Mosaic2 TRD2 Tests Units 1-5

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End-of-term Test 3

Listening 5 Find the words in the word snake and complete

the sentences. (10 marks)

1 Listen to Park Ranger Jim Stanton give advice

to a group of students about a camping
expedition to Yosemite National Park. According
to Jim, which of the animals you might see is
the most dangerous? (2 marks) 1 There is some yoghurt in the ________.
2 Can you pass me a ________; I want to chop up
A snakes C bears
these onions.
B mountain lions D wolves
3 It gets really cold at night here, so Im going to
2 Listen again. Answer the questions. (8 marks) buy a ________ for my bed.
4 The firefighter who rescued the people from the
1 Name two pieces of equipment Jim thinks it is
building was very ________.
essential to take.
5 Molly is ________ and considerate to others.
2 Why does Jim think that taking bathroom
Practical English
products is not a good idea?
6 Number the dialogue in the correct order.
_______________________________________ (8 marks)
___ Dont worry, its all under control.
3 What does Jim say most people forget?
___ Of course I dont. I asked my parents and they
said we can use the garden too if we want.
4 What does Jim advise the students not to do if
___ Good idea. Chris, do you mind if we have it at
they are close to a bear?
your house?
___ OK everyone, lets organize the party. Whos
5 Name two things you should do if you encounter
going to be the DJ?
a mountain lion.
___ Thanks. So thats the music sorted. Can
anyone bring any food?
___ Great, thats really kind of them. Have we
forgotten anything?
Vocabulary ___ I will. Ive DJ-ed at parties before.
___ We can all bring some. We can go to the cheap
3 Put the words in the correct category. (6 marks)
supermarket in town the day before.
air conditioning bench mug post box
timer tissues
Everyday Street objects Kitchen
items gadgets 7 Choose the correct option. (12 marks)
1 You shouldnt / dont have to eat too much
chocolate. Its bad for you.
4 Match 14 to AF to form a word. There are two 2 Im going to get yourself / myself a new bike.
endings in AF you do not need. (4 marks) 3 You mustnt / shouldnt smoke in bars,
1 st ___ A ed restaurants or other public places. Its not
2 pat ___ B ies allowed.
3 mir ___ C aid 4 Does someone / anyone want this last biscuit?
4 afr ___ D eps 5 We havent got enough / some bread to make
E ient sandwiches.
F ror 6 They didnt give us many / much information.

2 1
End-of-term Test 3
8 Write the words in the correct order to make Consolidation
sentences. (10 marks)
1 much / fruit / eat / do / a / how / you / day ? 10 Choose the correct option. (10 marks)
2 we / any / cheese / have / got ? Last year I decided to set myself a challenge: to
_______________________________________ give up my home comforts for a month. The first
3 without / can / how / comforts / live / anyone / things I gave up were my skin and haircare
their / home ? products. I stopped washing (1) me / myself with
_______________________________________ shower gel and putting (2) moisturizer /
4 the / some / rice / there / in / is / cupboard . conditioner on my skin. That was really hard
_______________________________________ because I have naturally dry skin. I didnt feel as
5 want / go / to / somewhere / summer / this / I / nice and clean as I normally do during that month! I
nice . also gave up using my (3) hair dryer / shampoo.
_______________________________________ That was terrible! It was very messy and I felt really
(4) afraid / embarrassed when I went out of the
9 Complete the questions with the correct house because I felt like everyone was staring at
question tags. There is one tag you do not need. my wet hair! I also gave up my smartphone and the
(10 marks)
internet. Wow, I didnt realise quite how difficult that
cant do hasn't is hadnt isnt was going to be! I didnt know what to do with
1 Tom is very tall, ______ he? myself! I often found myself reaching for my phone
2 You dont like fish, ______ you? to text (5) anyone / someone or to just look
3 This film isnt very interesting, ______ it? something up on the internet, but my phone wasnt
4 Catherine and Beth can come to the party, there! When the challenge was over I decided to
______ they? limit the time I spend using gadgets and the time I
5 Jane has got two sisters, ______ she? spend online.

2 2
End-of-term Test 3
The next experiment was a Swap Box. This was a
box that people could leave things in that they
11 Read the text. Where exactly did the students do
their project? (2 marks) no longer wanted and ask for things they wanted.
Each object in the Swap Box had a paper tag
attached with a short story about the history of
the object and why the owner wanted to swap it.
Designing in the street This idea was quite successful and proved an
effective way of recycling objects and reducing
A group of Design students from Sheffield Hallam waste.
University in the UK did a research project
about innovative street design. The purpose of Another rather humorous idea that emerged as a
their project was to explore how design can be result of the research was the Gossip Vehicle.
used to create interesting and innovative urban This is an electric car that could be shared by
spaces. The students focused on a section of the people living on the street in an effort to
Gloucester Road in London. They considered the reduce the number of cars in the area. In order
street in terms of the people who lived there to gain access to the car, the passenger has to
permanently, such as home owners and shop whisper an exciting piece of news or gossip to
owners, the people who passed through, such as the car!
pedestrians, and those who regularly interacted
The students creative ideas helped to
in the street, such as post men, taxi drivers,
temporarily transform a typical London street
bus drivers and rubbish collectors. At the time
into a friendly and helpful place with a real
of the study there were plans to reduce the
sense of community.
number of vehicles in the street by only
allowing electric cars.
12 Read the text again. Answer the questions.
The students started the project by observing (8 marks)
what went on in the street over a week. They 1 Name two categories of people who were of
also talked to people in the street, asking interest to the researchers.
their opinions about what they would like to see _______________________________________
made better and how they wanted the street to _______________________________________
change in the future. Then the students went 2 What change was going to happen on the
away and thought about how they could improve street?
the neighbourhood. They didnt just focus on
design, but also on how they could encourage a _______________________________________
sense of community and sharing between _______________________________________
strangers. 3 Where were the people who wrote on the
notepad? What were they asked to do?
One of the ideas they came up with was Bus Stop
Messaging. They put a large notepad on a bus _______________________________________
stop with the question, What are you thinking _______________________________________
about to pass the time? Many people on the 4 What do you have to do to get into a Gossip
street wrote their thoughts on the pad. The Vehicle?
students discovered that people liked sharing
their stories with each other and reading other _______________________________________
peoples stories. _______________________________________

2 3
End-of-term Test 3
Writing Paragraph 2: Give further details about the event or
holiday. What was great / terrible about it?
13 Write an article about one of the following I loved / hated it because
topics: I had to / didnt have to
the best or worst event in your life I normally like / dislike but
the best or worst holiday of your life It was but ...
Use the questions and the prompts to help you. There were as well as
Remember to use some grammatical structures Paragraph 3: Conclude the article. Did you enjoy
that you have learnt from Units 79 and the yourself in the end? What did you learn from the
following linking words to explain and contrast experience? If you are writing about an event, do
your ideas. (10 marks)
you have any advice to share? If you are writing
also and as well because but about a holiday, what advice would you give to
someone considering that type of holiday?
Paragraph 1: Introduce the topic. Where and when
I enjoyed myself and / but I would
did you go? Who were you with? What did you do?
I learnt that
Im going to tell you about
If you you should(nt) / must(nt)
Last year / summer I went to with
It was the of my life.















Listening _____ / 10 Vocabulary _____ / 20 Practical English _____ / 8

Grammar _____ / 32 Consolidation _____ /10 Reading _____ / 10
Writing _____ / 10 TOTAL __________ / 100

2 4

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