Pemasaran Pabrik Tempe
Pemasaran Pabrik Tempe
Pemasaran Pabrik Tempe
This study aimed to identify the aspects of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
and threats facing the agroindustry marketing of Dua Putri tempe chips and formulate
marketing strategies Dua Putri tempechips agroindustry by using SWOT analysis. The results
showed that internal factors encountered in the marketing of Dua Putri tempeagro-chips in
Indragiri Hulu is Strength: choose a label and branded products, entrepreneurs have a long
experience, the product is attractive enough for all people, and the products do not use
preservatives. Weakness: The product can be easily damaged and destroyed, packaging using
a simple wrapper, product marketing has not come out Indragiri Hulu, and promotion is still
limited. External factors include: Opportunities: products already well known, a product that
can compete with similar products, the market is still wide open, the exhibition and
promotion opportunities. Threat; Many competitors of similar products, the market demand
fluctuates, and the limitations of market information and for marketing strategies Dua
Putritempechips agroindustry is to maintain existing markets and seek new markets including
exhibition, the exhibition is there to improve their skills in providing products with flavor
worth nutrition, make packaging more attractive in order to reach the marketing of products
inside and outside the district, improve the taste and quality and maximize promotion,
looking for alternative marketing channels.
Strategi ST
1. Melakukan alternatif diversifikasi
produk. (S1,T1,T2)
2. Meningkatkan perluasan pasar yang
belum terlayani. (S1,S3,T2,T3)
Tabel 5.Pengembangan unsur-unsur SWOT
Kekuatan (S) Kelemahan (W) Peluang (O) Ancaman (T)
S1= 3 W1= 2 O1= 2 T1= 2
S2= 3 W2=3 O2= 2 T2= 2
S3= 3 W3= 3 O3= 3 T3=1
S4=3 W4=3 O4=3
Keterangan: 3 = Sangat Penting 2 = Penting 1 = Tidak penting
Mengenai alternatif pemilihan
strategi pemasaran keripik tempe dapat
dilihat pada Tabel 6