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Linde CO2-Pulp Washing

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Improved pulp wash

with carbon dioxide

Linde and the Pulp and Paper Industry
Linde is a major supplier of industrial gases to the pulp and paper industry. The countries of
Northern Europe have vital national resources in their vast forests, and consequently forest
products continue to be a major earner of export income.
Being the leading gas supplier in this region, Linde has dedicated itself to serve this cross-
border forest industry. The development of the pulp and paper industry in Northern Europe has
accelerated in the last few decades, in particular due to advances in more sophisticated
technology. One of the driving forces for this development has been new market demands
demands that have often been enveloped in environmental terms. These days, every mill and

ADALKA, CODIP and GRAFICO are registered trademarks of the Linde Group
every process calls for special consideration, and this is why developing practical and profitable
applications for them also calls for special experience.

This is where Lindes specialized know- oxygen delignification and ozone bleaching CO2 has been extensively used in the
ledge of gas application technology and as well as various CO2 applications for pulping process since the beginning of
its fundamental knowledge of pulp and both pulp and paper processes. the 1990s. Today, CO2 addition to pulp
paper processing comes to the aid of the Linde offers a number of specific washing is a patented, established tech-
industry in reaching its goal. applications for paper production. In order nology that is used in more than 30 fiber
At Linde, our aim has always been to to control pH, alkalinity and calcium hard- lines worldwide in both unbleached and
use this specialized knowledge to design ness in the stock preparation process for bleached fiber lines. The technology has
and develop systems that will not only im- papermaking, for example, we have devel- been specifically designed to improve
prove overall process efficiency, but will oped the ADALKA process stabilizer, washing performance, which is of particular
also help the industry reduce environ- the CODIP process improver and the importance from an economical as well
mentally negative effluents. GRAFICO calcium carbonate saver, not as an environmental viewpoint.
We have extensive experience and to mention a number of other tailor-made
knowledge, for example, in the areas of solutions.

CO2 pulp wash technology

Whatever the pulp mill, pulp washing is economical benefits. It is important to fully carried out not only on old limited
one of the most important process stages. note that CO2 can be added in many washlines, but also on new washlines.
Poor washing conditions lead to higher different ways and positions depending The prime reason that investment costs
water and chemical consumption. It also on your specific needs with a minimum are low is that the CO2 pulp wash process
reduces the effectiveness of water treat- of investment. calls for no design modification whatsoever.
ment and chemical recovery operations. Linde has witnessed positive effects of This means that you will find it is both quick
All these factors tend to magnify plant CO2 in various types and brands of and easy to start using carbon dioxide in
costs or effluent problems. Our CO2 wash washers, e.g. screw washers, vacuum and pulp washing.
technology will help you significantly im- pressure washers, displacement washers
prove your wash results with substantial and belt washers. This has been success-

CO2 is used in more than 30 washlines in various ways,

depending on specific needs.

Wash liquor


Fig.1. Schematic drawing

of a simplified washline
with a filter and a press.
Benefits of the
Linde CO2 pulp
wash process Capacity Defoamers



Fig. 2. Reduced fiber swelling Fig. 3. The addition of CO2 reduces

improves dewatering and leads to the need for defoamers.
an increased capacity.

Adding CO2 to the alkaline

Quick response when Cleaner equipment
wash liquor where it is rapidly
applying CO2 with CO2 addition
dissolved accomplishes An effect of our process is related to pH The increase in carbonate concentration
and ion exchange, which reduces fiber influences the process in two specific
two things:
swelling. An immediate result is that de- ways. Carbonate reacts with the nearly
First, the pH level is reduced at watering capability is notably improved. insoluble calcium soaps, converting them
the point of addition, causing a This benefit has shown to be of significant into soluble soaps. This noticeably reduces
significant reduction in fiber importance in fiber lines running high- the level of resin deposits on the washing
swelling. kappa pulps where washing capacity is equipment.
often limited. Such limited capacity often Second, the soluble soaps that are
results in excessively low consistency, or produced will act as surface-tension-
it may even cause some pulp to be by- reducing detergents. This improves the
passed. But the addition of CO2 has removal of dissolved organics while
CO2 clearly been shown to improve capacity reducing the foaming tendency of the
considerably. The increased removal of liquor. A noted result has been a cut in
And, second, there is a formation dirty filtrate has also produced positive defoamer usage of up to 50%.
of both carbonate and hydro- results in the paper mill in the form of
carbonate ions. reduced carryover and a far more stable
pH level for the pulp. There are also fewer
instances of insufficiently washed pulp.
COD Na loss Wash water usage
COD in washed pulp

Na in washed pulp

Wash water

Fig. 4. The addition of CO2 Fig. 5. CO2 addition reduces Na Fig. 6. CO2 addition reduces wash
reduces COD in washed pulp. loss. water usage.

