Lesson Plans For Learning Segment

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Winona State TPA-Referenced Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate Name: Stacey Johnson

Grade & Subject Area: Kindergarten - Math
Date for Planned Lesson: January 17th 2017
Personal Goal: What lesson delivery skill do you want to improve?
My personal goal is to be able to modulate my tone, pitch and speed of my speech. Not
talking too fast, I need to slow down and use pauses in my lesson. Learning how to
emphasizing on certain points when pausing.

*Examples are given in the right hand column. When submitting your
lesson plan, you may either replace the given examples or leave them
Lesson Title Comparing Sets: Lesson One
MN/CC State Standard(s) K.3.2.2: Compare and order objects according to location and
- direct quote from MN standards measurable attribute.
- if only focusing on one part of a
given standard, underline the part
being focused upon
Central Focus Students build mathematical reasoning through extending the
- derived from standard, concept of more, fewer and the same number by comparing.
- communicates general goal

Learning Target for this Lesson Content Objective: Students will demonstrate the knowledge of
- concisely says what students will be extending the concept of more, fewer and the same number by
able to know and do comparing.
- start with appropriate language Learning Objective: I can compare greater and fewer numbers. I
function (active verb) can predict what the pattern will be for calendar math. I can sing
the days of the week song. I can march and count aloud to the red
dot. I can explain how many ones and tens are in the pocket chart.
I can write the date.
Academic Language (AL) a. More then, less then, same, equal, circle
a. Domain-specific Acad vocabulary b. Order
b. General Academic vocabulary
(words used in school across many c. X is more then Y.
subject areas)
d. In the first video the teacher introduced the vocabulary more
c. Syntax Sentence Frame: Example
than, less then, same and equal. The students build a tower then
sentence that students can use
compare the towers while the teacher shows the students how to
to accomplish target
use the words more then, less then, same and equal. In the
d. Point in lesson where students will
second half of the video the students were comparing sets and
be given opportunity to use
they used the vocabulary more then, less then and equal.
Academic Vocabulary (Note: It
is important that this appear in
TPA videotape segments
Needed modifications/supports No student needed modifications or support during this lesson.
a. Identify how some form of
additional support will be
provided for some aspect of the
lesson for given student(s)
- visual, graphic, interactive
- reduced text, rewritten text, fill-in the
blank notes, word banks
- graphic organizers, sentence
Resources & materials needed Connecting cubes, pencils, crayons, SMART Board
Worksheet from Math in Focus Workbook Part B, Marshall
Cavendish International (Singapore) Private Limited, chapter 9, pp.
Thompson, C. (2015, July 14). BUILDing the Math Workshop with
BUILD Math Stations. Retrieved January 23, 2017, from
Sharpe, P. (2012). Math in focus. Singapore math (Second Edition
ed.). Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Education

Lesson Part Activity description / teacher does Students do

Phase 1 First is calendar math; flip over the date Students predict what
State Target & Activate Prior card to discuss the pattern with the the next pattern will
Knowledge students. Next students sing the days of be by looking at the
a) Post the learning target the week song. The students help lead the previous patterns.
statement and indicate whether song, (it is to the theme song from the Students help sing
the teacher or student(s) will Addams Family). Move the red dot the days of the week
read it aloud forward on the hundreds chart one song. Students
b) Engage students in activity to number. To keep track of the number of count the numbers
elicit / build prior background school days we count up to the red dot. To up to 81, then
knowledge help students stay focused we march. backwards from 20.
After counting forward the students will The students tell the
help count backwards from 20, (while teacher how many
doing push-ups.) After we discuss the tens ones and tens are in
and ones on the chart. Based on the the number 81. One
number of school days. The teacher adds student will think of a
a straw to the ten and ones pocket chart, number to write in the
talk about how many to make a new ten. tens frame. Students
Once we have that finished the teacher help decide how
calls on one student to give a number for many to add or
the green ten frames. Finally the students subtract from the
will work together to tell the teacher how to previous number.
write the date on a whiteboard on the side Students work
of the room. (1 dash 20 dash 2017) together to tell the
teacher how to write
the date.
Phase 1 Assessment The teacher observes students for
Explain the plan to capture data participating in the whole group
from this phase of the lesson discussions and counting. After a student
offers an answer teacher asks the class to
Phase 2 Teacher Input / Inquiry Teacher will turn display on SMART board Once students
- Explain procedures to show students where he or she is going understand where
- Demonstration the task for their BUILD groups. The teacher their group is, they
- Teacher think aloud reminds students what the rules and start to work on his or
expectations are. her task.
Phase 2 Assessment Students are able to follow directions for

