Field Study Episode 4 Tools of The Trade

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Technology in the
Episode 4 Environment
TOOLS OF THE TRADE (Teaching Aids Bank)

Name of FS
Sarah Jane B. Cabilino
Course Bachelor of Elementary Education Year Third
Mrs. Felicisima N. Signature 03-07-
Resource Teacher : Date:
Morales : 13
Cooperating School: Tanauan North Central School

My Target

At the end of this activity, I will gain competence in preparing instructional materials
that are appropriate to the learning content.

My Performance (How I will Be Rated)

Field Study 3 Episode 4 Tools of the Trade

Focused on: Preparing instructional materials that are appropriate to the

learning content

Exemplary Superior Satisfactory
Tasks ory
4 3 2
All tasks were done All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than
with outstanding tasks were done were done with half of tasks
quality; work with high quality acceptable quality were done; or
exceeds most
expectations. objectives met
4 3 2 but with poor
Analysis question Analysis Analysis questions Analysis
were answered questions were were not questions were
completely; in answered answered not answered.
depth answers; completely completely.
thoroughly Grammar and
grounded on Clear connection Vaguely related to spelling
My Analysis
theories with theories the theories Unsatisfactory
Exemplary grammar
and spelling Grammar and Grammar and
spelling are spelling
superior. acceptable. 1
4 3 2
Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection
statements are statements are statements are statements are
profound and clear, clear, but not Shallow; unclear and
supported by clearly supported supported by shallow and
experiences from by experiences experiences from are not
My Reflection
the episode. from the episode. the episode. supported by
from the
4 3 1
Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has
complete, clear complete, clear incomplete; many lacking
well-organized and well - organized supporting components; is
all supporting and most documentation is unorganized
documentation are supporting organized but is and unclear.
located in sections documentation lacking.
My Portfolio
clearly designated are available
and/or in logical
and clearly
marked locations.
3 2 1
Before deadline On the deadline A day after the Two days or
deadline more after the
Submission deadline
4 3 2 1

Sub Totals

Rating :
Over-all Score (Based on Transmutation)

Mr. RICHARD M. BAEZ March 7, 2013

Signature of the FS Date
Above Printed Name
Transmutation of Score to Grade or Rating
Score Grade Score Grade
20 1.00 (99) 12 13 2.50 (81)
18 19 1.25 (96) 11 2.75 (78)
17 1.50 (93) 10 3.00 (75)
16 1.75 (90) 89 4.00 (72)
15 2.00 (87) 7 5.00 (71 and below)
14 2.25 (84)

Give at least three benefits of doing a survey of available materials before making
your own materials? Explain each.

1. Surveying available materials lead us into having an idea on how those materials are
significant to the lesson that we are going to deliver. It gave us knowledge on how those
materials are related and useful in our topic. Upon seeing those instructional aids, it give us
suggestion on how are we going to deliver the lesson more beneficial and effectively.

2. To be able to have an effective presentation of lesson, the teachers should be knowledgeable

to the materials itself. Upon observing and surveying, we become aware and able to use the
materials. With the knowledge and skill, the way on how we will deliver the topic will be more
accurate and precise. The understanding of the procedures and guidelines in using the
material will make the educative process be accessible. The awareness on the usage of
materials will lead the teacher into more effective facilitator of learning.

3. Aside from that, it gave us thought on what type of materials will motivate the students
interest. It makes us conscious on what type of instructional materials will be applicable in
specific grade level of students. It gave us knowledge on what kind of materials will be
effective and necessary to the topic, as well as the learners. Good characteristics of the
teaching aid also perceived by us and in that way, more precise and correct usage of the
instructional materials will be applied.


1. Which of the materials did you like making the most? Why?

The teaching material which I think would be the most conducive to use is the LCD
projector within the prepared power point presentation. Having it in the school is being useful
aid in teaching- learning process. It is chosen by me because it is less expensive yet a
wonderful presentation could also be created.

2. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the materials? How did you
overcome them?

In deciding the materials to be used, we prepared to have a drill and practice software
which is relevant to our topic. We foresee that it will greatly help to provide our students with
quality learning. Yet, it is not that easy to download the software itself. On the other hand,
preparing the slide presentation, we encountered very minimal hardship due
to having our own background and prior knowledge in creating it. In
accomplishing our visual aid, we found difficulty in deciding the
appropriateness of the design due to having our own ideas and decision. Still,
with the cooperation and unity of the group, everything was being settled.

3. What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of teaching materials?

In preparing the material needed, in teaching, teachers should consider the topic itself,
the learners and of course the availability of learning materials. It will be easy to present a
lesson if materials are already provided at the school and accessible. If it is visual aids, the font
color and sizes should be appropriate to the visual ability of the students. On the other hand,
providing PowerPoint presentation will also be accurate because it somehow arouses students
interest and attention. However, the graphics and theme of the slide presentation should also
be applicable to the age of the students. The instructional skill possess by the teachers,
however will definitely sum up the appropriateness of the instructional materials to be
presented at the class.

In preparing the material, it is not a requisite to be too much expensive. The teacher
should also acquire the attitude of being resourceful. It will be possible if the teacher have their
own creativity on how to make their materials in a way that still, it cope the students attention
and make them participate in teaching-learning process. What important is, the teaching aid to
be provided will not just serve as decoration nor profs of the teacher, instead, it will help
students develop their learning in a maximum possible way.


Learning Resources on a Specific Content Area

Use this graphic organizer to present the learning resources relevant to the topic chosen. On
the line inside the box, indicate if the resource is already AVAILABLE, MAY BE PURCHASED, OR WILL
BE MADE (by you, of course!)

TOPIC: Telling Time Grade/year level: Grade II

Removable Standard
Standard Clock and Clock LCD projector
Digital clock

PURCHASED Mathematics
Drill and
the clock Chalk and
Specific blackboard
Content Area Visual Aids and other
software andabout
its part
how to Instructional materials
Presentation/ slide
tell time

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