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Fuel 324 (2022) 124654

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Experimental study on the effects of injection timing and n-butanol energy

ratio on combustion and emissions of n-butanol/diesel DFDI engine
Yuanqi Bai , Ying Wang *, Lei Hao
School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, PR China


Keywords: In this paper, a dual-fuel direct injection (DFDI) system was designed by utilizing two common-rail direct-in­
Dual-fuel direct injection jection systems in a modified single-cylinder engine. Diesel and n-butanol were directly injected to realize the
N-butanol stratifications of fuel-air mixtures and reactivity. The effects of the n-butanol energy ratio (BER) and fuel in­
jection timing on engine combustion and emission characteristics were studied under low and medium load. The
Injection timing
combustion phase was retarded, indicated thermal efficiency (ITE) decreased and COV of IMEP increased as
Emissions increasing BER under each load. Under low load, the n-butanol injection timing was suggested near 125◦ CA
BTDC to increase ITE, by modifying the stratification of the n-butanol at a favorable level. With an advance of
diesel injection timing, the combustion phase was advanced at first and then retarded; ITE was also increased
firstly and then decreased. Under medium load, the two-stage high temperature heat release event could be
observed. Early n-butanol injection condition was preferred to achieve higher ITE and lower COV of IMEP. The
early diesel injection operation was suggested under medium load for increased ITE, together with the decreased
nitrogen oxide and soot emissions. In general, compared with pure diesel operation, stable and high-efficient
combustion could be achieved in n-butanol/diesel DFDI mode, while the ITE could increase 2.8%; NOx and
Soot emission decreased 82% and 79%.

compression ignition (PCCI) and reactivity-controlled compression

1. Introduction ignition (RCCI) and so on, have been widely investigated.
In HCCI combustion mode, the fuel and oxidizer are mixed homo­
In recent years, people face an energy crisis augmented with envi­ geneously in the chamber, resultantly decreasing NOx and PM formation
ronmental degradation in the transportation field. Due to high thermal [5,6]. However, the combustion phasing and heat release of HCCI are
efficiency, good durability and reliability, diesel engines have been mainly controlled by reaction kinetics rather than injection time. PCCI
applied widely in several transportation power plants [1]. In response to [1] is proposed to form the concentration stratification. Some part of the
strict emission regulations, the optimization for the in-cylinder com­ fuel is injected to build premixed environment and the rest of fuel is
bustion cycle was one of the desirability approaches to high efficiency injected near the top dead center (TDC). The combustion phase can be
and lower emissions combustion [2]. Hence, improving the energy controlled by the injection near TDC and the engine operating range can
conversion efficiency of the compression ignition (CI) engine is also be extended to the heavier load [7]. However, PCCI is mostly
imperative. operated with a high EGR rate to delay ignition timing for an affordable
However, conventional CI engines generally produce high PM and mechanical load, causing high CO and HC emissions [8]. What’s more,
NOx emissions. High emissions were mainly caused by high-temperature to further extend the operating regime and reduce emissions, a method
diffusion combustion at temperature range of 1500–2000 K [3,4]. To of blending another fuel in cylinder is proposed, and named as RCCI
decrease exhaust emissions, the low-temperature combustion (LTC) has [9,10], in which port injection of low reactivity fuel (LRF) is combined
attracted many researchers’ attention in recent years. The combustion with in-cylinder direct injection of high reactivity fuel (HRF). The
phasing control is a particularly crucial problem in LTC because it application of RCCI combustion mode can also effectively control the
significantly influences the transient output response, operating range, reactivity stratification and concentration distribution of in-cylinder
emissions and efficiency [4]. Several LTC combustion modes such as mixtures, enhance thermal efficiency and reduce emissions.
homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI), premixed charge However, the current RCCI combustion system still has some

* Corresponding author at: School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, No. 28 Xianning west road, Xi’an 710049, Shaanxi, PR China.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. Wang).

Received 3 March 2022; Received in revised form 12 May 2022; Accepted 17 May 2022
Available online 25 May 2022
0016-2361/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Bai et al. Fuel 324 (2022) 124654

Nomenclature ATDC After top dead center

HRF High reactivity fuel
PM Particulate matter LRF Low reactivity fuel
LTC Low-temperature combustion CN Cetane number
CI Compression ignition THC Total hydrocarbon emissions
TDC Top dead center of power stroke InjB n-butanol injection timing
RCCI Reactivity controlled compression ignition InjD diesel injection timing
DFDI Dual-fuel direct injection IMEP Indicated mean effective pressure
AHRR Apparent heat release rate COVIMEP Coefficient of variation of IMEP
DI Direct injection PRRmax Maximum pressure rise rate
NOx Nitrogen oxide ITE Indicated thermal efficiency
PFI Port fuel injection CI Compression ignition
EGR Exhaust gas recirculation BER n-butanol energy ratio
BTDC Before top dead center of power stroke Pmax maximum cylinder pressure
BMEP Brake mean effective pressure Tmax maximum IVGT
IVGT Instantaneous volume-averaged gas combustion AHRRmax maximum apparent heat release rate
temperatures CA10-CA50 The duration between CA10 and CA50

