the joint its working on and drag it out of place or compress the joints or
nerves that are coming from the vertebral column. Muscle weakness can
have more that one causative factor. A muscle nerve might be compressed
coming out of the of the spine, the nerve that innervates the muscle might
be entrapped in scar tissue, the nerve innervating the muscle could have
been damaged or cut, a misaligned bone might be rubbing on the nerve or
an over toned antagonist might be weakening the muscle. It is important for
massage therapist to check every possibility before forming our treatment
! If you see any mistakes in this document or have suggestions that
would improve it please contact me at: [email protected].
Muscles of Mastication
N: Trigeminus.
I: Medial surface of the condyle of the mandible just ventral to its articular
N: Trigeminus.
Pterygoideus Medialis
N: Trigeminus.
O: From the end of the first and sometimes second thoracic spine and from
the ligamentum nuchae in front of the first thoracic spine. Also form the
medial dorsal raphe of the neck as far cranial as the first cervical vertebra.
Final origin is by an aponeurosis from the cranial border of the
thoracolumbar fascia.
I: Dorsal nuchal lines of the occipital bone and mastoid part of the temporal
A: Extends and raises the neck. In unilateral action to draw the head and
neck laterally. Fixation of the first thoracic vertebra.
N: Cervicales.
Longissimus cervicis
A: Extends the neck; in unilateral action to raise the neck obliquely and turn
it to one side.
Semispinalis Cervicis
O: Arises from the tendon of the most cranial thoracic segment of the
semispinalis thoracis and from the cranial border of the first thoracic spine.
Semispinalis Capitis
I: Occipital ridge.
A: Raises the head and neck and in unilateral action to flex the head and
neck laterally.
Biventer Cervicis
I: Occipital protuberance.
A: Raises the head and neck, in unilateral action to flex the head and neck
A: Raises the head and neck, in unilateral action to flex the head and neck
A: Draws the neck downward. In unilateral action, to bend the neck
sideward. When the neck is fixed, the supracostal part can act in
Longus Capitis
Longus Colli
I: Ventral border on the wing of the sixth cervical vertebra, as well as on the
transverse process of the seventh cervical vertebra.
I: Basioccipital bone.
N: Ramus ventralis of the cervicales.
Multifidus Lumborum
O: Articular processes of the sacrum, first caudal vertebra and from the
mamillary processes of the seventh lumbar vertebrae to the twelfth thoracic
I: Laterally on the ends of the spinous processes of the sixth lumbar to the
ninth thoracic vertebra.
N: Medial branches of the rami dorsales in the lumbar, thoracic and cervical
Multifidus Thoracis
N: Medial branches of the rami dorsales in the lumbar, thoracic and cervical
O: Arises along the entire spinous process and the caudal articular process
of the axis.
I: On the border of the wing of the atlas near the alar notch.
A: Unilateral: rotation of the atlas and thus the head on the axis; bilateral:
fixation of the atlantoaxial joint.
N: Cervicalis.
O: Deep surface of the manubrium sterni and the cranial edge of the first
costal cartilage.
I: Basihyoid bone.
N: Cervicales.
the trunk when acting only on one side. On the lateral
aspect is the iliocostalis system, intermediately, the
longissimus system, and deep medially the
transversospinalis system. The muscles in each system
are as follows:
! Iliocostalis System: iliocostalis lumborum and
iliocostalis thoracis.
! Longissimus System: Longissimus thoracis,
longissimus lumboram, longissimus cervicis, longissimus
capitis, and longissimus atlantis.
! Transversospinalis System: Semispinalis thoracis,
semispinalis cervicis, semispinalis capitis, biventer
cervicis, complexus, multifidus lumborum, multifidus
thoracis, multifidus cervicis, rotatares longi, rotatares
brevis, interspinales, intertransversarii lumborum,
intertransversarii cervicis, intertransversarii dorsales
cervicis, intertransversarii intermedii cervicis,
intertransversarii ventralis cervicis, rectus capitus dorsalis
major, rectus capitus dorsalis intermedius, rectus capitus
dorsalis minor, obliquus capitis caudalis, and obliquus
capitis cranialis.
O: Thoracolumbar fascia.
A: Draws the last three or four ribs caudally for expiration
N: Intercostalis.
O: The thoracolumbar fascia and spines of the first six to eighth thoracic
N: Intercostales.
Longissimus Thoracis
Intercostalis Externi
N: Muscular branches of the intercostales nerves one through twelve.
Intercostalis Interni
N: Intercostales.
Intercartilaginei Externi
O: Unseparated continuations of the intercostales externi.
