MHD Casson Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer With PST and PHF Heating Conditions Due To A Stretching Sheet

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International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)

Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2017, pp. 1626, Article ID: IJMET_08_02_003

Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359
IAEME Publication


P H Veena
Department of Mathematics, Smt. V.G. College for Women,
Gulbarga, Karnataka, India

D Vinuta
Department of Mathematics, Gulbarga University,
Gulbarga, Karnataka, India

V K Pravin
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
P.D.A. College of Engineering Gulbarga, Karnataka, India

In the present paper two-dimensional flow of non-Newtonian MHD flow of Casson fluid heat
transfer with PST & PHF is considered. Using Nevier Stokes Equations of Motion the momentum
and energy equations of Casson fluid are derived. These governing equations of motion and
temperature are non-linear partial differential equations which are tedious to solve as they are,
hence these partial differential equations are converted into Ordinary differential equations using
suitable similarity transformations. These ODEs are then solved numerically by the efficient
Runge Kutta Fehlberg method. Effects of various governing parameters on the flow and heat
transfer profiles are analyzed. Further the numerical Values of Wall temperature and Wall
temperature Profiles are calculated and discussed in detail through graphs in both the cases of
PST and PHF.
Key words: Convective Heat transfer, Casson fluid, BVP, IVP, Numerical Solution.
Cite this Article: P H Veena, D Vinuta and V K Pravin. MHD Casson Fluid Flow and Heat
Transfer with PST and PHF Heating Conditions due to a Stretching Sheet. International Journal of
Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 8(2), 2017, pp. 1626.

b stretching rate
x horizontal coordinate
y vertical coordinate
u horizontal velocity component 16 [email protected]
MHD Casson Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer with PST and PHF Heating Conditions due to a Stretching Sheet

v vertical velocity component

T temperature
cp specific heat
f dimensionless stream function
Pr Prandtl number
l Characteristic length
Mn Magnetic parameter
differentiation with respect to

Greek Symbols
similarity variable
dimensionless temperature
k thermal conductivity
kinematic viscosity
thermal difusivity
Casson parameter

w properties at the plate
free stream condition

On analyzing the various studies on boundary layer flow and Heat transfer of continuous moving surface ,
it is came to know that, boundary layer flow is an important type of flow occurring in many engineering
applications. Some of them are, in an Aerodynamic extrusion of plastic sheets, the boundary layer along a
liquid film in condensation process and a polymer sheet or filament extruded continuously from a die are
examples of practical applications of continuous moving surfaces. Besides, cooling of an infinite metallic
plate in a cooling path, Gas blowing, continuous casting and spinning of fibers also involve the flow due to
a stretching sheet. We have looked towards some important studies as mentioned below:
Crane [1] investigated the flow due to a stretching sheet. First time stretching sheet concept is used by
Crane [1], which is very helpful in various engineering industries and this work is considered for a viscous
fluid in his study. But as considered with the applications of Newtonian fluids, the applications of non-
Newtonian fluids are more hence many researchers have worked on flow, heat and mass transfer analysis
of non-Newtonian fluids. Hayat [2] studied Soret and Dufour effects on the magneto hydrodynamics
of Casson fluids. Nadeem et. al [3] made a focus on the MHD flow of non-Newtonian Casson fluid due to
an exponential shrinking sheet. Pramanik [4] analysed the flow analysis and heat transport analysis of
Casson fluid using porous stretching sheet, and phenomena investigated the effects of suction and blowing
effect on flow and heat transfer. Bhattacharya et, al [5] investigated flow analysis of Casson fluid over
non-porous stretching sheet with the slip effect. Swati et, al [6] investigated the effect of unsteadiness on
flow and heat transfer analysis. Qasim and Nooreer [7] made an analysis of Flow of Casson fluid due to
permeable shrinking sheet with viscous dissipation. Rizwan [8] focused on the Study of the Flow of
MHD Casson nano fluid due to a shrinking sheet. Hussain et, al [9] studied the flow analysis of Casson
nanofluid with viscous dissipation and convective boundary conditions. Kamehswaran [10] obtained 17 [email protected]
P H Veena, D Vinuta and V K Pravin

