Smart Packaging
Smart Packaging
Smart Packaging
Food packaging has a crucial function in the modern food industry. New food packaging
technologies seek to meet consumers and industrial’s demands. Changes related to
food production, sale practices and consumers’ lifestyles, along with environmental
awareness and the advance in new areas of knowledge (such as nanotechnology or
Edited by: biotechnology), act as driving forces to develop smart packages that can extend food
Bambang Kuswandi, shelf-life, keeping and supervising their innocuousness and quality and also taking
University of Jember, Indonesia
care of the environment. This review describes the main concepts and types of active
Reviewed by:
Luis Cabedo,
and intelligent food packaging, focusing on recent progress and new trends using
University of Jaume I, Spain biodegradable and biobased polymers. Numerous studies show the great possibilities
Guadalupe Virginia Nevárez-Moorillón,
of these materials. Future research needs to focus on some important aspects such
Autonomous University of
Chihuahua, Mexico as possibilities to scale-up, costs, regulatory aspects, and consumers’ acceptance, to
*Correspondence: make these systems commercially viable.
Pablo R. Salgado
Keywords: biobased, biodegradable, smart, packaging, food, renewable, active, intelligent
[email protected]
Adriana N. Mauri
[email protected]
Specialty section: CONCEPTS
This article was submitted to
Sustainable Food Processing, Food packaging has a crucial function in modern food industry, since it contributes to preserve
a section of the journal food products quality and guarantee food safety during its shelf-life (Ghaani et al., 2016).
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Traditional food packaging has four basic functions: protection and preservation, containment,
Received: 17 November 2020 communication and marketing, and convenience (Biji et al., 2015). Packages are used to protect
Accepted: 26 March 2021 the product from spoilage and damage brought about by environmental factors, such as microbes,
Published: 29 April 2021
insects, light, heat, oxygen, water vapor, smells, dirt, dust, etc. (Fuertes et al., 2016a). They can take
Citation: different shapes and sizes to hold food products, with the aim of improving logistical efficiency
Salgado PR, Di Giorgio L, Musso YS (Yam and Lee, 2012). They communicate with the consumer by means of written texts (the
and Mauri AN (2021) Recent
ingredients list, nutritional facts, preparation instructions, etc.) and the brand logo. They adapt to
Developments in Smart Food
Packaging Focused on Biobased and
consumer’s lifestyle, for example, saving time (suitable for ready-to-eat meals) or facilitating their
Biodegradable Polymers. handling (easy to open, reclosable or suitable for microwave) (Vanderroost et al., 2014). Figure 1
Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 5:630393. resumes these functions, that traditionally, these have been fulfilled minimizing the interaction
doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2021.630393 between food and package (Lee et al., 2015).
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems | 1 April 2021 | Volume 5 | Article 630393
Salgado et al. Bio-Smart Food Packaging
For about five decades, plastic packages have been widely used and biomass by living organisms that are available in the
by the food industry due to their advantageous characteristics. environment (Goswami and O’Haire, 2016). Thus, bioplastics
They are economical, functional, light and very versatile, since can be classified into three main groups (Figure 2): (i) biobased
they can be rigid (bottles, jars, boxes, cases), thermoformed (food but non-biodegradable plastics such as bio-polyethylene (Bio-
trays) or flexible (woven mesh, multi-layer, films). Therefore, PE), bio-polyamide (Bio-PA), bio-polyethylene terephthalate
they have replaced other traditional materials such as glass, (Bio-PET), bio-polytrimethylene terephthalate (Bio-PTT), bio-
metals (aluminum, laminated, tinplate and steel), paper and polyurethanes (Bio-PU), biopolypropylene (Bio-PP); (ii) plastics
cardboard, until representing recently 37% of food packaging that are biodegradable and based on fossil resources, such as
materials (Food Packaging Forum, 2015). This massive use has poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT), poly(butylene
caused serious environmental problems worldwide, because most succinate-co-butylene adipate) (PBSA), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA),
of these materials derive from petroleum, are non-degradable polyglycolic acid (PGA), polycaprolactone (PCL); and (iii)
and during their manufacturing and disposal they pollute the plastics that are both biobased and biodegradable. This last
environment. The development of new eco-friendly packages group include: polymers directly extracted from biomass such
along with innovative packaging concepts is changing the as polysaccharides (e.g., starch, cellulose, chitin, etc.) and
market. The use of biodegradable and renewable materials proteins (e.g., collagen, gelatin, casein, whey, soy protein,
represents a great alternative to protect the environment and zein, wheat gluten, etc.); whose further modification can
give economic value to underutilized products or industrial produce additional valuable biobased materials such as cellulose
waste materials (Cazón et al., 2017). In this sense, bioplastics acetate, cellulose acetate butyrate, cellulose acetate propionate,
have begun to gain prominence. According to the European cellulose nitrate, regenerated cellulose, carboxymethyl cellulose,
Bioplastics Organization, they are defined as plastic materials lignocellulosic products, chitosan, etc.); polymers produced by
that are either biobased (partly or entirely) or biodegradable, chemical synthesis using renewable biobased monomers, such
or feature both properties. “Biobased” means that the material as polylactic acid (PLA), a bio-polyester polymerized from
or product is derived from biomass and “biodegradable” means lactic acid monomers produced by fermentation of carbohydrate
that it can be biological degraded down to base substances feedstock; and polymers produced by microorganisms or
such as water, carbon dioxide, methane, basic elements, genetically modified bacteria such as polyhydroxyalkonoates
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems | 2 April 2021 | Volume 5 | Article 630393
Salgado et al. Bio-Smart Food Packaging
FIGURE 2 | Classification of bioplastics into three main groups: () biobased but non-biodegradable polymers; () plastics that are biodegradable and based on
fossil resources, and () polymers that are both biobased and biodegradable.
(PHA) like polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and polyhydroxyvalerate which besides interacting with food establish a communication
(PHV) and bacterial cellulose (Petersen et al., 1999). Biobased with the consumer (Biji et al., 2015).
and biodegradable plastics heads for a circular economy Figure 6 shows the evolution of publications on smart food
and sustainability (Bio-based News— packaging during the last 10 years, differentiating them between
Figure 3 shows the life cycle assessment (LCA) of the three active and intelligent. The increased number of publications was
types of bioplastics mentioned before. Biobased plastics, which significantly higher for active packaging, which became more
are generally drop-in products for their petroleum-based marked since 2015, although those of intelligent packaging also
counterparts, are adequate for material recycling and/or energy grew steadily during the analyzed period. These trends reflect
recovery, whereas biodegradable plastics are intended for organic the interest in these new packaging technologies that focus on a
recycling. These last ones are specially promising when plastic safer and more efficient food supply chain, reducing food loss and
products withhold food, as in those cases material recycling waste and preventing unnecessary transport and logistics from
would be unreasonably expensive. The proper handling, an early stage. Among these publications, excellent reviews on
separation and collection of bio-waste could increase the yield active and intelligent food packaging systems have been reported
of valuable compost that could be used later as fertilizer for during last years (Vanderroost et al., 2014; Bastarrachea et al.,
those crops that are at the beginning of the cycle. In this 2015; Biji et al., 2015; Brockgreitens and Abbas, 2016; Fuertes
way bioplastics reduce the environmental impact (European et al., 2016a; Ghaani et al., 2016; Mellinas et al., 2016; Ahmed
Bioplastics Organization). Figure 4 shows the evolution of the et al., 2017; Fang et al., 2017; Haghighi-Manesh and Azizi, 2017;
number of publications during the last 10 years concerning these Gaikwad et al., 2018, 2019, 2020; Han et al., 2018a; Majid et al.,
materials as food packaging. The increment observed shows the 2018; Poyatos-Racionero et al., 2018; Schumann and Schmid,
interest in the area and the preference of biodegradable ones for 2018; Vilela et al., 2018; Yildirim et al., 2018). As far as we
this application, according to was noted above. know, only that recently published by Halonen et al. (2020) deals
Currently novel food packaging technologies seek to meet with describing the development of biobased antimicrobial films
new consumers’ and industrial demands (Figure 5). Changes and sensors to be used as indirect indicators of food spoilage.
in production practices and food sale (for example, market In this context, the present review attempts to describe recent
globalization that gives a longer food distribution as a result), progress and new trends in the production of smart, active
population increase, consumers’ lifestyles, who reduce time and intelligent food packaging, with focus on biodegradable
devoted to buying fresh food and cooking but ask for safer and and biobased polymers, which will be referred as biopolymers
healthier foods and try to take care of environment, along with throughout this review.
the advance in new areas of knowledge, such as nanotechnology
and biotechnology, act as driving forces to develop new and better SMART PACKAGING CONCEPTS
packages that can extend food shelf-life, keeping and supervising
their innocuousness and quality. In this context, new concepts of Smart packaging is a broad term that describes new packaging
smart packaging arise, including active and intelligent packaging, concepts, most of which can be classified in one of two
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems | 3 April 2021 | Volume 5 | Article 630393
Salgado et al. Bio-Smart Food Packaging
FIGURE 3 | Life cycle assessment (LCA) of the three types of bioplastics: () biobased but non-biodegradable polymers; () plastics that are biodegradable and
based on fossil resources, and () polymers that are both biobased and biodegradable.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems | 4 April 2021 | Volume 5 | Article 630393
Salgado et al. Bio-Smart Food Packaging
FIGURE 5 | Outline of the driving forces that lead to the development of smart food packaging.