I: Interchondral spaces.
N: Intercostales.
Intercartilaginei Interni
N: Intercostales.
O: Beneath the internal intercostal muscles at the vertebral ends of the ribs.
I: Bridges several ribs.
N: Intercostales
Semispinalis Thoracis
O: Fascia of Longissimus.
Rotatares Longi
I: From the transverse processes of the tenth to the first thoracic vertebrae.
Rotatares Brevis
A: Rotation of the greater cranial portion of the thoracic vertebral column
about the longitudinal axis in unilateral action; otherwise, fixation.
Longissimus Lumborum
O: Iliac crest and ventral surface of the ilium and spinous processes and
supraspinous ligament.
Iliocostalis Lumborum
O: Pelvic surface of the wing of the ilium, iliac crest and intermuscular
A: Fixation of the vertebral column or lateral movement when only one side
contracts; aids in expiration by pulling the ribs caudally.
Muscles of Inspiration
Levatores Costarum
A: Inspiration.
Rectus Thoracis
O: First rib, opposite the most ventral portion of the scalenus muscle.
A: Inspiration.
O: Ventral bodies of the second through fourth lumbar vertebrae via the
diaphragmatic tendon.
A: Inspiration.
N: Phrenic.
O: Cranial border of the first rib.
Serratus Ventralis
I: Transverse processes of the last five cervical vertebrae and on the first
seven or eight ribs.
Muscles of Expiration
Transversus Thoracis
A: Expiration.
N: Intercostales.
O: From the middle parts of the fourth to twelfth ribs and the adjacent trunk
N: Lateral branches of the last eight or nine intercostales and the lateral
branches of the costoabdominalis, iliohypogastricus, and ilioinguinalis.
O: Last rib.
N: Lateral branches of the last eight or nine intercostales and the lateral
branches of the costoabdominalis, iliohypogastricus, and ilioinguinalis.
Rectus Abdominis
O: From the sternum and costal cartilage.
I: Unites with the tendon of origin of the pectineus muscle and the prepubic
Iliocostalis Lumborum
O: Pelvic surface of the wing of the ilium, iliac crest and intermuscular
A: Fixation of the vertebral column or lateral movement when only one side
contracts; aids in expiration by pulling the ribs caudally.
O: Tuber coxae.
A: Compression and support of the abdominal viscera.
Transverse Abdominus
O: Eighth costal cartilage, last lumbar transverse process and tuber coxae.
Cutaneus Trunci
A: Shakes the skin to remove foreign bodies and increase heat production.
It also tenses the skin when required. The preputial muscle draws the
prepuce over the glans after erection. The supramammary muscle aids in
support of the mammary glands and perhaps in milk ejection.
O: From the lamina of the thoracolumbar fascia caudal to the last rib,
mainly from the tuber coxae.
I: Costal cartilage, thirteenth rib and on the cartilage of the twelfth rib.
O: Small processes that are dorsolateral to the caudal edge of the caudal
vertebrae. Direct extension of the multifidus muscle.
N: Branches of the plexus caudalis dorsalis.
O: Ventral surface of the body of the last lumbar vertebra and from the
sacrum; the remainder arise from the ventral surfaces and roots of the
transverse processes of the caudal vertebrae..
I: Ventral lateral tubercle of the proximal end of the sixth through last caudal
O: Starting from the last sacral vertebra on the ventral surface and running
from each vertebra to the next.
N: Branches of the plexus caudalis ventralis.
A: Bilateral to press the tail against the anus and genital parts and, in
conjunction with the depressors, to draw the tail between the rear legs.
Unilateral, lateral flexion.
Levator Ani
O: Medial edge of the shaft of the ilium on the inner surface of the ramus of
the pubis and on the entire pubic symphysis.
A: Bilateral: to press the tail against the anus and genital parts, unilateral:
to bring the tail cranially and laterally. The levatores ani, in combination with
the levatores of the tail, cause the sharp angulation between the sixth and
seventh caudal vertebrae which is characteristic for defecation:
compression of the rectum.
N: Ventral branches of the third sacral and first caudal nerve.
Sublumbar Muscles
Psoas Minor
A: To steepen the pelvis, or to flex the lumbar part of the vertebral column.
I: Along with the iliacus muscle to the lesser trochanter of the femur.
A: To draw the pelvic limb forward by flexion of the hip joint; when the femur
is fixed in position, flexion and fixation of the vertebral column; when the leg
is extended backward, it draws the trunk backward.
Quadratus Lumborum
O: Bodies of the last three thoracic vertebrae to the transverse processes
of the lumbar vertebrae as far as the seventh lumbar vertebra.