Explain the plan to check for where they need to go. Teacher checks
understanding of steps / after a minute to ensure this.
procedures demonstrated in
this phase

Phase 3 Guided Practice Do math: Students will be at the back table Students build the
- Paired/collaborative work with the teacher for direct instruction. We biggest tower they
- Teacher(s) may roam & assist will be applying the concept of more and can make in 30
less then by comparing sets. The students seconds. After, they
will start by opening up their workbook to count how many
page 25. Students will write the number of cubes they used.
cubes each tower represents in the They decide together
corresponding box. The teacher will guide who has more, least
the students to try and count by 2s. Page and/or equal. After,
26, the students will use their own crayon they will find the page
to color the set with more objects in each number 25. Students
task. Then, students circle the set with and teacher will work
fewer objects. together to solve,
count and compare
each problem.
Phase 3 Assessment Students are able to finish their worksheet.
Explain the plan to check for
ability to apply demonstrated
steps/procedures during
guided practice

Phase 4 Independent practice B: Buddy Games: Students walk around B bucket will walk
- Individual student work the room trying to find real life 3D shapes quietly around the
that represent the shapes of: pyramid, room looking for
cone, cube, cylinder, rectangular prism, or objects that represent
a sphere. Students then place the objects the 3D shapes.
in a box and ask their classmates to feel Students will take
what shape they put in the box. turns guessing what
U: Using the engineering design process: shape is in the feely
Students are going to try to build the tallest box. U bucket will
tower only using pyramids, cones, cubes, work together to build
cylinders, rectangular prisms, or spheres. the tallest tower with
Students discussing which shapes work the 3D shapes. . I
best for tower building. bucket will grab their
I: I-Pads: Students will play a game head phones and
learning about equal numbers. The math start to play their i-
app is called Park Math. pad learning app. L
L: Learning about numbers: Students will bucket will pair up
play a game with another student. They with another student.
will take turns rolling the dice. Add the sum Each student will
of the numbers. Coloring the object with take turn rolling the
the same sum. The first player to color all dice. They need to
of the pieces needed to make the add the sum of the
snowman wins. The students practicing numbers. Coloring
subtilizing. the object with the
same sum.
Phase 4 Assessment The teachers will provided feedback and
Explain plan to check for ability ask open-ended questions to explain their
to apply demonstrated thinking and ideas.
steps/procedures during
independent practice

Phase 5 Restatement & Closure Once students have completed their work, Students clean up
a) Restate learning target teacher uses an attention getter to get the their workspace and
b) Explain a planned opportunity students attention. The teacher directs the return their materials
for students to self-assess students to clean up their group and to to the table. Students
their perceived level of check in with the teacher. After, to go see watch the teacher
mastery for the target. what the U table did (Using the measure the tower.
engineering design process). Teacher will Students raise their
measure how tall the building is. Once we hands to tell the
have measured the building, we will teacher who has had
compare the number to the other towers the tallest tower.
that were build pervious days.
Phase 6 Summative Next Steps Assessment Example: (3 columns on attached roster)
Attach a class roster (first names Reteach, Extend Slightly, Transfer to new situation/topic
only) with space to indicate
for each student the needed
next steps of instruction.

