Wrca Culminating-Activity Las-1

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Quarter 3, Worksheet No. 1

Name: _____________________________ Grade & Section: ____________ Date: ________

Pre-Culminating Activity: My Portfolio

1. Formulate a plan that will demonstrate the key concepts, principles, and
processes of humanities and social sciences.
B. Learning Objectives
1. Know and understand the term “portfolio” and its purpose;
2. Identify the different types of portfolios and portfolio development phases; and
3. Determine the parts of portfolio.
4. Develop a portfolio development plan.


Overview of Culminating Activity

✓ For GAS and HUMSS, this subject is designed to provide students the opportunity to
integrate their learning in the different learning areas of the humanities and social sciences
through a creative culminating activity. It focuses on the exhibitions/exhibits of authentic
products and performances as evidence of their learning in the humanities and social
✓ Inconsideration of the current limitations due to pandemic, the following maybe undertaken
by the schools:
1. Teachers must program the activities of learners where they can perform the
learning competencies within the confines of their home.
2. Since the subject’s performance standard is to produce a creative portfolio that
will integrate their learning in specialized learning areas under humanities or social
sciences, learners can be asked to:
a. Create a plan to make to make their portfolio including its timeline, processes
involved, and key concepts;
b. Write a concept paper that will encapsulate their learning in humanities or social
c. Write insights after each part of portfolio has been completed;
d. Compile all outputs to include in their portfolio; and
e. Write an over-all reflection and learning based on the evaluation of their teachers
which will be given based on the condition of locality.

What is a Portfolio?
✓ A portfolio is a “flat case for carrying papers and drawings” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary,
2015)’ Indeed, Portfolios are used by painters, architects, and other artists to showcase
samples of their best work. Portfolios in education, on the other hand, contain samples or
evidences of what students have learned in a particular subject area at a given time.

✓ “A portfolio is a purposeful, integrated collection of student work showing effort, progress,

or achievement in one or more areas” (Belgrad, Burke, and Fogarty, 2008, 2). It is also a
“record of learning that focuses on students’ work and their reflections on the work”
(Benson and Barnett, 1999, 14). Indeed, it is another way assessing student learning
without the use of standardized tests and evaluation.

In general, there are four types of portfolios used in education (Johnson, Mims-Cox, and
Doyle-Nicholas, 2010, 38).

a. Showcase Portfolio
✓ Similar to the original meaning of “portfolio,” a showcase portfolio is a collection of a
student’s best work in a given discipline or subject area. The student is the one who selects
which work he/she considers best and why.


b. Growth Portfolio
✓ A growth portfolio demonstrates how a student developed particular skill or knowledge
over time. It provides evidence of a student’s progress in a learning area. Unlike a
showcase portfolio, you not only see a student’s best work, but also see the student’s
journey toward achieving excellence in the given skill.

c. Project Portfolio
✓ A project portfolio emphasizes how a student completed discipline-based procedures or
processes. The projects documented usually represent tasks or skills that professionals
in the field usually do in real life.

d. Academic Portfolio or Standards-Based Portfolio

✓ An academic portfolio is a collection of student work that represents achievement of the
content and performance standards for a given course.

For the GAS/HUMSS Individual Learning Portfolio, we shall be combining the elements of the
showcase portfolio and the standards-based portfolio. This means that your portfolio must contain
your best work or most significant experience in each of the subjects you have taken under the

The following are the Portfolio guidelines:

My Portfolio
✓ You may use any printed format for this portfolio as long as it contains all required
components. It must also comply with the criteria as reflected in the rubric provided.

Purpose of the Portfolio

✓ To showcase the student’s best work (within or outside class) that reflects achievement of
learning goals in each of the specialized subjects under the HUMSS Strand.

Parts of the Portfolio (Hopkinton High School,1999,194)

1. Cover Page
✓ The student may creatively design the cover as long as it includes the following
information: name of student, grade level, section, school year, name of school, and name
of teacher.

2. Portfolio Checklist and Self-Assessment-- Checklist of requirements and self- assessment

using the rubric provided.

3. Table of Contents

4. Preface
✓ A narrative that provides a brief background of yourself and why you are making a
portfolio. It must also describe the reasons and process you used in selecting the artifacts
or works you have included in your portfolio. Finally, it should include your all-overall
reflection and learning.

5. Presentation of Selected Work

a. Subject -- Identify the subject where each artifact belongs.
➢ Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems
➢ Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences (DIAS)
➢ Creative Writing
➢ Creative Nonfiction
➢ Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences
➢ Philippine Politics and Governance
➢ Trends and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture
➢ Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship


b. Artifacts – the student’s best work may include actual student output within or outside class;
photo of a school presentation/performance; reflection paper; awards; commendations; etc. You
may include memorabilia related to the main artifact you are presenting.

c. Description of the Artifact – Brief narrative describing what, when, where, how, and why of
the chosen artifact.

d. Learning Goals Reflected – Content or performance standard related to the artifact.

e. Reflection on the Artifact – This may include your most significant learning or realization
about yourself or the subject.

6. Personal Vision and Goals for the Future – Narrative that describes your dreams, goals, and
aspirations for yourself for the next 10 years. Some questions you may use as guide are the
➢ Where do you see yourself ten years from now? What would you be doing?
➢ What have you achieved personally and professionally?
➢ What would you do to make these dreams and aspirations happen?

Portfolio Development Phases

According to Johnson, Mims-Cox, and Doyle-Nicholas (2010), the development of portfolios
in education normally goes through six phrases, namely:

1. Projection
✓ This is the stage where students define the goal or purpose of the portfolio. In this case,
the purpose of the portfolio is to showcase their best work and connect them to the course
standards. At this stage, the students also identify subtasks necessary in developing the
portfolio. They would also estimate the time and resources available the project.