imperfections: (1) The port injection creates a homogeneous environ­ butanol in CI engines is the dual-fuel combustion mode [27,34–39], in
ment in the cylinder, but some local areas have low reactivity and which n-butanol is injected into the inlet port as LRF, and the combus­
equivalence ratio, leading to more incomplete combustion, higher HC tion phase is controlled by the HRF injection near TDC. The combustion
and CO emissions [11,12]. (2) To keep the port charge well premixed, is dominated by the burn of diffusion-limited direct injected HRF and
the intake temperature is always adjusted by heating up or hot exhaust kinetically limited n-butanol fuel [40]. In the research of Zhao et al.
gas recirculation. The preheated intake gas would disturb the combus­ [41], the HRF was injected at 60 ◦ CA BTDC and n-butanol was port
tion phasing and eventually result in a drop of the ITE [13]. (3) Pumping injection. The gradients of reactivity could be established with well-
loss produced by port injection has adverse effects on thermal efficiency premixed LRF and early injection of HRF. The reactivity stratification
[14,15]. To overcome the insufficiencies of the port injection RCCI and concentration distribution of in-cylinder mixtures were achieved in
mode, some researchers have developed the dual-fuel direct injection RCCI combustion mode for higher thermal efficiency and lower emis­
(DFDI) combustion mode [13,14,16]. Due to lower pumping loss and sions. Soloiu et al. [39] studied that two pulses of direct HRF injections
more precise fuel control, thermal efficiency and engine performance was performed in RCCI mode fueled by n-butanol and methyl oleate. The
would be improved by DI compared to its port fuel injection counterpart. first injection timing of HRF was also fixed at 60 ◦ CA BTDC to establish
Wissink et al. [14] proposed an injection strategy for DFDI com­ the reactivity stratification in cylinder, and a varied second injection
bustion. Part of LRF was injected early and premixed effectively. HRF was applied for smooth combustion.
was injected at 40-60◦ CA BTDC to establish a reactivity gradient. It has been confirmed by many scholars that DFDI is an advanced
Furthermore, the LRF was injected for the second time and burned in a combustion method. In DFDI combustion, the global fuel reactivity
diffusion-controlled manner. The thermal efficiency was close to that of could be adjusted by changing the ratio and injection timing of two fuels
RCCI and pressure rise rate was decreased. In the research of Saccullo to control the combustion process. However, systematic research of the
et al. [17,18], the two separate standard common rail direct injection n-butanol/diesel DFDI combustion is still rare. Additionally, the com­
systems were adopted in a new single-cylinder engine. The methanol bined effects of n-butanol/diesel direct injection strategies and fuel en­
and ethanol were employed as LRF and diesel was injected as HRF to ergy ratio remain to be further investigated. Therefore, the objective of
ignite sources. The alcohol adoption in DFDI engine could reduce the this paper is to achieve a reactivity stratification control in the n-
dependence on fossil fuel. In the research of Lee et al. [19], the effects of butanol/diesel DFDI combustion mode at common low and medium
the ethanol substitution ratio on engine performance and emissions load conditions. Comparisons between DFDI and pure diesel mode were
were investigated on a DFDI engine fueled with diesel and ethanol. also carried out. And the effects of important control parameters,
However, the effect of injected strategy on the DFDI engine performance including diesel injection timing, butanol injection timing, and butanol
should be further studied. Various alcohols such as methanol, ethanol energy ratio on combustion performance and emission characteristics
and n-butanol were selected as LRF in the researches of Lv’s group were analyzed in detail.
[20–24]. Their experimental study was conducted on a DFDI engine
fueled with alcohol/biodiesel fuel under different engine load, injection 2. Experimental setup and procedure
strategy and boundary conditions, and they named the combustion
mode as ICCI. 2.1. Experimental engine and bench
There were various fuels used in DFDI mode including alcohols. In
many countries, alcohols have been established as alternative fuels The experiments were carried out on a modified 192FA engine. The
owning several advantages in relation to fossil fuel [25]. The n-butanol prototype engine was a single-cylinder, air-cooled and naturally aspi­
is also a promising renewable alcohol fuel, especially for the CI com­ rated CI engine. The main engine specifications were listed in Table 1.
bustion [26]. The n-butanol is a biomass-based renewable fuel that can Fig. 1 showed a schematic of the experimental test bench. Several
be produced by the fermentation of the biomass feedstock [27,28]. modifications were designed to form the dual-injection compression
Compared with methanol and ethanol, n-butanol has higher heating ignition mode, including a dual-fuel injection system, test and control
value and energy density. What’s more, n-butanol is not corrosive to the systems.
existing fuel pipelines [29]. Many researchers have studied the direct
injection (DI) of neat n-butanol [28,30] or n-butanol/diesel blend 2.2. Fuel injection system and tested fuels
[31–33] in the CI engine. All these literatures indicate that NOx and soot
emissions decline with the use of n-butanol. Another application of n- A diesel injector and a gasoline direct-injection (GDI) injector for n-