I: Medial surface of the wing of the ilium between the articular surface and
the caudal ventral iliac spine.
Rump Muscles
O: Proximally to the tuber coxae and from the aponeurosis of the gluteus
A: Tension of the fascia lata and thus tension of the hip joint; extension of
the stifle joint.
N: Gluteus cranialis.
Gluteus Superficialis
O: Gluteal fascia, tuber sacrale, caudal fascia, lateral border of the sacrum,
first caudal vertebra, and half of the proximal part of the sacrotuberous
N: Gluteus caudalis.
Gluteus Medius
O: Gluteal surface of the ilium, the iliac crest and from both angles of the
N: Gluteus cranialis.
N: Gluteus caudalis.
Gluteus Profundus
N: Gluteus cranialis.
Obturator Internus
I: Trochanteric fossa.
N: Ischiadicus.
N: Ischiadicus.
Quadratus Femoris
O: Ventral surface of the ischium medial to the lateral angle of the ischial
I: Trochanteric fossa.
N: Ischiadicus.
Biceps Femoris
I: Tibial tuberosity, tibial crest, medial tuberosity of the tuber calcanei via the
calcaneal tendon.
O: Arises by a long, flat tendon, which lies on the aponeurosis of the deep
surface of the biceps femoris on the ventrocaudal edge of the
sacrotuberous ligament near the ischial tuberosity.
I: Crural fascia.
A: With the caudal branch of the biceps femoris, it abducts the limb and
flexes the stifle.
N: Ischiadicus.
O: Lateral angle of the ischial tuberosity between the biceps femoris and
I: Medial surface of the tibia in front of the flexor muscles and the tuber
calcanei with the biceps femoris.
A: Extension of the hip and tarsal joints, flexion of the stifles joint in the free
non-weight-bearing limb.
N: Tibialis.
A: Extends the hip when the foot is placed on a solid substrate. The cranial
head extends the hip and is active during the stance phase of locomotion.
The caudal head is a two-joint muscle and can flex the stifle and contribute
to hip extension.
N: Tibialis.
Rectus Femoris
I: Tibial tuberosity.
N: Femoralis.
Vastus Medialis
I: Tibial tuberosity.
N: Femoralis
Vastus Lateralis
O: Cranial lateral part of the proximal fifth of the femur on the transverse
line and on the line of the vastus lateralis to the lateral lip.
I: Tibial tuberosity.
N: Femoralis.
Vastus Intermedius
O: From the vastus lateralis which covers it and also from the lateral part of
the proximal fourth of the femur.
I: Tibial tuberosity.
N: Femoralis.
Medial Muscles of the Thigh
O: The cranial part arises from the iliac crest and the cranial ventral iliac
spine, as well as from the lumbodorsal fascia. The caudal part arises on the
bony ridge between the two ventral spines of the ilium.
A: To flex the hip and stifle while the limb is being protracted and to
contribute to stifle extension during stance.
N: Saphenous.
A: Adduction of the thigh, extension of the hip joint and extension of the
N: Obturatorius.
I: Raised ridge of the medial femoral condyle and popliteal surface of the
femur medial to the surface of the insertion of the adductor magnus
A: Adduction of the thigh.
N: Obturatorius.
Adductor Longus
O: Pubic tubercle
N: Obturatorius.
O: Arises along the entire pelvic symphysis and on the neighboring parts of
the ischiatic arch, but primarily from the symphysial tendon of the pelvic
I: Over the whole length of the lateral lip of the femur from the trochanter
tertius to the place near the origin of the gastrocnemius laterale.
N: Obturatorius.
Tibialis Cranialis
O: Medial to the sulcus extensorius on the cranial portion of the articular
margin of the tibia and on the lateral arched edge of the cranial border of
the tibia.
N: Peroneus.
O: It arises in the extensor fossa on the lateral epicondyle of the femur and
passes through the sulcus extensorius of the tibia.
N: Peroneus.
O: Arises on the cranial border of the fibula between the proximal and the
middle third, and on the interosseous membrane cranial to the peroneus
I: Digit 1 and 2.
N: Peroneus profundus.
O: Lateral condyle of the tibia, the fibular collateral ligament of the
femorotibial joint, and the proximal end of the fibula.
A: Rotation of the hind paw medially so that the plantar surface faces
laterally; flexion of the tarsus.
N: Peroneus
I: Digit 5.
N: Peroneus.
O: Lateral surface of the distal two thirds of the fibula and tibia, almost as
far as the lateral malleolus.
N: Peroneus profundus.
