CEG605.1 Advanced Soil Mechanics TH

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B. Tech.

Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering

Course Code CEG605.1 Title Advanced Soil Mechanics

Teaching L P T C Exam. Theory Paper Term Work Total

Scheme 3 - - 3 Scheme 100 - 100
1 2 Ass. Ass.
20 20 60 - -
Prerequisite CE502, CE602
Course The students will be able to, Levels
Outcomes CO1 : Demonstrate clay Mineralogy and soil structures 2
CO2: Explain soil water hydraulics 2
CO3: Estimate shear strength of soils 2
CO4: Calculate settlement and consolidation 2
CO5: Disuss soil strength 2
Levels L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create
Unit 1: Clay Mineralogy and Soil Structures Hrs
Clay Mineralogy, Basic structural units, Isomorphic substitution, base 6
exchange capacity, inter automatic and inter molecular bonds, different
clay minerals, Engineering properties of clay minerals, permeability,
swelling & shrinkage and stress strain characteristics of soil and
consolidation theory.
Unit 2: Soil Water Hydraulics
Seepage Mathematical Analysis finite difference formulae of study state 6
and transient flow water soils construction of flow nets in homogeneous
soils by graphical methods computation of seepage for ground water
embankments earth uplift pressures critical hydraulics safety factors.
Unit 3: Shear Strength of Soils 6
Review of conventional shear stress factors affecting shear strength of
soils pore pressure in soils pore pressure measurements in triaxial test
and field measurements total and effective shear stress parameters
stress path, total stress path and effective stress path Horslave shear
parameters shear, strength , thixotropy and liquefaction of soils.
Unit 4: Compressibility of Soils 6
Concept of Stress, Principal Stress and Strain, Stress Strain relations,
plane Stress, Plane Strain, Mohrs diagram.
Unit 5: Settlement and consolidation 6
Ultimate Settlements (Consolidation Test), Time rate of consolidation,
Effect of Layers and changes in parameters on the rate of consolidations.
Unit 6: Soil Strength
General considerations, Yield criterion, Theories of failures Mohr 6
column failure conditions testing of soils strength, strength of soils.

Sanjay Ghodawat University Kolhapur Page 1

B. Tech. Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering

Text 1. Advanced soil mechanics B.M.Das

Reference 1. Foundations of Theoretical Soil Mechancis ME Harr
Books: 2. Soil Behaviors JR Mitchell
3. Soil mechanics Lambe.T.W and Whitman
4. Soil mechanics R.F.Craig
Mode of Tutorials / Class Tests / Lab Exam/Quiz/Assignment/ Seminar/Written
Evaluation Examination/ Mini Project/Experiments/Record work/Oral/ Practical Examination

Mapping of COs to POs and PSOs

COs a b c d e f g h i j k l m

Correlation levels:
1. Slight (Low)
2. Moderate (Medium)
3. Substantial (High)
-- No relation
Course Designed by Department of BS/HS/Mech Engg
Approval 1st meeting of Academic Council dated -- / -- / 2017

Sanjay Ghodawat University Kolhapur Page 2

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