue will accrue to the developer from the FY 2020-21 which has
been escalated @5% every year. Out of the estimated rental income, apart
from meeting maintenance expenditure, the developer will repay the loan and
interest. After meeting these obligations and retaining 14% return on his
equity with an escalation @5% every year, the residual rental earnings will
accrue to JMRC, which has been taken into account in the FIRR calculations.
The income from PD from standalone land parcel have been worked out
based on the experience of DMRC by taking lease rent @ Rs.50/sq. ft., in
2016-17 construction cost of the development @ Rs.20,000/- per,
maintenance charge of the development @ 20% of the lease rent income and
FAR of 2.75.
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13.4.1 The Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR) obtained with the above
revenues and costs for 30 years are placed in table 13.8: -
Table 13.8 FIRR (with Central taxes)
Figs in Rs. /Crore
Year Outflow Inflow Cash
Running Replac Total
Completio Addition Total Box PD &
Expens ement Revenu IRR
n Cost al Cost Costs Revenu ADVT
es costs e
2013 - 2014 2607 2607 0 0 0 -2607
2014 - 2015 4374 4374 0 -4374
2015 - 2016 6313 6313 0 -6313
2016 - 2017 7434 7434 0 -7434
2017 - 2018 7806 7806 0 -7806
2018 - 2019 6148 6148 0 -6148
2019 - 2020 4304 4304 0 -4304
2020 - 2021 2259 0 651 2910 868 -570 299 -2612
2021 - 2022 0 0 696 696 929 -338 591 -105
2022 - 2023 0 0 745 745 1134 -78 1055 310
2023 - 2024 0 0 797 797 1213 196 1409 612
2024 - 2025 0 0 853 853 1481 276 1757 903
2025 - 2026 0 0 914 914 1584 350 1934 1021
2026 - 2027 0 0 979 979 1897 438 2335 1356
2027 - 2028 0 0 1049 1049 1992 516 2507 1459
2028 - 2029 0 0 1124 1124 2385 610 2995 1871
2029 - 2030 0 0 1205 1205 2504 693 3198 1992
2030 - 2031 0 1621 1530 3151 2997 797 3794 643
2031 - 2032 0 0 1636 1636 3147 886 4033 2397
2032 - 2033 0 0 1750 1750 3766 1002 4768 3018
2033 - 2034 0 0 1873 1873 3954 1100 5054 3181
2034 - 2035 0 0 2005 2005 4734 1226 5960 3955
2035 - 2036 0 0 2147 2147 4970 1584 6554 4407
2036 - 2037 0 0 2301 2301 5864 1694 7558 5258
2037 - 2038 0 0 2465 2465 6069 1774 7844 5378
2038 - 2039 0 0 2643 2643 7162 1902 9064 6421
2039 - 2040 0 0 2835 2835 7413 1993 9406 6571
2040 - 2041 0 2641 3363 4764 10768 8746 2139 10886 118
2041 - 2042 0 0 3601 5002 8603 9052 2241 11293 2690
2042 - 2043 0 0 3858 3858 10682 2412 13094 9237
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Total 41245 4262 41020 9766 96293 94543 22843 117388 2.21%
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(ii) Debt: - The balance cost is to be met through loans from various
institutions namely JICA, Local borrowing, loans from ADB/World Bank
and Suppliers Credit.
JICA Loan: - The total amount of loan required is Rs. 25570 Crore.
Overseas Development Loan from Japan International Cooperation
Agency (JICA) can be availed of for metro rail projects with interest rate
@ 1.40% PA. The loan is repayable in 30 years including moratorium
period of 10 years. The loan is to be provided to Central Government
which in turn releases the same to SPV under a Pass Through
Assistance (PTA) mechanism. Normally, JICA agrees to fund for
underground civil works, Electrical, Signalling &Telecom and Rolling
Stock only. Since the loan will be in Japanese Yen any fluctuation in
exchange rate at the time of repayment shall be borne by the
Government of Kerala in line with recent guidelines of Department of
Economic Affairs of Ministry of Finance, GOI. Alternatively, JICA can
release the loan to the SPV for which a sovereign guarantee will be
required from Central Government. Foreign exchange variation in such
eventuality will be borne by the SPV. The State Government need to
hedge the foreign currency fluctuation so minimise its loss. In either
case loan shall be repaid by SPV from the income streams of metro
The basic technology of the High Speed Train is of Japan, JICA may be
willing to fund the entire debt.