O: Lateral head arises by a large tendon of the lateral supracondylar
tuberosity of the femur. The medial head arises on the medial
supracondylar tuberosity of the femur.
A: Primarily extends the tarsal joint; slight flexion of the stifle joint.
N: Tibialis
A: Flexion of the digits, extension and fixation of the tarsus, flexion of the
N: Tibialis
O: Caudal surface of the proximal three-fifths of the fibula and the proximal
caudolateral border of the tibia and the interosseus membrane.
N: Tibialis.
O: Head of the fibula, the popliteal line and the fascial leaf separating it
from the flexor hallucis longus.
N: Tibialis.
Tibialis Caudalis
N: Tibialis.
O: Plantar surface of the lateral condyle of the femur by a long tendon that
contains a sesamoid bone.
A: Flexion of the stifle. Also, the muscle effects inward or medial rotation of
the leg relative to the femur.
N: Tibialis
O: Median fibrous raphe of the neck and the supraspinous ligament of the
thorax. Its origin extends from the third cervical vertebra to the ninth
thoracic vertebra.
N: Accessorius
O: Distal portion of the scapular spine, as far as the acromian, and from
that part of the omobrachial fascia that covers the acromial part of the
N: Accessorius.
O: Tendinous raphe of the neck and the ends of the spinous processes of
the first through seventh thoracic vertebrae.
I: Medial and partly on the lateral edge of the base of the scapula.
A: To elevate the limb, pull the limb and shoulder forward or backward, to
draw the scapula against the trunk.
Serratus Ventralis
O: Facies serrata of the scapula.
I: Transverse processes of the last five cervical vertebrae and on the first
seven or eight ribs.
I: Mastoid part of the temporal bone and to the dorsal nuchal line of the
occipital bone.
O: Clavicular tendon and the distal end of the cranial surface of the
N: Brachiocephalic.
O: Clavicular tendon.
A: To draw the limb forward, and acting bilaterally, to fix the neck.
N: Axilaris
O: Clavicular tendon.
A: Draws the limb forward and acting bilaterally, to fix the neck
N: Accessorius.
Latissimus Dorsi
Pectorales Superficiales
O: Paramedially on the cranial end of the sternum.
A: Supports the limb, draw back the limb inward, draw the limb forward or
backward according to its position, and draw the trunk sideward.
N: Pectorales cranialis.
Pectoralis Profundus
O: First to last sternebra and with a superficial marginal portion as the pars
abdominalis, from the deep fascia of the trunk to the region of the xiphoid
A: During locomotion, to move the trunk cranially over the advanced limb,
extend the shoulder joint; draw the limb backward.
N: Pectorales caudales.
N: Suprascapularis.
O: Infraspinous fossa, scapular spine and the caudal border of the scapula.
N: Suprascapularis.
Teres Minor
N: Axillaris.
N: Axillaris.
Medial Shoulder Muscles
O: Subscapular fossa.
A: Primarily to adduct and extend the shoulder joint and to draw the
humerus forward, during flexion of the joint, it aids in maintaining flexion.
N: Axillaris
Teres Major
N: Axillaris.
Biceps Brachii
N: Musculocutaneous.
N: Musculocutaneous.
Triceps Brachii
N: Radialis.
A: Extends the elbow and tenses the antebrachial fascia.
N: Radialis.
I: Olecranon.
A: It supports the action of the triceps brachii and is the chief tensor of the
antebrachial fascia.
N: Radialis.
N: Radialis.
N: Radialis.
I: Dorsal portion of the edge of the horn of the distal phalanxes two to five.
N: Radialis.
N: Radialis.
N: Radialis
O: Middle third of the dorsolateral border of the ulna.
N: Radialis.
O: Lateral surface of the ulna and radius, and the interosseous membrane.
A: Abduction and flexion of the first digit and medial deviation of the
N: Radialis.
Pronator Teres
I: Distal to the supinator on the medial border of the radius as far as its
N: Medianus.
Flexor Carpi Radialis
N: Medianus.
A: Flexion of the proximal and middle digital joints of the four principal digits
and thereby of the whole paw.
N: Medianus.
O: Medially on the palmar border of the proximal end of the ulna and
medial or flexor epicondyle of the humerus.
I: Accessory carpal.
N: Ulnaris.
O: Medial epicondyle of the humerus, immediately caudal to the tendon of
origin of the flexor carpi radialis and on the caudal surface of the proximal
three-fifths of the radius.
I: Tuberosities of the distal phalanges of digits two through five and digit
N: Medianus.
Pronator Quadratus
I: Radius.
N: Medianus.