2. Collection
✓ The student collects and retrieves as many evidences or outputs from the course.

3. Selection
✓ The student evaluates all of the artifacts gathered using criteria appropriate for the
purpose of the portfolio. In this case, the criteria would focus on excellent artifacts that are
aligned with the standards of the course.

4. Reflection
✓ The student makes personal and academic insights based on the artifacts gathered. This
includes reflections for each artifact and reflections for the whole portfolio.

5. Self-Assessment
✓ Using the rubric or criteria provided by the teacher, the student evaluates the completed
portfolio. A student enhances the portfolio in the areas he/she rated low.

6. Connection and Presentation

✓ Students share their portfolio with classmates, teachers, and even parents. They are also
given the opportunity to provide feedback on the portfolio.

In terms of management of portfolio ideas, Johnson, Mims-Cox, and Doyle-Nichols (2010)

provided some tips which you may follow:

1. Set up a time line with due dates for installments in the portfolio.
a. Practice writing reflective statements for each potential portfolio entry
b. Make sample reflection sheets for dry runs
2. Review samples of completed portfolios with importance of appearance and scoring.
3. To ensure clarity of expectations, review the rubrics or scoring guides on advance.
4. Make the portfolio process convenient.
a. Use materials that are readily available
b. Store folders alphabetically in milk crates or cardboard boxes, or file cabinets
c. Use binders
d. Color-code to distinguish among classes


For the next two weeks, use your time to gather, organize, and reflect on your portfolio.
By this time, you are expected to start making your portfolio. All of the inputs must be gathered.
You have to write a reflection on each portfolio entry.

Portfolio entries to accomplish:

Portfolio Entry 1: Resume Attach your resume.

Write a refection about the resume you made.
Portfolio Entry 2: Application Attach your application letter.
Letter Write a reflection about writing your application letter.
Portfolio Entry 3: My Personal Choose one good personality trait you demonstrated at
Traits 1 home and write a reflection/essay about it.
Portfolio Entry 4: My Personal Choose one good personality trait you demonstrated in
Traits 2 school and write a reflection/essay about it.
Portfolio Entry 5: Highlights of Attach 3 to 5 of your best literary or ark works/outputs in
my Literary/Art works/outputs different subjects.
Attach photos of your dance performances in PE 3.
Portfolio Entry 6: My Journey in Write a reflection on your experiences and the things you
Creating my Portfolio learned in creating your portfolio.
Portfolio Entry: Photo-collage of Attach a photo-collage of your SHS important
my SHS Experience experiences/events from Grade 11-12.

A. Practice Tasks:

Direction: Complete the concept map below. In your own words, write 3 definitions of portfolio.

In your own words,

what is portfolio?

Directions: Complete the table below. Differentiate the 4 types of portfolios. Each correct answer
is worth 2 points.

What are the differences of the 4 types of portfolios?

Academic Portfolio or
Showcase Portfolio Growth Portfolio Project Portfolio Standards-Based


B. Assessment:
A. Directions: Supply the missing word or group of words to complete the sentences below.
Choose your answer from the box. Write your answers on the space provided.

Portfolio Growth Portfolio Academic Portfolio or Standards-based Portfolio

Showcase Portfolio Project Portfolio Preface Cover Page

Table of Contents Description of the Artifact Connection and Presentation

Projection Collection Selection Reflection Artifacts

________________________________ 1. It is a purposeful, integrated collection of student work

showing effort, progress, or achievement in one or
more areas.
________________________________ 2. This includes the student’s best work may include
actual student output within or outside class; photo of
a school presentation/performance; reflection paper;
awards; commendations.
________________________________ 3. This part of portfolio shows the name of student,
grade level, section, school year, name of school, and
name of teacher.
________________________________ 4. This part of portfolio includes the list of entries in the
portfolio with page number.
________________________________ 5. It is a collection of student work that represents
achievement of the content and performance
standards for a given course.
________________________________ 6. It demonstrates how a student developed particular
skill or knowledge over time and provides evidence of
a student’s progress in a learning area.
________________________________ 7. Brief narrative describing what, when, where, how,
and why of the chosen artifact.
________________________________ 8. This part of portfolio describes the reasons and
process you used in selecting the artifacts or works
you have included in your portfolio.
________________________________ 9. It is a collection of a student’s best work in a given
discipline or subject area.
________________________________ 10. This emphasizes how a student completed
discipline-based procedures or processes.
________________________________ 11. This is the stage where students define the goal or
purpose of the portfolio.
________________________________ 12. The student makes personal and academic insights
based on the artifacts gathered. This includes
reflections for each artifact and reflections for the
whole portfolio.
________________________________ 13. The student collects and retrieves as many
evidences or outputs from the course.
________________________________ 14. Students share their portfolio with classmates,
teachers, and even parents. They are also given
the opportunity to provide feedback on the
________________________________ 15. The student evaluates all of the artifacts gathered
using criteria appropriate for the purpose of the
portfolio. In this case, the criteria would focus on
excellent artifacts that are aligned with the
standards of the course.


B. Directions: To help you strategize, complete the Portfolio Development Plan template below:

Portfolio Development Phases My things to do:

Projection Write the goal/purpose of your portfolio. Write the subtasks
necessary in developing the portfolio.

Collection Write here the titles of your retrieved literary/art works/outputs.

▪ toaz.info-culminating-activity-lesson-1-4-pr_e831c98fcd269b6eb7a8630bd2ffbf6d.pdf
▪ https://www.deped.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/DO_s2017_030.pdf

Signature Over Printed Name of Parent

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