Y. Bai et al. Fuel 324 (2022) 124654

Table 1 flow rate. Engine-out emissions were sampled directly from the exhaust
Main specifications of the DFDI engine system. pipe. Horiba MEXA-584L gas analyzer was utilized to measure the THC,
Engine Type 192FA CO emissions; AVL 4000L gas analyzer was utilized to measure the NOx
Cylinder number 1 emission; Horiba MEXA-600S smoke capacity was used to check smoke
Engine speed 1800 r/min emission. The uncertainty and accuracy of the measuring instruments
Bore × stroke 92 mm × 75 mm
are shown in Table 4.
Displacement volume 0.498 L
Compression ratio 19.0:1
Connecting rod length 121 mm 2.4. Methods and definitions
Combustion chamber ω type
Intake valve opening/closing 376/136 ◦ CA BTDC
Exhaust value opening/closing 132/348 ◦ CA ATDC The in-cylinder pressure traces were filtered from 200 cycles at each
stable operating point. The EGR rate and lambda were obtained from the
ECM EGR 5230. AHRR, combustion phase, maximum pressure rise rate
butanol direct-injection were installed in this DFDI engine. The setup of (PRRmax) and COVIMEP were calculated by KiBox Cockpit software from
the two injectors was shown in Fig. 2. The injector specifications were 200 consecutive cycles at each test condition.
described in Table 2. In DFDI experiments, the two high-pressure fuel The CA10, CA50, and CA90 were respectively defined as the crank
pumps were driven by independent motors, which fed fuels into two sets angle corresponding to 10%, 50%, 90% of total heat release. The com­
of common rail systems. N-butanol fuel was injected by the appended bustion duration was denoted as the crank angle between CA10 and
GDI injector, and diesel fuel was injected by the original diesel injector. CA90. If the injection strategy of diesel was a single pulse, the ignition
Two direct injectors were independently controlled by self-designed delay was the time interval from the start injection timing of diesel to
ECU [42]. CA10. If diesel was injected by multi-pulse strategy, the ignition delay
The base fuels used for all tests were the commercial 0# diesel and n- was defined as the interval of start injection timing of last diesel injec­
butanol, which are selected as the HRF and LRF for reactivity stratifi­ tion to CA10. [44] CA10-CA50 was the duration between CA10 and
cation in the cylinder. The key physical and chemical properties of diesel CA50, which denoted the heat release rate at early part of the main
and n-butanol are listed in Table 3. combustion [45].
The n-butanol energy ratio (BER) was used to express the energy
2.3. Emissions and combustion test system fraction of n-butanol in dual fuels, and BER was defined as:
mb × LHV b
Kistler 6058A pressure sensor and Kistler 5064 charge amplifier were BER =
md × LHV d + mb × LHV b
× 100%.
used to measure the in-cylinder pressure. The signal of crank angle (CA)
was captured with a resolution of 0.1 ◦ CA by a crank angle adapter Brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) was defined as:
(Kistler 2619A11) coupled with an electromagnetic sensor and a signal 2π × i × T
wheel. Both the in-cylinder pressure and the corresponding crank angle BMEP =
100 × Vs
were processed by a Kistler Ki-Box combustion analyzer. An electrical
dynamometer was used to control the load and speed of the engine. The where i is number of revolutions per power stroke; Vs is the single-
EGR rate and lambda were determined by ECM EGR 5230. The con­ cylinder displacement, in unit L; T is the torque measured by dyna­
sumptions of diesel and n-butanol fuels were measured by two highly mometer, in unit N⋅m.
precise electric balances (Heng Odd HA-ES30K-1) separately. A Toceil Indicated thermal efficiency (ITE) was used to evaluate the fuel
20 N080 thermal mass flow meter was used to monitor the intake air economy of the DFDI engine, and ITE was defined as:

Fig. 1. Schematic view of n-butanol/diesel DFDI experimental setup.

Y. Bai et al. Fuel 324 (2022) 124654

30 × n × Vs × IMEP
ITE = × 100%
md × LHV d + mb × LHV b

where n is the engine speed in r/min; Vs is the single-cylinder

displacement, in unit L; md and mb is the fuel consumption of diesel
and n-butanol in kg/h; LHVd and LHVb are the lower heating value
(LHV) of diesel and n-butanol in unit kJ/kg.
The measured emissions were converted g/kWh using the following
relations [46,47].
1000 × (mair + md + mb )
CO [g/ KW∙h] = CO [ppm] × 0.966 ×
100 × BP

mair + mfuel
HC[g/ KW⋅h] = HC[ppm] × 0.479 ×
1000 × BP

mair + mfuel
NOx [g/KW⋅h] = NOx [ppm] × 1.587 ×
1000 × BP
( 0.43×AC
100 × 1 − e− = 0.12 × FSN 3 + 0.62 × FSN 2 + 3.96FSN
( )
5.32 mair + mfuel 1
Soot = 0.001 × × FSN × e0.3062×FSN × ×
0.405 1.2929 BP

where mair, md and mb are the mass flow rate of air, diesel and n-butanol
in kg/h; BP is brake power in kW; AC is the measured absorption coef­
ficient, and FSN is the filter smoke number.
Fig. 2. Setup of two direct injectors.

2.5. Operating conditions

Table 2
Injector specifications. In this experiment, the effects of the diesel injection timing (InjD), n-
butanol injection timing (InjB) and on the combustion and emission
Injector Bosch PA66 Xinfeng NFI3.1
characteristic of the DFDI engine were investigated at low (30% engine
Injector abbreviation InjB InjD load) and medium engine loads (60% engine load). During the experi­
Injection pressure 15 MPa 90 MPa
Hole number 7 6
ment, the engine speed was maintained at 1800 r/min. Under pure
Hole diameter (mm) 0.165 0.11 diesel mode, the BMEPs were 2.46 bar and 4.92 bar of low and medium
Spray included angle (◦ ) 60 150 loads. The consumption of fuel energy was same under pure diesel
operation and DFDI mode at each engine load. The total fuel energy was
fixed at 510 J/cyc at low load and 680 J/cyc at medium load. Under
Table 3 DFDI mode, the EGR rate was fixed at 5% and 20% under low load and
Properties of diesel and n-butanol [34,43]. medium load. The lubricating oil temperature was kept at 90 ± 5 ◦ C. As
Properties diesel n-butanol
suggested by Arora et al. [48], PRRmax was controlled below 8 bar/◦ CA
as knock occurred beyond this audible value. The COVIMEP was
Cetane number 51.5 16.6
controlled below 5% [49].
Research octane number / 96
Oxygen content (wt%) 0.00 21.62
Carbon content (wt%) 86.54 64.86 3. Experimental results and discussion
Hydrogen content (wt%) 13.49 13.52
Density (g⋅cm− 3, 20 ◦ C) 0.82 0.81
Lower heating value (MJ/kg) 42.6 33.21
3.1. Effect of n-butanol energy ratio on combustion and emission
Kinematic viscosity (mm2⋅s− 1, 25 ◦ C) 3.44 2.63 characteristics

