Unit of Work Netball

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Activity/length: Year/Class: Resources: (Specific to the challenges reference to equipment, teaching and learning resources (e..

Netball Year 7 task cards), and ICT equipment)
Netballs, Bibs (full team), Netball posts, whiteboards and pens, Success criteria, IPads, Flash cards, Question
Term 1: 6 weeks cards

Curriculum Aims: (Specific Aims/objectives: (first statement links aims to End of Key stage Statement; second statement links to specific elements that
the purpose of Physical education and pupils should be taught using the language of the end of key stage statement; final statement links to specific skills whole school
the which of the 4 aims this unit curriculum aims and numeracy and maths / literacy and language to be developed)
Pupils will:
1. Develop fundamental netball skills incorporating basic principles of attacking and
- Develop competence defensive strategies
and confidence in a
broad range of 2. Through working independently and in groups they will develop their invasion game skills to overcome opponents
physical activities
- Physically active for 3. To apply basic strategies and tactics whilst being able to explain why this application can be successful to the activity
sustained periods of
time 4. They will analyse their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve more
success whilst exercising safely and effectively
- Engage in
competitive sports
Previous learning from KS2 development:
and activities
- Fundamental motor skills such as running, jumping, throwing and jumping
- Lead healthy, active
- Teamwork
- Understanding of different roles (player, coach, umpire)
(DfE, 2014:1)
- Engaging in competitive games and activities- good sport etiquette and sportsmanship
Pupils will participate in 6
Key aspects covered in unit:
weeks of Netball practices
and activities. The - Development of fundamental motor skills
activities will develop - Variety of passes
fundamental motor skills - Decision making/strategies/tactics/ outwitting opponents
and an opportunity to - Self and peer assessment
implement learnt skills into - Working effectively as part of a team
competitive games
Key terms: Footwork, Interception, Free Pass, Centre Pass, Contact, Obstruction, Thirds,
Defence/Defensive third, Attacking/attacking third, Centre third, Replay/Replayed ball, Offside

Health & Safety: (link to 3 Inclusion Strategies: (Link to National curriculum inclusion statement categories specific to unit)
categories of risk management must be Setting suitable learning challenges:
accompanied by a full risk assessment Every pupil is given the opportunity to experience in success through differentiated and progressive activities-
appropriate progressions and regressions available
Staff: Plan and RA activities and Opportunities given to pupils to experience a range of roles through invasion activities. (Referee/ player in a range of
facilities prior to lesson positions/ coach).
Pupils: Correct clothing and Effective use of formative and summative assessment to set suitable for pupils
footwear, no jewelry or gum, Use of extra staff to aid those who require extra support
hair up, abiding rules and
Use of peer and self-assessment to track learning and progress
behavior policies
Pupils experience different roles Responding to pupils needs and overcoming potential barriers for individuals and groups of pupils:
and responsibilities on and off
Use of a variety of resources to make lessons accessible for all types of learners
Correct rules and regulations Stimulating learning environment that engaes pupils (Teacher Standard 1, DfE, 2011)
Pupils appropriately challenged Effective you of both formative and summative assessment strategies throughout unit
Emphasis on sportsmanship
and etiquette
Length of lesson 40-45 minutes
Build on prior learning
Build on prior learning
Facilities and equipment
Space and number of pupils
Mixed ability groups
SEN support
EAL support
Outcome/Process: (Specific Core tasks: Weeks 1-3 Compelling / irresistible
learning outcomes aligned to specific (specific learning challenges that students will complete to achieve the learning outcome of that learning: (What environments,
aspects being taught in the unit aims phase of the unit)
teaching styles, interactive
and objectives using the language of
opportunities, Out of hours learning,
the end of key stage statement)
extension / enrichment , themes will
Ball handling, footwork and possession be used to make this unit motivating
1,2 stuck like glue and exciting for the learners?)
Get pupils to move about a designated area (maybe a third of a
court). Using command 1, pupils must jump, land on one foot Errorful to errorless
and pivot demonstrating footwork rule. Get them to call 1,2, stuck environments to
like glue to help them remember the footwork rule. When calling highlight positive
command 2, pupils must jump and land on two feet and pivot on performances
one foot.
DEV: Introduce netballs to make it more realistic Use of peer and self-
Line race assessment against
Get pupils into pairs. Get all pairs lined up on the goal line. Pupils, success criteria on
skills such as passing
following netball rules must reach another line on the court and
perform 10 passes. They must then find another line that does
not attach to the line they just passed over and repeat the 10
Formative Assessment
passes. Repeat until they have performed 10 passes over 3 lines.
(AfL) through
Once they have achieved this, they make their way back to the
goal line. The aim is to get back to the goal line as quickly as
Encourage a variety of
DEV: Only use a certain type of pass (overhead, bounce, chest,
roles such as coach,
player and umpire to
Cone reaction enhance knowledge
Get pupils into pairs. Between the pairs they need a cone. Line up and understanding
pupils down a netball court so they are stood opposite their
partner. They should line up down the middle of the court splitting Use of visual aids to
it length ways (from D to D). Pupils should stand about a meter enhance learning such
apart with the cone on the floor in the middle of them. The as videos,
teacher will call demands such as head, knees, toes, sideline, demonstrations and
and jump. The pupils must react as quickly as possible to resources such as flash
respond to call (e.g. if head is called they must touch their head cards and success
as quickly as possible). If the teacher calls sideline, they must run criteria
the sideline on their side of the court and back into the middle. If
the teacher calls cone, the pupils must try and pick up the cone Opportunities to lead
before their partner. Best out of 5. practices
5 v 5 possession
Get pupils into teams of 5. Each team has a designated square. Use of ICT to analyse
Set up so that 2 teams are opposite each other- the team performance
opposite is their opposition. Pupils must pass and move using a
variety of passes staying within their squares. When the teacher Umpiring opportunities
calls a number, that amount of pupils must invade their
oppositions box and try to intercept the ball for a set amount of Stimulating learning
time. The remaining pupils in the square must attempt to environments for teams
maintain possession. Each team starts with 10 points. If they to develop performance
maintain possession by the end of the time, they receive 5 points. and teamwork
If they lose the ball, they lose 5 points.