FIGURE 6 | Evolution of the number of publications during the last 10 years (2010–2020) with the terms “smart food packaging” (), “active” (), and “intelligent” (),
as title and/or topic (Scholar Google, March 2021,
warn of possible problems (Yam and Lee, 2012). The attached as labels or incorporated or printed on the food
European Community Framework Regulation (Framework packaging material, offer better possibilities to check product
Regulation on Food Contact Materials 1935/2004 and quality, track critical items and provide more detailed
450/2009, 2020) acknowledges them as those materials and information during all the food supply chain (storage,
objects that control the state of packaged foods or the transport, distribution and sale) (Lee et al., 2015). They
environment surrounding them. These systems, which are can also inform about product history such as storage
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems | 5 April 2021 | Volume 5 | Article 630393
Salgado et al. Bio-Smart Food Packaging
conditions, composition of headspace, microbial growth, etc. ions, ethanol, polyphenols, protein hydrolysates, etc. (Salgado
(Realini and Marcos, 2014). et al., 2015). Currently there is a preference in the use of
natural additives, instead of synthetic ones that sometimes are
Intelligent packages do not act directly to extend food shelf-
associated to certain health risks. Even some agro-industrial
life and do not aim at releasing their components onto the
waste or byproducts, as those derived from fruit and vegetable
food, as active packaging does. Instead, intelligent packages have
processing, or from wine, beer, dairy and meat industries, provide
the aim to convey information related with food quality to
practical and economical sources of potent active compounds
manufacturers, retailers, and/or consumers.
(Sanches-Silva et al., 2014; Bhargava et al., 2020). Thermal
These definitions imply product-package-environment
resistance and action mechanism of these additives should be
interactions (Vanderroost et al., 2014; Biji et al., 2015; Fang
considered to avoid their damage or loss during material’s
et al., 2017). Thus, active packaging would be considered
processing and to ensure their activity in the package. The
as an extension of the protection and preservation function
previous encapsulation of active compounds, could contribute
of traditional food packaging, while intelligent ones can be
to protect them during processing and to control their release,
considered as an extension of their communication and
modulating their activity (Ezhilarasi et al., 2012; Salgado et al.,
marketing function (Fuertes et al., 2016a). So, smart packaging
2019a). Different biopolymers have been studied to encapsulate
gives a total packaging solution: on the one hand, it monitors
bioactives such as whey protein isolate, soy protein isolate, zein
changes in the product or the environment (intelligent
protein, chitosan, maltodextrin, and modified starch by different
packaging), and on the other hand, it acts upon these changes
techniques (Ezhilarasi et al., 2012; Ðordević et al., 2015; Brandelli
(active packaging) (Vanderroost et al., 2014; Janjarasskul and
et al., 2017; Di Giorgio et al., 2019).
Suppakul, 2018). Figure 7 shows a schematic diagram of active
Active package systems for the food industry, with different
and intelligent packaging concepts and Figure 8 presents the
functionality, are described below with more detail.
classification of smart packaging analyzed in this manuscript.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems | 6 April 2021 | Volume 5 | Article 630393
Salgado et al. Bio-Smart Food Packaging
– Plant extracts and essential oils. Aqueous or alcoholic extracts et al., 2019), and were incorporated in chitosan-carboxymethyl
and essential oils from spices and vegetables such as cinnamon, cellulose, starch, gelatin, PLA, soy protein isolated, alginate,
allspice, clove, ginger, sage, eucalyptus, thyme, mustard, basil, cellulose acetate films, and were proved to be effective as
rosemary, oregano, onion, garlic, lemon, horseradish, and packaging of refrigerated beef meat, fresh rainbow, lard,
others have been studied as antimicrobial agents (Çoban chicken breast cuts, bologna and ham, etc.
et al., 2016; Noshirvani et al., 2017; Ribeiro-Santos et al., – Bacteriocins. They are antimicrobial peptides produced
2017; Sirocchi et al., 2017; Mir et al., 2018; Bouarab Chibane by microorganisms that can inhibit other strictly related
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems | 7 April 2021 | Volume 5 | Article 630393
Salgado et al. Bio-Smart Food Packaging
microorganisms. They are not toxic, thermostable, – Ethanol. Ethanol (C2 H5 OH) is used as an antimicrobial agent,
commercially available and used for specific applications particularly effective against fungi although it can also inhibit
in a wide range of foods (Johnson et al., 2018; Santos et al., yeast and bacteria growth (Larson, 1991). Several reports have
2018). Nisin, produced by a Lactococcus lactis, is the most shown that spraying with ethanol 95% delays the appearance
effective bacteriocin against Gram positive bacteria. It acts of fungi and extends the shelf-life of bread, cake, and pizza
especially in acid conditions by incorporating into the (Pereira de Abreu et al., 2012; Mane, 2016). However, a more
cytoplasmic membrane of the target cells. Nisin had been practical and safer method currently consists of using ethanol-
incorporated in PLA (Holcapkova et al., 2018), chitosan emitter bags because C2 H5 OH absorbed or embedded in a
(Remedio et al., 2019), and carboxymethyl/chitosan films carrier material allows its vapor-controlled release (Hempel
(Zimet et al., 2019). Natamycin and pediocin were also used as et al., 2013). Commercial devices are produced by the direct
antimicrobial agents in pectin and sodium caseinate and corn adsorption of C2 H5 OH and H2 O on adsorbents, such as silica,
starch films (Meira et al., 2017; Eghbal et al., 2019). packaged as sachets based on paper and laminated ethyl-vinyl-
– Enzymes. Lysozyme can inhibit bacterial infections, especially acetate or low-density polyethylene. When food is packed
those caused by Gram-positive bacteria. Its activity is with these bags, H2 O is absorbed by the food and C2 H5 OH
attributed to its ability to hydrolyze peptidoglycans (the main vapor is released and spread in the headspace (Dobrucka and
cell wall component), causing the loss of intracellular materials Cierpiszewski, 2014). Nevertheless, ethanol can be absorbed
and bacterial death (Syngai and Ahmed, 2019). Lyzozyme by the food product generating nasty smells, which could
had been immobilized on calcium alginate (Wang et al., be reduced heating up the food before its consumption.
2018a), pullulan (Silva et al., 2018), and Jackfruit starch Therefore, controlled release technologies should overcome
(Bonomo et al., 2018) films. Lactoperoxidase, a glycoprotein the disadvantages of conventional ethanol emitters. Mu et al.
enzyme found naturally in milk, saliva, and tear, is another (2017) developed a controlled release ethanol emitter based
antimicrobial agent with broad spectrum that was included on an ethanol-gel prepared by ethanol and sodium stearate
in alginate, chitosan, gelatin (Ehsani et al., 2019), and whey esterification added with diatomite as adsorbent capable to
protein films (Shokri and Ehsani, 2017; Farshidi et al., 2018); preserve the quality of fresh Chinese bayberry fruit during
while lactoferrin had been proposed as antimicrobial agent in refrigerated storage; and anticipated that it could be applied for
pullulan films (Zhao et al., 2019). other perishable fruit because of the appropriate selection of
– Inorganic and metal oxide-based nanoparticles. The use of sodium stearate content in agreement with the storage period
metal oxide-based nanoparticles, such as ZnO, MgO, CuO, to reach precise storage goals.
and TiO2 , had been explored as antimicrobial agents to
be applied in food packaging because their high stability Antioxidants
and potent antimicrobial activities (Garcia et al., 2018; Lipid oxidation is the second cause of food spoilage, after
Hoseinnejad et al., 2018; Dobrucka and Ankiel, 2019). microbial growth. Foods with high lipid content, and especially
Particularly, silver salts work by direct contact, but they slowly those with a high unsaturation degree, such as nuts, vegetable
migrate and react preferably with organic products. Silver ions and fish oils, meat and fishing products, are susceptible to
inhibit a wide range of enzymes and have a strong broad- oxidation (Ganiari et al., 2017). Lipid oxidation in food products
spectrum antimicrobial activity; they particularly reduce the results in the development of rancid smells, making the product
growth of pathogens transmitted by foods such as Salmonella, unacceptable for human consumption. Other negative effects
Escherichia coli and Campylobacter in fresh meat (Realini and are aldehyde formation and nutritional quality loss produced
Marcos, 2014). The addition of silver nanoparticles to different by the degradation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (Gómez-
polymers allowed an effective inhibition of microorganism Estaca et al., 2014). There are two main action methods for
growth. For example, Singh and Sahareen (2017) developed antioxidant packages: (i) the addition of antioxidant compounds
cellulosic packets impregnated with silver nanoparticles that or (ii) the elimination of undesired compounds that can
enhance the shelf-life of vegetables, showing antimicrobial accelerate oxidation reactions, such as O2 , singlet oxygen
activity against Aeromonas hydrophila; and Musso et al. (1 O2 ), UV light, or metallic ions from the headspace or foods
(2017a) developed gelatin films with important antimicrobial (Islam et al., 2017).