In DFDI injection modes, the injection timing and injection pressure

were kept constant, and injection duration was adjusted at various BERs.
The pure diesel combustion engine was operated in pilot-main injection
(the original injection strategy) as a comparison. Under each load, the
total fuel energy remained the same for DFDI and pure diesel operation.
When BER was higher than 60% under low load or 70% under medium

Table 4
Accuracy and uncertainty of experimental instruments.
Unit Accuracy Uncertainty Unit Accuracy Uncertainty

THC ppm ±12 ±0.2% Air consumption L/min ±0.1 ±0.24%

CO % Vol. ±0.06 ±0.2% Diesel consumption g ±0.1 ±0.5%
NOx ppm Vol. ±30 ±0.2% N-butanol consumption g ±0.1 ±0.5%
Soot m− 1 ±1 ±1.0% Crank angle ◦
CA ±0.1 ±0.1%
EGR % Vol. ±0.5 ±0.5% Lambda ±0.05 ±0.6%
Speed rpm ±2 ±0.2% Cylinder pressure bar ±0.3 ±0.5%
IMEP MPa ±0.01 ±0.1% Air flow rate kg/h ±1.75 ±0.5%

Y. Bai et al. Fuel 324 (2022) 124654

load, the COVIMEP could exceed 5%. When BER was lower than 40% different injection strategies. Of course, the stratification of fuel and
under low load or 55% under medium load, the PRRmax was greater than reactivity under DFDI mode could prolong the combustion duration
9 bar/◦ CA. Therefore, the BER was controlled between 40% and 60% [51].
under low load, and between 55% and 70% at medium load. As shown in Fig. 4 b, the COVIMEP of pure diesel operation was lower
than that in DFDI mode. The COVIMEP was mainly caused by the varia­
tion of turbulence in the cylinder [52]. The diesel and n-butanol were
3.2. Effect of BER on combustion and emission characteristics under low injected early in the cylinder under DFDI mode; therefore, the influence
load of turbulence cyclic variability was much more significant than that in
pure diesel mode. Thus, the higher BER could lead to larger COVIMEP,
In DFDI injection modes, the InjD was fixed at 30 ◦ CA BTDC under and the influence of turbulence cyclic variability was more obvious for
low load for thermodynamically favorable operation at various BERs. higher BER. The PRRmax was mainly affected by the combustion phases
Moreover, as suggested by Li et al. [15], InjB was set as 320 ◦ CA BTDC and burning rate [20]. Because the combustion phase was postponed
under low load. The EGR rate was fixed at 5%. The diesel and n-butanol with a rise of BER in Fig. 3b, PRRmax decreased with a rise of BER. As
were injected early in cylinder, and then the reactivity stratification was shown in Fig. 4 c, the ITE generally decreased with a rise of BER under
established in cylinder. As for pure diesel operation, the pilot injection DFDI mode. Higher BER could cause the reduction in the reactivity and
timing and main injection timing were 22◦ CA and 11◦ CA BTDC, in-cylinder temperature in the cylinder, and thus fewer fuels were
respectively. Fig. 3 a, b and c depicted the diagrams of the cylinder involved during the combustion process [53]. What’s more, higher BER
pressure, heat release rate and instantaneous volume-averaged gas could prolong ignition delay. More combustion occurred in the expan­
combustion temperatures (IVGT) vs. crank angle. The DFDI mode was sion stroke, leading to the lower ITE [21]. As a result, the BER was
depicted in the solid lines and the pure diesel operation was in the black suggested below 55% under low load.
dash line. Fig. 5 showed the comparisons of HC, CO, NOx and Soot emissions.
As shown in Fig. 3, maximum cylinder pressure (Pmax) and maximum Under DFDI mode, the gas temperature in the boundary layer and
instantaneous volume-averaged gas combustion temperatures (Tmax) crevice region decreased with the increase of BER [24]. Furthermore,
were lower for higher BER under DFDI mode. This was due to that n- the quenching effect was strengthened, the higher HC and CO emissions
butanol cooled the charging during vaporization and higher activation were observed for higher BER. As BER increased, the in-cylinder tem­
energy of n-butanol decreased the reactivity in-cylinder [23]. Therefore, perature was decreased. Therefore, the NOx was reduced for higher BER.
the higher the BER was, the lower Tmax and Pmax were. As shown in Fig. 3 Moreover, n-butanol was oxygenated fuel. Higher BER could bring more
b, the crank angle of maximum heat release rate (AHRRmax) was post­ oxygen in fuel-enriched area, and the oxygen atom could react with the
poned for higher BER. As shown in Fig. 3 b and c, the crank angle of Tmax soot precursor to reduce the soot emission [32,54].
was latest under pure diesel mode. The reason was that the diesel was In brief, the BER should be fixed as 50% under low load for balancing
injected the later under pure diesel operation and latent heat of vapor­ NOx and soot emissions with ITE under DFDI mode. Compared with the
ization value of the diesel fuel [16]. Comparing to DFDI mode, the Tmax case in pure diesel operation, the NOX emission decreased 63.1%; Soot
was higher in pure diesel operation. The reason was that high temper­ emission decreased 73.6%; ITE increased 1.3% in the case of 50% BER.
ature center was formed under pure diesel operation [15,16]. The in-
cylinder temperature was decreased under DFDI mode. To detailedly
explain the reason, the comparisons of combustion characteristics were 3.3. Effect of BER on combustion and emission characteristics under
shown in Fig. 4. medium load.
Fig. 4 showed the variation of ignition delay, CA50-CA10, combus­
tion duration, COVIMEP, PRRmax and ITE under low load. It could be Under medium load in DFDI modes, InjD was fixed at 60 ◦ CA BTDC
found the ignition delay and CA10-CA50 became longer when BER and InjB was set as 320 ◦ CA BTDC, which was suggested by Li et al. [15].
increased. The reason was that higher BER would cause lower reactivity The EGR rate was fixed at 20% to decrease PRRmax. Under medium load
and lower temperature in the cylinder [50]. Therefore, the crank angle of pure diesel condition, the pilot injection timing was 24◦ CA BTDC and
of AHRRmax was postponed for higher BER. According to Jamrozik et al. the main injection timing was 10◦ CA BTDC. Under DFDI mode, higher
[47], combustion duration was strongly influenced by oxygen content in BER could result in the decrease of in-cylinder temperature, as shown in
the alcohol. The high oxygen content in the air-fuel mixture produced Fig. 6a. Furthermore, when BER became higher, Pmax and Tmax were
many OH radicals, which decreased the combustion duration. Thus, the decreased and the crank angles corresponding to Pmax and Tmax were
combustion duration was decreased with a rise of BER. As shown in postponed. After the crank angle of Tmax in pure diesel mode, the in-
Fig. 4 a, the ignition delay and combustion duration in DFDI mode were cylinder temperature was higher in pure diesel operation than those in
longer than those in pure diesel mode, while the CA10-CA50 in pure DFDI mode. The varying trends in crank pressure and IVGT as a function
diesel operation was much longer than that in DFDI mode due to of BER were the same as those under low load.

