Nutrition Unit Plan Ubd
Nutrition Unit Plan Ubd
Nutrition Unit Plan Ubd
The Broad Areas of Learning are: Lifelong Learners, Sense of Self, Community and Place, and Engaged Citizens. These
are incorporated throughout the unit in multiple ways. First, students will gain the sense that nutritional eating is a
lifelong endeavor. We will view the progression of the science of nutrition and how it is reflected in public policies.
Students will soon realize that the science of nutrition is always evolving with the progression of research in the area.
Students will gain a sense of self, community and place through critically thinking and evaluating their daily diet and
the food sources available to them i.e., school, home, etc. The aspect of engaged citizens will be incorporated through
discussing the issue of organic and healthy food being more expensive than the non-healthy alternative. In examining
this, students will discuss and research how to eat healthy on a budget and what measures can be taken to lower the
cost of nutritious foods, i.e., buying local, community gardens, personal gardens, expansion of green spaces.
Students will learn the issues of nutrition among different cultures and how the diets around the world influence their
nutrition. How people in different geographical regions have different nutritional needs. Students will be familiar with
the food industry of today and how it has changed the way we eat and receive our food.
Students will continue to develop skills using technology to transform their learning, this will promote life long learning
as technology is always changing and being able to adapt and learn with the new technology will help students succeed
in their futures.
The Cross curricular competencies are developing: critical thinking, identity and interdependence, literacies, and social
responsibilities. These competencies are promoted throughout this unit in multiple ways. Students will develop their
thinking through both large and small group discussions, in which they will be encouraged to voice their opinion about a
range of topics under the nutrition umbrella. Students will develop their identity and interdependence by critically
viewing their eating habits and learning nutritious recipes that they can prepare for themselves. Students will also
learn the importance of budgeting and how to adapt meals to different values of budgets. In doing so students will gain
an understanding of life on their own and how to and where to cut costs and still eat healthy. With regards to literacies,
students will continue to develop their literacies in the kitchen and cooking realm but with an added nutritional
vocabulary. Through watching a TED Talk, researching recipes, understanding the science of nutrition and going to the
grocery store to buy groceries, students will become literate in a range of areas related to food and nutrition.
Social studies will be incorporated into this unit by the way of studying nutrition throughout the world and the food
issues. Studying these different issues and cultures around the world will take the students learning to a new level of
relating what they are learning in the classroom to real world situations. Students will be able to look in depth into a
country of their choosing and research what is a current food issues in the specific region and what would their plan of
action be to conquer this issue?
Students will develop interdependence by learning new ways of taking ownership of their own health and lives by using
certain apps to help to do that. They will develop technologic literacies by learning new ways to use technology in all
areas of life. By using technology in the classroom this takes students learning to new level by making the material
relevant to them in this day and age.
Learning Outcomes
What relevant goals will this unit address?
(must come from curriculum; include the designations e.g. IN2.1)
10.1 To focus on how foods affect ones performance now and ones health in the future.
10.2 To Examine the long term effects of diet practices on health and wellness.
10.3 To relate energy value of foods to the bodys requirements.
10.4 TO create an awareness of current weight management programs and to evaluate them.
10.5 To determine sources of reliable nutrition information.
10.6 To develop an understanding of the process of digestion.
10.7 To define meal management and to identify factors involved in planning meals.
10.8 To demonstrate the importance of consumer skills in the planning and selection of foods for meal management.
How will you engage students at the beginning of the unit? (motivational set)
Students will be introduced to the unit by discussing the question, What is nutrition? This is followed by watching a
video of Jamie Olivers TED Talk. The video is a great way to introduce the topic by outlining the nutritional epidemic that
is present in our society. The video will be followed by a general large group discussion on the importance of nutritional
diets and educating individuals on the benefits of healthy eating. The group discussion will give me a general feeling for
the students knowledge of nutrition. This will be done via targeting questions.
What events will help students experience and explore the enduring understandings and essential questions in the unit?
How will you equip them with needed skills and knowledge?