Economical CO2 pulp wash a versatile

benefits tool in the right hands
Objectives for the use of CO2 pulp wash: However, we have succeeded in boosting The experience we have gained from
increased production rate washing capacity by up to 15% in a num- extensive commercial operation has
reduced carryover from the wash plant ber of washlines. We have also been able shown that the CO2 amount and the opti-
to see reductions of COD and Na levels mal point of addition tend to be specific
reduced consumption of required
in washed pulp of up to 2030%, which to each fiber line. This is why after a
in some cases has lead to a notable technical estimation of the potential of CO2
reduced wash-water volumes
reduction in the consumption of required wash technology our specialists always
savings in steam consumption chemicals. perform a mill trial in order to determine
reduced effluent load An economical option, on the other maximum efficiency.
reduced maintenance costs hand, might preferably be to use the All credit to sound technical planning,
improved washing efficiency to reduce the but nothing can beat hands-on work at
The results may vary somewhat, since amount of water consumed. It has been the site. Thats why our experienced
washing conditions and the demands of possible to reduce wash-water flows by specialists will be there on your site to
process improvement vary from mill to 20%. This will, in turn, lead to a cut in steam give you a hand in reaching the best
mill. consumption, which may well be of impor- possible CO2 pulp washing results.
tance especially when the evaporation plant
represents a bottle-neck in the process.
a showcase of successful CO2 addition

Photo: Lars Bygdemark

Korsns produces board, paper, and fluff pulp for runnability and washing that Korsns had set as its
hygienic products. It has been a proven leader in priority targets. The process has, of course, now
pulp and paper technology for many years. Today, been in commercial operation for a number of years
annual pulp production at its highly efficient process- in both bleached and unbleached washlines, and
ing plant amounts to approximately 660,000 tonnes, with continued process improvements. The success
360,000 tonnes of which represent bleached pulp. of this CO2 technology means that Korsns has
When contact was first made between Linde and successively strengthened its position as a techno-
Korsns with regard to the addition of CO2 to the logical leader in the industry. Another prime reason
pulp wash process, it was not long before a process- for its leading position, however, is that Korsns is,
trial agreement had been reached. The experience and always has been, a company that is open to
gained in those initial trials made it possible to opti- concepts and proposals intended to strengthen
mize the process and achieve the improvements in improvements in its processing systems.

How efficient is your pulp washing?

Pulp washing is one of the most important process stages in any mill. Less than satis-
factory washing conditions will quite likely cause a higher consumption of wash water
and an increased use of defoamers and required chemicals. Everyone of these repre-
sents a factor that leads to increased cost and greater effluent problems.
Take a good look at the benefits of our process as presented. We sincerely believe
that you will come to the conclusion that more in-depth discussions are called for.
Contact us for specific facts about your specific conditions. We have a team of
specialist standing ready.
Linde Gas & Engineering
SDP Pulp & Paper
Phone: +46 8 731 10 00
E-mail: [email protected]
Linde Gas
Making the difference

Linde Gas is in the business of making a Created through forward thinking, a

difference in everything we do. For the close customer relationship and a sound
benefit of our customers. Through business sense, the Linde Gas combination
innovative solutions within manufac- of gas products and support services, in-
turing industry, metallurgy, chemistry, novative hardware, customized solutions
food processing, medicine, specialty and on-site supply systems generates
gases, alternative fuel technologies new and profitable opportunities.
Subject to alteration. Printed on chlorine-free bleached paper.

and the environment. This difference Linde Gas technology daily drives
is reflected in our position as a leading entrepreneurship the world over with our
company in Europe and as a major employees all working concertedly to
driving force world-wide. keep making that difference.

Gas technology that works for you

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Linde AG

Linde Gas Division

Phone: +49 89 7446-0
Fax: +49 89 7446-1230

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