*This lesson plan is based on the work of David Denton (2013) with added modifications. An introductory
video to the basics of the plan is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yCj7IMyWAQ.
Updated 1/2016
Name Transfer to new Reteach Extend
Ellie X
Madelyn X
Hudson X
Evan X
Caleb Pulled aside for more
one-on-one time.
Hannah Pulled aside for more
one-on-one time.
Molly Pulled aside for more
one-on-one time.
Mason Pulled aside for more
one-on-one time.
Whitney X
Grayson X
Rowyn X
Addison X
Hank X
Korbyn X
Malcolm X
Aubrey X
Grace X
Mason X
Jackson X
Mia X
Benjamin X
Landon X
Kane X

Winona State TPA-Referenced Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate Name: Stacey Johnson

Grade & Subject Area: Kindergarten - Math
Date for Planned Lesson: January 25th 2017
Personal Goal: What lesson delivery skill do you want to improve?
When I see a student paying attention, working hard, and doing what he or she are
supposed to be doing to meet my goals, I want to make sure to compliment them. Make
sure that all students see me doing this, so they will understand why I am so pleased and
in turn try to meet their objective for the lesson in a positive way as well.

*Examples are given in the right hand column. When submitting your
lesson plan, you may either replace the given examples or leave them
Lesson Title Comparing Sets: 1-10: Lesson Two
MN/CC State Standard(s) K.1.1.5: Compare and order whole numbers, with and without
- direct quote from MN standards objects, from 0-20.
- if only focusing on one part of a
given standard, underline the part
being focused upon
Central Focus Comparing sets of 11-20.
- derived from standard,
- communicates general goal

Learning Target for this Lesson Content Objective: Compare sets of up to 20 objects.
- concisely says what students will be Learning Target: I can compare sets of numbers up to 20. I can
able to know and do predict what the pattern will be for calendar math. I can sing the
- start with appropriate language days of the week song. I can march and count aloud to the red dot.
function (active verb) I can explain how many ones and tens are in the pocket chart. I
can write the date.
Academic Language (AL) a. Greatest, less then, more then, least
a. Domain-specific Acad vocabulary
b. General Academic vocabulary b. Compare, order
(words used in school across many
subject areas) c. I can order the numbers greatest to least. I can order numbers.
c. Syntax Sentence Frame: Example d. As we go through the lesson I give each student an opportunity
sentence that students can use to take the lead and turning over cards putting the numbers in
to accomplish target order and using the vocabulary of greatest, less then, more then,
d. Point in lesson where students will least.
be given opportunity to use
Academic Vocabulary (Note: It
is important that this appear in
TPA videotape segments
Needed modifications/supports The groups are in heterogeneous groups. Meaning each group of
a. Identify how some form of students has a mixed ability. During the video a lower student
additional support will be returns from an intervention. The teacher turns the focus of the
provided for some aspect of the group to make sure she understands the content.
lesson for given student(s)
- visual, graphic, interactive
- reduced text, rewritten text, fill-in the
blank notes, word banks
- graphic organizers, sentence
Resources & materials needed Deck of cards, pattern worksheet, connecting cubes, crayons, I-
Pads, paper, worksheet of ordering numbers.
Thompson, C. (2015, July 14). BUILDing the Math Workshop with
BUILD Math Stations. Retrieved January 23, 2017

Lesson Part Activity description / teacher does Students do

Phase 1 The teacher starts out with calendar math; Students will predict
State Target & Activate Prior flipping over the date card to discuss the what the next pattern
Knowledge pattern with the students. After we have will be by looking at
a) Post the learning target established our pattern we sing the days of the previous patterns.
statement and indicate whether the week song. The students help lead the After, students sing
the teacher or student(s) will song, (it is to the theme song from the the days of the week
read it aloud Addams Family). Then move the red dots song. Students
b) Engage students in activity to one number forward on the hundreds count the numbers
elicit / build prior background chart. To keep track of the number of up to 82, then
knowledge school days we count up to the red dot. To backwards from 20.
help students stay focused we march. The students tell the
After counting forward the students will teacher how many
help count backwards from 20, we do ones and tens are in
push-ups. After we count backwards, we the number 82. One
discuss the tens and ones on the chart. student will think of a
(Based on the number of school days.) number to write in the
The teacher adds a straw to the ten and tens frame. Students
ones pocket chart, talk about making a help decide how
new tens. Once we have that finished the many to add or
teacher calls on one student to give a subtract from the
number for the green ten frame. Finally the previous number.
students will work together to tell the Lastly, students tell
teacher how to write the date on a the teacher how to
whiteboard. (Example:1-25-2017) write the date.
Phase 1 Assessment The teacher observes students for
Explain the plan to capture data participating in the whole group
from this phase of the lesson discussions and counting. After a student
offers an answer teacher asks the class to
Phase 2 Teacher Input / Inquiry The teacher will turn the attention to the Once students
- Explain procedures SMART board to show students where he understand where
- Demonstration the task or she is going for their BUILD groups. their group is, they
- Teacher think aloud Teacher reminds students what the rules start to work on his or
and expectations are. her task.
Phase 2 Assessment The students are able to follow directions
Explain the plan to check for for where they need to go. Teacher checks
understanding of steps / after a minute to ensure this.
procedures demonstrated in
this phase

