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Brief Analysis

Site Accident
This publication is produced by the Occupational Safety and Health Branch of the
Labour Department

This edition February 2013

Brief Analysis
Brief Analysis of
Site Accident
Site Accident Cases

This publication is issued free of charge and can be obtained from offices of the
Occupational Safety and Health Branch. It can also be downloaded from the website
of the Labour Department at
For enquiries about addresses and telephone numbers of the offices, please refer
to Labour Departments website at, or call
2559 2297.

This publication may be freely reproduced except for advertising, endorsement or

commercial purposes. Please acknowledge the source as Brief Analysis of Site
Accident Cases, published by the Labour Department.

Foreword 1 Although the number of injuries in our construction industry
has been declining in recent years, it remains at a high level. Many
I. Work at Height Falling from scaffold 2 construction workers attribute their accidents to bad luck. It is a
misconception stemmed from a lack of safety awareness. According to
Falling from mobile tubular scaffold 4
the studies on work injury cases, many accidents are preventable by
Falling from temporary ladder 6 taking simple measures, including good housekeeping of construction
sites, proper use of personal protective equipment and provision of
Falling with boatswains chair 8 safety training, etc.

II. Falling Object A metal bar falling from height 10

In terms of legal liability, though the responsibility for ensuring the
Bricks falling from height 12 safety and health of employees at work mainly lies on the employer,
employees should also note that they are obliged to take care for the
Metal pipes falling during lifting operation 14 safety and health of themselves and others at the workplace, and to

III. Stacking of Materials Formwork panels being knocked over 16 follow the safety rules and work procedures laid down by the employers.
Should they notice any potential hazards at the construction site, they
Toppling over of precast concrete building unit 18 should bring them to the attention of the responsible persons so that
action for improvement can be taken.
IV. Confined Space Poisoning in manhole sewer 20

Poisoning in metal duct 22
This booklet is mainly prepared for construction workers and
frontline supervising personnel with a view to enhancing their
awareness of occupational safety. Through a brief analysis of the
V. Maintenance and Electricity Trapped during lift maintenance 24
causes of various real-life accident cases and provision of some
Electrocution when using hand tool 26 important points-to-note, it is hoped that workers and supervising
personnel will pay more attention to their personal safety, be more
Electrocution when carrying out electrical works 28 willing to report irregularities, and will make recommendations for
improvement, leading to better communication and co-operation with
Enquiry and Complaints 30 the employers.

We hope that with the consensus and co-operation between the

employers and employees, work safety of the construction industry can
be further improved with a continued reduction in its accident rate.

Case (1) Falling from Scaffold


Brief Description of Case Illustration of Safe Practice
The bamboo scaffold of a building under construction had been partially dismantled. To
prevent the bamboo members of the scaffold from getting loose and falling down during
Use a safety harness and attach it to

the independent lifeline

the holiday, a team of scaffolders tied them up first. In the course of their work, one of the
workers lost his balance and plunged to his death onto the platform.

Illustration of Accident

Workers should Workers shouldnt

wear safety harness while at work carry out scaffold dismantling without
check whether the independent lifeline attaching the safety harness to the
is secure independent lifeline
attach the safety harness to the
independent lifeline
receive proper safety training and
carry out the safety measures for work
laid down by the employer

Points to Note for Foreman and Person-in-Charge

Provide safety training to ensure that workers know the safety measures for work at
Provide suitable safety harnesses and independent lifelines for workers
Ensure that workers working on a scaffold have been trained on scaffolding work
Cause of Accident
and have sufficient experience
A safe system of work for scaffold dismantling was not provided Ensure that workers have their safety harnesses attached to independent lifelines
The worker did not attach his safety harness to the independent lifeline during the erection or dismantling of a scaffold

2 3
Case (2) Falling from mobile tubular scaffold


Brief Description of Case Illustration of Safe

A worker carried out painting of the fire mains installed on the ceiling from a mobile Practice
tubular scaffold. As the floor was slightly inclined, he kept the scaffold in a level position When erecting a

by putting a steel plate beneath it to prevent it from moving. Subsequently, the tubular mobile tubular scaffold
scaffold toppled over all of a sudden when the worker was painting from its top. As a on an inclined floor,
result, the worker plunged to his death. suitable mats should
be used to keep the
Illustration of Accident scaffold in a level

Workers should Workers shouldnt

level an inclined floor with suitable secure the tubular scaffold on an
materials inclined floor with wedges only
check whether the tubular scaffold is overstretch the body from the working
secure platform
move the tubular scaffold to the
working position
secure the tubular scaffold with