dual solutions for Flow analysis of Casson fluid due to stretching or shrinking sheet. Nandeppanavar [11]
carried out the work on the flow and heat transfer analysis with two heating conditions considering the
non-Newtonian Casson fluid due to linear stretching sheet. The solution they obtained is by a power series
method analystically, further Nandeppanavar [12-13] also investigated the heat transfer analysis of Casson
fluid due to stretching sheet with convective heating condition both Numerical and analytical results in
terms of Kummers function and Runge-Kutta fourth order method with shooting technique. Attia and
Ahmed [14] were proposed to study the transient Coutte flow analysis of Casson fluid between parallel
plates with heat transfer analysis. Bhattacharyya et, al [15] have given an analytical solution for magneto
hydrodynamic boundary layer flow of Casson fluid, they also studied the effect of wall mass transfer
analysis too. Swati [16] showed the effect of thermal radiation on the flow and heat transfer analysis of
Casson fluid over an unsteady stretching sheet with effect of suction and blowing. Shehzad [17]
investigated the mass transfer of magnetohydrodyanic flow of Casson fluid with chemical reaction.
Considering all above works, in the present paper, the flow and Heat transfer analysis with two heating
conditions (Prescribed surface temperature and Prescribed Wall heat flux) with Numerical Solution is
undertaken and the effects of all governing parameters are analysed on the flow and heat transfer analysis.

Assuming rheological equation of non-Newtonian Casson fluid as

Py n

ij = B + 2eij
Here is the dynamic viscosity, B is the plastic dynamic viscosity of Casson fluid, Py is the stress of
Casson fluid. = eij e ji , , eij is the (i,j) the component of the deformation rate Casson fluid ( is the product
of the component of deformation rate with itself ). Considering n 1 we have many applications.
Considering above rheology of Casson fluid. The governing equations of the fluid with MHD are:
u v
+ =0
x y (2)
u u 1 2u B 2u
u + v = 1 + 2 0
x y y
where u and v are the components of velocity in x and y axis respectively. is the kinematic viscosity
& = B 2 c is Casson parameter which is non-Newtonian.
The corresponding boundary conditions for the momentum transfer are
uw ( x) = bx, v = 0, y=0

u 0, as y
with b > 0, the stretching rate. Equations (2) and (3), subjected to the boundary conditions (4), admit a
self-similar solution in terms of the similarity function f and the similarity variable defined by
u = b x f ' ( ), v = bv f ( ), = y.
v (5) 18 [email protected]
MHD Casson Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer with PST and PHF Heating Conditions due to a Stretching Sheet

It can be easily verified that Eq. (2) is identically satisfied and substituting the above transformations in
Eq. (3) we obtain
f '2 ff '' = 1 + f ''' M n f '
. (6)
Similarly the boundary conditions (4) are converted to:
f ' ( ) = 1 , f ( ) = 0 at = 0
f ' ( ) 0, as
Mn =
b = magnectic parameter


The Energy equations with boundary layer approximations can be considered as:
T T 2T
C p u +v = k y2 ,
x y (8)
where k is the thermal conductivity, is the density of the fluid, C p is the specific heat at constant
pressure. The heat transfer analysis is carried out due to following two heating conditions:
Case A: Prescribed surface temperature (PST Case): In this case
The boundary conditions are:

T = A , at y = 0
l ,
T T as y
where T is the temperature of the fluid far away from the sheet. Defining the non-dimensional
temperature ( ) as
( ) = .
Tw T (10)
Where Tw the temperature of the sheet at the wall.
Using Eqn. (10), Eqs. (8) and (9) can be converted to
''+ Pr f ' 2 f Pr = 0 ,
( ) = 1 at = 0,