properties against E. coli by incorporating silver nanoparticles. The direct addition of antioxidants to food surface can face
Also, Arfat et al. (2017) developed a nanocomposite film based the limitation that, once the active compounds are consumed in
on fish skin gelatin and bimetallic silver-copper nanoparticles the reaction, protection ceases, and food quality degrades at a
with higher antibacterial activity against L. monocytogenes and higher speed. Besides, it can change food quality parameters, such
S. enterica. Recently, Kraśniewska et al. (2020) reviewed the as color or taste, and currently consumers prefer the exclusion
biopolymers-based materials containing silver nanoparticles of additives in food. Thus, the addition of antioxidant agents
as food active packaging. to packaging formulation became a good alternative (Vilela
– Macromolecules. Some polymers such as chitosan that have et al., 2018). In this regard, synthetic antioxidants, such as
inherent antimicrobial properties, had been used as films and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) or butylated hydroxyanisole
coatings (Lunkov et al., 2018) or had been added as an additive (BHA), have been added to PLA (Jamshidian et al., 2012),
in whey protein films (Vanden Braber et al., 2021). Their action gelatin (Sai-Ut et al., 2015), carrageenan (Wan Yahaya et al.,
method has been mentioned above. 2019), gum cordia and carboxymethyl cellulose (Haq et al.,
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Salgado et al. Bio-Smart Food Packaging
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems | 9 April 2021 | Volume 5 | Article 630393
Salgado et al. Bio-Smart Food Packaging
TABLE 1 | Recent examples of antioxidant agents incorporated into biobased and biodegradable polymer matrices.
speed, ethylene production, enzymatic browning, and metabolic sulfur dioxide, and chlorine have also been used (Lee et al., 2015).
activity of fruit. Breathing implies the oxidation of starch, sugar, Numerous studies have shown the successful application of MAP
and organic acids to produce simpler molecules such as CO2 and in products such as fresh vegetables, fruit, meat, and fish (Oliveira
H2 O and heat. CO2 in packages prevents microorganism and et al., 2015; Belay et al., 2016; Saini et al., 2017). Han (2014), for
bacteria growth associated with meat products spoilage. For these example, describes various bioplastics and MAP combinations to
reasons, MAP can prolong shelf-life, reduce microbial growth extend shelf-life of lettuce, green pepper, broccoli, mushroom,
and smells development or delay ripening (Lee et al., 2015). The and blueberries, among other vegetables. Leceta et al. (2015)
most utilized gases in MAP are O2 , N2 , and CO2 . These gases reported that packaged carrots exhibited better properties when
are used individually or combined to keep the characteristics and MAP and chitosan coating were combined. Priyadarshi et al.
quality of foods on the shelf (Zhang et al., 2015). Other gases (2020) discussed the applications of various polysaccharides in
such as helium, nitrous oxide, ozone, neon, argon, ethylene oxide, MAP systems, such as alginate, cellulose, and chitosan, gellan
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems | 10 April 2021 | Volume 5 | Article 630393
Salgado et al. Bio-Smart Food Packaging
gum, pectin, carrageenan, and xanthan. Finally, it is worth excellent option for dry foods, but the formation of by-products
highlighting that the potential uses of MAP increase when it like aldehydes, ketones or organic acids may affect the sensory
is used in conjunction with natural or chemical additives and quality of food (Dey and Neogi, 2019). These systems are more
biopolymers, and other technologies such as nanotechnology, expensive, that is why they are not widely used (Dobrucka and
irradiation, high pressure, and other active and intelligent devices Cierpiszewski, 2014).
(Tajeddin et al., 2018). For example, the O2 that permeates These systems can be incorporated as part of multilayer films,
through the package film from the external environment cannot sandwiched between inert layers, or physical absorbed or coated
be eliminated by MAP systems. In these cases, the use of onto the packaging material surface or also onto food surface.
materials with low O2 permeability, such as those based on Thus, potential O2 scavenger systems based on biopolymers
proteins and PLA (Ebnesajjad, 2012) or the addition of O2 were developed, such as whey protein edible films added with
scavengers to the packaging system can be suggested. Also, when ascorbic acid (Janjarasskul et al., 2011, 2013), ascorbyl palmitate-
a mixture of CO2 and O2 are applied in MAP, CO2 generators β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes (Byun and Whiteside, 2012),
presence could be helpful and required for maintaining the cast extruded PLA films added with α-tocopherol microparticles
desired CO2 concentration in the package to ensure MAP (Di Maio et al., 2014; Scarfato et al., 2017), carboxymethyl
system efficacy, as its concentration dynamically diminish in the cellulose films incorporated with α-tocopherol nanoparticles
package due to its dissolution in food and/or permeation to (Noronha et al., 2014), fish gelatin films added with α-
the external environment through the packaging material (being tocopherol nanoparticles and FeCl2 (Byun et al., 2012), cationic
CO2 permeability 3–5 times higher than that of O2 in most nanofibrillated cellulose and polygalacturonic acid coatings
synthetic polymers) (Han et al., 2018a). (Mølgaard et al., 2014), starch-based films incorporated with
Some of these active devices, such as oxygen and ethylene laccase and lignosulfonates (Johansson et al., 2012), and extruded
scavengers and carbon dioxide (CO2 ) generators and scavengers thermoplastic starch films containing ascorbic acid, iron powder
are outlined below. and CuCl2 (Mahieu et al., 2015). These systems have better
consumers acceptance than sachets or labels traditionally used
Oxygen Scavengers inside the package (Gaikwad et al., 2018).
Oxygen accelerates and eases the oxidative spoilage of foods,
the growth of aerobic microorganisms, the development of nasty
smells and unwanted color changes and the loss of aroma, flavors Carbon Dioxide (CO2 ) Generators and
and nutritional value of food products, reducing their general Scavengers
stability and shelf-life (Hogan and Kerry, 2008). Consequently, CO2 can be added inside the packages to inhibit a wide
it is important to control oxygen levels into the packages to range of aerobic bacteria and fungi by reducing O2 relative
limit different spoilage reactions rate in foods (Janjarasskul and levels in certain products such as fresh meat, poultry, fish,
Suppakul, 2018). cheese and baked products; reduce breathing rate of fresh
Oxygen scavengers are designed to quickly oxidize to products and avoid partial emptying of flexible packaging caused
eliminate or decrease the level of free O2 in hermetically packaged by oxygen scavengers or by CO2 concentration decrease due
food system or to reduce O2 permeation rates through container to its dissolution in food and/or permeation to the external
walls (Janjarasskul and Suppakul, 2018). Most oxygen scavengers environment through polymeric packaging (Han et al., 2018a;
currently available are based on bags containing Fe with different Yildirim et al., 2018). On the contrary, high levels of CO2 can
catalysts. It reacts with the water provided by food producing a cause adverse effects in food products quality and on package
hydrated metal reducing agent that absorbs oxygen and converts integrity. In those cases, including CO2 scavengers in food
it into a stable oxide inside the container (Day, 2008). But packages would be recommended (Dobrucka and Cierpiszewski,
packaging industry has become progressively interested in the 2014). Some CO2 generators and scavengers can be used as bags
development and application of novel non-metallic scavenging or labels placed in the package. Dripping losses, in meat for
agents such as reducing organic compounds like ascorbic example, can be absorbed in pillows and react with citric acid
acid, α-tocopherol, 2-methyl hydroquinone, catechol, sorbose, and sodium bicarbonate present in the pillow, generating carbon
lignin, gallic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids, sulfite, thiosulfate, dioxide as a result (Kerry et al., 2006). This kind of active package
some enzymes (glucose oxidase/catalase in presence of glucose, is habitually associated with MAP to balance CO2 losses, due to
oxalate oxidase/catalase, ethanol oxidase, and laccase), and some dissolution in meat and permeation through the package material
microorganisms and yeasts (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Kocuria (Coma, 2008). A device enclosing NaHCO3 and citric acid dry
varians, and Pichia subpelliculosa), among others (Gaikwad et al., powder could act as both liquid absorber and CO2 generator pad
2018; Dey and Neogi, 2019). Besides, there are photosensitive (Biji et al., 2015). Also, dual-function O2 -scavenging and CO2 -
colorants that activate oxygen elimination when they are generating sachets and labels based on either FeCO3 or a mixture
irradiated with UV light (Lopez-Rubio et al., 2004). Most of of NaHCO3 and ascorbic acid were reported (Vilela et al., 2018).
these systems are beneficial for food with high water content However, only some studies have described the development of
but need to be triggered by Fe2+ , Cu+ , and/or UV radiation. synthetic films that can produce CO2 , scavenge O2 , or perform
In particular, those based on enzymes and microorganisms both functions, but none using biodegradable and biobased
are highly susceptible to temperature, pH and water activity polymers, as this concept is yet in its early stage of research
changes; and polyunsaturated fatty acids based systems, are an (Han et al., 2018a). Meanwhile CO2 excess can be eliminated
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems | 11 April 2021 | Volume 5 | Article 630393
Salgado et al. Bio-Smart Food Packaging
using highly permeable plastics and/or chemical [CaO, MgO, with metal catalysts or activated clays (zeolite, vermiculite,
NaOH, KOH, Ca(OH)2 , Mg(OH)2 , Na2 CO3 , NaHCO3 and silica and montmorillonite) contained into ethylene-permeable sachets
gel] and physical (activated carbon and zeolites) absorbers. It (Álvarez-Hernández et al., 2018) or incorporated into the
should be noted that physical CO2 sorption on the adsorbent packaging film (Gaikwad et al., 2020). Biodegradable and
can be modified by moisture content (Marx et al., 2013). biobased polymers have been reinforced by nanoclays addition
Although the absorbents are usually enclosed in sachets or pads (Belibi et al., 2013; Echeverría et al., 2014; Azevedo et al., 2018;
prepared with synthetic polymers and placed in the food package, Souza et al., 2018). Bessa et al. (2015) developed starch-zeolite
other formats have been recently proposed. Agar-based films films able to maintain the natural characteristics of guava fruit
containing Na2 CO3 and/or sodium glycinate were developed by during refrigerated storage, and García et al. (2014) showed that
Wang et al. (2015a) for fresh product packaging. This device chitosan-zeolite coating could delay tomatoes ripening during
could modulate CO2 and H2 O absorption and be used for MAP refrigerated storage, although did not constitute an effective
of shiitake mushrooms as an insert label, generating the desired barrier against their weight losses. However, the clay properties
internal atmosphere and showing the best quality preservation in as C2 H4 capturers were not studied in these studies. Recently,
terms of color, firmness, flavor, and bacterial growth. Kaewklin et al. (2018) developed chitosan films containing
Until now, CO2 scavengers have been applied using a trial- nanosized TiO2 that exhibited C2 H4 photodegradation into CO2
and-error approach rather than a systematic design process. and H2 O which might contribute to delay the ripening process
Thus, their optimization should be achieved by characterizing and extend the storage life of cherry tomatoes stored at 25 ◦ C and
the dynamics of the interactions among the food, the packaging 50% RH. But it should be noted that the C2 H4 removal capacity
material, the absorber device and the environment in terms of the chosen material must be considered in conjunction with
of CO2 production, dissolution, absorption and permeation the proposed application and expected shelf-life when designing
(Lee, 2016). a packaging system for ethylene sensitive foods.