Points to Note for Foreman and Person-in-Charge

Cause of Accident Provide a safe working platform for workers who work at height
The tubular scaffold was not horizontally and securely erected on the inclined floor
Have the tubular scaffold erected by trained and competent workers
The worker overstretched his body from the working platform resulting in the
imbalance of the tubular scaffold Have the tubular scaffold inspected by a competent person before use
The steel plate underneath the tubular scaffold failed to balance and secure the scaf- Provide safety training in respect of the use of the tubular scaffold (including how to
fold erect a tubular scaffold on an inclined floor) for workers

4 5
Case (3) Falling from temporary ladder


Brief Description of Case Illustration of Safe Practice
A worker lost his balance and fell to his death from a wooden ladder which was
supported by a big iron barrel underneath when dismantling a 6-metre high wire mesh.

Investigation revealed that the worker had drunk alcohol before work.
Illustration of Accident

Workers should Workers shouldnt

use a suitable platform for work at use insecure equipment for work at
height height
report to the foreman on the lack of drink alcohol before work
safety measures and give suggestions

Points to Note for Foreman and Person-in-Charge

Provide safe working procedures for dismantling wire mesh
Cause of Accident Provide training and supervision for workers to ensure their compliance with the safe
There was no suitable working platform working procedures
Safe dismantling procedures were not provided Provide a suitable working platform

6 7
Case (4) Falling with boatswains chair


Brief Description of Case Illustration of Safe Practice
A worker carried out paint work from a boatswains chair at the external wall of a
building. When he was working at the external wall on 14/F, the pulley from which the
Use a suspended working platform
instead of a boatswains chair

seat was suspended suddenly detached from the connecting bolt, causing the worker to Inspect, examine and test the
fall to his death. suspended working platform before use
Use the safety harness and independent
Illustration of Accident
lifeline properly


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Do not use

Workers should Workers shouldnt

use a suspended working platform use a boatswains chair
instead of a boatswains chair use defective working equipment
inspect the working equipment to use the safety harness and indepen-
ensure safety before work; if there dent lifeline improperly
is any query, approach the foreman
ensure that the safety harness and fall
arrestor are properly attached to an
independent lifeline
receive recognised safety training and
possess a valid certificate

Points to Note for Foreman and Person-in-Charge

Cause of Accident
Provide workers with a suspended working platform for carrying out works at the
The overall structure of the boatswains chair was unsafe external wall
The whole structure was not inspected by a competent examiner before use Ensure that workers using the suspended working platform possess relevant valid
The fall arrestor and independent lifeline were not properly installed, thus failing to Provide training for workers so that they know how to use personal protective
prevent the worker from falling equipment

8 9
FALLING OBJECT Case (5) A metal bar falling from height

Brief Description of Case Illustration of Safe Practice

After completing the water pump works, an electrician stayed on an uncovered podium
of a building without wearing a safety helmet. A metal bar of about 1.8m long and 10mm Harness
in diameter fell from height and hit his head.
Illustration of Accident

(Structure of a Safety Helmet)

A clearance of 2550mm between the
harness and the inside of the
shell should be maintained

Workers should Workers shouldnt

never put construction materials at put construction materials at places
places such as the edges of windows where they are liable to fall
or buildings where they are liable to pay no regard to safety, resulting in
fall others being injured by falling objects
take immediate action to address any damage or improperly use personal
hazards of falling objects and report to protective equipment
the foreman
avoid staying at places with hazards of
falling objects
wear a safety helmet when working on
a construction site

Points to Note for Foreman and Person-in-Charge

Cause of Accident Inspect and supervise site condition to ensure that no loose materials are put at
The metal bar was liable to fall as it was placed at the window edge on an upper places where they are liable to fall
floor Install secure fenders/bracings at the external wall near places such as the podium or
The falling of the metal bar might be inadvertently caused by someone at work the ground
No secure fenders/bracings had been installed at the external wall of the building Instruct all site workers to prevent objects from falling
near the podium Adopt reasonable measures to ensure that site workers wear safety helmets

10 11
FALLING OBJECT Case (6) Bricks falling from height

Brief Description of Case Illustration of Safe Practice
At the material time of the accident, a delivery worker was operating a hoist to transport Materials are properly stacked
concrete bricks to the top floor. When the platform of the hoist moved up to the 10th floor and securely tied
after it was loaded with concrete bricks by workers on the ground, some concrete bricks The platform is enclosed
were displaced due to the vibration during lifting. As the frame of the hoist was unfenced, The frame of the hoist is
a displaced brick fell from the frame and hit the head of a worker on the ground. securely fenced

