Dynamics Tutorial II (2016-17) - Answers 1 A) : DZ DX

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Dynamics Tutorial II (2016-17) Answers

1 a)   3/2
v dx
x = 2
P d y

dx 2
d z
1 3/2
L = 1 + 16x 2
So, at x = 0 = 0. 25 m.
Since the dip is shallow, we may reasonably
dz b) The normal acceleration of the particle is there-
assume that dx << 1 and thereby write the
magnitude of the curvature as: v2 (5)2
fore: a n = = 0.25 = 100 m/s2
1 d 2 z

= c) The path exerts a force
dx 2 F = m a n = 10 100 = 1 KN on it in the
v2 direction normal to the path.
The normal acceleration is so: ,
 2 2x
a n = v 2d cos )
2 3 a) In 10 s the aircraft changes heading by 30 ,

This has the maximum magnitude 2d L
which occurs at x = 0, L2 and L. hence the averge angular velocity over this
interval is:
b) The jerk is:
da n da ds = = rad/s.
= n 10 60
dt ds dt
v = 900 km/h 250 m/s; now v = , hence
d (1/)
3 = v
= 25060
= 4. 77 103 m. This is the
radius of curvature of the path of the aircraft.
v3 d
= 2 b) The centripetal acceleration is
v2 2
an = = 13. 1 m/s = 1. 33g. Hence the force
At the lip of the pothole, such as at P, there is
exerted on the passenger due to the centripetal
a sudden change of curvature from a finite in
acceleration is 1. 33 mg.
the dip to of the level road, implying
that ds there. This is where the jerk is
largest. Also, since the jerk varies as the cube
N = mg
of v , it increases very rapidly with v . R

m v 2 /
2 a) The speed is constant at 5 m/s, hence the tan-
Since the path is in the horizontal plane, so is
gential acceleration is zero. From the given
this force. The reaction N from the "real"
data, x = 2y 2 . Therefore:
weight of the passenger is equal to mg, verti-
dy d 2y cally upward. The resultant force on the pas-
= 4x , =4
dx dx 2 senger is then R = 1. 67mg. Hence the passen-
Hence the radius of curvature is: ger feels 67% heavier during the turn.
4) This is how the configuration evolves with time: The component of a childs velocity towards M
is always v r = v (here v = 4 m/s). The initial
distance OM was
m. Hence the time taken
for the child to reach M from its initial position
is T =
42 25 s.

Let r (t) be the distance of a child from M at

time t. Then:
dr v
= vr =
dt 2
d v v
= =
dt r 2r

Since the speed of each child along the edge of dr dr /dt v / 2
the instantaneous square is always the same, in = = = r
d d /dt v / 2r
each time interval the child moves a fixed dis-
This is an ODE, so:
tance along the edge of this square. At the end
of this time interval, then, the children stand at dr r
= d ==> ln = + 0
the vertices of a smaller, slightly rotated, r r0
square. 100
Now, r 0 = = 70. 7 m; and 0 = . Hence:
2 4

W r (t) = 70. 7e 4
vr is the path followed by the child.

The dashed-line square was the position at

t = 0, and the solid-line square is the position
at the current time t.
By symmetry, the moving points are always at
the corners of a square centred at M , albeit of
a diminishing size. Hence after a sufficient time
the points (that is, the children!) all meet at
M , the centre of the square.

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