Fig. 3. Cylinder pressure, AHRR curves and IVGT with different BER under low load.

Y. Bai et al. Fuel 324 (2022) 124654

Fig. 4. The variation of ignition delay, CA50-CA10, combustion duration, COVIMEP, PRRmax and ITE under low load.

Fig. 5. The variation of Soot, CO, NOx and HC emissions under low load.

Fig. 6. Cylinder pressure, AHRR curves and IVGT with different BER under medium load.

From Fig. 6 b, although the first low-temperature heat release stage at 60◦ CA BTDC and well premixed in the cylinder. The ignition was
was not remarkable under DFDI mode, the two-stage heat release pro­ mainly controlled by low-temperature premixed combustion of diesel
cess could be observed except for BER = 70%. Furthermore, no low- fuel. The first-stage heat release was postponed and the peak value
temperature heat release but two-stage high temperature heat release decreased as BER was increased. When BER was increased to 70%, the
caused by diesel pilot-main injection could be observed under pure first-stage heat release could rarely be observed. The second-stage heat
diesel operation. It could be seen from Fig. 6 c that the in-cylinder release was produced by premixed n-butanol and diesel combustion
temperature during the first-stage heat release process was from 850 K [56].
to 1000 K. From the research of Bai et al. [43], the negative temperature Fig. 7 a illustrated the variation of the ignition delay, CA10-CA50
coefficient of diesel fuel was between 800 and 950 K. Additionally, ac­ and combustion duration with the different BER. Under DFDI mode,
cording to the research of Li et al. [55], the ignition delay of diesel was increasing the BER resulted in increase of the ignition delay and CA10-
shorter than that of n-butanol when the temperature was between 800 K CA50, but a decrease of combustion duration. What’s more, the ignition
and 950 K. Therefore, the first-stage heat release was mainly governed delay and combustion duration in pure diesel mode were lower than
by the negative temperature coefficient of diesel. The diesel was injected those in DFDI mode, same as those under low load.

Y. Bai et al. Fuel 324 (2022) 124654

Fig. 7. The variation of ignition delay, CA10-CA50, combustion duration, COVIMEP,PRRmax and ITE under medium load.

As shown in Fig. 7 b and c, under medium load in DFDI mode, the Section 3.1.
higher BER could lead to higher COVIMEP and lower PRRmax; The ITE
generally decreased with increasing BER like that under low load. To 3.5. Effect of InjB on combustion and emission characteristics under low
keep the COVIMEP below 5% and PRRmax less than 8 bar/◦ CA, the BER load
was suggested not to be higher than 70% and lower than 55%. The ITE
only showed a slight difference when BER changed from 55% to 65%. Under low load, the InjB was adjusted from 350 ◦ CA to 100 ◦ CA
However, when the BER was higher than 65%, the ITE under DFDI mode BTDC. The COVIMEP was higher than 5% when InjB was retarded after
was lower than that of pure diesel operation. Therefore, it is recom­ 100 ◦ CA BTDC. Fig. 9 depicted the variations of cylinder pressure, heat
mended that the BER should be maintained below 65% under medium release rate and mean temperature with different InjB under low load.
load. Fig. 8 showed the comparisons of HC, CO, NOX and Soot emissions. When the InjB was retarded from 350 to 200 ◦ CA BTDC, only a slight
Under DFDI mode, the higher HC and CO emissions were observed for change of in-cylinder pressure and AHRR could be observed. Therefore,
higher BER; while the NOx and soot emission were reduced for higher only in-cylinder pressure and AHRR of InjB = 200 ◦ CA BTDC were listed
BER. The varying trends were also the same as those under low load. in Fig. 9. Under low load, there was enough time for butanol to become
Under medium load, ITE has little difference between 55% and 60% homogeneous in the cylinder when InjB timing was before 200 ◦ CA
BER. Compared with the case of 55% BER, NOX decreased over 62% in BTDC.
the case of 60% BER. What’s more, the combustion noise was accepted According to the simulated study of Mikulski et al. [57] and Cai et al.
and soot emission was low with 60% BER. Also, compared with the pure [26], Retarding InjB could cause LRF stratification in cylinder. LRF
diesel operation, the NOx and Soot emission decreased 82% and 79%; stratification could improve combustion efficiency and the strongest
ITE could increase 2.8% in the case of 60% BER. Therefore, the BER was effect was seen at low loads [57]. Retarding InjB have positive effects on
fixed as 60% under medium load in the subsequent research to balance combustion efficiency and ITE, which could increase temperature in
NOX and soot emissions with ITE. cylinder [57]. However, according to Li et al. [16] and Huang et al. [50],
more fuel could be trapped in the crevice volumes of the combustion
3.4. Effect of injection timing of n-butanol on combustion and emissions chamber with the delay of LRF injection time. Retarding InjB also have
negative effects on combustion efficiency, which could decrease ITE and
Direct injection timing of n-butanol (InjB) generally affected the Tmax. As shown in Fig. 9, when the InjB was retarded from 200 ◦ CA to
preparation of the premixed charge. In this section, the InjB was adjusted 125 ◦ CA BTDC, the positive effects were stronger than negative effects.
at wide range for optimum setting. The BER was fixed as 50% and 60% However, the negative effects were dominant with delay of InjB after
under low and medium load respectively. What’s more, the InjD was 125 ◦ CA BTDC. Therefore, at InjB = 125 ◦ CA BTDC, the in-cylinder
fixed as 30 and 60 ◦ CA BTDC under low and medium load, the same as temperature was highest; the stratification of n-butanol was formed at