Ethylene Scavengers
Ethylene (C2 H4 ) is a phytohormone which accelerates fruit and Flavor/Smell Capturers
vegetable breathing and promotes its ripening, softening and These systems absorb unwanted gas molecules such as volatile
senescence, even in a low concentration. Eliminating C2 H4 from ingredients of the package, food chemical metabolites, microbial
a package helps to delay the ripening rate of climacteric fruit, a and deterioration reactions products, breathing products or
crucial issue for fresh fruit exportation (East et al., 2015). The unwanted smells coming from raw foods (Rooney, 2005). Some
C2 H4 can be controlled in three ways: (i) reduction of the C2 H4 examples could be sulfides and amines produced from protein
concentration through MAP by the exchange of the different degradation, and aldehydes and ketones produced from lipid
gases; (ii) use of micro-perforated packaging materials; and iii) oxidation or anaerobic glycolysis. These volatile compounds
removal of ethylene through the use of C2 H4 scavengers or could be selectively eliminated to prevent food product rejecting
absorbers (Vilela et al., 2018; Gaikwad et al., 2020). by the consumer when opening the package (Mane, 2016). These
The most common C2 H4 scavenger agent is KMnO4 which systems use a mass transfer mechanism and in general are films,
oxidizes C2 H4 –in presence of water– to CO2 and H2 O (Gaikwad sachets, tapes, labels, or trays that are placed inside the containers
et al., 2020). Potassium permanganate immobilized on inert or combined with other permeable materials.
matrices (e.g., silica gel or alumina) is available in the form Porous materials such as zeolites, clays, activated charcoal,
of sachets for packages and in blankets for storage rooms maltodextrin and cyclodextrin have been used as smell capturers;
(Janjarasskul and Suppakul, 2018), prepared with C2 H4 highly for example, charcoal and nickel were proposed to absorb fruit
permeable materials (Yildirim et al., 2018). Recently, Warsiki smells (Morris, 1999). Volatile amines, such as trimethylamine,
(2018) developed chitosan films activated with KMnO4 to wrap from fish flesh could be eliminated by adding citric or ascorbic
tomatoes that managed to prolong their shelf-life. Nevertheless, acid into polymeric material (Hoshino and Osanai, 1986).
KMnO4 cannot be utilized in direct contact with foods due to Polar materials can be used to prevent the absorption of
its high toxicity and has a limited long-term efficacy in high- smells with non-polar features in foods (Sajilata et al., 2007).
moisture environments (Yildirim et al., 2018). In some products, especially fat-rich or vacuum-packaged
The use of 1-methylcyclopropane (1-MCP) is another option foods, nasty smells are absorbed during storage or distribution.
to diminish the effect of C2 H4 . Its action mechanism implies its These smell-proof packages have been mainly developed based
irreversible union to the C2 H4 receptor in fruit, thus blocking on synthetic polymers such as polyethylene terephthalate,
C2 H4 effects by competitive inhibition. It is encapsulated in polyethylene, polyvinylidene chloride, and polypropylene (Biji
cyclodextrins in commercial products and released when the et al., 2015). Nasty smells can also be avoided by improving
formulation is mixed with water (Ortiz et al., 2013). Ortiz et al. the barrier properties of films combining different package
(2013) showed that pillows prepared with soybean proteins could materials or adding nanoparticles to prepare nanocomposites
use the RH inside the package to release 1-MCP and delay (Mihindukulasuriya and Lim, 2014). However, it is worth
tomatoes softening and suggested that it could be useful for noting that even though eliminating stinking components
postharvest treatments in the own package. is recommended to improve packaged foods quality, these
Ethylene can also be eliminated by physical adsorption technologies should not be used to mask smells produced by
on active surfaces such activated carbon, carbon impregnated dangerous microorganisms that could jeopardize consumers. As
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Salgado et al. Bio-Smart Food Packaging
far as we know, there is no literature related to the development energy, and a transducer that turns that energy into an analytic
of smell capturers using biodegradable polymers. signal (Ghaani et al., 2016). Commonly, they are gas sensors
(for example, for nut respiration products, microorganism
Packages With Self-Heating, Self-Cooling, metabolites, gases in the headspace of the container) or bio-
sensors (used for example in the detection of pesticides in fruits
and Microwave Actives
and vegetables) (Biji et al., 2015; Lee et al., 2015).
These packages do not have the aim of extending the shelf-
(iii) Data carriers. They are new devices that provide
life of the packaged food, but they are oriented to generate
information or control the flow of products, particularly
comfort situations such as ready-to-eat food. A self-heating
appropriate for big productions such as supply chains. Compared
package can heat the food content without external heat sources
with indicators and sensors, they do not provide quantitative
or energy. They use calcium or magnesium dioxide and water
or qualitative information. They are used for identification,
to produce an exothermic reaction in a device that takes a
automation, traceability, anti-theft prevention or forgery
significant amount of package volume (almost half of it). They
protection. The most important devices in the packaging
have been used for coffee packets, military portions, etc. (Lee
industry are radiofrequency identification (RFID) labels, bar
et al., 2014). Some self-cooling packages involve endothermic
codes and QR code (Quick Response) (Robertson, 2012; Ghaani
chemical reactions and heat pump technology using water vapor
et al., 2016; Kalpana et al., 2019).
as the heat transfer fluid. They have been used to cold single-serve
Some examples of useful intelligent packages in the food
beverage packaging. Active packages for microwaves are designed
industry are described below.
to improve food heating by means of shielding, field modification
and the use of susceptors. Shielding can be applied to attain a
more uniform, differential, and controlled heating to different Freshness and Microbial Spoilage
portions of food. Modifiers for microwave heating consist of
a series of structures that alter the way microwaves reach
They provide information on food product quality from
food, resulting in a uniform and crunchy heating. Microwaves
biochemical changes or contaminating microorganisms growth
susceptors consist of aluminum or stainless steel deposited on
(Kuswandi et al., 2013; Realini and Marcos, 2014). Certain
substrates, such as polyester or cardboard films, that serve to dry,
metabolites such as glucose, CO2 , organic acids, volatile
leaving a crunchy texture in food products (Realini and Marcos,
nitrogen compounds, biogenic amines, ethanol, ATP degradation
2014; Biji et al., 2015). As these technologies are new, there is
products, and sulfuric compounds, among others, are considered
no literature related to the development of these materials using
“quality indicators” (Fang et al., 2017). Changes in their
biodegradable and biobased polymers.
concentrations are monitored through indicators and are
generally observed as a change in color response that can be
INTELLIGENT PACKAGES sensed and correlated with the freshness of the food product
(Fuertes et al., 2016a; Wang et al., 2018b). The reaction between
Intelligent packaging can sense, monitor, record, trace, and these metabolites and indicators within the packaging system
provide information about the quality of food (Han et al., 2018a; presents visual information about the microbiological quality of
Schaefer and Cheung, 2018). It can be used with decisions making the products.
concerning shelf-life, safety, and quality (Dobrucka and Przekop, Most indicators are based on pH change due to the
2019). They can disclose the conditions of the packaged product, production of certain specific metabolites such as n-butyrate,
but cannot interact with the food (Biji et al., 2015). L-lactic acid, D-lactate, acetic acid and volatile amines (Kerry
Intelligent packaging systems can be classified into three main et al., 2006; Yoshida et al., 2014). Eagland and Crowther
categories: indicators, sensors and data carriers (Ghaani et al., (2007) developed pH indicators incorporating a mixture of
2016; Müller and Schmid, 2019): universal indicators in synthetic or polyvinyl alcohol matrixes.
