5 - Fauvism

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Teacher: Ho-Jung Aum

Unit Title: Painting / Art History / Color
Lesson Title: Fauvism
Class: Art I
Grade Level: 9 -12 (Proficient)

Guided Notes Handout Access to Computer lab
Computer with PowerPoint Index Cards
Projector Pencils

Instructional Strategies
Direct Instruction / Problem Solving

Teacher Preparation:
Prepare PowerPoint Presentation on Fauvism (background information)
Print Guided Notes for presentation
Printouts of Paintings, Articles, Job Descriptions, and historical figures
Questions / Guidelines for the Presentation

Behavioral Objectives:
Students will be able to analyze and describe how arbitrary color affects a composition in
the context of an important Fauvist painting and the response towards it at the time
compared to how it is received now.
Students will able to draw on previous knowledge and how color can be intentionally
used to affect a composition
Student will be able to identify key characteristics of Fauvism and its influence on
Modern Art.
Students will be able to explain the process and people involved through the life of an
artwork, through creation, presentation, and interpretation

Content Standards:


1.3 Research and analyze the work of an artist and write about the artist's distinctive style and
its contribution to the meaning of the work
1.4 Analyze and describe how the composition of a work of art is affected by the use of a
particular principle of design
1.5 Analyze the material used by a given artist and describe how its use influences the
meaning of the work


3.3 Identify and describe trends in the visual arts and discuss how the issues of time, place,
and cultural influence are reflected in selected works of art


4.2 Compare the ways in which the meaning of a specific work of art has been affected over
time because of changes in interpretation and context


5.4 Demonstrate an understanding of the various skills of an artist, art critic, art historian, art
collector, art gallery owner, and philosopher of art (aesthetician).

ELA STANDARDS: 1.0 Word Analysis, Fluency and Systematic Vocabulary Development
Students will be able to apply their knowledge of word origins to determine the meaning of the
new words encountered in reading materials and use those words accurately.

ELD STANDARDS: Negotiate and initiate social conversations by questioning, restating,

soliciting information, and paraphrasing communication of others.

English Learners
Identify key vocabulary / Word Walls
Graphic organizers
Pictures, objects, videos visuals available
Work with an advanced partner with same L1
Adapted Text/Notes
Struggling Readers
Vocabulary help
Oral material provided
Resource Students (Students with Disabilities)
Identify key vocabulary / Word Walls
Time to work with aides
Pictures, objects, videos visuals available
Altered lessons and/or assessments
Advanced Students
May be paired with struggling students Peer Tutoring

ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES (Each lesson must include all three forms of assessments):

Entry Level (to find out prior knowledge, skill level):

How will you find out this information?
Reflection Journal#1 Students will write about their reaction to the painting
before they go research deeper into the topic
What kind of feedback will students receive?

The journal entry will focus on more of their current reaction and reasoning. The
entry will become a basis for the next journal, where the student will
compare/contrast how their opinion changed after gaining new data. The teacher
will provide written feedback and credit. (no grade credit/no credit)
How will this influence your teaching?
Common misconceptions (incorrect concepts, faulty reasoning) will be addressed
on the next day.

Progress Monitoring (making sure that all students understand and make steady progress):
How will you check for this?
What kind of feedback will students receive?
The teacher will check in with each group during class time.
How will this influence your teaching?
The teacher will provide additional support as necessary. If clarifications are
needed for the instructions, it will be announced to the entire class.

Summative (measuring whether students have met the standards based objectives):
How will you measure this? (Must include rubric or equivalent for each lesson)
Students will give a presentation on their findings as a group. They will be graded
according to the rubric.
Rubric should involve: Reflection 1, Questions, Presentation, and Reflection 2
What kind of feedback will students receive?
Students will receive feedback / questions / comments from peers after their
presentation. The students listening to the presentation will be required to write at
least 1 comment/question down per presentation. Two random questions will be
picked for the group to address.
The teacher will provide oral/written to feedback as a group. The group will
receive one score.
Any individual assignments (reflection journal) will be graded and commented on
How will this influence your teaching?
The questions in the students feedback cards may be incorporated into the
worksheets, which are used as an outline to the presentation,
The assessment can be used in order to help prepare students to critique own/peer
work with more depth.

Connection to the world at large:

What is your connection or link?
This unit will cover the Art movement, Fauvism, while focusing on a specific painting by
Matisse, The Woman with a Hat.

The students will also gain knowledge about various art related professions (Artist,
Gallery, Critic, etc) that are still available today.
What do you expect students to learn from this and why is it important?
Students will be able to see how movements are made and their significance.
The students will analyze art from a different point of view. (other than an Art I student)
By being able to do this, the student will be able to make more intentional decisions when
making art and be able to defend or change their positions after feedback from others.
How and when will you introduce these connections / links?
The entire lesson is centered on these connections.
How will this inform the students artwork for this assignment?
Artwork will not be the product for this specific lesson.
Future reflections for artwork will need to think about the intended audience of the piece.