Fig. 8. The variation of Soot, CO, NOX and HC emissions under medium load.

Y. Bai et al. Fuel 324 (2022) 124654

Fig. 9. Cylinder pressure, AHRR and IVGT curves with different InjB under low load.

a favorable level before ignition. cylinder. Compared with the case that InjB = 200◦ CA BTDC, ITE
When the InjB was retarded, the ignition delay was prolonged, as increased over 2.3% at InjB = 125◦ CA BTDC. Additionally, HC, CO and
shown in Fig. 10 a. A local lower oxygen content caused by LRF strati­ soot emissions were reduced. Therefore, InjB was suggested to be be­
fication was responsible for the delay of the ignition [57]. As shown in tween 125◦ CA and 150◦ CA BTDC under low load in DFDI mode.
Fig. 10 b, a slight change of COVIMEP could be observed when InjB was
before 125 ◦ CA BTDC. However, COVIMEP at InjB = 100 ◦ CA BTDC was 3.6. Effect of InjB on combustion and emission characteristics under
higher than that at InjB = 125 ◦ CA BTDC. The reasons were that n- medium load
butanol was uneven distribution in cylinder and more n-butanol was
injected in the crevice volumes [58]. Moreover, the asymmetric flame Under medium load, the InjB was swept from 350 ◦ CA to 150 ◦ CA
development in-cylinder could also result in the decrease of the PRRmax BTDC. The COVIMEP was higher than 5% when InjB was postponed after
and ITE, as shown in Fig. 10 b and c. The ITE was highest at InjB = 150 ◦ CA BTDC. Fig. 12 a, b and c depicted the variations of cylinder
125◦ CA BTDC. Stratification of LRF could improve combustion effi­ pressure, heat release rate and mean temperature with different InjB.
ciency [57]. However, if the InjB was retarded later than 100◦ CA BTDC, Under medium load, the total fuel mass and n-butanol injected mass
the ITE would decrease, caused by lower combustion efficiency [50]. were more than those under low load, and the BER was also higher. It
As shown in Fig. 11, CO, HC and soot emissions were lowest at InjB = needed more time for n-butanol to mix with air homogeneously under
125◦ CA BTDC. If InjB was early, the n-butanol was premixed uniformly medium load. Furthermore, retarding InjB led to more n-butanol trapped
in cylinder. The globally equivalent ratio was still low in cylinder under in the crevice volumes of the combustion chamber when InjB was varied
low load. Therefore, the CO, HC emissions were higher. At InjB = from 350 ◦ CA to 150 ◦ CA BTDC [50]. Thus, as shown in Fig. 12, the
125◦ CA BTDC, the n-butanol stratification caused a local higher equiv­ retarded InjB could cause a decrease of the Pmax, Tmax and AHRRmax.
alent ratio region which was beneficial for the improved combustion The difficulty of ignition was relatively increased with the decrease
efficiency [57]. Therefore, the CO, HC and soot emissions were of the in-cylinder temperature caused by late InjB. Therefore, ignition
decreased. Furthermore, when InjB was later than 125◦ CA BTDC, more delay was prolonged when the InjB was retarded, as shown in Fig. 13 a.
fuel could be injected in the crevice volumes and the in-cylinder tem­ According to the research of Huang et al. [50], poorly premixed LRF
perature was decreased [50]. Therefore, the combustion efficiency was could make combustion unstable. Therefore, COVIMEP was increased as
decreased and the CO, HC emissions were increased if InjB was too late. retarding the InjB, as shown in Fig. 13 b. To keep the COVIMEP below 5%,
What’s more, the soot emission was also increased for late InjB. The main the InjB should be set before 200 ◦ CA BTDC. Retarding the InjB could
reasons were that late InjB cause less time for fuel to mixing with air, and result in lower in-cylinder temperature in the cylinder, and fewer fuels
lower temperature in cylinder, which made worse fuel atomization and were involved in the combustion process [43]. Therefore, the ITE and
evaporation, together with more soot emissions [21,50]. What’s more, PRRmax were decreased as postponing the InjB. In addition, as shown in
lower in-cylinder temperature decreased the oxidation rate of soot [50]. Fig. 14 a, the unburned HC and CO increased rapidly with later InjB.
As shown in Fig. 11 b, the NOx emission was highest at InjB = 125◦ CA Because late InjB could cause the declined in-cylinder temperature, the
BTDC because the highest IVGT appeared at that time. NOx emission was decreased with late InjB, as shown in Fig. 14 b. There
Generally speaking, when InjB was between 125◦ CA and 150◦ CA was less time for n-butanol to mix with air under late InjB condition. Late
BTDC under low engine load, the stratified charge was established in the InjB increased the generation of the local rich-fuel region [59], and

Fig. 10. Ignition delay, CA10-CA50, combustion duration, COVIMEP,PRRmax and ITE of different InjB under low load.