Illustration of Accident

Workers should Workers shouldnt

properly stack and securely tie place loose materials on the platform of
materials on the platform the hoist in a careless manner
use a hoist with an enclosed platform use a hoist not in compliance with the
and a fenced frame safety requirements
inform the foreman promptly of any pay no attention to the safe operation
unsafe conditions of hoists
receive safety training on the operation
of hoists
wear a safety helmet

Points to Note for Foreman and Person-in-Charge

Cause of Accident The platform of the hoist for delivering materials should be enclosed
The concrete bricks were neither properly stacked nor securely tied The frame of the hoist should be securely fenced
Workers should be provided with appropriate safety training on the operation of
The platform of the hoist was not installed with any enclosures to prevent loose hoists
materials from falling during lifting Workers should be instructed to securely tie and properly stack materials before
The frame of the hoist was unfenced delivery

12 13
FALLING OBJECT Case (7) Metal pipes falling during lifting operation

Brief Description of Case Illustration of Safe Practice
Two workers were working at the bottom of a shaft which was 35 metres deep from the Properly tie up the pipes to be lifted
ground, while another team of workers were lifting the metal pipes with a mobile crane on The crane operator should take a safe lifting route with the assistance of a signaller
the ground. When the metal pipes were being lifted over the top of the shaft, two of them
suddenly slipped and fell into the shaft, striking a worker working there.

Illustration of Accident

Workers should Workers shouldnt

properly tie up the materials to be tie the materials to be lifted in a
lifted careless manner
receive safety training on lifting, and pay no regard to the safety of others for
crane operators must hold a certificate convenience sake
of competency
take a safe lifting route to avoid posing
risks to others

Points to Note for Foreman and Person-in-Charge

Provide relevant workers with safety training on lifting
Supervise the lifting operation to ensure compliance of relevant safety measures by
Avoid taking a lifting route which passes through an area where workers are
Cause of Accident
The metal pipes were not properly tied before lifting Ensure that crane operators hold valid certificates
The materials were lifted past an area where workers were working Arrange for a signaller to assist the crane operator with safe lifting

14 15
Case (8) Formwork panels being knocked over

Brief Description of Case Illustration of Safe Practice
The metal and wooden formwork panels for building construction were kept in a vertical Adopt a standard set of hand signals or use other effective means of communication,
position in a construction site. A bundle of wooden panels was being lifted by a tower such as walkie-talkies, for lifting operation
crane, which was operated by an operator holding a certificate of competency, to another Lifting operation has to be carried out according to the signallers instructions
location for storage. At the place of storage, the wooden panels had to be lifted across
some of the metal panels. Suddenly, the operator stopped the tower crane without
receiving the instruction from the signaller. The wooden panels then started to spin and
knocked down a metal panel nearby, crushing a worker who was cleaning the panel to

Illustration of Accident

Workers should Workers shouldnt

receive recognised safety training and carry out lifting operation without
obtain a valid certificate before they sufficient communication with the
can operate the tower crane signaller
receive the safety training arranged
carry out lifting operation with a tower
by the employer before they can be a
signaller crane in the absence of an unobstructed
maintain effective two-way com- and clear view and the assistance of a
munication when taking up the role of signaller
a crane operator or signaller

Points to Note for Foreman and Person-in-Charge

Cause of Accident Cranes have to be operated by operators holding valid certificates
Only workers who have received safety training in lifting operation can be assigned
The lifting operation was carried out despite insufficient communication between the
as signallers
crane operator and signaller
Provide workers with a proper safe system of work and associated equipment
The vertically placed panels lacked sufficient support and proper storage to prevent Provide suitable support to prevent vertically placed panels from toppling over by
them from toppling over by accident accident

16 17
STACKING OF MATERIALS Case (9) Toppling over of precast concrete building unit

Brief Description of Case Illustration of Safe Practice
A worker assisted in transporting four precast building units to a site by truck. Upon Use secured guy ropes or supporting
arrival, he first unloaded three building units from the truck platform on the site. The frames to fix the precast building unit in
remaining unit had to be transported to another location on the same site. While the position
worker was still on the truck platform, the precast building unit suddenly toppled over,
pressing him against the side panel of the platform and crushing him to death.