(i) Indicators. They supply immediate information (visual, Gorski and Booher (2011) included different acid-base indicators
qualitative, or semi-quantitative) about food through a color such as xylenol blue, bromocresol purple, bromocresol green,
(or color intensity) change or by dye diffusion (Kerry et al., cresol red, phenolphthalein, bromothymol blue, neutral red, p-
2006). They report a change in the product or its environment naphtholbenzein and their combinations in polyethylene films,
(for example, temperature, pH) through visual changes, such as that were used to pack chicken. Chicken, pork and beef spoilage
time-temperature indicators (TTI), oxygen indicators, comfort sensors have recently been developed by incorporating pH
indicators and freshness indicators (Hogan and Kerry, 2008; Lee sensitive material into packaging (Ghaani et al., 2016; Chen
et al., 2015; Ghaani et al., 2016). et al., 2019a). These reports are basing the measurement on
(ii) Sensors. They are devices used to detect, locate, or the simple chemical or pH change that can indirectly indicate
quantify energy or matter, sending a detection signal or food spoilage.
measurement of a physical or chemical property captured by the Musso et al. (2016) formulated gelatin films with different
device. They can detect small molecules of pollutants, pathogens, synthetic acid-base indicators: methyl orange, neutral red and
allergens, or adulterants in food matrixes (Ramos et al., 2015). bromocresol green, that could change their color with microbial
Sensors are more complex than indicators since they are formed growth in fish (Musso et al., 2017a). Chen et al. (2018) developed
by a receptor that transform the chemical or physical signal into a fresh cut green bell pepper freshness label based on methyl red
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Salgado et al. Bio-Smart Food Packaging
and bromothymol blue mixtures that changed from yellow-green due to the appearance of CO2 (Puligundla et al., 2012; Lee and
to orange when pepper decay. Ko, 2014). Perez de Vargas-Sansalvador et al. (2017) developed
But nowadays the use of natural dyes within biopolymers a CO2 sensor by including anionic liquid (1-ethyl-3-methyl-
is prefer considering consumer expectations for food safety imidazolium chloride) in a hydroxyethylcellulose matrix that
(Saliu and Della Pergola, 2018). De La Puerta et al. (2014) was effective to indicate microbial spoilage in pork. Saliu
developed a solid partially polar adsorbent support (based on and Della Pergola (2018) investigated the performance of a
paper, cardboard, and polypropylene) impregnated in a vanillin food grade mixture constituted of L-Lysine, ε-poly-l-lysine, and
solution, capable of going from colorless to violet when detecting anthocyanins as CO2 sensing. Choi and Han (2018) developed a
pH changes in food. Anthocyanins, flavonoids responsible for CO2 indicator based on reactions of sodium caseinate and pectin
the bright and attractive orange, red, purple, and blue colors that was applied to kimchi packaging.
of most fruits, vegetables, flowers, and some cereal grains are Other authors focused on detecting volatile amines, resulting
suitable candidates to be used in pH-sensing labels that can from the degradation of trimethylamine N-oxide, through total
be added inside packages to give simple signals related to food volatile basic nitrogen (TVBN) determination as indicators of
preservation (Singh et al., 2018b; Zhang et al., 2019c; Chen freshness in fish, poultry, and meat (Kuswandi et al., 2012);
et al., 2020; Sun et al., 2020). Liang et al. (2019) prepare an as theses amines are responsible for fish odor and taste.
intelligent Artemisia sphaerocephala Krasch gum-based film Boscher et al. (2014) described the detection of trimethylamine,
capable of anchoring the natural dye extracted from red cabbage triethylamine, and dimethylamine using PET films coated
that exhibited a color change from pink to green along with with metalloporphyirin. Pacquit et al. (2006, 2007) developed
pH variations ranging from 3 to 10. Halász and Csóka (2018) a colorimetric indicator capable of detecting an increase in
immobilized dyes from black chokeberry (Aronia Melanocarpa) volatile amines concentration as an indicator of fish spoilage
pomace extract in chitosan films, that responded well to the that managed to correlate the response with the total viable
pH change and showed a high color difference from pH 1 count and the growth of pseudomonas. Kuswandi et al. (2012,
to pH 10. Medina-Jaramillo et al. (2017) and Yoshida et al. 2014) also developed indicators of volatile amines based on
(2014) developed colorimetric pH indicators which consisted of polyaniline films, cellulose and bacterial cellulose membranes
chitosan or starch films formulated with anthocyanin or green added with methyl red or curcumin, capable of indicating
tea and basil extracts, respectively. Musso et al. (2017b, 2019) spoilage in fish.
obtained gelatin films added with anthocyanins extracted from Hydrogen sulfide, which is released by meat during
red cabbage and curcumin capable of responding to pH changes aging because of cysteine decomposition, correlates with
in the environment. But it should be noted that most of these the color of myoglobin and is considered a quality
materials also presented antioxidant activity, due to the presence attribute for meat products. Smolander et al. (2002) and
of active compounds in their formulation. Zhang et al. (2019a) Smolander (2008) developed a freshness indicator containing
developed an starch/PVA/roselle anthocyanins film that changes myoglobin immobilized in agarose for poultry meat with a
its color from red to green when was used to monitor the modified atmosphere.
freshness of pork stored at 25◦ C, before the TVBN value of the In the case of fruit, labels that change their color indicating
pork gradually increased to the rejection limit (15 mg/100 g) at different maturity stages have been developed. They work
36 h. through the reaction of the aromas released by the fruit as it
Betalains are other interesting natural compounds to use ripens (Fuertes et al., 2016a). The aforementioned indicators
as indicators of pH change. They are water-soluble nitrogen detect a single compound or parameter, and may have certain
containing pigments that can be divided into red and yellow limitations, such as lack of specificity giving erroneous results,
colored ones. Kanatt (2020) developed PVA and gelatin since false positives or negatives may be generated (Kerry et al.,
films incorporated with Amaranthus leaf extract to monitor 2006; Nopwinyuwong et al., 2010; Kuswandi et al., 2011).
freshness of fish and chicken meat. The film showed a visible In addition to colorimetric tests to detect volatile amines,
color change from red to yellow on spoilage that could be electrochemical sensors have also been used. Bhadra et al. (2015),
corroborated with the increase in pH, TVBN and microbial for example, created a hydrogel-coated pH- electrode passive
counts of the spoiled samples. And Moreira et al. (2018) sensor that reports basic volatile concentration.
developed PLA/PEO ultrafine fibers containing phycocyanin As humidity is one of the most important factors to take
(pigment of intense blue color, constituting the biomass into account in the shelf life of food, numerous studies have
of microalga) to be used as pH indicators membranes for been done on humidity sensors used in real time for packaged
food packaging. foods in order to prevent spoilage (Amin et al., 2013; Feng
Some of these indicators had been used to detect changes and Lee, 2016). Vilela et al. (2019) developed an antibacterial
in CO2 levels in packages, product of microbial development. conductive nanocomposite films composed of poly(sulfobetaine
Morris et al. (2004) worked with agar and silicone films methacrylate) and bacterial nanocellulose that could shield
containing a mixture of bromothymol blue and methyl orange, the food from the effects of UV-radiation, inhibit the growth
which turns from green to orange when the pH decreases of pathogenic microorganisms responsible for food spoilage
due to the presence of CO2 . Other indicators of CO2 were and foodborne illness, absorb moisture and water, and act
developed based on aqueous solutions of chitosan or whey as conductimetric humidity sensors to control humidity levels
protein isolate whose transparence changes depending on pH in foodstuff.
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Salgado et al. Bio-Smart Food Packaging
Indicators of Gases and/or Integrity original color in the existence of oxygen. These authors had also
Package integrity is an essential requirement to maintain the developed a way to prevent the dye from seeping out of the
quality and safety of food products along the whole production O2 indicator labels using alginate. To solve this problem, Jang
and distribution chain (Vanderroost et al., 2014). Gas indicators and Won (2014) also proposed a pressure activated O2 indicator
are the most commonly used integrity indicators for packaging in such a way as to physically separate the components of the
applications. They are found in packaging film or can also be O2 indicator. Another type of oxygen sensors are those that
found in the form of packaging labels. These labels react in are based on phosphorescence. Generally an O2 sensitive probe
response to changes in the internal atmosphere of the packages is encapsulated in an O2 permeable polymer, which allows the
(metabolism of microorganisms, permeation phenomena and dye to access O2 (Banerjee et al., 2016). Optical sensors based
enzymatic or chemical reactions in food) (Yam et al., 2005). on luminescent dyes have also been used to monitor CO2 in
Variation in composition of gases induce color changes that food packaging (Wang et al., 2017a). The limitation of these
might be attributed to the incorrect package sealing, leaking, luminescent dyes is that they require the use of sophisticated
and/or has been tempered with (Fuertes et al., 2016a). instrumentation (that can generate excitation and detection)
Gas indicators for O2 , CO2 , water vapor, hydrogen sulfide, (Wang et al., 2017a; Saliu and Della Pergola, 2018).
ethanol, and other gases have been reported (Meng et al., 2014). Finally, there are also O2 detection systems based on oxidative
The leakage in a container with modified atmosphere implies a enzymes (Mattila et al., 1990; Gardiol et al., 1996) which can
considerable increase in the O2 concentration and a decrease in be formulated in pills (Ageless Eye, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical
CO2 concentration, which could produce a faster deterioration company), as a printed layer (Emco Packaging), or laminated in
of the packaged food. Therefore, there are leakage indicators for a polymeric film (Smolander et al., 1997; Fuertes et al., 2016a).