# Lesson Title Lesson Activities CCCs Resources
1 Introduction 10 min the question, What is nutrition? will be displayed on the board. Large group DT, DSR, Internet,
to Nutrition discussion about the question. Introduce the video. DI&I, DL Projector,
(60 min) 25 min Jamie Oliver TED talk video. (students are told to write down anything they find PPT,
interesting from the video. YouTube,
10 min Hand out worksheet for video Jamie Oliver Video Questions allow students to Worksheets
work in table groups to answer questions. which
15 min Handout and discuss that students will be journaling their food habits for the include
entirety of the unit. specific
www.dietiti ,
2 Canadas 10 min Hand out Canadas Food Guide to students. Ask students, What is the food guide DT, DL Internet,
Food Guide for?. projector,
(60 min) 20 min PPT on Canadas Food Guide. PPT, CFG,
10 min FNIM Food guide. Discussion about the need and differences. FNMI FG,
10 min Students work through comparing the two food guides worksheet and hand in. worksheets
10 min Students discuss in their table groups what is the hardest recommendation from ,
the food guide to follow. Each group writes their answers on a large paper which is posted
in the class as a reminder.
Students talk about why we have two food guides in Canada, what makes it so different ycanadians
culture need different nutrition
Students can look up different food guide of their choosing
Google doc instead of large paper www.hc- ,
3 Breakfast 30 min Students make burrito and clean up. DI&I, DL, Recipes,
Burrito Lab 15 min Students eat and self-evaluate their lab work and write a reflection. Both are DT self-
(45 min) handed in as students leave the class. evaluation
Self evaluate in online journal shared with teacher sheet,
6 45 min Students make soup and bannock and clean up DI&I, DT, Recipes,
Three sister 15 min students eat and fill out self-evaluation. DL self-
soup and Students will write up reflection on why the three main ingredients in the soup are the evaluation
Bannock lab three sisters? How was bannock traditionally made? sheets
(60 min) Self evaluate in online journal shared with teacher
7 Food Security 20 min Interactive PPT on food security (discussing each slide as a large group). DSR, DT, Internet,
and Meal 30 min Healthy Meal Planning on a budget activity. Handed in once completed. DL, DI&I PPT,
planning on a 10 min Debriefing of activity. Projector,
Budget (60 handouts,
8 25 min PPT on how to read a Nutrition Facts Label and health claims on packaging. DI&I, DL, Internet,
Nutrition 20 min Reading Nutrition Facts Labels Worksheet. Handed in at the end of class. DSR projector,
Facts Label PPT, food
(45 min) labels,
11 40 min Students walk over to co-op and purchase groceries for their chosen recipe. DI&I, DL, Grocery
Grocery store 20 min Finish any incomplete worksheets. DT lists
trip (60 min)
13 Co-creation 10 min 4 small groups discuss and come up with ideas for each heading. DT, DI&I Students
of rubric (45 10 min expert from each group discuss with other experts on ideas.
min) 10 min main groups come back together to readjust ideas.
15 min Final large group discussion and finalize rubric.
Made and shared on google doc
14 Create their 35 min Students make their chosen recipe and present it in an appealing way for DI&I, DL, Major
own recipe photograph. Clean up. DT, recipe
lab (60 min) 10 min Eat reflection
15 min Fill out Major reflection and hand in. Remind students that their food journals will sheets
be handed in next class.
Cultural Revisions-
- Students will be able to have more choice in the topics they research
- Student and teacher collaboration will be at forefront of class objectives
- Student input will hold same ground as teacher input of materials
Instructional Approaches:
Do I use a variety of teacher directed and student Yes: Small and large group discussions, Direct teaching, Experiential learning,
centered instructional approaches? Research, TPS, Co-creation, Videos, and Scavenger hunt.
Resource Based Learning: Students will be given their individual copy of Canadas Food Guide, be
Do the students have access to various resources provided online resources, Cook books, and recipes.
on an ongoing basis?
FNM/I Content and Perspectives/Gender Having students examine FNIM Food Guide, and create authentic Aboriginal
Equity/Multicultural Education: foods nurtures diversity in this unit. Food guides from around the world will also
Have I nurtured and promoted diversity while be examined, also students will have freedom to research and create their own
honoring each childs identity? authentic dish which could be culturally diverse. Examining how marginalized
communities access or have lack of access to nutritious foods incorporates
immigrant and Aboriginal communities. How different cultures incorporate the
major food groups will also be discussed.
Students will have more choice on what they want to research to fit their
culture, during the food issues lesson students will examine the issues among
Canada with regards to access to healthy foods. During the class discussion
students will have oppuntunity to examine food issues among different cultures
and how this influences Canadians.
Nutritious Meal on a Budget Co-Created Rubric
From: Wiggins, Grant and J. McTighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, ISBN # 0-87120-
313-8 (pbk)