Illustration of Accident


Workers should Workers shouldnt

follow the safe working procedures and stay in any environment where there
carry out the safety measures provided are materials in danger of toppling
by the employer over
immediately notify the foreman when
a dangerous working procedure is
receive proper training in lifting

Points to Note for Foreman and Person-in-Charge

Develop safe working procedures and methods before handling heavy materials
Train the delivery workers to adopt the safe working procedures and methods at work
Cause of Accident
and supervise their work
There were no suitable supporting frames or secured guy ropes to fix the precast Provide suitable supporting frames or secured guy ropes and associated equipment
building unit in position for fixing building units in position

18 19
Case (10) Poisoning in Manhole Sewer


Brief Description of Case Illustration of Safe Practice

A team of workers had to clear a sewer which was about 2 metres in diameter. A Wear suitable and approved breathing apparatus
test was conducted before commencement of work. The result indicated that the
Wear a safety harness connected to a lifeline, with
environment was safe. Also, an air blower was provided at the top of the manhole to
the free end of the lifeline held by the worker staying
blow fresh air into the sewer. When the work was close to completion, the workers
outside for immediate rescue
removed the air blower. A worker fell unconscious when entering the sewer for final
clean-up, and so did the other workers during the rescue as they didnt wear any breathing Equip oneself with warning and communication
apparatus when going inside. Subsequently, the foreman called the police for rescue. devices to keep in touch with the worker stationed
Illustration of Accident

Workers should Workers shouldnt

hold a certificate for working in work in a confined space when he is
confined spaces not a holder of the certificate for working
check whether the risk assessment in confined spaces
report, which states that work can be refuse to use the safety equipment
carried out safely, has been displayed provided by the employer
follow the safe working procedures and continue working despite physical
emergency measures provided by the discomfort
employer risk their own lives by entering the
make good use of the safety equip- confined space to rescue others
ment provided by the employer without receiving any safety training or
inform the worker stationed outside wearing any safety equipment
and get out immediately should any
changes in the environment or physical
discomfort be noticed

Points to Note for Foreman and Person-in-Charge

Cause of Accident Only allow workers holding a certificate for working in confined spaces to work in
the confined space
The effluent in the sewer produced poisonous gas
Appoint a competent person to carry out continuous air safety test for the
Poisonous gas accumulated more easily in the absence of an air blower
environment inside the sewer, and provide suitable ventilation equipment
The worker did not wear suitable breathing apparatus while at work
Ensure that every worker understands the safe system of work and emergency
The workers taking part in the rescue did not wear any safety equipment rescue procedures devised by the company, and provide all the safety equipment for
The quality of air in the sewer was not continuously monitored emergency rescue

20 21
Case (11) Poisoning in Metal Duct


Brief Description of Case Illustration of Safe Practice

A polishing worker was poisoned by the carbon monoxide produced by a portable diesel Place the generator outside the duct
generator operating in a metal duct which was over 100 metres in length and 2.2 metres
Provide proper air blowing equipment
in diameter while he was polishing the internal surface of the duct alone.

Illustration of Accident

Workers should Workers shouldnt

place the fuel-powered machine outside work in a confined space when he
the confined space is not a holder of the certificate for
hold a certificate for working in confined working in confined spaces
spaces enter the confined space for work
check whether the risk assessment without knowing clearly the safety
report, which states that work can be condition of the work environment
carried out safely, has been displayed
use the safety equipment provided by risk their own lives by entering the con-
the employer fined space to rescue others without
leave the confined space immediately receiving any safety training or wearing
and report to the foreman should any any safety equipment
physical discomfort be noticed

Cause of Accident Points to Note for Foreman and Person-in-Charge

An enormous amount of poisonous carbon monoxide was produced when the fuel A safe system of work should be devised for work in confined spaces, which includes
generator was in operation conducting risk assessment for work in confined spaces and issuing the assessment
report by a competent person, carrying out the relevant safety measures, and
Poor air ventilation inside the metal duct had resulted in the accumulation of carbon drawing up emergency rescue procedures
monoxide Only allow workers holding a certificate for working in confined spaces to work in
Risk assessment for work in confined spaces was not carried out the confined space

22 23
Case (12) Trapped During Lift Maintenance



Brief Description of Case Illustration of Safe Practice

A lift mechanic was asked to carry out lift maintenance work in a commercial building. Activate the emergency stop
He first entered the machine room to adjust the lift car to a specific position. Then he switch and the maintenance
opened the lift door and climbed onto the top of the lift car for carrying out maintenance switch before carrying out the
work. In the course of work, the lift door suddenly closed, followed by the lift car going maintenance work
up. As a result, the mechanic was trapped between the lift car and the lift frame, sustaining
Put up a warning sign and
serious injuries.
fence the area

