Implementing An Outcomes-Based Quality Assurance Process For Program Level Assessment at DLSU Gokongwei College of Engineering
Implementing An Outcomes-Based Quality Assurance Process For Program Level Assessment at DLSU Gokongwei College of Engineering
Implementing An Outcomes-Based Quality Assurance Process For Program Level Assessment at DLSU Gokongwei College of Engineering
This paper presented the general process that GCOE- [7] Felder, Richard and Brent, Rebecca, Designing and
DLSU undertook to create a Program Level Outcomes Teaching Courses to Satisfy the ABET Engineering
Based Quality Assurance (OBQA) Process. The creation Criteria, Journal of Engineering Education, 92 (1), 7-25
of the GCOE Quality Assurance Office together with the (2003)
assignments of Quality Coordinator for each program was
vital in implementation of the process. The faculty was [8] Rogers, G. (2003). Do grades make the grade for program
made familiar to the OBE through the trainings and assessment? Retrieved from
workshops both the college and departmental level. The [9] Gurocak, H. (2009). Direct measures for course outcomes
faculty was involved in the identification of key elements assessment for ABET Accreditation. Paper presented at the
in the OBE framework (e.g. Program Educational 2008 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
Objectives, Performance Indicators, Curriculum Map, and conference. Washington State University-Vancouver.
Assessment Plans) which created a sense of ownership of
the faculty with the OBQA program. A system of gathering [10] Oreta, A. W. C and Roxas, C. (2014)."Outcomes-Based
of evidences was done to make the process of collection Assessment of a Basic Engineering Course (Statics of Rigid
and evaluation easy for the program. Bodies), Proceedings Scholarship and Innovation on
Teaching and Learning (SILT) Symposium, ISSN 2362-
7670, March 7, 2014, p. 39-46, De La Salle University,
The OBQA program of the GCOE-DLSU is just Manila
starting. It is hoped that through the installation of a
structure for continuous quality improvement and the
constant education of all the stakeholders that a truly
unique CQI system will be developed in the university.