Plant Respiration

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FAD (Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide) is the electron acceptor

during oxidation of succinic acid to fumaric acid.
The order of occurrence of cytochromes in F1 particles is
cyt b cyt c cyt a cyt a3.
The cristae of mitochondria possess oxysomes (F1 particles).
End product of anaerobic respiration is alcohol and carbon
dioxide (C2H5OH + CO2).
The aerobic respiration/ Krebs cycle yields- 10 NADH2, 2
FADH2, 2 GTP and 2 ATP.
Krebs cycle takes place in mitochondria.
During Krebs cycle, FADH2 is produced during conversion of
succinic acid to fumaric acid.
Site of photorespiration is chloroplasts, peroxisomes and
F1 particles comprise of head, stalk and base.
Acetyl Co A connects EMP pathway (glycolysis) and Krebs
Net gain of ATP in anaerobic respiration is 2 ATP.
NADP, NAD and FAD are acceptors of hydrogen.
2 ATP are produced during anaerobic fermentation.
Anaerobic respiration, after glycolysis, is called
2 ATP are obtained from the fermentation of 1 glucose
Ethanol (C2H5OH) and lactic acid are the products of
anaerobic respiration.
Citric acid cycle is the alternate name for TCA cycle/ Krebs
Glucose 6 phosphate yields less than 4kcal/mol when its
phosphate bond is hydrolyzed.
From glycolysis of 1 molecule of glucose, net gain of ATP is 2.
RQ during early stages of germination of castor seeds is less
than 1.
Alcohol fermentation takes place in the presence of
zymase enzyme.
The site of EMP pathway in the cell is cytoplasm.
ETC is located in the inner membrane of mitochondria.
ADP contains one high energy bond.
Cristae are the structures associated with mitochondria.
Last electron acceptor in respiration is molecular oxygen (O 2).
Cytochromes are essential for photosynthesis as well as

Connecting link between glycolysis and Krebs cycle is acetyl

Co A phase.
During conversion of pyruvic acid to acetyl Co A, oxidative
decarboxylation takes place.
During respiration, energy is utilized in the form of ATP.
The correct sequence of products in Krebs cycle is-
Citric acid cis aconitic acid isocitric acid

oxalosuccinic acid ketoglutaric acid succinyl Co A
succinic acid fumaric acid malic acid Oxaloacetic acid.

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