Unit 8 Test: Listening

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Unit 8 Test

Listening 5 Unscramble the words in the sentences.

(10 marks)
1  Listen to Speakers 1–4. Write the type of TV 1 I use tmroiureisz to stop my skin from becoming
programme that each speaker likes. (4 marks) dry. ________
Speaker 1: _____________________________ 2 The electricity in our house was dcecntndsioe
Speaker 2: _____________________________ yesterday because of the storm. ________
Speaker 3: _____________________________ 3 You need to be lionen to send an email.
Speaker 4: _____________________________ ________
4 Can you put the meat in the rfedig please?
2  Complete the sentences with one or more ________
words. (6 marks) 5 This doraedetno is made from natural
1 After school, Speaker 1 usually watches TV ingredients. It works and it smells nice!
while _________________________________. ________
2 Speaker 2 generally prefers __________ or
__________ to watching TV. Practical English
3 Speaker 3 likes learning about the __________
in the programmes he watches. 6 Complete the dialogue with the words in the
4 Speaker 4 sometimes has __________ on a box. There are two words you do not need.
Saturday night where she watch programmes (10 marks)
with her friends and they __________ for their now say that’s then use need to
favourite contestants. won’t
Alex Could I (1) _______ the hair dryer
Vocabulary please?
Gemma Not right (2) _______. I want to dry my
3 Complete words 1–5 then match 1–5 to A–E. (5 hair.
marks) Alex (3) _______ not fair! I need to use it
1 c_______l ___ A charger now!
2 w_______g ___ B gel Gemma I (4) _______ be long.
3 s_______r ___ C conditioning Alex You always (5) _______ that.
4 p_______e ___ D machine Gemma I promise!
5 a_______ ___ E heating Alex … OK.

4 Match words 1–5 to definitions A–E. There is

one definition you do not need. (5 marks)
1 relatives ___
7 Complete the sentences with an indefinite
2 rural ___
pronoun. Choose from: anyone, anything,
3 parents ___ anywhere, someone, something or somewhere.
4 ban ___ You can use the same pronoun twice. (10 marks)
5 neighbourhood ___
1 Does __________ want the last piece of cake?
2 There is __________ in the garden. I can see a
A a group of people living in the same place
person hiding behind the tree.
B the members of a person’s family
3 Do you think __________ can live without the
C an area in a town or city where people live
D a person’s mother and father
E characteristic of the countryside where there 4 I know I left my keys __________ ...
aren’t a lot of people and buildings 5 __________ took my pen. Who was it?
F to stop something from happening because it is
not permitted

2 1
Unit 8 Test
8 Write sentences using the prompts. Add the Cumulative Review
words in brackets in the correct place.
(10 marks)
10 Complete the text. (10 marks)
1 there / be / chicken / in / fridge . (some)
______________________________________ I’m from the city of Charlotte in North Carolina,
2 we / have / water ? (enough) USA. Last year, I went camping for the first time
______________________________________ with some friends in the Great Smoky Mountains
3 Jessica / not watch / TV . (much) National Park. The trip started off well. We trekked
______________________________________ through a beautiful forest and up a mountain. The
4 be / students / your class ? (many) ‘Smokies’ are one of the (1) o_______ mountain
______________________________________ ranges in the world and there are (2) a l_______ of
5 we / pasta / have got ? (any) different animals and plant species in the park. We
______________________________________ decided to camp in the forest. As we put up our
tents, insects kept (3) b_______ me. I looked in my
9 Rewrite the second sentence so it has the same
bag for insect repellent and realised I forgot to pack
meaning as the first sentence. Use the correct
form of the word in brackets. (10 marks) it! I also didn’t have (4) m_______ water left and I
was quite thirsty after walking all day! My friends
1 Is there any milk? (enough)
gave me some of their insect repellent and we
Have we ______________________________?
found a nearby stream with fresh water. That night I
2 There were hundreds of people at the festival.
settled into my sleeping bag in my tent. In the
middle of the night I heard a noise. I got up and
There ________________________________.
looked outside. There, standing right in front of me,
3 There is only a small amount of orange juice left.
was a huge black bear! It looked at me for a while.
Neither of us moved. I was so scared I couldn’t
There ________________________________.
even scream. After a few minutes the bear ran off. I
4 There are four Chinese restaurants in my town.
got back into my sleeping bag but I (5) c_______
sleep. It was a very scary experience for a first-time
There ________________________________.
5 Are there a lot of parks in Madrid? (many)
How _________________________________?

2 2
Unit 8 Test
Reading When the world’s media found out about José, he
became very famous. But some people find his
11 Read the text. Match sentences A–F with 1–4 in story a little too incredible. When he was found he
the text. There are two sentences which you do wasn’t very thin. (4) ___ The case still remains a
not need. (4 marks) mystery. There’s no doubt that José has been
A Over those long days and nights, he kept himself through a physical and mental ordeal, but did he
going by thinking of his family and how much he really spend such a long time alone? If not, then
wanted to see them again. where was he and what was he doing? Or, could he
B And when questioned about his story he got a lot simply be telling the truth? Join us as we investigate
of his facts confused. one of the greatest stories of survival in modern
C The boy never saw him again. times.
D The islanders were shocked when they saw him.
E He was born in El Salvador but worked as a 12 Read the text again and complete the sentences.
fisherman in Mexico. (6 marks)
F Their boat broke down after a storm and they 1 José was stranded for just over a __________ in
were left drifting in the Pacific Ocean. his __________.
2 José’s __________ as a fisherman __________
www.channel6.co.gb him to survive.
3 José lost track of __________ while he was
This July we’re continuing our survival season with
drifting in the sea.
a series of documentaries. At 9 p.m. on Tuesday
4 Some people don’t __________ this
14th July you can see another amazing story.
Lost at Sea?: The Incredible Story of José
Salvador Alvarenga

This is the story of a man who spent thirteen

months in the Pacific Ocean before he was
discovered on an island. José Salvador Alvarenga,
originally from El Salvador but living in Mexico, was
on a fishing trip off the coast of Chiapas, Mexico in
December 2012. He was fishing for sharks with a
fifteen-year-old boy. (1) ___ The boy died after four
months because he didn’t eat the birds, fish and
turtles that José managed to catch and kill with a
knife to survive. He protected himself from the sun
by covering his body with a cloth. José said that he
didn’t see land for a long time, only the endless blue
ocean. He often felt disorientated and could only tell
when it was night and day. (2) ___ Finally, his boat
drifted to the small of Ebon in the Pacific. (3)
___ His hair and beard were very long and his skin
was badly sunburned. His legs were very swollen as
well. They gave him food and water and took him to
a hospital to recover.

2 3
Unit 8 Test
Writing 2 Could you live without your TV?

13 A class survey was done about TV programmes.

Twenty students were asked the following three
questions about TV. The results of the survey
are shown under each question. Examine the
results. Then write a report about the survey.
Use the quantifiers and the prompts to help you.
Write about 125 words. (10 marks)
all a few a lot of
more / less than half most some
1 What is your favourite type of TV show?

3 Does watching TV have any positive benefits?

Paragraph 1: Say what the survey was about and

how many students were interviewed.
Paragraph 2: Give the results of the first question.
Paragraph 3: Give the results of the second
Paragraph 4: Give the results of the third question
and a conclusion.










Listening _____ / 10 Vocabulary _____ / 20 Practical English _____ / 10

Grammar _____ / 30 Cumulative Review _____ /10 Reading _____ / 10
Writing _____ / 10 TOTAL __________ / 100

2 4

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