Day 1
Teacher will go through a PowerPoint presentation on Fauvism.
The PowerPoint will cover:
o Key characteristics of the movement
o Background information about the location and time period
o Fauve artists and art works
o Prior movements influenced Fauvism
o Succeeding movements influenced by Fauvism
Students will be given an outline of the presentation to fill in/take notes on.

Daily Lesson Introduction:

Review deadlines
Go over agenda and supplies needed for the day.
Supplementary readings/images given out and read/discussed as a class
o Content will be determined by areas of weakness


Day 2
Present painting: La Femme au Chapeau (A Woman with a Hat) by Henri Matisse
o Image is projected on screen
o Provide basic background information about the Matisse (artist) and the painting
Class discussion about how the elements of art work in the painting
o Use previously learned Elements of Art
Word Wall / Posters are available

Focus on Color
Students will:
Identify color schemes in the painting (recall information)
Analyze the effect of the relationships between the colors
Learn about arbitrary color, or color that has no reference to reality
Compare and Contrast Arbitrary (subjective) color and Realistic
color (objective)
o Ask how this paintings choice of color makes the students feel?
Name/List emotions with the colors used and the reasoning behind them
o Reflections Journal: How do you feel about this painting? Explain why, taking
into consideration: presentation and the elements of Art discussed today.

Day 3
Discuss the professions involved in the creation to the analysis of Art in the Fine Art
Job description, things each person is concerned with: artist, art historian, art
collector, art gallery owner, art philosopher
Explanation of Assignment:
Learning objectives and Essential Questions (should connect with objectives)
How will this assignment enable us to reach our objectives?
Research - Presentation
The class will split into 5 groups to research the controversy behind the painting
from the viewpoint/opinions of various people (at the time it was exhibited and
how it is viewed now)
Each group will be assigned one of the roles.
The roles are: (actual people)
1. The Artist (Henri Matisse)
2. The Art Historian (SFMOMA)
3. The Art Collector (Gertrude & Leo Stein)
4. The Art Gallery Owner (Salon dAutomne)
5. The Art philosopher (Moreau)

Rubric will be provided for the research/presentation

Groups Roles are paired off through Random Selection
o Group Representative will pick a popsicle stick with role
o Results will be recorded by Teacher / Remembered by Students
Inform class that we will meet in the Computer Lab the next day.

Day 4 (At Computer Lab original classroom will have a sign)

Short Review of Assignment Todays agenda is the research/worksheets
One person from each group picks up worksheets (different worksheets for per group)
Review format of worksheets together

o Answers will be found in the resource links provided

o Work can be divided in any manner (dividing questions, dividing roles, etc)
o Questions can/will be used to create a PowerPoint
More details will be beneficial
o Worksheet is due at the end of class
Students work on questions as a group.
o Computers may need to be shared.
The teacher will be available to answers any questions
Groups that have completed the worksheet will turn them in.
Teacher will take a count of groups that finished all/most/some questions.
o If a majority of the groups need more time, students will be allowed to work on the
questions the next day

Day 5 (At Computer Lab)

Worksheets have been corrected and will be returned to the groups.
Review the Presentation Rubric.
o Information needed to be provided
o Questions that need to be addressed
o Connect with information with worksheet
Groups may finish any remaining questions left over from the day before.
Groups who have received their corrections/feedback may start working on their
PowerPoint presentations.
The teacher will be available for questions, but will focus on checking any remaining
worksheets in order for students to start working on their PowerPoint.

Day 6 (At Computer Lab)

Workday at Lab to work on presentations
Students may use time to practice or ask for teacher feedback
Day 7, 8
Presentations (10 minutes each) + Q&A (5 min)
o All groups must load their presentation file onto the Computer on Day 7
o Presentation Decisions (Day 7)
Decide on order of presentations
Talk about guidelines for presenting/feedback
Review format on index card
Choose a student to monitor the time for the presentations (2 min warning)
o Group Presentations
All students must think of at least 1 question/thought about the
presentation being watched will list on Index Card
Teacher will be grading presentations via Rubric and taking additional
notes and write comments for the group
o Q & A Sessions

2 questions from the class will answered by the group

The teacher may offer additional feedback or provide information missing
in the presentation.
Index Cards will be collected at the end of class.

Review original objectives and the Essential Question
Class will decide on an answer:
o By reviewing key points of the information shown in the presentations
Incorporating/paraphrasing the information
Organize according to viewpoint compare & contrast
o And make connections to support the answer
Reflection Journal: Did your opinion of the painting change after the research and
presentations? If so how and why? If not, how did the information you found
support/clarify your original thoughts?

Daily Closure:
- Remind students of Due Dates and requirements
o Check benchmark progress
o Assignment/Project Deadlines
o Review where the class will meet


- I have not taught this lesson yet, but I am concerned about the pacing of the activities.
- The worksheet will need to cover essential information. It should not be too time
consuming, but should ask for substantial information. It should be a good ratio of
text-dependent, inference, and analysis questions.

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