1.1 What Is Finance?

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Finance 3

Chapter 1


1.1 What is Finance? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Corporate Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Financial Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.1 What is Finance?

Finance is study of the valuation and management of risk.
There are two components to risk.

1. The time of its revelation.

2. The nature of its randomness.

We start with the timing problem by considering valuation and management of

risk free cash flows at dierent points in time.
The second problem is more tricky. How can one distinguish between dierent
classes, or categories, of risky cash flows? We all know how to distinguish between
apples and pears, but what is the equivalent for risky cashflows?

1.2 Corporate Finance

This book is about financial issues connected with corporations. Typical defini-
tions of corporations deal with the legalities of defining the ownership and control.
But we will largely abstract from these. From a finance point of view, the corpo-
ration is a bundle of risky cash flows. To value a corporation, we disentangle
4 Finance

the components of the risky cash flows (including the date of revelation), value
these separately, and, finally, apply value additivity to sum all the components.
For our purposes, managing a company is largely playing around with the
bundling of the risky components of the corporation. For example, reshuing
of cash flows in time to postpone tax payments, or understanding how bundling
creates incentives for participants, such as management, bondholders and equity

1.3 Financial Markets

For our purposes, financial markets can be thought of as supermarkets for risky
cash flows. Unlike regular supermarkets where you shop among products on
the shelves, financial supermarkets work as organized exchanges, where financial
securities are bought and sold in continuous auctions. Financial securities are
best though of as packages of cash flows, and they come in all sorts. Let us look
at some examples.
Most governments need to finance their deficits. To do so they issue govern-
ment debt. The debt can be short term, in which case we call it a Treasury Bill,
which will promise a given cashflow sometime within the next year. A treasury
bill is the typical example of a risk free security, there is no uncertainty about the
future payments. If government debt is long term, over a year, it is typically is-
sued as government bonds, with annual payments of coupons and a repayment of
the face value at the bond maturity. Since governments can always print money,
there is no uncertainty about whether you get your money back when you hold
a long term government bond. But government bonds are still not as risk free
as treasury bills. The reason is that there is always uncertainty about the future
worth of a dollar (or pound, or mark) due to inflation.
A more risky security is corporate equity, or stocks. A corporate equity gives
the owner the right to a dividend from the corporation. The dividend is a function
of the profitability of the corporation. Since this profitability is quite variable for
most companies, the cashflows from a stock will be risky. Historically, though,
at least in the U.S, the return from holding equity has been on average much
higher than the return from holding government debt.
Some of the largest financial markets are markets in derivatives, securities
whose payo depend on the price of some other security, or even on the prices
of real (as opposed to financial) goods. Futures markets are markets where one
can fix a price today for a future delivery of some good. Options markets are
markets where one can fix a price today for a future contingent delivery of some
1.3 Financial Markets 5

We usually make a distinction between the primary and the secondary mar-
ket. The primary market is at the issue of a security. Treasury securities are
often issued to the general public by an auction where anybody can send in bids.
This is then the primary market for treasury securities. When a corporation is-
sues equities for the first time, the Initial Public Oering, this is the primary
market for equities.
When securities are traded after they have been issued (in the primary mar-
ket), they are said to be traded in the secondary market. In terms of volume and
value, the secondary market dwarfs the primary market. Many do not understand
why secondary markets are important, because they only seem to be zero sum
games. (If somebody makes a gain buying a stock the seller must be a loser.)
These people miss some important services that financial markets provide:

Hedging (risk insurance).

Intertemporal matching of liquidity needs.

Price signals to primary market.

Relative to the amounts being bought and sold in financial markets, the costs
of transacting are small. (Hey, all you are doing is shuing paper around.) The
costs are not zero (How do you think stockbrokers survive?), but they are closer to
the economists definition of a perfect market than most other markets. It is this
that makes it justifiable for us to make an assumption of perfect capital markets,
markets where it is costless to transact. Their existence would in practice lead to
extreme investment strategies, like: Never realize any capital gains until you die,
realize losses as soon as they occur, shield dividends from taxation by borrowing
money. When we use them in our models, they are best thought of as reasonable
approximations to the true market.

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