Illustration of Accident

main e
Danger nce

Workers should Workers shouldnt

receive proper safety training carry out lift maintenance work without
activate the relevant stopping switch to cutting off the normal control circuit of
cut off the normal control circuit of the the lift
lift carry out lift maintenance work without
put up warning signs to inform others taking any measures to prevent others
that maintenance work is in progress from activating the lift accidentally
carry out maintenance work without
support or working partners

Points to Note for Foreman and Person-in-Charge

Develop and implement a safe system of work to ensure workers to take necessary
safety measures
Cause of Accident
Supervise and ensure workers to comply with the safe system of work
The stopping switch in the machine room as well as the emergency stop switch and
the maintenance switch on top of the lift car were not activated before carrying out the Provide proper safety training for workers
maintenance work Provide support or working partners to ensure that the maintenance work is
No warning sign was posted to warn other people not to use the lift conducted in a safe manner

24 25
Case (13) Electrocution when Using Hand Tool



Brief Description of Case Illustration of Safe Practice

When a carpenter was standing on the ground with water pools cutting a wooden board Provide a dry working environment
with a portable electric saw, there was current leakage from the electric saw. The worker free of water pools
received electric shock and fainted. Wear insulating safety shoes
Use double insulated tools

Illustration of Accident
Double insulated equipment usually
bears the mark
(See diagram below)

Workers should Workers shouldnt

check the working environment prior use electric tools on the ground with
to commencement of work. Any water water pools
pool should be cleared first use damaged or not properly earthed
check whether the electric tool is electric tools
intact and properly earthed before
using it (only double insulated tools
bearing the mark do not require an
earth wire)
wear insulating safety shoes
receive proper safety training

Points to Note for Foreman and Person-in-Charge

All electric tools, except double insulated tools bearing the mark, must be
Cause of Accident properly earthed, maintained and repaired as well as regularly tested
The workplace was damp and with water pools The socket outlet circuits for electric tools must be fitted with proper residual current
The electric saw was not properly earthed devices
The power socket was not fitted with any residual current device (commonly known Put up the statutory notice on First Aid for Electric Shocks in conspicuous locations
as earth leakage circuit breaker) of the workplace where electricity is to be used
There was leakage current from the electric saw Provide workers with proper safety and first aid training

26 27
Case (14) Electrocution when Carrying Out Electrical Works



Brief Description of Case Illustration of Safe Practice

An electrician was asked to replace the old electrical wires installed in a false ceiling. He Turn off the main power switch
pulled the old wires out of the conduits with his right hand, and held the metal frame of and keep it locked. The key
the false ceiling with his left one. In the course of pulling the wires, his right hand touched should be kept by the person
a nearby wire with damaged insulation. As a result, he was electrocuted. in charge of the works, and a
warning notice should be put
Illustration of Accident up


Workers should Workers shouldnt

check whether the main power switch carry out the works when the main
has been turned off and locked with a power switch is yet to be turned off
warning notice put up before starting to carry out the works before conducting
work live tests for electrical installations
conduct tests to see whether the
electrical installations involved in the
works are live
receive proper safety training

Points to Note for Foreman and Person-in-Charge

Adopt a work permit system to ensure the power supply has been turned off before
conducting any electrical work
Provide workers with safety information, instruction and supervision to ensure their
safety at work
Cause of Accident Put up the statutory notice on First Aid for Electric Shocks in conspicuous locations
The power supply had not been disconnected before the works were carried out of the workplace where electricity is to be used
The insulations of some of the wires had been damaged Provide workers with proper safety and first aid training

28 29


If you wish to enquire about this booklet or require advice on occupational safety
and health, please contact the Occupational Safety and Health Branch of the Labour
Department through:

Telephone : 2559 2297 (auto-recording after office hours)

Fax : 2915 1410

E-mail : [email protected]

Information on the services offered by the Labour Department and on major labour
legislation can also be found by visiting our Home Page on the internet. Address of our
Home Page is

For details on the services offered by the Occupational Safety and Health Council,
please call 2739 9000.


If you have any complaints about unsafe workplaces and practices, please call the
Labour Departments occupational safety and health complaint hotline at 2542 2172.
All complaints will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Published by the Occupational Safety and Health Branch
Labour Department
Printed by the Government Logistics Department 2/2013-1-B102a

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