Positional awareness
Position race
Go through positions on a whiteboard. Get pupils into small
teams. Set the scene by stating what way the team is shooting.
Allow for pupil discussion. In a race format, one pupil at a time
will run to the area on court that a specific position would
traditionally start on court. Discuss with the pupils remaining if
they are correct. The pupils return to their teams and the next
pupil gets ready to run
Pre match race
Before a game when pupils are in their teams, identify which
team is shooting in which direction. From there tell the teams
they have to try and set up on court as quickly as possible in the
correct location on court. Use non doers or higher ability pupils to
identify whether the pupils are correct and if any amendments
need to be made.

End ball
Set up two teams of 7 players. The normal rules of netball are in
play. Clarify which team is attacking in which direction. The aim of
the game is to get the ball to the oppositions end zone. If the
team is successful, the ball is turned over. Turn overs from a
scoring play will start from the end zone the offensive team is
defending. Turnovers from an infraction will adhere to normal
netball rules. Non doers will be the officials of the match.
Get the pupils into groups of 3. The pupils will create their square
cone area (4 cones). Get the 3 into roles of feeder, defender and
attacker. The feeder will stand outside the coned area with the
ball. The attacker and defender are inside. The attacker must get
themselves into a position to receive the ball. Once received, the
feeder and attacker work together inside the area to connect 5
passes. The defender will try and intercept or defend the ball.
Rotate the positions.

Split pupils into small groups and place them in front of a netball
post in a line. Each team needs two balls. The first pupil in line
will take a shot. Once this has happened the next pupil will take a
shot. If the ball goes in, the pupil will retrieve the ball and give it
to the next pupil in line. If it misses they must retrieve the ball
and shoot again. If the pupil who came in after the first pupil
scores, the first pupil is knocked out.
Shooting Relay
Pupils are split into teams. In the circle, target spots are placed on
the floors. Use three different colours- the closest spot/colour to
the post is worth 2 points, next spot out is worth 3 points, next
spot out is worth 4 points and the last spot out is worth 5 points.
The teams line up on the third line with a feeder stood a meter
out of the circle. The first pupil in the line, passes the ball to the
feeder and runs into the circle. They will call a colour. The feeder
will then feed the ball to that colour spot. They then shoot. If they
score, they receive the amount of points designated to that
colour. The shooter then retrieves the ball and passes to the next
pupil and replaces the feeder. The feeder joins the back of the
line. They have a set amount of time to collate as many points as
Defenders Dictating Play
Get pupils into groups of 6. From the centre circle to the baseline,
create a corridor using cones (2 groups per half). Divide the 6 into
2 feeders, 2 attackers and 2 defenders. One feeder per side of the
channel. Attackers are trying to get the ball across the baseline.
Defenders are trying to intercept the ball. Attackers can pass the
ball between themselves and the feeders. Normal netball rules on
contact, movement, and footwork. Defenders get a point per
interception. Attackers get a point every time they get over the
baseline. Best of 5 points then rotate positions.
Forcing In
Set up a coned area approximately 5m by 5m. Split a group of 8
into 2 teams of 4.
One team is attacking, one team is defending. Attacking team is
trying to string as many passes together as possible. Defensive
team is trying to intercept, tip or force errors from the attackers.
Set a time limit for the attackers or set a number of interceptions
for the defensive team to do before changing attackers and
defenders over. The aim is for the defenders to work as a unit to
force errors
Outcome/Process cont. Core tasks: Weeks 4-6 Compelling /
(Specific learning outcomes showing
progression from weeks 1-3, linked to
(specific learning challenges that students will complete to achieve the learning outcome of that
phase of the unit, should show progression from the previous phase)
irresistible learning
the specific aspects being taught cont.:
outlined in the unit aims and objectives
using the language of the end of key
stage statement)

Outcome/Process cont. Core tasks: Weeks 7-9

(Specific learning outcomes showing specific learning challenges that students will complete to achieve the learning outcome of that
progression from weeks 4-6, linked to phase of the unit, should show progression from the previous phase)
the specific aspects being taught
outlined in the unit aims and objectives
using the language of the end of key
stage statement)
Outcome/Process cont. Core tasks: Weeks 10-12
(Specific learning outcomes showing specific learning challenges that students will complete to achieve the learning outcome of that
progression from weeks 7-9, linked to phase of the unit, should show progression from the previous phase)
the specific aspects being taught
outlined in the unit aims and objectives
using the language of the end of key
stage statement)

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