( ) 0 as .
Pr =
k is the Prandtl number. 19 [email protected]
P H Veena, D Vinuta and V K Pravin

Case B: Prescribed Surface Wall Heat Flux (PHF Case):

The power law heat flux on the wall surface is considered as:
T x

k = B at y = 0
y l
T T at y
where B is a constant. The scaled temperature is defined as:
g ( ) =
Tw T . (14)
Making use of the transformation (14) into Eqn (8) and (13) the following non-dimensional equations
for temperature and corresponding boundary conditions are obtained
g''+ Pr f g ' 2 f Pr g = 0 (15)
g ' ( ) = 1 at = 0,

g ( ) 0 as .

The set of non-linear differential equations (6 and 11) subject to the boundary conditions (5and 12) are
integrated numerically using a very efficient method known as Runge-Kutta Fehlberg method with
shooting technique.
The most important factor of this method is to choose the appropriate finite values of in order
to determine for the boundary value problem stated by Eq.(5 &11), we start with some initial guess

value for some particular set of physical parameters to obtain f ''(0) & '(0) . The solution procedure is
repeated with another large value of until two successive values of f ''(0) & '(0) differ only by the

specified significant digit. The last value of is finally chosen to be the most appropriate value of the

limit for that particular set of parameters. The value of may change for another set of physical
parameters. Once the finite value of is determined then the coupled boundary value problem given by
Eq. (6) - (11) are solved numerically using the method of superposition. In this method the third order
Non-linear Eq. (6) and second order Eq. (11) have been reduced to five simultaneously ordinary
differential equations as follows:
Let us call
y1 = f
y2 = f '

y3 = f ''
y4 =

y5 = '
The Boundary value problem is given by 20 [email protected]
MHD Casson Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer with PST and PHF Heating Conditions due to a Stretching Sheet

d y1
= y2
= y3
dy3 ( y 2 2 y 1 y 3 ) + M y 2
d 1
(1 + )

= y5

= P r y1 y 5
The boundary conditions now become:
y1 (0) = 0, y2 (0) = 1, y3 (0) = s1 , y4 (0) = 1, y5 (0) = s2 , y2 () = 0, y4 () = 0 } (15)
Where s1 & s2 are determined such that it satisfied y2 () = 0 & y4 ( ) = 0. Thus, to solve this resultant
system, we need five initial conditions, but we have only two initial conditions on f and one initial
condition on .The third condition on f (i. e. f(0))and second condition on (i,e '(0) ) are not
prescribed which are to be determined by shooting method by using the initial guess values s1 & s2 until the
boundary conditions f 2 () = 0, f 4 () = 0 (or y2 () = 0, y4 ( ) = 0 ) are satisfied. In this way, we employ
shooting technique with Runge-Kutta Fehlberg scheme to determine two more unknowns in order to
convert the boundary value problem to initial value problem. Once all the five initial conditions are
determined the resulting differential equations can then be easily integrated, without any iteration by initial
value solver. For this purpose, Runge kutta scheme has been used.
The Same procedure is followed to find the solution of Eq.(15) with PHF boundary conditions.
To study the behavior of the velocity and temperature profiles, various curves are drawn for various
values of the physical parameters that describe the flow.


We have considered the flow and heat transfer of MHD Casson fluid due to linear stretching sheet. Here
we have considered two types of heating conditions they are namely, Prescribed Surface Temperature
(PST) and Prescribed wall Heat Flux (PHF). The Governing boundary layer equations are solved
numerically using Runge-Kutta method with efficient shooting technique by converting partial differential
equations into ordinary differential equations by means of suitable similarity transformations.
Fig1: shows the geometry of the considered problem, which shows the heated plate, flow direction etc.