MAP based on the detection of O2 and CO2 (Fuertes et al., 2016a;
Matindoust et al., 2016). Time-Temperature Indicators (TTI)
Most of the O2 indicators used are colorimetric indicators The time-temperature indicators record the temperature history,
based on a redox reaction, for example methylene blue in the either totally or partially, and thus indicate the shelf life of
presence of a reducing agent such as glucose in an alkaline perishable products (Lee and Rahman, 2014; Wang et al.,
medium (Mills, 2005; Silva-Pereira et al., 2015). Consequently, 2015b; Biegańska, 2017). In this way they can indicate and alert
the dye oxidizes with O2, which causes the color change. consumers to potential microbial growth or possible protein
However, these dyes have certain limitations, for example, the denaturation (Wang et al., 2015b; Zabala et al., 2015).
color change becomes less visible as the O2 level decreases TTIs are based on irreversible color changes, so consumers
(reversible phenomenon), which can be an inconvenience to can quickly tell if the product is safe (Ahmed et al., 2018).
detect subsequent microbial growth (Saarinen et al., 2017). To Three categories of TTI are described: (i) critical temperature
avoid this problem, O2 indicators and oxygen scavengers can indicators, which sense whether the products are at a temperature
be placed together in the packaging (Mitsubishi Gas Chemical, above or below their corresponding temperature; (ii) indicators
2014; Realini and Marcos, 2014). Commercially reversible O2 of partial history, which indicate if a product has been subjected
indicators such as Ageless Eye tablets (Mitsubishi Gas Chemical to temperature at any time, which will cause a change in the
Company Inc) are used in conjunction with AGELESS oxygen quality of the product; (iii) complete history indicator that
absorbers. The tablets change color (from pink to blue) and records temperature throughout the entire food supply chain
depends on the temperature. Tell-Tab O2 Indicator Tablets (O’Grady and Kerry, 2008; Müller and Schmid, 2019).
(IMPAK) work the same way (Sorbent Systems, 2014). Likewise, TTIs are based on sensing time- and temperature-dependent
OxySense is a commercial luminescence oxygen indicator label to changes in a food product. These changes can be chemical
indicate any leaks in modified atmosphere packaging, and Emco (acid-base reactions or polymerization), electrochemical,
Packaging developed a non-reversible O2 indicator labels for the mechanical, enzymatic, or microbiological (Pavelková, 2013).
same purpose. The measured values are usually expressed as a visible
Lawrie et al. (2013) and Lee et al. (2008) developed UV- response, like color changes or mechanical deformations
activated oxygen indicators. They consist of an ink, composed of (Dobrucka and Przekop, 2019).
a semiconductor such as TiO2 , a redox dye such as methylene Chun et al. (2013) developed enzymatic TTI to indicate
blue, an electron donor as triethanolamine and an encapsulating ground pork patty quality based on color changes from green to
polymer like hydroxyethyl cellulose, which can be used as a red due to the cumulative effect of time period and temperature
coating or printed afterwards on a variety of substrates to of the enzymatic reactions. Meng et al. (2018) developed an
produce a blue film indicating oxygen concentration that, when enzymatic TTI consisting of an agar coating and a coating
is activated by UV light becomes colorless (Ghaani et al., 2016). containing microcapsules of sodium alginate, iodine, amylose
Recently, Saarinen et al. (2017) developed a large-scale oxygen and glucoamylase, and it was used to control the quality of fresh
indicator, which is based on a colorimetric change and is activated chilled pork. The thermal history of refrigerated fresh pork could
by ultraviolet light. Provides an inexpensive MAP leak indicator be reflected by the color change of the TTI.
that is printed on the packaging material or the label is affixed to Xu et al. (2017) established a tyrosinase-based TTI for
the inside of the package lid. determining the turbot sashimi quality using total plate counts.
Similarly, Vu and Won (2013) developed an O2 indicator Park et al. (2013a) employed a prototype of LAB-based TTI
that is activated on exposure to UV-light and can recover its to identify the quality changes of vacuum packaged chicken
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Salgado et al. Bio-Smart Food Packaging
breast during storage. Wang et al. (2017b) developed a plasmonic food packaging they can control the freshness of the
thermal history indicator taking advantage of the localized products, reducing food waste and food-borne illnesses
surface plasmon resonance of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) risks (Park et al., 2015).
synthesized in situ in alginate. TTI color became more intense Biosensors contain bio-receptors (biological or organic
with increased storage temperature and time and change from materials) that recognizes the desired analyte and transducers
gray to red with time of exposure at high temperature (40◦ C). (optical, calorimetric, electrochemical, or piezoelectric devices)
Singh et al. (2018a) developed temperature-sensitive that turn the biochemical signals into a quantifiable electronic
packaging using a eutectic mixture of soybean oil and tetradecane reply (Ahmed et al., 2018). For example, Food Sentinel System
as a thermo-regulating material. This temperature-sensitive (SIRA Technologies Inc.) is a commercial biosensor developed
packaging is useful to control the temperature of fresh beef from to detect food pathogens with a specific antibody joined to
the store to preparation and consumption. a membrane that is part of a bar code. In the presence of
It is worth noting that there are some commercial TTI, pathogens, a band of dark coloration is formed which prevents
small, light, fast, clear, accurate, efficient, easy to interpret, and the bar code from being read (Yam et al., 2005). ToxinGuard R
cost effective for food packaging (Bizerba SE & Co.; DeltaTrak; (Toxin Alert, Canada) is a commercial visual diagnostic that
Thermographic Measurements Ltd; Timestrip UK Ind). displays antibodies imprinted on a polyethylene-based material
that detects specific pathogenic microorganisms such as such
Indicators Based on Thermochromic Inks as Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp., E coli., Listeria spp.
A thermochromic ink is a specialized dynamic ink that (Poyatos-Racionero et al., 2018).
changes its color when exposed to different temperatures. They Nanotechnology arrival has revolutionized this field of action,
are used to indicate thermal abuse and comfort conditions. and new and more effective nanobiosensors are being developed
Their activation temperatures go from low temperatures of in order to detect pathogens, chemical polluters, spoilage,
refrigeration, happening through the temperature of the human product handling, and follow-up of ingredients or products
body until high temperatures that surpass the threshold of pain. through processing (Srivastava et al., 2018).
They can be activated by cold, by touch or by hot temperatures. For non-destructive evaluation of the aroma of various
Those activated by touch become transparent when are rubbed foods, colorimetric sensors are used. Volatile components react
or touched to reveal an image or other color printed below. Some with chemical colorants causing color change and subsequent
of them are based on the use of liquid crystals that change their detection of chemical vapors (Ahmed et al., 2018).
color within the visible spectrum (Vanderroost et al., 2014). Chen et al. (2017a) reused the food barcode and turned it
Their color change can be irreversible or reversible. into a colorimetric sensor integrated with a camera, to sense the
Irreversible ones are colorless until they are exposed to a state of packaged products and indicate the end of their useful
certain temperature at which an intense color develops and life. This colorimetric sensor is composed of vapor sensitive
remains constant or changes leaving a permanent mark that colorants encapsulated in resin microbeads. With this device it
indicates the temperature change (Roya and Elham, 2016). They was possible to monitor the deterioration of chicken meat in
are used as indicators of thermal abuse to show that the storage different temperature ranges.
temperature of a product exceeded a recommended value, for Hypoxanthine (produced by the metabolic degradation of
example that the cold chain was broken in a refrigerated product. ATP) and trimethylamine oxide (that degrades to trimethylamine
Therefore, they can be considered as a TTI of partial thermal increasing the fishy odor) are ones of the main freshness
history. On the other hand, reversible thermochromic inks indicators in fish products (Ashie et al., 1996; Park et al.,
change their color when they heat up and return to their original 2013b; Mustafa and Andreescu, 2018). To detect the amount of
color when temperature decreases or vice versa. They are used hypoxanthine and xanthine, several enzymatic biosensors based
to indicate comfort situations, for example, to ensure consumers on a colorimetric or electrochemical reaction using the enzyme
that a drink in a container is perfectly refrigerated or to warn xanthine oxidase have been investigated (Lawal and Adeloju,
consumers that a package in the microwave has reached the 2012; Chen et al., 2017b) immobilized on silver, graphite,
desired temperature or is too hot (Vanderroost et al., 2014). In and platinum electrodes (Devi et al., 2013; Dervisevic et al.,
this sense, Musso et al. (2017a) developed comfort indicators 2016). Yan et al. (2017) reported a colorimetric sensor for
based on gelatin films and different thermochromic inks, whose xanthine detection using a copper nanocluster with peroxidase-
coloration changes reversibly at different temperatures (15 and like activity, while Chen et al. (2017b) developed a multicolor
33◦ C) according to the inks nature. sensor for hypoxanthine detection by using gold nanorods.