Phase 3 Guided Practice Do math: Students will be at the back table Students will roll the

- Paired/collaborative work with the teacher for direct instruction. The dice. The student will
- Teacher(s) may roam & assist students will take turns rolling 4 number order numbers from
cubes. The student will put the four least to greatest.
numbers in order from least to greatest. After, students
The student will then write the numbers in confirm if the student
order on the lines. The other students will has done it correctly.
confirm if he or she did it correctly and The students will
they too will write the numbers in order on write the numbers on
the lines. The students will repeat this until the lines. Next
all 10 lines are completed. student will repeat
the process.
Phase 3 Assessment Students are able to finish their worksheet.
Explain the plan to check for
ability to apply demonstrated
steps/procedures during
guided practice

Phase 4 Independent practice B: Buddy Games: Students walk around B bucket will walk
- Individual student work the room trying to find real life 3D shapes quietly around the
that represent the shapes of: Pyramid, room looking for
cone, cube, cylinder, rectangular prism, or objects that represent
a sphere. Students then place the objects the 3D shapes. Once
in a box and ask their classmates to feel their partner has
what shape they put in the box. shapes they will take
U: Using the engineering design process: turns guessing what
Students are going to try to build the tallest shape is in the feely
tower only using pyramids, cones, cubes, box. U bucket will
cylinders, rectangular prisms, or spheres. work together to build
Students discussing which shapes work the tallest tower with
best for tower building. the 3D shapes. . I
I: I-Pads: Students will play a game bucket will grab their
learning about equal numbers. The math head phones and
app is called Park Math. start to play their i-
L: Learning about numbers: Students will pad learning app. L
play a game with another student. They bucket will pair up
will take turns rolling the dice. Add the sum with another student.
of the numbers. Coloring the object with Each student will
the same sum. The first player to color all take turn rolling the
of the pieces needed to make the dice. They need to
snowman wins. The students practicing add the sum of the
subtilizing. numbers. Coloring
the object with the
same sum. The first
player to make a
snowman wins.
Phase 4 Assessment The teachers will provided feedback and
Explain plan to check for ability ask open-ended questions to explain their
to apply demonstrated thinking and ideas.
steps/procedures during
independent practice

Phase 5 Restatement & Closure Once students have completed their work, Students return
a) Restate learning target teacher uses an attention getter to get the materials to the table.
students attention. The teacher directs the Students watch the
b) Explain a planned opportunity students to clean up their group and to teacher measure the
for students to self-assess work and check in with her. After, to go see tower. Once
their perceived level of what the U table did (Using the measured students
mastery for the target. engineering design process). Once we are raise their hands to
all around the table the teacher will tell the teacher who
measure how tall the building is. Once we has had the tallest
have measured the building, we will tower.
compare the number to the other towers
that were build pervious days.
Phase 6 Summative Next Steps Assessment Example: (3 columns on attached roster)
Attach a class roster (first names Reteach, Extend Slightly, Transfer to new situation/topic
only) with space to indicate
for each student the needed
next steps of instruction.