Y. Bai et al. Fuel 324 (2022) 124654

Fig. 11. Soot, CO, NOx and HC emissions of different InjB under low load.

Fig. 12. Cylinder pressure, AHRR and IVGT curves with different InjB under medium load.

Fig. 13. Ignition delay, CA10-CA50, combustion duration, COVIMEP and PRRmax and ITE with different InjB under medium load.

deteriorated fuel atomization and evaporation [21,50]. Thus, Late InjB 3.8. The effects of InjD on combustion and emissions under low load
could led to high soot emissions. Under medium load, early InjB is rec­
ommended for higher ITE and lower COVIMEP, HC, Soot and CO Under low load, InjD was swept from 20 ◦ CA to 40◦ CA BTDC. If InjD
emissions. was advanced before 40◦ CA BTDC, the COVIMEP was higher than 5%.
Fig. 15 a, b and c presented the in-cylinder pressure, AHRR and IVGT
with the variation of InjD. When InjD was advanced, Pmax, Tmax and
3.7. The effects of diesel injection timings on combustion and emissions AHRRmax were increased at first and then decreased. Similar trends in
combustion characteristics have been observed in RCCI engines [60,61].
In DFDI engine, diesel injection could directly control ignition and This was mainly due to that the stratified LRF could hardly be ignited by
combustion phase. The InjB was fixed as 130◦ CA BTDC and BER was compression and was ignited by directly injected diesel [62]. When InjD
50% under low load; while the InjB was fixed as 320◦ CA BTDC and BER was advanced, the ignition delay was prolonged, as shown in Fig. 16 a.
was 60% under medium load. The InjD was changed at wide range for The advanced InjD could be attributable to the better-mixed charge of
optimum setting.

Y. Bai et al. Fuel 324 (2022) 124654

Fig. 14. Soot, CO, NOX and HC emissions with different InjB under medium load.

Fig. 15. Cylinder pressure, AHRR and IVGT curves with different InjD.

diesel and air, which could accelerate combustion [63]. Therefore, the combustion and combustion duration was prolonged [50]. It was re­
CA10-CA50 decreased; Pmax, Tmax and AHRRmax were increased when ported that shorter CA10-CA50 could produce higher PRRmax [64].Thus,
InjD was early. However, as InjD was further advanced before 35◦ CA as shown in Fig. 16 b, the PRRmax was increased at first and then
BTDC, the ignition was controlled by a kinetical regime [61]. Therefore, decreased as advanced InjD. The ITE increased at first as InjD varied from
diesel and n-butanol were partially blended due to too early InjD, which 20◦ CA to 35◦ CA BTDC and then dropped as InjD varied from 35◦ CA to
resulted in local low reactivity [20]. The CA10-CA50 was increased; 40◦ CA BTDC in Fig. 16 c. The decreased ITE was perhaps related to more
Pmax, Tmax and AHRRmax were decreased when InjD was advanced before unstable ignition from n-butanol partially blended with diesel when InjD
35◦ CA BTDC. was earlier than 35◦ CA BTDC.
As shown in Fig. 16 a, the CA10-CA50 was decreased at first and then As shown in Fig. 17, the CO and HC emissions were decreased at first
increased; combustion duration was increased at first and then and then increased slightly as InjD was advanced from 20◦ CA to 40◦ CA
decreased when InjD was advanced. The varying trends in combustion BTDC. The Tmax was increased at first and then decreased when InjD was
duration as a function of InjD was the same as those in Tmax. Higher in- advanced. The NOX emission had the same trend with Tmax as a function
cylinder temperature produced sufficient reaction time for LRF of InjD [16]. Moreover, the ignition delay was increased, and then diesel

Fig. 16. CA10–CA50, combustion duration, COVIMEP and PRRmax and ITE with different InjD under low load.

Y. Bai et al. Fuel 324 (2022) 124654

Fig. 17. Soot, CO, NOX and HC emissions with different InjB under low load.

was mixed better with air in the cylinder and diffusion combustion was duration, COVIMEP, PRRmax and ITE with the variation of InjD. Under late
decreased; therefore, soot emission was decreased when InjD was InjD mode, first-stage high temperature heat release advanced and
advanced from 20◦ CA BTDC to 35◦ CA BTDC [40]. However, advancing became higher for earlier InjD. Thus, as shown in the left part of Fig. 19 a,
InjD before 35◦ CA BTDC could lead to higher soot emission because the CA10-CA50 was shortened with higher heat release rate at early part of
lower temperature in the cylinder reduced the oxidation rate of particle the main combustion when InjD was advanced. Furthermore, early InjD
matter [24]. led to a more extended ignition delay and more fuel burned in the
premixed combustion mode. The combustion duration was prolonged
and the second-stage heat release rate was higher. The combustion
3.9. The effects of InjD on combustion and emissions under medium load phasing could be directly controlled with the InjD. It could be seen from
the left part of Fig. 19 b that PRRmax was increased with advanced InjD.
Under medium load, the InjD was set from 19 ◦ CA to 25 ◦ CA BTDC for When InjD was advanced, ignition delay was prolonged. There was more
late InjD mode and from 55 ◦ CA to 65 ◦ CA BTDC for early InjD mode. If time for diesel to mix with air, which could promote better global
InjD was set between 27 ◦ CA to 55 ◦ CA BTDC, the PRRmax was higher equivalence ratio before the start of main combustion. What’s more,
than 8 bar/◦ CA. advanced InjD promoted in-cylinder charge temperature which resulted
Fig. 18 a, b and c presented the in-cylinder pressure, AHRR and IVGT in an improved oxidization [65]. When InjD was advanced before 27◦ CA
with the variation of InjD. Under late InjD mode (in dashed line), it could BTDC, the PRRmax was higher than 8 bar/◦ CA. What’s more, the ITE
be seen from Fig. 18 b that the two-stage high temperature heat release increased with the advance of InjD in the left part of Fig. 19 c. The reason
event was obvious. The first-stage heat release was determined primarily was that when InjD was advanced, the diesel and air mixing process
by the spontaneous combustion of diesel fuel. Then the remaining pre­ became better, which increased combustion efficiency [66].
mixed butanol fuels were ignited by the first heat release and in-cylinder Under early InjD mode, ignition delay was increased with the
pressure and temperature increased rapidly [13]. Pmax, Tmax and advance of InjD before 55 ◦ CA BTDC, as shown in the right part of Fig. 19
AHRRmax were increased when InjD was advanced. Under early InjD a. Thus, there was more time for diesel to be mixed with air. The diesel
mode (in solid line), the low-temperature heat release event could be was injected before the local in-cylinder temperatures were high enough
observed. In Fig. 18, when InjD was advanced, Pmax, Tmax and AHRRmax to trigger autoignition at their respective local equivalence ratios. By the
were decreased. It was due to that diesel and n-butanol were partially time that autoignition happened, all the HRF will be in a lean mixture
blended due to too early InjD, which resulted in local low reactivity, and with air [67]. The diesel was premixed and the ignition was controlled
further decreased the combustion temperature and pressure [50]. by the reactivity stratification with n-butanol [50]. However, early InjD
Furthermore, Pmax, Tmax and AHRRmax were lower when InjD was could make diesel spray impinge on the liner and decrease reactivity
advanced under early InjD mode. stratification [11]. Combustion duration was decreased and the CA10-
Fig. 18 presented the ignition delay, CA50-CA10, combustion