Recently, Liu and Watts (2019) patented articles and methods Schaude et al. (2017) developed a colorimetric system for the
for detecting heating patterns within model food compositions detection of trimethylamine oxide based on pH indicator dyes
containing irreversible thermochromic ink. The irreversible immobilized on cellulose microparticles embedded into food-
thermochromic inks can exhibit a variable change in at least grade silicone and were safely integrated into food packaging,
one-color parameter in response to temperature change across that change color from green to red when the food is spoiled.
a selected temperature range. Gluten is another interesting component that can be detected,
since some people are intolerant of this ingredient, which can
Biosensors cause serious disorders of the digestive system (Malvano et al.,
They are used to detect, register and transmit information 2017). It is usually detected by the conventional enzyme-linked
regarding biological reactions (Yam et al., 2005). In immunosorbent assay (Nassef et al., 2008). White et al. (2018)
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Salgado et al. Bio-Smart Food Packaging
developed an electronic sensor based on antibodies that were Gas detection within the package has acted as a driving force in
used as selective receptors to bind wheat and barley gluten. the development of many biosensors (Meng et al., 2014; Banerjee
Biosensors are a good choice for the detection of pathogenic et al., 2016). Luminescence-based optical fiber O2 sensor had
microorganisms due to their portability and potential for in situ been fabricated via layer-by-layer nanoassembly technique. The
detection. Most of these biosensors are based on immunological resulting sensor was enhanced by tuning the spacing between
or DNA recognition, but they have the disadvantage that the fluorophore layers by the introduction of poly(acrylic acid) (de
preparation procedures are time consuming and require labeling Acha et al., 2017). Mao et al. (2017) developed a new optical
and specialized facilities (Palumbo et al., 2003; Cai et al., O2 sensor using microstructured pillar detection layer arrays,
2014; Mustafa and Andreescu, 2018). A variant that has been which improves sensitivity (detection in the nanometric range).
proposed to avoid the aforementioned drawbacks is to use Likewise, Lee and Park (2017) also observed highly improved
synthetic antimicrobial peptides as recognition agents, which sensitivity using luminescent O2 sensors based on porous sensing
ensure the detection and quantification of pathogens such as films with augmented photoluminescence and O2 accessibility.
Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Antropov et al. (2018) proposed a new material associating the O2
and Staphylococcus epidermidis (Liu et al., 2016). Synthetic permeability of fluorinated polymers with an even dissemination
antimicrobial peptides are inexpensive, can be produced on of the photostable dye on the surface. The mesoporous structures
a large scale and have high stability and furthermore, they allowed the determination of O2 at a very low level as well as
could also be used to inactivate pathogens. The development of avoided dye leaching and microbiological fouling.
colorimetric biosensor strips based on immobilized peptides that CO2 sensors are being of great interest in detecting
were used for the detection of Listeria monocytogenes in milk and spoilage in food. There are optochemical detection techniques
meat samples has been reported (Alhogail et al., 2016). Recently, involving a colorimetric pH indicator and a phosphorescent dye
a fluorescent DNAzyme probe that specifically binds E. coli was (Neethirajan et al., 2009; Puligundla et al., 2012; Lochman et al.,
developed and printed on a cyclo-olefin polymer transparent 2017). There are several devices on the market that detect both
package with meat and apple-juice samples (Yousefi et al., 2018a). dissolved and gaseous CO2 , such as Severinghaus-type sensors
Over the past few years, researchers have attempted to create and non-distributive infrared (NDIR). Their disadvantage is that
bacteria-detecting devices easy to read that required minimal they are large, expensive, and susceptible to contamination and
user intervention; however, most of them are destructive and water vapor, which is why cheaper and more compact sensors
require to open the food package for analysis. Some authors are preferred (Ahmed et al., 2018). Sun et al. (2016) developed
developed lateral-flow strip assays (Yang et al., 2016b; Ramos a highly sensitive squaraine-based system for colorimetrically
et al., 2017; Tominaga, 2017, 2018) based on antibodies labeled and fluorescently sense CO2 gas in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).
to colloidal gold or palladium nanoparticles (PdNPs) applied to a Xia et al. (2015) synthesized an unsymmetrical squaraine-based
test strip. This process takes approximately 15 min and does not chemosensor for sensing CO2 gas by proton nuclear magnetic
require special equipment and has been used to detect Listeria resonance and UV-visible spectroscopies in DMSO. Similarly,
monocytogenes and bacteria in the Klebsiella group (Tominaga, Sun et al. (2017) developed a CO2 squaraine-based cationic
2017, 2018). chemosensor that allows the change to be seen with the naked
Portable microfluidic devices were also developed for bacterial eye and is highly sensitive.
detection. Thus, Tokel et al. (2015) created a device that has
antibodies capable of responding to antigens found on the surface Electronic Noses and Tongues
of Escherichia coli. These devices are extremely sensitive to the products released
Bright-field imaging allowed to visualize bacteria by food when it deteriorates. Their sensing system could consist
accumulation. Thus, Altintas et al. (2018) used a mechanism of a single device or an array of different sensing elements
similar to that described above, but also incorporated sensor that produce time-dependent electrical signals in response to
chips that allow electrochemical detection in real time. Other volatile components composition that then are analyzed by
devices included E. coli sensors on graphene based flexible acetate pattern recognition system (Kodogiannis, 2017; Szulczyński et al.,
sheets, that used electrodes as the main method of detection 2017; Wojnowski et al., 2017). There are also other types of
(Basu et al., 2014). sensors, in addition to conductimetrics ones, such as surface
DuVall et al. (2015) created a phone application to acoustic wave sensors, chemoresistor sensors, quartz crystal
calculate bacteria’s presence based on paramagnetic silica beads microbalance, and optical sensors for detecting odors (Alizadeh,
aggregation. Cells were first lysed, the target DNA strand was 2010; Papadopoulou et al., 2013; Verma and Yadava, 2015; Zhao
then amplified through loop-mediated isothermal amplification, et al., 2016).
subsequently causing beads aggregation. Multivariate statistics and artificial neuron networks are
Techniques such as surface functionalization, microcontact used as statistical tools for data analysis, and the results are
printing and automated printers have been extensively used then compared with the reference methods data based on
to target cells detection (Didar et al., 2015; Shakeri et al., chemical determination of spoilage indicators or sensory and
2017; Yousefi et al., 2018a). Recently, Yousefi et al. (2018b) microbiological analyses (Salinas et al., 2014; Górska-Horczyczak
created a simple E. coli-detecting device based on the use of et al., 2016). Specifically, electronic noses interact with volatile
DNAzymes capable of performing a specific reaction, that could compounds present in the container headspace, while electronic
be incorporated into food packaging. tongues react with non-volatile compounds dispersed in a liquid.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems | 17 April 2021 | Volume 5 | Article 630393
Salgado et al. Bio-Smart Food Packaging
These instruments could be packaged to provide data on quality The use of RFID systems is very important for traceability
and safety controls (Zhong, 2019). and food chain monitoring, as storage time and temperature
The electronic nose, designed to simulate human olfactory are the two main factors affecting food quality (Dobrucka
sense, should distinguish complex odors via an array of sensors. and Przekop, 2019). Main advantages of RFID on “bar codes”
The common e-nose consisted of an array of gas sensors, an are that they allow remote control, store different information
analog to digital converter, and a computer equipped with a (origin, process parameters, commercial information, etc.), and
pattern recognition algorithm (Ali et al., 2020). This technology multiple elements monitoring at the same time allowing a unique
has been successfully used to detect food additives in fruit juices identification of the product (Kuswandi et al., 2011).
(Qiu and Wang, 2017) and fruit spoilage (Wen et al., 2019). Chen There are many companies manufacturing RFID labels, which
et al. (2019b) used the electronic nose to monitor the freshness have been used during years in high value products, such as
of fresh-cut broccoli during refrigerated storage, while Tan and electronics or clothing. In the food industry, these devices can
Kerr (2019) use it for monitor the volatile compounds of cocoa be attached to a container or box, thus they can be identified
samples undergoing refining. It has been also used to determine and tracked. There is a series of RFID suppliers such as EPSILIA
meat freshness of refrigerated, frozen, and chill-stored pork meat (Canada), RFID Enabled Solutions Inc. (USA) and HRAFN
(Górska-Horczyczak et al., 2017; Ramírez et al., 2018). Ltd. (Sweden), which have worked together with meat and fish
The electronic tongue has shown its potential to be used as a industries to implement RFID systems (Fuertes et al., 2016a).
complementary tool with human tasters in the sensor technology The most evolved RFID systems allow the integration of other
field because of fast, highly sensitive and selective methods. It is functions in the label, such as TTI or biosensors to monitor
an analytical sensory array unit that can detect specific substances and communicate the thermal history of the product, as well as
by different artificial membranes and electrochemical techniques to provide information about quality. Numerous advances have
(Titova and Nachev, 2020). The sensor array responds to the been achieved in this field, for example, the development of a
liquid sample and outputs a signal that is then processed by pH sensor incorporated in a radiofrequency transmitter without
the computer system and patterned by the recognition system. batteries to monitor in situ spoilage processes of fishing products
Subsequently, the sample taste characteristics are obtained (Huang et al., 2011); RFID labels to control meat freshness (Eom
(Wang and Liu, 2019). Electronic tongues have found a wide et al., 2014) and traceability (Cappai et al., 2018). RFID labels
range of applications for different food products such as wines with an O2 indicator could be used in MAP systems (Martínez-
(Wang et al., 2019a), fruit flavors (Németh et al., 2019; Zhu et al., Olmos et al., 2013) and as pork freshness sensors (Sen et al.,
2020), coffee (Arrieta et al., 2019), and milk (Pan et al., 2019). 2013). Feng et al. (2014) and Fernandez-Salmeron et al. (2015)
Although these electronics have been developed for smart proposed the application of a humidity sensor integrated in a
packaging, current devices are usually complicated and fully printed RFID tags for varying humidity levels. Lorite et al.
expensive. Therefore they are not yet ready to be integrated with (2017) developed a novel and functional critical temperature
real packages (Zou et al., 2015; Poyatos-Racionero et al., 2018). indicator-smart sensor which combines irreversible visual color
changes and RFID technologies.
