Lesson Plan

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22209659 Given Name Louise
Surname Maroney
Lesson Plan 28/03/2017


EDUC5464: Information and Communication Graduate Diploma of Education
Technology Curriculum I

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Lesson Plan

Class/Group: Time: 5:30 6:25 pm
March 28,
Year 10 ICT Room: G26

Introduction to Programming

Curriculum Links: Specific Objectives/Learning Goals:

ACTDIP040 - Design algorithms represented At the end of the lesson students should be
diagrammatically and in structured English able to
and validate algorithms and programs
through tracing and test cases 1. Explain the meaning of START,
- designing algorithms to solve real- END, IF, UNTIL and ELSE.
world problems and describing (understand)
algorithms using flow charts and 2. Construct a program from an English
structured English, for example sentence. (apply)
START, END, IF and UNTIL 3. Produce an English sentence that can
- Note I have added ELSE since it be written as a program (create)
goes hand in hand with IF. 4. Dissect a flowchart (analyze)
5. Produce a use-case that can be
General Capabilities: rewritten in diagrammatical form
- Students extend literacy skills by (create)
interpreting English statements
- (This is actually a very important part
of programming as software
requirements are too often misread or
- Critical thinking as students will be
required to look at various
programming options

Prior Learning: Resources/Materials required:

Students are expected to come to 1. Students and teacher have access to computer
class with: with Internet connection
Grade 9 English ability 2. The room must have accessible light switches.
Basic ICT knowledge (able to find 3. Students all have Padlet accounts
the website, etc) 4. Students have Google Apps services
Ability to use Padlet 5. Students have access to individual student
Ability to use Google docs to create folders (which instructor also has access to)
Lesson Steps
Time: Procedure Comment

Catering for Diverse Students

Some keeners may have already done programming in

their spare time

- If there are students in the class that have already
done programming I will direct to the project and
allow them to begin working on that. This is how
the college I went to also dealt with it, simply
because there may be some students that come in
already meeting the expectations of this entire
section of the unit. In the group activities I will try
ensure an even spread throughout the groups and
may even employ the experts to be helpers to the
weaker students.
Some students may struggle with logic
- The lesson plans specifically go through the
enactive, iconic, and symbolic stage. This is
strongly recommended by Bruner (1966) when
introducing a completely new topic. If this is the
first time with this class I would ask the instructor
who the weaker students are and ensure they are
involved in the enactive activities.
Student with Aspergers in the class
- I dont know too much about Aspergers, but a
little research tells me clear and consistent
communication is extremely important. In
addition, I will make a conscious effort to avoid
slang. Finally, I will try to make transitions within
the lesson smooth and clear. Experience will help
me develop more skills here! ("Classroom Tips for
Students with Aspergers Disorder |
SchoolBehavior.com", 2017)

- Ensure prepared website is loaded onto computer
- Padlet book is ready
- Desks are arranged in 4 rows of 5
students/computers per row. Each row will form a

02 Activity enactive
Before I begin the activity I will get a quick show of hands
for who has programmed before. If there are more than
10% that feel quite confident I will direct them to the
project, being sure to avoid overwhelming students who
have not programmed before. If less than 10% I will ask
those students to be my helpers in group work.

27 Begin with a simple exercise that will demonstrate all 5


programming terms. Careful construction

I will ask one student to be master operator, and one to be of sentences is key for
the super machine. The operator will be responsible for all students, but
turning a light switch on and off, and the machine for especially student
stepping forward or backward depending on the with Aspergers.
condition of the light switch. I will carefully construct
my statements to use the key words start if, else and
7 12 After the first exercise I will switch the operator and
machine (to ensure more students have a chance to enact),
and this time the machine will step forward until the
switch is off. Eventually the student will hit a wall and

12 14 - Explain IF briefly (its a condition we check Iconic stage is used
something such as a light switch, and make a here where we use
decision based on that condition) real world objects to
14 16 - We do it describe things.
- Turn an English Sentence into an IF statement
- John will only stop for ice cream if he is at the ice
cream shop before 8:30 am
16 21 - You do it (using a shared Google doc per group) Be sure to walk
- Turn an English Sentence into an IF statement around the classroom
- Sally is going to beach if it is sunny outside to get a sense of if
21 23 - Explain ELSE (its also a condition except now students are getting it.
the program does one thing in one case, or
something else in the other case)
23 25 - We do it
- Turn an English Sentence into and IF/ELSE
- If it is raining outside Bill will play basketball in Be aware of the fad
the gym, otherwise he will play footy outside. sports.
25 27 - Explain UNTIL (its a condition that will keep
happening until the condition is no longer met
causes most crashes)
27 29 - We do it
- Turn an English sentence into an UNTIL
- Students will remain seated in their desk until the
bell rings
29 34 - You do it (using a shared Google doc per group)
- Turn an English Sentence into an UNTIL
- Tom is going to keep eating the smarties one at a Be aware of the
34 - 36 time until the smartie bag is empty. candies that are
- Explain START and END (this one can be done popular. Not even
quite briefly and unless I sense the need I will go sure if Australia has
straight to the flowchart from here.

36 40 - Introduce flowchart (show them the diagram)
- We do it Symbolic comes in
40 45 - Interpret a flow chart and turn it into an English here.
sentence (flowchart on website) There is a good
Go till - Create a flowchart from an English sentence (on chance time runs out
15 website too) this section can be
minutes - We do it: Once we have completed the section on covered next lesson as
left flowcharts we will learn about variables! well. (If there is less
- You do it (using a shared Google doc per group) than 15 minutes left,
- AFL players play games until the season is over. save it for next class.)
After the season is over they prepare for next
season. Note the exercises
- Note creating a flowchart takes a bit of time. It is will be divided into
very unlikely we will get this far. two sections and
depending on progress
- Exercises to be completed in groups. (These are on either only the first or
the website) Depending how far we get in class both will be assigned.
either only part 1 or both will be assigned for
independent completion.

45 50 Conclusion Make sure there are at

1. Lets use Padlet to create some English sentence that last 10 minutes for the
50 - 55 can be turned into programs conclusion.
2. Class exercise to pick a few and turn them into Evaluating the
programs students work is
3. Depending how far we go in lesson we may turn one critical for preparing
or two in flowchart programs next lesson!
Homework is to complete the exercises on the website
(either one or both sections, again depending on progress
of lesson) Student folders will be checked and graded for

Evaluation of Student Learning:

Where the students able to answer the questions asked in class, and did they seem to react
Did the students engage in the classroom?
Evaluate the sentences that come out of Padlet Are they easily turned into a program, or
not? If not, is it because students dont grasp the concept?
Did the students participate in the activities?


Students Self
Were students well behaved in the class? Did the lesson go as expected and outlined by
Was the pace of the class appropriate for the lesson plan?
students (keeping in mind student with What did I do well?
Aspergers)? What did not go well?
Are the students prepared to go to the next What could I improve on?
topic or is more time needed on this one? Did I deal professionally with the students?
Do the students seem to enjoy the class? Did I treat each student with the respect they
What is the class climate and is there deserve?
anything I can do to improve it? If students didnt seem to understand the
content, are there other ways that could be
explored with to teach it?

Bruner, J. (1966). Studies in cognitive growth: a collaboration at the Center for Cognitive
Studies. New York: Wiley.

Classroom Tips for Students with Aspergers Disorder | SchoolBehavior.com.

(2017). Schoolbehavior.com. Retrieved from

k10outline - Digital Technologies. (2017). K10outline.scsa.wa.edu.au. Retrieved from


Krathwohl, D. (2002). A Revision of Blooms Taxonomy: An Overview. Theory into Practice,


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