UF and RO For Recovery and Reuse of Wastewater in Thermal Power Project... by Bhaskar Sengupta, Development Consultants (DC)

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Overview of design
philosophy of UF and
RO membranes based
system as envisaged
by Development
Consultants Private
Limited for reuse
of wastewater in
Supercritical Super
Thermal Power Project
By Bhaskar Sengupta
is discussed in this
case study.

Reuse of wastewater in power stations is system for treatment and reuse of wastewater in (UF) and Reverse Osmosis (RO) membrane
becoming increasingly important in many areas a 2 x 660 MW Supercritical Super Thermal Power technologies for wastewater treatment and reuse.
around the world. Water scarcity, local regulations Project in India has been demonstrated. In this study, an overview of the design philosophy
and environmental impact are driving power of UF and RO membranes based system as
stations to reuse the large volume of wastewater Introduction envisaged by DCPL for reuse of wastewater in
they produce. The selection of wastewater Recovery and reuse of wastewater in power 2 x 660 MW Supercritical Jaypee Nigrie Super
treatment process is challenging as the liquid stations is an issue of growing concern around Thermal Power Project of Jaiprakash Power
effluents in power stations typically contain high the world. Water scarcity, local regulations and Ventures Limited (JPVL) is furnished.
levels of salinity and their composition can vary environmental impact are driving power stations
significantly. In recent years there has been a to reuse the large volume of wastewater they
growing interest in the integration of ultrafiltration produce. Such reuse can both contribute to
(UF) and reverse osmosis (RO) membrane conservation of water resources and help meeting Fast Facts
technologies for wastewater treatment and reuse. strict environmental regulations regarding
Project: CMB Wastewater
In this case study, an overview of the design discharge of liquid effluents. www.dcpl.net.in
philosophy of ultrafiltration and RO membranes Requirement: To design WTP plant
based system as envisaged by Development The selection of wastewater treatment process is to recycle 100% of treated effluent
Consultants Private Limited (DCPL) for reuse of challenging as the liquid effluents typically contain Technology Used: Wastewater
wastewater in a Supercritical Super Thermal high levels of salinity and their composition can Recovery System which includes
Power Project is discussed. The design approach vary significantly. In recent years there has been a UF and RO Skids
adopted by DCPL for an integrated membrane growing interest in the integration of Ultrafiltration

94 December 2016 | EverythingAboutWater www.eawater.com/eMagazine

Keywords: Ultrafiltration, Reverse Osmosis, Wastewater Reuse

Figure 1: Recovery Scenario with Wastewater Recovery System under Normal Operation.

Main Challenges for Treatment and For this project, both DCPL as well as JPVL design analysis for treatment systems was arrived.
Reuse of Wastewater were very keen and committed to develop and The design analysis as worked out and adopted
design the wastewater treatment system thereof for CMB wastewater is furnished in Table 1.
The main challenges involved are as follows: adopting the philosophy of 100% recycling of
High level of salinity treated effluent to implement Zero Discharge Selection of Proper Sequence of
High concentration of reactive silica and concept. Pretreatment Steps
other contaminants The wastewater streams from different sources
The selection of wastewater treatment process of 2 x 660 MW unit power stations are collected,
has been very challenging as the liquid effluents treated and then reused within the plant. Various
The wastewater recovery system with RO typically contain high levels of salinity and their wastewaters, which are handled and treated for
skids and UF skids, at design recovery
composition can vary significantly. Further rates of reuse, are described hereinafter:
enables the power station to achieve
zero discharge is--vis conservation generation of few wastes are on continuous mode
of water resources and help meeting where the others are not. Cooling Tower Blow Down
strict environmental regulations regarding As per the standard practice, the cooling tower
discharge of liquid effluents. A detail study on profile of several variable blow-down (CTBD) is done to maintain the level
parameters examined by Consultant and finally of dissolved solids in the circulating cooling