*This lesson plan is based on the work of David Denton (2013) with added modifications. An introductory
video to the basics of the plan is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yCj7IMyWAQ.
Name Transfer to new Reteach Extend
Ellie X
Madelyn X
Hudson X
Evan X
Caleb Pulled aside for more
one-on-one time.
Hannah Pulled aside for more
one-on-one time.
Molly Pulled aside for more
one-on-one time.
Mason Pulled aside for more
one-on-one time.
Whitney X
Grayson X
Rowyn X
Addison X
Hank X
Korbyn X
Malcolm X
Aubrey X
Grace X
Mason X
Jackson X
Mia X
Benjamin X
Landon X
Kane X

Winona State TPA-Referenced Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate Name: Stacey Johnson

Grade & Subject Area: Kindergarten - Math
Date for Planned Lesson: February 6th 2017
Personal Goal: What lesson delivery skill do you want to improve?

*Examples are given in the right hand column. When submitting your
lesson plan, you may either replace the given examples or leave them
Lesson Title One More & One Less: Lesson 3
MN/CC State Standard(s) K.1.1.4: Understand the relationship between quantities and whole
- direct quote from MN standards numbers up to 31.
- if only focusing on one part of a
given standard, underline the part
being focused upon
Central Focus Students can count one more or one less from any given number
- derived from standard, up to 31.
- communicates general goal

Learning Target for this Lesson Content Objective: Students will demonstrate the knowledge of
- concisely says what students will be one more and one less of any given number up to the number 31.
able to know and do Learning Objective: I can count one more and one less on any
- start with appropriate language number. I can predict what pattern will be for calendar math. I can
function (active verb) sing the days of the week song. I can march and count aloud to
the red dot. I can explain how many ones and tens are in the
pocket chart. I can write the date.
Academic Language (AL) a. More than, Less than
a. Domain-specific Acad vocabulary
b. General Academic vocabulary b. Compare, Predict
(words used in school across many
subject areas) c. When I compare the number, I can tell that X is less/more than X.
c. Syntax Sentence Frame: Example I can predict what pattern will be.
sentence that students can use
to accomplish target d. As we go through the lesson I give each student an opportunity
d. Point in lesson where students will to take the lead in turning over a tens frame number card and
be given opportunity to use choose if the students wants to one less or one more.
Academic Vocabulary (Note: It
is important that this appear in
TPA videotape segments
Needed modifications/supports No Modifications needed in this lesson.
a. Identify how some form of
additional support will be
provided for some aspect of the
lesson for given student(s)
- visual, graphic, interactive
- reduced text, rewritten text, fill-in the
blank notes, word banks
- graphic organizers, sentence
Resources & materials needed Deck of playing cards, paper plates, yarn, I-Pads, counting to 50
worksheet, tic-tac teen worksheet
Thompson, C. (2015, July 14). BUILDing the Math Workshop with
BUILD Math Stations. Retrieved January 23, 2017

Lesson Part Activity description / teacher does Students do

Phase 1 The teacher starts out with calendar math; Students will predict
State Target & Activate Prior flip over the date card to discuss the what the next pattern
Knowledge pattern with the students. After we have will be by looking at
a) Post the learning target established our pattern we sing the the previous patterns.
statement and indicate whether days of the week song. The students Students will help
the teacher or student(s) will help lead the song, (it is to the theme sing the days of the
read it aloud song from the Addams Family). Then week song. After
b) Engage students in activity to move the red dots forward on the students will count
elicit / build prior background hundreds chart one number. Then to the numbers up to
knowledge keep track of the number of school days 96. Then backwards
we count up to the red dot. (To help from 20. The
students stay focused we march.) After students then tell the
counting forward the students will help teacher how many
count backwards from 20, (we do push- ones and tens are in
ups.) After we count to the red dot, we the number 96. One
discuss the tens and ones on the chart. student will think of a
(Based on the number of school days.) number to write in the
The teacher adds a straw to the ten and tens frame. Students
ones pocket chart, talk about making a will help decided how
new tens. Once we have finished the many to add or
teacher calls on one student to give a subtract from the
number for the green ten frames. Finally previous number.
the students will work together to tell the Once all of the
teacher how to write the date on a morning work is done
whiteboard on the side of the room. the students then
(Example: 2 dash 9 dash 2017) work together to tell
the teacher how to
write the date.
Phase 1 Assessment The teacher observes students for
Explain the plan to capture data participating in the whole group
from this phase of the lesson discussions and counting. After a student
offers an answer teacher asks the class to
Phase 2 Teacher Input / Inquiry The teacher will turn the attention to the Students listen to
- Explain procedures SMART board to show students where he where he or she is
- Demonstration the task or she is going for their BUILD groups. going to be. Once
- Teacher think aloud Teacher reminds students what the rules students understand
and expectations are. where their group is,
they start to work on
his or her task.
Phase 2 Assessment Students are able to follow directions for
where he or she need to go. Teacher
Explain the plan to check for checks after a minute to ensure this.
understanding of steps /
procedures demonstrated in
this phase

