Task 4

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Table 4: An interview with a Primary School science coordinator

Sample interview questions for the Principal and/or Responses from the Principal and/or science
science coordinator/teacher re: science provision incoordinator/teacher re: science provision in the
the setting. setting.
Is there a science coordinator and/or how many Yes, there are two science coordinators (one for
1 specified science teachers are there in the school? primary and one for secondary).

What are the duties/responsibilities of the science Ordering resources, Checking if syllabus are
teacher/coordinator? followed by teachers on time, Making sure that
grade 1 and 2 are doing hand-on activities.

Does she teach any, all students or just specific year The science coordinators are teachers as well. The
groups? primary coordinator teaches grade 5, while the
secondary coordinator teach grade 8.

Obtain a teaching schedule and any schemes of

work, lesson plans, software used etc. from the
science coordinator/teacher.

Lesson plan about growing plant unit

2 Who is responsible for science policy and They don't have policy. Lab coordinators are
provision within the setting? responsible for labs.
(Can we obtain a copy of the policy?)
3 Online/Blended Learning:
Does the setting have its own website? If so, what is Yes, https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk
the URL, who created it and who is responsible for Created by Pearson Education.
managing and updating it?
Is there any online/blended learning taking place Yes, videos and online games.
related to science?

What ICT resources are used specifically for Computers, Projectors

teaching science?
4 What science They have different materials for both classroom
equipment/manipulatives/resources can be and lab but they all are kept in the labs. If teacher
found the setting? (Is there a list? Differentiate between the wants to use some she/he can take it from there
classroom; the science lab and other areas in the setting e.g. and just bring it to the class.

Is there a budget for materials? Yes

Who trains teachers and staff in the use the SLT (Senior Leadership Team) and MLT (Middle
equipment and manages the equipment and Leadership Team). They do observations for science
materials? teachers to see how they're using the equipment.

5 Is/Are there dedicated science labs in this Yes they have three dedicated labs for physics,
setting? biology and chemistry.

It is used by science teachers. They separate the

If yes, how is it used and by whom? How is it
organised? What equipment can be found here? materials based on the subject. For example, all
materials related to glassware suppliers are kept in
chemistry lab. Skeleton, microscope and specimens
from animals are in biology lab. Electrical equipment
are in physics lab

Does the setting feel it has enough specialist science

Yes, they do
teachers, technicians and dedicated science
6 Which science resources does the setting feel it The science coordinator uses her mobile phone to
needs or would like to have to achieve its vision present for students what she has on her desk but it
or better science teaching and learning? is not high definition, so she said it would be better
if there is a Dino-lite Camera provided to teachers.

It is a handheld digital camera which connects the

computer by USB. It is used to show any piece to the
audience on a big screen.

7 What are the safety rules? There are some safety rules followed by teachers
Are the safety rules posted in the science setting? and students listed in an instruction sheets:
- Dont touch the supplies until you are told
what to do.
- Never test in science labs
- Leave your personal items outside the lab
- Report accident as soon as they happen
- Wear safety gaggles when completing a task

Those rules are developed by science head teachers

Who developed these and are they and operation manager. And they are checked by
mandatory/enforced? Mr.Tapn. He observes teachers to see if they follow
rules or not.
8 What safety equipment is available and when is Actually, they have many safety rules but they didn't
it used commonly? have to use it because they've never face any
accident till now.

Is safety equipment available for all students in the Yes. The main things they all have in classrooms are
classrooms? the fire extinguisher, first aid box and covered wires.

Is equipment cleaned, if so by whom? Who Yes, cleaned and managed by lab technicians.
manages this duty? Teachers sometimes attend workshops to learn how
to clean the equipment.
9 Planning for learning- how are the science Science Teachers are given the lesson plans by the
lessons planned for in the setting? website: active learning. They have it online with all
resources. And the science coordinator stated that
from her educational experiments, it is the best site
to be used by teachers.

Does the MOE/Zone/KHDA provide unit plans/lesson Lesson plans are available on active learning website
plans? (can we obtain a copy of this?)
Are there weekly planning meetings? What is Yes, but not specifically for science. Teachers gather
usually done in the planning meetings? to discuss the lesson plans, the assessments and the
materials they need about all the subjects (math,
literacy, science, social studies and geography)

Teachers, Grade Leaders, SLT and phase leader

Who attends the planning meetings?

Yes, they have general goals that students are

Does the school have specific goals related to
familiar with which are: Think and question like
science (TIMMS scores etc.)?
scientists, follow the scientific methods.
10 How is learning assessed in the science By giving feedback and doing formative and
classroom? summative assessments.

Is there an assessment plan for the semester? What Yes, it includes what lessons they will cover in the
does it include? tests.

Do teachers collect student data? What data, when, Yes, teacher collects students' data by doing mini
and what is it used for? tests and progress tests. In classroom, data is
collected by observing students participation.
Sometimes learners do self-evaluation by
themselves and this helps teacher to determine
their level.

How do students get feedback so that they can They receive both oral and written feedback from
make improvements? the teacher. On their notes, teacher write two
comments about how students is doing well:

WWW stands for "What Went Well"

EBI stands for "Even Better If"

These two statements help students to re-check his

or her performance so they can make a progress.

11 What science professional development /

training do teachers currently receive or have Teachers visit workshops to get suggestions on
recently had? science professional development and to see some
How frequently and from whom did they /are they modeling lessons.
receiving this?

Do they have a document that outlines this PD? Yes, they have a copy of agenda and they talk with
SLT about what they did in workshops.
What PD do they think teachers in the setting still There is a lack in subject knowledge, and if
need? teachers have the subject knowledge they dont
know how to deliver it to students. They also
need to raise their culture awareness and
background so they can build a close relationship
with learners.

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