RFID labels with CO2 and O2 sensors were developed
Radiofrequency Identification (RFID) to control vegetables freshness (Eom et al., 2012; Potyrailo
RFID tags use electromagnetic fields of radiofrequency to store et al., 2012) and the quality and safety of dairy products
and communicate product information in real time for their (Zhang et al., 2020).
identification and traceability (Lee and Rahman, 2014; Magalhães Figure 8 resumes the classification of smart food packaging
et al., 2019). They consist of an integrated circuit connected to an described in this review.
antenna for the transmission of information stored on the chip
to a reader. They could be basically active or passive, depending
on battery requirement (Kalpana et al., 2019). Active types use CURRENT MARKET AND PROJECTIONS
the battery as power sources and passive type generate power OF ACTIVE AND INTELLIGENT PACKAGES
from signals received. Generally, low and high frequency (125–
134 or 13.56 MHz) ranges are used in food packaging applications Food packaging represents about half of all packaging area in
(Bibi et al., 2017). The functions of RFID are to collect RF energy developed countries, with a reported market size of USD 304.98
from the interrogator with its antenna, activate the RFID chip billion in 2019 that is projected to reach USD 463.65 billion by
in the tag, and transmit an ID code back to the interrogator, 2027, growing at a CAGR of 5.9% (Food Packaging Market -
being the ID code a fixed number used as a product unique Fortune Business Insights), while smart packaging is expected
identifier (Cui et al., 2019). The reader is a small component to grow at a CAGR of 8.3% during the same period, starting
whose primary function is to serve as a platform for analyzing from USD 6.87 Bn in 2018 (Smart Packaging Market - Credence
and receiving information from the tag for further processing. Research). However, food and beverage is the largest sector for
Electronic chips are used for encoding information in the form smart packaging (Smart Packaging Market 2018-2023 – OpenPR;
of bits in the Electronic Product Code (Bibi et al., 2017). RFID de Oliveira and de Melo, 2019) and currently, it is estimated
middleware, as the vital part, performs several functions like that within the global market, most of the smart packaging
filtering, integrating of data, coordination of reader and proper corresponds to active packaging (with MAPs showing the greatest
management of scheduled processes (Chen et al., 2008). growth in the market) (ReportLinker).
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems | 18 April 2021 | Volume 5 | Article 630393
Salgado et al. Bio-Smart Food Packaging
The increasing demand for fresh and quality packaged food, to the material compositions or migration limits. Package’s
consumer convenience and manufacturers’ concern for longer components, whether the bioplastic or the additives added to
shelf-life of the food products are driving the market for global give the container a particular functionality, should not migrate
active and intelligent packaging technology for food and beverage into food in quantities that could be a risk to human health or
market. These technologies offer tremendous potential to fulfill change its sensory properties (Restuccia et al., 2010; Drago et al.,
the growing demand of food safety in various applications 2020).
which include dairy products, meat and poultry, ready-to-eat On the other hand, the labeling of the components of smart
meal segment, etc. Smart packaging’s advantages over their packaging, such as the contents of the envelopes and sachets
conventional counterparts are reduced counterfeiting, increased (i.e., O2 removal sachets) should be provided, clearly mentioning
shelf-life, improved safety, and easy implementation (Sohail “do not eat” on the labels (Hurme et al., 2002). But the most
et al., 2018). Although many of these products have been important concern in the use of sachets is the accidental leakage
considered unnecessary, the development of technology that of the components within the food package that can spoil
allows the low-cost production of electronics and sensors and the food and be a threat to the consumer. Thus, efforts are
the elimination of specialized electronic readers in favor of aimed at replacing the use of envelopes in the package by
smart-phones (adopting QR codes) will allow them to enter into directly fusing the active components within or on the package
this tendency (Industry Market Research - Freedonia Group; (Restuccia et al., 2010).
Fuertes et al., 2016a). Another aspect to consider is the environmental regulations.
Market’s growth has also evolved due to the exploration of These regulations cover the use, reuse, recycling, and
nanotechnology (Smart Packaging Market - Mordor Intelligence; identification of packaging material to guarantee the recycling
He et al., 2019). Nanomaterials have various applications; or energy recovery of the components of the materials. For
both in active and intelligent packaging. In active packaging, end-of-life management of food and waste, industries in the
nanostructures can enhance plastics permeabilities to gases USA follow the US EPA’s Waste Reduction Model (WARM;
and flavors, and can also be used to improve food safety version 13) [US EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency),
and fortification, as to improve bioavailability, processing, and 2015]. The companies under European Union are required
encapsulation of active compounds (Pereda et al., 2018). In to make sure the environmental influence of their packaging
intelligent packages, nanosensors improve the rate, sensitivity operations as given in the Packaging and Packaging Waste
and specificity of the detection of pathogens, toxins, and Directive (European Commission, 2018).
chemicals, and incorporated inside the packaging, they can Finally, it is necessary to consider and evaluate the possible
inform the consumers about food’s freshness level and nutrition risks that the antimicrobial agents used in smart packaging
status (Fuertes et al., 2016b; Caon et al., 2017). technologies may produce due to the possible development of
Furthermore, developments in printing practices are antimicrobial resistance. This can cause an alteration in the
providing their added functionality for the potential development microbial ecology and put food security at risk (Restuccia et al.,
of intelligent packaging and smart labels, associated with the use 2010; Ahmed et al., 2017).
of RFID technology and printed electronics (Smart Packaging
Market - Mordor Intelligence; Liao et al., 2019). CONCLUDING REMARKS
Moreover, the use of new technologies such as thermo and
photochromic inks, oxygen scavenging, electronic labels and Smart packaging has great possibilities to food and beverage
RFID by packaging industries would also increase the market industry, giving response to consumers that demand for
(Smart Packaging Market - Credence Research). convenient packages that ensure products quality and safety,
Although, high research and development cost could be with a longer shelf- life. Nowadays, their development at
expected to hamper the growth of the market in coming industrial level is focused on the use of synthetic plastic materials
years, important companies such as 3M Company, Temp because they are economical, functional, light and very versatile.
Time Corporation, PakSense, American Thermal Instruments, However, the interest in replacing these polymers by bioplastics
Avery Dennison, R.R. Donnelly Sons & Company, BASF SE, tries to meet the society’s demands regarding environmental care
International Paper, Stora Enso, Huhtamaki Group and Smartrac and sustainability.
N.V., are currently included in the global smart packaging market Over the last years, much progress has been achieved in
(Smart Packaging Market 2018-2023 – OpenPR). improving the behavior of bioplastics, through modifications
of biopolymers functionality by physical, chemical and/or
enzymatic treatments; by addition of additives that modify
SAFETY CONCERNS AND LIMITATIONS mechanisms of materials formation or extend their functionality,
by modifications in the processing conditions and technologies,
Food smart packaging should be highly regulated with strict by applying post-treatments after materials formation, by using
guidelines for packaging materials, testing, and labeling polymer blends or preparing multilayer materials, composite and
(Madhusudan et al., 2018; Drago et al., 2020). The most nanocomposites. The resulting materials properties are suitable
important regulation is to obtain food contact approval. Even for numerous applications in smart food packaging. However,
though legislations about food contact material vary between most of these materials are not commercialized yet, possibly
countries, regulations are mainly based on restrictions as because a great part of the studies is made at a laboratory scale.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems | 19 April 2021 | Volume 5 | Article 630393
Salgado et al. Bio-Smart Food Packaging
Therefore, it is essential to study and advance in the scaling of The next level of active and intelligent packaging should be the
the processing of these materials, as well as to evaluate their bioactive and bio-intelligent packaging. These novel packaging
behavior as real food packaging systems in order to achieve a will open new frontiers and opportunities for preserving the
real application. quality of food products and in monitoring the status of product
A better understanding of interactions, regulation and safety quality, saving fossil resources through the use of biomass
issues and proper design will certainly increase consumer that regenerates and provides the unique potential for carbon
confidence in this technology. Future studies should also be neutrality. The biodegradability of certain types of bioplastics
focalized on complete product evaluation, ensuring that the also offers the advantage a potential solution for controlling food
developed packaging systems are suitable to be in contact with waste as well as preventing plastic packaging from leaking into
food. Natural bioactive agents have been extensively explored as the environment (Dilkes-Hoffman et al., 2018; Kakadellis and
antimicrobial/antioxidant packaging and are currently preferred Harris, 2020).
(Aziz and Karboune, 2018; Zanetti et al., 2018; Jamróz and Kopel,
2020). A huge challenge in the research area of the quality AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
indicators is to find the indicators that are sensitive (ppm–ppb
levels) and specific, as most of the current pH-based indicators All authors contributed to the design and writing of this
lack these properties. Recent studies have explored the ability of manuscript, as well as to the bibliographic search used for
biopolymer-based food packaging materials to carry, encapsulate its completion.
and control-release these bioactive compounds (Chalier et al.,
2019; Almasi et al., 2020). The current research trends are FUNDING
moving toward employment of emerging technologies such
as nanotechnology packaging and antimicrobial packaging to The authors would like to thank the National Agency of Scientific
facilitate effective incorporation of bioactive ingredients and and Technological Support of Argentina (ANPCyT, PICT-2013-
enhance designed functions (Sharma et al., 2017; da Silva Barbosa 2124, PICT-2015-2822, and PICT-2018-4040), and La Plata
and dos Santos Rosa, 2019; Salgado et al., 2019b; Zhong et al., National University (UNLP, Project 2016-11/X750, and 2020-
2020). 11/X923) for their financial support.
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Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems | 30 April 2021 | Volume 5 | Article 630393