Phase 3 Guided Practice Do math: Students will be at the back table Each student will
- Paired/collaborative work with the teacher for direct instruction. We take turns grabbing a
- Teacher(s) may roam & assist will be applying the concept of one more tens frame. Student
and one less with ten frames and teen will say out loud what
numbers. Teacher will hand students a number they have
Tic-Tac-Teen worksheet. Teacher will and then say one
spread out multiple ten frames with more or one less
different numbers in each one. One by one from their number.
students will grab a random ten frames After, they cover up
and read the number and tell a number that number on their
that is one more or one less than the playing worksheet.
number on the card. Once they have a The students repeat
number they will find the number on the until someone has
Tic-Tac-Teen worksheet. The first student three in a row to win.
to get three in a row wins.
Phase 3 Assessment Students are able to read one more or one
Explain the plan to check for less from the tens frame number. The
ability to apply demonstrated students are also able to finish their
steps/procedures during worksheet.
guided practice

Phase 4 Independent practice B: Buddy Game: Students play the card B bucket will get
- Individual student work game War with another partner. They will themselves into
play with their partner until someone wins pairs. Students can
or until the teacher ends the rotation. start to play the
U: Using the engineering design process: game. U bucket will
Students will weave string through paper grab a plate and start
pates. The paper plates have hole to weave the string
punches in them with numbers by a hole. through the holes. I
Each plate is counting by 1s, 2s, 5s or bucket will grab their
10s. head phones and
I: I-Pads: Students will play a game start to play their i-
learning about patterns. The math app is pad learning app.
called Park Math. Students at the L
L: Learning about numbers: Students will bucket will grab a
have a worksheet that has random worksheet and start
numbers up to 50. The student needs to fill to write the missing
in the missing numbers. numbers in. If they
finish students may
try another
Phase 4 Assessment The teacher will provide feedback and ask
Explain plan to check for ability open-ended questions to explain their
to apply demonstrated thinking and ideas.
steps/procedures during
independent practice

Phase 5 Restatement & Closure Once the students have completed their Students freeze

a) Restate learning target work at the back table, teacher uses an when they hear the
b) Explain a planned opportunity attention getter to get the students attention getter. They
for students to self-assess attention. The teacher directs the students repeat what the
their perceived level of to clean up their group and to check in with teacher does to show
mastery for the target. the teacher. After, to go to their table spots that they are
and wait for the rest to finish. listening. Students
return the baskets to
the table. After, the
students will check in
with the teacher.
Phase 6 Summative Next Steps Assessment Example: (3 columns on attached roster)
Attach a class roster (first names Reteach, Extend Slightly, Transfer to new situation/topic
only) with space to indicate
for each student the needed
next steps of instruction.

*This lesson plan is based on the work of David Denton (2013) with added modifications. An introductory
video to the basics of the plan is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yCj7IMyWAQ.
Updated 1/2016

Name: Lesson 3 Transfer to new Reteach (lost Extend (addition

situation (master support)
Ellie X
Madelyn X
Hudson X
Evan X
Caleb X
Hannah Pulled aside for more
one-on-one time.
Molly Pulled aside for more
one-on-one time.
Mason Pulled aside for more
one-on-one time.
Whitney Pulled aside for more
one-on-one time.
Grayson X
Rowyn X
Addison X
Hank X
Korbyn X
Malcolm X
Aubrey X
Grace X
Mason X
Jackson X
Mia X
Benjamin X
Landon X
Kane X


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