www.eawater.com/eMagazine December 2016 | EverythingAboutWater 95


Design Analysis of CMB Waste Water Wastewater from Regeneration of solution is injected through NaOCl Dosing Pumps
Feed water Condensate Polishing Units (CPU) at backwash inlet line and Bisulfite solution is
Parameters Unit as Remarks
as such and Wastewater from Chemical injected by Sodium Bisulfite Dosing Pumps to
Physical parameters
Cleaning of Boilers neutralize residual NaOCl solution in UF module.
1 pH - 7.78 - Wastewater from CPU regeneration system and Plant Service Air is used for air scouring of the UF
2 Temperature C 35 max. - chemical cleaning of Boilers is collected in a units.
3 Turbidity NTU - - separate Neutralization Pit and further transferred
4 TSS mg/I 50 - to inlet of CMB by separate set of neutralized Permeate from UF Modules is stored in UF
5 TDS (Given) mg/I - - effluent disposal pumps. The tentative rate of Permeate Storage Tank.
6 TDS (Calculated) mg/I 1755 - transfer of waste is around 50 m3/hr.
Chemicals parameters The cleaning system is duly provided and it is
A Cation Wastewater Pre-Treatment System anticipated that cleaning is carried out every six
1 Calcium ppm 148.70 371 All liquid effluents are led to CMB (with two months. The cleaning system enables to maximize
2 Magnesium ppm 31.60 130
compartments), which acts as an equalization the membrane efficiency in the long run.
3 Sodium ppm 368.0 130
basin. Each compartment of the CMB has effective
4 Potassium ppm 0.0 0
volume equivalent to 12 hours detention period From UF Permeate Storage Tank, RO Feed Pumps
5 Dissolved iron ppm 0.64 1
6 Hydrogen (FMA) ppm 0.0 0 calculated based on average hourly flow with due transfer the UF Permeate through Micron Fillers
7 Copper ppm 0.64 1 consideration of all effluents. and then RO High Pressure Pumps boost the
8 Ammonium ppm 5.78 16 pressure of the water to feed it to RO pressure
Total Cation ppm - 1325 From CMB, wastewater is pumped by means vessels.
Total hardness ppm - 501 of a set of CMB waste transfer pumps to a
B Anion pretreatment system which includes a set of Various chemicals such as Hydrochloric Acid (HCl),
1 P-Alkalinity ppm - 0 high rate solid contact clarifiers for removal of Antiscalant and Sodium Bisulphite are dosed prior
2 M-Alkalinity ppm 108 suspended solids. The clarified wastewater from to RO Micron Fillers so as to optimize the water
3 Bicarbonates ppm 108 high rate solid contact clarifiers is stored in a Clear parameters before feeding to RO membranes.
4 Carbonates ppm 0 Water Reservoir for further treatment.
5 Hydroxides ppm 0
Conductivity Analyzer, ORP Analyzer and pH
6 Sulphate ppm 370
The sludge generated from high rate solid contact Analyzer are provided downstream of the Micron
7 Chlorides ppm 840
clarifiers as addressed above is collected in a Fillers to control of chemical dosing rates.
8 Nitrates ppm 0
9 Phosphate ppm 0 common sludge sump and finally pumped by The treated water from RO Skid is further treated
10 Flourides ppm 0 sludge disposal pumps to a sump for further by alkali for control of pH and then stored in RO
11 HSiO3 ppm 7.00 disposal to ash pond. Permeate Storage Tank.
Total Anion ppm 1325
EMA 1217 System Description of Wastewater Chemical cleaning and flushing system is provided
C Others Recovery System in order to maximize membrane efficiency in the
1 Reactive Silica ppm 112.97 94.00 The clarified water from the clear water reservoir long run. It is anticipated that cleaning will be
2 CO2 ppm 3.56 8.10 is used as input water for the wastewater recovery carried out every three to four months.
water. This effluent contains dissolved solids and Reject from UF and RO Modules will be collected
chemicals/biocides used for prevention of scale Clarified water is pumped from clear water in UF and RO Reject Collection Sump.
formation/corrosion/bio fouling. CTBD is directed reservoir by a set of pumps to a battery of dual
to a Central Monitoring Basin (CMB). The tentative media filters for removal of residual suspended The effluents generated due to the Chemical
rate of CTBD is around 616 m3/hr. solids. From the Dual Media Filters, water flows Cleaning of UF Modules/RO Membranes will be
through Micron Filters to UF modules. disposed to the UF and RO Reject Collection Sump
Wastewater from Neutralization Pit to deliver the waste to the Ash Water Sump by UF
of DM Plant Ultra Filtration (UF) Modules is typically & RO Reject Transfer Pumps.
Wastewater from DM plant and UF units (envisaged backwashed once in every 30 minutes.
for removal of colloidal silica) is collected in the Backwashing of the UF modules is done using UF Selection of Design Parameters for
Neutralization Pit and further transferred to inlet permeate by using UF Backwash Pump. Wastewater Recovery System
of CMB by Neutralized Effluent Disposal Pumps. DCPL made rigorous study along with computer
The tentative rate of transfer of waste is around Maintenance cleaning of UF modules is done simulations by use UF System and RO System
300 m3/hr. once every day and Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) Analysis Software as published by several

96 December 2016 | EverythingAboutWater www.eawater.com/eMagazine

Keywords: Ultrafiltration, Reverse Osmosis, Wastewater Reuse

membrane manufacturers to finalize the number operation, the recovery scenario is addressed in UF skids, at design recovery enables the power
of treatment streams, percentage recovery, quality Figure 1. station to achieve zero discharge is--vis
of treated water etc. with reference to the target conservation of water resources and help meeting
of zero discharge, feasibility of reuse of treated To conclude, it will be worth mentioning that the strict environmental regulations regarding
wastewater at different points of uses within the wastewater recovery system with RO skids and discharge of liquid effluents.
Station as well as the overall economics.

Based on outcome of study, the Wastewater

Recovery System includes UF Skids and RO Skids: About the Author
Bhaskar Sengupta has received the B.E. degree and M.E. degree (Gold Medalist) in Chemical Engineering
from Jadavpur University. He holds the position of Deputy General Manager and Engineering Manager (Water
Design Parameters set for UF Skids Treatment Group) at Development Consultants Private Limited, Kolkata, India. He has More than 31 years of
System Recovery shall not be less than 90%. experience in the field of Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering. He has executed assignments for
Each skid has been designed for not less projects in various sectors like Urban, Power, Paper, Defence, Cement, Fertilisers & Chemicals, Refineries
than 4835 m3/day permeate flow. and Petrochemicals.
Design Parameters set for RO Skids Development Consultants (DC) founded in 1950, when Dr. Sadhan C. Dutt, a young engineer from a Premier
System Recovery shall not be less than 80%. Institute, gathered around him a team of brilliant engineers and launched the Indian operations of The Kuljian
Each Skid has been designed for not less Corporation (TKC) of USA, pioneering stand-alone consulting engineering firm in India. It coincided with
than 165 m3/hr of permeate flow. post-independence quest for an industrial future of the country.
TDS in RO permeate shall be not more than To know more about the author and contributor of this case study, you can write to us. Your feedback is
120 ppm and pH of permeate shall 7.5. welcome and should be sent at: [email protected]. Selected responses will get a 1-year complimentary
subscription of EverythingAboutWater Magazine.
With Wastewater Recovery System under normal

Simple design
Easy operation
Lowest cost permeate
enough said.
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