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13.5.2 The funding pattern assumed under this model (SPV) top ensure only
eligible portion will be funded by JICA is placed in table 13.9 as
under: -
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Table 13.9 Funding pattern under SPV model (with central taxes)
Government of India Government of Kerala Total
% Rs/Crore % Rs/Crore % Rs/Crore
Equity by GOI & GO
10% 4124.50 10% 4124.50 20% 8249.00
SD for land/ land to be
provided free of cost 0% 0.00 7% 3006.00 7% 3006.00
by GO Kerala
SD for Central Taxes
by GOI (80%) & GO 9% 3536.00 2% 884.00 11% 4420.00
Kerala (20%)
JICA Loan @ 1.40%
62% 25570.00 0% 0.00 62% 25570.00
Total 81% 33230.50 19% 8014.50 100% 41245.00
Add: State Taxes to
be borne by Govt. Of 0.00 2009.00 2009.00
Grand Total 33230.50 10023.50 43254.00
13.5.5 BOT Model: - In this model, the private firm will be responsible for
financing, designing, building, operating and maintaining of the entire
project. The contribution of Government of Kerala will be limited to
cost of land only. Such a project become eligible for Viability Gap
Funding (VGF) upto 20% from the Central Government provided the
state government also contribute same or more amount towards the
project. The metro being a social sector project not much private
parties are available to bid for such a project. Besides quite
expectedly the private operator may demand assured rate of return in
the range of 14% to 18% or a comfort of guaranteed ridership.
13.5.6 The funding pattern assumed under this model including the cost of
land to ensure 14% post tax return on operators equity i.e. Equity
Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) is placed in table 13.10 tabulated as
under: -
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13.6.2 The total contribution of GOI & Government of Kerala under the SPV
model excluding PTA to be repaid latter is Rs.15675 Crore only
(excluding state taxes to be exempted of Rs.2009 Crore on
completion cost basis) as against Rs. 33105 crore under BOT model.
Since the Kerala High Speed Rail is primarily a social project and the
total contribution of funds to be made by GOI and Kerala Government
is less under SPV model, it is recommended that it should be
implemented by an SPV of GOI and Government of Kerala jointly.
13.6.3 The details showing cash flow under JICA Loan, and BOT model
when the project cost is with central taxes only are shown
respectively in table 13.11.1 and 13.11.2. The estimated revenue
from PD is shown in table 13.11.3.
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14.0 High Speed Implementation Strategy
This country does not have any experience or background for planning, designing,
execution and operations of a high speed railway network. Credit for ushering high
speed technology into the world goes to Japan. Japan Government gave the go
ahead for a high speed railway line between Tokyo and Shin Osaka a distance of
510 kms. on December 19, 1958 and this line was inaugurated on 1st October, 1964.
They were able to commission such a line in a matter of 6 years. Japan still
dominates the high speed technology and has now upgraded and honed this
technology to an unbelievably perfect standard. The Taiwan high speed line was
basically planned, designed ad executed with the Japanese help and supervision.
14.1 We, therefore, strongly recommend that Japanese help should be availed for the high
speed railway line between Thiruvananthapuram and Kochi and transplant the
Japanese technology in-toto without trying to invent the wheel. This would also pave
the way for a massive aid to flow from Japan to fund the Thiruvananthapuram Kochi
On this basis the state governments burden on the project will be Rs.10024 crores
(inclusive of land cost, state taxes and 20 % of central Taxes.) The State Government
may raise part of this amount by domestic borrowings.
From the financial analysis it will be seen that there will be sufficient operational
revenue from which the SPV will not have any difficulty in servicing and paying back
the loan taken from Japan.
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If this model is followed, work can commence immediately after the project is
approved by the two governments and completed within a period of 7 years.
The operation and maintenance of the high speed network will be done by the SPV
itself with Japanese help in the initial stages.
b. BOT Model
In the BOT model, a concessionaire will be selected with viability gap funding support.
If the concessionaire is to have at least 14% return on his investments, then the VGF
will be Rs.30100 crores (excluding land cost and State Taxes) as indicated in the
financial analysis. As the VGF will be too much for the two governments to shoulder,
this route is not recommended. Further to finalize the concessionaire agreement it will
take at least two years. Only thereafter the concessionaire will engage general
consultants to prepare the designs and tender documents which will involve a delay of
another 18 months. Thereafter the work will commence i.e 3 years after the
government gives approval to the project. It is also highly doubtful whether a suitable
concessionaire can be found for undertaking this project. If the BOT route is followed
the government will not be able to give duty and tax concessions and the
concessionaires financial costs will also be much more than the governments
financial costs. This is likely to result in the cost of the project going up by 25 to 30%.
Hence we do not recommend the BOT route.
In case the project is implemented in the BOT route the concessionaire will have to
engage a suitable operator for running the system.
Pre-Feasibility Report to be put up to State Government for their approval for the
decision regarding preparation of Detailed Project Report.
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Detailed Project Report for High Speed Rail in Kerala to be ordered. The
preparation of DPR is likely to take about 10-12 months time as it will be based on
the Topo survey, Geo-technical survey, It will also need Environmental
Assessment Report and Social Impact Assessment Report.