Fig. 18. Cylinder pressure, AHRR and IVGT curves with different InjD (Dashed line: late InjD mode, solid line: early InjD mode).

Y. Bai et al. Fuel 324 (2022) 124654

Fig. 19. Ignition delay, CA50-CA10, combustion duration, COVIMEP, PRRmax and ITE with different InjD under medium load.

CA50 increased when InjD was advanced before 55◦ CA BTDC. The compared with those emissions at InjD = 23 or 25◦ CA BTDC. The igni­
combustion duration was highest when InjD = 55◦ CA BTDC. The reason tion delay was much shorter when diesel was injected late (InjD = 25 and
was that spatially stratified reactivity extended the combustion duration 23◦ CA BTDC). The diesel could not premix well before combustion. The
[11]. Under early InjD mode, the combustion duration was also longer combustion was dominated by diffusion-limited diesel and kinetically
than that under late InjD mode. Advanced InjD could make reactivity limited n-butanol [40]. Although the volume-averaged gas combustion
stratification more unpredictable, and cause more obvious wall-wetting temperatures of InjD = 25 and 23◦ CA BTDC was lower than the InjD =
phenomenon, which could decrease in-cylinder temperature and 60 ◦ CA BTDC, longer diesel ignition delay allowed the charge to be
PRRmax [50]. Therefore, retarding InjD under early InjD mode could in­ adequately mixed before combustion. Furthermore, rich fuel and high
crease PRRmax. When InjD was retarded after 55◦ CA BTDC, the PRRmax temperature regions in the combustion chamber were reduced; soot and
was higher than 8 bar/◦ CA. Moreover, COVIMEP was decreased as early NOx formation were inhibited; low temperature combustion could be
InjD, which could be attributed to the lower in-cylinder temperature, achieved when InjD = 60 ◦ CA BTDC [11]. Significantly, when InjD was
weaker reactivity stratification and less fuel involved in combustion 60 ◦ CA BTDC, the ITE was also higher than that under late InjD mode. In
progress when InjD was advanced [43]. COVIMEP exceeded 5% when InjD brief, the early InjD mode was suggested under medium load for DFDI
was retarded after 65◦ CA BTDC. As the same reasons, ITE was decreased engine.
for early InjD under early InjD mode, in the right part of Fig. 19 c.
As shown in Fig. 20, under late InjD mode, CO, HC and soot emissions 4. Conclusions
decreased and NOx emission increased with advancing InjD. In-cylinder
temperature was increased when InjD was advanced, which increased 1. The in-cylinder reactivity stratification could be realized by accu­
NOx emission. Moreover, more diesel fuel burned in the premixed rately adjusting the InjB, InjD and BER in DFDI mode.
combustion mode, which decreased soot emission. On the contrary, 2. Compared with pure diesel operation, the higher thermal efficiency
under early InjD mode, the varying trends in CO, HC, NOx and soot combustion, lower NOx and soot emissions were simultaneously
emissions were reversed with those under late InjD mode. The reason achieved in the DFDI engine fueled by n-butanol and diesel. The NOx
was that combustion temperature was lower; more diesel spray and Soot emission decreased 82% and 79%; ITE could increase 2.8%.
impinged on the liner; wall-wetting phenomenon was more significant 3. Under low and medium loads, when BER was higher, reactivity in the
[68], when InjD was advanced before 55◦ CA BTDC. Therefore, incom­ cylinder was lower; ignition delay, COVIMEP, HC and CO emissions
plete combustion formed more CO and HC emissions; NOx emission was increased; Pmax, AHRRmax, Tmax, ITE, PRRmax, Soot and NOx emis­
decreased; Soot was increased with the advance of InjD. sions decreased.
However, it could be seen from Fig. 20 b that, the NOx and soot 4. Under low load, the positive effects on ITE were stronger with
emissions were simultaneously lower when InjD was set as 60◦ CA BTDC, retarding InjB before 125◦ CA BTDC; the negative effects on ITE were

Fig. 20. The soot and gaseous emissions of DFDI engine with different InjD.

Y. Bai et al. Fuel 324 (2022) 124654

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