Figure 1 Physical Configuration of Considered Problem 21 [email protected]
P H Veena, D Vinuta and V K Pravin



= 0.5, 1, 2, 1000

Flow Profile
Mn=0.5, Pr=1.0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Figure 2 Flow Profile for different values of Casson parameter


1 Flow Profile
Mn = 0.5
Pr = 1.0

f ' ()

= 0.5, 1, 2, 1000

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Figure 3 Velocity Profile for different values of Casson parameter

Fig.2: shows the influence of Casson parameter on flow profile. We observe that the magnitude of
flow in the boundary layer decreases with an increase in the Casson fluid parameter . Also the effect of
Casson parameter on velocity is seen in Fig 3. Which depicts that, when Casson parameter approaches
infinity, the problem will reduce to a Newtonian case. Hence increasing value of Casson parameter ,
decreases the velocity and boundary layer thickness. Hence velocity decreases with an increase in
parametric value of Casson parameter .because of resistance created by Casson parameter in the fluid


Mn=0.5, 1.0, 1.5


Flow Profile
= 0.5, Pr =1.0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Figure 4 Flow Profile for Different values of Magnetic field parameter 22 [email protected]
MHD Casson Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer with PST and PHF Heating Conditions due to a Stretching Sheet

Figure 5 Velocity Profile for Different values of Magnetic field parameter

Figures (4) and (5) show the effect of magnetic parameter Mn on the flow and velocity profiles
respectively, on observing them we can notice that the effect of the magnetic parameter Mn on flow and
the velocity profiles. As the magnetic parameter Mn increases, the flow and the velocity deceases. Thus
the presence of the magnetic field reduces the momentum boundary layer thickness. Physically, the
presence of a transverse magnetic (applied normally) field gives rise to a drag force which results in the
flow and velocity retardation.

Temperature Profile: PST Case

Mn= 0.5, Pr = 1.0



= 0.5,1, 2, 1000


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 6 Temperature Profile for different values of Casson parameter in PST Case
Fig.(6): shows the effect of Casson parameter on the temperature distribution in PST case. The
effect of increasing Casson parameter leads to the enhancement of the temperature due to increase in the
velocity stress parameter, the same effect is observed in fig (9) for PHF case too.

1 Temperature Profile: PST Case

Pr = 1.0, = 0.5



Mn= 0.5, 1.0, 1.5


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 7 Temperature Profile for different values of Magnetic field parameter in PST Case 23 [email protected]
P H Veena, D Vinuta and V K Pravin

In Fig (7), The increase in magnetic field parameter Mn then it reduces the boundary layer thickness
and hence it enhances the temperature profile. Same effect is observed in fig (10) for PHF case too.

Temperature Profile: PST Case

1 Mn=0.5, = 0.5




Pr =0.72, 1.0, 1.5


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Figure 8 Temperature Profile for different values of Prandtl number parameter in PST Case


0.7 Temperature Profile: PHF Case

Pr = 1.0, Mn = 0.5




= 0.5, 1.0, 2.0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Figure 9 Temperature Profile for different values of Casson parameter in PHF Case


0.7 Temperature Profile: PHF Case

Pr = 1.0, = 0.5




0.2 Mn= 0.5, 1.0, 1.5


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Figure 10 Temperature Profile for different values of Magnetic field parameter in PHF case 24 [email protected]
MHD Casson Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer with PST and PHF Heating Conditions due to a Stretching Sheet


0.8 Temperature Profile: PHF Case

Mn=0.5, = 0.5


g() 0.5


Pr =0.72, 1.0, 1.5


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Figure 11 Temperature Profile for different values of Prandtl number parameter in PHF Case
Fig (8) shows the effect of the Prandtl number Pr on temperature profile. On observing this plot we
can conclude that the temperature and the thermal boundary layer thickness decrease as the Prandtl number
increases. Same effect is observed in fig (11) for PHF case too.

Here numerical Solutions for MHD flow Casson fluid and heat transfer problems (for PST and PHF
cases) are obtained.
The effect of the Casson fluid parameter on velocity and temperature are quite opposite.
The thermal boundary layer thickness decreases with increasing Prandtl number in heat transfer
phenomenon for both PST and PHF cases.
When tends to infinity, it reduce to the results of Newtonian case

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