Once the Detailed Project Report is prepared, it should be put up to State Cabinet
for their approval.
Signing of MOU between Government of Kerala and Ministry of Railways giving all
the details of the Joint Venture bringing out the financial involvement of each
partys liability for the loans raised , administrative control in the SPV, Policy in
regard to Fare Structure, Operational subsidy, if any, etc. Preparation of new Act
by Indian Railways and enactment of the same by Parliament.
State Government to freeze all the developments along the Corridor suggested for
any construction within 50 M of the proposed alignment. A system of No Objection
Certificate to be introduced so that infructuous expenditure at later stage is
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For implementation of High Speed Rail Corridor, Kerala Government has already
posted an Officer on Special Duty, who has to monitor this Project strictly as per the
time schedule at every stage. He will have very important role of coordination with
Ministry of Railways and other Government departments. Ministry of Railways will be
also responsible for the enactment of the new Act needed for Operation and
Maintenance of High Speed Trains planned in our country first time.
During the implementation of such projects several problems with regard to acquisition
of land, diversion of utilities, shifting of structures involved in the project alignment,
rehabilitation of the Project affected persons etc. are likely to arise. For expeditious
resolution of these problems, an Institutional mechanism needs to set up at the State
level. Keeping this in view, it is recommended that a High Power Committee under
the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary, Kerala Govt. , has to be set up. Other Members
of the Committee should be Secretaries of the Departments of State Govt. and District
Collectors of all the Districts through which the High Speed Rail line is likely to pass.
The Committee should meet once a month and sort out all problems brought before it.
As the High Speed Rail Project will be the first time in our country, the decision
regarding its implementation has to be taken at the highest level. The Cabinet has to
set up an Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) to take decision on behalf of the
Cabinet on all policy matters concerning High Speed Rail . EGoM for this work should
also include Chief Minister of Kerala Govt. as one of the Members.
High Speed Rail Project may require very heavy investments. Loans may invariably
be taken to fund the part of the capital cost of such projects. As India is a developing
country and the citizens do not have income as high as in the countries like Japan,
Taiwan, the viability of such projects may be possible only when certain concessions
are extended from Government. Hence it is recommended that State taxes should be
waived off by State Govt., land should be provided free of cost by State Govt. and
Central taxes should be borne by Govt. of India and State Govt. in 80:20 ratio.
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Chapter 15 Conclusion and Recommendations
The study has been done following the under mentioned steps
(i) collection of data from field and the authorities involved in the
passenger transport ;
(ii) Analysis of data collected
(iii) Preparation of Logit model for traffic forecast
(iv) project the ridership
(v) Preparation of base map with the help of Carto-set and Quick Bird
(vi) Design of alignment keeping in view the technical specifications of
High Speed Rail
(vii) Costing and financial analysis.
i) The traffic survey indicated that there is willingness to shift to the High
Speed rail corridor if available. There is need of providing more efficient
rail system which will attract the road and air traffic and reduce the load
and congestion on the roads and also be comfortable and quick transport
ii) The road traffic has been growing at a rate of 10 to 12%. The same
trend is seen in the growth of vehicles during 03 to 07 which is at
12%.While the growth of Road length has been negligible. This has
resulted in great increase in Road congestion.
iii) Study revealed that there is no efficient and fast rail transport system in
the State.
iv) For the success of High Speed Rail, in influence area of residential /
commercial /institutional localities, planned integrated operation of the
system with provision of KSRTC/feeder bus services from / to various
may be required.
v) The Study was started with the marking of route alignment on Topo
Sheets of Survey of India and finally the base map was prepared
making use of Carto-set and QuickBird Images.The base map so
prepared was used for designing the route alignment.
vii) To complete this study, Experts from Japan were engaged for
reviewing the technology worldwide and give their recommendations
for various items to be implemented as part of Kerala High Speed Rail..
viii) High Speed Rail is now a tried and tested technology with deliverables
really transport benefits and can dominate market against road and
Airline transport
ix) The cost of Shinkansen High Speed Rail was used for costingt of
Kerala High Speed Rail .
xi) The traffic projections have been done based on the candidate for trips
along Thiruvannathapuram to Ernakulam Section and using the
logistic model In 2020, the expected date of commissioning of this line,
it is estimated that 42359 passengers will use High Speed Rail.
xii) It has been assumed that 95% of the passengers can afford to pay
only business Class fare which is Rs.4.35 per KM on date and 5% of
the passengers will be in position to afford 1st class with the fare of
Rs.8.70 per KM.
xiii) 50 Hectares of the Government land for P.D.has been considered for
making the Project viable.
xv) The Viability Gap for any private party to take this project on BOT( with
14% return) comes to Rs.33105 Crores (including the cost of land),
which is 80% of the total cost of this Project and hence not